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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "SkSLIRGenerator.h"
     10 #include "limits.h"
     11 #include <unordered_set>
     13 #include "SkSLCompiler.h"
     14 #include "ast/SkSLASTBoolLiteral.h"
     15 #include "ast/SkSLASTFieldSuffix.h"
     16 #include "ast/SkSLASTFloatLiteral.h"
     17 #include "ast/SkSLASTIndexSuffix.h"
     18 #include "ast/SkSLASTIntLiteral.h"
     19 #include "ir/SkSLBinaryExpression.h"
     20 #include "ir/SkSLBoolLiteral.h"
     21 #include "ir/SkSLBreakStatement.h"
     22 #include "ir/SkSLConstructor.h"
     23 #include "ir/SkSLContinueStatement.h"
     24 #include "ir/SkSLDiscardStatement.h"
     25 #include "ir/SkSLDoStatement.h"
     26 #include "ir/SkSLExpressionStatement.h"
     27 #include "ir/SkSLField.h"
     28 #include "ir/SkSLFieldAccess.h"
     29 #include "ir/SkSLFloatLiteral.h"
     30 #include "ir/SkSLForStatement.h"
     31 #include "ir/SkSLFunctionCall.h"
     32 #include "ir/SkSLFunctionDeclaration.h"
     33 #include "ir/SkSLFunctionDefinition.h"
     34 #include "ir/SkSLFunctionReference.h"
     35 #include "ir/SkSLIfStatement.h"
     36 #include "ir/SkSLIndexExpression.h"
     37 #include "ir/SkSLInterfaceBlock.h"
     38 #include "ir/SkSLIntLiteral.h"
     39 #include "ir/SkSLLayout.h"
     40 #include "ir/SkSLPostfixExpression.h"
     41 #include "ir/SkSLPrefixExpression.h"
     42 #include "ir/SkSLReturnStatement.h"
     43 #include "ir/SkSLSwitchCase.h"
     44 #include "ir/SkSLSwitchStatement.h"
     45 #include "ir/SkSLSwizzle.h"
     46 #include "ir/SkSLTernaryExpression.h"
     47 #include "ir/SkSLUnresolvedFunction.h"
     48 #include "ir/SkSLVariable.h"
     49 #include "ir/SkSLVarDeclarations.h"
     50 #include "ir/SkSLVarDeclarationsStatement.h"
     51 #include "ir/SkSLVariableReference.h"
     52 #include "ir/SkSLWhileStatement.h"
     54 namespace SkSL {
     56 class AutoSymbolTable {
     57 public:
     58     AutoSymbolTable(IRGenerator* ir)
     59     : fIR(ir)
     60     , fPrevious(fIR->fSymbolTable) {
     61         fIR->pushSymbolTable();
     62     }
     64     ~AutoSymbolTable() {
     65         fIR->popSymbolTable();
     66         ASSERT(fPrevious == fIR->fSymbolTable);
     67     }
     69     IRGenerator* fIR;
     70     std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> fPrevious;
     71 };
     73 class AutoLoopLevel {
     74 public:
     75     AutoLoopLevel(IRGenerator* ir)
     76     : fIR(ir) {
     77         fIR->fLoopLevel++;
     78     }
     80     ~AutoLoopLevel() {
     81         fIR->fLoopLevel--;
     82     }
     84     IRGenerator* fIR;
     85 };
     87 class AutoSwitchLevel {
     88 public:
     89     AutoSwitchLevel(IRGenerator* ir)
     90     : fIR(ir) {
     91         fIR->fSwitchLevel++;
     92     }
     94     ~AutoSwitchLevel() {
     95         fIR->fSwitchLevel--;
     96     }
     98     IRGenerator* fIR;
     99 };
    101 IRGenerator::IRGenerator(const Context* context, std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> symbolTable,
    102                          ErrorReporter& errorReporter)
    103 : fContext(*context)
    104 , fCurrentFunction(nullptr)
    105 , fSymbolTable(std::move(symbolTable))
    106 , fLoopLevel(0)
    107 , fSwitchLevel(0)
    108 , fErrors(errorReporter) {}
    110 void IRGenerator::pushSymbolTable() {
    111     fSymbolTable.reset(new SymbolTable(std::move(fSymbolTable), fErrors));
    112 }
    114 void IRGenerator::popSymbolTable() {
    115     fSymbolTable = fSymbolTable->fParent;
    116 }
    118 static void fill_caps(const GrShaderCaps& caps, std::unordered_map<SkString, CapValue>* capsMap) {
    119 #define CAP(name) capsMap->insert(std::make_pair(SkString(#name), CapValue(caps.name())));
    120     CAP(fbFetchSupport);
    121     CAP(fbFetchNeedsCustomOutput);
    122     CAP(bindlessTextureSupport);
    123     CAP(dropsTileOnZeroDivide);
    124     CAP(flatInterpolationSupport);
    125     CAP(noperspectiveInterpolationSupport);
    126     CAP(multisampleInterpolationSupport);
    127     CAP(sampleVariablesSupport);
    128     CAP(sampleMaskOverrideCoverageSupport);
    129     CAP(externalTextureSupport);
    130     CAP(texelFetchSupport);
    131     CAP(imageLoadStoreSupport);
    132     CAP(mustEnableAdvBlendEqs);
    133     CAP(mustEnableSpecificAdvBlendEqs);
    134     CAP(mustDeclareFragmentShaderOutput);
