Lines Matching defs:theInstr
3472 static Bool dis_int_arith ( UInt theInstr )
3475 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
3476 UChar rD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
3477 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
3478 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
3479 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
3480 UChar flag_OE = ifieldBIT10(theInstr);
3481 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo9(theInstr);
3482 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
4109 static Bool dis_int_cmp ( UInt theInstr )
4112 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
4113 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
4114 UChar b22 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 22, 1 ) );
4115 UChar flag_L = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 1 ) );
4116 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
4117 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
4118 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
4119 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
4120 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
4229 static Bool dis_int_logic ( UInt theInstr )
4232 theInstr);
4233 UChar rS_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
4234 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
4235 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
4236 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
4237 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
4238 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
4607 static Bool dis_int_parity ( UInt theInstr )
4610 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
4611 UChar rS_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
4612 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
4613 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
4614 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
4615 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
4736 static Bool dis_int_rot ( UInt theInstr )
4739 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
4740 UChar rS_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
4741 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
4742 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
4744 UChar MaskBeg = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 6, 5 ) );
4745 UChar MaskEnd = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 1, 5 ) );
4746 UChar msk_imm = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 5, 6 ) );
4747 UChar opc2 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 2, 3 ) );
4748 UChar b1 = ifieldBIT1(theInstr);
4749 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
4986 static Bool dis_int_load ( UInt theInstr )
4989 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
4990 UChar rD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
4991 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
4992 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
4993 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
4994 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
4995 UChar b1 = ifieldBIT1(theInstr);
4996 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
5284 static Bool dis_int_store ( UInt theInstr, const VexAbiInfo* vbi )
5287 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
5288 UInt rS_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
5289 UInt rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
5290 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
5291 UInt rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
5292 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
5293 UChar b1 = ifieldBIT1(theInstr);
5294 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
5509 static Bool dis_int_ldst_mult ( UInt theInstr )
5512 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
5513 UChar rD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
5515 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
5516 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
5653 static Bool dis_int_ldst_str ( UInt theInstr, /*OUT*/Bool* stopHere )
5656 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
5657 UChar rD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
5659 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
5660 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
5662 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
5663 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
5821 static Bool dis_branch ( UInt theInstr,
5827 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
5828 UChar BO = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
5829 UChar BI = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
5830 UInt BD_u16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr) & 0xFFFFFFFC; /* mask off */
5831 UChar b11to15 = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
5832 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
5833 UInt LI_u26 = ifieldUIMM26(theInstr) & 0xFFFFFFFC; /* mask off */
5834 UChar flag_AA = ifieldBIT1(theInstr);
5835 UChar flag_LK = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
5848 if (theInstr == 0x429F0005) {
6034 static Bool dis_cond_logic ( UInt theInstr )
6037 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
6038 UChar crbD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
6039 UChar crfD_addr = toUChar( IFIELD(theInstr, 23, 3) );
6040 UChar crbA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
6041 UChar crfS_addr = toUChar( IFIELD(theInstr, 18, 3) );
6042 UChar crbB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
6043 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
6044 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
6218 static Bool dis_trapi ( UInt theInstr,
6222 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
6223 UChar TO = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
6224 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
6225 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
6269 static Bool dis_trap ( UInt theInstr,
6273 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
6274 UChar TO = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
6275 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
6276 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
6281 if (ifieldBIT0(theInstr) != 0)
6327 static Bool dis_syslink ( UInt theInstr,
6332 if (theInstr != 0x44000002) {
6333 vex_printf("dis_syslink(ppc)(theInstr)\n");
6365 static Bool dis_memsync ( UInt theInstr )
6368 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
6369 UInt b11to25 = IFIELD(theInstr, 11, 15);
6370 UChar flag_L = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
6371 UInt b11to20 = IFIELD(theInstr, 11, 10);
