/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86/src/math/ |
floor_arm.s | 7 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 8 B ·floor(SB)
floor_386.s | 21 // func Floor(x float64) float64 22 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 30 FRNDINT // F0=Floor(x)
floor_amd64.s | 9 // func Floor(x float64) float64 10 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
stubs_arm64.s | 39 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 40 B ·floor(SB)
stubs_ppc64x.s | 39 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 40 BR ·floor(SB)
/prebuilts/go/linux-x86/src/math/ |
floor_arm.s | 7 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 8 B ·floor(SB)
floor_386.s | 21 // func Floor(x float64) float64 22 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 30 FRNDINT // F0=Floor(x)
floor_amd64.s | 9 // func Floor(x float64) float64 10 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
stubs_arm64.s | 39 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 40 B ·floor(SB)
stubs_ppc64x.s | 39 TEXT ·Floor(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 40 BR ·floor(SB)
/ndk/sources/host-tools/make-3.81/ |
subproc.bat | 18 rem Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
configure.bat | 18 rem Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/gas/testsuite/gas/pdp11/ |
absreloc.s | 16 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
opcode.s | 16 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
/external/skia/src/core/ |
SkNx.h | 53 OP(abs) OP(floor) 125 SkNx floor() const { return Floor(fVal); } function in class:SkNx 145 static double Floor(double val) { return ::floor (val); } 146 static float Floor(float val) { return ::floorf(val); }
/frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/anqp/ |
CivicLocationElement.java | 112 public static final int FLOOR = 27; 147 Floor, 183 s_caTypes.put(FLOOR, CAType.Floor);
/ndk/tests/device/issue42891-boost-1_52/jni/boost/boost/numeric/conversion/ |
converter_policies.hpp | 15 #include <boost/config/no_tr1/cmath.hpp> // for std::floor and std::ceil 38 using std::floor ; 42 return s < static_cast<S>(0) ? ceil(s) : floor(s) ; 51 struct Floor 60 using std::floor ; 63 return floor(s) ; 100 using std::floor ; 105 S prev = floor(s); 119 bool is_prev_even = two * floor(prev / two) == prev ;
/external/libvorbis/doc/ |
06-floor0.tex | 4 \section{Floor type 0 setup and decode} \label{vorbis:spec:floor0} 8 Vorbis floor type zero uses Line Spectral Pair (LSP, also alternately 18 \subsection{Floor 0 format} 20 Floor zero configuration consists of six integer fields and a list of 26 Configuration information for instances of floor zero decodes from the 52 coefficient values from the bitstream, and then computing the floor 81 operation above, floor decode is to return 'unused' status as if the 92 for the floor currently being decoded has a 109 [floor0_amplitude_offset] values from floor setup, and an output 111 floor output vector [all...] |
07-floor1.tex | 4 \section{Floor type 1 setup and decode} \label{vorbis:spec:floor1} 8 Vorbis floor type one uses a piecewise straight-line representation to 16 \subsection{Floor 1 format} 20 Floor type one represents a spectral curve as a series of 21 line segments. Synthesis constructs a floor curve using iterative 28 full range of the spectral floor to be computed. 35 \item floor computation produces two new line segments, one running from 42 the codec setup header at floor 1 initialization time. Computation 51 For the below example, we assume a floor setup with an [n] of 128. 56 -45, 0, -25, -10, 30 and -10. We compute the floor in the followin [all...] |
09-helper.tex | 127 Floor decode type one uses the integer line drawing algorithm of 128 "render_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, v)" to construct an integer floor
01-introduction.tex | 179 floor and residue vectors within a mapping. The submap functions as a 180 last layer of indirection such that specific special floor or residue 183 the proper floor and residue instance number to use for decoding that 184 submap's spectral floor and spectral residue vectors. 192 apply a full range floor and residue encoding to channels 0 through 4, 195 of a full-range floor) and channel 5 belongs to submap 1, which uses a 199 \subsubsection{Floor} 201 Vorbis encodes a spectral 'floor' vector for each PCM channel. This 204 whitening filter. It is named a 'floor' because the Xiph.Org 208 A floor encoding may be of two types. Floor 0 uses a packed LS [all...] |
/external/libavc/common/arm/ |
ih264_ihadamard_scaling_a9.s | 62 @ * Floor (qp/6) 185 @ * Floor (qp/6)
/ndk/sources/host-tools/make-3.81/w32/subproc/ |
build.bat | 34 rem Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
/external/llvm/include/llvm/Support/ |
ScaledNumber.h | 195 // Get the floor of the lg of Digits. 198 // Get the actual floor. 199 int32_t Floor = Scale + LocalFloor; 201 return std::make_pair(Floor, 0); 206 return std::make_pair(Floor + Round, Round ? 1 : -1); 218 /// \brief Get the lg floor of a scaled number. 220 /// Get the floor of the lg of \c Digits*2^Scale. 558 /// Get the lg floor. lg 0 is defined to be INT32_MIN.
/external/bison/doc/ |
refcard.tex | 97 \centerline{51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor} 122 \centerline{51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor}