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      1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 (function(global, utils) {
      7 %CheckIsBootstrapping();
      9 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     10 // Imports
     12 var ExpandReplacement;
     13 var GlobalArray = global.Array;
     14 var GlobalObject = global.Object;
     15 var GlobalRegExp = global.RegExp;
     16 var GlobalRegExpPrototype;
     17 var InternalArray = utils.InternalArray;
     18 var InternalPackedArray = utils.InternalPackedArray;
     19 var MakeTypeError;
     20 var MaxSimple;
     21 var MinSimple;
     22 var matchSymbol = utils.ImportNow("match_symbol");
     23 var replaceSymbol = utils.ImportNow("replace_symbol");
     24 var searchSymbol = utils.ImportNow("search_symbol");
     25 var speciesSymbol = utils.ImportNow("species_symbol");
     26 var splitSymbol = utils.ImportNow("split_symbol");
     27 var SpeciesConstructor;
     29 utils.Import(function(from) {
     30   ExpandReplacement = from.ExpandReplacement;
     31   MakeTypeError = from.MakeTypeError;
     32   MaxSimple = from.MaxSimple;
     33   MinSimple = from.MinSimple;
     34   SpeciesConstructor = from.SpeciesConstructor;
     35 });
     37 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     39 // Property of the builtins object for recording the result of the last
     40 // regexp match.  The property RegExpLastMatchInfo includes the matchIndices
     41 // array of the last successful regexp match (an array of start/end index
     42 // pairs for the match and all the captured substrings), the invariant is
     43 // that there are at least two capture indeces.  The array also contains
     44 // the subject string for the last successful match.
     45 var RegExpLastMatchInfo = new InternalPackedArray(
     46  2,                 // REGEXP_NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES
     47  "",                // Last subject.
     48  UNDEFINED,         // Last input - settable with RegExpSetInput.
     49  0,                 // REGEXP_FIRST_CAPTURE + 0
     50  0                  // REGEXP_FIRST_CAPTURE + 1
     51 );
     53 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     55 // ES#sec-isregexp IsRegExp ( argument )
     56 function IsRegExp(o) {
     57   if (!IS_RECEIVER(o)) return false;
     58   var is_regexp = o[matchSymbol];
     59   if (!IS_UNDEFINED(is_regexp)) return TO_BOOLEAN(is_regexp);
     60   return IS_REGEXP(o);
     61 }
     64 // ES#sec-regexpinitialize
     65 // Runtime Semantics: RegExpInitialize ( obj, pattern, flags )
     66 function RegExpInitialize(object, pattern, flags) {
     67   pattern = IS_UNDEFINED(pattern) ? '' : TO_STRING(pattern);
     68   flags = IS_UNDEFINED(flags) ? '' : TO_STRING(flags);
     69   %RegExpInitializeAndCompile(object, pattern, flags);
     70   return object;
     71 }
     74 function PatternFlags(pattern) {
     75   return (REGEXP_GLOBAL(pattern) ? 'g' : '') +
     76          (REGEXP_IGNORE_CASE(pattern) ? 'i' : '') +
     77          (REGEXP_MULTILINE(pattern) ? 'm' : '') +
     78          (REGEXP_UNICODE(pattern) ? 'u' : '') +
     79          (REGEXP_STICKY(pattern) ? 'y' : '');
     80 }
     83 // ES#sec-regexp-pattern-flags
     84 // RegExp ( pattern, flags )
     85 function RegExpConstructor(pattern, flags) {
     86   var newtarget = new.target;
     87   var pattern_is_regexp = IsRegExp(pattern);
     89   if (IS_UNDEFINED(newtarget)) {
     90     newtarget = GlobalRegExp;
     92     // ES6 section step 3.b
     93     if (pattern_is_regexp && IS_UNDEFINED(flags) &&
     94         pattern.constructor === newtarget) {
     95       return pattern;
     96     }
     97   }
     99   if (IS_REGEXP(pattern)) {
    100     if (IS_UNDEFINED(flags)) flags = PatternFlags(pattern);
    101     pattern = REGEXP_SOURCE(pattern);
    103   } else if (pattern_is_regexp) {
    104     var input_pattern = pattern;
    105     pattern = pattern.source;
    106     if (IS_UNDEFINED(flags)) flags = input_pattern.flags;
    107   }
    109   var object = %_NewObject(GlobalRegExp, newtarget);
    110   return RegExpInitialize(object, pattern, flags);
    111 }
    114 // ES#sec-regexp.prototype.compile RegExp.prototype.compile (pattern, flags)
    115 function RegExpCompileJS(pattern, flags) {
    116   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
    117     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    118                         "RegExp.prototype.compile", this);
    119   }
    121   if (IS_REGEXP(pattern)) {
    122     if (!IS_UNDEFINED(flags)) throw MakeTypeError(kRegExpFlags);
    124     flags = PatternFlags(pattern);
    125     pattern = REGEXP_SOURCE(pattern);
    126   }
    128   RegExpInitialize(this, pattern, flags);
    130   // Return undefined for compatibility with JSC.
    131   // See http://crbug.com/585775 for web compat details.
    132 }
    135 function DoRegExpExec(regexp, string, index) {
    136   return %_RegExpExec(regexp, string, index, RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    137 }
    140 // This is kind of performance sensitive, so we want to avoid unnecessary
    141 // type checks on inputs. But we also don't want to inline it several times
    142 // manually, so we use a macro :-)
    144   var numResults = NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(MATCHINFO) >> 1;
    145   var start = MATCHINFO[CAPTURE0];
    146   var end = MATCHINFO[CAPTURE1];
    147   // Calculate the substring of the first match before creating the result array
    148   // to avoid an unnecessary write barrier storing the first result.