6372 UInt M0 = IFIELD(theInstr, 11, 5);
6373 UChar rD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
6375 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
6376 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
6377 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
6378 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
6775 static Bool dis_int_shift ( UInt theInstr )
6778 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
6779 UChar rS_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
6780 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
6781 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
6783 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
6784 UChar b1 = ifieldBIT1(theInstr);
6785 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
7041 static Bool dis_int_ldst_rev ( UInt theInstr )
7044 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
7045 UChar rD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
7047 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
7048 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
7049 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
7050 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
7140 static Bool dis_proc_ctl ( const VexAbiInfo* vbi, UInt theInstr )
7142 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
7145 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
7146 UChar b21to22 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 2 ) );
7147 UChar rD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
7148 UInt b11to20 = IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 10 );
7154 UChar b20 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 20, 1 ) );
7155 UInt CRM = IFIELD( theInstr, 12, 8 );
7156 UChar b11 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 1 ) );
7158 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
7159 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
7439 UChar XS = ifieldRegXS( theInstr );
7440 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
7461 UChar XS = ifieldRegXS( theInstr );
7462 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
7486 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
7487 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
7512 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
7513 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
7536 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
7537 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
7569 static Bool dis_cache_manage ( UInt theInstr,
7574 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
7575 UChar b21to25 = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
7576 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
7577 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
7578 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
7579 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
7869 static Bool dis_fp_load ( UInt theInstr )
7872 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
7873 UChar frD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
7874 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
7875 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
7876 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
7877 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
7878 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
8007 static Bool dis_fp_store ( UInt theInstr )
8010 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
8011 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
8012 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
8013 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
8014 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
8015 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
8016 Int uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
8135 static Bool dis_fp_arith ( UInt theInstr )
8138 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
8139 UChar frD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
8140 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
8141 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
8142 UChar frC_addr = ifieldRegC(theInstr);
8143 UChar opc2 = ifieldOPClo5(theInstr);
8144 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
8373 static Bool dis_fp_multadd ( UInt theInstr )
8376 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
8377 UChar frD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
8378 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
8379 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
8380 UChar frC_addr = ifieldRegC(theInstr);
8381 UChar opc2 = ifieldOPClo5(theInstr);
8382 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
8853 static Bool dis_fp_tests ( UInt theInstr )
8855 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
8856 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
8857 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
8858 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
8859 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
8871 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
8873 UChar b21to22 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 2 ) );
8890 UChar b18to22 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 18, 5 ) );
8920 static Bool dis_fp_cmp ( UInt theInstr )
8923 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
8924 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
8925 UChar b21to22 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 2 ) );
8926 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
8927 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
8928 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
8929 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
9019 static Bool dis_fp_round ( UInt theInstr )
9022 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
9023 UChar b16to20 = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
9024 UChar frD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
9025 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
9026 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
9027 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
9232 static Bool dis_fp_pair ( UInt theInstr )
9235 theInstr);
9236 UChar frT_hi_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
9238 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
9239 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
9240 UInt uimm16 = ifieldUIMM16(theInstr);
9242 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
9248 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
9314 static Bool dis_fp_merge ( UInt theInstr )
9317 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
9318 UChar frD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
