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      1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/debug/debug.h"
      7 #include <memory>
      9 #include "src/api.h"
     10 #include "src/arguments.h"
     11 #include "src/bootstrapper.h"
     12 #include "src/code-stubs.h"
     13 #include "src/codegen.h"
     14 #include "src/compilation-cache.h"
     15 #include "src/compiler-dispatcher/optimizing-compile-dispatcher.h"
     16 #include "src/compiler.h"
     17 #include "src/debug/liveedit.h"
     18 #include "src/deoptimizer.h"
     19 #include "src/execution.h"
     20 #include "src/frames-inl.h"
     21 #include "src/full-codegen/full-codegen.h"
     22 #include "src/global-handles.h"
     23 #include "src/globals.h"
     24 #include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h"
     25 #include "src/isolate-inl.h"
     26 #include "src/list.h"
     27 #include "src/log.h"
     28 #include "src/messages.h"
     29 #include "src/snapshot/natives.h"
     30 #include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"
     32 #include "include/v8-debug.h"
     34 namespace v8 {
     35 namespace internal {
     37 Debug::Debug(Isolate* isolate)
     38     : debug_context_(Handle<Context>()),
     39       event_listener_(Handle<Object>()),
     40       event_listener_data_(Handle<Object>()),
     41       message_handler_(NULL),
     42       command_received_(0),
     43       command_queue_(isolate->logger(), kQueueInitialSize),
     44       is_active_(false),
     45       is_suppressed_(false),
     46       live_edit_enabled_(true),  // TODO(yangguo): set to false by default.
     47       break_disabled_(false),
     48       break_points_active_(true),
     49       in_debug_event_listener_(false),
     50       break_on_exception_(false),
     51       break_on_uncaught_exception_(false),
     52       debug_info_list_(NULL),
     53       feature_tracker_(isolate),
     54       isolate_(isolate) {
     55   ThreadInit();
     56 }
     58 BreakLocation BreakLocation::FromFrame(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info,
     59                                        JavaScriptFrame* frame) {
     60   FrameSummary summary = FrameSummary::GetFirst(frame);
     61   int offset = summary.code_offset();
     62   Handle<AbstractCode> abstract_code = summary.abstract_code();
     63   if (abstract_code->IsCode()) offset = offset - 1;
     64   auto it = BreakIterator::GetIterator(debug_info, abstract_code);
     65   it->SkipTo(BreakIndexFromCodeOffset(debug_info, abstract_code, offset));
     66   return it->GetBreakLocation();
     67 }
     69 void BreakLocation::AllAtCurrentStatement(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info,
     70                                           JavaScriptFrame* frame,
     71                                           List<BreakLocation>* result_out) {
     72   FrameSummary summary = FrameSummary::GetFirst(frame);
     73   int offset = summary.code_offset();
     74   Handle<AbstractCode> abstract_code = summary.abstract_code();
     75   if (abstract_code->IsCode()) offset = offset - 1;
     76   int statement_position;
     77   {
     78     auto it = BreakIterator::GetIterator(debug_info, abstract_code);
     79     it->SkipTo(BreakIndexFromCodeOffset(debug_info, abstract_code, offset));
     80     statement_position = it->statement_position();
     81   }
     82   for (auto it = BreakIterator::GetIterator(debug_info, abstract_code);
     83        !it->Done(); it->Next()) {
     84     if (it->statement_position() == statement_position) {
     85       result_out->Add(it->GetBreakLocation());
     86     }
     87   }
     88 }
     90 int BreakLocation::BreakIndexFromCodeOffset(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info,
     91                                             Handle<AbstractCode> abstract_code,
     92                                             int offset) {
     93   // Run through all break points to locate the one closest to the address.
     94   int closest_break = 0;
     95   int distance = kMaxInt;
     96   DCHECK(0 <= offset && offset < abstract_code->Size());
     97   for (auto it = BreakIterator::GetIterator(debug_info, abstract_code);
     98        !it->Done(); it->Next()) {
     99     // Check if this break point is closer that what was previously found.
    100     if (it->code_offset() <= offset && offset - it->code_offset() < distance) {
    101       closest_break = it->break_index();
    102       distance = offset - it->code_offset();
    103       // Check whether we can't get any closer.
    104       if (distance == 0) break;
    105     }
    106   }
    107   return closest_break;
    108 }
    110 bool BreakLocation::HasBreakPoint(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info) const {
    111   // First check whether there is a break point with the same source position.
    112   if (!debug_info->HasBreakPoint(position_)) return false;
    113   // Then check whether a break point at that source position would have
    114   // the same code offset. Otherwise it's just a break location that we can
    115   // step to, but not actually a location where we can put a break point.
    116   if (abstract_code_->IsCode()) {
    117     DCHECK_EQ(debug_info->DebugCode(), abstract_code_->GetCode());
    118     CodeBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
    119     it.SkipToPosition(position_, BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED);
    120     return it.code_offset() == code_offset_;
    121   } else {
    122     DCHECK(abstract_code_->IsBytecodeArray());
    123     BytecodeArrayBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
    124     it.SkipToPosition(position_, BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED);
    125     return it.code_offset() == code_offset_;
    126   }
    127 }
    129 std::unique_ptr<BreakIterator> BreakIterator::GetIterator(
    130     Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info, Handle<AbstractCode> abstract_code,
    131     BreakLocatorType type) {
    132   if (abstract_code->IsBytecodeArray()) {
    133     DCHECK(debug_info->HasDebugBytecodeArray());
    134     return std::unique_ptr<BreakIterator>(
    135         new BytecodeArrayBreakIterator(debug_info, type));
    136   } else {
    137     DCHECK(abstract_code->IsCode());
    138     DCHECK(debug_info->HasDebugCode());
    139     return std::unique_ptr<BreakIterator>(
    140         new CodeBreakIterator(debug_info, type));
    141   }
    142 }
    144 BreakIterator::BreakIterator(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info,
    145                              BreakLocatorType type)
    146     : debug_info_(debug_info), break_index_(-1), break_locator_type_(type) {
    147   position_ = debug_info->shared()->start_position();
    148   statement_position_ = position_;
    149 }
    151 int BreakIterator::BreakIndexFromPosition(int source_position,
    152                                           BreakPositionAlignment alignment) {
    153   int distance = kMaxInt;
    154   int closest_break = break_index();
    155   while (!Done()) {
    156     int next_position;
    157     if (alignment == STATEMENT_ALIGNED) {
    158       next_position = statement_position();
    159     } else {
    160       DCHECK(alignment == BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED);
    161       next_position = position();
    162     }
    163     if (source_position <= next_position &&
    164         next_position - source_position < distance) {
    165       closest_break = break_index();
    166       distance = next_position - source_position;
    167       // Check whether we can't get any closer.
    168       if (distance == 0) break;
    169     }
    170     Next();
    171   }
    172   return closest_break;
    173 }
    175 CodeBreakIterator::CodeBreakIterator(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info,
    176                                      BreakLocatorType type)
    177     : BreakIterator(debug_info, type),
    178       reloc_iterator_(debug_info->DebugCode(), GetModeMask(type)),
    179       source_position_iterator_(
    180           debug_info->DebugCode()->source_position_table()) {
    181   // There is at least one break location.
    182   DCHECK(!Done());
    183   Next();
    184 }
    186 int CodeBreakIterator::GetModeMask(BreakLocatorType type) {
    187   int mask = 0;
    188   mask |= RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_RETURN);
    189   mask |= RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CALL);
    190   if (isolate()->is_tail_call_elimination_enabled()) {
    191     mask |= RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_TAIL_CALL);
    192   }
    193   if (type == ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS) {
    194     mask |= RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_POSITION);
    195     mask |= RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::DEBUGGER_STATEMENT);
    196   }
    197   return mask;
    198 }
    200 void CodeBreakIterator::Next() {
    201   DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    202   DCHECK(!Done());
    204   // Iterate through reloc info stopping at each breakable code target.
    205   bool first = break_index_ == -1;
    207   if (!first) reloc_iterator_.next();
    208   first = false;
    209   if (Done()) return;
    211   int offset = code_offset();
    212   while (!source_position_iterator_.done() &&
    213          source_position_iterator_.code_offset() <= offset) {
    214     position_ = source_position_iterator_.source_position().ScriptOffset();
    215     if (source_position_iterator_.is_statement()) {
    216       statement_position_ = position_;
    217     }
    218     source_position_iterator_.Advance();
    219   }
    221   DCHECK(RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlot(rmode()) ||
    222          RelocInfo::IsDebuggerStatement(rmode()));
    223   break_index_++;
    224 }
    226 DebugBreakType CodeBreakIterator::GetDebugBreakType() {
    227   if (RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlotAtReturn(rmode())) {
    228     return DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_RETURN;
    229   } else if (RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlotAtCall(rmode())) {
    230     return DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CALL;
    231   } else if (RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlotAtTailCall(rmode())) {
    232     return isolate()->is_tail_call_elimination_enabled()
    233                ? DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_TAIL_CALL
    234                : DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CALL;
    235   } else if (RelocInfo::IsDebuggerStatement(rmode())) {
    236     return DEBUGGER_STATEMENT;
    237   } else if (RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlot(rmode())) {
    238     return DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT;
    239   } else {
    240     return NOT_DEBUG_BREAK;
    241   }
    242 }
    244 void CodeBreakIterator::SkipToPosition(int position,
    245                                        BreakPositionAlignment alignment) {
    246   CodeBreakIterator it(debug_info_, break_locator_type_);
    247   SkipTo(it.BreakIndexFromPosition(position, alignment));
    248 }
    250 void CodeBreakIterator::SetDebugBreak() {
    251   DebugBreakType debug_break_type = GetDebugBreakType();
    252   if (debug_break_type == DEBUGGER_STATEMENT) return;
    253   DCHECK(debug_break_type >= DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT);
    254   Builtins* builtins = isolate()->builtins();
    255   Handle<Code> target = debug_break_type == DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_RETURN
    256                             ? builtins->Return_DebugBreak()
    257                             : builtins->Slot_DebugBreak();
    258   DebugCodegen::PatchDebugBreakSlot(isolate(), rinfo()->pc(), target);
    259 }
    261 void CodeBreakIterator::ClearDebugBreak() {
    262   DebugBreakType debug_break_type = GetDebugBreakType();
    263   if (debug_break_type == DEBUGGER_STATEMENT) return;
    264   DCHECK(debug_break_type >= DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT);
    265   DebugCodegen::ClearDebugBreakSlot(isolate(), rinfo()->pc());
    266 }
    268 bool CodeBreakIterator::IsDebugBreak() {
    269   DebugBreakType debug_break_type = GetDebugBreakType();
    270   if (debug_break_type == DEBUGGER_STATEMENT) return false;
    271   DCHECK(debug_break_type >= DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT);
    272   return DebugCodegen::DebugBreakSlotIsPatched(rinfo()->pc());
    273 }
    275 BreakLocation CodeBreakIterator::GetBreakLocation() {
    276   Handle<AbstractCode> code(AbstractCode::cast(debug_info_->DebugCode()));
    277   return BreakLocation(code, GetDebugBreakType(), code_offset(), position_);
    278 }
    280 BytecodeArrayBreakIterator::BytecodeArrayBreakIterator(
    281     Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info, BreakLocatorType type)
    282     : BreakIterator(debug_info, type),
    283       source_position_iterator_(
    284           debug_info->DebugBytecodeArray()->source_position_table()) {
    285   // There is at least one break location.