    149   var first = %_SubString(STRING, start, end);
    150   var result = %_RegExpConstructResult(numResults, start, STRING);
    151   result[0] = first;
    152   if (numResults == 1) return result;
    153   var j = REGEXP_FIRST_CAPTURE + 2;
    154   for (var i = 1; i < numResults; i++) {
    155     start = MATCHINFO[j++];
    156     if (start != -1) {
    157       end = MATCHINFO[j];
    158       result[i] = %_SubString(STRING, start, end);
    159     }
    160     j++;
    161   }
    162   return result;
    163 endmacro
    166 function RegExpExecNoTests(regexp, string, start) {
    167   // Must be called with RegExp, string and positive integer as arguments.
    168   var matchInfo = %_RegExpExec(regexp, string, start, RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    169   if (matchInfo !== null) {
    170     // ES6 step 18.
    171     if (REGEXP_STICKY(regexp)) regexp.lastIndex = matchInfo[CAPTURE1];
    172     RETURN_NEW_RESULT_FROM_MATCH_INFO(matchInfo, string);
    173   }
    174   regexp.lastIndex = 0;
    175   return null;
    176 }
    179 // ES#sec-regexp.prototype.exec
    180 // RegExp.prototype.exec ( string )
    181 function RegExpSubclassExecJS(string) {
    182   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
    183     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    184                         'RegExp.prototype.exec', this);
    185   }
    187   string = TO_STRING(string);
    188   var lastIndex = this.lastIndex;
    190   // Conversion is required by the ES2015 specification (RegExpBuiltinExec
    191   // algorithm, step 4) even if the value is discarded for non-global RegExps.
    192   var i = TO_LENGTH(lastIndex);
    194   var global = TO_BOOLEAN(REGEXP_GLOBAL(this));
    195   var sticky = TO_BOOLEAN(REGEXP_STICKY(this));
    196   var updateLastIndex = global || sticky;
    197   if (updateLastIndex) {
    198     if (i > string.length) {
    199       this.lastIndex = 0;
    200       return null;
    201     }
    202   } else {
    203     i = 0;
    204   }
    206   // matchIndices is either null or the RegExpLastMatchInfo array.
    207   // TODO(littledan): Whether a RegExp is sticky is compiled into the RegExp
    208   // itself, but ES2015 allows monkey-patching this property to differ from
    209   // the internal flags. If it differs, recompile a different RegExp?
    210   var matchIndices = %_RegExpExec(this, string, i, RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    212   if (IS_NULL(matchIndices)) {
    213     this.lastIndex = 0;
    214     return null;
    215   }
    217   // Successful match.
    218   if (updateLastIndex) {
    219     this.lastIndex = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1];
    220   }
    221   RETURN_NEW_RESULT_FROM_MATCH_INFO(matchIndices, string);
    222 }
    223 %FunctionRemovePrototype(RegExpSubclassExecJS);
    226 // Legacy implementation of RegExp.prototype.exec
    227 function RegExpExecJS(string) {
    228   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
    229     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    230                         'RegExp.prototype.exec', this);
    231   }
    233   string = TO_STRING(string);
    234   var lastIndex = this.lastIndex;
    236   // Conversion is required by the ES2015 specification (RegExpBuiltinExec
    237   // algorithm, step 4) even if the value is discarded for non-global RegExps.
    238   var i = TO_LENGTH(lastIndex);
    240   var updateLastIndex = REGEXP_GLOBAL(this) || REGEXP_STICKY(this);
    241   if (updateLastIndex) {
    242     if (i < 0 || i > string.length) {
    243       this.lastIndex = 0;
    244       return null;
    245     }
    246   } else {
    247     i = 0;
    248   }
    250   // matchIndices is either null or the RegExpLastMatchInfo array.
    251   var matchIndices = %_RegExpExec(this, string, i, RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    253   if (IS_NULL(matchIndices)) {
    254     this.lastIndex = 0;
    255     return null;
    256   }
    258   // Successful match.
    259   if (updateLastIndex) {
    260     this.lastIndex = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1];
    261   }
    262   RETURN_NEW_RESULT_FROM_MATCH_INFO(matchIndices, string);
    263 }
    266 // ES#sec-regexpexec Runtime Semantics: RegExpExec ( R, S )
    267 // Also takes an optional exec method in case our caller
    268 // has already fetched exec.
    269 function RegExpSubclassExec(regexp, string, exec) {
    270   if (IS_UNDEFINED(exec)) {
    271     exec = regexp.exec;
    272   }
    273   if (IS_CALLABLE(exec)) {
    274     var result = %_Call(exec, regexp, string);
    275     if (!IS_RECEIVER(result) && !IS_NULL(result)) {
    276       throw MakeTypeError(kInvalidRegExpExecResult);
    277     }
    278     return result;
    279   }
    280   return %_Call(RegExpExecJS, regexp, string);
    281 }
    282 %SetForceInlineFlag(RegExpSubclassExec);
    285 // One-element cache for the simplified test regexp.
    286 var regexp_key;
    287 var regexp_val;
    289 // Legacy implementation of RegExp.prototype.test
    290 // Section doesn't actually make sense, but the intention seems to be
    291 // that test is defined in terms of String.prototype.exec. However, it probably
    292 // means the original value of String.prototype.exec, which is what everybody
    293 // else implements.
    294 function RegExpTest(string) {
    295   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
    296     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    297                         'RegExp.prototype.test', this);
    298   }
    299   string = TO_STRING(string);
    301   var lastIndex = this.lastIndex;
    303   // Conversion is required by the ES2015 specification (RegExpBuiltinExec
    304   // algorithm, step 4) even if the value is discarded for non-global RegExps.
    305   var i = TO_LENGTH(lastIndex);
    307   if (REGEXP_GLOBAL(this) || REGEXP_STICKY(this)) {
    308     if (i < 0 || i > string.length) {
    309       this.lastIndex = 0;
    310       return false;
    311     }
    312     // matchIndices is either null or the RegExpLastMatchInfo array.
    313     var matchIndices = %_RegExpExec(this, string, i, RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    314     if (IS_NULL(matchIndices)) {
    315       this.lastIndex = 0;
    316       return false;
    317     }
    318     this.lastIndex = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1];
    319     return true;
    320   } else {
    321     // Non-global, non-sticky regexp.