9319 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
9320 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
9368 static Bool dis_fp_move ( UInt theInstr )
9371 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
9372 UChar frD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
9373 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
9374 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
9375 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
9376 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
9469 static Bool dis_fp_scr ( UInt theInstr, Bool GX_level )
9472 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
9473 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
9474 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
9484 UChar crbD = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
9485 UInt b11to20 = IFIELD(theInstr, 11, 10);
9498 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
9499 UChar b21to22 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 2 ) );
9500 UChar crfS = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 18, 3 ) );
9501 UChar b11to17 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 7 ) );
9521 UChar crbD = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
9522 UInt b11to20 = IFIELD(theInstr, 11, 10);
9534 UInt crfD = IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 );
9535 UChar b16to22 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 16, 7 ) );
9536 UChar IMM = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 12, 4 ) );
9537 UChar b11 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 1 ) );
9549 Wbit = toUChar( IFIELD(theInstr, 16, 1) );
9559 UChar frD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
9560 UInt b11to20 = IFIELD(theInstr, 11, 10);
9577 UChar b25 = toUChar( IFIELD(theInstr, 25, 1) );
9578 UChar FM = toUChar( IFIELD(theInstr, 17, 8) );
9579 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
9592 Wbit = toUChar( IFIELD(theInstr, 16, 1) );
10288 static Bool dis_dfp_arith(UInt theInstr)
10290 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
10291 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10292 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10293 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10294 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10346 static Bool dis_dfp_arithq(UInt theInstr)
10348 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
10349 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10350 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10351 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10352 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10404 static Bool dis_dfp_shift(UInt theInstr) {
10405 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo9( theInstr );
10406 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10407 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10408 UChar shift_val = IFIELD(theInstr, 10, 6);
10409 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10441 static Bool dis_dfp_shiftq(UInt theInstr) {
10442 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo9( theInstr );
10443 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10444 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10445 UChar shift_val = IFIELD(theInstr, 10, 6);
10446 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10478 static Bool dis_dfp_fmt_conv(UInt theInstr) {
10479 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
10480 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10481 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10483 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10544 static Bool dis_dfp_fmt_convq(UInt theInstr) {
10545 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
10546 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10547 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10553 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10608 static Bool dis_dfp_round( UInt theInstr ) {
10609 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
10610 UChar R = IFIELD(theInstr, 16, 1);
10611 UChar RMC = IFIELD(theInstr, 9, 2);
10612 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10613 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10616 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo8( theInstr );
10653 static Bool dis_dfp_roundq(UInt theInstr) {
10654 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10655 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10656 UChar R = IFIELD(theInstr, 16, 1);
10657 UChar RMC = IFIELD(theInstr, 9, 2);
10658 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10662 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo8( theInstr );
10694 static Bool dis_dfp_quantize_sig_rrnd(UInt theInstr) {
10695 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo8( theInstr );
10696 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10697 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10698 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10699 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10700 UInt TE_value = IFIELD(theInstr, 16, 4);
10701 UInt TE_sign = IFIELD(theInstr, 20, 1);
10702 UInt RMC = IFIELD(theInstr, 9, 2);
10788 static Bool dis_dfp_quantize_sig_rrndq(UInt theInstr) {
10789 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo8( theInstr );
10790 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10791 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10792 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10793 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10794 UInt TE_value = IFIELD(theInstr, 16, 4);
10795 UInt TE_sign = IFIELD(theInstr, 20, 1);
10796 UInt RMC = IFIELD(theInstr, 9, 2);
10883 static Bool dis_dfp_extract_insert(UInt theInstr) {
10884 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
10885 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10886 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10887 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10888 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10929 static Bool dis_dfp_extract_insertq(UInt theInstr) {
10930 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
10931 UChar frS_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
10932 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10933 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10934 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT0( theInstr );
10980 static Bool dis_dfp_compare(UInt theInstr) {
10982 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) ); // AKA BF
10983 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
10984 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
