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Lines Matching refs:AccountColumns

40 import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.AccountColumns;
97 " where " + BaseColumns._ID + "=old." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV +
99 " where " + BaseColumns._ID + "=old." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND +
101 " where " + BaseColumns._ID + "=old." + AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY +
286 + "=" + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns._ID
287 + " and " + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV
461 + " where " + MessageChangeLogTable.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=old." + AccountColumns._ID
499 String s = " (" + AccountColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
500 + AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME + " text, "
501 + AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS + " text, "
502 + AccountColumns.SYNC_KEY + " text, "
503 + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + " integer, "
504 + AccountColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL + " text, "
505 + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + " integer, "
506 + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND + " integer, "
507 + AccountColumns.FLAGS + " integer, "
508 + AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT + " integer, "
509 + AccountColumns.COMPATIBILITY_UUID + " text, "
510 + AccountColumns.SENDER_NAME + " text, "
511 + AccountColumns.RINGTONE_URI + " text, "
512 + AccountColumns.PROTOCOL_VERSION + " text, "
513 + AccountColumns.NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT + " integer, "
514 + AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS + " integer, "
515 + AccountColumns.SECURITY_SYNC_KEY + " text, "
516 + AccountColumns.SIGNATURE + " text, "
517 + AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY + " integer, "
518 + AccountColumns.MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE + " integer, "
519 + AccountColumns.PING_DURATION + " integer"
910 + " add column " + AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS + " integer" + ";");
920 + " add column " + AccountColumns.SECURITY_SYNC_KEY + " text" + ";");
922 + " add column " + AccountColumns.SIGNATURE + " text" + ";");
1026 + " add column " + AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY + " integer;");
1186 "." + AccountColumns._ID + " from " + Account.TABLE_NAME + "," +
1188 AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + "=" + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." +
1290 db.execSQL("update " + Account.TABLE_NAME + " set " + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK
1292 + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + " is null or "
1293 + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + "<" + SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_1_DAY + " or "
1294 + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + ">" + SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_ALL);
1340 + " add column " + AccountColumns.PING_DURATION +" integer" + ";");
1342 cv.put(AccountColumns.PING_DURATION, 0);
1369 + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns._ID + " from "
1372 + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV
1446 + " add column " + AccountColumns.MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE +" integer" + ";");
1448 cv.put(AccountColumns.MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE, 0);
1479 + " WHERE " + AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME + " ISNULL;");
1493 new String[] {BaseColumns._ID /*0*/, AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS /*1*/},
1494 AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS + ">0", null, null, null, null);
1502 cv.put(AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY, policyId);
1503 cv.putNull(AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS);
1540 + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns._ID + " AND "
1541 + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + "="
1558 new String[] {AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV, AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS};
1698 new String[] {AccountColumns._ID, AccountColumns.FLAGS, AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV};
1728 cv.put(AccountColumns.FLAGS, flags | Account.FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SEARCH);
1729 db.update(Account.TABLE_NAME, cv, AccountColumns._ID + "=?",
1830 "UPDATE " + Account.TABLE_NAME + " SET " + AccountColumns.FLAGS + "=" +
1831 AccountColumns.FLAGS + "|" + Long.toString(newFlags) + " WHERE " +
1832 AccountColumns._ID + " IN (SELECT t1." + AccountColumns._ID + " FROM " +
1834 " t2 ON t1." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + "=t2._id WHERE t2." +
1837 AccountColumns.PROTOCOL_VERSION + " AS REAL)>=12.0)");
1887 "." + AccountColumns._ID + " from " + Account.TABLE_NAME + "," +
1889 AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + "=" + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." +