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      1 /** @file
      2   Dhcp6 internal data structure and definition declaration.
      4   Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      6   This program and the accompanying materials
      7   are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      8   which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
      9   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
     14 **/
     16 #ifndef __EFI_DHCP6_IMPL_H__
     17 #define __EFI_DHCP6_IMPL_H__
     20 #include <Uefi.h>
     22 #include <Protocol/Dhcp6.h>
     23 #include <Protocol/Udp6.h>
     24 #include <Protocol/Ip6Config.h>
     25 #include <Protocol/ServiceBinding.h>
     26 #include <Protocol/DriverBinding.h>
     28 #include <Library/UdpIoLib.h>
     29 #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
     30 #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
     31 #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
     32 #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
     33 #include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
     34 #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
     35 #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
     36 #include <Library/NetLib.h>
     37 #include <Library/PrintLib.h>
     40 typedef struct _DHCP6_IA_CB    DHCP6_IA_CB;
     41 typedef struct _DHCP6_INF_CB   DHCP6_INF_CB;
     42 typedef struct _DHCP6_TX_CB    DHCP6_TX_CB;
     43 typedef struct _DHCP6_SERVICE  DHCP6_SERVICE;
     44 typedef struct _DHCP6_INSTANCE DHCP6_INSTANCE;
     46 #include "Dhcp6Utility.h"
     47 #include "Dhcp6Io.h"
     48 #include "Dhcp6Driver.h"
     50 #define DHCP6_SERVICE_SIGNATURE   SIGNATURE_32 ('D', 'H', '6', 'S')
     51 #define DHCP6_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE  SIGNATURE_32 ('D', 'H', '6', 'I')
     53 //
     54 // Transmit parameters of solicit message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
     55 //
     56 #define DHCP6_SOL_MAX_DELAY       1
     57 #define DHCP6_SOL_IRT             1
     58 #define DHCP6_SOL_MRC             0
     59 #define DHCP6_SOL_MRT             120
     60 #define DHCP6_SOL_MRD             0
     61 //
     62 // Transmit parameters of request message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
     63 //
     64 #define DHCP6_REQ_IRT             1
     65 #define DHCP6_REQ_MRC             10
     66 #define DHCP6_REQ_MRT             30
     67 #define DHCP6_REQ_MRD             0
     68 //
     69 // Transmit parameters of confirm message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
     70 //
     71 #define DHCP6_CNF_MAX_DELAY       1
     72 #define DHCP6_CNF_IRT             1
     73 #define DHCP6_CNF_MRC             0
     74 #define DHCP6_CNF_MRT             4
     75 #define DHCP6_CNF_MRD             10
     76 //
     77 // Transmit parameters of renew message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
     78 //
     79 #define DHCP6_REN_IRT             10
     80 #define DHCP6_REN_MRC             0
     81 #define DHCP6_REN_MRT             600
     82 #define DHCP6_REN_MRD             0
     83 //
     84 // Transmit parameters of rebind message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
     85 //
     86 #define DHCP6_REB_IRT             10
     87 #define DHCP6_REB_MRC             0
     88 #define DHCP6_REB_MRT             600
     89 #define DHCP6_REB_MRD             0
     90 //
     91 // Transmit parameters of information request message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
     92 //
     93 #define DHCP6_INF_MAX_DELAY       1
     94 #define DHCP6_INF_IRT             1
     95 #define DHCP6_INF_MRC             0
     96 #define DHCP6_INF_MRT             120
     97 #define DHCP6_INF_MRD             0
     98 //
     99 // Transmit parameters of release message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    100 //
    101 #define DHCP6_REL_IRT             1
    102 #define DHCP6_REL_MRC             5
    103 #define DHCP6_REL_MRT             0
    104 #define DHCP6_REL_MRD             0
    105 //
    106 // Transmit parameters of decline message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    107 //
    108 #define DHCP6_DEC_IRT             1
    109 #define DHCP6_DEC_MRC             5
    110 #define DHCP6_DEC_MRT             0
    111 #define DHCP6_DEC_MRD             0
    113 #define DHCP6_PACKET_ALL          0
    114 #define DHCP6_PACKET_STATEFUL     1
    115 #define DHCP6_PACKET_STATELESS    2
    117 #define DHCP6_BASE_PACKET_SIZE    1024
    119 #define DHCP6_PORT_CLIENT         546
    120 #define DHCP6_PORT_SERVER         547
    123 #define DHCP6_SERVICE_FROM_THIS(Service)   CR ((Service), DHCP6_SERVICE, ServiceBinding, DHCP6_SERVICE_SIGNATURE)
    125 extern EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS           mAllDhcpRelayAndServersAddress;
    126 extern EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS           mAllDhcpServersAddress;
    127 extern EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL         gDhcp6ProtocolTemplate;
    129 //
    130 // Enumeration of Dhcp6 message type, refers to section-5.3 of rfc-3315.
