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      1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/heap/mark-compact.h"
      7 #include "src/base/atomicops.h"
      8 #include "src/base/bits.h"
      9 #include "src/base/sys-info.h"
     10 #include "src/code-stubs.h"
     11 #include "src/compilation-cache.h"
     12 #include "src/deoptimizer.h"
     13 #include "src/execution.h"
     14 #include "src/frames-inl.h"
     15 #include "src/gdb-jit.h"
     16 #include "src/global-handles.h"
     17 #include "src/heap/array-buffer-tracker.h"
     18 #include "src/heap/gc-tracer.h"
     19 #include "src/heap/incremental-marking.h"
     20 #include "src/heap/mark-compact-inl.h"
     21 #include "src/heap/object-stats.h"
     22 #include "src/heap/objects-visiting-inl.h"
     23 #include "src/heap/objects-visiting.h"
     24 #include "src/heap/page-parallel-job.h"
     25 #include "src/heap/spaces-inl.h"
     26 #include "src/ic/ic.h"
     27 #include "src/ic/stub-cache.h"
     28 #include "src/tracing/tracing-category-observer.h"
     29 #include "src/utils-inl.h"
     30 #include "src/v8.h"
     32 namespace v8 {
     33 namespace internal {
     36 const char* Marking::kWhiteBitPattern = "00";
     37 const char* Marking::kBlackBitPattern = "11";
     38 const char* Marking::kGreyBitPattern = "10";
     39 const char* Marking::kImpossibleBitPattern = "01";
     41 // The following has to hold in order for {ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom} to not
     42 // produce invalid {kImpossibleBitPattern} in the marking bitmap by overlapping.
     43 STATIC_ASSERT(Heap::kMinObjectSizeInWords >= 2);
     46 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     47 // MarkCompactCollector
     49 MarkCompactCollector::MarkCompactCollector(Heap* heap)
     50     :  // NOLINT
     51       heap_(heap),
     52       page_parallel_job_semaphore_(0),
     53 #ifdef DEBUG
     54       state_(IDLE),
     55 #endif
     56       marking_parity_(ODD_MARKING_PARITY),
     57       was_marked_incrementally_(false),
     58       evacuation_(false),
     59       compacting_(false),
     60       black_allocation_(false),
     61       have_code_to_deoptimize_(false),
     62       marking_deque_(heap),
     63       code_flusher_(nullptr),
     64       sweeper_(heap) {
     65 }
     67 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
     68 class VerifyMarkingVisitor : public ObjectVisitor {
     69  public:
     70   explicit VerifyMarkingVisitor(Heap* heap) : heap_(heap) {}
     72   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) override {
     73     for (Object** current = start; current < end; current++) {
     74       if ((*current)->IsHeapObject()) {
     75         HeapObject* object = HeapObject::cast(*current);
     76         CHECK(heap_->mark_compact_collector()->IsMarked(object));
     77       }
     78     }
     79   }
     81   void VisitEmbeddedPointer(RelocInfo* rinfo) override {
     82     DCHECK(rinfo->rmode() == RelocInfo::EMBEDDED_OBJECT);
     83     if (!rinfo->host()->IsWeakObject(rinfo->target_object())) {
     84       Object* p = rinfo->target_object();
     85       VisitPointer(&p);
     86     }
     87   }
     89   void VisitCell(RelocInfo* rinfo) override {
     90     Code* code = rinfo->host();
     91     DCHECK(rinfo->rmode() == RelocInfo::CELL);
     92     if (!code->IsWeakObject(rinfo->target_cell())) {
     93       ObjectVisitor::VisitCell(rinfo);
     94     }
     95   }
     97  private:
     98   Heap* heap_;
     99 };
    102 static void VerifyMarking(Heap* heap, Address bottom, Address top) {
    103   VerifyMarkingVisitor visitor(heap);
    104   HeapObject* object;
    105   Address next_object_must_be_here_or_later = bottom;
    106   for (Address current = bottom; current < top;) {
    107     object = HeapObject::FromAddress(current);
    108     if (MarkCompactCollector::IsMarked(object)) {
    109       CHECK(Marking::IsBlack(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object)));
    110       CHECK(current >= next_object_must_be_here_or_later);
    111       object->Iterate(&visitor);
    112       next_object_must_be_here_or_later = current + object->Size();
    113       // The object is either part of a black area of black allocation or a
    114       // regular black object
    115       Page* page = Page::FromAddress(current);
    116       CHECK(
    117           page->markbits()->AllBitsSetInRange(
    118               page->AddressToMarkbitIndex(current),
    119               page->AddressToMarkbitIndex(next_object_must_be_here_or_later)) ||
    120           page->markbits()->AllBitsClearInRange(
    121               page->AddressToMarkbitIndex(current + kPointerSize * 2),
    122               page->AddressToMarkbitIndex(next_object_must_be_here_or_later)));
    123       current = next_object_must_be_here_or_later;
    124     } else {
    125       current += kPointerSize;
    126     }
    127   }
    128 }
    130 static void VerifyMarking(NewSpace* space) {
    131   Address end = space->top();
    132   // The bottom position is at the start of its page. Allows us to use
    133   // page->area_start() as start of range on all pages.
    134   CHECK_EQ(space->bottom(), Page::FromAddress(space->bottom())->area_start());
    136   NewSpacePageRange range(space->bottom(), end);
    137   for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end();) {
    138     Page* page = *(it++);
    139     Address limit = it != range.end() ? page->area_end() : end;
    140     CHECK(limit == end || !page->Contains(end));
    141     VerifyMarking(space->heap(), page->area_start(), limit);
    142   }
    143 }
    146 static void VerifyMarking(PagedSpace* space) {
    147   for (Page* p : *space) {
    148     VerifyMarking(space->heap(), p->area_start(), p->area_end());
    149   }
    150 }
    153 static void VerifyMarking(Heap* heap) {
    154   VerifyMarking(heap->old_space());
    155   VerifyMarking(heap->code_space());
    156   VerifyMarking(heap->map_space());
    157   VerifyMarking(heap->new_space());
    159   VerifyMarkingVisitor visitor(heap);
    161   LargeObjectIterator it(heap->lo_space());
    162   for (HeapObject* obj = it.Next(); obj != NULL; obj = it.Next()) {
    163     if (MarkCompactCollector::IsMarked(obj)) {
    164       obj->Iterate(&visitor);
    165     }
    166   }
    168   heap->IterateStrongRoots(&visitor, VISIT_ONLY_STRONG);
    169 }
    172 class VerifyEvacuationVisitor : public ObjectVisitor {
    173  public:
    174   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) override {
    175     for (Object** current = start; current < end; current++) {
    176       if ((*current)->IsHeapObject()) {
    177         HeapObject* object = HeapObject::cast(*current);
    178         CHECK(!MarkCompactCollector::IsOnEvacuationCandidate(object));
    179       }
    180     }
    181   }
    182 };
    185 static void VerifyEvacuation(Page* page) {
    186   VerifyEvacuationVisitor visitor;
    187   HeapObjectIterator iterator(page);
    188   for (HeapObject* heap_object = iterator.Next(); heap_object != NULL;
    189        heap_object = iterator.Next()) {
    190     // We skip free space objects.
    191     if (!heap_object->IsFiller()) {
    192       heap_object->Iterate(&visitor);
    193     }
    194   }
    195 }
    198 static void VerifyEvacuation(NewSpace* space) {
    199   VerifyEvacuationVisitor visitor;
    200   NewSpacePageRange range(space->bottom(), space->top());
    201   for (auto it = range.begin(); it != range.end();) {
    202     Page* page = *(it++);
    203     Address current = page->area_start();
    204     Address limit = it != range.end() ? page->area_end() : space->top();
    205     CHECK(limit == space->top() || !page->Contains(space->top()));
    206     while (current < limit) {
    207       HeapObject* object = HeapObject::FromAddress(current);
    208       object->Iterate(&visitor);
    209       current += object->Size();
    210     }
    211   }
    212 }
    215 static void VerifyEvacuation(Heap* heap, PagedSpace* space) {
    216   if (FLAG_use_allocation_folding && (space == heap->old_space())) {
    217     return;
    218   }
    219   for (Page* p : *space) {
    220     if (p->IsEvacuationCandidate()) continue;
    221     VerifyEvacuation(p);
    222   }
    223 }
    226 static void VerifyEvacuation(Heap* heap) {
    227   VerifyEvacuation(heap, heap->old_space());
    228   VerifyEvacuation(heap, heap->code_space());
    229   VerifyEvacuation(heap, heap->map_space());
    230   VerifyEvacuation(heap->new_space());
    232   VerifyEvacuationVisitor visitor;
    233   heap->IterateStrongRoots(&visitor, VISIT_ALL);
    234 }
    235 #endif  // VERIFY_HEAP
    238 void MarkCompactCollector::SetUp() {
    239   DCHECK(strcmp(Marking::kWhiteBitPattern, "00") == 0);
    240   DCHECK(strcmp(Marking::kBlackBitPattern, "11") == 0);
    241   DCHECK(strcmp(Marking::kGreyBitPattern, "10") == 0);
    242   DCHECK(strcmp(Marking::kImpossibleBitPattern, "01") == 0);
    243   marking_deque()->SetUp();
    245   if (FLAG_flush_code) {
    246     code_flusher_ = new CodeFlusher(isolate());
    247     if (FLAG_trace_code_flushing) {
    248       PrintF("[code-flushing is now on]\n");
    249     }
    250   }
    251 }
    254 void MarkCompactCollector::TearDown() {
    255   AbortCompaction();
    256   marking_deque()->TearDown();
    257   delete code_flusher_;
    258 }
    261 void MarkCompactCollector::AddEvacuationCandidate(Page* p) {
    262   DCHECK(!p->NeverEvacuate());
    263   p->MarkEvacuationCandidate();
    264   evacuation_candidates_.Add(p);
    265 }
    268 static void TraceFragmentation(PagedSpace* space) {
    269   int number_of_pages = space->CountTotalPages();
    270   intptr_t reserved = (number_of_pages * space->AreaSize());
    271   intptr_t free = reserved - space->SizeOfObjects();
    272   PrintF("[%s]: %d pages, %d (%.1f%%) free\n",
    273          AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()), number_of_pages,
    274          static_cast<int>(free), static_cast<double>(free) * 100 / reserved);
    275 }
    277 bool MarkCompactCollector::StartCompaction() {
    278   if (!compacting_) {
    279     DCHECK(evacuation_candidates_.length() == 0);
    281     CollectEvacuationCandidates(heap()->old_space());
    283     if (FLAG_compact_code_space) {
    284       CollectEvacuationCandidates(heap()->code_space());
    285     } else if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation) {
    286       TraceFragmentation(heap()->code_space());
    287     }
    289     if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation) {
    290       TraceFragmentation(heap()->map_space());
    291     }
    293     compacting_ = evacuation_candidates_.length() > 0;
    294   }
    296   return compacting_;
    297 }
    299 void MarkCompactCollector::CollectGarbage() {
    300   // Make sure that Prepare() has been called. The individual steps below will
    301   // update the state as they proceed.
    302   DCHECK(state_ == PREPARE_GC);
    304   MarkLiveObjects();
    306   DCHECK(heap_->incremental_marking()->IsStopped());
    308   ClearNonLiveReferences();
    310   RecordObjectStats();
    312 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
    313   if (FLAG_verify_heap) {
    314     VerifyMarking(heap_);
    315   }
    316 #endif
    318   StartSweepSpaces();
    320   EvacuateNewSpaceAndCandidates();
    322   Finish();
    323 }
    326 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
    327 void MarkCompactCollector::VerifyMarkbitsAreClean(PagedSpace* space) {
    328   for (Page* p : *space) {
    329     CHECK(p->markbits()->IsClean());
    330     CHECK_EQ(0, p->LiveBytes());
    331   }
    332 }
    335 void MarkCompactCollector::VerifyMarkbitsAreClean(NewSpace* space) {
    336   for (Page* p : NewSpacePageRange(space->bottom(), space->top())) {
    337     CHECK(p->markbits()->IsClean());
    338     CHECK_EQ(0, p->LiveBytes());
    339   }
    340 }
    343 void MarkCompactCollector::VerifyMarkbitsAreClean() {
    344   VerifyMarkbitsAreClean(heap_->old_space());
    345   VerifyMarkbitsAreClean(heap_->code_space());
    346   VerifyMarkbitsAreClean(heap_->map_space());
    347   VerifyMarkbitsAreClean(heap_->new_space());
    349   LargeObjectIterator it(heap_->lo_space());
    350   for (HeapObject* obj = it.Next(); obj != NULL; obj = it.Next()) {
    351     MarkBit mark_bit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(obj);
    352     CHECK(Marking::IsWhite(mark_bit));
    353     CHECK_EQ(0, Page::FromAddress(obj->address())->LiveBytes());
    354   }
    355 }
    358 void MarkCompactCollector::VerifyWeakEmbeddedObjectsInCode() {
    359   HeapObjectIterator code_iterator(heap()->code_space());
    360   for (HeapObject* obj = code_iterator.Next(); obj != NULL;
    361        obj = code_iterator.Next()) {
    362     Code* code = Code::cast(obj);
    363     if (!code->is_optimized_code()) continue;
    364     if (WillBeDeoptimized(code)) continue;
    365     code->VerifyEmbeddedObjectsDependency();
    366   }
    367 }
    370 void MarkCompactCollector::VerifyOmittedMapChecks() {
    371   HeapObjectIterator iterator(heap()->map_space());
    372   for (HeapObject* obj = iterator.Next(); obj != NULL; obj = iterator.Next()) {
    373     Map* map = Map::cast(obj);
    374     map->VerifyOmittedMapChecks();
    375   }
    376 }
    377 #endif  // VERIFY_HEAP
    380 static void ClearMarkbitsInPagedSpace(PagedSpace* space) {
    381   for (Page* p : *space) {
    382     p->ClearLiveness();
    383   }
    384 }
    387 static void ClearMarkbitsInNewSpace(NewSpace* space) {
    388   for (Page* page : *space) {
    389     page->ClearLiveness();
    390   }
    391 }
    394 void MarkCompactCollector::ClearMarkbits() {
    395   ClearMarkbitsInPagedSpace(heap_->code_space());
    396   ClearMarkbitsInPagedSpace(heap_->map_space());
    397   ClearMarkbitsInPagedSpace(heap_->old_space());
    398   ClearMarkbitsInNewSpace(heap_->new_space());
    400   LargeObjectIterator it(heap_->lo_space());
    401   for (HeapObject* obj = it.Next(); obj != NULL; obj = it.Next()) {
    402     Marking::MarkWhite(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(obj));
    403     MemoryChunk* chunk = MemoryChunk::FromAddress(obj->address());
    404     chunk->ResetProgressBar();
    405     chunk->ResetLiveBytes();
    406   }
    407 }
    409 class MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::SweeperTask : public v8::Task {
    410  public:
    411   SweeperTask(Sweeper* sweeper, base::Semaphore* pending_sweeper_tasks,
    412               AllocationSpace space_to_start)
    413       : sweeper_(sweeper),
    414         pending_sweeper_tasks_(pending_sweeper_tasks),
    415         space_to_start_(space_to_start) {}
    417   virtual ~SweeperTask() {}
    419  private:
    420   // v8::Task overrides.
    421   void Run() override {
    422     DCHECK_GE(space_to_start_, FIRST_SPACE);
    423     DCHECK_LE(space_to_start_, LAST_PAGED_SPACE);
    424     const int offset = space_to_start_ - FIRST_SPACE;
    425     const int num_spaces = LAST_PAGED_SPACE - FIRST_SPACE + 1;
    426     for (int i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++) {
    427       const int space_id = FIRST_SPACE + ((i + offset) % num_spaces);
    428       DCHECK_GE(space_id, FIRST_SPACE);
    429       DCHECK_LE(space_id, LAST_PAGED_SPACE);
    430       sweeper_->ParallelSweepSpace(static_cast<AllocationSpace>(space_id), 0);
    431     }
    432     pending_sweeper_tasks_->Signal();
    433   }
    435   Sweeper* sweeper_;
    436   base::Semaphore* pending_sweeper_tasks_;
    437   AllocationSpace space_to_start_;
    439   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SweeperTask);
    440 };
    442 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::StartSweeping() {
    443   sweeping_in_progress_ = true;
    444   ForAllSweepingSpaces([this](AllocationSpace space) {
    445     std::sort(sweeping_list_[space].begin(), sweeping_list_[space].end(),
    446               [](Page* a, Page* b) { return a->LiveBytes() < b->LiveBytes(); });
    447   });
    448 }
    450 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::StartSweeperTasks() {
    451   if (FLAG_concurrent_sweeping && sweeping_in_progress_) {
    452     ForAllSweepingSpaces([this](AllocationSpace space) {
    453       if (space == NEW_SPACE) return;
    454       num_sweeping_tasks_.Increment(1);
    455       V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->CallOnBackgroundThread(
    456           new SweeperTask(this, &pending_sweeper_tasks_semaphore_, space),
    457           v8::Platform::kShortRunningTask);
    458     });
    459   }
    460 }
    462 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::SweepOrWaitUntilSweepingCompleted(
    463     Page* page) {
    464   if (!page->SweepingDone()) {
    465     ParallelSweepPage(page, page->owner()->identity());
    466     if (!page->SweepingDone()) {
    467       // We were not able to sweep that page, i.e., a concurrent
    468       // sweeper thread currently owns this page. Wait for the sweeper
    469       // thread to be done with this page.
    470       page->WaitUntilSweepingCompleted();
    471     }
    472   }
    473 }
    475 void MarkCompactCollector::SweepAndRefill(CompactionSpace* space) {
    476   if (FLAG_concurrent_sweeping &&
    477       !sweeper().IsSweepingCompleted(space->identity())) {
    478     sweeper().ParallelSweepSpace(space->identity(), 0);
    479     space->RefillFreeList();
    480   }
    481 }
    483 Page* MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::GetSweptPageSafe(PagedSpace* space) {
    484   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
    485   SweptList& list = swept_list_[space->identity()];
    486   if (list.length() > 0) {
    487     return list.RemoveLast();
    488   }
    489   return nullptr;
    490 }
    492 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::EnsureCompleted() {
    493   if (!sweeping_in_progress_) return;
    495   // If sweeping is not completed or not running at all, we try to complete it
    496   // here.
    497   ForAllSweepingSpaces([this](AllocationSpace space) {
    498     if (!FLAG_concurrent_sweeping || !this->IsSweepingCompleted(space)) {
    499       ParallelSweepSpace(space, 0);
    500     }
    501   });
    503   if (FLAG_concurrent_sweeping) {
    504     while (num_sweeping_tasks_.Value() > 0) {
    505       pending_sweeper_tasks_semaphore_.Wait();
    506       num_sweeping_tasks_.Increment(-1);
    507     }
    508   }
    510   ForAllSweepingSpaces([this](AllocationSpace space) {
    511     if (space == NEW_SPACE) {
    512       swept_list_[NEW_SPACE].Clear();
    513     }
    514     DCHECK(sweeping_list_[space].empty());
    515   });
    516   sweeping_in_progress_ = false;
    517 }
    519 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::EnsureNewSpaceCompleted() {
    520   if (!sweeping_in_progress_) return;
    521   if (!FLAG_concurrent_sweeping || !IsSweepingCompleted(NEW_SPACE)) {
    522     for (Page* p : *heap_->new_space()) {
    523       SweepOrWaitUntilSweepingCompleted(p);
    524     }
    525   }
    526 }
    528 void MarkCompactCollector::EnsureSweepingCompleted() {
    529   if (!sweeper().sweeping_in_progress()) return;
    531   sweeper().EnsureCompleted();
    532   heap()->old_space()->RefillFreeList();
    533   heap()->code_space()->RefillFreeList();
    534   heap()->map_space()->RefillFreeList();
    536 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
    537   if (FLAG_verify_heap && !evacuation()) {
    538     VerifyEvacuation(heap_);
    539   }
    540 #endif
    541 }
    543 bool MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::AreSweeperTasksRunning() {
    544   DCHECK(FLAG_concurrent_sweeping);
    545   while (pending_sweeper_tasks_semaphore_.WaitFor(
    546       base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0))) {
    547     num_sweeping_tasks_.Increment(-1);
    548   }
    549   return num_sweeping_tasks_.Value() != 0;
    550 }
    552 bool MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::IsSweepingCompleted(AllocationSpace space) {
    553   DCHECK(FLAG_concurrent_sweeping);
    554   if (AreSweeperTasksRunning()) return false;
    555   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
    556   return sweeping_list_[space].empty();
    557 }
    559 const char* AllocationSpaceName(AllocationSpace space) {
    560   switch (space) {
    561     case NEW_SPACE:
    562       return "NEW_SPACE";
    563     case OLD_SPACE:
    564       return "OLD_SPACE";
    565     case CODE_SPACE:
    566       return "CODE_SPACE";
    567     case MAP_SPACE:
    568       return "MAP_SPACE";
    569     case LO_SPACE:
    570       return "LO_SPACE";
    571     default:
    572       UNREACHABLE();
    573   }
    575   return NULL;
    576 }
    578 void MarkCompactCollector::ComputeEvacuationHeuristics(
    579     size_t area_size, int* target_fragmentation_percent,
    580     size_t* max_evacuated_bytes) {
    581   // For memory reducing and optimize for memory mode we directly define both
    582   // constants.
