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      1 //==-- llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/RegisterBankInfo.h ----------------*- C++ -*-==//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 /// \file This file declares the API for the register bank info.
     11 /// This API is responsible for handling the register banks.
     12 //
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     18 #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
     19 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
     20 #include "llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/RegisterBank.h"
     21 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineValueType.h" // For SimpleValueType.
     22 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
     24 #include <cassert>
     25 #include <memory> // For unique_ptr.
     27 namespace llvm {
     28 class MachineInstr;
     29 class MachineRegisterInfo;
     30 class TargetInstrInfo;
     31 class TargetRegisterInfo;
     32 class raw_ostream;
     34 /// Holds all the information related to register banks.
     35 class RegisterBankInfo {
     36 public:
     37   /// Helper struct that represents how a value is partially mapped
     38   /// into a register.
     39   /// The StartIdx and Length represent what region of the orginal
     40   /// value this partial mapping covers.
     41   /// This can be represented as a Mask of contiguous bit starting
     42   /// at StartIdx bit and spanning Length bits.
     43   /// StartIdx is the number of bits from the less significant bits.
     44   struct PartialMapping {
     45     /// Number of bits at which this partial mapping starts in the
     46     /// original value.  The bits are counted from less significant
     47     /// bits to most significant bits.
     48     unsigned StartIdx;
     49     /// Length of this mapping in bits. This is how many bits this
     50     /// partial mapping covers in the original value:
     51     /// from StartIdx to StartIdx + Length -1.
     52     unsigned Length;
     53     /// Register bank where the partial value lives.
     54     const RegisterBank *RegBank;
     56     PartialMapping() = default;
     58     /// Provide a shortcut for quickly building PartialMapping.
     59     PartialMapping(unsigned StartIdx, unsigned Length,
     60                    const RegisterBank &RegBank)
     61         : StartIdx(StartIdx), Length(Length), RegBank(&RegBank) {}
     63     /// \return the index of in the original value of the most
     64     /// significant bit that this partial mapping covers.
     65     unsigned getHighBitIdx() const { return StartIdx + Length - 1; }
     67     /// Print this partial mapping on dbgs() stream.
     68     void dump() const;
     70     /// Print this partial mapping on \p OS;
     71     void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
     73     /// Check that the Mask is compatible with the RegBank.
     74     /// Indeed, if the RegBank cannot accomadate the "active bits" of the mask,
     75     /// there is no way this mapping is valid.
     76     ///
     77     /// \note This method does not check anything when assertions are disabled.
     78     ///
     79     /// \return True is the check was successful.
     80     bool verify() const;
     81   };
     83   /// Helper struct that represents how a value is mapped through
     84   /// different register banks.
     85   struct ValueMapping {
     86     /// How the value is broken down between the different register banks.
     87     SmallVector<PartialMapping, 2> BreakDown;
     89     /// Verify that this mapping makes sense for a value of \p ExpectedBitWidth.
     90     /// \note This method does not check anything when assertions are disabled.
     91     ///
     92     /// \return True is the check was successful.
     93     bool verify(unsigned ExpectedBitWidth) const;
     95     /// Print this on dbgs() stream.
     96     void dump() const;
     98     /// Print this on \p OS;
     99     void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
    100   };
    102   /// Helper class that represents how the value of an instruction may be
    103   /// mapped and what is the related cost of such mapping.
    104   class InstructionMapping {
    105     /// Identifier of the mapping.
    106     /// This is used to communicate between the target and the optimizers
    107     /// which mapping should be realized.
    108     unsigned ID;
    109     /// Cost of this mapping.
    110     unsigned Cost;
    111     /// Mapping of all the operands.
    112     std::unique_ptr<ValueMapping[]> OperandsMapping;
    113     /// Number of operands.
    114     unsigned NumOperands;
    116     ValueMapping &getOperandMapping(unsigned i) {
    117       assert(i < getNumOperands() && "Out of bound operand");
    118       return OperandsMapping[i];
    119     }
    121   public:
    122     /// Constructor for the mapping of an instruction.
    123     /// \p NumOperands must be equal to number of all the operands of
    124     /// the related instruction.
    125     /// The rationale is that it is more efficient for the optimizers
    126     /// to be able to assume that the mapping of the ith operand is
    127     /// at the index i.