    131 //
    132 typedef enum {
    133   Dhcp6MsgSolicit               = 1,
    134   Dhcp6MsgAdvertise             = 2,
    135   Dhcp6MsgRequest               = 3,
    136   Dhcp6MsgConfirm               = 4,
    137   Dhcp6MsgRenew                 = 5,
    138   Dhcp6MsgRebind                = 6,
    139   Dhcp6MsgReply                 = 7,
    140   Dhcp6MsgRelease               = 8,
    141   Dhcp6MsgDecline               = 9,
    142   Dhcp6MsgReconfigure           = 10,
    143   Dhcp6MsgInfoRequest           = 11
    144 } DHCP6_MSG_TYPE;
    146 //
    147 // Enumeration of option code in Dhcp6 packet, refers to section-24.3 of rfc-3315.
    148 //
    149 typedef enum {
    150   Dhcp6OptClientId              = 1,
    151   Dhcp6OptServerId              = 2,
    152   Dhcp6OptIana                  = 3,
    153   Dhcp6OptIata                  = 4,
    154   Dhcp6OptIaAddr                = 5,
    155   Dhcp6OptRequestOption         = 6,
    156   Dhcp6OptPreference            = 7,
    157   Dhcp6OptElapsedTime           = 8,
    158   Dhcp6OptReplayMessage         = 9,
    159   Dhcp6OptAuthentication        = 11,
    160   Dhcp6OptServerUnicast         = 12,
    161   Dhcp6OptStatusCode            = 13,
    162   Dhcp6OptRapidCommit           = 14,
    163   Dhcp6OptUserClass             = 15,
    164   Dhcp6OptVendorClass           = 16,
    165   Dhcp6OptVendorInfo            = 17,
    166   Dhcp6OptInterfaceId           = 18,
    167   Dhcp6OptReconfigMessage       = 19,
    168   Dhcp6OptReconfigureAccept     = 20
    169 } DHCP6_OPT_CODE;
    171 //
    172 // Enumeration of status code recorded by IANA, refers to section-24.4 of rfc-3315.
    173 //
    174 typedef enum {
    175   Dhcp6StsSuccess               = 0,
    176   Dhcp6StsUnspecFail            = 1,
    177   Dhcp6StsNoAddrsAvail          = 2,
    178   Dhcp6StsNoBinding             = 3,
    179   Dhcp6StsNotOnLink             = 4,
    180   Dhcp6StsUseMulticast          = 5
    181 } DHCP6_STS_CODE;
    183 //
    184 // Enumeration of Duid type recorded by IANA, refers to section-24.5 of rfc-3315.
    185 //
    186 typedef enum {
    187   Dhcp6DuidTypeLlt              = 1,
    188   Dhcp6DuidTypeEn               = 2,
    189   Dhcp6DuidTypeLl               = 3,
    190   Dhcp6DuidTypeUuid             = 4
    191 } DHCP6_DUID_TYPE;
    193 //
    194 // Control block for each IA.
    195 //
    196 struct _DHCP6_IA_CB {
    197   EFI_DHCP6_IA                  *Ia;
    198   UINT32                        T1;
    199   UINT32                        T2;
    200   UINT32                        AllExpireTime;
    201   UINT32                        LeaseTime;
    202 };
    204 //
    205 // Control block for each transmitted message.
    206 //
    207 struct _DHCP6_TX_CB {
    208   LIST_ENTRY                    Link;
    209   UINT32                        Xid;
    210   EFI_DHCP6_PACKET              *TxPacket;
    211   EFI_DHCP6_RETRANSMISSION      RetryCtl;
    212   UINT32                        RetryCnt;
    213   UINT32                        RetryExp;
    214   UINT32                        RetryLos;
    215   UINT32                        TickTime;
    216   UINT16                        *Elapsed;
    217   BOOLEAN                       SolicitRetry;
    218 };
    220 //
    221 // Control block for each info-request message.
