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      1 //===- StreamArray.h - Array backed by an arbitrary stream ----------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     13 #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/StreamRef.h"
     14 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
     16 #include <functional>
     17 #include <type_traits>
     19 namespace llvm {
     20 namespace codeview {
     22 /// VarStreamArrayExtractor is intended to be specialized to provide customized
     23 /// extraction logic.  On input it receives a StreamRef pointing to the
     24 /// beginning of the next record, but where the length of the record is not yet
     25 /// known.  Upon completion, it should return an appropriate Error instance if
     26 /// a record could not be extracted, or if one could be extracted it should
     27 /// return success and set Len to the number of bytes this record occupied in
     28 /// the underlying stream, and it should fill out the fields of the value type
     29 /// Item appropriately to represent the current record.
     30 ///
     31 /// You can specialize this template for your own custom value types to avoid
     32 /// having to specify a second template argument to VarStreamArray (documented
     33 /// below).
     34 template <typename T> struct VarStreamArrayExtractor {
     35   // Method intentionally deleted.  You must provide an explicit specialization
     36   // with the following method implemented.
     37   Error operator()(StreamRef Stream, uint32_t &Len, T &Item) const = delete;
     38 };
     40 /// VarStreamArray represents an array of variable length records backed by a
     41 /// stream.  This could be a contiguous sequence of bytes in memory, it could
     42 /// be a file on disk, or it could be a PDB stream where bytes are stored as
     43 /// discontiguous blocks in a file.  Usually it is desirable to treat arrays
     44 /// as contiguous blocks of memory, but doing so with large PDB files, for
     45 /// example, could mean allocating huge amounts of memory just to allow
     46 /// re-ordering of stream data to be contiguous before iterating over it.  By
     47 /// abstracting this out, we need not duplicate this memory, and we can
     48 /// iterate over arrays in arbitrarily formatted streams.  Elements are parsed
     49 /// lazily on iteration, so there is no upfront cost associated with building
     50 /// a VarStreamArray, no matter how large it may be.
     51 ///
     52 /// You create a VarStreamArray by specifying a ValueType and an Extractor type.
     53 /// If you do not specify an Extractor type, it expects you to specialize
     54 /// VarStreamArrayExtractor<T> for your ValueType.
     55 ///
     56 /// By default an Extractor is default constructed in the class, but in some
     57 /// cases you might find it useful for an Extractor to maintain state across
     58 /// extractions.  In this case you can provide your own Extractor through a
     59 /// secondary constructor.  The following examples show various ways of
     60 /// creating a VarStreamArray.
     61 ///
     62 ///       // Will use VarStreamArrayExtractor<MyType> as the extractor.
     63 ///       VarStreamArray<MyType> MyTypeArray;
     64 ///
     65 ///       // Will use a default-constructed MyExtractor as the extractor.
     66 ///       VarStreamArray<MyType, MyExtractor> MyTypeArray2;
     67 ///
     68 ///       // Will use the specific instance of MyExtractor provided.
     69 ///       // MyExtractor need not be default-constructible in this case.
     70 ///       MyExtractor E(SomeContext);
     71 ///       VarStreamArray<MyType, MyExtractor> MyTypeArray3(E);
     72 ///
     73 template <typename ValueType, typename Extractor> class VarStreamArrayIterator;
     75 template <typename ValueType,
     76           typename Extractor = VarStreamArrayExtractor<ValueType>>
     77 class VarStreamArray {
     78   friend class VarStreamArrayIterator<ValueType, Extractor>;
     80 public:
     81   typedef VarStreamArrayIterator<ValueType, Extractor> Iterator;
     83   VarStreamArray() {}
     84   explicit VarStreamArray(const Extractor &E) : E(E) {}
     86   explicit VarStreamArray(StreamRef Stream) : Stream(Stream) {}
     87   VarStreamArray(StreamRef Stream, const Extractor &E) : Stream(Stream), E(E) {}
     89   VarStreamArray(const VarStreamArray<ValueType, Extractor> &Other)
     90       : Stream(Other.Stream), E(Other.E) {}
     92   Iterator begin(bool *HadError = nullptr) const {
     93     return Iterator(*this, E, HadError);
     94   }
     96   Iterator end() const { return Iterator(E); }
     98   const Extractor &getExtractor() const { return E; }
    100   StreamRef getUnderlyingStream() const { return Stream; }
    102 private:
    103   StreamRef Stream;
    104   Extractor E;
    105 };
    107 template <typename ValueType, typename Extractor> class VarStreamArrayIterator {
    108   typedef VarStreamArrayIterator<ValueType, Extractor> IterType;
    109   typedef VarStreamArray<ValueType, Extractor> ArrayType;
    111 public:
    112   VarStreamArrayIterator(const ArrayType &Array, const Extractor &E,
    113                          bool *HadError = nullptr)
    114       : IterRef(Array.Stream), Array(&Array), HadError(HadError), Extract(E) {
    115     auto EC = Extract(IterRef, ThisLen, ThisValue);
    116     if (EC) {
    117       consumeError(std::move(EC));
    118       markError();
    119     }
    120   }
    121   VarStreamArrayIterator() {}
    122   explicit VarStreamArrayIterator(const Extractor &E) : Extract(E) {}
    123   ~VarStreamArrayIterator() {}
    125   bool operator==(const IterType &R) const {
    126     if (Array && R.Array) {
    127       // Both have a valid array, make sure they're same.