    583   const int kTargetFragmentationPercentForReduceMemory = 20;
    584   const size_t kMaxEvacuatedBytesForReduceMemory = 12 * MB;
    585   const int kTargetFragmentationPercentForOptimizeMemory = 20;
    586   const size_t kMaxEvacuatedBytesForOptimizeMemory = 6 * MB;
    588   // For regular mode (which is latency critical) we define less aggressive
    589   // defaults to start and switch to a trace-based (using compaction speed)
    590   // approach as soon as we have enough samples.
    591   const int kTargetFragmentationPercent = 70;
    592   const size_t kMaxEvacuatedBytes = 4 * MB;
    593   // Time to take for a single area (=payload of page). Used as soon as there
    594   // exist enough compaction speed samples.
    595   const float kTargetMsPerArea = .5;
    597   if (heap()->ShouldReduceMemory()) {
    598     *target_fragmentation_percent = kTargetFragmentationPercentForReduceMemory;
    599     *max_evacuated_bytes = kMaxEvacuatedBytesForReduceMemory;
    600   } else if (heap()->ShouldOptimizeForMemoryUsage()) {
    601     *target_fragmentation_percent =
    602         kTargetFragmentationPercentForOptimizeMemory;
    603     *max_evacuated_bytes = kMaxEvacuatedBytesForOptimizeMemory;
    604   } else {
    605     const double estimated_compaction_speed =
    606         heap()->tracer()->CompactionSpeedInBytesPerMillisecond();
    607     if (estimated_compaction_speed != 0) {
    608       // Estimate the target fragmentation based on traced compaction speed
    609       // and a goal for a single page.
    610       const double estimated_ms_per_area =
    611           1 + area_size / estimated_compaction_speed;
    612       *target_fragmentation_percent = static_cast<int>(
    613           100 - 100 * kTargetMsPerArea / estimated_ms_per_area);
    614       if (*target_fragmentation_percent <
    615           kTargetFragmentationPercentForReduceMemory) {
    616         *target_fragmentation_percent =
    617             kTargetFragmentationPercentForReduceMemory;
    618       }
    619     } else {
    620       *target_fragmentation_percent = kTargetFragmentationPercent;
    621     }
    622     *max_evacuated_bytes = kMaxEvacuatedBytes;
    623   }
    624 }
    627 void MarkCompactCollector::CollectEvacuationCandidates(PagedSpace* space) {
    628   DCHECK(space->identity() == OLD_SPACE || space->identity() == CODE_SPACE);
    630   int number_of_pages = space->CountTotalPages();
    631   size_t area_size = space->AreaSize();
    633   // Pairs of (live_bytes_in_page, page).
    634   typedef std::pair<size_t, Page*> LiveBytesPagePair;
    635   std::vector<LiveBytesPagePair> pages;
    636   pages.reserve(number_of_pages);
    638   DCHECK(!sweeping_in_progress());
    639   DCHECK(!FLAG_concurrent_sweeping ||
    640          sweeper().IsSweepingCompleted(space->identity()));
    641   Page* owner_of_linear_allocation_area =
    642       space->top() == space->limit()
    643           ? nullptr
    644           : Page::FromAllocationAreaAddress(space->top());
    645   for (Page* p : *space) {
    646     if (p->NeverEvacuate() || p == owner_of_linear_allocation_area) continue;
    647     // Invariant: Evacuation candidates are just created when marking is
    648     // started. This means that sweeping has finished. Furthermore, at the end
    649     // of a GC all evacuation candidates are cleared and their slot buffers are
    650     // released.
    651     CHECK(!p->IsEvacuationCandidate());
    652     CHECK_NULL(p->old_to_old_slots());
    653     CHECK_NULL(p->typed_old_to_old_slots());
    654     CHECK(p->SweepingDone());
    655     DCHECK(p->area_size() == area_size);
    656     pages.push_back(std::make_pair(p->LiveBytesFromFreeList(), p));
    657   }
    659   int candidate_count = 0;
    660   size_t total_live_bytes = 0;
    662   const bool reduce_memory = heap()->ShouldReduceMemory();
    663   if (FLAG_manual_evacuation_candidates_selection) {
    664     for (size_t i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) {
    665       Page* p = pages[i].second;
    666       if (p->IsFlagSet(MemoryChunk::FORCE_EVACUATION_CANDIDATE_FOR_TESTING)) {
    667         candidate_count++;
    668         total_live_bytes += pages[i].first;
    669         p->ClearFlag(MemoryChunk::FORCE_EVACUATION_CANDIDATE_FOR_TESTING);
    670         AddEvacuationCandidate(p);
    671       }
    672     }
    673   } else if (FLAG_stress_compaction) {
    674     for (size_t i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) {
    675       Page* p = pages[i].second;
    676       if (i % 2 == 0) {
    677         candidate_count++;
    678         total_live_bytes += pages[i].first;
    679         AddEvacuationCandidate(p);
    680       }
    681     }
    682   } else {
    683     // The following approach determines the pages that should be evacuated.
    684     //
    685     // We use two conditions to decide whether a page qualifies as an evacuation
    686     // candidate, or not:
    687     // * Target fragmentation: How fragmented is a page, i.e., how is the ratio
    688     //   between live bytes and capacity of this page (= area).
    689     // * Evacuation quota: A global quota determining how much bytes should be
    690     //   compacted.
    691     //
    692     // The algorithm sorts all pages by live bytes and then iterates through
    693     // them starting with the page with the most free memory, adding them to the
    694     // set of evacuation candidates as long as both conditions (fragmentation
    695     // and quota) hold.
    696     size_t max_evacuated_bytes;
    697     int target_fragmentation_percent;
    698     ComputeEvacuationHeuristics(area_size, &target_fragmentation_percent,
    699                                 &max_evacuated_bytes);
    701     const size_t free_bytes_threshold =
    702         target_fragmentation_percent * (area_size / 100);
    704     // Sort pages from the most free to the least free, then select
    705     // the first n pages for evacuation such that:
    706     // - the total size of evacuated objects does not exceed the specified
    707     // limit.
    708     // - fragmentation of (n+1)-th page does not exceed the specified limit.
    709     std::sort(pages.begin(), pages.end(),
    710               [](const LiveBytesPagePair& a, const LiveBytesPagePair& b) {
    711                 return a.first < b.first;
    712               });
    713     for (size_t i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) {
    714       size_t live_bytes = pages[i].first;
    715       DCHECK_GE(area_size, live_bytes);
    716       size_t free_bytes = area_size - live_bytes;
    717       if (FLAG_always_compact ||
    718           ((free_bytes >= free_bytes_threshold) &&
    719            ((total_live_bytes + live_bytes) <= max_evacuated_bytes))) {
    720         candidate_count++;
    721         total_live_bytes += live_bytes;
    722       }
    723       if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation_verbose) {
    724         PrintIsolate(isolate(),
    725                      "compaction-selection-page: space=%s free_bytes_page=%zu "
    726                      "fragmentation_limit_kb=%" PRIuS
    727                      " fragmentation_limit_percent=%d sum_compaction_kb=%zu "
    728                      "compaction_limit_kb=%zu\n",
    729                      AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()), free_bytes / KB,
    730                      free_bytes_threshold / KB, target_fragmentation_percent,
    731                      total_live_bytes / KB, max_evacuated_bytes / KB);
    732       }
    733     }
    734     // How many pages we will allocated for the evacuated objects
    735     // in the worst case: ceil(total_live_bytes / area_size)
    736     int estimated_new_pages =
    737         static_cast<int>((total_live_bytes + area_size - 1) / area_size);
    738     DCHECK_LE(estimated_new_pages, candidate_count);
    739     int estimated_released_pages = candidate_count - estimated_new_pages;
    740     // Avoid (compact -> expand) cycles.
    741     if ((estimated_released_pages == 0) && !FLAG_always_compact) {
    742       candidate_count = 0;
    743     }
    744     for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++) {
    745       AddEvacuationCandidate(pages[i].second);
    746     }
    747   }
    749   if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation) {
    750     PrintIsolate(isolate(),
    751                  "compaction-selection: space=%s reduce_memory=%d pages=%d "
    752                  "total_live_bytes=%zu\n",
    753                  AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()), reduce_memory,
    754                  candidate_count, total_live_bytes / KB);
    755   }
    756 }
    759 void MarkCompactCollector::AbortCompaction() {
    760   if (compacting_) {
    761     RememberedSet<OLD_TO_OLD>::ClearAll(heap());
    762     for (Page* p : evacuation_candidates_) {
    763       p->ClearEvacuationCandidate();
    764     }
    765     compacting_ = false;
    766     evacuation_candidates_.Rewind(0);
    767   }
    768   DCHECK_EQ(0, evacuation_candidates_.length());
    769 }
    772 void MarkCompactCollector::Prepare() {
    773   was_marked_incrementally_ = heap()->incremental_marking()->IsMarking();
    775 #ifdef DEBUG
    776   DCHECK(state_ == IDLE);
    777   state_ = PREPARE_GC;
    778 #endif
    780   DCHECK(!FLAG_never_compact || !FLAG_always_compact);
    782   if (sweeping_in_progress()) {
    783     // Instead of waiting we could also abort the sweeper threads here.
    784     EnsureSweepingCompleted();
    785   }
    787   if (heap()->incremental_marking()->IsSweeping()) {
    788     heap()->incremental_marking()->Stop();
    789   }
    791   // If concurrent unmapping tasks are still running, we should wait for
    792   // them here.
    793   heap()->memory_allocator()->unmapper()->WaitUntilCompleted();
    795   // Clear marking bits if incremental marking is aborted.
    796   if (was_marked_incrementally_ && heap_->ShouldAbortIncrementalMarking()) {
    797     heap()->incremental_marking()->Stop();
    798     heap()->incremental_marking()->AbortBlackAllocation();
    799     ClearMarkbits();
    800     AbortWeakCollections();
    801     AbortWeakCells();
    802     AbortTransitionArrays();
    803     AbortCompaction();
    804     if (heap_->UsingEmbedderHeapTracer()) {
    805       heap_->embedder_heap_tracer()->AbortTracing();
    806     }
    807     marking_deque()->Clear();
    808     was_marked_incrementally_ = false;
    809   }
    811   if (!was_marked_incrementally_) {
    812     if (heap_->UsingEmbedderHeapTracer()) {
    813       TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_WRAPPER_PROLOGUE);
    814       heap_->embedder_heap_tracer()->TracePrologue();
    815     }
    816   }
    818   if (heap_->UsingEmbedderHeapTracer()) {
    819     heap_->embedder_heap_tracer()->EnterFinalPause();
    820   }
    822   // Don't start compaction if we are in the middle of incremental
    823   // marking cycle. We did not collect any slots.
    824   if (!FLAG_never_compact && !was_marked_incrementally_) {
    825     StartCompaction();
    826   }
    828   PagedSpaces spaces(heap());
    829   for (PagedSpace* space = spaces.next(); space != NULL;
    830        space = spaces.next()) {
    831     space->PrepareForMarkCompact();
    832   }
    833   heap()->account_external_memory_concurrently_freed();
    835 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
    836   if (!was_marked_incrementally_ && FLAG_verify_heap) {
    837     VerifyMarkbitsAreClean();
    838   }
    839 #endif
    840 }
    843 void MarkCompactCollector::Finish() {
    844   TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_FINISH);
    846   if (!heap()->delay_sweeper_tasks_for_testing_) {
    847     sweeper().StartSweeperTasks();
    848   }
    850   // The hashing of weak_object_to_code_table is no longer valid.
    851   heap()->weak_object_to_code_table()->Rehash(
    852       heap()->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value());
    854   // Clear the marking state of live large objects.
    855   heap_->lo_space()->ClearMarkingStateOfLiveObjects();
    857 #ifdef DEBUG
    858   DCHECK(state_ == SWEEP_SPACES || state_ == RELOCATE_OBJECTS);
    859   state_ = IDLE;
    860 #endif
    861   heap_->isolate()->inner_pointer_to_code_cache()->Flush();
    863   // The stub caches are not traversed during GC; clear them to force
    864   // their lazy re-initialization. This must be done after the
    865   // GC, because it relies on the new address of certain old space
    866   // objects (empty string, illegal builtin).
    867   isolate()->load_stub_cache()->Clear();
    868   isolate()->store_stub_cache()->Clear();
    870   if (have_code_to_deoptimize_) {
    871     // Some code objects were marked for deoptimization during the GC.
    872     Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeMarkedCode(isolate());
    873     have_code_to_deoptimize_ = false;
    874   }
    876   heap_->incremental_marking()->ClearIdleMarkingDelayCounter();
    878   if (marking_parity_ == EVEN_MARKING_PARITY) {
    879     marking_parity_ = ODD_MARKING_PARITY;
    880   } else {
    881     DCHECK(marking_parity_ == ODD_MARKING_PARITY);
    882     marking_parity_ = EVEN_MARKING_PARITY;
    883   }
    884 }
    887 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    888 // Phase 1: tracing and marking live objects.
    889 //   before: all objects are in normal state.
    890 //   after: a live object's map pointer is marked as '00'.
    892 // Marking all live objects in the heap as part of mark-sweep or mark-compact
    893 // collection.  Before marking, all objects are in their normal state.  After
    894 // marking, live objects' map pointers are marked indicating that the object
    895 // has been found reachable.
    896 //
    897 // The marking algorithm is a (mostly) depth-first (because of possible stack
    898 // overflow) traversal of the graph of objects reachable from the roots.  It
    899 // uses an explicit stack of pointers rather than recursion.  The young
    900 // generation's inactive ('from') space is used as a marking stack.  The
    901 // objects in the marking stack are the ones that have been reached and marked
    902 // but their children have not yet been visited.
    903 //
    904 // The marking stack can overflow during traversal.  In that case, we set an
    905 // overflow flag.  When the overflow flag is set, we continue marking objects
    906 // reachable from the objects on the marking stack, but no longer push them on
    907 // the marking stack.  Instead, we mark them as both marked and overflowed.
    908 // When the stack is in the overflowed state, objects marked as overflowed
    909 // have been reached and marked but their children have not been visited yet.
    910 // After emptying the marking stack, we clear the overflow flag and traverse
    911 // the heap looking for objects marked as overflowed, push them on the stack,
    912 // and continue with marking.  This process repeats until all reachable
    913 // objects have been marked.
    915 void CodeFlusher::ProcessJSFunctionCandidates() {
    916   Code* lazy_compile = isolate_->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kCompileLazy);
    917   Object* undefined = isolate_->heap()->undefined_value();
    919   JSFunction* candidate = jsfunction_candidates_head_;
    920   JSFunction* next_candidate;
    921   while (candidate != NULL) {
    922     next_candidate = GetNextCandidate(candidate);
    923     ClearNextCandidate(candidate, undefined);
    925     SharedFunctionInfo* shared = candidate->shared();
    927     Code* code = shared->code();
    928     MarkBit code_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(code);
    929     if (Marking::IsWhite(code_mark)) {
    930       if (FLAG_trace_code_flushing && shared->is_compiled()) {
    931         PrintF("[code-flushing clears: ");
    932         shared->ShortPrint();
    933         PrintF(" - age: %d]\n", code->GetAge());
    934       }
    935       // Always flush the optimized code map if there is one.
    936       if (!shared->OptimizedCodeMapIsCleared()) {
    937         shared->ClearOptimizedCodeMap();
    938       }
    939       shared->set_code(lazy_compile);
    940       candidate->set_code(lazy_compile);
    941     } else {
    942       DCHECK(Marking::IsBlack(code_mark));
    943       candidate->set_code(code);
    944     }
    946     // We are in the middle of a GC cycle so the write barrier in the code
    947     // setter did not record the slot update and we have to do that manually.
    948     Address slot = candidate->address() + JSFunction::kCodeEntryOffset;
    949     Code* target = Code::cast(Code::GetObjectFromEntryAddress(slot));
    950     isolate_->heap()->mark_compact_collector()->RecordCodeEntrySlot(
    951         candidate, slot, target);
    953     Object** shared_code_slot =
    954         HeapObject::RawField(shared, SharedFunctionInfo::kCodeOffset);
    955     isolate_->heap()->mark_compact_collector()->RecordSlot(
    956         shared, shared_code_slot, *shared_code_slot);
    958     candidate = next_candidate;
    959   }
    961   jsfunction_candidates_head_ = NULL;
    962 }
    965 void CodeFlusher::ProcessSharedFunctionInfoCandidates() {
    966   Code* lazy_compile = isolate_->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kCompileLazy);
    968   SharedFunctionInfo* candidate = shared_function_info_candidates_head_;
    969   SharedFunctionInfo* next_candidate;
    970   while (candidate != NULL) {
    971     next_candidate = GetNextCandidate(candidate);
    972     ClearNextCandidate(candidate);
    974     Code* code = candidate->code();
    975     MarkBit code_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(code);
    976     if (Marking::IsWhite(code_mark)) {
    977       if (FLAG_trace_code_flushing && candidate->is_compiled()) {
    978         PrintF("[code-flushing clears: ");
    979         candidate->ShortPrint();
    980         PrintF(" - age: %d]\n", code->GetAge());
    981       }
    982       // Always flush the optimized code map if there is one.
    983       if (!candidate->OptimizedCodeMapIsCleared()) {
    984         candidate->ClearOptimizedCodeMap();
    985       }
    986       candidate->set_code(lazy_compile);
    987     }
    989     Object** code_slot =
    990         HeapObject::RawField(candidate, SharedFunctionInfo::kCodeOffset);
    991     isolate_->heap()->mark_compact_collector()->RecordSlot(candidate, code_slot,
    992                                                            *code_slot);
    994     candidate = next_candidate;
    995   }
    997   shared_function_info_candidates_head_ = NULL;
    998 }
   1001 void CodeFlusher::EvictCandidate(SharedFunctionInfo* shared_info) {
   1002   // Make sure previous flushing decisions are revisited.
   1003   isolate_->heap()->incremental_marking()->IterateBlackObject(shared_info);
   1005   if (FLAG_trace_code_flushing) {
   1006     PrintF("[code-flushing abandons function-info: ");
   1007     shared_info->ShortPrint();
   1008     PrintF("]\n");
   1009   }
   1011   SharedFunctionInfo* candidate = shared_function_info_candidates_head_;
   1012   SharedFunctionInfo* next_candidate;
   1013   if (candidate == shared_info) {
   1014     next_candidate = GetNextCandidate(shared_info);
   1015     shared_function_info_candidates_head_ = next_candidate;
   1016     ClearNextCandidate(shared_info);
   1017   } else {
   1018     while (candidate != NULL) {
   1019       next_candidate = GetNextCandidate(candidate);
   1021       if (next_candidate == shared_info) {
   1022         next_candidate = GetNextCandidate(shared_info);
   1023         SetNextCandidate(candidate, next_candidate);
   1024         ClearNextCandidate(shared_info);
   1025         break;
   1026       }
   1028       candidate = next_candidate;
   1029     }
   1030   }
   1031 }
   1034 void CodeFlusher::EvictCandidate(JSFunction* function) {
   1035   DCHECK(!function->next_function_link()->IsUndefined(isolate_));
   1036   Object* undefined = isolate_->heap()->undefined_value();
   1038   // Make sure previous flushing decisions are revisited.
   1039   isolate_->heap()->incremental_marking()->IterateBlackObject(function);
   1040   isolate_->heap()->incremental_marking()->IterateBlackObject(
   1041       function->shared());
   1043   if (FLAG_trace_code_flushing) {
   1044     PrintF("[code-flushing abandons closure: ");
   1045     function->shared()->ShortPrint();
   1046     PrintF("]\n");
   1047   }
   1049   JSFunction* candidate = jsfunction_candidates_head_;
   1050   JSFunction* next_candidate;
   1051   if (candidate == function) {
   1052     next_candidate = GetNextCandidate(function);
   1053     jsfunction_candidates_head_ = next_candidate;
   1054     ClearNextCandidate(function, undefined);
   1055   } else {
   1056     while (candidate != NULL) {
   1057       next_candidate = GetNextCandidate(candidate);
   1059       if (next_candidate == function) {
   1060         next_candidate = GetNextCandidate(function);
   1061         SetNextCandidate(candidate, next_candidate);
   1062         ClearNextCandidate(function, undefined);
   1063         break;
   1064       }
   1066       candidate = next_candidate;
   1067     }
   1068   }
   1069 }
   1072 void CodeFlusher::IteratePointersToFromSpace(ObjectVisitor* v) {
   1073   Heap* heap = isolate_->heap();
   1075   JSFunction** slot = &jsfunction_candidates_head_;
   1076   JSFunction* candidate = jsfunction_candidates_head_;
   1077   while (candidate != NULL) {
   1078     if (heap->InFromSpace(candidate)) {
   1079       v->VisitPointer(reinterpret_cast<Object**>(slot));
   1080     }
   1081     candidate = GetNextCandidate(*slot);
   1082     slot = GetNextCandidateSlot(*slot);
   1083   }
   1084 }
   1087 class MarkCompactMarkingVisitor
   1088     : public StaticMarkingVisitor<MarkCompactMarkingVisitor> {
   1089  public:
   1090   static void Initialize();
   1092   INLINE(static void VisitPointer(Heap* heap, HeapObject* object, Object** p)) {
   1093     MarkObjectByPointer(heap->mark_compact_collector(), object, p);
   1094   }
   1096   INLINE(static void VisitPointers(Heap* heap, HeapObject* object,
   1097                                    Object** start, Object** end)) {
   1098     // Mark all objects pointed to in [start, end).