    222 //
    223 struct _DHCP6_INF_CB {
    224   LIST_ENTRY                    Link;
    225   UINT32                        Xid;
    226   EFI_DHCP6_INFO_CALLBACK       ReplyCallback;
    227   VOID                          *CallbackContext;
    228   EFI_EVENT                     TimeoutEvent;
    229 };
    231 //
    232 // Control block for Dhcp6 instance, it's per configuration data.
    233 //
    234 struct _DHCP6_INSTANCE {
    235   UINT32                        Signature;
    236   EFI_HANDLE                    Handle;
    237   DHCP6_SERVICE                 *Service;
    238   LIST_ENTRY                    Link;
    239   EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL            Dhcp6;
    240   EFI_EVENT                     Timer;
    241   EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA         *Config;
    242   EFI_DHCP6_IA                  *CacheIa;
    243   DHCP6_IA_CB                   IaCb;
    244   LIST_ENTRY                    TxList;
    245   LIST_ENTRY                    InfList;
    246   EFI_DHCP6_PACKET              *AdSelect;
    247   UINT8                         AdPref;
    248   EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS              *Unicast;
    249   volatile EFI_STATUS           UdpSts;
    250   BOOLEAN                       InDestroy;
    251   BOOLEAN                       MediaPresent;
    252   //
    253   // StartTime is used to calculate the 'elapsed-time' option. Refer to RFC3315,
    254   // the elapsed-time is amount of time since the client began its current DHCP transaction.
    255   //
    256   UINT64                        StartTime;
    257 };
    259 //
    260 // Control block for Dhcp6 service, it's per Nic handle.
    261 //
    262 struct _DHCP6_SERVICE {
    263   UINT32                        Signature;
    264   EFI_HANDLE                    Controller;
    265   EFI_HANDLE                    Image;
    266   EFI_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL  ServiceBinding;
    268   EFI_IP6_CONFIG_PROTOCOL       *Ip6Cfg;
    269   EFI_DHCP6_DUID                *ClientId;
    270   UDP_IO                        *UdpIo;
    271   UINT32                        Xid;
    272   LIST_ENTRY                    Child;
    273   UINTN                         NumOfChild;
    274 };
    276 /**
    277   Starts the DHCPv6 standard S.A.R.R. process.
    279   The Start() function starts the DHCPv6 standard process. This function can
    280   be called only when the state of Dhcp6 instance is in the Dhcp6Init state.
    281   If the DHCP process completes successfully, the state of the Dhcp6 instance
    282   will be transferred through Dhcp6Selecting and Dhcp6Requesting to the
    283   Dhcp6Bound state.
    284   Refer to rfc-3315 for precise state transitions during this process. At the
    285   time when each event occurs in this process, the callback function that was set
    286   by EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL.Configure() will be called and the user can take this
    287   opportunity to control the process.
    289   @param[in]  This              The pointer to Dhcp6 protocol.
    291   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The DHCPv6 standard process has started, or it
    292                                 completed when CompletionEvent was NULL.
    293   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The EFI DHCPv6 Child instance hasn't been configured.
    294   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
    295   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Required system resources could not be allocated.
    296   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           The DHCPv6 configuration process failed because no
    297                                 response was received from the server within the
    298                                 specified timeout value.
    299   @retval EFI_ABORTED           The user aborted the DHCPv6 process.
    300   @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED   Some other Dhcp6 instance already started the DHCPv6
    301                                 standard process.
    302   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      An unexpected system or network error occurred.
    304 **/
    305 EFI_STATUS
    306 EFIAPI
    307 EfiDhcp6Start (
    308   IN EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL        *This
    309   );
    311 /**
    312   Stops the DHCPv6 standard S.A.R.R. process.
    314   The Stop() function is used to stop the DHCPv6 standard process. After this
    315   function is called successfully, the state of Dhcp6 instance is transferred
    316   into the Dhcp6Init. EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL.Configure() needs to be called
    317   before DHCPv6 standard process can be started again. This function can be
    318   called when the Dhcp6 instance is in any state.