    286   DCHECK(!Done());
    287   Next();
    288 }
    290 void BytecodeArrayBreakIterator::Next() {
    291   DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    292   DCHECK(!Done());
    293   bool first = break_index_ == -1;
    294   while (!Done()) {
    295     if (!first) source_position_iterator_.Advance();
    296     first = false;
    297     if (Done()) return;
    298     position_ = source_position_iterator_.source_position().ScriptOffset();
    299     if (source_position_iterator_.is_statement()) {
    300       statement_position_ = position_;
    301     }
    302     DCHECK(position_ >= 0);
    303     DCHECK(statement_position_ >= 0);
    305     DebugBreakType type = GetDebugBreakType();
    306     if (type == NOT_DEBUG_BREAK) continue;
    308     if (break_locator_type_ == ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS) break;
    310     DCHECK_EQ(CALLS_AND_RETURNS, break_locator_type_);
    311     if (type == DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CALL) break;
    312     if (type == DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_RETURN) break;
    313   }
    314   break_index_++;
    315 }
    317 DebugBreakType BytecodeArrayBreakIterator::GetDebugBreakType() {
    318   BytecodeArray* bytecode_array = debug_info_->OriginalBytecodeArray();
    319   interpreter::Bytecode bytecode =
    320       interpreter::Bytecodes::FromByte(bytecode_array->get(code_offset()));
    322   if (bytecode == interpreter::Bytecode::kDebugger) {
    323     return DEBUGGER_STATEMENT;
    324   } else if (bytecode == interpreter::Bytecode::kReturn) {
    325     return DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_RETURN;
    326   } else if (bytecode == interpreter::Bytecode::kTailCall) {
    327     return isolate()->is_tail_call_elimination_enabled()
    328                ? DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_TAIL_CALL
    329                : DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CALL;
    330   } else if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsCallOrNew(bytecode)) {
    331     return DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CALL;
    332   } else if (source_position_iterator_.is_statement()) {
    333     return DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT;
    334   } else {
    335     return NOT_DEBUG_BREAK;
    336   }
    337 }
    339 void BytecodeArrayBreakIterator::SkipToPosition(
    340     int position, BreakPositionAlignment alignment) {
    341   BytecodeArrayBreakIterator it(debug_info_, break_locator_type_);
    342   SkipTo(it.BreakIndexFromPosition(position, alignment));
    343 }
    345 void BytecodeArrayBreakIterator::SetDebugBreak() {
    346   DebugBreakType debug_break_type = GetDebugBreakType();
    347   if (debug_break_type == DEBUGGER_STATEMENT) return;
    348   DCHECK(debug_break_type >= DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT);
    349   BytecodeArray* bytecode_array = debug_info_->DebugBytecodeArray();
    350   interpreter::Bytecode bytecode =
    351       interpreter::Bytecodes::FromByte(bytecode_array->get(code_offset()));
    352   if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsDebugBreak(bytecode)) return;
    353   interpreter::Bytecode debugbreak =
    354       interpreter::Bytecodes::GetDebugBreak(bytecode);
    355   bytecode_array->set(code_offset(),
    356                       interpreter::Bytecodes::ToByte(debugbreak));
    357 }
    359 void BytecodeArrayBreakIterator::ClearDebugBreak() {
    360   DebugBreakType debug_break_type = GetDebugBreakType();
    361   if (debug_break_type == DEBUGGER_STATEMENT) return;
    362   DCHECK(debug_break_type >= DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT);
    363   BytecodeArray* bytecode_array = debug_info_->DebugBytecodeArray();
    364   BytecodeArray* original = debug_info_->OriginalBytecodeArray();
    365   bytecode_array->set(code_offset(), original->get(code_offset()));
    366 }
    368 bool BytecodeArrayBreakIterator::IsDebugBreak() {
    369   DebugBreakType debug_break_type = GetDebugBreakType();
    370   if (debug_break_type == DEBUGGER_STATEMENT) return false;
    371   DCHECK(debug_break_type >= DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT);
    372   BytecodeArray* bytecode_array = debug_info_->DebugBytecodeArray();
    373   interpreter::Bytecode bytecode =
    374       interpreter::Bytecodes::FromByte(bytecode_array->get(code_offset()));
    375   return interpreter::Bytecodes::IsDebugBreak(bytecode);
    376 }
    378 BreakLocation BytecodeArrayBreakIterator::GetBreakLocation() {
    379   Handle<AbstractCode> code(
    380       AbstractCode::cast(debug_info_->DebugBytecodeArray()));
    381   return BreakLocation(code, GetDebugBreakType(), code_offset(), position_);
    382 }
    385 void DebugFeatureTracker::Track(DebugFeatureTracker::Feature feature) {
    386   uint32_t mask = 1 << feature;
    387   // Only count one sample per feature and isolate.
    388   if (bitfield_ & mask) return;
    389   isolate_->counters()->debug_feature_usage()->AddSample(feature);
    390   bitfield_ |= mask;
    391 }
    394 // Threading support.
    395 void Debug::ThreadInit() {
    396   thread_local_.break_count_ = 0;
    397   thread_local_.break_id_ = 0;
    398   thread_local_.break_frame_id_ = StackFrame::NO_ID;
    399   thread_local_.last_step_action_ = StepNone;
    400   thread_local_.last_statement_position_ = kNoSourcePosition;
    401   thread_local_.last_fp_ = 0;
    402   thread_local_.target_fp_ = 0;
    403   thread_local_.return_value_ = Handle<Object>();
    404   clear_suspended_generator();
    405   // TODO(isolates): frames_are_dropped_?
    406   base::NoBarrier_Store(&thread_local_.current_debug_scope_,
    407                         static_cast<base::AtomicWord>(0));
    408 }
    411 char* Debug::ArchiveDebug(char* storage) {
    412   // Simply reset state. Don't archive anything.
    413   ThreadInit();
    414   return storage + ArchiveSpacePerThread();
    415 }
    418 char* Debug::RestoreDebug(char* storage) {
    419   // Simply reset state. Don't restore anything.
    420   ThreadInit();
    421   return storage + ArchiveSpacePerThread();
    422 }
    424 int Debug::ArchiveSpacePerThread() { return 0; }
    426 void Debug::Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v) {
    427   v->VisitPointer(&thread_local_.suspended_generator_);
    428 }
    430 DebugInfoListNode::DebugInfoListNode(DebugInfo* debug_info): next_(NULL) {
    431   // Globalize the request debug info object and make it weak.
    432   GlobalHandles* global_handles = debug_info->GetIsolate()->global_handles();
    433   debug_info_ =
    434       Handle<DebugInfo>::cast(global_handles->Create(debug_info)).location();
    435 }
    438 DebugInfoListNode::~DebugInfoListNode() {
    439   if (debug_info_ == nullptr) return;
    440   GlobalHandles::Destroy(reinterpret_cast<Object**>(debug_info_));
    441   debug_info_ = nullptr;
    442 }
    445 bool Debug::Load() {
    446   // Return if debugger is already loaded.
    447   if (is_loaded()) return true;
    449   // Bail out if we're already in the process of compiling the native
    450   // JavaScript source code for the debugger.
    451   if (is_suppressed_) return false;
    452   SuppressDebug while_loading(this);
    454   // Disable breakpoints and interrupts while compiling and running the
    455   // debugger scripts including the context creation code.
    456   DisableBreak disable(this, true);
    457   PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate_);
    459   // Create the debugger context.
    460   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    461   ExtensionConfiguration no_extensions;
    462   // TODO(yangguo): we rely on the fact that first context snapshot is usable
    463   //                as debug context. This dependency is gone once we remove
    464   //                debug context completely.
    465   static const int kFirstContextSnapshotIndex = 0;
    466   Handle<Context> context = isolate_->bootstrapper()->CreateEnvironment(
    467       MaybeHandle<JSGlobalProxy>(), v8::Local<ObjectTemplate>(), &no_extensions,
    468       kFirstContextSnapshotIndex, DEBUG_CONTEXT);
    470   // Fail if no context could be created.
    471   if (context.is_null()) return false;
    473   debug_context_ = Handle<Context>::cast(
    474       isolate_->global_handles()->Create(*context));
    476   feature_tracker()->Track(DebugFeatureTracker::kActive);
    478   return true;
    479 }
    482 void Debug::Unload() {
    483   ClearAllBreakPoints();
    484   ClearStepping();
    486   // Return debugger is not loaded.
    487   if (!is_loaded()) return;
    489   // Clear debugger context global handle.
    490   GlobalHandles::Destroy(Handle<Object>::cast(debug_context_).location());
    491   debug_context_ = Handle<Context>();
    492 }
    494 void Debug::Break(JavaScriptFrame* frame) {
    495   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    497   // Initialize LiveEdit.
    498   LiveEdit::InitializeThreadLocal(this);
    500   // Just continue if breaks are disabled or debugger cannot be loaded.
    501   if (break_disabled()) return;
    503   // Enter the debugger.
    504   DebugScope debug_scope(this);
    505   if (debug_scope.failed()) return;
    507   // Postpone interrupt during breakpoint processing.
    508   PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate_);
    510   // Get the debug info (create it if it does not exist).
    511   Handle<JSFunction> function(frame->function());
    512   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(function->shared());
    513   if (!EnsureDebugInfo(shared, function)) {
    514     // Return if we failed to retrieve the debug info.
    515     return;
    516   }
    517   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(shared->GetDebugInfo(), isolate_);
    519   // Find the break location where execution has stopped.
    520   BreakLocation location = BreakLocation::FromFrame(debug_info, frame);
    522   // Find actual break points, if any, and trigger debug break event.
    523   Handle<Object> break_points_hit = CheckBreakPoints(debug_info, &location);
    524   if (!break_points_hit->IsUndefined(isolate_)) {
    525     // Clear all current stepping setup.
    526     ClearStepping();
    527     // Notify the debug event listeners.
    528     OnDebugBreak(break_points_hit, false);
    529     return;
    530   }
    532   // No break point. Check for stepping.
    533   StepAction step_action = last_step_action();
    534   Address current_fp = frame->UnpaddedFP();
    535   Address target_fp = thread_local_.target_fp_;
    536   Address last_fp = thread_local_.last_fp_;
    538   bool step_break = false;
    539   switch (step_action) {
    540     case StepNone:
    541       return;
    542     case StepOut:
    543       // Step out has not reached the target frame yet.
    544       if (current_fp < target_fp) return;
    545       step_break = true;
    546       break;
    547     case StepNext:
    548       // Step next should not break in a deeper frame.
    549       if (current_fp < target_fp) return;
    550       // For step-next, a tail call is like a return and should break.
    551       step_break = location.IsTailCall();
    552     // Fall through.
    553     case StepIn: {
    554       FrameSummary summary = FrameSummary::GetFirst(frame);
    555       int offset = summary.code_offset();
    556       step_break = step_break || location.IsReturn() ||
    557                    (current_fp != last_fp) ||
    558                    (thread_local_.last_statement_position_ !=
    559                     summary.abstract_code()->SourceStatementPosition(offset));
    560       break;
    561     }
    562     case StepFrame:
    563       step_break = current_fp != last_fp;
    564       break;
    565   }
    567   // Clear all current stepping setup.
    568   ClearStepping();
    570   if (step_break) {
    571     // Notify the debug event listeners.
    572     OnDebugBreak(isolate_->factory()->undefined_value(), false);
    573   } else {
    574     // Re-prepare to continue.
    575     PrepareStep(step_action);
    576   }
    577 }
    580 // Find break point objects for this location, if any, and evaluate them.
    581 // Return an array of break point objects that evaluated true.
    582 Handle<Object> Debug::CheckBreakPoints(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info,
    583                                        BreakLocation* location,
    584                                        bool* has_break_points) {
    585   Factory* factory = isolate_->factory();
    586   bool has_break_points_to_check =
    587       break_points_active_ && location->HasBreakPoint(debug_info);
    588   if (has_break_points) *has_break_points = has_break_points_to_check;
    589   if (!has_break_points_to_check) return factory->undefined_value();
    591   Handle<Object> break_point_objects =
    592       debug_info->GetBreakPointObjects(location->position());
    593   // Count the number of break points hit. If there are multiple break points
    594   // they are in a FixedArray.
    595   Handle<FixedArray> break_points_hit;
    596   int break_points_hit_count = 0;
    597   DCHECK(!break_point_objects->IsUndefined(isolate_));
    598   if (break_point_objects->IsFixedArray()) {
    599     Handle<FixedArray> array(FixedArray::cast(*break_point_objects));
    600     break_points_hit = factory->NewFixedArray(array->length());
    601     for (int i = 0; i < array->length(); i++) {
    602       Handle<Object> break_point_object(array->get(i), isolate_);
    603       if (CheckBreakPoint(break_point_object)) {
    604         break_points_hit->set(break_points_hit_count++, *break_point_object);
    605       }
    606     }
    607   } else {
    608     break_points_hit = factory->NewFixedArray(1);
    609     if (CheckBreakPoint(break_point_objects)) {
    610       break_points_hit->set(break_points_hit_count++, *break_point_objects);
    611     }
    612   }
    613   if (break_points_hit_count == 0) return factory->undefined_value();
    614   Handle<JSArray> result = factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(break_points_hit);
    615   result->set_length(Smi::FromInt(break_points_hit_count));
    616   return result;
    617 }
    620 bool Debug::IsMutedAtCurrentLocation(JavaScriptFrame* frame) {
    621   // A break location is considered muted if break locations on the current
    622   // statement have at least one break point, and all of these break points
    623   // evaluate to false. Aside from not triggering a debug break event at the
    624   // break location, we also do not trigger one for debugger statements, nor
    625   // an exception event on exception at this location.
    626   Object* fun = frame->function();
    627   if (!fun->IsJSFunction()) return false;
    628   JSFunction* function = JSFunction::cast(fun);
    629   if (!function->shared()->HasDebugInfo()) return false;
    630   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    631   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(function->shared()->GetDebugInfo());
    632   // Enter the debugger.
