Filters (which include printer drivers and port monitors) and backends are used to convert job files to a printable format and send that data to the printer itself. All of these programs use a common interface for processing print jobs and communicating status information to the scheduler. Each is run with a standard set of command-line arguments:
The scheduler runs one or more of these programs to print any given job. The first filter reads from the print file and writes to the standard output, while the remaining filters read from the standard input and write to the standard output. The backend is the last filter in the chain and writes to the device.
Filters are always run as a non-privileged user, typically "lp", with no connection to the user's desktop. Backends are run either as a non-privileged user or as root if the file permissions do not allow user or group execution. The file permissions section talks about this in more detail.
It is always important to use security programming practices. Filters and most backends are run as a non-privileged user, so the major security consideration is resource utilization - filters should not depend on unlimited amounts of CPU, memory, or disk space, and should protect against conditions that could lead to excess usage of any resource like infinite loops and unbounded recursion. In addition, filters must never allow the user to specify an arbitrary file path to a separator page, template, or other file used by the filter since that can lead to an unauthorized disclosure of information. Always treat input as suspect and validate it!
If you are developing a backend that runs as root, make sure to check for potential buffer overflows, integer under/overflow conditions, and file accesses since these can lead to privilege escalations. When writing files, always validate the file path and never allow a user to determine where to store a file.
Note:Never write files to a user's home directory. Aside from the security implications, CUPS is a network print service and as such the network user may not be the same as the local user and/or there may not be a local home directory to write to.
In addition, some operating systems provide additional security mechanisms that further limit file system access, even for backends running as root. On macOS, for example, no backend may write to a user's home directory. See the Sandboxing on macOS section for more information.
The scheduler sends SIGTERM
when a printing job is canceled or
held. Filters, backends, and port monitors must catch
and perform any cleanup necessary to produce a valid output
file or return the printer to a known good state. The recommended behavior is to
end the output on the current page, preferably on the current line or object
being printed.
Filters and backends may also receive SIGPIPE
when an upstream or downstream filter/backend exits with a non-zero status. Developers should generally ignore SIGPIPE
at the beginning of main()
with the following function call:
#include <signal.h> ... int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); ... }
For security reasons, CUPS will only run filters and backends that are owned by root and do not have world or group write permissions. The recommended permissions for filters and backends are 0555 - read and execute but no write. Backends that must run as root should use permissions of 0500 - read and execute by root, no access for other users. Write permissions can be enabled for the root user only.
To avoid a warning message, the directory containing your filter(s) must also be owned by root and have world and group write disabled - permissions of 0755 or 0555 are strongly encouraged.
Temporary files should be created in the directory specified by the
"TMPDIR" environment variable. The
function can be
used to safely create temporary files in this directory.
The argv[4]
argument specifies the number of copies to produce
of the input file. In general, you should only generate copies if the
filename argument is supplied. The only exception to this are
filters that produce device-independent PostScript output, since the PostScript
filter pstops is responsible for generating copies of PostScript
Filters must exit with status 0 when they successfully generate print data
or 1 when they encounter an error. Backends can return any of the
The following environment variables are defined by the printing system when running print filters and backends:
Filters and backends communicate with the scheduler by writing messages to the standard error file. The scheduler reads messages from all filters in a job and processes the message based on its prefix. For example, the following code sets the current printer state message to "Printing page 5":
int page = 5; fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Printing page %d\n", page);
Each message is a single line of text starting with one of the following prefix strings:
, marker-high-levels
, marker-low-levels
, marker-names
, printer-alert
, and
printer attributes. Standard
values are listed in Table
1. String values need special handling - see Reporting Attribute String Values below.Messages without one of these prefixes are treated as if they began with the "DEBUG:" prefix string.