    320   @param[in]  This              The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
    322   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The Dhcp6 instance is now in the Dhcp6Init state.
    323   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
    325 **/
    326 EFI_STATUS
    327 EFIAPI
    328 EfiDhcp6Stop (
    329   IN EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL        *This
    330   );
    332 /**
    333   Returns the current operating mode data for the Dhcp6 instance.
    335   The GetModeData() function returns the current operating mode and
    336   cached data packet for the Dhcp6 instance.
    338   @param[in]  This              The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
    339   @param[out] Dhcp6ModeData     The pointer to the Dhcp6 mode data.
    340   @param[out] Dhcp6ConfigData   The pointer to the Dhcp6 configure data.
    342   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The mode data was returned.
    343   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
    344   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The EFI DHCPv6 Protocol instance has not
    345                                 been configured when Dhcp6ConfigData is
    346                                 not NULL.
    347 **/
    348 EFI_STATUS
    349 EFIAPI
    350 EfiDhcp6GetModeData (
    351   IN  EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL       *This,
    352   OUT EFI_DHCP6_MODE_DATA      *Dhcp6ModeData      OPTIONAL,
    353   OUT EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA    *Dhcp6ConfigData    OPTIONAL
    354   );
    356 /**
    357   Initializes, changes, or resets the operational settings for the Dhcp6 instance.
    359   The Configure() function is used to initialize or clean up the configuration
    360   data of the Dhcp6 instance:
    361   - When Dhcp6CfgData is not NULL and Configure() is called successfully, the
    362     configuration data will be initialized in the Dhcp6 instance and the state
    363     of the configured IA will be transferred into Dhcp6Init.
    364   - When Dhcp6CfgData is NULL and Configure() is called successfully, the
    365     configuration data will be cleaned up and no IA will be associated with
    366     the Dhcp6 instance.
    367   To update the configuration data for an Dhcp6 instance, the original data
    368   must be cleaned up before setting the new configuration data.
    370   @param[in]  This                   The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol
    371   @param[in]  Dhcp6CfgData           The pointer to the EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.
    373   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The Dhcp6 is configured successfully with the
    374                                 Dhcp6Init state, or cleaned up the original
    375                                 configuration setting.
    376   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The Dhcp6 instance has been already configured
    377                                 when Dhcp6CfgData is not NULL.
    378                                 The Dhcp6 instance has already started the
    379                                 DHCPv6 S.A.R.R when Dhcp6CfgData is NULL.
    380   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some of the parameter is invalid.
    381   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Required system resources could not be allocated.
    382   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      An unexpected system or network error occurred.
    384 **/
    385 EFI_STATUS
    386 EFIAPI
    387 EfiDhcp6Configure (
    388   IN EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL        *This,
    389   IN EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA     *Dhcp6CfgData    OPTIONAL
    390   );
    392 /**
    393   Request configuration information without the assignment of any
    394   Ia addresses of the client.
    396   The InfoRequest() function is used to request configuration information
    397   without the assignment of any IPv6 address of the client. Client sends
    398   out Information Request packet to obtain the required configuration
    399   information, and DHCPv6 server responds with Reply packet containing
    400   the information for the client. The received Reply packet will be passed
    401   to the user by ReplyCallback function. If user returns EFI_NOT_READY from
    402   ReplyCallback, the Dhcp6 instance will continue to receive other Reply
    403   packets unless timeout according to the Retransmission parameter.
    404   Otherwise, the Information Request exchange process will be finished
    405   successfully if user returns EFI_SUCCESS from ReplyCallback.
    407   @param[in]  This              The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
    408   @param[in]  SendClientId      If TRUE, the DHCPv6 protocol instance will build Client
    409                                 Identifier option and include it into Information Request
    410                                 packet. Otherwise, Client Identifier option will not be included.
    411   @param[in]  OptionRequest     The pointer to the buffer of option request options.
    412   @param[in]  OptionCount       The option number in the OptionList.
    413   @param[in]  OptionList        The list of appended options.
    414   @param[in]  Retransmission    The pointer to the retransmission of the message.
    415   @param[in]  TimeoutEvent      The event of timeout.
    416   @param[in]  ReplyCallback     The callback function when a reply was received.