    135     CAP(canUseAnyFunctionInShader);
    136 #undef CAP
    137 }
    139 void IRGenerator::start(const Program::Settings* settings) {
    140     fSettings = settings;
    141     fCapsMap.clear();
    142     if (settings->fCaps) {
    143         fill_caps(*settings->fCaps, &fCapsMap);
    144     }
    145     this->pushSymbolTable();
    146     fInputs.reset();
    147 }
    149 void IRGenerator::finish() {
    150     this->popSymbolTable();
    151     fSettings = nullptr;
    152 }
    154 std::unique_ptr<Extension> IRGenerator::convertExtension(const ASTExtension& extension) {
    155     return std::unique_ptr<Extension>(new Extension(extension.fPosition, extension.fName));
    156 }
    158 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertStatement(const ASTStatement& statement) {
    159     switch (statement.fKind) {
    160         case ASTStatement::kBlock_Kind:
    161             return this->convertBlock((ASTBlock&) statement);
    162         case ASTStatement::kVarDeclaration_Kind:
    163             return this->convertVarDeclarationStatement((ASTVarDeclarationStatement&) statement);
    164         case ASTStatement::kExpression_Kind:
    165             return this->convertExpressionStatement((ASTExpressionStatement&) statement);
    166         case ASTStatement::kIf_Kind:
    167             return this->convertIf((ASTIfStatement&) statement);
    168         case ASTStatement::kFor_Kind:
    169             return this->convertFor((ASTForStatement&) statement);
    170         case ASTStatement::kWhile_Kind:
    171             return this->convertWhile((ASTWhileStatement&) statement);
    172         case ASTStatement::kDo_Kind:
    173             return this->convertDo((ASTDoStatement&) statement);
    174         case ASTStatement::kSwitch_Kind:
    175             return this->convertSwitch((ASTSwitchStatement&) statement);
    176         case ASTStatement::kReturn_Kind:
    177             return this->convertReturn((ASTReturnStatement&) statement);
    178         case ASTStatement::kBreak_Kind:
    179             return this->convertBreak((ASTBreakStatement&) statement);
    180         case ASTStatement::kContinue_Kind:
    181             return this->convertContinue((ASTContinueStatement&) statement);
    182         case ASTStatement::kDiscard_Kind:
    183             return this->convertDiscard((ASTDiscardStatement&) statement);
    184         default:
    185             ABORT("unsupported statement type: %d\n", statement.fKind);
    186     }
    187 }
    189 std::unique_ptr<Block> IRGenerator::convertBlock(const ASTBlock& block) {
    190     AutoSymbolTable table(this);
    191     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Statement>> statements;
    192     for (size_t i = 0; i < block.fStatements.size(); i++) {
    193         std::unique_ptr<Statement> statement = this->convertStatement(*block.fStatements[i]);
    194         if (!statement) {
    195             return nullptr;
    196         }
    197         statements.push_back(std::move(statement));
    198     }
    199     return std::unique_ptr<Block>(new Block(block.fPosition, std::move(statements), fSymbolTable));
    200 }
    202 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertVarDeclarationStatement(
    203                                                               const ASTVarDeclarationStatement& s) {
    204     auto decl = this->convertVarDeclarations(*s.fDeclarations, Variable::kLocal_Storage);
    205     if (!decl) {
    206         return nullptr;
    207     }
    208     return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new VarDeclarationsStatement(std::move(decl)));
    209 }
    211 std::unique_ptr<VarDeclarations> IRGenerator::convertVarDeclarations(const ASTVarDeclarations& decl,
    212                                                                      Variable::Storage storage) {
    213     std::vector<VarDeclaration> variables;
    214     const Type* baseType = this->convertType(*decl.fType);
    215     if (!baseType) {
    216         return nullptr;
    217     }
    218     for (const auto& varDecl : decl.fVars) {
    219         const Type* type = baseType;
    220         std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> sizes;
    221         for (const auto& rawSize : varDecl.fSizes) {
    222             if (rawSize) {
    223                 auto size = this->coerce(this->convertExpression(*rawSize), *fContext.fInt_Type);