marker-type | Description |
developer | Developer unit |
fuser | Fuser unit |
fuser-cleaning-pad | Fuser cleaning pad |
fuser-oil | Fuser oil |
ink | Ink supply |
opc | Photo conductor |
solid-wax | Wax supply |
staples | Staple supply |
toner | Toner supply |
transfer-unit | Transfer unit |
waste-ink | Waste ink tank |
waste-toner | Waste toner tank |
waste-wax | Waste wax tank |
Keyword | Description |
connecting-to-device | Connecting to printer but not printing yet. |
cover-open | The printer's cover is open. |
input-tray-missing | The paper tray is missing. |
marker-supply-empty | The printer is out of ink. |
marker-supply-low | The printer is almost out of ink. |
marker-waste-almost-full | The printer's waste bin is almost full. |
marker-waste-full | The printer's waste bin is full. |
media-empty | The paper tray (any paper tray) is empty. |
media-jam | There is a paper jam. |
media-low | The paper tray (any paper tray) is almost empty. |
media-needed | The paper tray needs to be filled (for a job that is printing). |
paused | Stop the printer. |
timed-out | Unable to connect to printer. |
toner-empty | The printer is out of toner. |
toner-low | The printer is low on toner. |
When reporting string values using "ATTR:" messages, a filter or backend must take special care to appropriately quote those values. The scheduler uses the CUPS option parsing code for attributes, so the general syntax is:
name=simple name=simple,simple,... name='complex value' name="complex value" name='"complex value"','"complex value"',...
Simple values are strings that do not contain spaces, quotes, backslashes, or the comma and can be placed verbatim in the "ATTR:" message, for example:
int levels[4] = { 40, 50, 60, 70 }; /* CMYK */ fputs("ATTR: marker-colors=#00FFFF,#FF00FF,#FFFF00,#000000\n", stderr); fputs("ATTR: marker-high-levels=100,100,100,100\n", stderr); fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: marker-levels=%d,%d,%d,%d\n", levels[0], levels[1], levels[2], levels[3], levels[4]); fputs("ATTR: marker-low-levels=5,5,5,5\n", stderr); fputs("ATTR: marker-types=toner,toner,toner,toner\n", stderr);
Complex values that contains spaces, quotes, backslashes, or the comma must be quoted. For a single value a single set of quotes is sufficient:
fputs("ATTR: marker-message='Levels shown are approximate.'\n", stderr);
When multiple values are reported, each value must be enclosed by a set of single and double quotes:
fputs("ATTR: marker-names='\"Cyan Toner\"','\"Magenta Toner\"'," "'\"Yellow Toner\"','\"Black Toner\"'\n", stderr);
The IPP backend includes a quote_string function that may be used to properly quote a complex value in an "ATTR:" message:
static const char * /* O - Quoted string */ quote_string(const char *s, /* I - String */ char *q, /* I - Quoted string buffer */ size_t qsize) /* I - Size of quoted string buffer */ { char *qptr, /* Pointer into string buffer */ *qend; /* End of string buffer */ qptr = q; qend = q + qsize - 5; if (qend < q) { *q = '\0'; return (q); } *qptr++ = '\''; *qptr++ = '\"'; while (*s && qptr < qend) { if (*s == '\\' || *s == '\"' || *s == '\'') { if (qptr < (qend - 4)) { *qptr++ = '\\'; *qptr++ = '\\'; *qptr++ = '\\'; } else break; } *qptr++ = *s++; } *qptr++ = '\"'; *qptr++ = '\''; *qptr = '\0'; return (q); }
Filters are responsible for managing the state keywords they set using "STATE:" messages. Typically you will update all of the keywords that are used by the filter at startup, for example:
if (foo_condition != 0) fputs("STATE:\n", stderr); else fputs("STATE:\n", stderr); if (bar_condition != 0) fputs("STATE:\n", stderr); else fputs("STATE:\n", stderr);
Then as conditions change, your filter sends "STATE: +keyword" or "STATE: -keyword" messages as necessary to set or clear the corresponding keyword, respectively.
State keywords are often used to notify the user of issues that span across jobs, for example "media-empty-warning" that indicates one or more paper trays are empty. These keywords should not be cleared unless the corresponding issue no longer exists.