    322     // Remove irrelevant preceeding '.*' in a test regexp.  The expression
    323     // checks whether this.source starts with '.*' and that the third char is
    324     // not a '?'.  But see https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3560
    325     var regexp = this;
    326     var source = REGEXP_SOURCE(regexp);
    327     if (source.length >= 3 &&
    328         %_StringCharCodeAt(source, 0) == 46 &&  // '.'
    329         %_StringCharCodeAt(source, 1) == 42 &&  // '*'
    330         %_StringCharCodeAt(source, 2) != 63) {  // '?'
    331       regexp = TrimRegExp(regexp);
    332     }
    333     // matchIndices is either null or the RegExpLastMatchInfo array.
    334     var matchIndices = %_RegExpExec(regexp, string, 0, RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    335     if (IS_NULL(matchIndices)) {
    336       this.lastIndex = 0;
    337       return false;
    338     }
    339     return true;
    340   }
    341 }
    344 // ES#sec-regexp.prototype.test RegExp.prototype.test ( S )
    345 function RegExpSubclassTest(string) {
    346   if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) {
    347     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    348                         'RegExp.prototype.test', this);
    349   }
    350   string = TO_STRING(string);
    351   var match = RegExpSubclassExec(this, string);
    352   return !IS_NULL(match);
    353 }
    354 %FunctionRemovePrototype(RegExpSubclassTest);
    356 function TrimRegExp(regexp) {
    357   if (regexp_key !== regexp) {
    358     regexp_key = regexp;
    359     regexp_val =
    360       new GlobalRegExp(
    361           %_SubString(REGEXP_SOURCE(regexp), 2, REGEXP_SOURCE(regexp).length),
    362           (REGEXP_IGNORE_CASE(regexp) ? REGEXP_MULTILINE(regexp) ? "im" : "i"
    363                                       : REGEXP_MULTILINE(regexp) ? "m" : ""));
    364   }
    365   return regexp_val;
    366 }
    369 function RegExpToString() {
    370   if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) {
    371     throw MakeTypeError(
    372         kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 'RegExp.prototype.toString', this);
    373   }
    374   if (this === GlobalRegExpPrototype) {
    375     %IncrementUseCounter(kRegExpPrototypeToString);
    376   }
    377   return '/' + TO_STRING(this.source) + '/' + TO_STRING(this.flags);
    378 }
    381 function AtSurrogatePair(subject, index) {
    382   if (index + 1 >= subject.length) return false;
    383   var first = %_StringCharCodeAt(subject, index);
    384   if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF) return false;
    385   var second = %_StringCharCodeAt(subject, index + 1);
    386   return second >= 0xDC00 || second <= 0xDFFF;
    387 }
    390 // Legacy implementation of RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split] which
    391 // doesn't properly call the underlying exec, @@species methods
    392 function RegExpSplit(string, limit) {
    393   // TODO(yangguo): allow non-regexp receivers.
    394   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
    395     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    396                         "RegExp.prototype.@@split", this);
    397   }
    398   var separator = this;
    399   var subject = TO_STRING(string);
    401   limit = (IS_UNDEFINED(limit)) ? kMaxUint32 : TO_UINT32(limit);
    402   var length = subject.length;
    404   if (limit === 0) return [];
    406   if (length === 0) {
    407     if (DoRegExpExec(separator, subject, 0, 0) !== null) return [];
    408     return [subject];
    409   }
    411   var currentIndex = 0;
    412   var startIndex = 0;
    413   var startMatch = 0;
    414   var result = new InternalArray();
    416   outer_loop:
    417   while (true) {
    418     if (startIndex === length) {
    419       result[result.length] = %_SubString(subject, currentIndex, length);
    420       break;
    421     }
    423     var matchInfo = DoRegExpExec(separator, subject, startIndex);
    424     if (matchInfo === null || length === (startMatch = matchInfo[CAPTURE0])) {
    425       result[result.length] = %_SubString(subject, currentIndex, length);
    426       break;
    427     }
    428     var endIndex = matchInfo[CAPTURE1];
    430     // We ignore a zero-length match at the currentIndex.
    431     if (startIndex === endIndex && endIndex === currentIndex) {
    432       if (REGEXP_UNICODE(this) && AtSurrogatePair(subject, startIndex)) {
    433         startIndex += 2;
    434       } else {
    435         startIndex++;
    436       }
    437       continue;
    438     }
    440     result[result.length] = %_SubString(subject, currentIndex, startMatch);
    442     if (result.length === limit) break;
    444     var matchinfo_len = NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(matchInfo) + REGEXP_FIRST_CAPTURE;
    445     for (var i = REGEXP_FIRST_CAPTURE + 2; i < matchinfo_len; ) {
    446       var start = matchInfo[i++];
    447       var end = matchInfo[i++];
    448       if (end != -1) {
    449         result[result.length] = %_SubString(subject, start, end);
    450       } else {
    451         result[result.length] = UNDEFINED;
    452       }
    453       if (result.length === limit) break outer_loop;
    454     }
    456     startIndex = currentIndex = endIndex;
    457   }
    459   var array_result = [];
    460   %MoveArrayContents(result, array_result);
    461   return array_result;
    462 }
    465 // ES#sec-regexp.prototype-@@split
    466 // RegExp.prototype [ @@split ] ( string, limit )
    467 function RegExpSubclassSplit(string, limit) {
    468   if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) {
    469     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    470                         "RegExp.prototype.@@split", this);
    471   }
    472   string = TO_STRING(string);
    473   var constructor = SpeciesConstructor(this, GlobalRegExp);
    474   var flags = TO_STRING(this.flags);
    476   // TODO(adamk): this fast path is wrong with respect to this.global
    477   // and this.sticky, but hopefully the spec will remove those gets
    478   // and thus make the assumption of 'exec' having no side-effects
    479   // more correct. Also, we doesn't ensure that 'exec' is actually
    480   // a data property on RegExp.prototype.