    128     ///
    129     /// \pre ID != InvalidMappingID
    130     InstructionMapping(unsigned ID, unsigned Cost, unsigned NumOperands)
    131         : ID(ID), Cost(Cost), NumOperands(NumOperands) {
    132       assert(getID() != InvalidMappingID &&
    133              "Use the default constructor for invalid mapping");
    134       OperandsMapping.reset(new ValueMapping[getNumOperands()]);
    135     }
    137     /// Default constructor.
    138     /// Use this constructor to express that the mapping is invalid.
    139     InstructionMapping() : ID(InvalidMappingID), Cost(0), NumOperands(0) {}
    141     /// Get the cost.
    142     unsigned getCost() const { return Cost; }
    144     /// Get the ID.
    145     unsigned getID() const { return ID; }
    147     /// Get the number of operands.
    148     unsigned getNumOperands() const { return NumOperands; }
    150     /// Get the value mapping of the ith operand.
    151     const ValueMapping &getOperandMapping(unsigned i) const {
    152       return const_cast<InstructionMapping *>(this)->getOperandMapping(i);
    153     }
    155     /// Get the value mapping of the ith operand.
    156     void setOperandMapping(unsigned i, const ValueMapping &ValMapping) {
    157       getOperandMapping(i) = ValMapping;
    158     }
    160     /// Check whether this object is valid.
    161     /// This is a lightweight check for obvious wrong instance.
    162     bool isValid() const { return getID() != InvalidMappingID; }
    164     /// Set the operand mapping for the \p OpIdx-th operand.
    165     /// The mapping will consist of only one element in the break down list.
    166     /// This element will map to \p RegBank and fully define a mask, whose
    167     /// bitwidth matches the size of \p MaskSize.
    168     void setOperandMapping(unsigned OpIdx, unsigned MaskSize,
    169                            const RegisterBank &RegBank);
    171     /// Verifiy that this mapping makes sense for \p MI.
    172     /// \pre \p MI must be connected to a MachineFunction.
    173     ///
    174     /// \note This method does not check anything when assertions are disabled.
    175     ///
    176     /// \return True is the check was successful.
    177     bool verify(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
    179     /// Print this on dbgs() stream.
    180     void dump() const;
    182     /// Print this on \p OS;
    183     void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
    184   };
    186   /// Convenient type to represent the alternatives for mapping an
    187   /// instruction.
    188   /// \todo When we move to TableGen this should be an array ref.
    189   typedef SmallVector<InstructionMapping, 4> InstructionMappings;
    191   /// Helper class use to get/create the virtual registers that will be used
    192   /// to replace the MachineOperand when applying a mapping.
    193   class OperandsMapper {
    194     /// The OpIdx-th cell contains the index in NewVRegs where the VRegs of the
    195     /// OpIdx-th operand starts. -1 means we do not have such mapping yet.
    196     std::unique_ptr<int[]> OpToNewVRegIdx;
    197     /// Hold the registers that will be used to map MI with InstrMapping.
    198     SmallVector<unsigned, 8> NewVRegs;
    199     /// Current MachineRegisterInfo, used to create new virtual registers.
    200     MachineRegisterInfo &MRI;
    201     /// Instruction being remapped.
    202     MachineInstr &MI;
    203     /// New mapping of the instruction.
    204     const InstructionMapping &InstrMapping;
    206     /// Constant value identifying that the index in OpToNewVRegIdx
    207     /// for an operand has not been set yet.
    208     static const int DontKnowIdx;
    210     /// Get the range in NewVRegs to store all the partial
    211     /// values for the \p OpIdx-th operand.
    212     ///
    213     /// \return The iterator range for the space created.
    214     //
    215     /// \pre getMI().getOperand(OpIdx).isReg()
    216     iterator_range<SmallVectorImpl<unsigned>::iterator>
    217     getVRegsMem(unsigned OpIdx);
    219     /// Get the end iterator for a range starting at \p StartIdx and
    220     /// spannig \p NumVal in NewVRegs.
    221     /// \pre StartIdx + NumVal <= NewVRegs.size()
    222     SmallVectorImpl<unsigned>::const_iterator
    223     getNewVRegsEnd(unsigned StartIdx, unsigned NumVal) const;
    224     SmallVectorImpl<unsigned>::iterator getNewVRegsEnd(unsigned StartIdx,
    225                                                        unsigned NumVal);
    227   public:
    228     /// Create an OperandsMapper that will hold the information to apply \p
    229     /// InstrMapping to \p MI.