    224                 if (!size) {
    225                     return nullptr;
    226                 }
    227                 SkString name = type->fName;
    228                 int64_t count;
    229                 if (size->fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind) {
    230                     count = ((IntLiteral&) *size).fValue;
    231                     if (count <= 0) {
    232                         fErrors.error(size->fPosition, "array size must be positive");
    233                     }
    234                     name += "[" + to_string(count) + "]";
    235                 } else {
    236                     count = -1;
    237                     name += "[]";
    238                 }
    239                 type = new Type(name, Type::kArray_Kind, *type, (int) count);
    240                 fSymbolTable->takeOwnership((Type*) type);
    241                 sizes.push_back(std::move(size));
    242             } else {
    243                 type = new Type(type->fName + "[]", Type::kArray_Kind, *type, -1);
    244                 fSymbolTable->takeOwnership((Type*) type);
    245                 sizes.push_back(nullptr);
    246             }
    247         }
    248         auto var = std::unique_ptr<Variable>(new Variable(decl.fPosition, decl.fModifiers,
    249                                                           varDecl.fName, *type, storage));
    250         std::unique_ptr<Expression> value;
    251         if (varDecl.fValue) {
    252             value = this->convertExpression(*varDecl.fValue);
    253             if (!value) {
    254                 return nullptr;
    255             }
    256             value = this->coerce(std::move(value), *type);
    257         }
    258         if (storage == Variable::kGlobal_Storage && varDecl.fName == SkString("sk_FragColor") &&
    259             (*fSymbolTable)[varDecl.fName]) {
    260             // already defined, ignore
    261         } else if (storage == Variable::kGlobal_Storage && (*fSymbolTable)[varDecl.fName] &&
    262                    (*fSymbolTable)[varDecl.fName]->fKind == Symbol::kVariable_Kind &&
    263                    ((Variable*) (*fSymbolTable)[varDecl.fName])->fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin >= 0) {
    264             // already defined, just update the modifiers
    265             Variable* old = (Variable*) (*fSymbolTable)[varDecl.fName];
    266             old->fModifiers = var->fModifiers;
    267         } else {
    268             variables.emplace_back(var.get(), std::move(sizes), std::move(value));
    269             fSymbolTable->add(varDecl.fName, std::move(var));
    270         }
    271     }
    272     return std::unique_ptr<VarDeclarations>(new VarDeclarations(decl.fPosition,
    273                                                                 baseType,
    274                                                                 std::move(variables)));
    275 }
    277 std::unique_ptr<ModifiersDeclaration> IRGenerator::convertModifiersDeclaration(
    278                                                                  const ASTModifiersDeclaration& m) {
    279     return std::unique_ptr<ModifiersDeclaration>(new ModifiersDeclaration(m.fModifiers));
    280 }
    282 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertIf(const ASTIfStatement& s) {
    283     std::unique_ptr<Expression> test = this->coerce(this->convertExpression(*s.fTest),
    284                                                     *fContext.fBool_Type);
    285     if (!test) {
    286         return nullptr;
    287     }
    288     std::unique_ptr<Statement> ifTrue = this->convertStatement(*s.fIfTrue);
    289     if (!ifTrue) {
    290         return nullptr;
    291     }
    292     std::unique_ptr<Statement> ifFalse;
    293     if (s.fIfFalse) {
    294         ifFalse = this->convertStatement(*s.fIfFalse);
    295         if (!ifFalse) {
    296             return nullptr;
    297         }
    298     }
    299     if (test->fKind == Expression::kBoolLiteral_Kind) {
    300         // static boolean value, fold down to a single branch
    301         if (((BoolLiteral&) *test).fValue) {
    302             return ifTrue;
    303         } else if (s.fIfFalse) {
    304             return ifFalse;
    305         } else {
    306             // False & no else clause. Not an error, so don't return null!