    633   DebugScope debug_scope(this);
    634   if (debug_scope.failed()) return false;
    635   List<BreakLocation> break_locations;
    636   BreakLocation::AllAtCurrentStatement(debug_info, frame, &break_locations);
    637   bool has_break_points_at_all = false;
    638   for (int i = 0; i < break_locations.length(); i++) {
    639     bool has_break_points;
    640     Handle<Object> check_result =
    641         CheckBreakPoints(debug_info, &break_locations[i], &has_break_points);
    642     has_break_points_at_all |= has_break_points;
    643     if (has_break_points && !check_result->IsUndefined(isolate_)) return false;
    644   }
    645   return has_break_points_at_all;
    646 }
    649 MaybeHandle<Object> Debug::CallFunction(const char* name, int argc,
    650                                         Handle<Object> args[]) {
    651   PostponeInterruptsScope no_interrupts(isolate_);
    652   AssertDebugContext();
    653   Handle<JSReceiver> holder =
    654       Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(isolate_->natives_utils_object());
    655   Handle<JSFunction> fun = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(
    656       JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate_, holder, name).ToHandleChecked());
    657   Handle<Object> undefined = isolate_->factory()->undefined_value();
    658   return Execution::TryCall(isolate_, fun, undefined, argc, args);
    659 }
    662 // Check whether a single break point object is triggered.
    663 bool Debug::CheckBreakPoint(Handle<Object> break_point_object) {
    664   Factory* factory = isolate_->factory();
    665   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    667   // Ignore check if break point object is not a JSObject.
    668   if (!break_point_object->IsJSObject()) return true;
    670   // Get the break id as an object.
    671   Handle<Object> break_id = factory->NewNumberFromInt(Debug::break_id());
    673   // Call IsBreakPointTriggered.
    674   Handle<Object> argv[] = { break_id, break_point_object };
    675   Handle<Object> result;
    676   if (!CallFunction("IsBreakPointTriggered", arraysize(argv), argv)
    677            .ToHandle(&result)) {
    678     return false;
    679   }
    681   // Return whether the break point is triggered.
    682   return result->IsTrue(isolate_);
    683 }
    686 bool Debug::SetBreakPoint(Handle<JSFunction> function,
    687                           Handle<Object> break_point_object,
    688                           int* source_position) {
    689   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    691   // Make sure the function is compiled and has set up the debug info.
    692   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(function->shared());
    693   if (!EnsureDebugInfo(shared, function)) {
    694     // Return if retrieving debug info failed.
    695     return true;
    696   }
    698   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(shared->GetDebugInfo());
    699   // Source positions starts with zero.
    700   DCHECK(*source_position >= 0);
    702   // Find the break point and change it.
    703   *source_position =
    704       FindBreakablePosition(debug_info, *source_position, STATEMENT_ALIGNED);
    705   DebugInfo::SetBreakPoint(debug_info, *source_position, break_point_object);
    706   // At least one active break point now.
    707   DCHECK(debug_info->GetBreakPointCount() > 0);
    709   ClearBreakPoints(debug_info);
    710   ApplyBreakPoints(debug_info);
    712   feature_tracker()->Track(DebugFeatureTracker::kBreakPoint);
    713   return true;
    714 }
    717 bool Debug::SetBreakPointForScript(Handle<Script> script,
    718                                    Handle<Object> break_point_object,
    719                                    int* source_position,
    720                                    BreakPositionAlignment alignment) {
    721   if (script->type() == Script::TYPE_WASM) {
    722     // TODO(clemensh): set breakpoint for wasm.
    723     return false;
    724   }
    725   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    727   // Obtain shared function info for the function.
    728   Handle<Object> result =
    729       FindSharedFunctionInfoInScript(script, *source_position);
    730   if (result->IsUndefined(isolate_)) return false;
    732   // Make sure the function has set up the debug info.
    733   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::cast(result);
    734   if (!EnsureDebugInfo(shared, Handle<JSFunction>::null())) {
    735     // Return if retrieving debug info failed.
    736     return false;
    737   }
    739   // Find position within function. The script position might be before the
    740   // source position of the first function.
    741   if (shared->start_position() > *source_position) {
    742     *source_position = shared->start_position();
    743   }
    745   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(shared->GetDebugInfo());
    747   // Find the break point and change it.
    748   *source_position =
    749       FindBreakablePosition(debug_info, *source_position, alignment);
    750   DebugInfo::SetBreakPoint(debug_info, *source_position, break_point_object);
    751   // At least one active break point now.
    752   DCHECK(debug_info->GetBreakPointCount() > 0);
    754   ClearBreakPoints(debug_info);
    755   ApplyBreakPoints(debug_info);
    757   feature_tracker()->Track(DebugFeatureTracker::kBreakPoint);
    758   return true;
    759 }
    761 int Debug::FindBreakablePosition(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info,
    762                                  int source_position,
    763                                  BreakPositionAlignment alignment) {
    764   int statement_position;
    765   int position;
    766   if (debug_info->HasDebugCode()) {
    767     CodeBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
    768     it.SkipToPosition(source_position, alignment);
    769     statement_position = it.statement_position();
    770     position = it.position();
    771   } else {
    772     DCHECK(debug_info->HasDebugBytecodeArray());
    773     BytecodeArrayBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
    774     it.SkipToPosition(source_position, alignment);
    775     statement_position = it.statement_position();
    776     position = it.position();
    777   }
    778   return alignment == STATEMENT_ALIGNED ? statement_position : position;
    779 }
    781 void Debug::ApplyBreakPoints(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info) {
    782   DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    783   if (debug_info->break_points()->IsUndefined(isolate_)) return;
    784   FixedArray* break_points = debug_info->break_points();
    785   for (int i = 0; i < break_points->length(); i++) {
    786     if (break_points->get(i)->IsUndefined(isolate_)) continue;
    787     BreakPointInfo* info = BreakPointInfo::cast(break_points->get(i));
    788     if (info->GetBreakPointCount() == 0) continue;
    789     if (debug_info->HasDebugCode()) {
    790       CodeBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
    791       it.SkipToPosition(info->source_position(), BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED);
    792       it.SetDebugBreak();
    793     }
    794     if (debug_info->HasDebugBytecodeArray()) {
    795       BytecodeArrayBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
    796       it.SkipToPosition(info->source_position(), BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED);
    797       it.SetDebugBreak();
    798     }
    799   }
    800 }
    802 void Debug::ClearBreakPoints(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info) {
    803   DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    804   if (debug_info->HasDebugCode()) {
    805     for (CodeBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS); !it.Done();
    806          it.Next()) {
    807       it.ClearDebugBreak();
    808     }
    809   }
    810   if (debug_info->HasDebugBytecodeArray()) {
    811     for (BytecodeArrayBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
    812          !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
    813       it.ClearDebugBreak();
    814     }
    815   }
    816 }
    818 void Debug::ClearBreakPoint(Handle<Object> break_point_object) {
    819   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    821   for (DebugInfoListNode* node = debug_info_list_; node != NULL;
    822        node = node->next()) {
    823     Handle<Object> result =
    824         DebugInfo::FindBreakPointInfo(node->debug_info(), break_point_object);
    825     if (result->IsUndefined(isolate_)) continue;
    826     Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info = node->debug_info();
    827     if (DebugInfo::ClearBreakPoint(debug_info, break_point_object)) {
    828       ClearBreakPoints(debug_info);
    829       if (debug_info->GetBreakPointCount() == 0) {
    830         RemoveDebugInfoAndClearFromShared(debug_info);
    831       } else {
    832         ApplyBreakPoints(debug_info);
    833       }
    834       return;
    835     }
    836   }
    837 }
    839 // Clear out all the debug break code. This is ONLY supposed to be used when
    840 // shutting down the debugger as it will leave the break point information in
    841 // DebugInfo even though the code is patched back to the non break point state.
    842 void Debug::ClearAllBreakPoints() {
    843   for (DebugInfoListNode* node = debug_info_list_; node != NULL;
    844        node = node->next()) {
    845     ClearBreakPoints(node->debug_info());
    846   }
    847   // Remove all debug info.
    848   while (debug_info_list_ != NULL) {
    849     RemoveDebugInfoAndClearFromShared(debug_info_list_->debug_info());
    850   }
    851 }
    853 void Debug::FloodWithOneShot(Handle<JSFunction> function,
    854                              BreakLocatorType type) {
    855   // Debug utility functions are not subject to debugging.
    856   if (function->native_context() == *debug_context()) return;
    858   if (!function->shared()->IsSubjectToDebugging()) {
    859     // Builtin functions are not subject to stepping, but need to be
    860     // deoptimized, because optimized code does not check for debug
    861     // step in at call sites.
    862     Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeFunction(*function);
    863     return;
    864   }
    865   // Make sure the function is compiled and has set up the debug info.
    866   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(function->shared());
    867   if (!EnsureDebugInfo(shared, function)) {
    868     // Return if we failed to retrieve the debug info.
    869     return;
    870   }
    872   // Flood the function with break points.
    873   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(shared->GetDebugInfo());
    874   if (debug_info->HasDebugCode()) {
    875     for (CodeBreakIterator it(debug_info, type); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
    876       it.SetDebugBreak();
    877     }
    878   }
    879   if (debug_info->HasDebugBytecodeArray()) {
    880     for (BytecodeArrayBreakIterator it(debug_info, type); !it.Done();
    881          it.Next()) {
    882       it.SetDebugBreak();
    883     }
    884   }
    885 }
    887 void Debug::ChangeBreakOnException(ExceptionBreakType type, bool enable) {
    888   if (type == BreakUncaughtException) {
    889     break_on_uncaught_exception_ = enable;
    890   } else {
    891     break_on_exception_ = enable;
    892   }
    893 }
    896 bool Debug::IsBreakOnException(ExceptionBreakType type) {
    897   if (type == BreakUncaughtException) {
    898     return break_on_uncaught_exception_;
    899   } else {
    900     return break_on_exception_;
    901   }
    902 }
    905 void Debug::PrepareStepIn(Handle<JSFunction> function) {
    906   CHECK(last_step_action() >= StepIn);
    907   if (!is_active()) return;
    908   if (in_debug_scope()) return;
    909   FloodWithOneShot(function);
    910 }
    912 void Debug::PrepareStepInSuspendedGenerator() {
    913   CHECK(has_suspended_generator());
    914   if (!is_active()) return;
    915   if (in_debug_scope()) return;
    916   thread_local_.last_step_action_ = StepIn;
    917   Handle<JSFunction> function(
    918       JSGeneratorObject::cast(thread_local_.suspended_generator_)->function());
    919   FloodWithOneShot(function);
    920   clear_suspended_generator();
    921 }
    923 void Debug::PrepareStepOnThrow() {
    924   if (!is_active()) return;
    925   if (last_step_action() == StepNone) return;
    926   if (in_debug_scope()) return;
    928   ClearOneShot();
    930   // Iterate through the JavaScript stack looking for handlers.
    931   JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate_);
    932   while (!it.done()) {
    933     JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame();
    934     if (frame->LookupExceptionHandlerInTable(nullptr, nullptr) > 0) break;
    935     it.Advance();
    936   }
    938   if (last_step_action() == StepNext || last_step_action() == StepOut) {
    939     while (!it.done()) {
    940       Address current_fp = it.frame()->UnpaddedFP();
    941       if (current_fp >= thread_local_.target_fp_) break;
    942       it.Advance();
    943     }
    944   }
    946   // Find the closest Javascript frame we can flood with one-shots.
    947   while (!it.done() &&
    948          !it.frame()->function()->shared()->IsSubjectToDebugging()) {
    949     it.Advance();
    950   }
    952   if (it.done()) return;  // No suitable Javascript catch handler.
    954   FloodWithOneShot(Handle<JSFunction>(it.frame()->function()));
    955 }
    958 void Debug::PrepareStep(StepAction step_action) {
    959   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
    961   DCHECK(in_debug_scope());
    963   // Get the frame where the execution has stopped and skip the debug frame if
    964   // any. The debug frame will only be present if execution was stopped due to
    965   // hitting a break point. In other situations (e.g. unhandled exception) the
    966   // debug frame is not present.
    967   StackFrame::Id frame_id = break_frame_id();
    968   // If there is no JavaScript stack don't do anything.
    969   if (frame_id == StackFrame::NO_ID) return;
    971   JavaScriptFrameIterator frames_it(isolate_, frame_id);
    972   JavaScriptFrame* frame = frames_it.frame();
    974   feature_tracker()->Track(DebugFeatureTracker::kStepping);
    976   thread_local_.last_step_action_ = step_action;
    978   // If the function on the top frame is unresolved perform step out. This will
    979   // be the case when calling unknown function and having the debugger stopped
    980   // in an unhandled exception.
    981   if (!frame->function()->IsJSFunction()) {
    982     // Step out: Find the calling JavaScript frame and flood it with
    983     // breakpoints.
    984     frames_it.Advance();
    985     // Fill the function to return to with one-shot break points.
    986     JSFunction* function = frames_it.frame()->function();
    987     FloodWithOneShot(Handle<JSFunction>(function));
    988     return;
    989   }
    991   // Get the debug info (create it if it does not exist).
    992   FrameSummary summary = FrameSummary::GetFirst(frame);
    993   Handle<JSFunction> function(summary.function());
    994   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(function->shared());
    995   if (!EnsureDebugInfo(shared, function)) {
    996     // Return if ensuring debug info failed.
    997     return;
    998   }
   1000   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(shared->GetDebugInfo());
   1001   BreakLocation location = BreakLocation::FromFrame(debug_info, frame);
   1003   // Any step at a return is a step-out.