    230     /// \pre InstrMapping.verify(MI)
    231     OperandsMapper(MachineInstr &MI, const InstructionMapping &InstrMapping,
    232                    MachineRegisterInfo &MRI);
    234     /// Getters.
    235     /// @{
    236     /// The MachineInstr being remapped.
    237     MachineInstr &getMI() const { return MI; }
    239     /// The final mapping of the instruction.
    240     const InstructionMapping &getInstrMapping() const { return InstrMapping; }
    241     /// @}
    243     /// Create as many new virtual registers as needed for the mapping of the \p
    244     /// OpIdx-th operand.
    245     /// The number of registers is determined by the number of breakdown for the
    246     /// related operand in the instruction mapping.
    247     ///
    248     /// \pre getMI().getOperand(OpIdx).isReg()
    249     ///
    250     /// \post All the partial mapping of the \p OpIdx-th operand have been
    251     /// assigned a new virtual register.
    252     void createVRegs(unsigned OpIdx);
    254     /// Set the virtual register of the \p PartialMapIdx-th partial mapping of
    255     /// the OpIdx-th operand to \p NewVReg.
    256     ///
    257     /// \pre getMI().getOperand(OpIdx).isReg()
    258     /// \pre getInstrMapping().getOperandMapping(OpIdx).BreakDown.size() >
    259     /// PartialMapIdx
    260     /// \pre NewReg != 0
    261     ///
    262     /// \post the \p PartialMapIdx-th register of the value mapping of the \p
    263     /// OpIdx-th operand has been set.
    264     void setVRegs(unsigned OpIdx, unsigned PartialMapIdx, unsigned NewVReg);
    266     /// Get all the virtual registers required to map the \p OpIdx-th operand of
    267     /// the instruction.
    268     ///
    269     /// This return an empty range when createVRegs or setVRegs has not been
    270     /// called.
    271     /// The iterator may be invalidated by a call to setVRegs or createVRegs.
    272     ///
    273     /// When \p ForDebug is true, we will not check that the list of new virtual
    274     /// registers does not contain uninitialized values.
    275     ///
    276     /// \pre getMI().getOperand(OpIdx).isReg()
    277     /// \pre ForDebug || All partial mappings have been set a register
    278     iterator_range<SmallVectorImpl<unsigned>::const_iterator>
    279     getVRegs(unsigned OpIdx, bool ForDebug = false) const;
    281     /// Print this operands mapper on dbgs() stream.
    282     void dump() const;
    284     /// Print this operands mapper on \p OS stream.
    285     void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool ForDebug = false) const;
    286   };
    288 protected:
    289   /// Hold the set of supported register banks.
    290   std::unique_ptr<RegisterBank[]> RegBanks;
    291   /// Total number of register banks.
    292   unsigned NumRegBanks;
    294   /// Mapping from MVT::SimpleValueType to register banks.
    295   std::unique_ptr<const RegisterBank *[]> VTToRegBank;
    297   /// Create a RegisterBankInfo that can accomodate up to \p NumRegBanks
    298   /// RegisterBank instances.
    299   ///
    300   /// \note For the verify method to succeed all the \p NumRegBanks
    301   /// must be initialized by createRegisterBank and updated with
    302   /// addRegBankCoverage RegisterBank.
    303   RegisterBankInfo(unsigned NumRegBanks);
    305   /// This constructor is meaningless.
    306   /// It just provides a default constructor that can be used at link time
    307   /// when GlobalISel is not built.
    308   /// That way, targets can still inherit from this class without doing
    309   /// crazy gymnastic to avoid link time failures.
    310   /// \note That works because the constructor is inlined.
    311   RegisterBankInfo() {
    312     llvm_unreachable("This constructor should not be executed");
    313   }
    315   /// Create a new register bank with the given parameter and add it
    316   /// to RegBanks.
    317   /// \pre \p ID must not already be used.
    318   /// \pre \p ID < NumRegBanks.
    319   void createRegisterBank(unsigned ID, const char *Name);
    321   /// Add \p RCId to the set of register class that the register bank,
    322   /// identified \p ID, covers.