10985 UInt opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
11054 static Bool dis_dfp_exponent_test ( UInt theInstr )
11056 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
11057 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
11058 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
11063 UInt opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
11246 static Bool dis_dfp_class_test ( UInt theInstr )
11248 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
11253 UInt opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
11254 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo9( theInstr );
11255 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) ); // AKA BF
11256 UInt DCM = IFIELD( theInstr, 10, 6 );
11689 static Bool dis_dfp_bcd(UInt theInstr) {
11690 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
11691 ULong sp = IFIELD(theInstr, 19, 2);
11692 ULong s = IFIELD(theInstr, 20, 1);
11693 UChar frT_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
11694 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
11949 static Bool dis_dfp_bcdq( UInt theInstr )
11951 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
11952 ULong sp = IFIELD(theInstr, 19, 2);
11953 ULong s = IFIELD(theInstr, 20, 1);
11958 UChar frT_addr = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
11959 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
12358 static Bool dis_dfp_significant_digits( UInt theInstr )
12360 UChar frA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
12361 UChar frB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
12363 UInt opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
12368 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) ); // AKA BF
12556 static Bool dis_av_datastream ( UInt theInstr )
12559 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
12560 UChar flag_T = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 25, 1 ) );
12562 UChar b23to24 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 2 ) );
12563 theInstr, 21, 2 ) );
12564 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
12565 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
12566 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
12567 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
12607 static Bool dis_av_procctl ( UInt theInstr )
12610 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
12611 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
12612 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
12613 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
12614 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
12653 dis_vx_conv ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
12656 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
12657 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
12658 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB( theInstr );
13151 dis_vxv_dp_arith ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
13154 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
13155 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
13156 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA( theInstr );
13157 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB( theInstr );
13317 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
13352 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
13394 dis_vxv_sp_arith ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
13397 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
13398 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
13399 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA( theInstr );
13400 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB( theInstr );
13605 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
13659 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
13720 dis_av_count_bitTranspose ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
13722 UChar vRB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
13723 UChar vRT_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
13724 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
14184 dis_vxv_misc ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
14187 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
14188 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
14189 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB( theInstr );
14306 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA( theInstr );
14366 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA( theInstr );
14384 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA( theInstr );
14415 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA( theInstr );
14651 dis_vxs_arith ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
14654 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
14655 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT( theInstr );
14656 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA( theInstr );
14657 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB( theInstr );
14936 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
14948 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
14980 dis_vx_cmp( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
14983 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
14984 UChar crfD = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 23, 3 ) );
14986 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA ( theInstr );
14987 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB ( theInstr );
15104 dis_vvec_cmp( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
15107 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
15108 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT ( theInstr );
15109 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA ( theInstr );
15110 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB ( theInstr );
15111 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT10(theInstr);
15200 dis_vxs_misc( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
15204 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
15205 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT ( theInstr );
15206 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA ( theInstr );
15207 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB ( theInstr );
15446 dis_vx_logic ( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
15449 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
15450 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT ( theInstr );
15451 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA ( theInstr );
15452 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB ( theInstr );
15517 dis_vx_load ( UInt theInstr )
15520 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