   1099     const int kMinRangeForMarkingRecursion = 64;
   1100     if (end - start >= kMinRangeForMarkingRecursion) {
   1101       if (VisitUnmarkedObjects(heap, object, start, end)) return;
   1102       // We are close to a stack overflow, so just mark the objects.
   1103     }
   1104     MarkCompactCollector* collector = heap->mark_compact_collector();
   1105     for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) {
   1106       MarkObjectByPointer(collector, object, p);
   1107     }
   1108   }
   1110   // Marks the object black and pushes it on the marking stack.
   1111   INLINE(static void MarkObject(Heap* heap, HeapObject* object)) {
   1112     MarkBit mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object);
   1113     heap->mark_compact_collector()->MarkObject(object, mark);
   1114   }
   1116   // Marks the object black without pushing it on the marking stack.
   1117   // Returns true if object needed marking and false otherwise.
   1118   INLINE(static bool MarkObjectWithoutPush(Heap* heap, HeapObject* object)) {
   1119     MarkBit mark_bit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object);
   1120     if (Marking::IsWhite(mark_bit)) {
   1121       heap->mark_compact_collector()->SetMark(object, mark_bit);
   1122       return true;
   1123     }
   1124     return false;
   1125   }
   1127   // Mark object pointed to by p.
   1128   INLINE(static void MarkObjectByPointer(MarkCompactCollector* collector,
   1129                                          HeapObject* object, Object** p)) {
   1130     if (!(*p)->IsHeapObject()) return;
   1131     HeapObject* target_object = HeapObject::cast(*p);
   1132     collector->RecordSlot(object, p, target_object);
   1133     MarkBit mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(target_object);
   1134     collector->MarkObject(target_object, mark);
   1135   }
   1138   // Visit an unmarked object.
   1139   INLINE(static void VisitUnmarkedObject(MarkCompactCollector* collector,
   1140                                          HeapObject* obj)) {
   1141 #ifdef DEBUG
   1142     DCHECK(collector->heap()->Contains(obj));
   1143     DCHECK(!collector->heap()->mark_compact_collector()->IsMarked(obj));
   1144 #endif
   1145     Map* map = obj->map();
   1146     Heap* heap = obj->GetHeap();
   1147     MarkBit mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(obj);
   1148     heap->mark_compact_collector()->SetMark(obj, mark);
   1149     // Mark the map pointer and the body.
   1150     MarkBit map_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(map);
   1151     heap->mark_compact_collector()->MarkObject(map, map_mark);
   1152     IterateBody(map, obj);
   1153   }
   1155   // Visit all unmarked objects pointed to by [start, end).
   1156   // Returns false if the operation fails (lack of stack space).
   1157   INLINE(static bool VisitUnmarkedObjects(Heap* heap, HeapObject* object,
   1158                                           Object** start, Object** end)) {
   1159     // Return false is we are close to the stack limit.
   1160     StackLimitCheck check(heap->isolate());
   1161     if (check.HasOverflowed()) return false;
   1163     MarkCompactCollector* collector = heap->mark_compact_collector();
   1164     // Visit the unmarked objects.
   1165     for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) {
   1166       Object* o = *p;
   1167       if (!o->IsHeapObject()) continue;
   1168       collector->RecordSlot(object, p, o);
   1169       HeapObject* obj = HeapObject::cast(o);
   1170       MarkBit mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(obj);
   1171       if (Marking::IsBlackOrGrey(mark)) continue;
   1172       VisitUnmarkedObject(collector, obj);
   1173     }
   1174     return true;
   1175   }
   1177  private:
   1178   // Code flushing support.
   1180   static const int kRegExpCodeThreshold = 5;
   1182   static void UpdateRegExpCodeAgeAndFlush(Heap* heap, JSRegExp* re,
   1183                                           bool is_one_byte) {
   1184     // Make sure that the fixed array is in fact initialized on the RegExp.
   1185     // We could potentially trigger a GC when initializing the RegExp.
   1186     if (HeapObject::cast(re->data())->map()->instance_type() !=
   1187         FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE)
   1188       return;
   1190     // Make sure this is a RegExp that actually contains code.
   1191     if (re->TypeTag() != JSRegExp::IRREGEXP) return;
   1193     Object* code = re->DataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_one_byte));
   1194     if (!code->IsSmi() &&
   1195         HeapObject::cast(code)->map()->instance_type() == CODE_TYPE) {
   1196       // Save a copy that can be reinstated if we need the code again.
   1197       re->SetDataAt(JSRegExp::saved_code_index(is_one_byte), code);
   1199       // Saving a copy might create a pointer into compaction candidate
   1200       // that was not observed by marker.  This might happen if JSRegExp data
   1201       // was marked through the compilation cache before marker reached JSRegExp
   1202       // object.
   1203       FixedArray* data = FixedArray::cast(re->data());
   1204       if (Marking::IsBlackOrGrey(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(data))) {
   1205         Object** slot =
   1206             data->data_start() + JSRegExp::saved_code_index(is_one_byte);
   1207         heap->mark_compact_collector()->RecordSlot(data, slot, code);
   1208       }
   1210       // Set a number in the 0-255 range to guarantee no smi overflow.
   1211       re->SetDataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_one_byte),
   1212                     Smi::FromInt(heap->ms_count() & 0xff));
   1213     } else if (code->IsSmi()) {
   1214       int value = Smi::cast(code)->value();
   1215       // The regexp has not been compiled yet or there was a compilation error.
   1216       if (value == JSRegExp::kUninitializedValue ||
   1217           value == JSRegExp::kCompilationErrorValue) {
   1218         return;
   1219       }
   1221       // Check if we should flush now.
   1222       if (value == ((heap->ms_count() - kRegExpCodeThreshold) & 0xff)) {
   1223         re->SetDataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_one_byte),
   1224                       Smi::FromInt(JSRegExp::kUninitializedValue));
   1225         re->SetDataAt(JSRegExp::saved_code_index(is_one_byte),
   1226                       Smi::FromInt(JSRegExp::kUninitializedValue));
   1227       }
   1228     }
   1229   }
   1232   // Works by setting the current sweep_generation (as a smi) in the
   1233   // code object place in the data array of the RegExp and keeps a copy
   1234   // around that can be reinstated if we reuse the RegExp before flushing.
   1235   // If we did not use the code for kRegExpCodeThreshold mark sweep GCs
   1236   // we flush the code.
   1237   static void VisitRegExpAndFlushCode(Map* map, HeapObject* object) {
   1238     Heap* heap = map->GetHeap();
   1239     MarkCompactCollector* collector = heap->mark_compact_collector();
   1240     if (!collector->is_code_flushing_enabled()) {
   1241       JSObjectVisitor::Visit(map, object);
   1242       return;
   1243     }
   1244     JSRegExp* re = reinterpret_cast<JSRegExp*>(object);
   1245     // Flush code or set age on both one byte and two byte code.
   1246     UpdateRegExpCodeAgeAndFlush(heap, re, true);
   1247     UpdateRegExpCodeAgeAndFlush(heap, re, false);
   1248     // Visit the fields of the RegExp, including the updated FixedArray.
   1249     JSObjectVisitor::Visit(map, object);
   1250   }
   1251 };
   1254 void MarkCompactMarkingVisitor::Initialize() {
   1255   StaticMarkingVisitor<MarkCompactMarkingVisitor>::Initialize();
   1257   table_.Register(kVisitJSRegExp, &VisitRegExpAndFlushCode);
   1258 }
   1261 class CodeMarkingVisitor : public ThreadVisitor {
   1262  public:
   1263   explicit CodeMarkingVisitor(MarkCompactCollector* collector)
   1264       : collector_(collector) {}
   1266   void VisitThread(Isolate* isolate, ThreadLocalTop* top) {
   1267     collector_->PrepareThreadForCodeFlushing(isolate, top);
   1268   }
   1270  private:
   1271   MarkCompactCollector* collector_;
   1272 };
   1275 class SharedFunctionInfoMarkingVisitor : public ObjectVisitor {
   1276  public:
   1277   explicit SharedFunctionInfoMarkingVisitor(MarkCompactCollector* collector)
   1278       : collector_(collector) {}
   1280   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) override {
   1281     for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) VisitPointer(p);
   1282   }
   1284   void VisitPointer(Object** slot) override {
   1285     Object* obj = *slot;
   1286     if (obj->IsSharedFunctionInfo()) {
   1287       SharedFunctionInfo* shared = reinterpret_cast<SharedFunctionInfo*>(obj);
   1288       MarkBit shared_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(shared);
   1289       MarkBit code_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(shared->code());
   1290       collector_->MarkObject(shared->code(), code_mark);
   1291       collector_->MarkObject(shared, shared_mark);
   1292     }
   1293   }
   1295  private:
   1296   MarkCompactCollector* collector_;
   1297 };
   1300 void MarkCompactCollector::PrepareThreadForCodeFlushing(Isolate* isolate,
   1301                                                         ThreadLocalTop* top) {
   1302   for (StackFrameIterator it(isolate, top); !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
   1303     // Note: for the frame that has a pending lazy deoptimization
   1304     // StackFrame::unchecked_code will return a non-optimized code object for
   1305     // the outermost function and StackFrame::LookupCode will return
   1306     // actual optimized code object.
   1307     StackFrame* frame = it.frame();
   1308     Code* code = frame->unchecked_code();
   1309     MarkBit code_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(code);
   1310     MarkObject(code, code_mark);
   1311     if (frame->is_optimized()) {
   1312       Code* optimized_code = frame->LookupCode();
   1313       MarkBit optimized_code_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(optimized_code);
   1314       MarkObject(optimized_code, optimized_code_mark);
   1315     }
   1316   }
   1317 }
   1320 void MarkCompactCollector::PrepareForCodeFlushing() {
   1321   // If code flushing is disabled, there is no need to prepare for it.
   1322   if (!is_code_flushing_enabled()) return;
   1324   // Make sure we are not referencing the code from the stack.
   1325   DCHECK(this == heap()->mark_compact_collector());
   1326   PrepareThreadForCodeFlushing(heap()->isolate(),
   1327                                heap()->isolate()->thread_local_top());
   1329   // Iterate the archived stacks in all threads to check if
   1330   // the code is referenced.
   1331   CodeMarkingVisitor code_marking_visitor(this);
   1332   heap()->isolate()->thread_manager()->IterateArchivedThreads(
   1333       &code_marking_visitor);
   1335   SharedFunctionInfoMarkingVisitor visitor(this);
   1336   heap()->isolate()->compilation_cache()->IterateFunctions(&visitor);
   1337   heap()->isolate()->handle_scope_implementer()->Iterate(&visitor);
   1339   ProcessMarkingDeque();
   1340 }
   1343 // Visitor class for marking heap roots.
   1344 class RootMarkingVisitor : public ObjectVisitor {
   1345  public:
   1346   explicit RootMarkingVisitor(Heap* heap)
   1347       : collector_(heap->mark_compact_collector()) {}
   1349   void VisitPointer(Object** p) override { MarkObjectByPointer(p); }
   1351   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) override {
   1352     for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) MarkObjectByPointer(p);
   1353   }
   1355   // Skip the weak next code link in a code object, which is visited in
   1356   // ProcessTopOptimizedFrame.
   1357   void VisitNextCodeLink(Object** p) override {}
   1359  private:
   1360   void MarkObjectByPointer(Object** p) {
   1361     if (!(*p)->IsHeapObject()) return;
   1363     HeapObject* object = HeapObject::cast(*p);
   1365     MarkBit mark_bit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object);
   1366     if (Marking::IsBlackOrGrey(mark_bit)) return;
   1368     Map* map = object->map();
   1369     // Mark the object.
   1370     collector_->SetMark(object, mark_bit);
   1372     // Mark the map pointer and body, and push them on the marking stack.
   1373     MarkBit map_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(map);
   1374     collector_->MarkObject(map, map_mark);
   1375     MarkCompactMarkingVisitor::IterateBody(map, object);
   1377     // Mark all the objects reachable from the map and body.  May leave
   1378     // overflowed objects in the heap.
   1379     collector_->EmptyMarkingDeque();
   1380   }
   1382   MarkCompactCollector* collector_;
   1383 };
   1386 // Helper class for pruning the string table.
   1387 template <bool finalize_external_strings, bool record_slots>
   1388 class StringTableCleaner : public ObjectVisitor {
   1389  public:
   1390   StringTableCleaner(Heap* heap, HeapObject* table)
   1391       : heap_(heap), pointers_removed_(0), table_(table) {
   1392     DCHECK(!record_slots || table != nullptr);
   1393   }
   1395   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) override {
   1396     // Visit all HeapObject pointers in [start, end).
   1397     MarkCompactCollector* collector = heap_->mark_compact_collector();
   1398     for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) {
   1399       Object* o = *p;
   1400       if (o->IsHeapObject()) {
   1401         if (Marking::IsWhite(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(HeapObject::cast(o)))) {
   1402           if (finalize_external_strings) {
   1403             DCHECK(o->IsExternalString());
   1404             heap_->FinalizeExternalString(String::cast(*p));
   1405           } else {
   1406             pointers_removed_++;
   1407           }
   1408           // Set the entry to the_hole_value (as deleted).
   1409           *p = heap_->the_hole_value();
   1410         } else if (record_slots) {
   1411           // StringTable contains only old space strings.
   1412           DCHECK(!heap_->InNewSpace(o));
   1413           collector->RecordSlot(table_, p, o);
   1414         }
   1415       }
   1416     }
   1417   }
   1419   int PointersRemoved() {
   1420     DCHECK(!finalize_external_strings);
   1421     return pointers_removed_;
   1422   }
   1424  private:
   1425   Heap* heap_;
   1426   int pointers_removed_;
   1427   HeapObject* table_;
   1428 };
   1430 typedef StringTableCleaner<false, true> InternalizedStringTableCleaner;
   1431 typedef StringTableCleaner<true, false> ExternalStringTableCleaner;
   1433 // Implementation of WeakObjectRetainer for mark compact GCs. All marked objects
   1434 // are retained.
   1435 class MarkCompactWeakObjectRetainer : public WeakObjectRetainer {
   1436  public:
   1437   virtual Object* RetainAs(Object* object) {
   1438     MarkBit mark_bit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(HeapObject::cast(object));
   1439     DCHECK(!Marking::IsGrey(mark_bit));
   1440     if (Marking::IsBlack(mark_bit)) {
   1441       return object;
   1442     } else if (object->IsAllocationSite() &&
   1443                !(AllocationSite::cast(object)->IsZombie())) {
   1444       // "dead" AllocationSites need to live long enough for a traversal of new
   1445       // space. These sites get a one-time reprieve.
   1446       AllocationSite* site = AllocationSite::cast(object);
   1447       site->MarkZombie();
   1448       site->GetHeap()->mark_compact_collector()->MarkAllocationSite(site);
   1449       return object;
   1450     } else {
   1451       return NULL;
   1452     }
   1453   }
   1454 };
   1457 // Fill the marking stack with overflowed objects returned by the given
   1458 // iterator.  Stop when the marking stack is filled or the end of the space
   1459 // is reached, whichever comes first.
   1460 template <class T>
   1461 void MarkCompactCollector::DiscoverGreyObjectsWithIterator(T* it) {
   1462   // The caller should ensure that the marking stack is initially not full,
   1463   // so that we don't waste effort pointlessly scanning for objects.
   1464   DCHECK(!marking_deque()->IsFull());
   1466   Map* filler_map = heap()->one_pointer_filler_map();
   1467   for (HeapObject* object = it->Next(); object != NULL; object = it->Next()) {
   1468     MarkBit markbit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object);
   1469     if ((object->map() != filler_map) && Marking::IsGrey(markbit)) {
   1470       Marking::GreyToBlack(markbit);
   1471       PushBlack(object);
   1472       if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   1473     }
   1474   }
   1475 }
   1477 void MarkCompactCollector::DiscoverGreyObjectsOnPage(MemoryChunk* p) {
   1478   DCHECK(!marking_deque()->IsFull());
   1479   LiveObjectIterator<kGreyObjects> it(p);
   1480   HeapObject* object = NULL;
   1481   while ((object = it.Next()) != NULL) {
   1482     MarkBit markbit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object);
   1483     DCHECK(Marking::IsGrey(markbit));
   1484     Marking::GreyToBlack(markbit);
   1485     PushBlack(object);
   1486     if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   1487   }
   1488 }
   1490 class RecordMigratedSlotVisitor final : public ObjectVisitor {
   1491  public:
   1492   explicit RecordMigratedSlotVisitor(MarkCompactCollector* collector)
   1493       : collector_(collector) {}
   1495   inline void VisitPointer(Object** p) final {
   1496     RecordMigratedSlot(*p, reinterpret_cast<Address>(p));
   1497   }
   1499   inline void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) final {
   1500     while (start < end) {
   1501       RecordMigratedSlot(*start, reinterpret_cast<Address>(start));
   1502       ++start;
   1503     }
   1504   }
   1506   inline void VisitCodeEntry(Address code_entry_slot) final {
   1507     Address code_entry = Memory::Address_at(code_entry_slot);
   1508     if (Page::FromAddress(code_entry)->IsEvacuationCandidate()) {
   1509       RememberedSet<OLD_TO_OLD>::InsertTyped(Page::FromAddress(code_entry_slot),
   1510                                              nullptr, CODE_ENTRY_SLOT,
   1511                                              code_entry_slot);
   1512     }
   1513   }
   1515   inline void VisitCodeTarget(RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
   1516     DCHECK(RelocInfo::IsCodeTarget(rinfo->rmode()));
   1517     Code* target = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(rinfo->target_address());
   1518     Code* host = rinfo->host();
   1519     // The target is always in old space, we don't have to record the slot in
   1520     // the old-to-new remembered set.
   1521     DCHECK(!collector_->heap()->InNewSpace(target));
   1522     collector_->RecordRelocSlot(host, rinfo, target);
   1523   }
   1525   inline void VisitDebugTarget(RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
   1526     DCHECK(RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlot(rinfo->rmode()) &&
   1527            rinfo->IsPatchedDebugBreakSlotSequence());
   1528     Code* target = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(rinfo->debug_call_address());
   1529     Code* host = rinfo->host();
   1530     // The target is always in old space, we don't have to record the slot in
   1531     // the old-to-new remembered set.
   1532     DCHECK(!collector_->heap()->InNewSpace(target));
   1533     collector_->RecordRelocSlot(host, rinfo, target);
   1534   }
   1536   inline void VisitEmbeddedPointer(RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
   1537     DCHECK(rinfo->rmode() == RelocInfo::EMBEDDED_OBJECT);
   1538     HeapObject* object = HeapObject::cast(rinfo->target_object());
   1539     Code* host = rinfo->host();
   1540     collector_->heap()->RecordWriteIntoCode(host, rinfo, object);
   1541     collector_->RecordRelocSlot(host, rinfo, object);
   1542   }
   1544   inline void VisitCell(RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
   1545     DCHECK(rinfo->rmode() == RelocInfo::CELL);
   1546     Cell* cell = rinfo->target_cell();
   1547     Code* host = rinfo->host();
   1548     // The cell is always in old space, we don't have to record the slot in
   1549     // the old-to-new remembered set.
   1550     DCHECK(!collector_->heap()->InNewSpace(cell));
   1551     collector_->RecordRelocSlot(host, rinfo, cell);
   1552   }
   1554   // Entries that will never move.
   1555   inline void VisitCodeAgeSequence(RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
   1556     DCHECK(RelocInfo::IsCodeAgeSequence(rinfo->rmode()));
   1557     Code* stub = rinfo->code_age_stub();
   1558     USE(stub);
   1559     DCHECK(!Page::FromAddress(stub->address())->IsEvacuationCandidate());
   1560   }
   1562   // Entries that are skipped for recording.
