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Lines Matching refs:opValue

2758     int32_t     opValue;               //    and the operand value.
2802 opValue = URX_VAL(op);
2832 if (c == opValue) {
2849 int32_t stringStartIdx = opValue;
2887 fp = StateSave(fp, opValue, status);
2903 // fp->fExtra[opValue] - The start of a completed capture group
2904 // opValue+1 - The end of a completed capture group
2905 // opValue+2 - the start of a capture group whose end
2908 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize-3);
2909 fp->fExtra[opValue+2] = fp->fInputIdx;
2914 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize-3);
2915 U_ASSERT(fp->fExtra[opValue+2] >= 0); // Start pos for this group must be set.
2916 fp->fExtra[opValue] = fp->fExtra[opValue+2]; // Tentative start becomes real.
2917 fp->fExtra[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx; // End position
2918 U_ASSERT(fp->fExtra[opValue] <= fp->fExtra[opValue+1]);
3077 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \B
3088 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \B
3109 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \D
3137 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \H
3178 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \V
3308 UBool success = ((opValue & URX_NEG_SET) == URX_NEG_SET);
3309 opValue &= ~URX_NEG_SET;
3310 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < URX_LAST_SET);
3315 Regex8BitSet *s8 = &fPattern->fStaticSets8[opValue];
3320 const UnicodeSet *s = fPattern->fStaticSets[opValue];
3345 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < URX_LAST_SET);
3351 Regex8BitSet *s8 = &fPattern->fStaticSets8[opValue];
3357 const UnicodeSet *s = fPattern->fStaticSets[opValue];
3379 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < sets->size());
3381 Regex8BitSet *s8 = &fPattern->fSets8[opValue];
3387 UnicodeSet *s = (UnicodeSet *)sets->elementAt(opValue);
3480 fp->fPatIdx = opValue;
3488 U_ASSERT(opValue < fPattern->fCompiledPat->size());
3490 fp->fPatIdx = opValue; // Then JMP.
3499 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < fPattern->fCompiledPat->size());
3500 int32_t stoOp = (int32_t)pat[opValue-1];
3509 fp->fPatIdx = opValue;
3519 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize-2);
3520 fp->fExtra[opValue] = 0; // Set the loop counter variable to zero
3537 fp->fExtra[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx; // For loop breaking.
3546 U_ASSERT(opValue>0 && opValue < fp->fPatIdx-2);
3547 int32_t initOp = (int32_t)pat[opValue];
3550 int32_t minCount = (int32_t)pat[opValue+2];
3551 int32_t maxCount = (int32_t)pat[opValue+3];
3570 fp->fPatIdx = opValue + 4; // Loop back.
3577 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize-2);
3578 fp->fExtra[opValue] = 0; // Set the loop counter variable to zero
3591 fp->fExtra[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx; // Save initial input index for loop breaking.
3606 U_ASSERT(opValue>0 && opValue < fp->fPatIdx-2);
3607 int32_t initOp = (int32_t)pat[opValue];
3610 int32_t minCount = (int32_t)pat[opValue+2];
3611 int32_t maxCount = (int32_t)pat[opValue+3];
3625 fp->fPatIdx = opValue + 4; // Loop back.
3643 fp = StateSave(fp, opValue + 4, status);
3649 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fPattern->fDataSize);
3650 fData[opValue] = fStack->size();
3655 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fPattern->fDataSize);
3656 opValue];
3673 U_ASSERT(opValue < fFrameSize);
3674 int64_t groupStartIdx = fp->fExtra[opValue];
3675 int64_t groupEndIdx = fp->fExtra[opValue+1];
3720 U_ASSERT(opValue < fFrameSize);
3721 int64_t groupStartIdx = fp->fExtra[opValue];
3722 int64_t groupEndIdx = fp->fExtra[opValue+1];
3775 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize);
3776 fp->fExtra[opValue] = fp->fInputIdx;
3789 fp->fPatIdx = opValue; // JMP
3800 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
3801 fData[opValue] = fStack->size();
3802 fData[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx;
3812 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
3814 int32_t newStackSize =(int32_t)fData[opValue];
3828 fp->fInputIdx = fData[opValue+1];
3845 if (u_foldCase(c, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT) == opValue) {
3863 const UChar *patternString = litText + opValue;
3869 opValue = URX_VAL(op);
3871 int32_t patternStringLen = opValue; // Length of the string from the pattern.
3911 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
3912 fData[opValue] = fStack->size();
3913 fData[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx;
3915 fData[opValue+2] = -1;
3918 fData[opValue+3] = fActiveLimit;
3942 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
3943 int64_t &lbStartIdx = fData[opValue+2];
3969 int64_t restoreInputLen = fData[opValue+3];
3986 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
4000 int64_t originalInputLen = fData[opValue+3];
4028 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
4029 int64_t &lbStartIdx = fData[opValue+2];
4054 int64_t restoreInputLen = fData[opValue+3];
4072 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
4089 int64_t originalInputLen = fData[opValue+3];
4096 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
4097 int32_t newStackSize = (int32_t)fData[opValue];
4114 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < sets->size());
4115 Regex8BitSet *s8 = &fPattern->fSets8[opValue];
4116 UnicodeSet *s = (UnicodeSet *)sets->elementAt(opValue);
4174 if ((opValue & 1) == 1) {
4191 (((opValue & 2) == 0) && // IF not UNIX_LINES mode
4229 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue<fFrameSize);
4230 backSearchIndex = fp->fExtra[opValue];
4322 int32_t opValue; // and the operand value.