    417   @param[in]  CallbackContext   The pointer to the parameter passed to the callback.
    419   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The DHCPv6 information request exchange process
    420                                 completed when TimeoutEvent is NULL. Information
    421                                 Request packet has been sent to DHCPv6 server when
    422                                 TimeoutEvent is not NULL.
    423   @retval EFI_NO_RESPONSE       The DHCPv6 information request exchange process failed
    424                                 because of no response, or not all requested-options
    425                                 are responded to by DHCPv6 servers when Timeout happened.
    426   @retval EFI_ABORTED           The DHCPv6 information request exchange process was aborted
    427                                 by the user.
    428   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
    429   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Required system resources could not be allocated.
    430   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      An unexpected system or network error occurred.
    432 **/
    433 EFI_STATUS
    434 EFIAPI
    435 EfiDhcp6InfoRequest (
    436   IN EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL        *This,
    437   IN BOOLEAN                   SendClientId,
    438   IN EFI_DHCP6_PACKET_OPTION   *OptionRequest,
    439   IN UINT32                    OptionCount,
    440   IN EFI_DHCP6_PACKET_OPTION   *OptionList[]    OPTIONAL,
    441   IN EFI_DHCP6_RETRANSMISSION  *Retransmission,
    442   IN EFI_EVENT                 TimeoutEvent     OPTIONAL,
    443   IN EFI_DHCP6_INFO_CALLBACK   ReplyCallback,
    444   IN VOID                      *CallbackContext OPTIONAL
    445   );
    447 /**
    448   Manually extend the valid and preferred lifetimes for the IPv6 addresses
    449   of the configured IA and update other configuration parameters by sending
    450   Renew or Rebind packet.
    452   The RenewRebind() function is used to manually extend the valid and preferred
    453   lifetimes for the IPv6 addresses of the configured IA and update other
    454   configuration parameters by sending a Renew or Rebind packet.
    455   - When RebindRequest is FALSE and the state of the configured IA is Dhcp6Bound,
    456     it will send Renew packet to the previously DHCPv6 server and transfer the
    457     state of the configured IA to Dhcp6Renewing. If valid Reply packet received,
    458     the state transfers to Dhcp6Bound and the valid and preferred timer restarts.
    459     If fails, the state transfers to Dhcp6Bound but the timer continues.
    460   - When RebindRequest is TRUE and the state of the configured IA is Dhcp6Bound,
    461     it will send a Rebind packet. If a valid Reply packet is received, the state transfers
    462     to Dhcp6Bound, and the valid and preferred timer restarts. If it fails, the state
    463     transfers to Dhcp6Init, and the IA can't be used.
    465   @param[in]  This              The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
    466   @param[in]  RebindRequest     If TRUE, Rebind packet will be sent and enter Dhcp6Rebinding state.
    467                                 Otherwise, Renew packet will be sent and enter Dhcp6Renewing state.
    469   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The DHCPv6 renew/rebind exchange process
    470                                 completed and at least one IPv6 address of the
    471                                 configured IA was bound again when
    472                                 EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent was NULL.
    473                                 The EFI DHCPv6 Protocol instance has sent Renew
    474                                 or Rebind packet when
    475                                 EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent is not NULL.
    476   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The Dhcp6 instance hasn't been configured, or the
    477                                 state of the configured IA is not in Dhcp6Bound.
    478   @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED   The state of the configured IA has already entered
    479                                 Dhcp6Renewing when RebindRequest is FALSE.
    480                                 The state of the configured IA has already entered
    481                                 Dhcp6Rebinding when RebindRequest is TRUE.
    482   @retval EFI_ABORTED           The DHCPv6 renew/rebind exchange process aborted
    483                                 by user.
    484   @retval EFI_NO_RESPONSE       The DHCPv6 renew/rebind exchange process failed
    485                                 because of no response.
    486   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING        No IPv6 address has been bound to the configured
    487                                 IA after the DHCPv6 renew/rebind exchange process.
    488   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
    489   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      An unexpected system or network error occurred.
    491 **/
    492 EFI_STATUS
    493 EFIAPI
    494 EfiDhcp6RenewRebind (
    495   IN EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL        *This,
    496   IN BOOLEAN                   RebindRequest
    497   );
    499 /**
    500   Inform that one or more addresses assigned by a server are already
    501   in use by another node.
