Lines Matching refs:ssh
34 # See the ssh-copy-id(1) man page for details
59 DEFAULT_PUB_ID_FILE=$(ls -t ${HOME}/.ssh/id*.pub 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '$' | head -n 1)
62 printf 'Usage: %s [-h|-?|-n] [-i [identity_file]] [-p port] [[-o <ssh -o options>] ...] [user@]hostname\n' "$0" >&2
92 if [ -n "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] && ssh-add -L >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
93 GET_ID="ssh-add -L"
201 local L_TMP_ID_FILE=$(mktemp ~/.ssh/ssh-copy-id_id.XXXXXXXXXX)
215 # The point being that if file based, ssh needs the private key, which it cannot
217 ssh -i "${PRIV_ID_FILE:-$L_TMP_ID_FILE}" \
246 REMOTE_VERSION=$(ssh -v -o PreferredAuthentications=',' "$@" 2>&1 |
254 printf "%s\n" "$KEY" | grep ssh-dss >/dev/null || {
258 [ "$DRY_RUN" ] || printf 'set ssh pka-dsa key %s\nsave\nexit\n' "$KEY" | ssh -T "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
270 # Assuming that the remote host treats ~/.ssh/authorized_keys as one might expect
272 [ "$DRY_RUN" ] || printf '%s\n' "$NEW_IDS" | ssh "$@" "
274 mkdir -p .ssh && cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys || exit 1 ;
275 if type restorecon >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then restorecon -F .ssh .ssh/authorized_keys ; fi" \
294 Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh $SSH_OPTS"