    481   var exec;
    482   if (IS_REGEXP(this) && constructor === GlobalRegExp) {
    483     exec = this.exec;
    484     if (exec === RegExpSubclassExecJS) {
    485       return %_Call(RegExpSplit, this, string, limit);
    486     }
    487   }
    489   var unicode = %StringIndexOf(flags, 'u', 0) >= 0;
    490   var sticky = %StringIndexOf(flags, 'y', 0) >= 0;
    491   var newFlags = sticky ? flags : flags + "y";
    492   var splitter = new constructor(this, newFlags);
    493   var array = new GlobalArray();
    494   var arrayIndex = 0;
    495   var lim = (IS_UNDEFINED(limit)) ? kMaxUint32 : TO_UINT32(limit);
    496   var size = string.length;
    497   var prevStringIndex = 0;
    498   if (lim === 0) return array;
    499   var result;
    500   if (size === 0) {
    501     result = RegExpSubclassExec(splitter, string);
    502     if (IS_NULL(result)) %AddElement(array, 0, string);
    503     return array;
    504   }
    505   var stringIndex = prevStringIndex;
    506   while (stringIndex < size) {
    507     splitter.lastIndex = stringIndex;
    508     result = RegExpSubclassExec(splitter, string, exec);
    509     // Ensure exec will be read again on the next loop through.
    510     exec = UNDEFINED;
    511     if (IS_NULL(result)) {
    512       stringIndex += AdvanceStringIndex(string, stringIndex, unicode);
    513     } else {
    514       var end = MinSimple(TO_LENGTH(splitter.lastIndex), size);
    515       if (end === prevStringIndex) {
    516         stringIndex += AdvanceStringIndex(string, stringIndex, unicode);
    517       } else {
    518         %AddElement(
    519             array, arrayIndex,
    520             %_SubString(string, prevStringIndex, stringIndex));
    521         arrayIndex++;
    522         if (arrayIndex === lim) return array;
    523         prevStringIndex = end;
    524         var numberOfCaptures = MaxSimple(TO_LENGTH(result.length), 0);
    525         for (var i = 1; i < numberOfCaptures; i++) {
    526           %AddElement(array, arrayIndex, result[i]);
    527           arrayIndex++;
    528           if (arrayIndex === lim) return array;
    529         }
    530         stringIndex = prevStringIndex;
    531       }
    532     }
    533   }
    534   %AddElement(array, arrayIndex,
    535                      %_SubString(string, prevStringIndex, size));
    536   return array;
    537 }
    538 %FunctionRemovePrototype(RegExpSubclassSplit);
    541 // ES#sec-regexp.prototype-@@match
    542 // RegExp.prototype [ @@match ] ( string )
    543 function RegExpSubclassMatch(string) {
    544   if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) {
    545     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    546                         "RegExp.prototype.@@match", this);
    547   }
    548   string = TO_STRING(string);
    549   var global = this.global;
    550   if (!global) return RegExpSubclassExec(this, string);
    551   var unicode = this.unicode;
    552   this.lastIndex = 0;
    553   var array = new InternalArray();
    554   var n = 0;
    555   var result;
    556   while (true) {
    557     result = RegExpSubclassExec(this, string);
    558     if (IS_NULL(result)) {
    559       if (n === 0) return null;
    560       break;
    561     }
    562     var matchStr = TO_STRING(result[0]);
    563     array[n] = matchStr;
    564     if (matchStr === "") SetAdvancedStringIndex(this, string, unicode);
    565     n++;
    566   }
    567   var resultArray = [];
    568   %MoveArrayContents(array, resultArray);
    569   return resultArray;
    570 }
    571 %FunctionRemovePrototype(RegExpSubclassMatch);
    574 // Legacy implementation of RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] which
    575 // doesn't properly call the underlying exec method.
    577 // TODO(lrn): This array will survive indefinitely if replace is never
    578 // called again. However, it will be empty, since the contents are cleared
    579 // in the finally block.
    580 var reusableReplaceArray = new InternalArray(4);
    582 // Helper function for replacing regular expressions with the result of a
    583 // function application in String.prototype.replace.
    584 function StringReplaceGlobalRegExpWithFunction(subject, regexp, replace) {
    585   var resultArray = reusableReplaceArray;
    586   if (resultArray) {
    587     reusableReplaceArray = null;
    588   } else {
    589     // Inside a nested replace (replace called from the replacement function
    590     // of another replace) or we have failed to set the reusable array
    591     // back due to an exception in a replacement function. Create a new
    592     // array to use in the future, or until the original is written back.
    593     resultArray = new InternalArray(16);
    594   }
    595   var res = %RegExpExecMultiple(regexp,
    596                                 subject,
    597                                 RegExpLastMatchInfo,
    598                                 resultArray);
    599   regexp.lastIndex = 0;
    600   if (IS_NULL(res)) {
    601     // No matches at all.
    602     reusableReplaceArray = resultArray;
    603     return subject;
    604   }
    605   var len = res.length;
    606   if (NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(RegExpLastMatchInfo) == 2) {
    607     // If the number of captures is two then there are no explicit captures in
    608     // the regexp, just the implicit capture that captures the whole match.  In
    609     // this case we can simplify quite a bit and end up with something faster.
    610     // The builder will consist of some integers that indicate slices of the
    611     // input string and some replacements that were returned from the replace
    612     // function.
    613     var match_start = 0;
    614     for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    615       var elem = res[i];
    616       if (%_IsSmi(elem)) {
    617         // Integers represent slices of the original string.
    618         if (elem > 0) {
    619           match_start = (elem >> 11) + (elem & 0x7ff);
    620         } else {
    621           match_start = res[++i] - elem;
    622         }
    623       } else {
    624         var func_result = replace(elem, match_start, subject);
    625         // Overwrite the i'th element in the results with the string we got
    626         // back from the callback function.