   1563   inline void VisitExternalReference(RelocInfo* rinfo) final {}
   1564   inline void VisitExternalReference(Address* p) final {}
   1565   inline void VisitRuntimeEntry(RelocInfo* rinfo) final {}
   1566   inline void VisitExternalOneByteString(
   1567       v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource** resource) final {}
   1568   inline void VisitExternalTwoByteString(
   1569       v8::String::ExternalStringResource** resource) final {}
   1570   inline void VisitInternalReference(RelocInfo* rinfo) final {}
   1571   inline void VisitEmbedderReference(Object** p, uint16_t class_id) final {}
   1573  private:
   1574   inline void RecordMigratedSlot(Object* value, Address slot) {
   1575     if (value->IsHeapObject()) {
   1576       Page* p = Page::FromAddress(reinterpret_cast<Address>(value));
   1577       if (p->InNewSpace()) {
   1578         RememberedSet<OLD_TO_NEW>::Insert(Page::FromAddress(slot), slot);
   1579       } else if (p->IsEvacuationCandidate()) {
   1580         RememberedSet<OLD_TO_OLD>::Insert(Page::FromAddress(slot), slot);
   1581       }
   1582     }
   1583   }
   1585   MarkCompactCollector* collector_;
   1586 };
   1588 class MarkCompactCollector::HeapObjectVisitor {
   1589  public:
   1590   virtual ~HeapObjectVisitor() {}
   1591   virtual bool Visit(HeapObject* object) = 0;
   1592 };
   1594 class MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateVisitorBase
   1595     : public MarkCompactCollector::HeapObjectVisitor {
   1596  protected:
   1597   enum MigrationMode { kFast, kProfiled };
   1599   EvacuateVisitorBase(Heap* heap, CompactionSpaceCollection* compaction_spaces)
   1600       : heap_(heap),
   1601         compaction_spaces_(compaction_spaces),
   1602         profiling_(
   1603             heap->isolate()->is_profiling() ||
   1604             heap->isolate()->logger()->is_logging_code_events() ||
   1605             heap->isolate()->heap_profiler()->is_tracking_object_moves()) {}
   1607   inline bool TryEvacuateObject(PagedSpace* target_space, HeapObject* object,
   1608                                 HeapObject** target_object) {
   1609 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   1610     if (AbortCompactionForTesting(object)) return false;
   1611 #endif  // VERIFY_HEAP
   1612     int size = object->Size();
   1613     AllocationAlignment alignment = object->RequiredAlignment();
   1614     AllocationResult allocation = target_space->AllocateRaw(size, alignment);
   1615     if (allocation.To(target_object)) {
   1616       MigrateObject(*target_object, object, size, target_space->identity());
   1617       return true;
   1618     }
   1619     return false;
   1620   }
   1622   inline void MigrateObject(HeapObject* dst, HeapObject* src, int size,
   1623                             AllocationSpace dest) {
   1624     if (profiling_) {
   1625       MigrateObject<kProfiled>(dst, src, size, dest);
   1626     } else {
   1627       MigrateObject<kFast>(dst, src, size, dest);
   1628     }
   1629   }
   1631   template <MigrationMode mode>
   1632   inline void MigrateObject(HeapObject* dst, HeapObject* src, int size,
   1633                             AllocationSpace dest) {
   1634     Address dst_addr = dst->address();
   1635     Address src_addr = src->address();
   1636     DCHECK(heap_->AllowedToBeMigrated(src, dest));
   1637     DCHECK(dest != LO_SPACE);
   1638     if (dest == OLD_SPACE) {
   1639       DCHECK_OBJECT_SIZE(size);
   1640       DCHECK(IsAligned(size, kPointerSize));
   1641       heap_->CopyBlock(dst_addr, src_addr, size);
   1642       if ((mode == kProfiled) && dst->IsBytecodeArray()) {
   1643         PROFILE(heap_->isolate(),
   1644                 CodeMoveEvent(AbstractCode::cast(src), dst_addr));
   1645       }
   1646       RecordMigratedSlotVisitor visitor(heap_->mark_compact_collector());
   1647       dst->IterateBodyFast(dst->map()->instance_type(), size, &visitor);
   1648     } else if (dest == CODE_SPACE) {
   1649       DCHECK_CODEOBJECT_SIZE(size, heap_->code_space());
   1650       if (mode == kProfiled) {
   1651         PROFILE(heap_->isolate(),
   1652                 CodeMoveEvent(AbstractCode::cast(src), dst_addr));
   1653       }
   1654       heap_->CopyBlock(dst_addr, src_addr, size);
   1655       Code::cast(dst)->Relocate(dst_addr - src_addr);
   1656       RecordMigratedSlotVisitor visitor(heap_->mark_compact_collector());
   1657       dst->IterateBodyFast(dst->map()->instance_type(), size, &visitor);
   1658     } else {
   1659       DCHECK_OBJECT_SIZE(size);
   1660       DCHECK(dest == NEW_SPACE);
   1661       heap_->CopyBlock(dst_addr, src_addr, size);
   1662     }
   1663     if (mode == kProfiled) {
   1664       heap_->OnMoveEvent(dst, src, size);
   1665     }
   1666     Memory::Address_at(src_addr) = dst_addr;
   1667   }
   1669 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   1670   bool AbortCompactionForTesting(HeapObject* object) {
   1671     if (FLAG_stress_compaction) {
   1672       const uintptr_t mask = static_cast<uintptr_t>(FLAG_random_seed) &
   1673                              Page::kPageAlignmentMask & ~kPointerAlignmentMask;
   1674       if ((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(object->address()) &
   1675            Page::kPageAlignmentMask) == mask) {
   1676         Page* page = Page::FromAddress(object->address());
   1677         if (page->IsFlagSet(Page::COMPACTION_WAS_ABORTED_FOR_TESTING)) {
   1678           page->ClearFlag(Page::COMPACTION_WAS_ABORTED_FOR_TESTING);
   1679         } else {
   1680           page->SetFlag(Page::COMPACTION_WAS_ABORTED_FOR_TESTING);
   1681           return true;
   1682         }
   1683       }
   1684     }
   1685     return false;
   1686   }
   1687 #endif  // VERIFY_HEAP
   1689   Heap* heap_;
   1690   CompactionSpaceCollection* compaction_spaces_;
   1691   bool profiling_;
   1692 };
   1694 class MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateNewSpaceVisitor final
   1695     : public MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateVisitorBase {
   1696  public:
   1697   static const intptr_t kLabSize = 4 * KB;
   1698   static const intptr_t kMaxLabObjectSize = 256;
   1700   explicit EvacuateNewSpaceVisitor(Heap* heap,
   1701                                    CompactionSpaceCollection* compaction_spaces,
   1702                                    base::HashMap* local_pretenuring_feedback)
   1703       : EvacuateVisitorBase(heap, compaction_spaces),
   1704         buffer_(LocalAllocationBuffer::InvalidBuffer()),
   1705         space_to_allocate_(NEW_SPACE),
   1706         promoted_size_(0),
   1707         semispace_copied_size_(0),
   1708         local_pretenuring_feedback_(local_pretenuring_feedback) {}
   1710   inline bool Visit(HeapObject* object) override {
   1711     heap_->UpdateAllocationSite<Heap::kCached>(object,
   1712                                                local_pretenuring_feedback_);
   1713     int size = object->Size();
   1714     HeapObject* target_object = nullptr;
   1715     if (heap_->ShouldBePromoted(object->address(), size) &&
   1716         TryEvacuateObject(compaction_spaces_->Get(OLD_SPACE), object,
   1717                           &target_object)) {
   1718       promoted_size_ += size;
   1719       return true;
   1720     }
   1721     HeapObject* target = nullptr;
   1722     AllocationSpace space = AllocateTargetObject(object, &target);
   1723     MigrateObject(HeapObject::cast(target), object, size, space);
   1724     semispace_copied_size_ += size;
   1725     return true;
   1726   }
   1728   intptr_t promoted_size() { return promoted_size_; }
   1729   intptr_t semispace_copied_size() { return semispace_copied_size_; }
   1731  private:
   1732   enum NewSpaceAllocationMode {
   1733     kNonstickyBailoutOldSpace,
   1734     kStickyBailoutOldSpace,
   1735   };
   1737   inline AllocationSpace AllocateTargetObject(HeapObject* old_object,
   1738                                               HeapObject** target_object) {
   1739     const int size = old_object->Size();
   1740     AllocationAlignment alignment = old_object->RequiredAlignment();
   1741     AllocationResult allocation;
   1742     AllocationSpace space_allocated_in = space_to_allocate_;
   1743     if (space_to_allocate_ == NEW_SPACE) {
   1744       if (size > kMaxLabObjectSize) {
   1745         allocation =
   1746             AllocateInNewSpace(size, alignment, kNonstickyBailoutOldSpace);
   1747       } else {
   1748         allocation = AllocateInLab(size, alignment);
   1749       }
   1750     }
   1751     if (allocation.IsRetry() || (space_to_allocate_ == OLD_SPACE)) {
   1752       allocation = AllocateInOldSpace(size, alignment);
   1753       space_allocated_in = OLD_SPACE;
   1754     }
   1755     bool ok = allocation.To(target_object);
   1756     DCHECK(ok);
   1757     USE(ok);
   1758     return space_allocated_in;
   1759   }
   1761   inline bool NewLocalAllocationBuffer() {
   1762     AllocationResult result =
   1763         AllocateInNewSpace(kLabSize, kWordAligned, kStickyBailoutOldSpace);
   1764     LocalAllocationBuffer saved_old_buffer = buffer_;
   1765     buffer_ = LocalAllocationBuffer::FromResult(heap_, result, kLabSize);
   1766     if (buffer_.IsValid()) {
   1767       buffer_.TryMerge(&saved_old_buffer);
   1768       return true;
   1769     }
   1770     return false;
   1771   }
   1773   inline AllocationResult AllocateInNewSpace(int size_in_bytes,
   1774                                              AllocationAlignment alignment,
   1775                                              NewSpaceAllocationMode mode) {
   1776     AllocationResult allocation =
   1777         heap_->new_space()->AllocateRawSynchronized(size_in_bytes, alignment);
   1778     if (allocation.IsRetry()) {
   1779       if (!heap_->new_space()->AddFreshPageSynchronized()) {
   1780         if (mode == kStickyBailoutOldSpace) space_to_allocate_ = OLD_SPACE;
   1781       } else {
   1782         allocation = heap_->new_space()->AllocateRawSynchronized(size_in_bytes,
   1783                                                                  alignment);
   1784         if (allocation.IsRetry()) {
   1785           if (mode == kStickyBailoutOldSpace) space_to_allocate_ = OLD_SPACE;
   1786         }
   1787       }
   1788     }
   1789     return allocation;
   1790   }
   1792   inline AllocationResult AllocateInOldSpace(int size_in_bytes,
   1793                                              AllocationAlignment alignment) {
   1794     AllocationResult allocation =
   1795         compaction_spaces_->Get(OLD_SPACE)->AllocateRaw(size_in_bytes,
   1796                                                         alignment);
   1797     if (allocation.IsRetry()) {
   1798       v8::internal::Heap::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(
   1799           "MarkCompactCollector: semi-space copy, fallback in old gen", true);
   1800     }
   1801     return allocation;
   1802   }
   1804   inline AllocationResult AllocateInLab(int size_in_bytes,
   1805                                         AllocationAlignment alignment) {
   1806     AllocationResult allocation;
   1807     if (!buffer_.IsValid()) {
   1808       if (!NewLocalAllocationBuffer()) {
   1809         space_to_allocate_ = OLD_SPACE;
   1810         return AllocationResult::Retry(OLD_SPACE);
   1811       }
   1812     }
   1813     allocation = buffer_.AllocateRawAligned(size_in_bytes, alignment);
   1814     if (allocation.IsRetry()) {
   1815       if (!NewLocalAllocationBuffer()) {
   1816         space_to_allocate_ = OLD_SPACE;
   1817         return AllocationResult::Retry(OLD_SPACE);
   1818       } else {
   1819         allocation = buffer_.AllocateRawAligned(size_in_bytes, alignment);
   1820         if (allocation.IsRetry()) {
   1821           space_to_allocate_ = OLD_SPACE;
   1822           return AllocationResult::Retry(OLD_SPACE);
   1823         }
   1824       }
   1825     }
   1826     return allocation;
   1827   }
   1829   LocalAllocationBuffer buffer_;
   1830   AllocationSpace space_to_allocate_;
   1831   intptr_t promoted_size_;
   1832   intptr_t semispace_copied_size_;
   1833   base::HashMap* local_pretenuring_feedback_;
   1834 };
   1836 template <PageEvacuationMode mode>
   1837 class MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateNewSpacePageVisitor final
   1838     : public MarkCompactCollector::HeapObjectVisitor {
   1839  public:
   1840   explicit EvacuateNewSpacePageVisitor(
   1841       Heap* heap, base::HashMap* local_pretenuring_feedback)
   1842       : heap_(heap),
   1843         moved_bytes_(0),
   1844         local_pretenuring_feedback_(local_pretenuring_feedback) {}
   1846   static void Move(Page* page) {
   1847     switch (mode) {
   1848       case NEW_TO_NEW:
   1849         page->heap()->new_space()->MovePageFromSpaceToSpace(page);
   1850         page->SetFlag(Page::PAGE_NEW_NEW_PROMOTION);
   1851         break;
   1852       case NEW_TO_OLD: {
   1853         page->Unlink();
   1854         Page* new_page = Page::ConvertNewToOld(page);
   1855         new_page->SetFlag(Page::PAGE_NEW_OLD_PROMOTION);
   1856         break;
   1857       }
   1858     }
   1859   }
   1861   inline bool Visit(HeapObject* object) {
   1862     heap_->UpdateAllocationSite<Heap::kCached>(object,
   1863                                                local_pretenuring_feedback_);
   1864     if (mode == NEW_TO_OLD) {
   1865       RecordMigratedSlotVisitor visitor(heap_->mark_compact_collector());
   1866       object->IterateBodyFast(&visitor);
   1867     }
   1868     return true;
   1869   }
   1871   intptr_t moved_bytes() { return moved_bytes_; }
   1872   void account_moved_bytes(intptr_t bytes) { moved_bytes_ += bytes; }
   1874  private:
   1875   Heap* heap_;
   1876   intptr_t moved_bytes_;
   1877   base::HashMap* local_pretenuring_feedback_;
   1878 };
   1880 class MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateOldSpaceVisitor final
   1881     : public MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateVisitorBase {
   1882  public:
   1883   EvacuateOldSpaceVisitor(Heap* heap,
   1884                           CompactionSpaceCollection* compaction_spaces)
   1885       : EvacuateVisitorBase(heap, compaction_spaces) {}
   1887   inline bool Visit(HeapObject* object) override {
   1888     CompactionSpace* target_space = compaction_spaces_->Get(
   1889         Page::FromAddress(object->address())->owner()->identity());
   1890     HeapObject* target_object = nullptr;
   1891     if (TryEvacuateObject(target_space, object, &target_object)) {
   1892       DCHECK(object->map_word().IsForwardingAddress());
   1893       return true;
   1894     }
   1895     return false;
   1896   }
   1897 };
   1899 class MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateRecordOnlyVisitor final
   1900     : public MarkCompactCollector::HeapObjectVisitor {
   1901  public:
   1902   explicit EvacuateRecordOnlyVisitor(Heap* heap) : heap_(heap) {}
   1904   inline bool Visit(HeapObject* object) {
   1905     RecordMigratedSlotVisitor visitor(heap_->mark_compact_collector());
   1906     object->IterateBody(&visitor);
   1907     return true;
   1908   }
   1910  private:
   1911   Heap* heap_;
   1912 };
   1914 void MarkCompactCollector::DiscoverGreyObjectsInSpace(PagedSpace* space) {
   1915   for (Page* p : *space) {
   1916     DiscoverGreyObjectsOnPage(p);
   1917     if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   1918   }
   1919 }
   1922 void MarkCompactCollector::DiscoverGreyObjectsInNewSpace() {
   1923   NewSpace* space = heap()->new_space();
   1924   for (Page* page : NewSpacePageRange(space->bottom(), space->top())) {
   1925     DiscoverGreyObjectsOnPage(page);
   1926     if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   1927   }
   1928 }
   1931 bool MarkCompactCollector::IsUnmarkedHeapObject(Object** p) {
   1932   Object* o = *p;
   1933   if (!o->IsHeapObject()) return false;
   1934   HeapObject* heap_object = HeapObject::cast(o);
   1935   MarkBit mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(heap_object);
   1936   return Marking::IsWhite(mark);
   1937 }
   1940 bool MarkCompactCollector::IsUnmarkedHeapObjectWithHeap(Heap* heap,
   1941                                                         Object** p) {
   1942   Object* o = *p;
   1943   DCHECK(o->IsHeapObject());
   1944   HeapObject* heap_object = HeapObject::cast(o);
   1945   MarkBit mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(heap_object);
   1946   return Marking::IsWhite(mark);
   1947 }
   1950 void MarkCompactCollector::MarkStringTable(RootMarkingVisitor* visitor) {
   1951   StringTable* string_table = heap()->string_table();
   1952   // Mark the string table itself.
   1953   MarkBit string_table_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(string_table);
   1954   if (Marking::IsWhite(string_table_mark)) {
   1955     // String table could have already been marked by visiting the handles list.
   1956     SetMark(string_table, string_table_mark);
   1957   }
   1958   // Explicitly mark the prefix.
   1959   string_table->IteratePrefix(visitor);
   1960   ProcessMarkingDeque();
   1961 }
   1964 void MarkCompactCollector::MarkAllocationSite(AllocationSite* site) {
   1965   MarkBit mark_bit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(site);
   1966   SetMark(site, mark_bit);
   1967 }
   1970 void MarkCompactCollector::MarkRoots(RootMarkingVisitor* visitor) {
   1971   // Mark the heap roots including global variables, stack variables,
   1972   // etc., and all objects reachable from them.
   1973   heap()->IterateStrongRoots(visitor, VISIT_ONLY_STRONG);
   1975   // Handle the string table specially.
   1976   MarkStringTable(visitor);
   1978   // There may be overflowed objects in the heap.  Visit them now.
   1979   while (marking_deque()->overflowed()) {
   1980     RefillMarkingDeque();
   1981     EmptyMarkingDeque();
   1982   }
   1983 }
   1986 void MarkCompactCollector::MarkImplicitRefGroups(
   1987     MarkObjectFunction mark_object) {
   1988   List<ImplicitRefGroup*>* ref_groups =
   1989       isolate()->global_handles()->implicit_ref_groups();
   1991   int last = 0;
   1992   for (int i = 0; i < ref_groups->length(); i++) {
   1993     ImplicitRefGroup* entry = ref_groups->at(i);
   1994     DCHECK(entry != NULL);
   1996     if (!IsMarked(*entry->parent)) {
   1997       (*ref_groups)[last++] = entry;
   1998       continue;
   1999     }
   2001     Object*** children = entry->children;
   2002     // A parent object is marked, so mark all child heap objects.
   2003     for (size_t j = 0; j < entry->length; ++j) {
   2004       if ((*children[j])->IsHeapObject()) {
   2005         mark_object(heap(), HeapObject::cast(*children[j]));
   2006       }
   2007     }
   2009     // Once the entire group has been marked, dispose it because it's
   2010     // not needed anymore.
   2011     delete entry;
   2012   }
   2013   ref_groups->Rewind(last);
   2014 }
   2017 // Mark all objects reachable from the objects on the marking stack.
   2018 // Before: the marking stack contains zero or more heap object pointers.
   2019 // After: the marking stack is empty, and all objects reachable from the
   2020 // marking stack have been marked, or are overflowed in the heap.
   2021 void MarkCompactCollector::EmptyMarkingDeque() {
   2022   while (!marking_deque()->IsEmpty()) {
   2023     HeapObject* object = marking_deque()->Pop();
   2025     DCHECK(!object->IsFiller());
   2026     DCHECK(object->IsHeapObject());
   2027     DCHECK(heap()->Contains(object));
   2028     DCHECK(!Marking::IsWhite(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object)));
   2030     Map* map = object->map();
   2031     MarkBit map_mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(map);
   2032     MarkObject(map, map_mark);
   2034     MarkCompactMarkingVisitor::IterateBody(map, object);
   2035   }
   2036 }
   2039 // Sweep the heap for overflowed objects, clear their overflow bits, and
   2040 // push them on the marking stack.  Stop early if the marking stack fills
   2041 // before sweeping completes.  If sweeping completes, there are no remaining
   2042 // overflowed objects in the heap so the overflow flag on the markings stack
   2043 // is cleared.
   2044 void MarkCompactCollector::RefillMarkingDeque() {
   2045   isolate()->CountUsage(v8::Isolate::UseCounterFeature::kMarkDequeOverflow);
   2046   DCHECK(marking_deque()->overflowed());
   2048   DiscoverGreyObjectsInNewSpace();
   2049   if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   2051   DiscoverGreyObjectsInSpace(heap()->old_space());
   2052   if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   2054   DiscoverGreyObjectsInSpace(heap()->code_space());
   2055   if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   2057   DiscoverGreyObjectsInSpace(heap()->map_space());
   2058   if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   2060   LargeObjectIterator lo_it(heap()->lo_space());
   2061   DiscoverGreyObjectsWithIterator(&lo_it);
   2062   if (marking_deque()->IsFull()) return;
   2064   marking_deque()->ClearOverflowed();
   2065 }
   2068 // Mark all objects reachable (transitively) from objects on the marking
   2069 // stack.  Before: the marking stack contains zero or more heap object
   2070 // pointers.  After: the marking stack is empty and there are no overflowed
   2071 // objects in the heap.