   1004   if (location.IsReturn()) step_action = StepOut;
   1005   // A step-next at a tail call is a step-out.
   1006   if (location.IsTailCall() && step_action == StepNext) step_action = StepOut;
   1008   thread_local_.last_statement_position_ =
   1009       summary.abstract_code()->SourceStatementPosition(summary.code_offset());
   1010   thread_local_.last_fp_ = frame->UnpaddedFP();
   1011   // No longer perform the current async step.
   1012   clear_suspended_generator();
   1014   switch (step_action) {
   1015     case StepNone:
   1016       UNREACHABLE();
   1017       break;
   1018     case StepOut:
   1019       // Advance to caller frame.
   1020       frames_it.Advance();
   1021       // Skip native and extension functions on the stack.
   1022       while (!frames_it.done() &&
   1023              !frames_it.frame()->function()->shared()->IsSubjectToDebugging()) {
   1024         // Builtin functions are not subject to stepping, but need to be
   1025         // deoptimized to include checks for step-in at call sites.
   1026         Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeFunction(frames_it.frame()->function());
   1027         frames_it.Advance();
   1028       }
   1029       if (!frames_it.done()) {
   1030         // Fill the caller function to return to with one-shot break points.
   1031         Handle<JSFunction> caller_function(frames_it.frame()->function());
   1032         FloodWithOneShot(caller_function);
   1033         thread_local_.target_fp_ = frames_it.frame()->UnpaddedFP();
   1034       }
   1035       // Clear last position info. For stepping out it does not matter.
   1036       thread_local_.last_statement_position_ = kNoSourcePosition;
   1037       thread_local_.last_fp_ = 0;
   1038       break;
   1039     case StepNext:
   1040       thread_local_.target_fp_ = frame->UnpaddedFP();
   1041       FloodWithOneShot(function);
   1042       break;
   1043     case StepIn:
   1044       FloodWithOneShot(function);
   1045       break;
   1046     case StepFrame:
   1047       // No point in setting one-shot breaks at places where we are not about
   1048       // to leave the current frame.
   1049       FloodWithOneShot(function, CALLS_AND_RETURNS);
   1050       break;
   1051   }
   1052 }
   1054 // Simple function for returning the source positions for active break points.
   1055 Handle<Object> Debug::GetSourceBreakLocations(
   1056     Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
   1057     BreakPositionAlignment position_alignment) {
   1058   Isolate* isolate = shared->GetIsolate();
   1059   if (!shared->HasDebugInfo()) {
   1060     return isolate->factory()->undefined_value();
   1061   }
   1062   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(shared->GetDebugInfo());
   1063   if (debug_info->GetBreakPointCount() == 0) {
   1064     return isolate->factory()->undefined_value();
   1065   }
   1066   Handle<FixedArray> locations =
   1067       isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(debug_info->GetBreakPointCount());
   1068   int count = 0;
   1069   for (int i = 0; i < debug_info->break_points()->length(); ++i) {
   1070     if (!debug_info->break_points()->get(i)->IsUndefined(isolate)) {
   1071       BreakPointInfo* break_point_info =
   1072           BreakPointInfo::cast(debug_info->break_points()->get(i));
   1073       int break_points = break_point_info->GetBreakPointCount();
   1074       if (break_points == 0) continue;
   1075       Smi* position = NULL;
   1076       if (position_alignment == STATEMENT_ALIGNED) {
   1077         if (debug_info->HasDebugCode()) {
   1078           CodeBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
   1079           it.SkipToPosition(break_point_info->source_position(),
   1080                             BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED);
   1081           position = Smi::FromInt(it.statement_position());
   1082         } else {
   1083           DCHECK(debug_info->HasDebugBytecodeArray());
   1084           BytecodeArrayBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
   1085           it.SkipToPosition(break_point_info->source_position(),
   1086                             BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED);
   1087           position = Smi::FromInt(it.statement_position());
   1088         }
   1089       } else {
   1090         DCHECK_EQ(BREAK_POSITION_ALIGNED, position_alignment);
   1091         position = Smi::FromInt(break_point_info->source_position());
   1092       }
   1093       for (int j = 0; j < break_points; ++j) locations->set(count++, position);
   1094     }
   1095   }
   1096   return locations;
   1097 }
   1099 void Debug::ClearStepping() {
   1100   // Clear the various stepping setup.
   1101   ClearOneShot();
   1103   thread_local_.last_step_action_ = StepNone;
   1104   thread_local_.last_statement_position_ = kNoSourcePosition;
   1105   thread_local_.last_fp_ = 0;
   1106   thread_local_.target_fp_ = 0;
   1107 }
   1110 // Clears all the one-shot break points that are currently set. Normally this
   1111 // function is called each time a break point is hit as one shot break points
   1112 // are used to support stepping.
   1113 void Debug::ClearOneShot() {
   1114   // The current implementation just runs through all the breakpoints. When the
   1115   // last break point for a function is removed that function is automatically
   1116   // removed from the list.
   1117   for (DebugInfoListNode* node = debug_info_list_; node != NULL;
   1118        node = node->next()) {
   1119     Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info = node->debug_info();
   1120     ClearBreakPoints(debug_info);
   1121     ApplyBreakPoints(debug_info);
   1122   }
   1123 }
   1126 bool MatchingCodeTargets(Code* target1, Code* target2) {
   1127   if (target1 == target2) return true;
   1128   if (target1->kind() != target2->kind()) return false;
   1129   return target1->is_handler() || target1->is_inline_cache_stub();
   1130 }
   1133 // Count the number of calls before the current frame PC to find the
   1134 // corresponding PC in the newly recompiled code.
   1135 static Address ComputeNewPcForRedirect(Code* new_code, Code* old_code,
   1136                                        Address old_pc) {
   1137   DCHECK_EQ(old_code->kind(), Code::FUNCTION);
   1138   DCHECK_EQ(new_code->kind(), Code::FUNCTION);
   1139   DCHECK(new_code->has_debug_break_slots());
   1140   static const int mask = RelocInfo::kCodeTargetMask;
   1142   // Find the target of the current call.
   1143   Code* target = NULL;
   1144   intptr_t delta = 0;
   1145   for (RelocIterator it(old_code, mask); !it.done(); it.next()) {
   1146     RelocInfo* rinfo = it.rinfo();
   1147     Address current_pc = rinfo->pc();
   1148     // The frame PC is behind the call instruction by the call instruction size.
   1149     if (current_pc > old_pc) break;
   1150     delta = old_pc - current_pc;
   1151     target = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(rinfo->target_address());
   1152   }
   1154   // Count the number of calls to the same target before the current call.
   1155   int index = 0;
   1156   for (RelocIterator it(old_code, mask); !it.done(); it.next()) {
   1157     RelocInfo* rinfo = it.rinfo();
   1158     Address current_pc = rinfo->pc();
   1159     if (current_pc > old_pc) break;
   1160     Code* current = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(rinfo->target_address());
   1161     if (MatchingCodeTargets(target, current)) index++;
   1162   }
   1164   DCHECK(index > 0);
   1166   // Repeat the count on the new code to find corresponding call.
   1167   for (RelocIterator it(new_code, mask); !it.done(); it.next()) {
   1168     RelocInfo* rinfo = it.rinfo();
   1169     Code* current = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(rinfo->target_address());
   1170     if (MatchingCodeTargets(target, current)) index--;
   1171     if (index == 0) return rinfo->pc() + delta;
   1172   }
   1174   UNREACHABLE();
   1175   return NULL;
   1176 }
   1179 // Count the number of continuations at which the current pc offset is at.
   1180 static int ComputeContinuationIndexFromPcOffset(Code* code, int pc_offset) {
   1181   DCHECK_EQ(code->kind(), Code::FUNCTION);
   1182   Address pc = code->instruction_start() + pc_offset;
   1183   int mask = RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::GENERATOR_CONTINUATION);
   1184   int index = 0;
   1185   for (RelocIterator it(code, mask); !it.done(); it.next()) {
   1186     index++;
   1187     RelocInfo* rinfo = it.rinfo();
   1188     Address current_pc = rinfo->pc();
   1189     if (current_pc == pc) break;
   1190     DCHECK(current_pc < pc);
   1191   }
   1192   return index;
   1193 }
   1196 // Find the pc offset for the given continuation index.
   1197 static int ComputePcOffsetFromContinuationIndex(Code* code, int index) {
   1198   DCHECK_EQ(code->kind(), Code::FUNCTION);
   1199   DCHECK(code->has_debug_break_slots());
   1200   int mask = RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::GENERATOR_CONTINUATION);
   1201   RelocIterator it(code, mask);
   1202   for (int i = 1; i < index; i++) it.next();
   1203   return static_cast<int>(it.rinfo()->pc() - code->instruction_start());
   1204 }
   1207 class RedirectActiveFunctions : public ThreadVisitor {
   1208  public:
   1209   explicit RedirectActiveFunctions(SharedFunctionInfo* shared)
   1210       : shared_(shared) {
   1211     DCHECK(shared->HasDebugCode());
   1212   }
   1214   void VisitThread(Isolate* isolate, ThreadLocalTop* top) {
   1215     for (JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate, top); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
   1216       JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame();
   1217       JSFunction* function = frame->function();
   1218       if (frame->is_optimized()) continue;
   1219       if (!function->Inlines(shared_)) continue;
   1221       if (frame->is_interpreted()) {
   1222         InterpretedFrame* interpreted_frame =
   1223             reinterpret_cast<InterpretedFrame*>(frame);
   1224         BytecodeArray* debug_copy =
   1225             shared_->GetDebugInfo()->DebugBytecodeArray();
   1226         interpreted_frame->PatchBytecodeArray(debug_copy);
   1227         continue;
   1228       }
   1230       Code* frame_code = frame->LookupCode();
   1231       DCHECK(frame_code->kind() == Code::FUNCTION);
   1232       if (frame_code->has_debug_break_slots()) continue;
   1234       Code* new_code = function->shared()->code();
   1235       Address old_pc = frame->pc();
   1236       Address new_pc = ComputeNewPcForRedirect(new_code, frame_code, old_pc);
   1238       if (FLAG_trace_deopt) {
   1239         PrintF("Replacing pc for debugging: %08" V8PRIxPTR " => %08" V8PRIxPTR
   1240                "\n",
   1241                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(old_pc),
   1242                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(new_pc));
   1243       }
   1245       if (FLAG_enable_embedded_constant_pool) {
   1246         // Update constant pool pointer for new code.
   1247         frame->set_constant_pool(new_code->constant_pool());
   1248       }
   1250       // Patch the return address to return into the code with
   1251       // debug break slots.
   1252       frame->set_pc(new_pc);
   1253     }
   1254   }
   1256  private:
   1257   SharedFunctionInfo* shared_;
   1258   DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc_;
   1259 };
   1262 bool Debug::PrepareFunctionForBreakPoints(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared) {
   1263   DCHECK(shared->is_compiled());
   1265   if (isolate_->concurrent_recompilation_enabled()) {
   1266     isolate_->optimizing_compile_dispatcher()->Flush(
   1267         OptimizingCompileDispatcher::BlockingBehavior::kBlock);
   1268   }
   1270   List<Handle<JSFunction> > functions;
   1271   List<Handle<JSGeneratorObject> > suspended_generators;
   1273   // Flush all optimized code maps. Note that the below heap iteration does not
   1274   // cover this, because the given function might have been inlined into code
   1275   // for which no JSFunction exists.
   1276   {
   1277     SharedFunctionInfo::Iterator iterator(isolate_);
   1278     while (SharedFunctionInfo* shared = iterator.Next()) {
   1279       shared->ClearCodeFromOptimizedCodeMap();
   1280     }
   1281   }
   1283   // Make sure we abort incremental marking.
   1284   isolate_->heap()->CollectAllGarbage(Heap::kMakeHeapIterableMask,
   1285                                       GarbageCollectionReason::kDebugger);
   1287   DCHECK(shared->is_compiled());
   1288   bool baseline_exists = shared->HasBaselineCode();
   1290   {
   1291     // TODO(yangguo): with bytecode, we still walk the heap to find all
   1292     // optimized code for the function to deoptimize. We can probably be
   1293     // smarter here and avoid the heap walk.
   1294     HeapIterator iterator(isolate_->heap());
   1295     HeapObject* obj;
   1296     // Continuation from old-style generators need to be recomputed.
   1297     bool find_resumables =
   1298         baseline_exists && IsResumableFunction(shared->kind());
   1300     while ((obj = iterator.next())) {
   1301       if (obj->IsJSFunction()) {
   1302         JSFunction* function = JSFunction::cast(obj);
   1303         if (!function->Inlines(*shared)) continue;
   1304         if (function->code()->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION) {
   1305           Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeFunction(function);
   1306         }
   1307         if (baseline_exists && function->shared() == *shared) {
   1308           functions.Add(handle(function));
   1309         }
   1310       } else if (find_resumables && obj->IsJSGeneratorObject()) {
   1311         // This case handles async functions as well, as they use generator
   1312         // objects for in-progress async function execution.