4368 opValue = URX_VAL(op);
4398 if (c == opValue) {
4413 int32_t stringStartIdx = opValue;
4450 fp = StateSave(fp, opValue, status);
4466 // fp->fExtra[opValue] - The start of a completed capture group
4467 // opValue+1 - The end of a completed capture group
4468 // opValue+2 - the start of a capture group whose end
4471 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize-3);
4472 fp->fExtra[opValue+2] = fp->fInputIdx;
4477 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize-3);
4478 U_ASSERT(fp->fExtra[opValue+2] >= 0); // Start pos for this group must be set.
4479 fp->fExtra[opValue] = fp->fExtra[opValue+2]; // Tentative start becomes real.
4480 fp->fExtra[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx; // End position
4481 U_ASSERT(fp->fExtra[opValue] <= fp->fExtra[opValue+1]);
4639 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \B
4650 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \B
4670 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \D
4696 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \H
4739 success ^= (UBool)(opValue != 0); // flip sense for \V
4857 UBool success = ((opValue & URX_NEG_SET) == URX_NEG_SET);
4858 opValue &= ~URX_NEG_SET;
4859 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < URX_LAST_SET);
4864 Regex8BitSet *s8 = &fPattern->fStaticSets8[opValue];
4869 const UnicodeSet *s = fPattern->fStaticSets[opValue];
4891 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < URX_LAST_SET);
4896 Regex8BitSet *s8 = &fPattern->fStaticSets8[opValue];
4901 const UnicodeSet *s = fPattern->fStaticSets[opValue];
4919 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < sets->size());
4925 Regex8BitSet *s8 = &fPattern->fSets8[opValue];
4931 UnicodeSet *s = (UnicodeSet *)sets->elementAt(opValue);
5013 fp->fPatIdx = opValue;
5021 U_ASSERT(opValue < fPattern->fCompiledPat->size());
5023 fp->fPatIdx = opValue; // Then JMP.
5032 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < fPattern->fCompiledPat->size());
5033 int32_t stoOp = (int32_t)pat[opValue-1];
5042 fp->fPatIdx = opValue;
5052 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize-2);
5053 fp->fExtra[opValue] = 0; // Set the loop counter variable to zero
5070 fp->fExtra[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx; // For loop breaking.
5079 U_ASSERT(opValue>0 && opValue < fp->fPatIdx-2);
5080 int32_t initOp = (int32_t)pat[opValue];
5083 int32_t minCount = (int32_t)pat[opValue+2];
5084 int32_t maxCount = (int32_t)pat[opValue+3];
5103 fp->fPatIdx = opValue + 4; // Loop back.
5110 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize-2);
5111 fp->fExtra[opValue] = 0; // Set the loop counter variable to zero
5124 fp->fExtra[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx; // Save initial input index for loop breaking.
5139 U_ASSERT(opValue>0 && opValue < fp->fPatIdx-2);
5140 int32_t initOp = (int32_t)pat[opValue];
5143 int32_t minCount = (int32_t)pat[opValue+2];
5144 int32_t maxCount = (int32_t)pat[opValue+3];
5158 fp->fPatIdx = opValue + 4; // Loop back.
5176 fp = StateSave(fp, opValue + 4, status);
5182 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fPattern->fDataSize);
5183 fData[opValue] = fStack->size();
5188 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fPattern->fDataSize);
5189 int32_t newStackSize = (int32_t)fData[opValue];
5206 U_ASSERT(opValue < fFrameSize);
5207 int64_t groupStartIdx = fp->fExtra[opValue];
5208 int64_t groupEndIdx = fp->fExtra[opValue+1];
5244 U_ASSERT(opValue < fFrameSize);
5245 int64_t groupStartIdx = fp->fExtra[opValue];
5246 int64_t groupEndIdx = fp->fExtra[opValue+1];
5296 U_ASSERT(opValue >= 0 && opValue < fFrameSize);
5297 fp->fExtra[opValue] = fp->fInputIdx;
5310 fp->fPatIdx = opValue; // JMP
5321 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
5322 fData[opValue] = fStack->size();
5323 fData[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx;
5333 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
5335 int32_t newStackSize = (int32_t)fData[opValue];
5349 fp->fInputIdx = fData[opValue+1];
5362 if (u_foldCase(c, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT) == opValue) {
5377 const UChar *patternString = litText + opValue;
5382 opValue = URX_VAL(op);
5384 int32_t patternStringLen = opValue; // Length of the string from the pattern.
5419 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
5420 fData[opValue] = fStack->size();
5421 fData[opValue+1] = fp->fInputIdx;
5423 fData[opValue+2] = -1;
5426 fData[opValue+3] = fActiveLimit;
5445 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
5446 int64_t &lbStartIdx = fData[opValue+2];
5468 int64_t restoreInputLen = fData[opValue+3];
5485 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
5499 int64_t originalInputLen = fData[opValue+3];
5522 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
5523 int64_t &lbStartIdx = fData[opValue+2];
5544 int64_t restoreInputLen = fData[opValue+3];
5562 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
5579 int64_t originalInputLen = fData[opValue+3];
5586 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue+1<fPattern->fDataSize);
5587 int32_t newStackSize = (int32_t)fData[opValue];
5604 U_ASSERT(opValue > 0 && opValue < sets->size());
5605 Regex8BitSet *s8 = &fPattern->fSets8[opValue];
5606 UnicodeSet *s = (UnicodeSet *)sets->elementAt(opValue);
5665 if ((opValue & 1) == 1) {
5682 (((opValue & 2) == 0) && // IF not UNIX_LINES mode
5721 U_ASSERT(opValue>=0 && opValue<fFrameSize);
5722 backSearchIndex = (int32_t)fp->fExtra[opValue];