15521 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT ( theInstr );
15522 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
15523 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
15524 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
15653 dis_vx_store ( UInt theInstr )
15656 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
15657 UChar XS = ifieldRegXS( theInstr );
15658 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
15659 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
15661 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10( theInstr );
15759 dis_vx_permute_misc( UInt theInstr, UInt opc2 )
15762 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC( theInstr );
15763 UChar XT = ifieldRegXT ( theInstr );
15764 UChar XA = ifieldRegXA ( theInstr );
15765 UChar XB = ifieldRegXB ( theInstr );
15781 UChar SHW = ifieldSHW ( theInstr );
15797 UChar DM = ifieldDM ( theInstr );
15847 UChar XC = ifieldRegXC(theInstr);
15859 UChar UIM = ifieldRegA(theInstr) & 3;
15879 static Bool dis_av_load ( const VexAbiInfo* vbi, UInt theInstr )
15882 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
15883 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
15884 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
15885 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
15886 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
15887 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
16042 static Bool dis_av_store ( UInt theInstr )
16045 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
16046 UChar vS_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
16047 UChar rA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
16048 UChar rB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
16049 UInt opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
16050 UChar b0 = ifieldBIT0(theInstr);
16140 static Bool dis_av_arith ( UInt theInstr )
16143 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
16144 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
16145 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
16146 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
16147 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
16647 static Bool dis_av_logic ( UInt theInstr )
16650 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
16651 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
16652 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
16653 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
16654 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
16725 static Bool dis_av_cmp ( UInt theInstr )
16728 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
16729 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
16730 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
16731 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
16732 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT10(theInstr);
16733 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 10 );
16835 static Bool dis_av_multarith ( UInt theInstr )
16838 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
16839 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
16840 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
16841 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
16842 UChar vC_addr = ifieldRegC(theInstr);
16843 UChar opc2 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 6 ) );
17101 static Bool dis_av_polymultarith ( UInt theInstr )
17104 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
17105 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
17106 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
17107 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
17108 UChar vC_addr = ifieldRegC(theInstr);
17109 UInt opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 0, 11);
17155 static Bool dis_av_shift ( UInt theInstr )
17158 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
17159 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
17160 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
17161 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
17162 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
17313 static Bool dis_av_permute ( UInt theInstr )
17316 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
17317 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
17318 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
17320 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
17321 UChar vC_addr = ifieldRegC(theInstr);
17322 UChar b10 = ifieldBIT10(theInstr);
17323 UChar SHB_uimm4 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 6, 4 ) );
17324 UInt opc2 = toUChar( IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 6 ) );
17417 opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
17534 static Bool dis_av_pack ( UInt theInstr )
17537 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
17538 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
17539 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
17540 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
17541 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
17854 static Bool dis_av_cipher ( UInt theInstr )
17857 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
17858 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
17859 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
17860 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
17861 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
17915 static Bool dis_av_hash ( UInt theInstr )
17918 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
17919 UChar vRT_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
17920 UChar vRA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
17921 UChar s_field = IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 5 ); // st and six field
17922 UChar st = IFIELD( theInstr, 15, 1 ); // st
17923 UChar six = IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 4 ); // six field
17924 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
18038 static Bool dis_av_quad ( UInt theInstr )
18041 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
18042 UChar vRT_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
18043 UChar vRA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
18044 UChar vRB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
18046 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
18162 opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 6 );
18163 vRC_addr = ifieldRegC(theInstr);
18240 static Bool dis_av_bcd ( UInt theInstr )
18243 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
18244 UChar vRT_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
18245 UChar vRA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
18246 UChar vRB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