   1313         JSGeneratorObject* generator_obj = JSGeneratorObject::cast(obj);
   1314         if (!generator_obj->is_suspended()) continue;
   1315         JSFunction* function = generator_obj->function();
   1316         if (!function->Inlines(*shared)) continue;
   1317         int pc_offset = generator_obj->continuation();
   1318         int index =
   1319             ComputeContinuationIndexFromPcOffset(function->code(), pc_offset);
   1320         generator_obj->set_continuation(index);
   1321         suspended_generators.Add(handle(generator_obj));
   1322       }
   1323     }
   1324   }
   1326   // We do not need to replace code to debug bytecode.
   1327   DCHECK(baseline_exists || functions.is_empty());
   1328   DCHECK(baseline_exists || suspended_generators.is_empty());
   1330   // We do not need to recompile to debug bytecode.
   1331   if (baseline_exists && !shared->code()->has_debug_break_slots()) {
   1332     if (!Compiler::CompileDebugCode(shared)) return false;
   1333   }
   1335   for (Handle<JSFunction> const function : functions) {
   1336     function->ReplaceCode(shared->code());
   1337     JSFunction::EnsureLiterals(function);
   1338   }
   1340   for (Handle<JSGeneratorObject> const generator_obj : suspended_generators) {
   1341     int index = generator_obj->continuation();
   1342     int pc_offset = ComputePcOffsetFromContinuationIndex(shared->code(), index);
   1343     generator_obj->set_continuation(pc_offset);
   1344   }
   1346   // Update PCs on the stack to point to recompiled code.
   1347   RedirectActiveFunctions redirect_visitor(*shared);
   1348   redirect_visitor.VisitThread(isolate_, isolate_->thread_local_top());
   1349   isolate_->thread_manager()->IterateArchivedThreads(&redirect_visitor);
   1351   return true;
   1352 }
   1354 namespace {
   1355 template <typename Iterator>
   1356 void GetBreakablePositions(Iterator* it, int start_position, int end_position,
   1357                            BreakPositionAlignment alignment,
   1358                            std::set<int>* positions) {
   1359   it->SkipToPosition(start_position, alignment);
   1360   while (!it->Done() && it->position() < end_position &&
   1361          it->position() >= start_position) {
   1362     positions->insert(alignment == STATEMENT_ALIGNED ? it->statement_position()
   1363                                                      : it->position());
   1364     it->Next();
   1365   }
   1366 }
   1368 void FindBreakablePositions(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info, int start_position,
   1369                             int end_position, BreakPositionAlignment alignment,
   1370                             std::set<int>* positions) {
   1371   if (debug_info->HasDebugCode()) {
   1372     CodeBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
   1373     GetBreakablePositions(&it, start_position, end_position, alignment,
   1374                           positions);
   1375   } else {
   1376     DCHECK(debug_info->HasDebugBytecodeArray());
   1377     BytecodeArrayBreakIterator it(debug_info, ALL_BREAK_LOCATIONS);
   1378     GetBreakablePositions(&it, start_position, end_position, alignment,
   1379                           positions);
   1380   }
   1381 }
   1382 }  // namespace
   1384 bool Debug::GetPossibleBreakpoints(Handle<Script> script, int start_position,
   1385                                    int end_position, std::set<int>* positions) {
   1386   while (true) {
   1387     if (!script->shared_function_infos()->IsWeakFixedArray()) return false;
   1389     WeakFixedArray* infos =
   1390         WeakFixedArray::cast(script->shared_function_infos());
   1391     HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1392     List<Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>> candidates;
   1393     {
   1394       WeakFixedArray::Iterator iterator(infos);
   1395       SharedFunctionInfo* info;
   1396       while ((info = iterator.Next<SharedFunctionInfo>())) {
   1397         if (info->end_position() < start_position ||
   1398             info->start_position() >= end_position) {
   1399           continue;
   1400         }
   1401         if (!info->IsSubjectToDebugging()) continue;
   1402         if (!info->HasDebugCode() && !info->allows_lazy_compilation()) continue;
   1403         candidates.Add(i::handle(info));
   1404       }
   1405     }
   1407     bool was_compiled = false;
   1408     for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length(); ++i) {
   1409       // Code that cannot be compiled lazily are internal and not debuggable.
   1410       DCHECK(candidates[i]->allows_lazy_compilation());
   1411       if (!candidates[i]->HasDebugCode()) {
   1412         if (!Compiler::CompileDebugCode(candidates[i])) {
   1413           return false;
   1414         } else {
   1415           was_compiled = true;
   1416         }
   1417       }
   1418       if (!EnsureDebugInfo(candidates[i], Handle<JSFunction>::null()))
   1419         return false;
   1420     }
   1421     if (was_compiled) continue;
   1423     for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length(); ++i) {
   1424       CHECK(candidates[i]->HasDebugInfo());
   1425       Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(candidates[i]->GetDebugInfo());
   1426       FindBreakablePositions(debug_info, start_position, end_position,
   1427                              STATEMENT_ALIGNED, positions);
   1428     }
   1429     return true;
   1430   }
   1431   UNREACHABLE();
   1432   return false;
   1433 }
   1435 void Debug::RecordAsyncFunction(Handle<JSGeneratorObject> generator_object) {
   1436   if (last_step_action() <= StepOut) return;
   1437   if (!IsAsyncFunction(generator_object->function()->shared()->kind())) return;
   1438   DCHECK(!has_suspended_generator());
   1439   thread_local_.suspended_generator_ = *generator_object;
   1440   ClearStepping();
   1441 }
   1443 class SharedFunctionInfoFinder {
   1444  public:
   1445   explicit SharedFunctionInfoFinder(int target_position)
   1446       : current_candidate_(NULL),
   1447         current_candidate_closure_(NULL),
   1448         current_start_position_(kNoSourcePosition),
   1449         target_position_(target_position) {}
   1451   void NewCandidate(SharedFunctionInfo* shared, JSFunction* closure = NULL) {
   1452     if (!shared->IsSubjectToDebugging()) return;
   1453     int start_position = shared->function_token_position();
   1454     if (start_position == kNoSourcePosition) {
   1455       start_position = shared->start_position();
   1456     }
   1458     if (start_position > target_position_) return;
   1459     if (target_position_ > shared->end_position()) return;
   1461     if (current_candidate_ != NULL) {
   1462       if (current_start_position_ == start_position &&
   1463           shared->end_position() == current_candidate_->end_position()) {
   1464         // If we already have a matching closure, do not throw it away.
   1465         if (current_candidate_closure_ != NULL && closure == NULL) return;
   1466         // If a top-level function contains only one function
   1467         // declaration the source for the top-level and the function
   1468         // is the same. In that case prefer the non top-level function.
   1469         if (!current_candidate_->is_toplevel() && shared->is_toplevel()) return;
   1470       } else if (start_position < current_start_position_ ||
   1471                  current_candidate_->end_position() < shared->end_position()) {
   1472         return;
   1473       }
   1474     }
   1476     current_start_position_ = start_position;
   1477     current_candidate_ = shared;
   1478     current_candidate_closure_ = closure;
   1479   }
   1481   SharedFunctionInfo* Result() { return current_candidate_; }
   1483   JSFunction* ResultClosure() { return current_candidate_closure_; }
   1485  private:
   1486   SharedFunctionInfo* current_candidate_;
   1487   JSFunction* current_candidate_closure_;
   1488   int current_start_position_;
   1489   int target_position_;
   1490   DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc_;
   1491 };
   1494 // We need to find a SFI for a literal that may not yet have been compiled yet,
   1495 // and there may not be a JSFunction referencing it. Find the SFI closest to
   1496 // the given position, compile it to reveal possible inner SFIs and repeat.
   1497 // While we are at this, also ensure code with debug break slots so that we do
   1498 // not have to compile a SFI without JSFunction, which is paifu for those that
   1499 // cannot be compiled without context (need to find outer compilable SFI etc.)
   1500 Handle<Object> Debug::FindSharedFunctionInfoInScript(Handle<Script> script,
   1501                                                      int position) {
   1502   for (int iteration = 0;; iteration++) {
   1503     // Go through all shared function infos associated with this script to
   1504     // find the inner most function containing this position.
   1505     // If there is no shared function info for this script at all, there is
   1506     // no point in looking for it by walking the heap.
   1507     if (!script->shared_function_infos()->IsWeakFixedArray()) break;
   1509     SharedFunctionInfo* shared;
   1510     {
   1511       SharedFunctionInfoFinder finder(position);
   1512       WeakFixedArray::Iterator iterator(script->shared_function_infos());
   1513       SharedFunctionInfo* candidate;
   1514       while ((candidate = iterator.Next<SharedFunctionInfo>())) {
   1515         finder.NewCandidate(candidate);
   1516       }
   1517       shared = finder.Result();
   1518       if (shared == NULL) break;
   1519       // We found it if it's already compiled and has debug code.
   1520       if (shared->HasDebugCode()) {
   1521         Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_handle(shared);
   1522         // If the iteration count is larger than 1, we had to compile the outer
   1523         // function in order to create this shared function info. So there can
   1524         // be no JSFunction referencing it. We can anticipate creating a debug
   1525         // info while bypassing PrepareFunctionForBreakpoints.
   1526         if (iteration > 1) {
   1527           AllowHeapAllocation allow_before_return;
   1528           CreateDebugInfo(shared_handle);
   1529         }
   1530         return shared_handle;
   1531       }
   1532     }
   1533     // If not, compile to reveal inner functions.
   1534     HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1535     // Code that cannot be compiled lazily are internal and not debuggable.
   1536     DCHECK(shared->allows_lazy_compilation());
   1537     if (!Compiler::CompileDebugCode(handle(shared))) break;
   1538   }
   1539   return isolate_->factory()->undefined_value();
   1540 }
   1543 // Ensures the debug information is present for shared.
   1544 bool Debug::EnsureDebugInfo(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
   1545                             Handle<JSFunction> function) {
   1546   if (!shared->IsSubjectToDebugging()) return false;
   1548   // Return if we already have the debug info for shared.
   1549   if (shared->HasDebugInfo()) return true;
   1551   if (function.is_null()) {
   1552     DCHECK(shared->HasDebugCode());
   1553   } else if (!Compiler::Compile(function, Compiler::CLEAR_EXCEPTION)) {
   1554     return false;
   1555   }
   1557   // To prepare bytecode for debugging, we already need to have the debug
   1558   // info (containing the debug copy) upfront, but since we do not recompile,
   1559   // preparing for break points cannot fail.
   1560   CreateDebugInfo(shared);
   1561   CHECK(PrepareFunctionForBreakPoints(shared));
   1562   return true;
   1563 }
   1566 void Debug::CreateDebugInfo(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared) {
   1567   // Create the debug info object.
   1568   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info = isolate_->factory()->NewDebugInfo(shared);
   1570   // Add debug info to the list.
   1571   DebugInfoListNode* node = new DebugInfoListNode(*debug_info);
   1572   node->set_next(debug_info_list_);
   1573   debug_info_list_ = node;
   1574 }
   1577 void Debug::RemoveDebugInfoAndClearFromShared(Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info) {
   1578   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1579   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(debug_info->shared());
   1581   DCHECK_NOT_NULL(debug_info_list_);
   1582   // Run through the debug info objects to find this one and remove it.
   1583   DebugInfoListNode* prev = NULL;
   1584   DebugInfoListNode* current = debug_info_list_;
   1585   while (current != NULL) {
   1586     if (current->debug_info().is_identical_to(debug_info)) {
   1587       // Unlink from list. If prev is NULL we are looking at the first element.
   1588       if (prev == NULL) {
   1589         debug_info_list_ = current->next();
   1590       } else {
   1591         prev->set_next(current->next());
   1592       }
   1593       delete current;
   1594       shared->set_debug_info(DebugInfo::uninitialized());
   1595       return;
   1596     }
   1597     // Move to next in list.
   1598     prev = current;
   1599     current = current->next();
   1600   }
   1602   UNREACHABLE();
   1603 }
   1605 void Debug::SetAfterBreakTarget(JavaScriptFrame* frame) {
   1606   after_break_target_ = NULL;
   1607   if (!LiveEdit::SetAfterBreakTarget(this)) {
   1608     // Continue just after the slot.
   1609     after_break_target_ = frame->pc();
   1610   }
   1611 }
   1613 bool Debug::IsBreakAtReturn(JavaScriptFrame* frame) {
   1614   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1616   // Get the executing function in which the debug break occurred.
   1617   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(frame->function()->shared());
   1619   // With no debug info there are no break points, so we can't be at a return.