    627         res[i] = TO_STRING(func_result);
    628         match_start += elem.length;
    629       }
    630     }
    631   } else {
    632     for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    633       var elem = res[i];
    634       if (!%_IsSmi(elem)) {
    635         // elem must be an Array.
    636         // Use the apply argument as backing for global RegExp properties.
    637         var func_result = %reflect_apply(replace, UNDEFINED, elem);
    638         // Overwrite the i'th element in the results with the string we got
    639         // back from the callback function.
    640         res[i] = TO_STRING(func_result);
    641       }
    642     }
    643   }
    644   var result = %StringBuilderConcat(res, len, subject);
    645   resultArray.length = 0;
    646   reusableReplaceArray = resultArray;
    647   return result;
    648 }
    651 // Compute the string of a given regular expression capture.
    652 function CaptureString(string, lastCaptureInfo, index) {
    653   // Scale the index.
    654   var scaled = index << 1;
    655   // Compute start and end.
    656   var start = lastCaptureInfo[CAPTURE(scaled)];
    657   // If start isn't valid, return undefined.
    658   if (start < 0) return;
    659   var end = lastCaptureInfo[CAPTURE(scaled + 1)];
    660   return %_SubString(string, start, end);
    661 }
    664 function StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunction(subject, regexp, replace) {
    665   var matchInfo = DoRegExpExec(regexp, subject, 0);
    666   if (IS_NULL(matchInfo)) {
    667     regexp.lastIndex = 0;
    668     return subject;
    669   }
    670   var index = matchInfo[CAPTURE0];
    671   var result = %_SubString(subject, 0, index);
    672   var endOfMatch = matchInfo[CAPTURE1];
    673   // Compute the parameter list consisting of the match, captures, index,
    674   // and subject for the replace function invocation.
    675   // The number of captures plus one for the match.
    676   var m = NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(matchInfo) >> 1;
    677   var replacement;
    678   if (m == 1) {
    679     // No captures, only the match, which is always valid.
    680     var s = %_SubString(subject, index, endOfMatch);
    681     // Don't call directly to avoid exposing the built-in global object.
    682     replacement = replace(s, index, subject);
    683   } else {
    684     var parameters = new InternalArray(m + 2);
    685     for (var j = 0; j < m; j++) {
    686       parameters[j] = CaptureString(subject, matchInfo, j);
    687     }
    688     parameters[j] = index;
    689     parameters[j + 1] = subject;
    691     replacement = %reflect_apply(replace, UNDEFINED, parameters);
    692   }
    694   result += replacement;  // The add method converts to string if necessary.
    695   // Can't use matchInfo any more from here, since the function could
    696   // overwrite it.
    697   return result + %_SubString(subject, endOfMatch, subject.length);
    698 }
    701 function RegExpReplace(string, replace) {
    702   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
    703     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    704                         "RegExp.prototype.@@replace", this);
    705   }
    706   var subject = TO_STRING(string);
    707   var search = this;
    709   if (!IS_CALLABLE(replace)) {
    710     replace = TO_STRING(replace);
    712     if (!REGEXP_GLOBAL(search)) {
    713       // Non-global regexp search, string replace.
    714       var match = DoRegExpExec(search, subject, 0);
    715       if (match == null) {
    716         search.lastIndex = 0
    717         return subject;
    718       }
    719       if (replace.length == 0) {
    720         return %_SubString(subject, 0, match[CAPTURE0]) +
    721                %_SubString(subject, match[CAPTURE1], subject.length)
    722       }
    723       return ExpandReplacement(replace, subject, RegExpLastMatchInfo,
    724                                  %_SubString(subject, 0, match[CAPTURE0])) +
    725              %_SubString(subject, match[CAPTURE1], subject.length);
    726     }
    728     // Global regexp search, string replace.
    729     search.lastIndex = 0;
    730     return %StringReplaceGlobalRegExpWithString(
    731         subject, search, replace, RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    732   }
    734   if (REGEXP_GLOBAL(search)) {
    735     // Global regexp search, function replace.
    736     return StringReplaceGlobalRegExpWithFunction(subject, search, replace);
    737   }
    738   // Non-global regexp search, function replace.
    739   return StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunction(subject, search, replace);
    740 }
    743 // ES#sec-getsubstitution
    744 // GetSubstitution(matched, str, position, captures, replacement)
    745 // Expand the $-expressions in the string and return a new string with
    746 // the result.
    747 // TODO(littledan): Call this function from String.prototype.replace instead
    748 // of the very similar ExpandReplacement in src/js/string.js
    749 function GetSubstitution(matched, string, position, captures, replacement) {
    750   var matchLength = matched.length;
    751   var stringLength = string.length;
    752   var capturesLength = captures.length;
    753   var tailPos = position + matchLength;
    754   var result = "";
    755   var pos, expansion, peek, next, scaledIndex, advance, newScaledIndex;
    757   var next = %StringIndexOf(replacement, '$', 0);
    758   if (next < 0) {
    759     result += replacement;
    760     return result;
    761   }
    763   if (next > 0) result += %_SubString(replacement, 0, next);
    765   while (true) {
    766     expansion = '$';
    767     pos = next + 1;
    768     if (pos < replacement.length) {
    769       peek = %_StringCharCodeAt(replacement, pos);
    770       if (peek == 36) {         // $$
    771         ++pos;
    772         result += '$';
    773       } else if (peek == 38) {  // $& - match
    774         ++pos;
    775         result += matched;
    776       } else if (peek == 96) {  // $` - prefix
    777         ++pos;
    778         result += %_SubString(string, 0, position);
    779       } else if (peek == 39) {  // $' - suffix
    780         ++pos;
    781         result += %_SubString(string, tailPos, stringLength);
    782       } else if (peek >= 48 && peek <= 57) {
    783         // Valid indices are $1 .. $9, $01 .. $09 and $10 .. $99
    784         scaledIndex = (peek - 48);
    785         advance = 1;
    786         if (pos + 1 < replacement.length) {
    787           next = %_StringCharCodeAt(replacement, pos + 1);
    788           if (next >= 48 && next <= 57) {
    789             newScaledIndex = scaledIndex * 10 + ((next - 48));
    790             if (newScaledIndex < capturesLength) {
    791               scaledIndex = newScaledIndex;
    792               advance = 2;
    793             }
    794           }
    795         }
    796         if (scaledIndex != 0 && scaledIndex < capturesLength) {
    797           var capture = captures[scaledIndex];
    798           if (!IS_UNDEFINED(capture)) result += capture;
    799           pos += advance;
    800         } else {
    801           result += '$';
    802         }
    803       } else {
    804         result += '$';
    805       }
    806     } else {
    807       result += '$';
    808     }
    810     // Go the the next $ in the replacement.
