Lines Matching full:arena
438 iface ?want ?have ?Tgclocals·09fdd2d1cda36015f74f5aebb72a51c9 ?Tgclocals·4212c12ae09bdc06376d61fae755faba ?$"".panicnildottype ?.autotmp_1471 ?.autotmp_1473 ?.autotmp_1472 ?Tgclocals·4e299c93877724ba20a1ef05e5bcd74b ?Tgclocals·ef6d60af9f6eacf9c8e9dd2c43671487 ?"".convT2E ?4go.string."direct convT2E" ?Tgclocals·a0f0d06e2d8eebd40df9918bc972caa8 ?"".convT2I ?4go.string."direct convT2I" ?Tgclocals·fac3f12814af6212ac29bfec0af7669e ?"".convI2I ?r ?Tgclocals·70db58dbdeaaa208c693741011ef7057 ?"".assertI2I ?.autotmp_1493 ?.autotmp_1495 ?.autotmp_1494 ?Tgclocals·25c5cc083c8706bb833c83fc86be5abb ?Tgclocals·f76b07873381cd0f824eee003d0b1ab5 ?"".assertI2I2 ?Tgclocals·15cc6397869c4b6a804c57cf97101791 ?"".assertE2I ?.autotmp_1500 ?.autotmp_1502 ?.autotmp_1501 ?"".assertE2I2 ? reflect.ifaceE2I ?.autotmp_1505 ?.autotmp_1504 ?type.*"".iface ?Tgclocals·adbdf7bc98ad4b8a1ed87ff875a98d41 ?Tgclocals·60143a0d80c5e581d9b148ef4a460be0 ?.autotmp_1511 ?.autotmp_1512 ?&type.func(*"".itab) ?Tgclocals·09b80ec389a9e6ac09cfa1cd3c45263d ?"".lfstackpush ?ngo.string."runtime: lfstackpush invalid packing: node=" ?(runtime.printpointer ?"go.string." cnt=" ?(go.string." packed=" ?*go.string." -> node=" ?.go.string."lfstackpush" ?.autotmp_1521 ?.autotmp_1522 ?node ?type.*"".lfnode ?head ?type.*uint64 ?Tgclocals·cf714362dcc3db7ba779d57811225f7d ?<$GOROOT/src/runtime/lfstack.go?"".lfstackpop ?"".lfstackPack ?cnt ?H$GOROOT/src/runtime/lfstack_64bit.go? "".lfstackUnpack ?"".semacreate ?"".procyield ?"".semasleep ?"".osyield ?Jgo.string."runtime·lock: lock count" ?spin ?l ?Tgclocals·c7c4fc7b12f6707ea74acf7400192967 ?@$GOROOT/src/runtime/lock_sema.go?"".semawakeup ?Ngo.string."runtime·unlock: lock count" ?"".noteclear ?Lgo.string."notewakeup - double wakeup" ?"".notesleep ?Rgo.string."notesleep - waitm out of sync" ?>go.string."notesleep not on g0" ?.autotmp_1539 ?Tgclocals·518536f7e2af2fe2fb1cc11e16c956a6 ?,"".notetsleep_internal ?"".nanotime ?|go.string."runtime: unable to acquire - semaphore out of sync" ?zgo.string."runtime: unexpected waitm - semaphore out of sync" ?Tgo.string."notetsleep - waitm out of sync" ?.autotmp_1541 ?deadline ?ns ?Tgclocals·d4a57eb9235695d1b820a775db39f336 ?Tgclocals·5f7ae22b544db82d5d4c812af83655e9 ?"".notetsleep ?@go.string."notetsleep not on g0" ?("".entersyscallblock ?:go.string."notetsleepg on g0" ?"".mallocinit ? "".class_to_size ?""".testdefersizes ?"".physPageSize ?"".sysReserve ?""".statictmp_1560 ? "".(*mheap).init ?"".allocmcache ?0go.string."bad pagesize" ?"go.string."start" ?^go.string."misrounded allocation in mallocinit" ?~go.string."runtime: cannot reserve arena virtual address space" ?<go.string."system page size (" ?Hgo.string.") must be a power of 2\n" ?@go.string."bad system page size" ?bgo.string.") is smaller than minimum page size (" ?go.string.")\n" ?Tgo.string."failed to get system page size" ?:go.string."bad TinySizeClass" ?reserved ?spansStart ?spansSize ?