    503   The Decline() function is used to manually decline the assignment of
    504   IPv6 addresses, which have been already used by another node. If all
    505   IPv6 addresses of the configured IA are declined through this function,
    506   the state of the IA will switch through Dhcp6Declining to Dhcp6Init.
    507   Otherwise, the state of the IA will restore to Dhcp6Bound after the
    508   declining process. The Decline() can only be called when the IA is in
    509   Dhcp6Bound state. If the EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent is NULL,
    510   this function is a blocking operation. It will return after the
    511   declining process finishes, or aborted by user.
    513   @param[in]  This              The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
    514   @param[in]  AddressCount      The number of declining addresses.
    515   @param[in]  Addresses         The pointer to the buffer stored the declining
    516                                 addresses.
    518   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The DHCPv6 decline exchange process completed
    519                                 when EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent was NULL.
    520                                 The Dhcp6 instance has sent Decline packet when
    521                                 EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent is not NULL.
    522   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The Dhcp6 instance hasn't been configured, or the
    523                                 state of the configured IA is not in Dhcp6Bound.
    524   @retval EFI_ABORTED           The DHCPv6 decline exchange process was aborted by the user.
    525   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         Any specified IPv6 address is not correlated with
    526                                 the configured IA for this instance.
    527   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
    528   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      An unexpected system or network error occurred.
    530 **/
    531 EFI_STATUS
    532 EFIAPI
    533 EfiDhcp6Decline (
    534   IN EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL        *This,
    535   IN UINT32                    AddressCount,
    536   IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS          *Addresses
    537   );
    539 /**
    540   Release one or more addresses associated with the configured Ia
    541   for the current instance.
    543   The Release() function is used to manually release the one or more
    544   IPv6 address. If AddressCount is zero, it will release all IPv6
    545   addresses of the configured IA. If all IPv6 addresses of the IA are
    546   released through this function, the state of the IA will switch
    547   through Dhcp6Releasing to Dhcp6Init, otherwise, the state of the
    548   IA will restore to Dhcp6Bound after the releasing process.
    549   The Release() can only be called when the IA is in a Dhcp6Bound state.
    550   If the EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent is NULL, the function is
    551   a blocking operation. It will return after the releasing process
    552   finishes, or aborted by user.
    554   @param[in]  This              The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
    555   @param[in]  AddressCount      The number of releasing addresses.
    556   @param[in]  Addresses         The pointer to the buffer stored the releasing
    557                                 addresses.
    558   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The DHCPv6 release exchange process has
    559                                 completed when EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent
    560                                 is NULL. The Dhcp6 instance has sent Release
    561                                 packet when EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent
    562                                 is not NULL.
    563   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The Dhcp6 instance hasn't been configured, or the
    564                                 state of the configured IA is not in Dhcp6Bound.
    565   @retval EFI_ABORTED           The DHCPv6 release exchange process was aborted by the user.
    566   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         Any specified IPv6 address is not correlated with
    567                                 the configured IA for this instance.
    568   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
    569   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      An unexpected system or network error occurred.
    571 **/
    572 EFI_STATUS
    573 EFIAPI
    574 EfiDhcp6Release (
    575   IN EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL        *This,
    576   IN UINT32                    AddressCount,
    577   IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS          *Addresses
    578   );
    580 /**
    581   Parse the option data in the Dhcp6 packet.
    583   The Parse() function is used to retrieve the option list in the DHCPv6 packet.
    585   @param[in]      This              The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
    586   @param[in]      Packet            The pointer to the Dhcp6 packet.
    587   @param[in, out] OptionCount       The number of option in the packet.
    588   @param[out]     PacketOptionList  The array of pointers to the each option in the packet.
    590   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The packet was successfully parsed.
    591   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
    592   @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  *OptionCount is smaller than the number of options
    593                                 that were found in the Packet.
    595 **/
    596 EFI_STATUS
    597 EFIAPI
    598 EfiDhcp6Parse (
    599   IN EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL        *This,
    600   IN EFI_DHCP6_PACKET          *Packet,
    601   IN OUT UINT32                *OptionCount,
    602   OUT EFI_DHCP6_PACKET_OPTION  *PacketOptionList[]  OPTIONAL
    603   );
    605 #endif