    323   /// This method transitively adds all the sub classes and the subreg-classes
    324   /// of \p RCId to the set of covered register classes.
    325   /// It also adjusts the size of the register bank to reflect the maximal
    326   /// size of a value that can be hold into that register bank.
    327   ///
    328   /// If \p AddTypeMapping is true, this method also records what types can
    329   /// be mapped to \p ID. Although this done by default, targets may want to
    330   /// disable it, espicially if a given type may be mapped on different
    331   /// register bank. Indeed, in such case, this method only records the
    332   /// first register bank where the type matches.
    333   /// This information is only used to provide default mapping
    334   /// (see getInstrMappingImpl).
    335   ///
    336   /// \note This method does *not* add the super classes of \p RCId.
    337   /// The rationale is if \p ID covers the registers of \p RCId, that
    338   /// does not necessarily mean that \p ID covers the set of registers
    339   /// of RCId's superclasses.
    340   /// This method does *not* add the superreg classes as well for consistents.
    341   /// The expected use is to add the coverage top-down with respect to the
    342   /// register hierarchy.
    343   ///
    344   /// \todo TableGen should just generate the BitSet vector for us.
    345   void addRegBankCoverage(unsigned ID, unsigned RCId,
    346                           const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
    347                           bool AddTypeMapping = true);
    349   /// Get the register bank identified by \p ID.
    350   RegisterBank &getRegBank(unsigned ID) {
    351     assert(ID < getNumRegBanks() && "Accessing an unknown register bank");
    352     return RegBanks[ID];
    353   }
    355   /// Get the register bank that has been recorded to cover \p SVT.
    356   const RegisterBank *getRegBankForType(MVT::SimpleValueType SVT) const {
    357     if (!VTToRegBank)
    358       return nullptr;
    359     assert(SVT < MVT::SimpleValueType::LAST_VALUETYPE && "Out-of-bound access");
    360     return VTToRegBank.get()[SVT];
    361   }
    363   /// Record \p RegBank as the register bank that covers \p SVT.
    364   /// If a record was already set for \p SVT, the mapping is not
    365   /// updated, unless \p Force == true
    366   ///
    367   /// \post if getRegBankForType(SVT)\@pre == nullptr then
    368   ///                       getRegBankForType(SVT) == &RegBank
    369   /// \post if Force == true then getRegBankForType(SVT) == &RegBank
    370   void recordRegBankForType(const RegisterBank &RegBank,
    371                             MVT::SimpleValueType SVT, bool Force = false) {
    372     if (!VTToRegBank) {
    373       VTToRegBank.reset(
    374           new const RegisterBank *[MVT::SimpleValueType::LAST_VALUETYPE]);
    375       std::fill(&VTToRegBank[0],
    376                 &VTToRegBank[MVT::SimpleValueType::LAST_VALUETYPE], nullptr);
    377     }
    378     assert(SVT < MVT::SimpleValueType::LAST_VALUETYPE && "Out-of-bound access");
    379     // If we want to override the mapping or the mapping does not exits yet,
    380     // set the register bank for SVT.
    381     if (Force || !getRegBankForType(SVT))
    382       VTToRegBank.get()[SVT] = &RegBank;
    383   }
    385   /// Try to get the mapping of \p MI.
    386   /// See getInstrMapping for more details on what a mapping represents.
    387   ///
    388   /// Unlike getInstrMapping the returned InstructionMapping may be invalid
    389   /// (isValid() == false).
    390   /// This means that the target independent code is not smart enough
    391   /// to get the mapping of \p MI and thus, the target has to provide the
    392   /// information for \p MI.
    393   ///
    394   /// This implementation is able to get the mapping of:
    395   /// - Target specific instructions by looking at the encoding constraints.
    396   /// - Any instruction if all the register operands are already been assigned
    397   ///   a register, a register class, or a register bank.
    398   /// - Copies and phis if at least one of the operand has been assigned a
    399   ///   register, a register class, or a register bank.
    400   /// In other words, this method will likely fail to find a mapping for
    401   /// any generic opcode that has not been lowered by target specific code.
    402   InstructionMapping getInstrMappingImpl(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
    404   /// Get the register bank for the \p OpIdx-th operand of \p MI form
    405   /// the encoding constraints, if any.