   1620   if (!shared->HasDebugInfo()) return false;
   1622   DCHECK(!frame->is_optimized());
   1623   Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(shared->GetDebugInfo());
   1624   BreakLocation location = BreakLocation::FromFrame(debug_info, frame);
   1625   return location.IsReturn() || location.IsTailCall();
   1626 }
   1628 void Debug::FramesHaveBeenDropped(StackFrame::Id new_break_frame_id,
   1629                                   LiveEditFrameDropMode mode) {
   1630   if (mode != LIVE_EDIT_CURRENTLY_SET_MODE) {
   1631     thread_local_.frame_drop_mode_ = mode;
   1632   }
   1633   thread_local_.break_frame_id_ = new_break_frame_id;
   1634 }
   1637 bool Debug::IsDebugGlobal(JSGlobalObject* global) {
   1638   return is_loaded() && global == debug_context()->global_object();
   1639 }
   1642 void Debug::ClearMirrorCache() {
   1643   PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate_);
   1644   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1645   CallFunction("ClearMirrorCache", 0, NULL);
   1646 }
   1649 Handle<FixedArray> Debug::GetLoadedScripts() {
   1650   isolate_->heap()->CollectAllGarbage(Heap::kFinalizeIncrementalMarkingMask,
   1651                                       GarbageCollectionReason::kDebugger);
   1652   Factory* factory = isolate_->factory();
   1653   if (!factory->script_list()->IsWeakFixedArray()) {
   1654     return factory->empty_fixed_array();
   1655   }
   1656   Handle<WeakFixedArray> array =
   1657       Handle<WeakFixedArray>::cast(factory->script_list());
   1658   Handle<FixedArray> results = factory->NewFixedArray(array->Length());
   1659   int length = 0;
   1660   {
   1661     Script::Iterator iterator(isolate_);
   1662     Script* script;
   1663     while ((script = iterator.Next())) {
   1664       if (script->HasValidSource()) results->set(length++, script);
   1665     }
   1666   }
   1667   results->Shrink(length);
   1668   return results;
   1669 }
   1672 MaybeHandle<Object> Debug::MakeExecutionState() {
   1673   // Create the execution state object.
   1674   Handle<Object> argv[] = { isolate_->factory()->NewNumberFromInt(break_id()) };
   1675   return CallFunction("MakeExecutionState", arraysize(argv), argv);
   1676 }
   1679 MaybeHandle<Object> Debug::MakeBreakEvent(Handle<Object> break_points_hit) {
   1680   // Create the new break event object.
   1681   Handle<Object> argv[] = { isolate_->factory()->NewNumberFromInt(break_id()),
   1682                             break_points_hit };
   1683   return CallFunction("MakeBreakEvent", arraysize(argv), argv);
   1684 }
   1687 MaybeHandle<Object> Debug::MakeExceptionEvent(Handle<Object> exception,
   1688                                               bool uncaught,
   1689                                               Handle<Object> promise) {
   1690   // Create the new exception event object.
   1691   Handle<Object> argv[] = { isolate_->factory()->NewNumberFromInt(break_id()),
   1692                             exception,
   1693                             isolate_->factory()->ToBoolean(uncaught),
   1694                             promise };
   1695   return CallFunction("MakeExceptionEvent", arraysize(argv), argv);
   1696 }
   1699 MaybeHandle<Object> Debug::MakeCompileEvent(Handle<Script> script,
   1700                                             v8::DebugEvent type) {
   1701   // Create the compile event object.
   1702   Handle<Object> script_wrapper = Script::GetWrapper(script);
   1703   Handle<Object> argv[] = { script_wrapper,
   1704                             isolate_->factory()->NewNumberFromInt(type) };
   1705   return CallFunction("MakeCompileEvent", arraysize(argv), argv);
   1706 }
   1708 MaybeHandle<Object> Debug::MakeAsyncTaskEvent(Handle<String> type,
   1709                                               Handle<Object> id,
   1710                                               Handle<String> name) {
   1711   DCHECK(id->IsNumber());
   1712   // Create the async task event object.
   1713   Handle<Object> argv[] = {type, id, name};
   1714   return CallFunction("MakeAsyncTaskEvent", arraysize(argv), argv);
   1715 }
   1718 void Debug::OnThrow(Handle<Object> exception) {
   1719   if (in_debug_scope() || ignore_events()) return;
   1720   PrepareStepOnThrow();
   1721   // Temporarily clear any scheduled_exception to allow evaluating
   1722   // JavaScript from the debug event handler.
   1723   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1724   Handle<Object> scheduled_exception;
   1725   if (isolate_->has_scheduled_exception()) {
   1726     scheduled_exception = handle(isolate_->scheduled_exception(), isolate_);
   1727     isolate_->clear_scheduled_exception();
   1728   }
   1729   OnException(exception, isolate_->GetPromiseOnStackOnThrow());
   1730   if (!scheduled_exception.is_null()) {
   1731     isolate_->thread_local_top()->scheduled_exception_ = *scheduled_exception;
   1732   }
   1733 }
   1735 void Debug::OnPromiseReject(Handle<Object> promise, Handle<Object> value) {
   1736   if (in_debug_scope() || ignore_events()) return;
   1737   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1738   // Check whether the promise has been marked as having triggered a message.
   1739   Handle<Symbol> key = isolate_->factory()->promise_debug_marker_symbol();
   1740   if (!promise->IsJSObject() ||
   1741       JSReceiver::GetDataProperty(Handle<JSObject>::cast(promise), key)
   1742           ->IsUndefined(isolate_)) {
   1743     OnException(value, promise);
   1744   }
   1745 }
   1748 void Debug::OnException(Handle<Object> exception, Handle<Object> promise) {
   1749   // We cannot generate debug events when JS execution is disallowed.
   1750   // TODO(5530): Reenable debug events within DisallowJSScopes once relevant
   1751   // code (MakeExceptionEvent and ProcessDebugEvent) have been moved to C++.
   1752   if (!AllowJavascriptExecution::IsAllowed(isolate_)) return;
   1754   Isolate::CatchType catch_type = isolate_->PredictExceptionCatcher();
   1756   // Don't notify listener of exceptions that are internal to a desugaring.
   1757   if (catch_type == Isolate::CAUGHT_BY_DESUGARING) return;
   1759   bool uncaught = catch_type == Isolate::NOT_CAUGHT;
   1760   if (promise->IsJSObject()) {
   1761     Handle<JSObject> jspromise = Handle<JSObject>::cast(promise);
   1762     // Mark the promise as already having triggered a message.
   1763     Handle<Symbol> key = isolate_->factory()->promise_debug_marker_symbol();
   1764     JSObject::SetProperty(jspromise, key, key, STRICT).Assert();
   1765     // Check whether the promise reject is considered an uncaught exception.
   1766     uncaught = !isolate_->PromiseHasUserDefinedRejectHandler(jspromise);
   1767   }
   1768   // Bail out if exception breaks are not active
   1769   if (uncaught) {
   1770     // Uncaught exceptions are reported by either flags.
   1771     if (!(break_on_uncaught_exception_ || break_on_exception_)) return;
   1772   } else {
   1773     // Caught exceptions are reported is activated.
   1774     if (!break_on_exception_) return;
   1775   }
   1777   {
   1778     // Check whether the break location is muted.
   1779     JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate_);
   1780     if (!it.done() && IsMutedAtCurrentLocation(it.frame())) return;
   1781   }
   1783   DebugScope debug_scope(this);
   1784   if (debug_scope.failed()) return;
   1786   // Create the event data object.
   1787   Handle<Object> event_data;
   1788   // Bail out and don't call debugger if exception.
   1789   if (!MakeExceptionEvent(
   1790           exception, uncaught, promise).ToHandle(&event_data)) {
   1791     return;
   1792   }
   1794   // Process debug event.
   1795   ProcessDebugEvent(v8::Exception, Handle<JSObject>::cast(event_data), false);
   1796   // Return to continue execution from where the exception was thrown.
   1797 }
   1800 void Debug::OnDebugBreak(Handle<Object> break_points_hit, bool auto_continue) {
   1801   // The caller provided for DebugScope.
   1802   AssertDebugContext();
   1803   // Bail out if there is no listener for this event
   1804   if (ignore_events()) return;
   1806 #ifdef DEBUG
   1807   PrintBreakLocation();
   1808 #endif  // DEBUG
   1810   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1811   // Create the event data object.
   1812   Handle<Object> event_data;
   1813   // Bail out and don't call debugger if exception.
   1814   if (!MakeBreakEvent(break_points_hit).ToHandle(&event_data)) return;
   1816   // Process debug event.
   1817   ProcessDebugEvent(v8::Break,
   1818                     Handle<JSObject>::cast(event_data),
   1819                     auto_continue);
   1820 }
   1823 void Debug::OnCompileError(Handle<Script> script) {
   1824   ProcessCompileEvent(v8::CompileError, script);
   1825 }
   1828 void Debug::OnBeforeCompile(Handle<Script> script) {
   1829   ProcessCompileEvent(v8::BeforeCompile, script);
   1830 }
   1833 // Handle debugger actions when a new script is compiled.
   1834 void Debug::OnAfterCompile(Handle<Script> script) {
   1835   ProcessCompileEvent(v8::AfterCompile, script);
   1836 }
   1838 void Debug::OnAsyncTaskEvent(Handle<String> type, Handle<Object> id,
   1839                              Handle<String> name) {
   1840   DCHECK(id->IsNumber());
   1841   if (in_debug_scope() || ignore_events()) return;
   1843   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1844   DebugScope debug_scope(this);
   1845   if (debug_scope.failed()) return;
   1847   // Create the script collected state object.
   1848   Handle<Object> event_data;
   1849   // Bail out and don't call debugger if exception.
   1850   if (!MakeAsyncTaskEvent(type, id, name).ToHandle(&event_data)) return;
   1852   // Process debug event.
   1853   ProcessDebugEvent(v8::AsyncTaskEvent,
   1854                     Handle<JSObject>::cast(event_data),
   1855                     true);
   1856 }
   1859 void Debug::ProcessDebugEvent(v8::DebugEvent event,
   1860                               Handle<JSObject> event_data,
   1861                               bool auto_continue) {
   1862   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1864   // Create the execution state.
   1865   Handle<Object> exec_state;
   1866   // Bail out and don't call debugger if exception.
   1867   if (!MakeExecutionState().ToHandle(&exec_state)) return;
   1869   // First notify the message handler if any.
   1870   if (message_handler_ != NULL) {
   1871     NotifyMessageHandler(event,
   1872                          Handle<JSObject>::cast(exec_state),
   1873                          event_data,
   1874                          auto_continue);
   1875   }
   1876   // Notify registered debug event listener. This can be either a C or
   1877   // a JavaScript function. Don't call event listener for v8::Break
   1878   // here, if it's only a debug command -- they will be processed later.
   1879   if ((event != v8::Break || !auto_continue) && !event_listener_.is_null()) {
   1880     CallEventCallback(event, exec_state, event_data, NULL);
   1881   }
   1882 }
   1885 void Debug::CallEventCallback(v8::DebugEvent event,
   1886                               Handle<Object> exec_state,
   1887                               Handle<Object> event_data,
   1888                               v8::Debug::ClientData* client_data) {
   1889   // Prevent other interrupts from triggering, for example API callbacks,
   1890   // while dispatching event listners.
   1891   PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate_);
   1892   bool previous = in_debug_event_listener_;
   1893   in_debug_event_listener_ = true;
   1894   if (event_listener_->IsForeign()) {
   1895     // Invoke the C debug event listener.
   1896     v8::DebugInterface::EventCallback callback =
   1897         FUNCTION_CAST<v8::DebugInterface::EventCallback>(
   1898             Handle<Foreign>::cast(event_listener_)->foreign_address());
   1899     EventDetailsImpl event_details(event,
   1900                                    Handle<JSObject>::cast(exec_state),
   1901                                    Handle<JSObject>::cast(event_data),
   1902                                    event_listener_data_,
   1903                                    client_data);
   1904     callback(event_details);
   1905     CHECK(!isolate_->has_scheduled_exception());
   1906   } else {
   1907     // Invoke the JavaScript debug event listener.
   1908     DCHECK(event_listener_->IsJSFunction());
   1909     Handle<Object> argv[] = { Handle<Object>(Smi::FromInt(event), isolate_),
   1910                               exec_state,
   1911                               event_data,
   1912                               event_listener_data_ };
   1913     Handle<JSReceiver> global = isolate_->global_proxy();
   1914     MaybeHandle<Object> result =
   1915         Execution::Call(isolate_, Handle<JSFunction>::cast(event_listener_),
   1916                         global, arraysize(argv), argv);
   1917     CHECK(!result.is_null());  // Listeners must not throw.
   1918   }
   1919   in_debug_event_listener_ = previous;
   1920 }
   1923 void Debug::ProcessCompileEvent(v8::DebugEvent event, Handle<Script> script) {
   1924   if (ignore_events()) return;
   1925   SuppressDebug while_processing(this);
   1927   bool in_nested_debug_scope = in_debug_scope();
   1928   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1929   DebugScope debug_scope(this);
   1930   if (debug_scope.failed()) return;
   1932   if (event == v8::AfterCompile) {
   1933     // If debugging there might be script break points registered for this
   1934     // script. Make sure that these break points are set.
   1935     Handle<Object> argv[] = {Script::GetWrapper(script)};
   1936     if (CallFunction("UpdateScriptBreakPoints", arraysize(argv), argv)
   1937             .is_null()) {
   1938       return;
   1939     }
   1940   }
   1942   // Create the compile state object.