   2072 void MarkCompactCollector::ProcessMarkingDeque() {
   2073   EmptyMarkingDeque();
   2074   while (marking_deque()->overflowed()) {
   2075     RefillMarkingDeque();
   2076     EmptyMarkingDeque();
   2077   }
   2078 }
   2080 // Mark all objects reachable (transitively) from objects on the marking
   2081 // stack including references only considered in the atomic marking pause.
   2082 void MarkCompactCollector::ProcessEphemeralMarking(
   2083     ObjectVisitor* visitor, bool only_process_harmony_weak_collections) {
   2084   DCHECK(marking_deque()->IsEmpty() && !marking_deque()->overflowed());
   2085   bool work_to_do = true;
   2086   while (work_to_do) {
   2087     if (heap_->UsingEmbedderHeapTracer()) {
   2088       TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_WRAPPER_TRACING);
   2089       heap_->RegisterWrappersWithEmbedderHeapTracer();
   2090       heap_->embedder_heap_tracer()->AdvanceTracing(
   2091           0, EmbedderHeapTracer::AdvanceTracingActions(
   2092                  EmbedderHeapTracer::ForceCompletionAction::FORCE_COMPLETION));
   2093     }
   2094     if (!only_process_harmony_weak_collections) {
   2095       TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_OBJECT_GROUPING);
   2096       isolate()->global_handles()->IterateObjectGroups(
   2097           visitor, &IsUnmarkedHeapObjectWithHeap);
   2098       MarkImplicitRefGroups(&MarkCompactMarkingVisitor::MarkObject);
   2099     }
   2100     ProcessWeakCollections();
   2101     work_to_do = !marking_deque()->IsEmpty();
   2102     ProcessMarkingDeque();
   2103   }
   2104 }
   2106 void MarkCompactCollector::ProcessTopOptimizedFrame(ObjectVisitor* visitor) {
   2107   for (StackFrameIterator it(isolate(), isolate()->thread_local_top());
   2108        !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
   2109     if (it.frame()->type() == StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT) {
   2110       return;
   2111     }
   2112     if (it.frame()->type() == StackFrame::OPTIMIZED) {
   2113       Code* code = it.frame()->LookupCode();
   2114       if (!code->CanDeoptAt(it.frame()->pc())) {
   2115         Code::BodyDescriptor::IterateBody(code, visitor);
   2116       }
   2117       ProcessMarkingDeque();
   2118       return;
   2119     }
   2120   }
   2121 }
   2123 void MarkingDeque::SetUp() {
   2124   backing_store_ = new base::VirtualMemory(kMaxSize);
   2125   backing_store_committed_size_ = 0;
   2126   if (backing_store_ == nullptr) {
   2127     V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory("MarkingDeque::SetUp");
   2128   }
   2129 }
   2131 void MarkingDeque::TearDown() {
   2132   delete backing_store_;
   2133 }
   2135 void MarkingDeque::StartUsing() {
   2136   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
   2137   if (in_use_) {
   2138     // This can happen in mark-compact GC if the incremental marker already
   2139     // started using the marking deque.
   2140     return;
   2141   }
   2142   in_use_ = true;
   2143   EnsureCommitted();
   2144   array_ = reinterpret_cast<HeapObject**>(backing_store_->address());
   2145   size_t size = FLAG_force_marking_deque_overflows
   2146                     ? 64 * kPointerSize
   2147                     : backing_store_committed_size_;
   2148   DCHECK(
   2149       base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(static_cast<uint32_t>(size / kPointerSize)));
   2150   mask_ = static_cast<int>((size / kPointerSize) - 1);
   2151   top_ = bottom_ = 0;
   2152   overflowed_ = false;
   2153 }
   2155 void MarkingDeque::StopUsing() {
   2156   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
   2157   DCHECK(IsEmpty());
   2158   DCHECK(!overflowed_);
   2159   top_ = bottom_ = mask_ = 0;
   2160   in_use_ = false;
   2161   if (FLAG_concurrent_sweeping) {
   2162     StartUncommitTask();
   2163   } else {
   2164     Uncommit();
   2165   }
   2166 }
   2168 void MarkingDeque::Clear() {
   2169   DCHECK(in_use_);
   2170   top_ = bottom_ = 0;
   2171   overflowed_ = false;
   2172 }
   2174 void MarkingDeque::Uncommit() {
   2175   DCHECK(!in_use_);
   2176   bool success = backing_store_->Uncommit(backing_store_->address(),
   2177                                           backing_store_committed_size_);
   2178   backing_store_committed_size_ = 0;
   2179   CHECK(success);
   2180 }
   2182 void MarkingDeque::EnsureCommitted() {
   2183   DCHECK(in_use_);
   2184   if (backing_store_committed_size_ > 0) return;
   2186   for (size_t size = kMaxSize; size >= kMinSize; size /= 2) {
   2187     if (backing_store_->Commit(backing_store_->address(), size, false)) {
   2188       backing_store_committed_size_ = size;
   2189       break;
   2190     }
   2191   }
   2192   if (backing_store_committed_size_ == 0) {
   2193     V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory("MarkingDeque::EnsureCommitted");
   2194   }
   2195 }
   2197 void MarkingDeque::StartUncommitTask() {
   2198   if (!uncommit_task_pending_) {
   2199     uncommit_task_pending_ = true;
   2200     UncommitTask* task = new UncommitTask(heap_->isolate(), this);
   2201     V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->CallOnBackgroundThread(
   2202         task, v8::Platform::kShortRunningTask);
   2203   }
   2204 }
   2206 class MarkCompactCollector::ObjectStatsVisitor
   2207     : public MarkCompactCollector::HeapObjectVisitor {
   2208  public:
   2209   ObjectStatsVisitor(Heap* heap, ObjectStats* live_stats,
   2210                      ObjectStats* dead_stats)
   2211       : live_collector_(heap, live_stats), dead_collector_(heap, dead_stats) {
   2212     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(live_stats);
   2213     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(dead_stats);
   2214     // Global objects are roots and thus recorded as live.
   2215     live_collector_.CollectGlobalStatistics();
   2216   }
   2218   bool Visit(HeapObject* obj) override {
   2219     if (Marking::IsBlack(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(obj))) {
   2220       live_collector_.CollectStatistics(obj);
   2221     } else {
   2222       DCHECK(!Marking::IsGrey(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(obj)));
   2223       dead_collector_.CollectStatistics(obj);
   2224     }
   2225     return true;
   2226   }
   2228  private:
   2229   ObjectStatsCollector live_collector_;
   2230   ObjectStatsCollector dead_collector_;
   2231 };
   2233 void MarkCompactCollector::VisitAllObjects(HeapObjectVisitor* visitor) {
   2234   SpaceIterator space_it(heap());
   2235   HeapObject* obj = nullptr;
   2236   while (space_it.has_next()) {
   2237     std::unique_ptr<ObjectIterator> it(space_it.next()->GetObjectIterator());
   2238     ObjectIterator* obj_it = it.get();
   2239     while ((obj = obj_it->Next()) != nullptr) {
   2240       visitor->Visit(obj);
   2241     }
   2242   }
   2243 }
   2245 void MarkCompactCollector::RecordObjectStats() {
   2246   if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_gc_stats)) {
   2247     heap()->CreateObjectStats();
   2248     ObjectStatsVisitor visitor(heap(), heap()->live_object_stats_,
   2249                                heap()->dead_object_stats_);
   2250     VisitAllObjects(&visitor);
   2251     if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_gc_stats &
   2252                     v8::tracing::TracingCategoryObserver::ENABLED_BY_TRACING)) {
   2253       std::stringstream live, dead;
   2254       heap()->live_object_stats_->Dump(live);
   2255       heap()->dead_object_stats_->Dump(dead);
   2257                            "V8.GC_Objects_Stats", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD,
   2258                            "live", TRACE_STR_COPY(live.str().c_str()), "dead",
   2259                            TRACE_STR_COPY(dead.str().c_str()));
   2260     }
   2261     if (FLAG_trace_gc_object_stats) {
   2262       heap()->live_object_stats_->PrintJSON("live");
   2263       heap()->dead_object_stats_->PrintJSON("dead");
   2264     }
   2265     heap()->live_object_stats_->CheckpointObjectStats();
   2266     heap()->dead_object_stats_->ClearObjectStats();
   2267   }
   2268 }
   2270 void MarkCompactCollector::MarkLiveObjects() {
   2271   TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK);
   2272   // The recursive GC marker detects when it is nearing stack overflow,
   2273   // and switches to a different marking system.  JS interrupts interfere
   2274   // with the C stack limit check.
   2275   PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate());
   2277   {
   2278     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_FINISH_INCREMENTAL);
   2279     IncrementalMarking* incremental_marking = heap_->incremental_marking();
   2280     if (was_marked_incrementally_) {
   2281       incremental_marking->Finalize();
   2282     } else {
   2283       CHECK(incremental_marking->IsStopped());
   2284     }
   2285   }
   2287 #ifdef DEBUG
   2288   DCHECK(state_ == PREPARE_GC);
   2289   state_ = MARK_LIVE_OBJECTS;
   2290 #endif
   2292   marking_deque()->StartUsing();
   2294   {
   2295     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_PREPARE_CODE_FLUSH);
   2296     PrepareForCodeFlushing();
   2297   }
   2299   RootMarkingVisitor root_visitor(heap());
   2301   {
   2302     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_ROOTS);
   2303     MarkRoots(&root_visitor);
   2304     ProcessTopOptimizedFrame(&root_visitor);
   2305   }
   2307   {
   2308     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE);
   2310     // The objects reachable from the roots are marked, yet unreachable
   2311     // objects are unmarked.  Mark objects reachable due to host
   2312     // application specific logic or through Harmony weak maps.
   2313     {
   2314       TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(),
   2315                GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE_EPHEMERAL);
   2316       ProcessEphemeralMarking(&root_visitor, false);
   2317     }
   2319     // The objects reachable from the roots, weak maps or object groups
   2320     // are marked. Objects pointed to only by weak global handles cannot be
   2321     // immediately reclaimed. Instead, we have to mark them as pending and mark
   2322     // objects reachable from them.
   2323     //
   2324     // First we identify nonlive weak handles and mark them as pending
   2325     // destruction.
   2326     {
   2327       TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(),
   2328                GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE_WEAK_HANDLES);
   2329       heap()->isolate()->global_handles()->IdentifyWeakHandles(
   2330           &IsUnmarkedHeapObject);
   2331       ProcessMarkingDeque();
   2332     }
   2333     // Then we mark the objects.
   2335     {
   2336       TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(),
   2337                GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE_WEAK_ROOTS);
   2338       heap()->isolate()->global_handles()->IterateWeakRoots(&root_visitor);
   2339       ProcessMarkingDeque();
   2340     }
   2342     // Repeat Harmony weak maps marking to mark unmarked objects reachable from
   2343     // the weak roots we just marked as pending destruction.
   2344     //
   2345     // We only process harmony collections, as all object groups have been fully
   2346     // processed and no weakly reachable node can discover new objects groups.
   2347     {
   2348       TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE_HARMONY);
   2349       ProcessEphemeralMarking(&root_visitor, true);
   2350       if (heap_->UsingEmbedderHeapTracer()) {
   2351         TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_MARK_WRAPPER_EPILOGUE);
   2352         heap()->embedder_heap_tracer()->TraceEpilogue();
   2353       }
   2354     }
   2355   }
   2356 }
   2359 void MarkCompactCollector::ClearNonLiveReferences() {
   2360   TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR);
   2362   {
   2363     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR_STRING_TABLE);
   2365     // Prune the string table removing all strings only pointed to by the
   2366     // string table.  Cannot use string_table() here because the string
   2367     // table is marked.
   2368     StringTable* string_table = heap()->string_table();
   2369     InternalizedStringTableCleaner internalized_visitor(heap(), string_table);
   2370     string_table->IterateElements(&internalized_visitor);
   2371     string_table->ElementsRemoved(internalized_visitor.PointersRemoved());
   2373     ExternalStringTableCleaner external_visitor(heap(), nullptr);
   2374     heap()->external_string_table_.Iterate(&external_visitor);
   2375     heap()->external_string_table_.CleanUp();
   2376   }
   2378   {
   2379     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR_WEAK_LISTS);
   2380     // Process the weak references.
   2381     MarkCompactWeakObjectRetainer mark_compact_object_retainer;
   2382     heap()->ProcessAllWeakReferences(&mark_compact_object_retainer);
   2383   }
   2385   {
   2386     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR_GLOBAL_HANDLES);
   2388     // Remove object groups after marking phase.
   2389     heap()->isolate()->global_handles()->RemoveObjectGroups();
   2390     heap()->isolate()->global_handles()->RemoveImplicitRefGroups();
   2391   }
   2393   // Flush code from collected candidates.
   2394   if (is_code_flushing_enabled()) {
   2395     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR_CODE_FLUSH);
   2396     code_flusher_->ProcessCandidates();
   2397   }
   2400   DependentCode* dependent_code_list;
   2401   Object* non_live_map_list;
   2402   ClearWeakCells(&non_live_map_list, &dependent_code_list);
   2404   {
   2405     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR_MAPS);
   2406     ClearSimpleMapTransitions(non_live_map_list);
   2407     ClearFullMapTransitions();
   2408   }
   2410   MarkDependentCodeForDeoptimization(dependent_code_list);
   2412   ClearWeakCollections();
   2413 }
   2416 void MarkCompactCollector::MarkDependentCodeForDeoptimization(
   2417     DependentCode* list_head) {
   2418   TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR_DEPENDENT_CODE);
   2419   Isolate* isolate = this->isolate();
   2420   DependentCode* current = list_head;
   2421   while (current->length() > 0) {
   2422     have_code_to_deoptimize_ |= current->MarkCodeForDeoptimization(
   2423         isolate, DependentCode::kWeakCodeGroup);
   2424     current = current->next_link();
   2425   }
   2427   {
   2428     ArrayList* list = heap_->weak_new_space_object_to_code_list();
   2429     int counter = 0;
   2430     for (int i = 0; i < list->Length(); i += 2) {
   2431       WeakCell* obj = WeakCell::cast(list->Get(i));
   2432       WeakCell* dep = WeakCell::cast(list->Get(i + 1));
   2433       if (obj->cleared() || dep->cleared()) {
   2434         if (!dep->cleared()) {
   2435           Code* code = Code::cast(dep->value());
   2436           if (!code->marked_for_deoptimization()) {
   2437             DependentCode::SetMarkedForDeoptimization(
   2438                 code, DependentCode::DependencyGroup::kWeakCodeGroup);
   2439             code->InvalidateEmbeddedObjects();
   2440             have_code_to_deoptimize_ = true;
   2441           }
   2442         }
   2443       } else {
   2444         // We record the slot manually because marking is finished at this
   2445         // point and the write barrier would bailout.
   2446         list->Set(counter, obj, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
   2447         RecordSlot(list, list->Slot(counter), obj);
   2448         counter++;
   2449         list->Set(counter, dep, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
   2450         RecordSlot(list, list->Slot(counter), dep);
   2451         counter++;
   2452       }
   2453     }
   2454   }
   2456   WeakHashTable* table = heap_->weak_object_to_code_table();
   2457   uint32_t capacity = table->Capacity();
   2458   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
   2459     uint32_t key_index = table->EntryToIndex(i);
   2460     Object* key = table->get(key_index);
   2461     if (!table->IsKey(isolate, key)) continue;
   2462     uint32_t value_index = table->EntryToValueIndex(i);
   2463     Object* value = table->get(value_index);
   2464     DCHECK(key->IsWeakCell());
   2465     if (WeakCell::cast(key)->cleared()) {
   2466       have_code_to_deoptimize_ |=
   2467           DependentCode::cast(value)->MarkCodeForDeoptimization(
   2468               isolate, DependentCode::kWeakCodeGroup);
   2469       table->set(key_index, heap_->the_hole_value());
   2470       table->set(value_index, heap_->the_hole_value());
   2471       table->ElementRemoved();
   2472     }
   2473   }
   2474 }
   2477 void MarkCompactCollector::ClearSimpleMapTransitions(
   2478     Object* non_live_map_list) {
   2479   Object* the_hole_value = heap()->the_hole_value();
   2480   Object* weak_cell_obj = non_live_map_list;
   2481   while (weak_cell_obj != Smi::kZero) {
   2482     WeakCell* weak_cell = WeakCell::cast(weak_cell_obj);
   2483     Map* map = Map::cast(weak_cell->value());
   2484     DCHECK(Marking::IsWhite(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(map)));
   2485     Object* potential_parent = map->constructor_or_backpointer();
   2486     if (potential_parent->IsMap()) {
   2487       Map* parent = Map::cast(potential_parent);
   2488       if (Marking::IsBlackOrGrey(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(parent)) &&
   2489           parent->raw_transitions() == weak_cell) {
   2490         ClearSimpleMapTransition(parent, map);
   2491       }
   2492     }
   2493     weak_cell->clear();
   2494     weak_cell_obj = weak_cell->next();
   2495     weak_cell->clear_next(the_hole_value);
   2496   }
   2497 }
   2500 void MarkCompactCollector::ClearSimpleMapTransition(Map* map,
   2501                                                     Map* dead_transition) {
   2502   // A previously existing simple transition (stored in a WeakCell) is going
   2503   // to be cleared. Clear the useless cell pointer, and take ownership
   2504   // of the descriptor array.
   2505   map->set_raw_transitions(Smi::kZero);
   2506   int number_of_own_descriptors = map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors();
   2507   DescriptorArray* descriptors = map->instance_descriptors();
   2508   if (descriptors == dead_transition->instance_descriptors() &&
   2509       number_of_own_descriptors > 0) {
   2510     TrimDescriptorArray(map, descriptors);
   2511     DCHECK(descriptors->number_of_descriptors() == number_of_own_descriptors);
   2512     map->set_owns_descriptors(true);
   2513   }
   2514 }
   2517 void MarkCompactCollector::ClearFullMapTransitions() {
   2518   HeapObject* undefined = heap()->undefined_value();
   2519   Object* obj = heap()->encountered_transition_arrays();
   2520   while (obj != Smi::kZero) {
   2521     TransitionArray* array = TransitionArray::cast(obj);
   2522     int num_transitions = array->number_of_entries();
   2523     DCHECK_EQ(TransitionArray::NumberOfTransitions(array), num_transitions);
   2524     if (num_transitions > 0) {
   2525       Map* map = array->GetTarget(0);
   2526       Map* parent = Map::cast(map->constructor_or_backpointer());
   2527       bool parent_is_alive =
   2528           Marking::IsBlackOrGrey(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(parent));
   2529       DescriptorArray* descriptors =
   2530           parent_is_alive ? parent->instance_descriptors() : nullptr;
   2531       bool descriptors_owner_died =
   2532           CompactTransitionArray(parent, array, descriptors);
   2533       if (descriptors_owner_died) {
   2534         TrimDescriptorArray(parent, descriptors);
   2535       }
   2536     }
   2537     obj = array->next_link();
   2538     array->set_next_link(undefined, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
   2539   }
   2540   heap()->set_encountered_transition_arrays(Smi::kZero);
   2541 }
   2544 bool MarkCompactCollector::CompactTransitionArray(
   2545     Map* map, TransitionArray* transitions, DescriptorArray* descriptors) {
   2546   int num_transitions = transitions->number_of_entries();
   2547   bool descriptors_owner_died = false;
   2548   int transition_index = 0;
   2549   // Compact all live transitions to the left.
   2550   for (int i = 0; i < num_transitions; ++i) {
   2551     Map* target = transitions->GetTarget(i);
   2552     DCHECK_EQ(target->constructor_or_backpointer(), map);
   2553     if (Marking::IsWhite(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(target))) {
   2554       if (descriptors != nullptr &&
   2555           target->instance_descriptors() == descriptors) {
   2556         descriptors_owner_died = true;
   2557       }
   2558     } else {
   2559       if (i != transition_index) {
   2560         Name* key = transitions->GetKey(i);
   2561         transitions->SetKey(transition_index, key);
   2562         Object** key_slot = transitions->GetKeySlot(transition_index);
   2563         RecordSlot(transitions, key_slot, key);
   2564         // Target slots do not need to be recorded since maps are not compacted.
   2565         transitions->SetTarget(transition_index, transitions->GetTarget(i));
   2566       }
   2567       transition_index++;
   2568     }
   2569   }
   2570   // If there are no transitions to be cleared, return.
   2571   if (transition_index == num_transitions) {
   2572     DCHECK(!descriptors_owner_died);
   2573     return false;
   2574   }
   2575   // Note that we never eliminate a transition array, though we might right-trim
   2576   // such that number_of_transitions() == 0. If this assumption changes,
   2577   // TransitionArray::Insert() will need to deal with the case that a transition
   2578   // array disappeared during GC.