    811     next = %StringIndexOf(replacement, '$', pos);
    813     // Return if there are no more $ characters in the replacement. If we
    814     // haven't reached the end, we need to append the suffix.
    815     if (next < 0) {
    816       if (pos < replacement.length) {
    817         result += %_SubString(replacement, pos, replacement.length);
    818       }
    819       return result;
    820     }
    822     // Append substring between the previous and the next $ character.
    823     if (next > pos) {
    824       result += %_SubString(replacement, pos, next);
    825     }
    826   }
    827   return result;
    828 }
    831 // ES#sec-advancestringindex
    832 // AdvanceStringIndex ( S, index, unicode )
    833 function AdvanceStringIndex(string, index, unicode) {
    834   var increment = 1;
    835   if (unicode) {
    836     var first = %_StringCharCodeAt(string, index);
    837     if (first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && string.length > index + 1) {
    838       var second = %_StringCharCodeAt(string, index + 1);
    839       if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) {
    840         increment = 2;
    841       }
    842     }
    843   }
    844   return increment;
    845 }
    848 function SetAdvancedStringIndex(regexp, string, unicode) {
    849   var lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;
    850   regexp.lastIndex = lastIndex +
    851                      AdvanceStringIndex(string, lastIndex, unicode);
    852 }
    855 // ES#sec-regexp.prototype-@@replace
    856 // RegExp.prototype [ @@replace ] ( string, replaceValue )
    857 function RegExpSubclassReplace(string, replace) {
    858   if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) {
    859     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    860                         "RegExp.prototype.@@replace", this);
    861   }
    862   string = TO_STRING(string);
    863   var length = string.length;
    864   var functionalReplace = IS_CALLABLE(replace);
    865   if (!functionalReplace) replace = TO_STRING(replace);
    866   var global = TO_BOOLEAN(this.global);
    867   if (global) {
    868     var unicode = TO_BOOLEAN(this.unicode);
    869     this.lastIndex = 0;
    870   }
    872   // TODO(adamk): this fast path is wrong with respect to this.global
    873   // and this.sticky, but hopefully the spec will remove those gets
    874   // and thus make the assumption of 'exec' having no side-effects
    875   // more correct. Also, we doesn't ensure that 'exec' is actually
    876   // a data property on RegExp.prototype, nor does the fast path
    877   // correctly handle lastIndex setting.
    878   var exec;
    879   if (IS_REGEXP(this)) {
    880     exec = this.exec;
    881     if (exec === RegExpSubclassExecJS) {
    882       return %_Call(RegExpReplace, this, string, replace);
    883     }
    884   }
    886   var results = new InternalArray();
    887   var result, replacement;
    888   while (true) {
    889     result = RegExpSubclassExec(this, string, exec);
    890     // Ensure exec will be read again on the next loop through.
    891     exec = UNDEFINED;
    892     if (IS_NULL(result)) {
    893       break;
    894     } else {
    895       results.push(result);
    896       if (!global) break;
    897       var matchStr = TO_STRING(result[0]);
    898       if (matchStr === "") SetAdvancedStringIndex(this, string, unicode);
    899     }
    900   }
    901   var accumulatedResult = "";
    902   var nextSourcePosition = 0;
    903   for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
    904     result = results[i];
    905     var capturesLength = MaxSimple(TO_LENGTH(result.length), 0);
    906     var matched = TO_STRING(result[0]);
    907     var matchedLength = matched.length;
    908     var position = MaxSimple(MinSimple(TO_INTEGER(result.index), length), 0);
    909     var captures = new InternalArray();
    910     for (var n = 0; n < capturesLength; n++) {
    911       var capture = result[n];
    912       if (!IS_UNDEFINED(capture)) capture = TO_STRING(capture);
    913       captures[n] = capture;
    914     }
    915     if (functionalReplace) {
    916       var parameters = new InternalArray(capturesLength + 2);
    917       for (var j = 0; j < capturesLength; j++) {
    918         parameters[j] = captures[j];
    919       }
    920       parameters[j] = position;
    921       parameters[j + 1] = string;
    922       replacement = %reflect_apply(replace, UNDEFINED, parameters, 0,
    923                                    parameters.length);
    924     } else {
    925       replacement = GetSubstitution(matched, string, position, captures,
    926                                     replace);
    927     }
    928     if (position >= nextSourcePosition) {
    929       accumulatedResult +=
    930         %_SubString(string, nextSourcePosition, position) + replacement;
    931       nextSourcePosition = position + matchedLength;
    932     }
    933   }
    934   if (nextSourcePosition >= length) return accumulatedResult;
    935   return accumulatedResult + %_SubString(string, nextSourcePosition, length);
    936 }
    937 %FunctionRemovePrototype(RegExpSubclassReplace);
    940 // ES#sec-regexp.prototype-@@search
    941 // RegExp.prototype [ @@search ] ( string )
    942 function RegExpSubclassSearch(string) {
    943   if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) {
    944     throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver,
    945                         "RegExp.prototype.@@search", this);
    946   }
    947   string = TO_STRING(string);
    948   var previousLastIndex = this.lastIndex;
    949   this.lastIndex = 0;
    950   var result = RegExpSubclassExec(this, string);
    951   this.lastIndex = previousLastIndex;
    952   if (IS_NULL(result)) return -1;
    953   return result.index;
    954 }
    955 %FunctionRemovePrototype(RegExpSubclassSearch);
    958 // Getters for the static properties lastMatch, lastParen, leftContext, and
    959 // rightContext of the RegExp constructor.  The properties are computed based
    960 // on the captures array of the last successful match and the subject string
    961 // of the last successful match.