   1943   Handle<Object> event_data;
   1944   // Bail out and don't call debugger if exception.
   1945   if (!MakeCompileEvent(script, event).ToHandle(&event_data)) return;
   1947   // Don't call NotifyMessageHandler if already in debug scope to avoid running
   1948   // nested command loop.
   1949   if (in_nested_debug_scope) {
   1950     if (event_listener_.is_null()) return;
   1951     // Create the execution state.
   1952     Handle<Object> exec_state;
   1953     // Bail out and don't call debugger if exception.
   1954     if (!MakeExecutionState().ToHandle(&exec_state)) return;
   1956     CallEventCallback(event, exec_state, event_data, NULL);
   1957   } else {
   1958     // Process debug event.
   1959     ProcessDebugEvent(event, Handle<JSObject>::cast(event_data), true);
   1960   }
   1961 }
   1964 Handle<Context> Debug::GetDebugContext() {
   1965   if (!is_loaded()) return Handle<Context>();
   1966   DebugScope debug_scope(this);
   1967   if (debug_scope.failed()) return Handle<Context>();
   1968   // The global handle may be destroyed soon after.  Return it reboxed.
   1969   return handle(*debug_context(), isolate_);
   1970 }
   1973 void Debug::NotifyMessageHandler(v8::DebugEvent event,
   1974                                  Handle<JSObject> exec_state,
   1975                                  Handle<JSObject> event_data,
   1976                                  bool auto_continue) {
   1977   // Prevent other interrupts from triggering, for example API callbacks,
   1978   // while dispatching message handler callbacks.
   1979   PostponeInterruptsScope no_interrupts(isolate_);
   1980   DCHECK(is_active_);
   1981   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   1982   // Process the individual events.
   1983   bool sendEventMessage = false;
   1984   switch (event) {
   1985     case v8::Break:
   1986       sendEventMessage = !auto_continue;
   1987       break;
   1988     case v8::NewFunction:
   1989     case v8::BeforeCompile:
   1990     case v8::CompileError:
   1991     case v8::AsyncTaskEvent:
   1992       break;
   1993     case v8::Exception:
   1994     case v8::AfterCompile:
   1995       sendEventMessage = true;
   1996       break;
   1997   }
   1999   // The debug command interrupt flag might have been set when the command was
   2000   // added. It should be enough to clear the flag only once while we are in the
   2001   // debugger.
   2002   DCHECK(in_debug_scope());
   2003   isolate_->stack_guard()->ClearDebugCommand();
   2005   // Notify the debugger that a debug event has occurred unless auto continue is
   2006   // active in which case no event is send.
   2007   if (sendEventMessage) {
   2008     MessageImpl message = MessageImpl::NewEvent(
   2009         event,
   2010         auto_continue,
   2011         Handle<JSObject>::cast(exec_state),
   2012         Handle<JSObject>::cast(event_data));
   2013     InvokeMessageHandler(message);
   2014   }
   2016   // If auto continue don't make the event cause a break, but process messages
   2017   // in the queue if any. For script collected events don't even process
   2018   // messages in the queue as the execution state might not be what is expected
   2019   // by the client.
   2020   if (auto_continue && !has_commands()) return;
   2022   // DebugCommandProcessor goes here.
   2023   bool running = auto_continue;
   2025   Handle<Object> cmd_processor_ctor =
   2026       JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate_, exec_state, "debugCommandProcessor")
   2027           .ToHandleChecked();
   2028   Handle<Object> ctor_args[] = { isolate_->factory()->ToBoolean(running) };
   2029   Handle<JSReceiver> cmd_processor = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(
   2030       Execution::Call(isolate_, cmd_processor_ctor, exec_state, 1, ctor_args)
   2031           .ToHandleChecked());
   2032   Handle<JSFunction> process_debug_request = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(
   2033       JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate_, cmd_processor, "processDebugRequest")
   2034           .ToHandleChecked());
   2035   Handle<Object> is_running =
   2036       JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate_, cmd_processor, "isRunning")
   2037           .ToHandleChecked();
   2039   // Process requests from the debugger.
   2040   do {
   2041     // Wait for new command in the queue.
   2042     command_received_.Wait();
   2044     // Get the command from the queue.
   2045     CommandMessage command = command_queue_.Get();
   2046     isolate_->logger()->DebugTag(
   2047         "Got request from command queue, in interactive loop.");
   2048     if (!is_active()) {
   2049       // Delete command text and user data.
   2050       command.Dispose();
   2051       return;
   2052     }
   2054     Vector<const uc16> command_text(
   2055         const_cast<const uc16*>(command.text().start()),
   2056         command.text().length());
   2057     Handle<String> request_text = isolate_->factory()->NewStringFromTwoByte(
   2058         command_text).ToHandleChecked();
   2059     Handle<Object> request_args[] = { request_text };
   2060     Handle<Object> answer_value;
   2061     Handle<String> answer;
   2062     MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_exception;
   2063     MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_result =
   2064         Execution::TryCall(isolate_, process_debug_request, cmd_processor, 1,
   2065                            request_args, &maybe_exception);
   2067     if (maybe_result.ToHandle(&answer_value)) {
   2068       if (answer_value->IsUndefined(isolate_)) {
   2069         answer = isolate_->factory()->empty_string();
   2070       } else {
   2071         answer = Handle<String>::cast(answer_value);
   2072       }
   2074       // Log the JSON request/response.
   2075       if (FLAG_trace_debug_json) {
   2076         PrintF("%s\n", request_text->ToCString().get());
   2077         PrintF("%s\n", answer->ToCString().get());
   2078       }
   2080       Handle<Object> is_running_args[] = { answer };
   2081       maybe_result = Execution::Call(
   2082           isolate_, is_running, cmd_processor, 1, is_running_args);
   2083       Handle<Object> result;
   2084       if (!maybe_result.ToHandle(&result)) break;
   2085       running = result->IsTrue(isolate_);
   2086     } else {
   2087       Handle<Object> exception;
   2088       if (!maybe_exception.ToHandle(&exception)) break;
   2089       Handle<Object> result;
   2090       if (!Object::ToString(isolate_, exception).ToHandle(&result)) break;
   2091       answer = Handle<String>::cast(result);
   2092     }
   2094     // Return the result.
   2095     MessageImpl message = MessageImpl::NewResponse(
   2096         event, running, exec_state, event_data, answer, command.client_data());
   2097     InvokeMessageHandler(message);
   2098     command.Dispose();
   2100     // Return from debug event processing if either the VM is put into the
   2101     // running state (through a continue command) or auto continue is active
   2102     // and there are no more commands queued.
   2103   } while (!running || has_commands());
   2104   command_queue_.Clear();
   2105 }
   2108 void Debug::SetEventListener(Handle<Object> callback,
   2109                              Handle<Object> data) {
   2110   GlobalHandles* global_handles = isolate_->global_handles();
   2112   // Remove existing entry.
   2113   GlobalHandles::Destroy(event_listener_.location());
   2114   event_listener_ = Handle<Object>();
   2115   GlobalHandles::Destroy(event_listener_data_.location());
   2116   event_listener_data_ = Handle<Object>();
   2118   // Set new entry.
   2119   if (!callback->IsUndefined(isolate_) && !callback->IsNull(isolate_)) {
   2120     event_listener_ = global_handles->Create(*callback);
   2121     if (data.is_null()) data = isolate_->factory()->undefined_value();
   2122     event_listener_data_ = global_handles->Create(*data);
   2123   }
   2125   UpdateState();
   2126 }
   2129 void Debug::SetMessageHandler(v8::Debug::MessageHandler handler) {
   2130   message_handler_ = handler;
   2131   UpdateState();
   2132   if (handler == NULL && in_debug_scope()) {
   2133     // Send an empty command to the debugger if in a break to make JavaScript
   2134     // run again if the debugger is closed.
   2135     EnqueueCommandMessage(Vector<const uint16_t>::empty());
   2136   }
   2137 }
   2141 void Debug::UpdateState() {
   2142   bool is_active = message_handler_ != NULL || !event_listener_.is_null();
   2143   if (is_active || in_debug_scope()) {
   2144     // Note that the debug context could have already been loaded to
   2145     // bootstrap test cases.
   2146     isolate_->compilation_cache()->Disable();
   2147     is_active = Load();
   2148   } else if (is_loaded()) {
   2149     isolate_->compilation_cache()->Enable();
   2150     Unload();
   2151   }
   2152   is_active_ = is_active;
   2153 }
   2156 // Calls the registered debug message handler. This callback is part of the
   2157 // public API.
   2158 void Debug::InvokeMessageHandler(MessageImpl message) {
   2159   if (message_handler_ != NULL) message_handler_(message);
   2160 }
   2163 // Puts a command coming from the public API on the queue.  Creates
   2164 // a copy of the command string managed by the debugger.  Up to this
   2165 // point, the command data was managed by the API client.  Called
   2166 // by the API client thread.
   2167 void Debug::EnqueueCommandMessage(Vector<const uint16_t> command,
   2168                                   v8::Debug::ClientData* client_data) {
   2169   // Need to cast away const.
   2170   CommandMessage message = CommandMessage::New(
   2171       Vector<uint16_t>(const_cast<uint16_t*>(command.start()),
   2172                        command.length()),
   2173       client_data);
   2174   isolate_->logger()->DebugTag("Put command on command_queue.");
   2175   command_queue_.Put(message);
   2176   command_received_.Signal();
   2178   // Set the debug command break flag to have the command processed.
   2179   if (!in_debug_scope()) isolate_->stack_guard()->RequestDebugCommand();
   2180 }
   2183 MaybeHandle<Object> Debug::Call(Handle<Object> fun, Handle<Object> data) {
   2184   DebugScope debug_scope(this);
   2185   if (debug_scope.failed()) return isolate_->factory()->undefined_value();
   2187   // Create the execution state.
   2188   Handle<Object> exec_state;
   2189   if (!MakeExecutionState().ToHandle(&exec_state)) {
   2190     return isolate_->factory()->undefined_value();
   2191   }
   2193   Handle<Object> argv[] = { exec_state, data };
   2194   return Execution::Call(
   2195       isolate_,
   2196       fun,
   2197       Handle<Object>(debug_context()->global_proxy(), isolate_),
   2198       arraysize(argv),
   2199       argv);
   2200 }
   2203 void Debug::HandleDebugBreak() {
   2204   // Ignore debug break during bootstrapping.
   2205   if (isolate_->bootstrapper()->IsActive()) return;
   2206   // Just continue if breaks are disabled.
   2207   if (break_disabled()) return;
   2208   // Ignore debug break if debugger is not active.
   2209   if (!is_active()) return;
   2211   StackLimitCheck check(isolate_);
   2212   if (check.HasOverflowed()) return;
   2214   { JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate_);
   2215     DCHECK(!it.done());
   2216     Object* fun = it.frame()->function();
   2217     if (fun && fun->IsJSFunction()) {
   2218       // Don't stop in builtin functions.
   2219       if (!JSFunction::cast(fun)->shared()->IsSubjectToDebugging()) return;
   2220       JSGlobalObject* global =
   2221           JSFunction::cast(fun)->context()->global_object();
   2222       // Don't stop in debugger functions.
   2223       if (IsDebugGlobal(global)) return;
   2224       // Don't stop if the break location is muted.
   2225       if (IsMutedAtCurrentLocation(it.frame())) return;
   2226     }
   2227   }
   2229   // Collect the break state before clearing the flags.
   2230   bool debug_command_only = isolate_->stack_guard()->CheckDebugCommand() &&
   2231                             !isolate_->stack_guard()->CheckDebugBreak();
   2233   isolate_->stack_guard()->ClearDebugBreak();
   2235   // Clear stepping to avoid duplicate breaks.
   2236   ClearStepping();
   2238   ProcessDebugMessages(debug_command_only);
   2239 }
   2242 void Debug::ProcessDebugMessages(bool debug_command_only) {
   2243   isolate_->stack_guard()->ClearDebugCommand();
   2245   StackLimitCheck check(isolate_);
   2246   if (check.HasOverflowed()) return;
   2248   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   2249   DebugScope debug_scope(this);
   2250   if (debug_scope.failed()) return;
   2252   // Notify the debug event listeners. Indicate auto continue if the break was
   2253   // a debug command break.