   2579   int trim = TransitionArray::Capacity(transitions) - transition_index;
   2580   if (trim > 0) {
   2581     heap_->RightTrimFixedArray<Heap::SEQUENTIAL_TO_SWEEPER>(
   2582         transitions, trim * TransitionArray::kTransitionSize);
   2583     transitions->SetNumberOfTransitions(transition_index);
   2584   }
   2585   return descriptors_owner_died;
   2586 }
   2589 void MarkCompactCollector::TrimDescriptorArray(Map* map,
   2590                                                DescriptorArray* descriptors) {
   2591   int number_of_own_descriptors = map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors();
   2592   if (number_of_own_descriptors == 0) {
   2593     DCHECK(descriptors == heap_->empty_descriptor_array());
   2594     return;
   2595   }
   2597   int number_of_descriptors = descriptors->number_of_descriptors_storage();
   2598   int to_trim = number_of_descriptors - number_of_own_descriptors;
   2599   if (to_trim > 0) {
   2600     heap_->RightTrimFixedArray<Heap::SEQUENTIAL_TO_SWEEPER>(
   2601         descriptors, to_trim * DescriptorArray::kDescriptorSize);
   2602     descriptors->SetNumberOfDescriptors(number_of_own_descriptors);
   2604     if (descriptors->HasEnumCache()) TrimEnumCache(map, descriptors);
   2605     descriptors->Sort();
   2607     if (FLAG_unbox_double_fields) {
   2608       LayoutDescriptor* layout_descriptor = map->layout_descriptor();
   2609       layout_descriptor = layout_descriptor->Trim(heap_, map, descriptors,
   2610                                                   number_of_own_descriptors);
   2611       SLOW_DCHECK(layout_descriptor->IsConsistentWithMap(map, true));
   2612     }
   2613   }
   2614   DCHECK(descriptors->number_of_descriptors() == number_of_own_descriptors);
   2615   map->set_owns_descriptors(true);
   2616 }
   2619 void MarkCompactCollector::TrimEnumCache(Map* map,
   2620                                          DescriptorArray* descriptors) {
   2621   int live_enum = map->EnumLength();
   2622   if (live_enum == kInvalidEnumCacheSentinel) {
   2623     live_enum =
   2624         map->NumberOfDescribedProperties(OWN_DESCRIPTORS, ENUMERABLE_STRINGS);
   2625   }
   2626   if (live_enum == 0) return descriptors->ClearEnumCache();
   2628   FixedArray* enum_cache = descriptors->GetEnumCache();
   2630   int to_trim = enum_cache->length() - live_enum;
   2631   if (to_trim <= 0) return;
   2632   heap_->RightTrimFixedArray<Heap::SEQUENTIAL_TO_SWEEPER>(
   2633       descriptors->GetEnumCache(), to_trim);
   2635   if (!descriptors->HasEnumIndicesCache()) return;
   2636   FixedArray* enum_indices_cache = descriptors->GetEnumIndicesCache();
   2637   heap_->RightTrimFixedArray<Heap::SEQUENTIAL_TO_SWEEPER>(enum_indices_cache,
   2638                                                           to_trim);
   2639 }
   2642 void MarkCompactCollector::ProcessWeakCollections() {
   2643   Object* weak_collection_obj = heap()->encountered_weak_collections();
   2644   while (weak_collection_obj != Smi::kZero) {
   2645     JSWeakCollection* weak_collection =
   2646         reinterpret_cast<JSWeakCollection*>(weak_collection_obj);
   2647     DCHECK(MarkCompactCollector::IsMarked(weak_collection));
   2648     if (weak_collection->table()->IsHashTable()) {
   2649       ObjectHashTable* table = ObjectHashTable::cast(weak_collection->table());
   2650       for (int i = 0; i < table->Capacity(); i++) {
   2651         if (MarkCompactCollector::IsMarked(HeapObject::cast(table->KeyAt(i)))) {
   2652           Object** key_slot =
   2653               table->RawFieldOfElementAt(ObjectHashTable::EntryToIndex(i));
   2654           RecordSlot(table, key_slot, *key_slot);
   2655           Object** value_slot =
   2656               table->RawFieldOfElementAt(ObjectHashTable::EntryToValueIndex(i));
   2657           MarkCompactMarkingVisitor::MarkObjectByPointer(this, table,
   2658                                                          value_slot);
   2659         }
   2660       }
   2661     }
   2662     weak_collection_obj = weak_collection->next();
   2663   }
   2664 }
   2667 void MarkCompactCollector::ClearWeakCollections() {
   2668   TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR_WEAK_COLLECTIONS);
   2669   Object* weak_collection_obj = heap()->encountered_weak_collections();
   2670   while (weak_collection_obj != Smi::kZero) {
   2671     JSWeakCollection* weak_collection =
   2672         reinterpret_cast<JSWeakCollection*>(weak_collection_obj);
   2673     DCHECK(MarkCompactCollector::IsMarked(weak_collection));
   2674     if (weak_collection->table()->IsHashTable()) {
   2675       ObjectHashTable* table = ObjectHashTable::cast(weak_collection->table());
   2676       for (int i = 0; i < table->Capacity(); i++) {
   2677         HeapObject* key = HeapObject::cast(table->KeyAt(i));
   2678         if (!MarkCompactCollector::IsMarked(key)) {
   2679           table->RemoveEntry(i);
   2680         }
   2681       }
   2682     }
   2683     weak_collection_obj = weak_collection->next();
   2684     weak_collection->set_next(heap()->undefined_value());
   2685   }
   2686   heap()->set_encountered_weak_collections(Smi::kZero);
   2687 }
   2690 void MarkCompactCollector::AbortWeakCollections() {
   2691   Object* weak_collection_obj = heap()->encountered_weak_collections();
   2692   while (weak_collection_obj != Smi::kZero) {
   2693     JSWeakCollection* weak_collection =
   2694         reinterpret_cast<JSWeakCollection*>(weak_collection_obj);
   2695     weak_collection_obj = weak_collection->next();
   2696     weak_collection->set_next(heap()->undefined_value());
   2697   }
   2698   heap()->set_encountered_weak_collections(Smi::kZero);
   2699 }
   2702 void MarkCompactCollector::ClearWeakCells(Object** non_live_map_list,
   2703                                           DependentCode** dependent_code_list) {
   2704   Heap* heap = this->heap();
   2705   TRACE_GC(heap->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_CLEAR_WEAK_CELLS);
   2706   Object* weak_cell_obj = heap->encountered_weak_cells();
   2707   Object* the_hole_value = heap->the_hole_value();
   2708   DependentCode* dependent_code_head =
   2709       DependentCode::cast(heap->empty_fixed_array());
   2710   Object* non_live_map_head = Smi::kZero;
   2711   while (weak_cell_obj != Smi::kZero) {
   2712     WeakCell* weak_cell = reinterpret_cast<WeakCell*>(weak_cell_obj);
   2713     Object* next_weak_cell = weak_cell->next();
   2714     bool clear_value = true;
   2715     bool clear_next = true;
   2716     // We do not insert cleared weak cells into the list, so the value
   2717     // cannot be a Smi here.
   2718     HeapObject* value = HeapObject::cast(weak_cell->value());
   2719     if (!MarkCompactCollector::IsMarked(value)) {
   2720       // Cells for new-space objects embedded in optimized code are wrapped in
   2721       // WeakCell and put into Heap::weak_object_to_code_table.
   2722       // Such cells do not have any strong references but we want to keep them
   2723       // alive as long as the cell value is alive.
   2724       // TODO(ulan): remove this once we remove Heap::weak_object_to_code_table.
   2725       if (value->IsCell()) {
   2726         Object* cell_value = Cell::cast(value)->value();
   2727         if (cell_value->IsHeapObject() &&
   2728             MarkCompactCollector::IsMarked(HeapObject::cast(cell_value))) {
   2729           // Resurrect the cell.
   2730           MarkBit mark = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(value);
   2731           SetMark(value, mark);
   2732           Object** slot = HeapObject::RawField(value, Cell::kValueOffset);
   2733           RecordSlot(value, slot, *slot);
   2734           slot = HeapObject::RawField(weak_cell, WeakCell::kValueOffset);
   2735           RecordSlot(weak_cell, slot, *slot);
   2736           clear_value = false;
   2737         }
   2738       }
   2739       if (value->IsMap()) {
   2740         // The map is non-live.
   2741         Map* map = Map::cast(value);
   2742         // Add dependent code to the dependent_code_list.
   2743         DependentCode* candidate = map->dependent_code();
   2744         // We rely on the fact that the weak code group comes first.
   2745         STATIC_ASSERT(DependentCode::kWeakCodeGroup == 0);
   2746         if (candidate->length() > 0 &&
   2747             candidate->group() == DependentCode::kWeakCodeGroup) {
   2748           candidate->set_next_link(dependent_code_head);
   2749           dependent_code_head = candidate;
   2750         }
   2751         // Add the weak cell to the non_live_map list.
   2752         weak_cell->set_next(non_live_map_head);
   2753         non_live_map_head = weak_cell;
   2754         clear_value = false;
   2755         clear_next = false;
   2756       }
   2757     } else {
   2758       // The value of the weak cell is alive.
   2759       Object** slot = HeapObject::RawField(weak_cell, WeakCell::kValueOffset);
   2760       RecordSlot(weak_cell, slot, *slot);
   2761       clear_value = false;
   2762     }
   2763     if (clear_value) {
   2764       weak_cell->clear();
   2765     }
   2766     if (clear_next) {
   2767       weak_cell->clear_next(the_hole_value);
   2768     }
   2769     weak_cell_obj = next_weak_cell;
   2770   }
   2771   heap->set_encountered_weak_cells(Smi::kZero);
   2772   *non_live_map_list = non_live_map_head;
   2773   *dependent_code_list = dependent_code_head;
   2774 }
   2777 void MarkCompactCollector::AbortWeakCells() {
   2778   Object* the_hole_value = heap()->the_hole_value();
   2779   Object* weak_cell_obj = heap()->encountered_weak_cells();
   2780   while (weak_cell_obj != Smi::kZero) {
   2781     WeakCell* weak_cell = reinterpret_cast<WeakCell*>(weak_cell_obj);
   2782     weak_cell_obj = weak_cell->next();
   2783     weak_cell->clear_next(the_hole_value);
   2784   }
   2785   heap()->set_encountered_weak_cells(Smi::kZero);
   2786 }
   2789 void MarkCompactCollector::AbortTransitionArrays() {
   2790   HeapObject* undefined = heap()->undefined_value();
   2791   Object* obj = heap()->encountered_transition_arrays();
   2792   while (obj != Smi::kZero) {
   2793     TransitionArray* array = TransitionArray::cast(obj);
   2794     obj = array->next_link();
   2795     array->set_next_link(undefined, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
   2796   }
   2797   heap()->set_encountered_transition_arrays(Smi::kZero);
   2798 }
   2800 void MarkCompactCollector::RecordRelocSlot(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo,
   2801                                            Object* target) {
   2802   Page* target_page = Page::FromAddress(reinterpret_cast<Address>(target));
   2803   Page* source_page = Page::FromAddress(reinterpret_cast<Address>(host));
   2804   if (target_page->IsEvacuationCandidate() &&
   2805       (rinfo->host() == NULL ||
   2806        !ShouldSkipEvacuationSlotRecording(rinfo->host()))) {
   2807     RelocInfo::Mode rmode = rinfo->rmode();
   2808     Address addr = rinfo->pc();
   2809     SlotType slot_type = SlotTypeForRelocInfoMode(rmode);
   2810     if (rinfo->IsInConstantPool()) {
   2811       addr = rinfo->constant_pool_entry_address();
   2812       if (RelocInfo::IsCodeTarget(rmode)) {
   2813         slot_type = CODE_ENTRY_SLOT;
   2814       } else {
   2815         DCHECK(RelocInfo::IsEmbeddedObject(rmode));
   2816         slot_type = OBJECT_SLOT;
   2817       }
   2818     }
   2819     RememberedSet<OLD_TO_OLD>::InsertTyped(
   2820         source_page, reinterpret_cast<Address>(host), slot_type, addr);
   2821   }
   2822 }
   2824 static inline SlotCallbackResult UpdateSlot(Object** slot) {
   2825   Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(
   2826       base::NoBarrier_Load(reinterpret_cast<base::AtomicWord*>(slot)));
   2828   if (obj->IsHeapObject()) {
   2829     HeapObject* heap_obj = HeapObject::cast(obj);
   2830     MapWord map_word = heap_obj->map_word();
   2831     if (map_word.IsForwardingAddress()) {
   2832       DCHECK(heap_obj->GetHeap()->InFromSpace(heap_obj) ||
   2833              MarkCompactCollector::IsOnEvacuationCandidate(heap_obj) ||
   2834              Page::FromAddress(heap_obj->address())
   2835                  ->IsFlagSet(Page::COMPACTION_WAS_ABORTED));
   2836       HeapObject* target = map_word.ToForwardingAddress();
   2837       base::NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap(
   2838           reinterpret_cast<base::AtomicWord*>(slot),
   2839           reinterpret_cast<base::AtomicWord>(obj),
   2840           reinterpret_cast<base::AtomicWord>(target));
   2841       DCHECK(!heap_obj->GetHeap()->InFromSpace(target) &&
   2842              !MarkCompactCollector::IsOnEvacuationCandidate(target));
   2843     }
   2844   }
   2845   return REMOVE_SLOT;
   2846 }
   2848 // Visitor for updating pointers from live objects in old spaces to new space.
   2849 // It does not expect to encounter pointers to dead objects.
   2850 class PointersUpdatingVisitor : public ObjectVisitor {
   2851  public:
   2852   void VisitPointer(Object** p) override { UpdateSlot(p); }
   2854   void VisitPointers(Object** start, Object** end) override {
   2855     for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) UpdateSlot(p);
   2856   }
   2858   void VisitCell(RelocInfo* rinfo) override {
   2859     UpdateTypedSlotHelper::UpdateCell(rinfo, UpdateSlot);
   2860   }
   2862   void VisitEmbeddedPointer(RelocInfo* rinfo) override {
   2863     UpdateTypedSlotHelper::UpdateEmbeddedPointer(rinfo, UpdateSlot);
   2864   }
   2866   void VisitCodeTarget(RelocInfo* rinfo) override {
   2867     UpdateTypedSlotHelper::UpdateCodeTarget(rinfo, UpdateSlot);
   2868   }
   2870   void VisitCodeEntry(Address entry_address) override {
   2871     UpdateTypedSlotHelper::UpdateCodeEntry(entry_address, UpdateSlot);
   2872   }
   2874   void VisitDebugTarget(RelocInfo* rinfo) override {
   2875     UpdateTypedSlotHelper::UpdateDebugTarget(rinfo, UpdateSlot);
   2876   }
   2877 };
   2879 static String* UpdateReferenceInExternalStringTableEntry(Heap* heap,
   2880                                                          Object** p) {
   2881   MapWord map_word = HeapObject::cast(*p)->map_word();
   2883   if (map_word.IsForwardingAddress()) {
   2884     return String::cast(map_word.ToForwardingAddress());
   2885   }
   2887   return String::cast(*p);
   2888 }
   2890 void MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateNewSpacePrologue() {
   2891   NewSpace* new_space = heap()->new_space();
   2892   // Append the list of new space pages to be processed.
   2893   for (Page* p : NewSpacePageRange(new_space->bottom(), new_space->top())) {
   2894     newspace_evacuation_candidates_.Add(p);
   2895   }
   2896   new_space->Flip();
   2897   new_space->ResetAllocationInfo();
   2898 }
   2900 class MarkCompactCollector::Evacuator : public Malloced {
   2901  public:
   2902   enum EvacuationMode {
   2903     kObjectsNewToOld,
   2904     kPageNewToOld,
   2905     kObjectsOldToOld,
   2906     kPageNewToNew,
   2907   };
   2909   static inline EvacuationMode ComputeEvacuationMode(MemoryChunk* chunk) {
   2910     // Note: The order of checks is important in this function.
   2911     if (chunk->IsFlagSet(MemoryChunk::PAGE_NEW_OLD_PROMOTION))
   2912       return kPageNewToOld;
   2913     if (chunk->IsFlagSet(MemoryChunk::PAGE_NEW_NEW_PROMOTION))
   2914       return kPageNewToNew;
   2915     if (chunk->InNewSpace()) return kObjectsNewToOld;
   2916     DCHECK(chunk->IsEvacuationCandidate());
   2917     return kObjectsOldToOld;
   2918   }
   2920   // NewSpacePages with more live bytes than this threshold qualify for fast
   2921   // evacuation.
   2922   static int PageEvacuationThreshold() {
   2923     if (FLAG_page_promotion)
   2924       return FLAG_page_promotion_threshold * Page::kAllocatableMemory / 100;
   2925     return Page::kAllocatableMemory + kPointerSize;
   2926   }
   2928   explicit Evacuator(MarkCompactCollector* collector)
   2929       : collector_(collector),
   2930         compaction_spaces_(collector->heap()),
   2931         local_pretenuring_feedback_(kInitialLocalPretenuringFeedbackCapacity),
   2932         new_space_visitor_(collector->heap(), &compaction_spaces_,
   2933                            &local_pretenuring_feedback_),
   2934         new_to_new_page_visitor_(collector->heap(),
   2935                                  &local_pretenuring_feedback_),
   2936         new_to_old_page_visitor_(collector->heap(),
   2937                                  &local_pretenuring_feedback_),
   2939         old_space_visitor_(collector->heap(), &compaction_spaces_),
   2940         duration_(0.0),
   2941         bytes_compacted_(0) {}
   2943   inline bool EvacuatePage(Page* chunk);
   2945   // Merge back locally cached info sequentially. Note that this method needs
   2946   // to be called from the main thread.
   2947   inline void Finalize();
   2949   CompactionSpaceCollection* compaction_spaces() { return &compaction_spaces_; }
   2951  private:
   2952   static const int kInitialLocalPretenuringFeedbackCapacity = 256;
   2954   inline Heap* heap() { return collector_->heap(); }
   2956   void ReportCompactionProgress(double duration, intptr_t bytes_compacted) {
   2957     duration_ += duration;
   2958     bytes_compacted_ += bytes_compacted;
   2959   }
   2961   MarkCompactCollector* collector_;
   2963   // Locally cached collector data.
   2964   CompactionSpaceCollection compaction_spaces_;
   2965   base::HashMap local_pretenuring_feedback_;
   2967   // Visitors for the corresponding spaces.
   2968   EvacuateNewSpaceVisitor new_space_visitor_;
   2969   EvacuateNewSpacePageVisitor<PageEvacuationMode::NEW_TO_NEW>
   2970       new_to_new_page_visitor_;
   2971   EvacuateNewSpacePageVisitor<PageEvacuationMode::NEW_TO_OLD>
   2972       new_to_old_page_visitor_;
   2973   EvacuateOldSpaceVisitor old_space_visitor_;
   2975   // Book keeping info.
   2976   double duration_;
   2977   intptr_t bytes_compacted_;
   2978 };
   2980 bool MarkCompactCollector::Evacuator::EvacuatePage(Page* page) {
   2981   bool success = false;
   2982   DCHECK(page->SweepingDone());
   2983   int saved_live_bytes = page->LiveBytes();
   2984   double evacuation_time = 0.0;
   2985   Heap* heap = page->heap();
   2986   {
   2987     AlwaysAllocateScope always_allocate(heap->isolate());
   2988     TimedScope timed_scope(&evacuation_time);
   2989     switch (ComputeEvacuationMode(page)) {
   2990       case kObjectsNewToOld:
   2991         success = collector_->VisitLiveObjects(page, &new_space_visitor_,
   2992                                                kClearMarkbits);
   2993         DCHECK(success);
   2994         ArrayBufferTracker::ProcessBuffers(
   2995             page, ArrayBufferTracker::kUpdateForwardedRemoveOthers);
   2996         break;
   2997       case kPageNewToOld:
   2998         success = collector_->VisitLiveObjects(page, &new_to_old_page_visitor_,
   2999                                                kKeepMarking);
   3000         DCHECK(success);
   3001         new_to_old_page_visitor_.account_moved_bytes(page->LiveBytes());
   3002         // ArrayBufferTracker will be updated during sweeping.
   3003         break;
   3004       case kPageNewToNew:
   3005         success = collector_->VisitLiveObjects(page, &new_to_new_page_visitor_,
   3006                                                kKeepMarking);
   3007         DCHECK(success);
   3008         new_to_new_page_visitor_.account_moved_bytes(page->LiveBytes());
   3009         // ArrayBufferTracker will be updated during sweeping.
   3010         break;
   3011       case kObjectsOldToOld:
   3012         success = collector_->VisitLiveObjects(page, &old_space_visitor_,
   3013                                                kClearMarkbits);
   3014         if (!success) {
   3015           // Aborted compaction page. We have to record slots here, since we
   3016           // might not have recorded them in first place.
   3017           // Note: We mark the page as aborted here to be able to record slots
   3018           // for code objects in |RecordMigratedSlotVisitor|.
