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Lines Matching refs:XML

76             j = XML.toJSONObject("<![CDATA[This is a collection of test patterns and examples for org.json.]]>  Ignore the stuff past the end.  ");
82 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
85 j = XML.toJSONObject(s);
99 s = "<div id=\"demo\" class=\"JSONML\"><p>JSONML is a transformation between <b>JSON</b> and <b>XML</b> that preserves ordering of document features.</p><p>JSONML can work with JSON arrays or JSON objects.</p><p>Three<br/>little<br/>words</p></div>";
111 j = XML.toJSONObject(s);
203 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
234 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
245 s = "<xml one = 1 two=' \"2\" '><five></five>First \u0009&lt;content&gt;<five></five> This is \"content\". <three> 3 </three>JSON does not preserve the sequencing of elements and contents.<three> III </three> <three> T H R E E</three><four/>Content text is an implied structure in XML. <six content=\"6\"/>JSON does not have implied structure:<seven>7</seven>everything is explicit.<![CDATA[CDATA blocks<are><supported>!]]></xml>";
246 j = XML.toJSONObject(s);
248 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
256 s = "<xml do='0'>uno<a re='1' mi='2'>dos<b fa='3'/>tres<c>true</c>quatro</a>cinqo<d>seis<e/></d></xml>";
262 s = "<mapping><empty/> <class name = \"Customer\"> <field name = \"ID\" type = \"string\"> <bind-xml name=\"ID\" node=\"attribute\"/> </field> <field name = \"FirstName\" type = \"FirstName\"/> <field name = \"MI\" type = \"MI\"/> <field name = \"LastName\" type = \"LastName\"/> </class> <class name = \"FirstName\"> <field name = \"text\"> <bind-xml name = \"text\" node = \"text\"/> </field> </class> <class name = \"MI\"> <field name = \"text\"> <bind-xml name = \"text\" node = \"text\"/> </field> </class> <class name = \"LastName\"> <field name = \"text\"> <bind-xml name = \"text\" node = \"text\"/> </field> </class></mapping>";
263 j = XML.toJSONObject(s);
266 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
273 j = XML.toJSONObject("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><Book Author=\"Anonymous\"><Title>Sample Book</Title><Chapter id=\"1\">This is chapter 1. It is not very long or interesting.</Chapter><Chapter id=\"2\">This is chapter 2. Although it is longer than chapter 1, it is not any more interesting.</Chapter></Book>");
275 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
278 j = XML.toJSONObject("<!DOCTYPE bCard 'http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~adam/schemas/bCard'><bCard><?xml default bCard firstname = '' lastname = '' company = '' email = '' homepage = ''?><bCard firstname = 'Rohit' lastname = 'Khare' company = 'MCI' email = 'khare@mci.net' homepage = 'http://pest.w3.org/'/><bCard firstname = 'Adam' lastname = 'Rifkin' company = 'Caltech Infospheres Project' email = 'adam@cs.caltech.edu' homepage = 'http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~adam/'/></bCard>");
280 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
283 j = XML.toJSONObject("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><customer> <firstName> <text>Fred</text> </firstName> <ID>fbs0001</ID> <lastName> <text>Scerbo</text> </lastName> <MI> <text>B</text> </MI></customer>");
285 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
288 j = XML.toJSONObject("<!ENTITY tp-address PUBLIC '-//ABC University::Special Collections Library//TEXT (titlepage: name and address)//EN' 'tpspcoll.sgm'><list type='simple'><head>Repository Address </head><item>Special Collections Library</item><item>ABC University</item><item>Main Library, 40 Circle Drive</item><item>Ourtown, Pennsylvania</item><item>17654 USA</item></list>");
290 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
293 j = XML.toJSONObject("<test intertag status=ok><empty/>deluxe<blip sweet=true>&amp;&quot;toot&quot;&toot;&#x41;</blip><x>eks</x><w>bonus</w><w>bonus2</w></test>");
295 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
312 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
316 j = XML.toJSONObject("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"+"\n\n"+"<SOAP-ENV:Envelope"+
336 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
341 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
378 System.out.println(XML.toString(a));
445 s = "<xml empty><a></a><a>1</a><a>22</a><a>333</a></xml>";
446 j = XML.toJSONObject(s);
448 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
451 j = XML.toJSONObject(s);
453 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
486 j = XML.toJSONObject(s);
489 System.out.println(XML.toString(j));
546 j = XML.toJSONObject("<a><b> ");
552 j = XML.toJSONObject("<a></b> ");
558 j = XML.toJSONObject("<a></a ");
581 s = "<xml";