18247 UChar ps = IFIELD( theInstr, 9, 1 );
18248 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 9 );
18286 static Bool dis_av_fp_arith ( UInt theInstr )
18289 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
18290 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
18291 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
18292 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
18293 UChar vC_addr = ifieldRegC(theInstr);
18311 opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 6 );
18338 opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
18403 static Bool dis_av_fp_cmp ( UInt theInstr )
18406 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
18407 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
18408 UChar vA_addr = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
18409 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
18410 UChar flag_rC = ifieldBIT10(theInstr);
18411 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 10 );
18497 static Bool dis_av_fp_convert ( UInt theInstr )
18500 UChar opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
18501 UChar vD_addr = ifieldRegDS(theInstr);
18502 UChar UIMM_5 = ifieldRegA(theInstr);
18503 UChar vB_addr = ifieldRegB(theInstr);
18504 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 0, 11 );
18595 static Bool dis_transactional_memory ( UInt theInstr, UInt nextInstr,
18601 UInt opc2 = IFIELD( theInstr, 1, 10 );
18616 UInt R = IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 1 );
18659 UInt A = IFIELD( theInstr, 25, 1 );
18667 UInt L = IFIELD( theInstr, 21, 1 );
18675 UInt BF = IFIELD( theInstr, 25, 1 );
18683 UInt TO = IFIELD( theInstr, 25, 1 );
18684 UInt RA = IFIELD( theInstr, 16, 5 );
18685 UInt RB = IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 5 );
18693 UInt TO = IFIELD( theInstr, 25, 1 );
18694 UInt RA = IFIELD( theInstr, 16, 5 );
18695 UInt RB = IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 5 );
18703 UInt TO = IFIELD( theInstr, 25, 1 );
18704 UInt RA = IFIELD( theInstr, 16, 5 );
18705 UInt SI = IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 5 );
18713 UInt TO = IFIELD( theInstr, 25, 1 );
18714 UInt RA = IFIELD( theInstr, 16, 5 );
18715 UInt SI = IFIELD( theInstr, 11, 5 );
18723 UInt RA = IFIELD( theInstr, 16, 5 );
18731 UInt RA = IFIELD( theInstr, 16, 5 );
19013 UInt theInstr;
19056 theInstr = getUIntPPCendianly( &guest_code[delta] );
19058 if (0) vex_printf("insn: 0x%x\n", theInstr);
19175 theInstr = getUIntPPCendianly(code+16);
19176 opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
19177 opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
19183 opc1 = ifieldOPC(theInstr);
19184 opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
19192 if (dis_int_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19197 if (dis_int_cmp( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19203 if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19208 if (dis_int_rot( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19214 if (dis_int_rot( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19221 if (dis_int_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19227 if (dis_int_store( theInstr, abiinfo )) goto decode_success;
19232 if (dis_int_ldst_mult( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19237 if (dis_branch(theInstr, abiinfo, &dres,
19244 if (dis_syslink(theInstr, abiinfo, &dres)) goto decode_success;
19250 if (dis_trapi(theInstr, &dres)) goto decode_success;
19254 if (dis_trapi(theInstr, &dres)) goto decode_success;
19261 if (dis_fp_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19268 if (dis_fp_store( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19274 if (dis_fp_pair( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19279 if (dis_int_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19285 if (dis_int_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19290 opc2 = ifieldOPClo10(theInstr);
19298 if (dis_dfp_arith( theInstr ))
19303 if (dis_dfp_compare( theInstr ) )
19310 if (dis_dfp_fmt_conv( theInstr ))
19317 if (dis_dfp_fmt_conv( theInstr ))
19322 if (dis_dfp_significant_digits(theInstr))
19328 if (dis_dfp_bcd(theInstr))
19334 if (dis_dfp_extract_insert( theInstr ) )
19340 if (dis_fp_round( theInstr ))
19344 if (dis_fp_round( theInstr ))
19349 opc2 = ifieldOPClo9( theInstr );
19354 if (dis_dfp_shift( theInstr ))
19360 if (dis_dfp_class_test( theInstr ))
19365 opc2 = ifieldOPClo8( theInstr );
19371 if (dis_dfp_quantize_sig_rrnd( theInstr ) )
19376 if (dis_dfp_exponent_test( theInstr ) )
19382 if (dis_dfp_round( theInstr ) ) {
19390 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 1, 5);
19395 if (dis_fp_arith(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19399 if (dis_fp_arith(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19403 if (dis_fp_arith(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19409 if (dis_fp_multadd(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19414 if (dis_fp_arith(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19439 if (dis_vx_permute_misc(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19444 if (dis_vx_logic(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19454 if (dis_vxs_misc(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19457 if (dis_vx_cmp(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19474 if (dis_vxs_arith(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19486 if (dis_vxv_dp_arith(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19498 if (dis_vxv_sp_arith(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19510 if (dis_vx_conv(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19526 if (dis_vx_conv(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19535 if (dis_vvec_cmp(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19552 if (dis_vxv_misc(theInstr, vsxOpc2)) goto decode_success;
19563 if (dis_int_store( theInstr, abiinfo )) goto decode_success;
19571 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 1, 5);
19576 if (dis_fp_arith(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19580 if (dis_fp_arith(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19584 if (dis_fp_arith(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19590 if (dis_fp_multadd(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19595 if (dis_fp_arith(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19602 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 1, 10);
19610 if (dis_dfp_arithq( theInstr ))
19616 if (dis_dfp_extract_insertq( theInstr ))
19623 if (dis_dfp_compare( theInstr ) )
19632 if (dis_dfp_fmt_convq( theInstr ))
19638 if (dis_dfp_significant_digits(theInstr))
19645 if (dis_dfp_bcdq(theInstr))