   3019           page->SetFlag(Page::COMPACTION_WAS_ABORTED);
   3020           EvacuateRecordOnlyVisitor record_visitor(collector_->heap());
   3021           success =
   3022               collector_->VisitLiveObjects(page, &record_visitor, kKeepMarking);
   3023           ArrayBufferTracker::ProcessBuffers(
   3024               page, ArrayBufferTracker::kUpdateForwardedKeepOthers);
   3025           DCHECK(success);
   3026           // We need to return failure here to indicate that we want this page
   3027           // added to the sweeper.
   3028           success = false;
   3029         } else {
   3030           ArrayBufferTracker::ProcessBuffers(
   3031               page, ArrayBufferTracker::kUpdateForwardedRemoveOthers);
   3032         }
   3033         break;
   3034     }
   3035   }
   3036   ReportCompactionProgress(evacuation_time, saved_live_bytes);
   3037   if (FLAG_trace_evacuation) {
   3038     PrintIsolate(heap->isolate(),
   3039                  "evacuation[%p]: page=%p new_space=%d "
   3040                  "page_evacuation=%d executable=%d contains_age_mark=%d "
   3041                  "live_bytes=%d time=%f\n",
   3042                  static_cast<void*>(this), static_cast<void*>(page),
   3043                  page->InNewSpace(),
   3044                  page->IsFlagSet(Page::PAGE_NEW_OLD_PROMOTION) ||
   3045                      page->IsFlagSet(Page::PAGE_NEW_NEW_PROMOTION),
   3046                  page->IsFlagSet(MemoryChunk::IS_EXECUTABLE),
   3047                  page->Contains(heap->new_space()->age_mark()),
   3048                  saved_live_bytes, evacuation_time);
   3049   }
   3050   return success;
   3051 }
   3053 void MarkCompactCollector::Evacuator::Finalize() {
   3054   heap()->old_space()->MergeCompactionSpace(compaction_spaces_.Get(OLD_SPACE));
   3055   heap()->code_space()->MergeCompactionSpace(
   3056       compaction_spaces_.Get(CODE_SPACE));
   3057   heap()->tracer()->AddCompactionEvent(duration_, bytes_compacted_);
   3058   heap()->IncrementPromotedObjectsSize(new_space_visitor_.promoted_size() +
   3059                                        new_to_old_page_visitor_.moved_bytes());
   3060   heap()->IncrementSemiSpaceCopiedObjectSize(
   3061       new_space_visitor_.semispace_copied_size() +
   3062       new_to_new_page_visitor_.moved_bytes());
   3063   heap()->IncrementYoungSurvivorsCounter(
   3064       new_space_visitor_.promoted_size() +
   3065       new_space_visitor_.semispace_copied_size() +
   3066       new_to_old_page_visitor_.moved_bytes() +
   3067       new_to_new_page_visitor_.moved_bytes());
   3068   heap()->MergeAllocationSitePretenuringFeedback(local_pretenuring_feedback_);
   3069 }
   3071 int MarkCompactCollector::NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks(int pages,
   3072                                                           intptr_t live_bytes) {
   3073   if (!FLAG_parallel_compaction) return 1;
   3074   // Compute the number of needed tasks based on a target compaction time, the
   3075   // profiled compaction speed and marked live memory.
   3076   //
   3077   // The number of parallel compaction tasks is limited by:
   3078   // - #evacuation pages
   3079   // - #cores
   3080   const double kTargetCompactionTimeInMs = .5;
   3082   double compaction_speed =
   3083       heap()->tracer()->CompactionSpeedInBytesPerMillisecond();
   3085   const int available_cores = Max(
   3086       1, static_cast<int>(
   3087              V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->NumberOfAvailableBackgroundThreads()));
   3088   int tasks;
   3089   if (compaction_speed > 0) {
   3090     tasks = 1 + static_cast<int>(live_bytes / compaction_speed /
   3091                                  kTargetCompactionTimeInMs);
   3092   } else {
   3093     tasks = pages;
   3094   }
   3095   const int tasks_capped_pages = Min(pages, tasks);
   3096   return Min(available_cores, tasks_capped_pages);
   3097 }
   3099 class EvacuationJobTraits {
   3100  public:
   3101   typedef int* PerPageData;  // Pointer to number of aborted pages.
   3102   typedef MarkCompactCollector::Evacuator* PerTaskData;
   3104   static const bool NeedSequentialFinalization = true;
   3106   static bool ProcessPageInParallel(Heap* heap, PerTaskData evacuator,
   3107                                     MemoryChunk* chunk, PerPageData) {
   3108     return evacuator->EvacuatePage(reinterpret_cast<Page*>(chunk));
   3109   }
   3111   static void FinalizePageSequentially(Heap* heap, MemoryChunk* chunk,
   3112                                        bool success, PerPageData data) {
   3113     using Evacuator = MarkCompactCollector::Evacuator;
   3114     Page* p = static_cast<Page*>(chunk);
   3115     switch (Evacuator::ComputeEvacuationMode(p)) {
   3116       case Evacuator::kPageNewToOld:
   3117         break;
   3118       case Evacuator::kPageNewToNew:
   3119         DCHECK(success);
   3120         break;
   3121       case Evacuator::kObjectsNewToOld:
   3122         DCHECK(success);
   3123         break;
   3124       case Evacuator::kObjectsOldToOld:
   3125         if (success) {
   3126           DCHECK(p->IsEvacuationCandidate());
   3127           DCHECK(p->SweepingDone());
   3128           p->Unlink();
   3129         } else {
   3130           // We have partially compacted the page, i.e., some objects may have
   3131           // moved, others are still in place.
   3132           p->ClearEvacuationCandidate();
   3133           // Slots have already been recorded so we just need to add it to the
   3134           // sweeper, which will happen after updating pointers.
   3135           *data += 1;
   3136         }
   3137         break;
   3138       default:
   3139         UNREACHABLE();
   3140     }
   3141   }
   3142 };
   3144 void MarkCompactCollector::EvacuatePagesInParallel() {
   3145   PageParallelJob<EvacuationJobTraits> job(
   3146       heap_, heap_->isolate()->cancelable_task_manager(),
   3147       &page_parallel_job_semaphore_);
   3149   int abandoned_pages = 0;
   3150   intptr_t live_bytes = 0;
   3151   for (Page* page : evacuation_candidates_) {
   3152     live_bytes += page->LiveBytes();
   3153     job.AddPage(page, &abandoned_pages);
   3154   }
   3156   const bool reduce_memory = heap()->ShouldReduceMemory();
   3157   const Address age_mark = heap()->new_space()->age_mark();
   3158   for (Page* page : newspace_evacuation_candidates_) {
   3159     live_bytes += page->LiveBytes();
   3160     if (!reduce_memory && !page->NeverEvacuate() &&
   3161         (page->LiveBytes() > Evacuator::PageEvacuationThreshold()) &&
   3162         !page->Contains(age_mark)) {
   3163       if (page->IsFlagSet(MemoryChunk::NEW_SPACE_BELOW_AGE_MARK)) {
   3164         EvacuateNewSpacePageVisitor<NEW_TO_OLD>::Move(page);
   3165       } else {
   3166         EvacuateNewSpacePageVisitor<NEW_TO_NEW>::Move(page);
   3167       }
   3168     }
   3170     job.AddPage(page, &abandoned_pages);
   3171   }
   3172   DCHECK_GE(job.NumberOfPages(), 1);
   3174   // Used for trace summary.
   3175   double compaction_speed = 0;
   3176   if (FLAG_trace_evacuation) {
   3177     compaction_speed = heap()->tracer()->CompactionSpeedInBytesPerMillisecond();
   3178   }
   3180   const int wanted_num_tasks =
   3181       NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks(job.NumberOfPages(), live_bytes);
   3182   Evacuator** evacuators = new Evacuator*[wanted_num_tasks];
   3183   for (int i = 0; i < wanted_num_tasks; i++) {
   3184     evacuators[i] = new Evacuator(this);
   3185   }
   3186   job.Run(wanted_num_tasks, [evacuators](int i) { return evacuators[i]; });
   3187   for (int i = 0; i < wanted_num_tasks; i++) {
   3188     evacuators[i]->Finalize();
   3189     delete evacuators[i];
   3190   }
   3191   delete[] evacuators;
   3193   if (FLAG_trace_evacuation) {
   3194     PrintIsolate(isolate(),
   3195                  "%8.0f ms: evacuation-summary: parallel=%s pages=%d "
   3196                  "aborted=%d wanted_tasks=%d tasks=%d cores=%" PRIuS
   3197                  " live_bytes=%" V8PRIdPTR " compaction_speed=%.f\n",
   3198                  isolate()->time_millis_since_init(),
   3199                  FLAG_parallel_compaction ? "yes" : "no", job.NumberOfPages(),
   3200                  abandoned_pages, wanted_num_tasks, job.NumberOfTasks(),
   3201                  V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->NumberOfAvailableBackgroundThreads(),
   3202                  live_bytes, compaction_speed);
   3203   }
   3204 }
   3206 class EvacuationWeakObjectRetainer : public WeakObjectRetainer {
   3207  public:
   3208   virtual Object* RetainAs(Object* object) {
   3209     if (object->IsHeapObject()) {
   3210       HeapObject* heap_object = HeapObject::cast(object);
   3211       MapWord map_word = heap_object->map_word();
   3212       if (map_word.IsForwardingAddress()) {
   3213         return map_word.ToForwardingAddress();
   3214       }
   3215     }
   3216     return object;
   3217   }
   3218 };
   3220 MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::ClearOldToNewSlotsMode
   3221 MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::GetClearOldToNewSlotsMode(Page* p) {
   3222   AllocationSpace identity = p->owner()->identity();
   3223   if (p->old_to_new_slots() &&
   3224       (identity == OLD_SPACE || identity == MAP_SPACE)) {
   3225     return MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::CLEAR_REGULAR_SLOTS;
   3226   } else if (p->typed_old_to_new_slots() && identity == CODE_SPACE) {
   3227     return MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::CLEAR_TYPED_SLOTS;
   3228   }
   3229   return MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::DO_NOT_CLEAR;
   3230 }
   3232 int MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::RawSweep(
   3233     Page* p, FreeListRebuildingMode free_list_mode,
   3234     FreeSpaceTreatmentMode free_space_mode) {
   3235   Space* space = p->owner();
   3236   DCHECK_NOT_NULL(space);
   3237   DCHECK(free_list_mode == IGNORE_FREE_LIST || space->identity() == OLD_SPACE ||
   3238          space->identity() == CODE_SPACE || space->identity() == MAP_SPACE);
   3239   DCHECK(!p->IsEvacuationCandidate() && !p->SweepingDone());
   3241   // If there are old-to-new slots in that page, we have to filter out slots
   3242   // that are in dead memory which is freed by the sweeper.
   3243   ClearOldToNewSlotsMode slots_clearing_mode = GetClearOldToNewSlotsMode(p);
   3245   // The free ranges map is used for filtering typed slots.
   3246   std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> free_ranges;
   3248   // Before we sweep objects on the page, we free dead array buffers which
   3249   // requires valid mark bits.
   3250   ArrayBufferTracker::FreeDead(p);
   3252   Address free_start = p->area_start();
   3253   DCHECK(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(free_start) % (32 * kPointerSize) == 0);
   3255   // If we use the skip list for code space pages, we have to lock the skip
   3256   // list because it could be accessed concurrently by the runtime or the
   3257   // deoptimizer.
   3258   const bool rebuild_skip_list =
   3259       space->identity() == CODE_SPACE && p->skip_list() != nullptr;
   3260   SkipList* skip_list = p->skip_list();
   3261   if (rebuild_skip_list) {
   3262     skip_list->Clear();
   3263   }
   3265   intptr_t freed_bytes = 0;
   3266   intptr_t max_freed_bytes = 0;
   3267   int curr_region = -1;
   3269   LiveObjectIterator<kBlackObjects> it(p);
   3270   HeapObject* object = NULL;
   3272   while ((object = it.Next()) != NULL) {
   3273     DCHECK(Marking::IsBlack(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object)));
   3274     Address free_end = object->address();
   3275     if (free_end != free_start) {
   3276       CHECK_GT(free_end, free_start);
   3277       size_t size = static_cast<size_t>(free_end - free_start);
   3278       if (free_space_mode == ZAP_FREE_SPACE) {
   3279         memset(free_start, 0xcc, size);
   3280       }
   3281       if (free_list_mode == REBUILD_FREE_LIST) {
   3282         freed_bytes = reinterpret_cast<PagedSpace*>(space)->UnaccountedFree(
   3283             free_start, size);
   3284         max_freed_bytes = Max(freed_bytes, max_freed_bytes);
   3285       } else {
   3286         p->heap()->CreateFillerObjectAt(free_start, static_cast<int>(size),
   3287                                         ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);
   3288       }
   3290       if (slots_clearing_mode == CLEAR_REGULAR_SLOTS) {
   3291         RememberedSet<OLD_TO_NEW>::RemoveRange(p, free_start, free_end,
   3292                                                SlotSet::KEEP_EMPTY_BUCKETS);
   3293       } else if (slots_clearing_mode == CLEAR_TYPED_SLOTS) {
   3294         free_ranges.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>(
   3295             static_cast<uint32_t>(free_start - p->address()),
   3296             static_cast<uint32_t>(free_end - p->address())));
   3297       }
   3298     }
   3299     Map* map = object->synchronized_map();
   3300     int size = object->SizeFromMap(map);
   3301     if (rebuild_skip_list) {
   3302       int new_region_start = SkipList::RegionNumber(free_end);
   3303       int new_region_end =
   3304           SkipList::RegionNumber(free_end + size - kPointerSize);
   3305       if (new_region_start != curr_region || new_region_end != curr_region) {
   3306         skip_list->AddObject(free_end, size);
   3307         curr_region = new_region_end;
   3308       }
   3309     }
   3310     free_start = free_end + size;
   3311   }
   3313   if (free_start != p->area_end()) {
   3314     CHECK_GT(p->area_end(), free_start);
   3315     size_t size = static_cast<size_t>(p->area_end() - free_start);
   3316     if (free_space_mode == ZAP_FREE_SPACE) {
   3317       memset(free_start, 0xcc, size);
   3318     }
   3319     if (free_list_mode == REBUILD_FREE_LIST) {
   3320       freed_bytes = reinterpret_cast<PagedSpace*>(space)->UnaccountedFree(
   3321           free_start, size);
   3322       max_freed_bytes = Max(freed_bytes, max_freed_bytes);
   3323     } else {
   3324       p->heap()->CreateFillerObjectAt(free_start, static_cast<int>(size),
   3325                                       ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);
   3326     }
   3328     if (slots_clearing_mode == CLEAR_REGULAR_SLOTS) {
   3329       RememberedSet<OLD_TO_NEW>::RemoveRange(p, free_start, p->area_end(),
   3330                                              SlotSet::KEEP_EMPTY_BUCKETS);
   3331     } else if (slots_clearing_mode == CLEAR_TYPED_SLOTS) {
   3332       free_ranges.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>(
   3333           static_cast<uint32_t>(free_start - p->address()),
   3334           static_cast<uint32_t>(p->area_end() - p->address())));
   3335     }
   3336   }
   3338   // Clear invalid typed slots after collection all free ranges.
   3339   if (slots_clearing_mode == CLEAR_TYPED_SLOTS) {
   3340     p->typed_old_to_new_slots()->RemoveInvaldSlots(free_ranges);
   3341   }
   3343   // Clear the mark bits of that page and reset live bytes count.
   3344   p->ClearLiveness();
   3346   p->concurrent_sweeping_state().SetValue(Page::kSweepingDone);
   3347   if (free_list_mode == IGNORE_FREE_LIST) return 0;
   3348   return static_cast<int>(FreeList::GuaranteedAllocatable(max_freed_bytes));
   3349 }
   3351 void MarkCompactCollector::InvalidateCode(Code* code) {
   3352   Page* page = Page::FromAddress(code->address());
   3353   Address start = code->instruction_start();
   3354   Address end = code->address() + code->Size();
   3356   RememberedSet<OLD_TO_NEW>::RemoveRangeTyped(page, start, end);
   3358   if (heap_->incremental_marking()->IsCompacting() &&
   3359       !ShouldSkipEvacuationSlotRecording(code)) {
   3360     DCHECK(compacting_);
   3362     // If the object is white than no slots were recorded on it yet.
   3363     MarkBit mark_bit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(code);
   3364     if (Marking::IsWhite(mark_bit)) return;
   3366     // Ignore all slots that might have been recorded in the body of the
   3367     // deoptimized code object. Assumption: no slots will be recorded for
   3368     // this object after invalidating it.
   3369     RememberedSet<OLD_TO_OLD>::RemoveRangeTyped(page, start, end);
   3370   }
   3371 }
   3374 // Return true if the given code is deoptimized or will be deoptimized.
   3375 bool MarkCompactCollector::WillBeDeoptimized(Code* code) {
   3376   return code->is_optimized_code() && code->marked_for_deoptimization();
   3377 }
   3380 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   3381 static void VerifyAllBlackObjects(MemoryChunk* page) {
   3382   LiveObjectIterator<kAllLiveObjects> it(page);
   3383   HeapObject* object = NULL;
   3384   while ((object = it.Next()) != NULL) {
   3385     CHECK(Marking::IsBlack(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object)));
   3386   }
   3387 }
   3388 #endif  // VERIFY_HEAP
   3390 template <class Visitor>
   3391 bool MarkCompactCollector::VisitLiveObjects(MemoryChunk* page, Visitor* visitor,
   3392                                             IterationMode mode) {
   3393 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   3394   VerifyAllBlackObjects(page);
   3395 #endif  // VERIFY_HEAP
   3397   LiveObjectIterator<kBlackObjects> it(page);
   3398   HeapObject* object = nullptr;
   3399   while ((object = it.Next()) != nullptr) {
   3400     DCHECK(Marking::IsBlack(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(object)));
   3401     if (!visitor->Visit(object)) {
   3402       if (mode == kClearMarkbits) {
   3403         page->markbits()->ClearRange(
   3404             page->AddressToMarkbitIndex(page->area_start()),
   3405             page->AddressToMarkbitIndex(object->address()));
   3406         if (page->old_to_new_slots() != nullptr) {
   3407           page->old_to_new_slots()->RemoveRange(
   3408               0, static_cast<int>(object->address() - page->address()),
   3409               SlotSet::PREFREE_EMPTY_BUCKETS);
   3410         }
   3411         if (page->typed_old_to_new_slots() != nullptr) {
   3412           RememberedSet<OLD_TO_NEW>::RemoveRangeTyped(page, page->address(),
   3413                                                       object->address());
   3414         }
   3415         RecomputeLiveBytes(page);
   3416       }
   3417       return false;
   3418     }
   3419   }
   3420   if (mode == kClearMarkbits) {
   3421     page->ClearLiveness();
   3422   }
   3423   return true;
   3424 }
   3427 void MarkCompactCollector::RecomputeLiveBytes(MemoryChunk* page) {
   3428   LiveObjectIterator<kBlackObjects> it(page);
   3429   int new_live_size = 0;
   3430   HeapObject* object = nullptr;
   3431   while ((object = it.Next()) != nullptr) {
   3432     new_live_size += object->Size();
   3433   }
   3434   page->SetLiveBytes(new_live_size);
   3435 }
   3437 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::AddSweptPageSafe(PagedSpace* space,
   3438                                                      Page* page) {
   3439   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
   3440   swept_list_[space->identity()].Add(page);
   3441 }
   3443 void MarkCompactCollector::EvacuateNewSpaceAndCandidates() {
   3444   TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_EVACUATE);
   3445   Heap::RelocationLock relocation_lock(heap());
   3447   {
   3448     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_EVACUATE_COPY);
   3449     EvacuationScope evacuation_scope(this);
   3451     EvacuateNewSpacePrologue();
   3452     EvacuatePagesInParallel();
   3453     heap()->new_space()->set_age_mark(heap()->new_space()->top());
   3454   }
   3456   UpdatePointersAfterEvacuation();
   3458   if (!heap()->new_space()->Rebalance()) {
   3459     FatalProcessOutOfMemory("NewSpace::Rebalance");
   3460   }
   3462   // Give pages that are queued to be freed back to the OS. Note that filtering
   3463   // slots only handles old space (for unboxed doubles), and thus map space can
   3464   // still contain stale pointers. We only free the chunks after pointer updates
   3465   // to still have access to page headers.
   3466   heap()->memory_allocator()->unmapper()->FreeQueuedChunks();
   3468   {
   3469     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_EVACUATE_CLEAN_UP);
   3471     for (Page* p : newspace_evacuation_candidates_) {
   3472       if (p->IsFlagSet(Page::PAGE_NEW_NEW_PROMOTION)) {
   3473         p->ClearFlag(Page::PAGE_NEW_NEW_PROMOTION);
   3474         sweeper().AddPage(p->owner()->identity(), p);
   3475       } else if (p->IsFlagSet(Page::PAGE_NEW_OLD_PROMOTION)) {
   3476         p->ClearFlag(Page::PAGE_NEW_OLD_PROMOTION);
   3477         p->ForAllFreeListCategories(
   3478             [](FreeListCategory* category) { DCHECK(!category->is_linked()); });
   3479         sweeper().AddPage(p->owner()->identity(), p);
   3480       }
   3481     }
   3482     newspace_evacuation_candidates_.Rewind(0);
   3484     for (Page* p : evacuation_candidates_) {
   3485       // Important: skip list should be cleared only after roots were updated
   3486       // because root iteration traverses the stack and might have to find
   3487       // code objects from non-updated pc pointing into evacuation candidate.
