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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "base/metrics/statistics_recorder.h"
      7 #include <memory>
      9 #include "base/at_exit.h"
     10 #include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h"
     11 #include "base/json/string_escape.h"
     12 #include "base/logging.h"
     13 #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
     14 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     15 #include "base/metrics/metrics_hashes.h"
     16 #include "base/metrics/persistent_histogram_allocator.h"
     17 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     18 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     19 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
     20 #include "base/values.h"
     22 namespace {
     24 // Initialize histogram statistics gathering system.
     25 base::LazyInstance<base::StatisticsRecorder>::Leaky g_statistics_recorder_ =
     28 bool HistogramNameLesser(const base::HistogramBase* a,
     29                          const base::HistogramBase* b) {
     30   return a->histogram_name() < b->histogram_name();
     31 }
     33 }  // namespace
     35 namespace base {
     37 StatisticsRecorder::HistogramIterator::HistogramIterator(
     38     const HistogramMap::iterator& iter, bool include_persistent)
     39     : iter_(iter),
     40       include_persistent_(include_persistent) {
     41   // The starting location could point to a persistent histogram when such
     42   // is not wanted. If so, skip it.
     43   if (!include_persistent_ && iter_ != histograms_->end() &&
     44       (iter_->second->flags() & HistogramBase::kIsPersistent)) {
     45     // This operator will continue to skip until a non-persistent histogram
     46     // is found.
     47     operator++();
     48   }
     49 }
     51 StatisticsRecorder::HistogramIterator::HistogramIterator(
     52     const HistogramIterator& rhs)
     53     : iter_(rhs.iter_),
     54       include_persistent_(rhs.include_persistent_) {
     55 }
     57 StatisticsRecorder::HistogramIterator::~HistogramIterator() {}
     59 StatisticsRecorder::HistogramIterator&
     60 StatisticsRecorder::HistogramIterator::operator++() {
     61   const HistogramMap::iterator histograms_end = histograms_->end();
     62   if (iter_ == histograms_end || lock_ == NULL)
     63     return *this;
     65   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
     67   for (;;) {
     68     ++iter_;
     69     if (iter_ == histograms_end)
     70       break;
     71     if (!include_persistent_ && (iter_->second->flags() &
     72                                  HistogramBase::kIsPersistent)) {
     73       continue;
     74     }
     75     break;
     76   }
     78   return *this;
     79 }
     81 StatisticsRecorder::~StatisticsRecorder() {
     82   DCHECK(lock_);
     83   DCHECK(histograms_);
     84   DCHECK(ranges_);
     86   // Clean out what this object created and then restore what existed before.
     87   Reset();
     88   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
     89   histograms_ = existing_histograms_.release();
     90   callbacks_ = existing_callbacks_.release();
     91   ranges_ = existing_ranges_.release();
     92 }
     94 // static
     95 void StatisticsRecorder::Initialize() {
     96   // Ensure that an instance of the StatisticsRecorder object is created.
     97   g_statistics_recorder_.Get();
     98 }
    100 // static
    101 bool StatisticsRecorder::IsActive() {
    102   if (lock_ == NULL)
    103     return false;
    104   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    105   return NULL != histograms_;
    106 }
    108 // static
    109 HistogramBase* StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(
    110     HistogramBase* histogram) {
    111   // As per crbug.com/79322 the histograms are intentionally leaked, so we need
    112   // to annotate them. Because ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR may be used only once
    113   // for an object, the duplicates should not be annotated.
    114   // Callers are responsible for not calling RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(ptr)
    115   // twice if (lock_ == NULL) || (!histograms_).
    116   if (lock_ == NULL) {
    117     ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(histogram);  // see crbug.com/79322
    118     return histogram;
    119   }
    121   HistogramBase* histogram_to_delete = NULL;
    122   HistogramBase* histogram_to_return = NULL;
    123   {
    124     base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    125     if (histograms_ == NULL) {
    126       histogram_to_return = histogram;
    127     } else {
    128       const std::string& name = histogram->histogram_name();
    129       HistogramMap::iterator it = histograms_->find(name);
    130       if (histograms_->end() == it) {
    131         // The StringKey references the name within |histogram| rather than
    132         // making a copy.
    133         (*histograms_)[name] = histogram;
    134         ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(histogram);  // see crbug.com/79322
    135         // If there are callbacks for this histogram, we set the kCallbackExists
    136         // flag.