Filters should clear job-related keywords on startup and exit so that they do not remain set between jobs. For example, "connecting-to-device" is a job sub-state and not an issue that applies when a job is not printing.
Note:"STATE:" messages often provide visible alerts to the user. For example, on macOS setting a printer-state-reason value with an "-error" or "-warning" suffix will cause the printer's dock item to bounce if the corresponding reason is localized with a cupsIPPReason keyword in the printer's PPD file.
When providing a vendor-prefixed keyword, always provide the corresponding standard keyword (if any) to allow clients to respond to the condition correctly. For example, if you provide a vendor-prefixed keyword for a low cyan ink condition ("com.example.cyan-ink-low") you must also set the "marker-supply-low-warning" keyword. In such cases you should also refrain from localizing the vendor-prefixed keyword in the PPD file - otherwise both the generic and vendor-specific keyword will be shown in the user interface.
CUPS tracks several "marker-*" attributes for ink/toner supply level reporting. These attributes allow applications to display the current supply levels for a printer without printer-specific software. Table 3 lists the marker attributes and what they represent.
Filters set marker attributes by sending "ATTR:" messages to stderr. For example, a filter supporting an inkjet printer with black and tri-color ink cartridges would use the following to initialize the supply attributes:
fputs("ATTR: marker-colors=#000000,#00FFFF#FF00FF#FFFF00\n", stderr); fputs("ATTR: marker-low-levels=5,10\n", stderr); fputs("ATTR: marker-names=Black,Tri-Color\n", stderr); fputs("ATTR: marker-types=ink,ink\n", stderr);
Then periodically the filter queries the printer for its current supply levels and updates them with a separate "ATTR:" message:
int black_level, tri_level; ... fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: marker-levels=%d,%d\n", black_level, tri_level);
Attribute | Description |
marker-colors | A list of comma-separated colors; each color is either "none" or one or more hex-encoded sRGB colors of the form "#RRGGBB". |
marker-high-levels | A list of comma-separated "almost full" level values from 0 to 100; a value of 100 should be used for supplies that are consumed/emptied like ink cartridges. |
marker-levels | A list of comma-separated level values for each supply. A value of -1 indicates the level is unavailable, -2 indicates unknown, and -3 indicates the level is unknown but has not yet reached capacity. Values from 0 to 100 indicate the corresponding percentage. |
marker-low-levels | A list of comma-separated "almost empty" level values from 0 to 100; a value of 0 should be used for supplies that are filled like waste ink tanks. |
marker-message | A human-readable supply status message for the user like "12 pages of ink remaining." |
marker-names | A list of comma-separated supply names like "Cyan Ink", "Fuser", etc. |
marker-types | A list of comma-separated supply types; the types are listed in Table 1. |
Filters can communicate with the backend via the
functions. The
reads data that has been sent back from the device and is typically used to
obtain status and configuration information. For example, the following code
polls the backend for back-channel data:
#include <cups/cups.h> char buffer[8192]; ssize_t bytes; /* Use a timeout of 0.0 seconds to poll for back-channel data */ bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0.0);
Filters can also use select()
or poll()
on the
back-channel file descriptor (3 or CUPS_BC_FD
) to read data only
when it is available.
function allows you to get out-of-band status information and do synchronization
with the device. For example, the following code gets the current IEEE-1284
device ID string from the backend:
#include <cups/sidechannel.h> char data[2049]; int datalen; cups_sc_status_t status; /* Tell cupsSideChannelDoRequest() how big our buffer is, less 1 byte for nul-termination... */ datalen = sizeof(data) - 1; /* Get the IEEE-1284 device ID, waiting for up to 1 second */ status = cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ID, data, &datalen, 1.0); /* Use the returned value if OK was returned and the length is non-zero */ if (status == CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK && datalen > 0) data[datalen] = '\0'; else data[0] = '\0';
function allows you to tell the backend to send all pending data to the printer.