    406   ///
    407   /// \return A register bank that covers the register class of the
    408   /// related encoding constraints or nullptr if \p MI did not provide
    409   /// enough information to deduce it.
    410   const RegisterBank *
    411   getRegBankFromConstraints(const MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpIdx,
    412                             const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
    413                             const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI) const;
    415   /// Helper method to apply something that is like the default mapping.
    416   /// Basically, that means that \p OpdMapper.getMI() is left untouched
    417   /// aside from the reassignment of the register operand that have been
    418   /// remapped.
    419   /// If the mapping of one of the operand spans several registers, this
    420   /// method will abort as this is not like a default mapping anymore.
    421   ///
    422   /// \pre For OpIdx in {0..\p OpdMapper.getMI().getNumOperands())
    423   ///        the range OpdMapper.getVRegs(OpIdx) is empty or of size 1.
    424   static void applyDefaultMapping(const OperandsMapper &OpdMapper);
    426   /// See ::applyMapping.
    427   virtual void applyMappingImpl(const OperandsMapper &OpdMapper) const {
    428     llvm_unreachable("The target has to implement that part");
    429   }
    431 public:
    432   virtual ~RegisterBankInfo() {}
    434   /// Get the register bank identified by \p ID.
    435   const RegisterBank &getRegBank(unsigned ID) const {
    436     return const_cast<RegisterBankInfo *>(this)->getRegBank(ID);
    437   }
    439   /// Get the register bank of \p Reg.
    440   /// If Reg has not been assigned a register, a register class,
    441   /// or a register bank, then this returns nullptr.
    442   ///
    443   /// \pre Reg != 0 (NoRegister)
    444   const RegisterBank *getRegBank(unsigned Reg, const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
    445                                  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI) const;
    447   /// Get the total number of register banks.
    448   unsigned getNumRegBanks() const { return NumRegBanks; }
    450   /// Get a register bank that covers \p RC.
    451   ///
    452   /// \pre \p RC is a user-defined register class (as opposed as one
    453   /// generated by TableGen).
    454   ///
    455   /// \note The mapping RC -> RegBank could be built while adding the
    456   /// coverage for the register banks. However, we do not do it, because,
    457   /// at least for now, we only need this information for register classes
    458   /// that are used in the description of instruction. In other words,
    459   /// there are just a handful of them and we do not want to waste space.
    460   ///
    461   /// \todo This should be TableGen'ed.
    462   virtual const RegisterBank &
    463   getRegBankFromRegClass(const TargetRegisterClass &RC) const {
    464     llvm_unreachable("The target must override this method");
    465   }
    467   /// Get the cost of a copy from \p B to \p A, or put differently,
    468   /// get the cost of A = COPY B. Since register banks may cover
    469   /// different size, \p Size specifies what will be the size in bits
    470   /// that will be copied around.
    471   ///
    472   /// \note Since this is a copy, both registers have the same size.
    473   virtual unsigned copyCost(const RegisterBank &A, const RegisterBank &B,
    474                             unsigned Size) const {
    475     // Optimistically assume that copies are coalesced. I.e., when
    476     // they are on the same bank, they are free.
    477     // Otherwise assume a non-zero cost of 1. The targets are supposed
    478     // to override that properly anyway if they care.
    479     return &A != &B;
    480   }
    482   /// Identifier used when the related instruction mapping instance
    483   /// is generated by target independent code.
    484   /// Make sure not to use that identifier to avoid possible collision.
    485   static const unsigned DefaultMappingID;
    487   /// Identifier used when the related instruction mapping instance
    488   /// is generated by the default constructor.
    489   /// Make sure not to use that identifier.
    490   static const unsigned InvalidMappingID;
    492   /// Get the mapping of the different operands of \p MI
    493   /// on the register bank.
    494   /// This mapping should be the direct translation of \p MI.
    495   /// In other words, when \p MI is mapped with the returned mapping,
    496   /// only the register banks of the operands of \p MI need to be updated.
    497   /// In particular, neither the opcode or the type of \p MI needs to be
    498   /// updated for this direct mapping.
    499   ///
    500   /// The target independent implementation gives a mapping based on
    501   /// the register classes for the target specific opcode.
    502   /// It uses the ID RegisterBankInfo::DefaultMappingID for that mapping.
    503   /// Make sure you do not use that ID for the alternative mapping
    504   /// for MI. See getInstrAlternativeMappings for the alternative
    505   /// mappings.