    137         auto callback_iterator = callbacks_->find(name);
    138         if (callback_iterator != callbacks_->end()) {
    139           if (!callback_iterator->second.is_null())
    140             histogram->SetFlags(HistogramBase::kCallbackExists);
    141           else
    142             histogram->ClearFlags(HistogramBase::kCallbackExists);
    143         }
    144         histogram_to_return = histogram;
    145       } else if (histogram == it->second) {
    146         // The histogram was registered before.
    147         histogram_to_return = histogram;
    148       } else {
    149         // We already have one histogram with this name.
    150         DCHECK_EQ(histogram->histogram_name(),
    151                   it->second->histogram_name()) << "hash collision";
    152         histogram_to_return = it->second;
    153         histogram_to_delete = histogram;
    154       }
    155     }
    156   }
    157   delete histogram_to_delete;
    158   return histogram_to_return;
    159 }
    161 // static
    162 const BucketRanges* StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicateRanges(
    163     const BucketRanges* ranges) {
    164   DCHECK(ranges->HasValidChecksum());
    165   std::unique_ptr<const BucketRanges> ranges_deleter;
    167   if (lock_ == NULL) {
    168     ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(ranges);
    169     return ranges;
    170   }
    172   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    173   if (ranges_ == NULL) {
    174     ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(ranges);
    175     return ranges;
    176   }
    178   std::list<const BucketRanges*>* checksum_matching_list;
    179   RangesMap::iterator ranges_it = ranges_->find(ranges->checksum());
    180   if (ranges_->end() == ranges_it) {
    181     // Add a new matching list to map.
    182     checksum_matching_list = new std::list<const BucketRanges*>();
    183     ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(checksum_matching_list);
    184     (*ranges_)[ranges->checksum()] = checksum_matching_list;
    185   } else {
    186     checksum_matching_list = ranges_it->second;
    187   }
    189   for (const BucketRanges* existing_ranges : *checksum_matching_list) {
    190     if (existing_ranges->Equals(ranges)) {
    191       if (existing_ranges == ranges) {
    192         return ranges;
    193       } else {
    194         ranges_deleter.reset(ranges);
    195         return existing_ranges;
    196       }
    197     }
    198   }
    199   // We haven't found a BucketRanges which has the same ranges. Register the
    200   // new BucketRanges.
    201   checksum_matching_list->push_front(ranges);
    202   return ranges;
    203 }
    205 // static
    206 void StatisticsRecorder::WriteHTMLGraph(const std::string& query,
    207                                         std::string* output) {
    208   if (!IsActive())
    209     return;
    211   Histograms snapshot;
    212   GetSnapshot(query, &snapshot);
    213   std::sort(snapshot.begin(), snapshot.end(), &HistogramNameLesser);
    214   for (const HistogramBase* histogram : snapshot) {
    215     histogram->WriteHTMLGraph(output);
    216     output->append("<br><hr><br>");
    217   }
    218 }
    220 // static
    221 void StatisticsRecorder::WriteGraph(const std::string& query,
    222                                     std::string* output) {
    223   if (!IsActive())
    224     return;
    225   if (query.length())
    226     StringAppendF(output, "Collections of histograms for %s\n", query.c_str());
    227   else
    228     output->append("Collections of all histograms\n");
    230   Histograms snapshot;
    231   GetSnapshot(query, &snapshot);
    232   std::sort(snapshot.begin(), snapshot.end(), &HistogramNameLesser);
    233   for (const HistogramBase* histogram : snapshot) {
    234     histogram->WriteAscii(output);
    235     output->append("\n");
    236   }
    237 }
    239 // static
    240 std::string StatisticsRecorder::ToJSON(const std::string& query) {
    241   if (!IsActive())
    242     return std::string();
    244   std::string output("{");
    245   if (!query.empty()) {
    246     output += "\"query\":";
    247     EscapeJSONString(query, true, &output);
    248     output += ",";
    249   }
    251   Histograms snapshot;
    252   GetSnapshot(query, &snapshot);
    253   output += "\"histograms\":[";
    254   bool first_histogram = true;
    255   for (const HistogramBase* histogram : snapshot) {
    256     if (first_histogram)
    257       first_histogram = false;
    258     else
    259       output += ",";
    260     std::string json;
    261     histogram->WriteJSON(&json);
    262     output += json;
    263   }
    264   output += "]}";
    265   return output;
    266 }
    268 // static
    269 void StatisticsRecorder::GetHistograms(Histograms* output) {
    270   if (lock_ == NULL)
    271     return;
    272   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    273   if (histograms_ == NULL)
    274     return;
    276   for (const auto& entry : *histograms_) {
    277     output->push_back(entry.second);
    278   }
    279 }
    281 // static
    282 void StatisticsRecorder::GetBucketRanges(
    283     std::vector<const BucketRanges*>* output) {
    284   if (lock_ == NULL)
    285     return;
    286   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    287   if (ranges_ == NULL)
    288     return;
    290   for (const auto& entry : *ranges_) {
    291     for (auto* range_entry : *entry.second) {
    292       output->push_back(range_entry);
    293     }
    294   }
    295 }
    297 // static
    298 HistogramBase* StatisticsRecorder::FindHistogram(base::StringPiece name) {
    299   // This must be called *before* the lock is acquired below because it will
    300   // call back into this object to register histograms. Those called methods
    301   // will acquire the lock at that time.