    307             std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Statement>> empty;
    308             return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new Block(s.fPosition, std::move(empty),
    309                                                         fSymbolTable));
    310         }
    311     }
    312     return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new IfStatement(s.fPosition, std::move(test),
    313                                                       std::move(ifTrue), std::move(ifFalse)));
    314 }
    316 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertFor(const ASTForStatement& f) {
    317     AutoLoopLevel level(this);
    318     AutoSymbolTable table(this);
    319     std::unique_ptr<Statement> initializer;
    320     if (f.fInitializer) {
    321         initializer = this->convertStatement(*f.fInitializer);
    322         if (!initializer) {
    323             return nullptr;
    324         }
    325     }
    326     std::unique_ptr<Expression> test;
    327     if (f.fTest) {
    328         test = this->coerce(this->convertExpression(*f.fTest), *fContext.fBool_Type);
    329         if (!test) {
    330             return nullptr;
    331         }
    332     }
    333     std::unique_ptr<Expression> next;
    334     if (f.fNext) {
    335         next = this->convertExpression(*f.fNext);
    336         if (!next) {
    337             return nullptr;
    338         }
    339         this->checkValid(*next);
    340     }
    341     std::unique_ptr<Statement> statement = this->convertStatement(*f.fStatement);
    342     if (!statement) {
    343         return nullptr;
    344     }
    345     return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new ForStatement(f.fPosition, std::move(initializer),
    346                                                        std::move(test), std::move(next),
    347                                                        std::move(statement), fSymbolTable));
    348 }
    350 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertWhile(const ASTWhileStatement& w) {
    351     AutoLoopLevel level(this);
    352     std::unique_ptr<Expression> test = this->coerce(this->convertExpression(*w.fTest),
    353                                                     *fContext.fBool_Type);
    354     if (!test) {
    355         return nullptr;
    356     }
    357     std::unique_ptr<Statement> statement = this->convertStatement(*w.fStatement);
    358     if (!statement) {
    359         return nullptr;
    360     }
    361     return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new WhileStatement(w.fPosition, std::move(test),
    362                                                          std::move(statement)));
    363 }
    365 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertDo(const ASTDoStatement& d) {
    366     AutoLoopLevel level(this);
    367     std::unique_ptr<Expression> test = this->coerce(this->convertExpression(*d.fTest),
    368                                                     *fContext.fBool_Type);
    369     if (!test) {
    370         return nullptr;
    371     }
    372     std::unique_ptr<Statement> statement = this->convertStatement(*d.fStatement);
    373     if (!statement) {
    374         return nullptr;
    375     }
    376     return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new DoStatement(d.fPosition, std::move(statement),
    377                                                       std::move(test)));
    378 }
    380 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertSwitch(const ASTSwitchStatement& s) {
    381     AutoSwitchLevel level(this);
    382     std::unique_ptr<Expression> value = this->convertExpression(*s.fValue);
    383     if (!value) {
    384         return nullptr;
    385     }
    386     if (value->fType != *fContext.fUInt_Type) {
    387         value = this->coerce(std::move(value), *fContext.fInt_Type);
    388         if (!value) {
    389             return nullptr;
    390         }
    391     }
    392     AutoSymbolTable table(this);
    393     std::unordered_set<int> caseValues;
    394     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SwitchCase>> cases;
    395     for (const auto& c : s.fCases) {
    396         std::unique_ptr<Expression> caseValue;
    397         if (c->fValue) {
    398             caseValue = this->convertExpression(*c->fValue);
    399             if (!caseValue) {
    400                 return nullptr;
    401             }
    402             if (caseValue->fType != *fContext.fUInt_Type) {
    403                 caseValue = this->coerce(std::move(caseValue), *fContext.fInt_Type);
    404                 if (!caseValue) {
    405                     return nullptr;
    406                 }
    407             }
    408             if (!caseValue->isConstant()) {
    409                 fErrors.error(caseValue->fPosition, "case value must be a constant");
    410                 return nullptr;
    411             }
    412             ASSERT(caseValue->fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind);
    413             int64_t v = ((IntLiteral&) *caseValue).fValue;