   2254   OnDebugBreak(isolate_->factory()->undefined_value(), debug_command_only);
   2255 }
   2257 #ifdef DEBUG
   2258 void Debug::PrintBreakLocation() {
   2259   if (!FLAG_print_break_location) return;
   2260   HandleScope scope(isolate_);
   2261   JavaScriptFrameIterator iterator(isolate_);
   2262   if (iterator.done()) return;
   2263   JavaScriptFrame* frame = iterator.frame();
   2264   FrameSummary summary = FrameSummary::GetFirst(frame);
   2265   int source_position =
   2266       summary.abstract_code()->SourcePosition(summary.code_offset());
   2267   Handle<Object> script_obj(summary.function()->shared()->script(), isolate_);
   2268   PrintF("[debug] break in function '");
   2269   summary.function()->PrintName();
   2270   PrintF("'.\n");
   2271   if (script_obj->IsScript()) {
   2272     Handle<Script> script = Handle<Script>::cast(script_obj);
   2273     Handle<String> source(String::cast(script->source()));
   2274     Script::InitLineEnds(script);
   2275     int line =
   2276         Script::GetLineNumber(script, source_position) - script->line_offset();
   2277     int column = Script::GetColumnNumber(script, source_position) -
   2278                  (line == 0 ? script->column_offset() : 0);
   2279     Handle<FixedArray> line_ends(FixedArray::cast(script->line_ends()));
   2280     int line_start =
   2281         line == 0 ? 0 : Smi::cast(line_ends->get(line - 1))->value() + 1;
   2282     int line_end = Smi::cast(line_ends->get(line))->value();
   2283     DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
   2284     String::FlatContent content = source->GetFlatContent();
   2285     if (content.IsOneByte()) {
   2286       PrintF("[debug] %.*s\n", line_end - line_start,
   2287              content.ToOneByteVector().start() + line_start);
   2288       PrintF("[debug] ");
   2289       for (int i = 0; i < column; i++) PrintF(" ");
   2290       PrintF("^\n");
   2291     } else {
   2292       PrintF("[debug] at line %d column %d\n", line, column);
   2293     }
   2294   }
   2295 }
   2296 #endif  // DEBUG
   2298 DebugScope::DebugScope(Debug* debug)
   2299     : debug_(debug),
   2300       prev_(debug->debugger_entry()),
   2301       save_(debug_->isolate_),
   2302       no_termination_exceptons_(debug_->isolate_,
   2303                                 StackGuard::TERMINATE_EXECUTION) {
   2304   // Link recursive debugger entry.
   2305   base::NoBarrier_Store(&debug_->thread_local_.current_debug_scope_,
   2306                         reinterpret_cast<base::AtomicWord>(this));
   2308   // Store the previous break id, frame id and return value.
   2309   break_id_ = debug_->break_id();
   2310   break_frame_id_ = debug_->break_frame_id();
   2311   return_value_ = debug_->return_value();
   2313   // Create the new break info. If there is no proper frames there is no break
   2314   // frame id.
   2315   StackTraceFrameIterator it(isolate());
   2316   bool has_frames = !it.done();
   2317   // We don't currently support breaking inside wasm framess.
   2318   DCHECK(!has_frames || !it.is_wasm());
   2319   debug_->thread_local_.break_frame_id_ =
   2320       has_frames ? it.frame()->id() : StackFrame::NO_ID;
   2321   debug_->SetNextBreakId();
   2323   debug_->UpdateState();
   2324   // Make sure that debugger is loaded and enter the debugger context.
   2325   // The previous context is kept in save_.
   2326   failed_ = !debug_->is_loaded();
   2327   if (!failed_) isolate()->set_context(*debug->debug_context());
   2328 }
   2331 DebugScope::~DebugScope() {
   2332   if (!failed_ && prev_ == NULL) {
   2333     // Clear mirror cache when leaving the debugger. Skip this if there is a
   2334     // pending exception as clearing the mirror cache calls back into
   2335     // JavaScript. This can happen if the v8::Debug::Call is used in which
   2336     // case the exception should end up in the calling code.
   2337     if (!isolate()->has_pending_exception()) debug_->ClearMirrorCache();
   2339     // If there are commands in the queue when leaving the debugger request
   2340     // that these commands are processed.
   2341     if (debug_->has_commands()) isolate()->stack_guard()->RequestDebugCommand();
   2342   }
   2344   // Leaving this debugger entry.
   2345   base::NoBarrier_Store(&debug_->thread_local_.current_debug_scope_,
   2346                         reinterpret_cast<base::AtomicWord>(prev_));
   2348   // Restore to the previous break state.
   2349   debug_->thread_local_.break_frame_id_ = break_frame_id_;
   2350   debug_->thread_local_.break_id_ = break_id_;
   2351   debug_->thread_local_.return_value_ = return_value_;
   2353   debug_->UpdateState();
   2354 }
   2357 MessageImpl MessageImpl::NewEvent(DebugEvent event,
   2358                                   bool running,
   2359                                   Handle<JSObject> exec_state,
   2360                                   Handle<JSObject> event_data) {
   2361   MessageImpl message(true, event, running,
   2362                       exec_state, event_data, Handle<String>(), NULL);
   2363   return message;
   2364 }
   2367 MessageImpl MessageImpl::NewResponse(DebugEvent event,
   2368                                      bool running,
   2369                                      Handle<JSObject> exec_state,
   2370                                      Handle<JSObject> event_data,
   2371                                      Handle<String> response_json,
   2372                                      v8::Debug::ClientData* client_data) {
   2373   MessageImpl message(false, event, running,
   2374                       exec_state, event_data, response_json, client_data);
   2375   return message;
   2376 }
   2379 MessageImpl::MessageImpl(bool is_event,
   2380                          DebugEvent event,
   2381                          bool running,
   2382                          Handle<JSObject> exec_state,
   2383                          Handle<JSObject> event_data,
   2384                          Handle<String> response_json,
   2385                          v8::Debug::ClientData* client_data)
   2386     : is_event_(is_event),
   2387       event_(event),
   2388       running_(running),
   2389       exec_state_(exec_state),
   2390       event_data_(event_data),
   2391       response_json_(response_json),
   2392       client_data_(client_data) {}
   2395 bool MessageImpl::IsEvent() const {
   2396   return is_event_;
   2397 }
   2400 bool MessageImpl::IsResponse() const {
   2401   return !is_event_;
   2402 }
   2405 DebugEvent MessageImpl::GetEvent() const {
   2406   return event_;
   2407 }
   2410 bool MessageImpl::WillStartRunning() const {
   2411   return running_;
   2412 }
   2415 v8::Local<v8::Object> MessageImpl::GetExecutionState() const {
   2416   return v8::Utils::ToLocal(exec_state_);
   2417 }
   2420 v8::Isolate* MessageImpl::GetIsolate() const {
   2421   return reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(exec_state_->GetIsolate());
   2422 }
   2425 v8::Local<v8::Object> MessageImpl::GetEventData() const {
   2426   return v8::Utils::ToLocal(event_data_);
   2427 }
   2430 v8::Local<v8::String> MessageImpl::GetJSON() const {
   2431   Isolate* isolate = event_data_->GetIsolate();
   2432   v8::EscapableHandleScope scope(reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(isolate));
   2434   if (IsEvent()) {
   2435     // Call toJSONProtocol on the debug event object.
   2436     Handle<Object> fun =
   2437         JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate, event_data_, "toJSONProtocol")
   2438             .ToHandleChecked();
   2439     if (!fun->IsJSFunction()) {
   2440       return v8::Local<v8::String>();
   2441     }
   2443     MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_json =
   2444         Execution::TryCall(isolate, fun, event_data_, 0, NULL);
   2445     Handle<Object> json;
   2446     if (!maybe_json.ToHandle(&json) || !json->IsString()) {
   2447       return v8::Local<v8::String>();
   2448     }
   2449     return scope.Escape(v8::Utils::ToLocal(Handle<String>::cast(json)));
   2450   } else {
   2451     return v8::Utils::ToLocal(response_json_);
   2452   }
   2453 }
   2455 namespace {
   2456 v8::Local<v8::Context> GetDebugEventContext(Isolate* isolate) {
   2457   Handle<Context> context = isolate->debug()->debugger_entry()->GetContext();
   2458   // Isolate::context() may have been NULL when "script collected" event
   2459   // occured.
   2460   if (context.is_null()) return v8::Local<v8::Context>();
   2461   Handle<Context> native_context(context->native_context());
   2462   return v8::Utils::ToLocal(native_context);
   2463 }
   2464 }  // anonymous namespace
   2466 v8::Local<v8::Context> MessageImpl::GetEventContext() const {
   2467   Isolate* isolate = event_data_->GetIsolate();
   2468   v8::Local<v8::Context> context = GetDebugEventContext(isolate);
   2469   // Isolate::context() may be NULL when "script collected" event occurs.
   2470   DCHECK(!context.IsEmpty());
   2471   return context;
   2472 }
   2475 v8::Debug::ClientData* MessageImpl::GetClientData() const {
   2476   return client_data_;
   2477 }
   2480 EventDetailsImpl::EventDetailsImpl(DebugEvent event,
   2481                                    Handle<JSObject> exec_state,
   2482                                    Handle<JSObject> event_data,
   2483                                    Handle<Object> callback_data,
   2484                                    v8::Debug::ClientData* client_data)
   2485     : event_(event),
   2486       exec_state_(exec_state),
   2487       event_data_(event_data),
   2488       callback_data_(callback_data),
   2489       client_data_(client_data) {}
   2492 DebugEvent EventDetailsImpl::GetEvent() const {
   2493   return event_;
   2494 }
   2497 v8::Local<v8::Object> EventDetailsImpl::GetExecutionState() const {
   2498   return v8::Utils::ToLocal(exec_state_);
   2499 }
   2502 v8::Local<v8::Object> EventDetailsImpl::GetEventData() const {
   2503   return v8::Utils::ToLocal(event_data_);
   2504 }
   2507 v8::Local<v8::Context> EventDetailsImpl::GetEventContext() const {
   2508   return GetDebugEventContext(exec_state_->GetIsolate());
   2509 }
   2512 v8::Local<v8::Value> EventDetailsImpl::GetCallbackData() const {
   2513   return v8::Utils::ToLocal(callback_data_);
   2514 }
   2517 v8::Debug::ClientData* EventDetailsImpl::GetClientData() const {
   2518   return client_data_;
   2519 }
   2521 v8::Isolate* EventDetailsImpl::GetIsolate() const {
   2522   return reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(exec_state_->GetIsolate());
   2523 }
   2525 CommandMessage::CommandMessage() : text_(Vector<uint16_t>::empty()),
   2526                                    client_data_(NULL) {
   2527 }
   2530 CommandMessage::CommandMessage(const Vector<uint16_t>& text,
   2531                                v8::Debug::ClientData* data)
   2532     : text_(text),
   2533       client_data_(data) {
   2534 }
   2537 void CommandMessage::Dispose() {
   2538   text_.Dispose();
   2539   delete client_data_;
   2540   client_data_ = NULL;
   2541 }
   2544 CommandMessage CommandMessage::New(const Vector<uint16_t>& command,
   2545                                    v8::Debug::ClientData* data) {
   2546   return CommandMessage(command.Clone(), data);
   2547 }
   2550 CommandMessageQueue::CommandMessageQueue(int size) : start_(0), end_(0),
   2551                                                      size_(size) {
   2552   messages_ = NewArray<CommandMessage>(size);
   2553 }
   2556 CommandMessageQueue::~CommandMessageQueue() {
   2557   while (!IsEmpty()) Get().Dispose();
   2558   DeleteArray(messages_);
   2559 }
   2562 CommandMessage CommandMessageQueue::Get() {
   2563   DCHECK(!IsEmpty());
   2564   int result = start_;
   2565   start_ = (start_ + 1) % size_;
   2566   return messages_[result];
   2567 }
   2570 void CommandMessageQueue::Put(const CommandMessage& message) {
   2571   if ((end_ + 1) % size_ == start_) {
   2572     Expand();
   2573   }
   2574   messages_[end_] = message;
   2575   end_ = (end_ + 1) % size_;
   2576 }
   2579 void CommandMessageQueue::Expand() {
   2580   CommandMessageQueue new_queue(size_ * 2);
   2581   while (!IsEmpty()) {
   2582     new_queue.Put(Get());
   2583   }
   2584   CommandMessage* array_to_free = messages_;
   2585   *this = new_queue;
   2586   new_queue.messages_ = array_to_free;
   2587   // Make the new_queue empty so that it doesn't call Dispose on any messages.
   2588   new_queue.start_ = new_queue.end_;
   2589   // Automatic destructor called on new_queue, freeing array_to_free.
   2590 }
   2593 LockingCommandMessageQueue::LockingCommandMessageQueue(Logger* logger, int size)
   2594     : logger_(logger), queue_(size) {}
   2597 bool LockingCommandMessageQueue::IsEmpty() const {
   2598   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(&mutex_);
   2599   return queue_.IsEmpty();
   2600 }
   2603 CommandMessage LockingCommandMessageQueue::Get() {
   2604   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(&mutex_);
   2605   CommandMessage result = queue_.Get();
   2606   logger_->DebugEvent("Get", result.text());
   2607   return result;
   2608 }
   2611 void LockingCommandMessageQueue::Put(const CommandMessage& message) {
   2612   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(&mutex_);
   2613   queue_.Put(message);
   2614   logger_->DebugEvent("Put", message.text());
   2615 }
   2618 void LockingCommandMessageQueue::Clear() {
   2619   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(&mutex_);
   2620   queue_.Clear();
   2621 }
   2623 }  // namespace internal
   2624 }  // namespace v8