    302   ImportGlobalPersistentHistograms();
    304   if (lock_ == NULL)
    305     return NULL;
    306   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    307   if (histograms_ == NULL)
    308     return NULL;
    310   HistogramMap::iterator it = histograms_->find(name);
    311   if (histograms_->end() == it)
    312     return NULL;
    313   return it->second;
    314 }
    316 // static
    317 StatisticsRecorder::HistogramIterator StatisticsRecorder::begin(
    318     bool include_persistent) {
    319   DCHECK(histograms_);
    320   ImportGlobalPersistentHistograms();
    322   HistogramMap::iterator iter_begin;
    323   {
    324     base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    325     iter_begin = histograms_->begin();
    326   }
    327   return HistogramIterator(iter_begin, include_persistent);
    328 }
    330 // static
    331 StatisticsRecorder::HistogramIterator StatisticsRecorder::end() {
    332   HistogramMap::iterator iter_end;
    333   {
    334     base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    335     iter_end = histograms_->end();
    336   }
    337   return HistogramIterator(iter_end, true);
    338 }
    340 // static
    341 void StatisticsRecorder::InitLogOnShutdown() {
    342   if (lock_ == nullptr)
    343     return;
    344   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    345   g_statistics_recorder_.Get().InitLogOnShutdownWithoutLock();
    346 }
    348 // static
    349 void StatisticsRecorder::GetSnapshot(const std::string& query,
    350                                      Histograms* snapshot) {
    351   if (lock_ == NULL)
    352     return;
    353   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    354   if (histograms_ == NULL)
    355     return;
    357   for (const auto& entry : *histograms_) {
    358     if (entry.second->histogram_name().find(query) != std::string::npos)
    359       snapshot->push_back(entry.second);
    360   }
    361 }
    363 // static
    364 bool StatisticsRecorder::SetCallback(
    365     const std::string& name,
    366     const StatisticsRecorder::OnSampleCallback& cb) {
    367   DCHECK(!cb.is_null());
    368   if (lock_ == NULL)
    369     return false;
    370   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    371   if (histograms_ == NULL)
    372     return false;
    374   if (ContainsKey(*callbacks_, name))
    375     return false;
    376   callbacks_->insert(std::make_pair(name, cb));
    378   auto it = histograms_->find(name);
    379   if (it != histograms_->end())
    380     it->second->SetFlags(HistogramBase::kCallbackExists);
    382   return true;
    383 }
    385 // static
    386 void StatisticsRecorder::ClearCallback(const std::string& name) {
    387   if (lock_ == NULL)
    388     return;
    389   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    390   if (histograms_ == NULL)
    391     return;
    393   callbacks_->erase(name);
    395   // We also clear the flag from the histogram (if it exists).
    396   auto it = histograms_->find(name);
    397   if (it != histograms_->end())
    398     it->second->ClearFlags(HistogramBase::kCallbackExists);
    399 }
    401 // static
    402 StatisticsRecorder::OnSampleCallback StatisticsRecorder::FindCallback(
    403     const std::string& name) {
    404   if (lock_ == NULL)
    405     return OnSampleCallback();
    406   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    407   if (histograms_ == NULL)
    408     return OnSampleCallback();
    410   auto callback_iterator = callbacks_->find(name);
    411   return callback_iterator != callbacks_->end() ? callback_iterator->second
    412                                                 : OnSampleCallback();
    413 }
    415 // static
    416 size_t StatisticsRecorder::GetHistogramCount() {
    417   if (!lock_)
    418     return 0;
    420   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    421   if (!histograms_)
    422     return 0;
    423   return histograms_->size();
    424 }
    426 // static
    427 void StatisticsRecorder::ForgetHistogramForTesting(base::StringPiece name) {
    428   if (histograms_)
    429     histograms_->erase(name);
    430 }
    432 // static
    433 std::unique_ptr<StatisticsRecorder>
    434 StatisticsRecorder::CreateTemporaryForTesting() {
    435   return WrapUnique(new StatisticsRecorder());
    436 }
    438 // static
    439 void StatisticsRecorder::UninitializeForTesting() {
    440   // Stop now if it's never been initialized.