    962 function RegExpGetLastMatch() {
    963   var regExpSubject = LAST_SUBJECT(RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    964   return %_SubString(regExpSubject,
    965                      RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0],
    966                      RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1]);
    967 }
    970 function RegExpGetLastParen() {
    971   var length = NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    972   if (length <= 2) return '';  // There were no captures.
    973   // We match the SpiderMonkey behavior: return the substring defined by the
    974   // last pair (after the first pair) of elements of the capture array even if
    975   // it is empty.
    976   var regExpSubject = LAST_SUBJECT(RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    977   var start = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE(length - 2)];
    978   var end = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE(length - 1)];
    979   if (start != -1 && end != -1) {
    980     return %_SubString(regExpSubject, start, end);
    981   }
    982   return "";
    983 }
    986 function RegExpGetLeftContext() {
    987   var start_index;
    988   var subject;
    989   start_index = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0];
    990   subject = LAST_SUBJECT(RegExpLastMatchInfo);
    991   return %_SubString(subject, 0, start_index);
    992 }
    995 function RegExpGetRightContext() {
    996   var start_index;
    997   var subject;
    998   start_index = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1];
    999   subject = LAST_SUBJECT(RegExpLastMatchInfo);
   1000   return %_SubString(subject, start_index, subject.length);
   1001 }
   1004 // The properties $1..$9 are the first nine capturing substrings of the last
   1005 // successful match, or ''.  The function RegExpMakeCaptureGetter will be
   1006 // called with indices from 1 to 9.
   1007 function RegExpMakeCaptureGetter(n) {
   1008   return function foo() {
   1009     var index = n * 2;
   1010     if (index >= NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(RegExpLastMatchInfo)) return '';
   1011     var matchStart = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE(index)];
   1012     var matchEnd = RegExpLastMatchInfo[CAPTURE(index + 1)];
   1013     if (matchStart == -1 || matchEnd == -1) return '';
   1014     return %_SubString(LAST_SUBJECT(RegExpLastMatchInfo), matchStart, matchEnd);
   1015   };
   1016 }
   1019 // ES6
   1020 function RegExpGetFlags() {
   1021   if (!IS_RECEIVER(this)) {
   1022     throw MakeTypeError(
   1023         kRegExpNonObject, "RegExp.prototype.flags", TO_STRING(this));
   1024   }
   1025   var result = '';
   1026   if (this.global) result += 'g';
   1027   if (this.ignoreCase) result += 'i';
   1028   if (this.multiline) result += 'm';
   1029   if (this.unicode) result += 'u';
   1030   if (this.sticky) result += 'y';
   1031   return result;
   1032 }
   1035 // ES6
   1036 function RegExpGetGlobal() {
   1037   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
   1038     // TODO(littledan): Remove this RegExp compat workaround
   1039     if (this === GlobalRegExpPrototype) {
   1040       %IncrementUseCounter(kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter);
   1041       return UNDEFINED;
   1042     }
   1043     throw MakeTypeError(kRegExpNonRegExp, "RegExp.prototype.global");
   1044   }
   1045   return TO_BOOLEAN(REGEXP_GLOBAL(this));
   1046 }
   1047 %SetForceInlineFlag(RegExpGetGlobal);
   1050 // ES6
   1051 function RegExpGetIgnoreCase() {
   1052   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
   1053     // TODO(littledan): Remove this RegExp compat workaround
   1054     if (this === GlobalRegExpPrototype) {
   1055       %IncrementUseCounter(kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter);
   1056       return UNDEFINED;
   1057     }
   1058     throw MakeTypeError(kRegExpNonRegExp, "RegExp.prototype.ignoreCase");
   1059   }
   1060   return TO_BOOLEAN(REGEXP_IGNORE_CASE(this));
   1061 }
   1064 // ES6
   1065 function RegExpGetMultiline() {
   1066   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
   1067     // TODO(littledan): Remove this RegExp compat workaround
   1068     if (this === GlobalRegExpPrototype) {
   1069       %IncrementUseCounter(kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter);
   1070       return UNDEFINED;
   1071     }
   1072     throw MakeTypeError(kRegExpNonRegExp, "RegExp.prototype.multiline");
   1073   }
   1074   return TO_BOOLEAN(REGEXP_MULTILINE(this));
   1075 }
   1078 // ES6
   1079 function RegExpGetSource() {
   1080   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
   1081     // TODO(littledan): Remove this RegExp compat workaround
   1082     if (this === GlobalRegExpPrototype) {
   1083       %IncrementUseCounter(kRegExpPrototypeSourceGetter);
   1084       return "(?:)";
   1085     }
   1086     throw MakeTypeError(kRegExpNonRegExp, "RegExp.prototype.source");
   1087   }
   1088   return REGEXP_SOURCE(this);
   1089 }
   1092 // ES6
   1093 function RegExpGetSticky() {
   1094   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
   1095     // Compat fix: RegExp.prototype.sticky == undefined; UseCounter tracks it
   1096     // TODO(littledan): Remove this workaround or standardize it
   1097     if (this === GlobalRegExpPrototype) {
   1098       %IncrementUseCounter(kRegExpPrototypeStickyGetter);
   1099       return UNDEFINED;
   1100     }
   1101     throw MakeTypeError(kRegExpNonRegExp, "RegExp.prototype.sticky");
   1102   }
   1103   return TO_BOOLEAN(REGEXP_STICKY(this));
   1104 }
   1105 %SetForceInlineFlag(RegExpGetSticky);
   1108 // ES6
   1109 function RegExpGetUnicode() {
   1110   if (!IS_REGEXP(this)) {