19652 if (dis_fp_cmp(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19657 if (dis_fp_tests(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19667 if (dis_fp_round(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19672 if (dis_fp_round(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
19682 (dis_fp_round(theInstr)))
19692 if (dis_fp_move( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19696 if (dis_fp_merge( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19708 if (dis_fp_scr( theInstr, allow_GX )) goto decode_success;
19715 opc2 = ifieldOPClo9( theInstr );
19720 if (dis_dfp_shiftq( theInstr ))
19726 if (dis_dfp_class_test( theInstr ))
19733 opc2 = ifieldOPClo8( theInstr );
19739 if (dis_dfp_quantize_sig_rrndq( theInstr ))
19744 if (dis_dfp_exponent_test( theInstr ) )
19750 if (dis_dfp_roundq( theInstr ))
19766 if (dis_cond_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19771 if (dis_branch(theInstr, abiinfo, &dres,
19778 if (dis_memsync( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19791 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 1, 9);
19800 if (dis_int_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19806 if (dis_int_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19813 if (dis_int_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19820 if (dis_int_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19824 if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19833 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 1, 10);
19837 if (dis_int_cmp( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19846 if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19853 if (dis_transactional_memory( theInstr,
19863 if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19869 if (dis_int_parity( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19873 if (dis_int_parity( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19879 if (dis_int_shift( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19887 if (dis_int_shift( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19894 if (dis_int_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19901 if (dis_int_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19907 if (dis_int_store( theInstr, abiinfo )) goto decode_success;
19913 if (dis_int_store( theInstr, abiinfo )) goto decode_success;
19919 if (dis_int_ldst_rev( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19924 if (dis_int_ldst_rev( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19931 Bool ok = dis_int_ldst_str( theInstr, &stopHere );
19945 if (dis_memsync( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19950 if (dis_memsync( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19956 if (dis_memsync( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19960 if (dis_memsync( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19969 if (dis_proc_ctl( abiinfo, theInstr )) goto decode_success;
19976 if (dis_cache_manage( theInstr, &dres, archinfo ))
19987 if (dis_trap(theInstr, &dres)) goto decode_success;
19992 if (dis_trap(theInstr, &dres)) goto decode_success;
19999 theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20006 if (dis_fp_store( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20011 if (dis_fp_store( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20018 if (dis_fp_pair(theInstr)) goto decode_success;
20023 if (dis_fp_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20028 if (dis_fp_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20036 if (dis_av_datastream( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20044 if (dis_av_load( abiinfo, theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20051 if (dis_av_store( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20066 if (dis_vx_load( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20079 if (dis_vx_store( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20086 if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20091 if (dis_int_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20100 if (IFIELD(theInstr, 0, 6) == (15<<1)) {
20101 UInt rT = ifieldRegDS( theInstr );
20102 UInt rA = ifieldRegA( theInstr );
20103 UInt rB = ifieldRegB( theInstr );
20104 UInt bi = ifieldRegC( theInstr );
20124 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 0, 6);
20131 if (dis_av_multarith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20139 if (dis_av_permute( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20144 if (dis_av_permute( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20150 if (dis_av_fp_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20156 if (dis_av_quad( theInstr)) goto decode_success;
20163 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 0, 9);
20168 if (dis_av_bcd( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20175 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 0, 11);
20199 if (dis_av_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20208 if (dis_av_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20215 if (dis_av_polymultarith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20226 if (dis_av_shift( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20232 if (dis_av_shift( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20239 if (dis_av_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20245 if (dis_av_logic( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20251 if (dis_av_procctl( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20260 if (dis_av_fp_arith( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20269 if (dis_av_fp_convert( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20278 if (dis_av_permute( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20283 if (dis_av_permute( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20295 if (dis_av_pack( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20301 if (dis_av_pack( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20308 if (dis_av_cipher( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20313 if (dis_av_hash( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20319 if (dis_av_count_bitTranspose( theInstr, opc2 )) goto decode_success;
20325 if (dis_av_count_bitTranspose( theInstr, opc2 )) goto decode_success;
20330 if (dis_av_count_bitTranspose( theInstr, opc2 )) goto decode_success;
20337 if (dis_av_quad( theInstr)) goto decode_success;
20344 opc2 = IFIELD(theInstr, 0, 10);
20352 if (dis_av_cmp( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20359 if (dis_av_cmp( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20366 if (dis_av_fp_cmp( theInstr )) goto decode_success;
20382 theInstr);
20391 theInstr);
20398 theInstr);
20405 theInstr);
20412 theInstr);
20419 theInstr);
20426 theInstr);
20432 opc2 = (theInstr) & 0x7FF;
20435 "0x%x\n", theInstr);