    441   if (lock_ == NULL || histograms_ == NULL)
    442     return;
    444   // Get the global instance and destruct it. It's held in static memory so
    445   // can't "delete" it; call the destructor explicitly.
    446   DCHECK(g_statistics_recorder_.private_instance_);
    447   g_statistics_recorder_.Get().~StatisticsRecorder();
    449   // Now the ugly part. There's no official way to release a LazyInstance once
    450   // created so it's necessary to clear out an internal variable which
    451   // shouldn't be publicly visible but is for initialization reasons.
    452   g_statistics_recorder_.private_instance_ = 0;
    453 }
    455 // static
    456 void StatisticsRecorder::ImportGlobalPersistentHistograms() {
    457   if (lock_ == NULL)
    458     return;
    460   // Import histograms from known persistent storage. Histograms could have
    461   // been added by other processes and they must be fetched and recognized
    462   // locally. If the persistent memory segment is not shared between processes,
    463   // this call does nothing.
    464   GlobalHistogramAllocator* allocator = GlobalHistogramAllocator::Get();
    465   if (allocator)
    466     allocator->ImportHistogramsToStatisticsRecorder();
    467 }
    469 // This singleton instance should be started during the single threaded portion
    470 // of main(), and hence it is not thread safe.  It initializes globals to
    471 // provide support for all future calls.
    472 StatisticsRecorder::StatisticsRecorder() {
    473   if (lock_ == NULL) {
    474     // This will leak on purpose. It's the only way to make sure we won't race
    475     // against the static uninitialization of the module while one of our
    476     // static methods relying on the lock get called at an inappropriate time
    477     // during the termination phase. Since it's a static data member, we will
    478     // leak one per process, which would be similar to the instance allocated
    479     // during static initialization and released only on  process termination.
    480     lock_ = new base::Lock;
    481   }
    483   base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    485   existing_histograms_.reset(histograms_);
    486   existing_callbacks_.reset(callbacks_);
    487   existing_ranges_.reset(ranges_);
    489   histograms_ = new HistogramMap;
    490   callbacks_ = new CallbackMap;
    491   ranges_ = new RangesMap;
    493   InitLogOnShutdownWithoutLock();
    494 }
    496 void StatisticsRecorder::InitLogOnShutdownWithoutLock() {
    497   if (!vlog_initialized_ && VLOG_IS_ON(1)) {
    498     vlog_initialized_ = true;
    499     AtExitManager::RegisterCallback(&DumpHistogramsToVlog, this);
    500   }
    501 }
    503 // static
    504 void StatisticsRecorder::Reset() {
    505   // If there's no lock then there is nothing to reset.
    506   if (!lock_)
    507     return;
    509   std::unique_ptr<HistogramMap> histograms_deleter;
    510   std::unique_ptr<CallbackMap> callbacks_deleter;
    511   std::unique_ptr<RangesMap> ranges_deleter;
    512   // We don't delete lock_ on purpose to avoid having to properly protect
    513   // against it going away after we checked for NULL in the static methods.
    514   {
    515     base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    516     histograms_deleter.reset(histograms_);
    517     callbacks_deleter.reset(callbacks_);
    518     ranges_deleter.reset(ranges_);
    519     histograms_ = NULL;
    520     callbacks_ = NULL;
    521     ranges_ = NULL;
    522   }
    523   // We are going to leak the histograms and the ranges.
    524 }
    526 // static
    527 void StatisticsRecorder::DumpHistogramsToVlog(void* /*instance*/) {
    528   std::string output;
    529   StatisticsRecorder::WriteGraph(std::string(), &output);
    530   VLOG(1) << output;
    531 }
    534 // static
    535 StatisticsRecorder::HistogramMap* StatisticsRecorder::histograms_ = NULL;
    536 // static
    537 StatisticsRecorder::CallbackMap* StatisticsRecorder::callbacks_ = NULL;
    538 // static
    539 StatisticsRecorder::RangesMap* StatisticsRecorder::ranges_ = NULL;
    540 // static
    541 base::Lock* StatisticsRecorder::lock_ = NULL;
    543 }  // namespace base