   1111     // TODO(littledan): Remove this RegExp compat workaround
   1112     if (this === GlobalRegExpPrototype) {
   1113       %IncrementUseCounter(kRegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter);
   1114       return UNDEFINED;
   1115     }
   1116     throw MakeTypeError(kRegExpNonRegExp, "RegExp.prototype.unicode");
   1117   }
   1118   return TO_BOOLEAN(REGEXP_UNICODE(this));
   1119 }
   1120 %SetForceInlineFlag(RegExpGetUnicode);
   1123 function RegExpSpecies() {
   1124   return this;
   1125 }
   1128 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1130 %FunctionSetInstanceClassName(GlobalRegExp, 'RegExp');
   1131 GlobalRegExpPrototype = new GlobalObject();
   1132 %FunctionSetPrototype(GlobalRegExp, GlobalRegExpPrototype);
   1133 %AddNamedProperty(
   1134     GlobalRegExp.prototype, 'constructor', GlobalRegExp, DONT_ENUM);
   1135 %SetCode(GlobalRegExp, RegExpConstructor);
   1137 utils.InstallGetter(GlobalRegExp, speciesSymbol, RegExpSpecies);
   1139 utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalRegExp.prototype, DONT_ENUM, [
   1140   "exec", RegExpSubclassExecJS,
   1141   "test", RegExpSubclassTest,
   1142   "toString", RegExpToString,
   1143   "compile", RegExpCompileJS,
   1144   matchSymbol, RegExpSubclassMatch,
   1145   replaceSymbol, RegExpSubclassReplace,
   1146   searchSymbol, RegExpSubclassSearch,
   1147   splitSymbol, RegExpSubclassSplit,
   1148 ]);
   1150 utils.InstallGetter(GlobalRegExp.prototype, 'flags', RegExpGetFlags);
   1151 utils.InstallGetter(GlobalRegExp.prototype, 'global', RegExpGetGlobal);
   1152 utils.InstallGetter(GlobalRegExp.prototype, 'ignoreCase', RegExpGetIgnoreCase);
   1153 utils.InstallGetter(GlobalRegExp.prototype, 'multiline', RegExpGetMultiline);
   1154 utils.InstallGetter(GlobalRegExp.prototype, 'source', RegExpGetSource);
   1155 utils.InstallGetter(GlobalRegExp.prototype, 'sticky', RegExpGetSticky);
   1156 utils.InstallGetter(GlobalRegExp.prototype, 'unicode', RegExpGetUnicode);
   1158 // The properties `input` and `$_` are aliases for each other.  When this
   1159 // value is set the value it is set to is coerced to a string.
   1160 // Getter and setter for the input.
   1161 var RegExpGetInput = function() {
   1162   var regExpInput = LAST_INPUT(RegExpLastMatchInfo);
   1163   return IS_UNDEFINED(regExpInput) ? "" : regExpInput;
   1164 };
   1165 var RegExpSetInput = function(string) {
   1166   LAST_INPUT(RegExpLastMatchInfo) = TO_STRING(string);
   1167 };
   1169 %OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties(GlobalRegExp, 22);
   1170 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, 'input', RegExpGetInput, RegExpSetInput,
   1171                           DONT_DELETE);
   1172 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, '$_', RegExpGetInput, RegExpSetInput,
   1173                           DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
   1176 var NoOpSetter = function(ignored) {};
   1179 // Static properties set by a successful match.
   1180 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, 'lastMatch', RegExpGetLastMatch,
   1181                           NoOpSetter, DONT_DELETE);
   1182 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, '$&', RegExpGetLastMatch, NoOpSetter,
   1183                           DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
   1184 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, 'lastParen', RegExpGetLastParen,
   1185                           NoOpSetter, DONT_DELETE);
   1186 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, '$+', RegExpGetLastParen, NoOpSetter,
   1187                           DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
   1188 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, 'leftContext', RegExpGetLeftContext,
   1189                           NoOpSetter, DONT_DELETE);
   1190 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, '$`', RegExpGetLeftContext, NoOpSetter,
   1191                           DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
   1192 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, 'rightContext', RegExpGetRightContext,
   1193                           NoOpSetter, DONT_DELETE);
   1194 utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, "$'", RegExpGetRightContext, NoOpSetter,
   1195                           DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE);
   1197 for (var i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
   1198   utils.InstallGetterSetter(GlobalRegExp, '$' + i, RegExpMakeCaptureGetter(i),
   1199                             NoOpSetter, DONT_DELETE);
   1200 }
   1201 %ToFastProperties(GlobalRegExp);
   1203 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1204 // Internal
   1206 var InternalRegExpMatchInfo = new InternalPackedArray(2, "", UNDEFINED, 0, 0);
   1208 function InternalRegExpMatch(regexp, subject) {
   1209   var matchInfo = %_RegExpExec(regexp, subject, 0, InternalRegExpMatchInfo);
   1210   if (!IS_NULL(matchInfo)) {
   1211     RETURN_NEW_RESULT_FROM_MATCH_INFO(matchInfo, subject);
   1212   }
   1213   return null;
   1214 }
   1216 function InternalRegExpReplace(regexp, subject, replacement) {
   1217   return %StringReplaceGlobalRegExpWithString(
   1218       subject, regexp, replacement, InternalRegExpMatchInfo);
   1219 }
   1221 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1222 // Exports
   1224 utils.Export(function(to) {
   1225   to.InternalRegExpMatch = InternalRegExpMatch;
   1226   to.InternalRegExpReplace = InternalRegExpReplace;
   1227   to.IsRegExp = IsRegExp;
   1228   to.RegExpExec = DoRegExpExec;
   1229   to.RegExpInitialize = RegExpInitialize;
   1230   to.RegExpLastMatchInfo = RegExpLastMatchInfo;
   1231   to.RegExpTest = RegExpTest;
   1232 });
   1234 })