This is most often needed when sending query commands to the printer. For example:
#include <cups/cups.h> #include <cups/sidechannel.h> char data[1024]; int datalen = sizeof(data); cups_sc_status_t status; /* Flush pending output to stdout */ fflush(stdout); /* Drain output to backend, waiting for up to 30 seconds */ status = cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_DRAIN_OUTPUT, data, &datalen, 30.0); /* Read the response if the output was sent */ if (status == CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK) { ssize_t bytes; /* Wait up to 10.0 seconds for back-channel data */ bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(data, sizeof(data), 10.0); /* do something with the data from the printer */ }
Backends communicate with filters using the reciprocal functions
, and
. We
recommend writing back-channel data using a timeout of 1.0 seconds:
#include <cups/cups.h> char buffer[8192]; ssize_t bytes; /* Obtain data from printer/device */ ... /* Use a timeout of 1.0 seconds to give filters a chance to read */ cupsBackChannelWrite(buffer, bytes, 1.0);
The cupsSideChannelRead
function reads a side-channel command from a filter, driver, or port monitor.
Backends can either poll for commands using a timeout
of 0.0, wait
indefinitely for commands using a timeout
of -1.0 (probably in a
separate thread for that purpose), or use select
on the CUPS_SC_FD
file descriptor (4) to handle
input and output on several file descriptors at the same time.
Once a command is processed, the backend uses the
to send its response. For example, the following code shows how to poll for a
side-channel command and respond to it:
#include <cups/sidechannel.h> cups_sc_command_t command; cups_sc_status_t status; char data[2048]; int datalen = sizeof(data); /* Poll for a command... */ if (!cupsSideChannelRead(&command, &status, data, &datalen, 0.0)) { switch (command) { /* handle supported commands, fill data/datalen/status with values as needed */ default : status = CUPS_SC_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; datalen = 0; break; } /* Send a response... */ cupsSideChannelWrite(command, status, data, datalen, 1.0); }
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) allows you to get the current status, page counter, and supply levels from most network printers. Every piece of information is associated with an Object Identifier (OID), and every printer has a community name associated with it. OIDs can be queried directly or by "walking" over a range of OIDs with a common prefix.
The two CUPS SNMP functions provide a simple API for querying network printers through the side-channel interface. Each accepts a string containing an OID like "." (the standard page counter OID) along with a timeout for the query.
The cupsSideChannelSNMPGet
function queries a single OID and returns the value as a string in a buffer
you supply:
#include <cups/sidechannel.h> char data[512]; int datalen = sizeof(data); if (cupsSideChannelSNMPGet(".", data, &datalen, 5.0) == CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK) { /* Do something with the value */ printf("Page counter is: %s\n", data); }
function allows you to query a whole group of OIDs, calling a function of your
choice for each OID that is found:
#include <cups/sidechannel.h> void my_callback(const char *oid, const char *data, int datalen, void *context) { /* Do something with the value */ printf("%s=%s\n", oid, data); } ... void *my_data; cupsSNMPSideChannelWalk(".", 5.0, my_callback, my_data);
Starting with macOS 10.6, filters and backends are run inside a security "sandbox" which further limits (beyond the normal UNIX user/group permissions) what a filter or backend can do. This helps to both secure the printing system from malicious software and enforce the functional separation of components in the CUPS filter chain. What follows is a list of actions that are explicitly allowed for all filters and backends:
environment variable, to the state directory specified by the CUPS_STATEDIR
environment variable, to the temporary directory specified by the TMPDIR
environment variable, and under the /private/var/db, /private/var/folders, /private/var/lib, /private/var/mysql, /private/var/run, /private/var/spool (except /private/var/spool/cups), /Library/Application Support, /Library/Caches, /Library/Logs, /Library/Preferences, /Library/WebServer, and /Users/Shared directories.notify_post()
API.Note: The sandbox profile used in CUPS 2.0 still allows some actions that are not listed above - these privileges will be removed over time until the profile matches the list above.