1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 #include "SdkConstants.h" 18 19 #include <algorithm> 20 #include <string> 21 #include <unordered_map> 22 #include <vector> 23 24 using android::StringPiece; 25 26 namespace aapt { 27 28 static const char* sDevelopmentSdkCodeName = "O"; 29 static ApiVersion sDevelopmentSdkLevel = 26; 30 31 static const std::vector<std::pair<uint16_t, ApiVersion>> sAttrIdMap = { 32 {0x021c, 1}, 33 {0x021d, 2}, 34 {0x0269, SDK_CUPCAKE}, 35 {0x028d, SDK_DONUT}, 36 {0x02ad, SDK_ECLAIR}, 37 {0x02b3, SDK_ECLAIR_0_1}, 38 {0x02b5, SDK_ECLAIR_MR1}, 39 {0x02bd, SDK_FROYO}, 40 {0x02cb, SDK_GINGERBREAD}, 41 {0x0361, SDK_HONEYCOMB}, 42 {0x0363, SDK_HONEYCOMB_MR1}, 43 {0x0366, SDK_HONEYCOMB_MR2}, 44 {0x03a6, SDK_ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH}, 45 {0x03ae, SDK_JELLY_BEAN}, 46 {0x03cc, SDK_JELLY_BEAN_MR1}, 47 {0x03da, SDK_JELLY_BEAN_MR2}, 48 {0x03f1, SDK_KITKAT}, 49 {0x03f6, SDK_KITKAT_WATCH}, 50 {0x04ce, SDK_LOLLIPOP}, 51 {0x04d8, SDK_LOLLIPOP_MR1}, 52 {0x04f1, SDK_MARSHMALLOW}, 53 {0x0527, SDK_NOUGAT}, 54 {0x0530, SDK_NOUGAT_MR1}, 55 {0x0568, SDK_O}, 56 }; 57 58 static bool less_entry_id(const std::pair<uint16_t, ApiVersion>& p, uint16_t entryId) { 59 return p.first < entryId; 60 } 61 62 ApiVersion FindAttributeSdkLevel(const ResourceId& id) { 63 if (id.package_id() != 0x01 || id.type_id() != 0x01) { 64 return 0; 65 } 66 auto iter = std::lower_bound(sAttrIdMap.begin(), sAttrIdMap.end(), id.entry_id(), less_entry_id); 67 if (iter == sAttrIdMap.end()) { 68 return SDK_LOLLIPOP_MR1; 69 } 70 return iter->second; 71 } 72 73 static const std::unordered_map<std::string, ApiVersion> sAttrMap = { 74 {"marqueeRepeatLimit", 2}, 75 {"windowNoDisplay", 3}, 76 {"backgroundDimEnabled", 3}, 77 {"inputType", 3}, 78 {"isDefault", 3}, 79 {"windowDisablePreview", 3}, 80 {"privateImeOptions", 3}, 81 {"editorExtras", 3}, 82 {"settingsActivity", 3}, 83 {"fastScrollEnabled", 3}, 84 {"reqTouchScreen", 3}, 85 {"reqKeyboardType", 3}, 86 {"reqHardKeyboard", 3}, 87 {"reqNavigation", 3}, 88 {"windowSoftInputMode", 3}, 89 {"imeFullscreenBackground", 3}, 90 {"noHistory", 3}, 91 {"headerDividersEnabled", 3}, 92 {"footerDividersEnabled", 3}, 93 {"candidatesTextStyleSpans", 3}, 94 {"smoothScrollbar", 3}, 95 {"reqFiveWayNav", 3}, 96 {"keyBackground", 3}, 97 {"keyTextSize", 3}, 98 {"labelTextSize", 3}, 99 {"keyTextColor", 3}, 100 {"keyPreviewLayout", 3}, 101 {"keyPreviewOffset", 3}, 102 {"keyPreviewHeight", 3}, 103 {"verticalCorrection", 3}, 104 {"popupLayout", 3}, 105 {"state_long_pressable", 3}, 106 {"keyWidth", 3}, 107 {"keyHeight", 3}, 108 {"horizontalGap", 3}, 109 {"verticalGap", 3}, 110 {"rowEdgeFlags", 3}, 111 {"codes", 3}, 112 {"popupKeyboard", 3}, 113 {"popupCharacters", 3}, 114 {"keyEdgeFlags", 3}, 115 {"isModifier", 3}, 116 {"isSticky", 3}, 117 {"isRepeatable", 3}, 118 {"iconPreview", 3}, 119 {"keyOutputText", 3}, 120 {"keyLabel", 3}, 121 {"keyIcon", 3}, 122 {"keyboardMode", 3}, 123 {"isScrollContainer", 3}, 124 {"fillEnabled", 3}, 125 {"updatePeriodMillis", 3}, 126 {"initialLayout", 3}, 127 {"voiceSearchMode", 3}, 128 {"voiceLanguageModel", 3}, 129 {"voicePromptText", 3}, 130 {"voiceLanguage", 3}, 131 {"voiceMaxResults", 3}, 132 {"bottomOffset", 3}, 133 {"topOffset", 3}, 134 {"allowSingleTap", 3}, 135 {"handle", 3}, 136 {"content", 3}, 137 {"animateOnClick", 3}, 138 {"configure", 3}, 139 {"hapticFeedbackEnabled", 3}, 140 {"innerRadius", 3}, 141 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21}, 712 {"contentAgeHint", 21}, 713 {"country", 21}, 714 {"windowSharedElementsUseOverlay", 21}, 715 {"reparent", 21}, 716 {"reparentWithOverlay", 21}, 717 {"ambientShadowAlpha", 21}, 718 {"spotShadowAlpha", 21}, 719 {"navigationIcon", 21}, 720 {"navigationContentDescription", 21}, 721 {"fragmentExitTransition", 21}, 722 {"fragmentEnterTransition", 21}, 723 {"fragmentSharedElementEnterTransition", 21}, 724 {"fragmentReturnTransition", 21}, 725 {"fragmentSharedElementReturnTransition", 21}, 726 {"fragmentReenterTransition", 21}, 727 {"fragmentAllowEnterTransitionOverlap", 21}, 728 {"fragmentAllowReturnTransitionOverlap", 21}, 729 {"patternPathData", 21}, 730 {"strokeAlpha", 21}, 731 {"fillAlpha", 21}, 732 {"windowActivityTransitions", 21}, 733 {"colorEdgeEffect", 21}}; 734 735 ApiVersion FindAttributeSdkLevel(const ResourceName& name) { 736 if (name.package != "android" && name.type != ResourceType::kAttr) { 737 return 0; 738 } 739 740 auto iter = sAttrMap.find(name.entry); 741 if (iter != sAttrMap.end()) { 742 return iter->second; 743 } 744 return SDK_LOLLIPOP_MR1; 745 } 746 747 std::pair<StringPiece, ApiVersion> GetDevelopmentSdkCodeNameAndVersion() { 748 return std::make_pair(StringPiece(sDevelopmentSdkCodeName), sDevelopmentSdkLevel); 749 } 750 751 } // namespace aapt 752