    128       assert(Array == R.Array);
    129       return IterRef == R.IterRef;
    130     }
    132     // Both iterators are at the end.
    133     if (!Array && !R.Array)
    134       return true;
    136     // One is not at the end and one is.
    137     return false;
    138   }
    140   bool operator!=(const IterType &R) { return !(*this == R); }
    142   const ValueType &operator*() const {
    143     assert(Array && !HasError);
    144     return ThisValue;
    145   }
    147   IterType &operator++() {
    148     // We are done with the current record, discard it so that we are
    149     // positioned at the next record.
    150     IterRef = IterRef.drop_front(ThisLen);
    151     if (IterRef.getLength() == 0) {
    152       // There is nothing after the current record, we must make this an end
    153       // iterator.
    154       moveToEnd();
    155     } else {
    156       // There is some data after the current record.
    157       auto EC = Extract(IterRef, ThisLen, ThisValue);
    158       if (EC) {
    159         consumeError(std::move(EC));
    160         markError();
    161       } else if (ThisLen == 0) {
    162         // An empty record? Make this an end iterator.
    163         moveToEnd();
    164       }
    165     }
    166     return *this;
    167   }
    169   IterType operator++(int) {
    170     IterType Original = *this;
    171     ++*this;
    172     return Original;
    173   }
    175 private:
    176   void moveToEnd() {
    177     Array = nullptr;
    178     ThisLen = 0;
    179   }
    180   void markError() {
    181     moveToEnd();
    182     HasError = true;
    183     if (HadError != nullptr)
    184       *HadError = true;
    185   }
    187   ValueType ThisValue;
    188   StreamRef IterRef;
    189   const ArrayType *Array{nullptr};
    190   uint32_t ThisLen{0};
    191   bool HasError{false};
    192   bool *HadError{nullptr};
    193   Extractor Extract;
    194 };
    196 template <typename T> class FixedStreamArrayIterator;
    198 template <typename T> class FixedStreamArray {
    199   friend class FixedStreamArrayIterator<T>;
    201 public:
    202   FixedStreamArray() : Stream() {}
    203   FixedStreamArray(StreamRef Stream) : Stream(Stream) {
    204     assert(Stream.getLength() % sizeof(T) == 0);
    205   }
    207   const T &operator[](uint32_t Index) const {
    208     assert(Index < size());
    209     uint32_t Off = Index * sizeof(T);
    210     ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data;
    211     if (auto EC = Stream.readBytes(Off, sizeof(T), Data)) {
    212       assert(false && "Unexpected failure reading from stream");
    213       // This should never happen since we asserted that the stream length was
    214       // an exact multiple of the element size.
    215       consumeError(std::move(EC));
    216     }
    217     return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(Data.data());
    218   }
    220   uint32_t size() const { return Stream.getLength() / sizeof(T); }
    222   FixedStreamArrayIterator<T> begin() const {
    223     return FixedStreamArrayIterator<T>(*this, 0);
    224   }
    225   FixedStreamArrayIterator<T> end() const {
    226     return FixedStreamArrayIterator<T>(*this, size());
    227   }
    229   StreamRef getUnderlyingStream() const { return Stream; }
    231 private:
    232   StreamRef Stream;
    233 };
    235 template <typename T> class FixedStreamArrayIterator {
    236 public:
    237   FixedStreamArrayIterator(const FixedStreamArray<T> &Array, uint32_t Index)
    238       : Array(Array), Index(Index) {}
    240   bool operator==(const FixedStreamArrayIterator<T> &R) {
    241     assert(&Array == &R.Array);
    242     return Index == R.Index;
    243   }
    245   bool operator!=(const FixedStreamArrayIterator<T> &R) {
    246     return !(*this == R);
    247   }
    249   const T &operator*() const { return Array[Index]; }
    251   FixedStreamArrayIterator<T> &operator++() {
    252     assert(Index < Array.size());
    253     ++Index;
    254     return *this;
    255   }
    257   FixedStreamArrayIterator<T> operator++(int) {
    258     FixedStreamArrayIterator<T> Original = *this;
    259     ++*this;
    260     return Original;
    261   }
    263 private:
    264   const FixedStreamArray<T> &Array;
    265   uint32_t Index;
    266 };
    268 } // namespace codeview
    269 } // namespace llvm