453 datap ?&type.*"".moduledata ?bv.bytedata ?.autotmp_2174 ?.autotmp_2173 ?Tgclocals·420c745b5a8572940a3f9c88dfd82df3 ?Tgclocals·d1261c73af995a5cd666e72d3f08774d ? "".gclinkptr.ptr ?type.*"".gclink ?:$GOROOT/src/runtime/mcache.go?("".(*fixalloc).alloc ?"".emptymspan ?.autotmp_2179 ?"".freemcache ?&"".freemcache.func1 ?.autotmp_2180 ?Ttype.struct { F uintptr; "".c *"".mcache } ?&"".(*mcache).refill ?0"".(*mcentral).cacheSpan ?Dgo.string."span has no free space" ?hgo.string."refill of span with free space remaining" ?.autotmp_2186 ?Tgclocals·ff86e65df292e79ee8c8989cfcf3f802 ?."".(*mcache).releaseAll ?4"".(*mcentral).uncacheSpan ?&"".(*mcentral).init ?"type.*"".mcentral ?>$GOROOT/src/runtime/mcentral.go?."".class_to_allocnpages ?&"".(*mcentral).grow ?4"".(*mSpanList).insertBack ?"".trace ?"".gcController ?""".traceHeapAlloc ?."".reimburseSweepCredit ?Hgo.string."span has no free objects" ?,"".(*mSpanList).remove ?""".(*mspan).sweep ?usedBytes ?.autotmp_2193 ?.autotmp_2194 ?$type.*"".mSpanList ?Tgclocals·7e574064588362aa7c081e12c21ebe4b ?Tgclocals·5666f017d077d8973f86ea641e40137b ?4$GOROOT/src/runtime/mgc.go?,"".(*mSpanList).insert ?`go.string."uncaching span but s.allocCount == 0" ?."".(*mcentral).freeSpan ?Pgo.string."can't preserve unlinked span" ?("".(*mheap).freeSpan ?Lgo.string."freeSpan given cached span" ?wasempty ?preserve ?Tgclocals·ec042427f8bf8c3c86d1db3523fbf4bb ?.autotmp_2197 ?"".mmap ?Tgclocals·abb2c5050fe821353449583ee1559325 ?B$GOROOT/src/runtime/mem_darwin.go?"".sysUnused ?"".madvise ?"".sysUsed ?"".munmap ?Tgclocals·16090083689717dee265cacd7bafb116 ?"".sysFault ?Tgclocals·4a8f3c39f8297730d622d31f80fc84b3 ?xgo.string."runtime: cannot map pages in arena
12792 runtime: cannot reserve arena virtual address spacebad pagesizestartmisrounded allocation in mallocinit "".mallocinit reserved ??~" ~r2 ??~" spansStart ??" spansSize ??" pSize ??" n ??" i ??" bitmapSize ??" _g_ ?`" misrounded allocation in MHeap_SysAllocruntime: memory allocated by OS () not in usable range [,"".(*mheap).sysAlloc reserved ??" ~r2 ??" used ??" top ??" stat ??" p_size ?@" p_size#6 ?H" p ?P" new_end ?X" h ? n ?" ~r1 ?" "".nextFreeFast s ? ~r1 ?" runtime: s.allocCount=s.nelems=s.allocCount != s.nelems && freeIndex == s.nelemsfreeIndex is not valids.allocCount=s.allocCount > s.nelems "".(*mcache).nextFree c ? sizeclass ?" v ?" s ?" shouldhelpgc ? " mallocgc called with gcphase == _GCmarkterminationmalloc deadlockmalloc during signal
12796 lit : repeat × "".dumpGCProg x ??" nptr ??" nbit ??" n ?@" i ?H" count ?P" p ?`" p#7 ? "".getgcmaskcb frame ? ctxt ?" ~r2 ?" reflect.gcbits x ? ~r1 ?" % C?S?I?@? "".getgcmask pcdata ??~" n ??~" n#2 ??~" n#3 ??~" n#4 ??~" base ??~" ??~" e._type ??~" datap ??" bv.bytedata ??" frame ??" ep ? mask ?" "".gclinkptr.ptr p ? ~r0 ?" "".allocmcache ~r0 ? "".freemcache c ? refill of span with free space remainingspan has no free space "".(*mcache).refill _g_ ?h" c ? sizeclass ?" ~r1 ?" "".(*mcache).releaseAll i ?h" c ? "".(*mcentral).init c ? sizeclass ?" span has no free objects "".(*mcentral).cacheSpan sg ?L" usedBytes ?P" s ?`" c ? ~r0 ?" uncaching span but s.allocCount == 0"".(*mcentral).uncacheSpan n ?l" c ? s ?" freeSpan given cached spancan't preserve unlinked span "".(*mcentral).freeSpan c ? s ?" preserve ?" wasempty ?" ~r3 ?" "".(*mcentral).grow n ?X" s ?h" c ? ~r0 ?" "".sysAlloc v ?h" n ? sysStat ?" ~r2 ?" "".sysUnused v ? n ?" "".sysUsed v ? n ?" "".sysFree v ? n ?" sysStat ?" "".sysFault v ? n ?" "".sysReserve v ? n ?" reserved ?" ~r3 ?" runtime: out of memoryruntime: cannot map pages in arena address space "".sysMap v ? n ?" reserved ?" sysStat ?" finalizer out of sync "".queuefinalizer p ? fn ?" nret ?" fint ?" ot ? " "".iterate_finq i ?d" fb ?h" callback ? "".wakefing res ?h" ~r0 ? "".createfing finalizer waitmissing type in runfinqbad kind in runfinq