    506   ///
    507   /// For instance, if \p MI is a vector add, the mapping should
    508   /// not be a scalarization of the add.
    509   ///
    510   /// \post returnedVal.verify(MI).
    511   ///
    512   /// \note If returnedVal does not verify MI, this would probably mean
    513   /// that the target does not support that instruction.
    514   virtual InstructionMapping getInstrMapping(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
    516   /// Get the alternative mappings for \p MI.
    517   /// Alternative in the sense different from getInstrMapping.
    518   virtual InstructionMappings
    519   getInstrAlternativeMappings(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
    521   /// Get the possible mapping for \p MI.
    522   /// A mapping defines where the different operands may live and at what cost.
    523   /// For instance, let us consider:
    524   /// v0(16) = G_ADD <2 x i8> v1, v2
    525   /// The possible mapping could be:
    526   ///
    527   /// {/*ID*/VectorAdd, /*Cost*/1, /*v0*/{(0xFFFF, VPR)}, /*v1*/{(0xFFFF, VPR)},
    528   ///                              /*v2*/{(0xFFFF, VPR)}}
    529   /// {/*ID*/ScalarAddx2, /*Cost*/2, /*v0*/{(0x00FF, GPR),(0xFF00, GPR)},
    530   ///                                /*v1*/{(0x00FF, GPR),(0xFF00, GPR)},
    531   ///                                /*v2*/{(0x00FF, GPR),(0xFF00, GPR)}}
    532   ///
    533   /// \note The first alternative of the returned mapping should be the
    534   /// direct translation of \p MI current form.
    535   ///
    536   /// \post !returnedVal.empty().
    537   InstructionMappings getInstrPossibleMappings(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
    539   /// Apply \p OpdMapper.getInstrMapping() to \p OpdMapper.getMI().
    540   /// After this call \p OpdMapper.getMI() may not be valid anymore.
    541   /// \p OpdMapper.getInstrMapping().getID() carries the information of
    542   /// what has been chosen to map \p OpdMapper.getMI(). This ID is set
    543   /// by the various getInstrXXXMapping method.
    544   ///
    545   /// Therefore, getting the mapping and applying it should be kept in
    546   /// sync.
    547   void applyMapping(const OperandsMapper &OpdMapper) const {
    548     // The only mapping we know how to handle is the default mapping.
    549     if (OpdMapper.getInstrMapping().getID() == DefaultMappingID)
    550       return applyDefaultMapping(OpdMapper);
    551     // For other mapping, the target needs to do the right thing.
    552     // If that means calling applyDefaultMapping, fine, but this
    553     // must be explicitly stated.
    554     applyMappingImpl(OpdMapper);
    555   }
    557   /// Get the size in bits of \p Reg.
    558   /// Utility method to get the size of any registers. Unlike
    559   /// MachineRegisterInfo::getSize, the register does not need to be a
    560   /// virtual register.
    561   ///
    562   /// \pre \p Reg != 0 (NoRegister).
    563   static unsigned getSizeInBits(unsigned Reg, const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
    564                                 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI);
    566   /// Check that information hold by this instance make sense for the
    567   /// given \p TRI.
    568   ///
    569   /// \note This method does not check anything when assertions are disabled.
    570   ///
    571   /// \return True is the check was successful.
    572   bool verify(const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI) const;
    573 };
    575 inline raw_ostream &
    576 operator<<(raw_ostream &OS,
    577            const RegisterBankInfo::PartialMapping &PartMapping) {
    578   PartMapping.print(OS);
    579   return OS;
    580 }
    582 inline raw_ostream &
    583 operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const RegisterBankInfo::ValueMapping &ValMapping) {
    584   ValMapping.print(OS);
    585   return OS;
    586 }
    588 inline raw_ostream &
    589 operator<<(raw_ostream &OS,
    590            const RegisterBankInfo::InstructionMapping &InstrMapping) {
    591   InstrMapping.print(OS);
    592   return OS;
    593 }
    595 inline raw_ostream &
    596 operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const RegisterBankInfo::OperandsMapper &OpdMapper) {
    597   OpdMapper.print(OS, /*ForDebug*/ false);
    598   return OS;
    599 }
    600 } // End namespace llvm.
    602 #endif