   3488       SkipList* list = p->skip_list();
   3489       if (list != NULL) list->Clear();
   3490       if (p->IsFlagSet(Page::COMPACTION_WAS_ABORTED)) {
   3491         sweeper().AddPage(p->owner()->identity(), p);
   3492         p->ClearFlag(Page::COMPACTION_WAS_ABORTED);
   3493       }
   3494     }
   3496     // Deallocate evacuated candidate pages.
   3497     ReleaseEvacuationCandidates();
   3498   }
   3500 #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP
   3501   if (FLAG_verify_heap && !sweeper().sweeping_in_progress()) {
   3502     VerifyEvacuation(heap());
   3503   }
   3504 #endif
   3505 }
   3507 template <PointerDirection direction>
   3508 class PointerUpdateJobTraits {
   3509  public:
   3510   typedef int PerPageData;  // Per page data is not used in this job.
   3511   typedef int PerTaskData;  // Per task data is not used in this job.
   3513   static bool ProcessPageInParallel(Heap* heap, PerTaskData, MemoryChunk* chunk,
   3514                                     PerPageData) {
   3515     UpdateUntypedPointers(heap, chunk);
   3516     UpdateTypedPointers(heap, chunk);
   3517     return true;
   3518   }
   3519   static const bool NeedSequentialFinalization = false;
   3520   static void FinalizePageSequentially(Heap*, MemoryChunk*, bool, PerPageData) {
   3521   }
   3523  private:
   3524   static void UpdateUntypedPointers(Heap* heap, MemoryChunk* chunk) {
   3525     if (direction == OLD_TO_NEW) {
   3526       RememberedSet<OLD_TO_NEW>::Iterate(chunk, [heap, chunk](Address slot) {
   3527         return CheckAndUpdateOldToNewSlot(heap, slot);
   3528       });
   3529     } else {
   3530       RememberedSet<OLD_TO_OLD>::Iterate(chunk, [](Address slot) {
   3531         return UpdateSlot(reinterpret_cast<Object**>(slot));
   3532       });
   3533     }
   3534   }
   3536   static void UpdateTypedPointers(Heap* heap, MemoryChunk* chunk) {
   3537     if (direction == OLD_TO_OLD) {
   3538       Isolate* isolate = heap->isolate();
   3539       RememberedSet<OLD_TO_OLD>::IterateTyped(
   3540           chunk, [isolate](SlotType type, Address host_addr, Address slot) {
   3541             return UpdateTypedSlotHelper::UpdateTypedSlot(isolate, type, slot,
   3542                                                           UpdateSlot);
   3543           });
   3544     } else {
   3545       Isolate* isolate = heap->isolate();
   3546       RememberedSet<OLD_TO_NEW>::IterateTyped(
   3547           chunk,
   3548           [isolate, heap](SlotType type, Address host_addr, Address slot) {
   3549             return UpdateTypedSlotHelper::UpdateTypedSlot(
   3550                 isolate, type, slot, [heap](Object** slot) {
   3551                   return CheckAndUpdateOldToNewSlot(
   3552                       heap, reinterpret_cast<Address>(slot));
   3553                 });
   3554           });
   3555     }
   3556   }
   3558   static SlotCallbackResult CheckAndUpdateOldToNewSlot(Heap* heap,
   3559                                                        Address slot_address) {
   3560     // There may be concurrent action on slots in dead objects. Concurrent
   3561     // sweeper threads may overwrite the slot content with a free space object.
   3562     // Moreover, the pointed-to object may also get concurrently overwritten
   3563     // with a free space object. The sweeper always gets priority performing
   3564     // these writes.
   3565     base::NoBarrierAtomicValue<Object*>* slot =
   3566         base::NoBarrierAtomicValue<Object*>::FromAddress(slot_address);
   3567     Object* slot_reference = slot->Value();
   3568     if (heap->InFromSpace(slot_reference)) {
   3569       HeapObject* heap_object = reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(slot_reference);
   3570       DCHECK(heap_object->IsHeapObject());
   3571       MapWord map_word = heap_object->map_word();
   3572       // There could still be stale pointers in large object space, map space,
   3573       // and old space for pages that have been promoted.
   3574       if (map_word.IsForwardingAddress()) {
   3575         // A sweeper thread may concurrently write a size value which looks like
   3576         // a forwarding pointer. We have to ignore these values.
   3577         if (map_word.ToRawValue() < Page::kPageSize) {
   3578           return REMOVE_SLOT;
   3579         }
   3580         // Update the corresponding slot only if the slot content did not
   3581         // change in the meantime. This may happen when a concurrent sweeper
   3582         // thread stored a free space object at that memory location.
   3583         slot->TrySetValue(slot_reference, map_word.ToForwardingAddress());
   3584       }
   3585       // If the object was in from space before and is after executing the
   3586       // callback in to space, the object is still live.
   3587       // Unfortunately, we do not know about the slot. It could be in a
   3588       // just freed free space object.
   3589       if (heap->InToSpace(slot->Value())) {
   3590         return KEEP_SLOT;
   3591       }
   3592     } else if (heap->InToSpace(slot_reference)) {
   3593       // Slots can point to "to" space if the page has been moved, or if the
   3594       // slot has been recorded multiple times in the remembered set. Since
   3595       // there is no forwarding information present we need to check the
   3596       // markbits to determine liveness.
   3597       if (Marking::IsBlack(ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(
   3598               reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(slot_reference))))
   3599         return KEEP_SLOT;
   3600     } else {
   3601       DCHECK(!heap->InNewSpace(slot_reference));
   3602     }
   3603     return REMOVE_SLOT;
   3604   }
   3605 };
   3607 int NumberOfPointerUpdateTasks(int pages) {
   3608   if (!FLAG_parallel_pointer_update) return 1;
   3609   const int available_cores = Max(
   3610       1, static_cast<int>(
   3611              V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->NumberOfAvailableBackgroundThreads()));
   3612   const int kPagesPerTask = 4;
   3613   return Min(available_cores, (pages + kPagesPerTask - 1) / kPagesPerTask);
   3614 }
   3616 template <PointerDirection direction>
   3617 void UpdatePointersInParallel(Heap* heap, base::Semaphore* semaphore) {
   3618   PageParallelJob<PointerUpdateJobTraits<direction> > job(
   3619       heap, heap->isolate()->cancelable_task_manager(), semaphore);
   3620   RememberedSet<direction>::IterateMemoryChunks(
   3621       heap, [&job](MemoryChunk* chunk) { job.AddPage(chunk, 0); });
   3622   int num_pages = job.NumberOfPages();
   3623   int num_tasks = NumberOfPointerUpdateTasks(num_pages);
   3624   job.Run(num_tasks, [](int i) { return 0; });
   3625 }
   3627 class ToSpacePointerUpdateJobTraits {
   3628  public:
   3629   typedef std::pair<Address, Address> PerPageData;
   3630   typedef PointersUpdatingVisitor* PerTaskData;
   3632   static bool ProcessPageInParallel(Heap* heap, PerTaskData visitor,
   3633                                     MemoryChunk* chunk, PerPageData limits) {
   3634     if (chunk->IsFlagSet(Page::PAGE_NEW_NEW_PROMOTION)) {
   3635       // New->new promoted pages contain garbage so they require iteration
   3636       // using markbits.
   3637       ProcessPageInParallelVisitLive(heap, visitor, chunk, limits);
   3638     } else {
   3639       ProcessPageInParallelVisitAll(heap, visitor, chunk, limits);
   3640     }
   3641     return true;
   3642   }
   3644   static const bool NeedSequentialFinalization = false;
   3645   static void FinalizePageSequentially(Heap*, MemoryChunk*, bool, PerPageData) {
   3646   }
   3648  private:
   3649   static void ProcessPageInParallelVisitAll(Heap* heap, PerTaskData visitor,
   3650                                             MemoryChunk* chunk,
   3651                                             PerPageData limits) {
   3652     for (Address cur = limits.first; cur < limits.second;) {
   3653       HeapObject* object = HeapObject::FromAddress(cur);
   3654       Map* map = object->map();
   3655       int size = object->SizeFromMap(map);
   3656       object->IterateBody(map->instance_type(), size, visitor);
   3657       cur += size;
   3658     }
   3659   }
   3661   static void ProcessPageInParallelVisitLive(Heap* heap, PerTaskData visitor,
   3662                                              MemoryChunk* chunk,
   3663                                              PerPageData limits) {
   3664     LiveObjectIterator<kBlackObjects> it(chunk);
   3665     HeapObject* object = NULL;
   3666     while ((object = it.Next()) != NULL) {
   3667       Map* map = object->map();
   3668       int size = object->SizeFromMap(map);
   3669       object->IterateBody(map->instance_type(), size, visitor);
   3670     }
   3671   }
   3672 };
   3674 void UpdateToSpacePointersInParallel(Heap* heap, base::Semaphore* semaphore) {
   3675   PageParallelJob<ToSpacePointerUpdateJobTraits> job(
   3676       heap, heap->isolate()->cancelable_task_manager(), semaphore);
   3677   Address space_start = heap->new_space()->bottom();
   3678   Address space_end = heap->new_space()->top();
   3679   for (Page* page : NewSpacePageRange(space_start, space_end)) {
   3680     Address start =
   3681         page->Contains(space_start) ? space_start : page->area_start();
   3682     Address end = page->Contains(space_end) ? space_end : page->area_end();
   3683     job.AddPage(page, std::make_pair(start, end));
   3684   }
   3685   PointersUpdatingVisitor visitor;
   3686   int num_tasks = FLAG_parallel_pointer_update ? job.NumberOfPages() : 1;
   3687   job.Run(num_tasks, [&visitor](int i) { return &visitor; });
   3688 }
   3690 void MarkCompactCollector::UpdatePointersAfterEvacuation() {
   3691   TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS);
   3693   PointersUpdatingVisitor updating_visitor;
   3695   {
   3696     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(),
   3697              GCTracer::Scope::MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_TO_NEW);
   3698     UpdateToSpacePointersInParallel(heap_, &page_parallel_job_semaphore_);
   3699     // Update roots.
   3700     heap_->IterateRoots(&updating_visitor, VISIT_ALL_IN_SWEEP_NEWSPACE);
   3701     UpdatePointersInParallel<OLD_TO_NEW>(heap_, &page_parallel_job_semaphore_);
   3702   }
   3704   {
   3705     Heap* heap = this->heap();
   3706     TRACE_GC(heap->tracer(),
   3707              GCTracer::Scope::MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_TO_EVACUATED);
   3708     UpdatePointersInParallel<OLD_TO_OLD>(heap_, &page_parallel_job_semaphore_);
   3709   }
   3711   {
   3712     TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(),
   3713              GCTracer::Scope::MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_WEAK);
   3714     // Update pointers from external string table.
   3715     heap_->UpdateReferencesInExternalStringTable(
   3716         &UpdateReferenceInExternalStringTableEntry);
   3718     EvacuationWeakObjectRetainer evacuation_object_retainer;
   3719     heap()->ProcessWeakListRoots(&evacuation_object_retainer);
   3720   }
   3721 }
   3724 void MarkCompactCollector::ReleaseEvacuationCandidates() {
   3725   for (Page* p : evacuation_candidates_) {
   3726     if (!p->IsEvacuationCandidate()) continue;
   3727     PagedSpace* space = static_cast<PagedSpace*>(p->owner());
   3728     p->ResetLiveBytes();
   3729     CHECK(p->SweepingDone());
   3730     space->ReleasePage(p);
   3731   }
   3732   evacuation_candidates_.Rewind(0);
   3733   compacting_ = false;
   3734   heap()->memory_allocator()->unmapper()->FreeQueuedChunks();
   3735 }
   3737 int MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::ParallelSweepSpace(AllocationSpace identity,
   3738                                                       int required_freed_bytes,
   3739                                                       int max_pages) {
   3740   int max_freed = 0;
   3741   int pages_freed = 0;
   3742   Page* page = nullptr;
   3743   while ((page = GetSweepingPageSafe(identity)) != nullptr) {
   3744     int freed = ParallelSweepPage(page, identity);
   3745     pages_freed += 1;
   3746     DCHECK_GE(freed, 0);
   3747     max_freed = Max(max_freed, freed);
   3748     if ((required_freed_bytes) > 0 && (max_freed >= required_freed_bytes))
   3749       return max_freed;
   3750     if ((max_pages > 0) && (pages_freed >= max_pages)) return max_freed;
   3751   }
   3752   return max_freed;
   3753 }
   3755 int MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::ParallelSweepPage(Page* page,
   3756                                                      AllocationSpace identity) {
   3757   int max_freed = 0;
   3758   {
   3759     base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(page->mutex());
   3760     // If this page was already swept in the meantime, we can return here.
   3761     if (page->SweepingDone()) return 0;
   3762     DCHECK_EQ(Page::kSweepingPending,
   3763               page->concurrent_sweeping_state().Value());
   3764     page->concurrent_sweeping_state().SetValue(Page::kSweepingInProgress);
   3765     const Sweeper::FreeSpaceTreatmentMode free_space_mode =
   3766         Heap::ShouldZapGarbage() ? ZAP_FREE_SPACE : IGNORE_FREE_SPACE;
   3767     if (identity == NEW_SPACE) {
   3768       RawSweep(page, IGNORE_FREE_LIST, free_space_mode);
   3769     } else {
   3770       max_freed = RawSweep(page, REBUILD_FREE_LIST, free_space_mode);
   3771     }
   3772     DCHECK(page->SweepingDone());
   3774     // After finishing sweeping of a page we clean up its remembered set.
   3775     if (page->typed_old_to_new_slots()) {
   3776       page->typed_old_to_new_slots()->FreeToBeFreedChunks();
   3777     }
   3778     if (page->old_to_new_slots()) {
   3779       page->old_to_new_slots()->FreeToBeFreedBuckets();
   3780     }
   3781   }
   3783   {
   3784     base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
   3785     swept_list_[identity].Add(page);
   3786   }
   3787   return max_freed;
   3788 }
   3790 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::AddPage(AllocationSpace space, Page* page) {
   3791   DCHECK(!FLAG_concurrent_sweeping || !AreSweeperTasksRunning());
   3792   PrepareToBeSweptPage(space, page);
   3793   sweeping_list_[space].push_back(page);
   3794 }
   3796 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::PrepareToBeSweptPage(AllocationSpace space,
   3797                                                          Page* page) {
   3798   page->concurrent_sweeping_state().SetValue(Page::kSweepingPending);
   3799   DCHECK_GE(page->area_size(), static_cast<size_t>(page->LiveBytes()));
   3800   size_t to_sweep = page->area_size() - page->LiveBytes();
   3801   if (space != NEW_SPACE)
   3802     heap_->paged_space(space)->accounting_stats_.ShrinkSpace(to_sweep);
   3803 }
   3805 Page* MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::GetSweepingPageSafe(
   3806     AllocationSpace space) {
   3807   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
   3808   Page* page = nullptr;
   3809   if (!sweeping_list_[space].empty()) {
   3810     page = sweeping_list_[space].front();
   3811     sweeping_list_[space].pop_front();
   3812   }
   3813   return page;
   3814 }
   3816 void MarkCompactCollector::Sweeper::AddSweepingPageSafe(AllocationSpace space,
   3817                                                         Page* page) {
   3818   base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
   3819   sweeping_list_[space].push_back(page);
   3820 }
   3822 void MarkCompactCollector::StartSweepSpace(PagedSpace* space) {
   3823   space->ClearStats();
   3825   int will_be_swept = 0;
   3826   bool unused_page_present = false;
   3828   // Loop needs to support deletion if live bytes == 0 for a page.
   3829   for (auto it = space->begin(); it != space->end();) {
   3830     Page* p = *(it++);
   3831     DCHECK(p->SweepingDone());
   3833     if (p->IsEvacuationCandidate()) {
   3834       // Will be processed in EvacuateNewSpaceAndCandidates.
   3835       DCHECK(evacuation_candidates_.length() > 0);
   3836       continue;
   3837     }
   3839     if (p->IsFlagSet(Page::NEVER_ALLOCATE_ON_PAGE)) {
   3840       // We need to sweep the page to get it into an iterable state again. Note
   3841       // that this adds unusable memory into the free list that is later on
   3842       // (in the free list) dropped again. Since we only use the flag for
   3843       // testing this is fine.
   3844       p->concurrent_sweeping_state().SetValue(Page::kSweepingInProgress);
   3845       Sweeper::RawSweep(p, Sweeper::IGNORE_FREE_LIST,
   3846                         Heap::ShouldZapGarbage() ? Sweeper::ZAP_FREE_SPACE
   3847                                                  : Sweeper::IGNORE_FREE_SPACE);
   3848       continue;
   3849     }
   3851     // One unused page is kept, all further are released before sweeping them.
   3852     if (p->LiveBytes() == 0) {
   3853       if (unused_page_present) {
   3854         if (FLAG_gc_verbose) {
   3855           PrintIsolate(isolate(), "sweeping: released page: %p",
   3856                        static_cast<void*>(p));
   3857         }
   3858         ArrayBufferTracker::FreeAll(p);
   3859         space->ReleasePage(p);
   3860         continue;
   3861       }
   3862       unused_page_present = true;
   3863     }
   3865     sweeper().AddPage(space->identity(), p);
   3866     will_be_swept++;
   3867   }
   3869   if (FLAG_gc_verbose) {
   3870     PrintIsolate(isolate(), "sweeping: space=%s initialized_for_sweeping=%d",
   3871                  AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()), will_be_swept);
   3872   }
   3873 }
   3875 void MarkCompactCollector::StartSweepSpaces() {
   3876   TRACE_GC(heap()->tracer(), GCTracer::Scope::MC_SWEEP);
   3877 #ifdef DEBUG
   3878   state_ = SWEEP_SPACES;
   3879 #endif
   3881   {
   3882     {
   3883       GCTracer::Scope sweep_scope(heap()->tracer(),
   3884                                   GCTracer::Scope::MC_SWEEP_OLD);
   3885       StartSweepSpace(heap()->old_space());
   3886     }
   3887     {
   3888       GCTracer::Scope sweep_scope(heap()->tracer(),
   3889                                   GCTracer::Scope::MC_SWEEP_CODE);
   3890       StartSweepSpace(heap()->code_space());
   3891     }
   3892     {
   3893       GCTracer::Scope sweep_scope(heap()->tracer(),
   3894                                   GCTracer::Scope::MC_SWEEP_MAP);
   3895       StartSweepSpace(heap()->map_space());
   3896     }
   3897     sweeper().StartSweeping();
   3898   }
   3900   // Deallocate unmarked large objects.
   3901   heap_->lo_space()->FreeUnmarkedObjects();
   3902 }
   3904 Isolate* MarkCompactCollector::isolate() const { return heap_->isolate(); }
   3907 void MarkCompactCollector::Initialize() {
   3908   MarkCompactMarkingVisitor::Initialize();
   3909   IncrementalMarking::Initialize();
   3910 }
   3912 void MarkCompactCollector::RecordCodeEntrySlot(HeapObject* host, Address slot,
   3913                                                Code* target) {
   3914   Page* target_page = Page::FromAddress(reinterpret_cast<Address>(target));
   3915   Page* source_page = Page::FromAddress(reinterpret_cast<Address>(host));
   3916   if (target_page->IsEvacuationCandidate() &&
   3917       !ShouldSkipEvacuationSlotRecording(host)) {
   3918     // TODO(ulan): remove this check after investigating crbug.com/414964.
   3919     CHECK(target->IsCode());
   3920     RememberedSet<OLD_TO_OLD>::InsertTyped(
   3921         source_page, reinterpret_cast<Address>(host), CODE_ENTRY_SLOT, slot);
   3922   }
   3923 }
   3926 void MarkCompactCollector::RecordCodeTargetPatch(Address pc, Code* target) {
   3927   DCHECK(heap()->gc_state() == Heap::MARK_COMPACT);
   3928   if (is_compacting()) {
   3929     Code* host =
   3930         isolate()->inner_pointer_to_code_cache()->GcSafeFindCodeForInnerPointer(
   3931             pc);
   3932     MarkBit mark_bit = ObjectMarking::MarkBitFrom(host);
   3933     if (Marking::IsBlack(mark_bit)) {
   3934       RelocInfo rinfo(isolate(), pc, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET, 0, host);
   3935       // The target is always in old space, we don't have to record the slot in
   3936       // the old-to-new remembered set.
   3937       DCHECK(!heap()->InNewSpace(target));
   3938       RecordRelocSlot(host, &rinfo, target);
   3939     }
   3940   }
   3941 }
   3943 }  // namespace internal
   3944 }  // namespace v8