    414             if (caseValues.find(v) != caseValues.end()) {
    415                 fErrors.error(caseValue->fPosition, "duplicate case value");
    416             }
    417             caseValues.insert(v);
    418         }
    419         std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Statement>> statements;
    420         for (const auto& s : c->fStatements) {
    421             std::unique_ptr<Statement> converted = this->convertStatement(*s);
    422             if (!converted) {
    423                 return nullptr;
    424             }
    425             statements.push_back(std::move(converted));
    426         }
    427         cases.emplace_back(new SwitchCase(c->fPosition, std::move(caseValue),
    428                                           std::move(statements)));
    429     }
    430     return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new SwitchStatement(s.fPosition, std::move(value),
    431                                                           std::move(cases)));
    432 }
    434 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertExpressionStatement(
    435                                                                   const ASTExpressionStatement& s) {
    436     std::unique_ptr<Expression> e = this->convertExpression(*s.fExpression);
    437     if (!e) {
    438         return nullptr;
    439     }
    440     this->checkValid(*e);
    441     return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new ExpressionStatement(std::move(e)));
    442 }
    444 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertReturn(const ASTReturnStatement& r) {
    445     ASSERT(fCurrentFunction);
    446     if (r.fExpression) {
    447         std::unique_ptr<Expression> result = this->convertExpression(*r.fExpression);
    448         if (!result) {
    449             return nullptr;
    450         }
    451         if (fCurrentFunction->fReturnType == *fContext.fVoid_Type) {
    452             fErrors.error(result->fPosition, "may not return a value from a void function");
    453         } else {
    454             result = this->coerce(std::move(result), fCurrentFunction->fReturnType);
    455             if (!result) {
    456                 return nullptr;
    457             }
    458         }
    459         return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new ReturnStatement(std::move(result)));
    460     } else {
    461         if (fCurrentFunction->fReturnType != *fContext.fVoid_Type) {
    462             fErrors.error(r.fPosition, "expected function to return '" +
    463                                        fCurrentFunction->fReturnType.description() + "'");
    464         }
    465         return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new ReturnStatement(r.fPosition));
    466     }
    467 }
    469 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertBreak(const ASTBreakStatement& b) {
    470     if (fLoopLevel > 0 || fSwitchLevel > 0) {
    471         return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new BreakStatement(b.fPosition));
    472     } else {
    473         fErrors.error(b.fPosition, "break statement must be inside a loop or switch");
    474         return nullptr;
    475     }
    476 }
    478 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertContinue(const ASTContinueStatement& c) {
    479     if (fLoopLevel > 0) {
    480         return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new ContinueStatement(c.fPosition));
    481     } else {
    482         fErrors.error(c.fPosition, "continue statement must be inside a loop");
    483         return nullptr;
    484     }
    485 }
    487 std::unique_ptr<Statement> IRGenerator::convertDiscard(const ASTDiscardStatement& d) {
    488     return std::unique_ptr<Statement>(new DiscardStatement(d.fPosition));
    489 }
    491 std::unique_ptr<FunctionDefinition> IRGenerator::convertFunction(const ASTFunction& f) {
    492     const Type* returnType = this->convertType(*f.fReturnType);
    493     if (!returnType) {
    494         return nullptr;
    495     }
    496     std::vector<const Variable*> parameters;
    497     for (const auto& param : f.fParameters) {
    498         const Type* type = this->convertType(*param->fType);
    499         if (!type) {
    500             return nullptr;
    501         }
    502         for (int j = (int) param->fSizes.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
    503             int size = param->fSizes[j];
    504             SkString name = type->name() + "[" + to_string(size) + "]";
    505             Type* newType = new Type(std::move(name), Type::kArray_Kind, *type, size);
    506             fSymbolTable->takeOwnership(newType);
    507             type = newType;
    508         }
    509         SkString name = param->fName;
    510         Position pos = param->fPosition;
    511         Variable* var = new Variable(pos, param->fModifiers, std::move(name), *type,
    512                                      Variable::kParameter_Storage);
    513         fSymbolTable->takeOwnership(var);
    514         parameters.push_back(var);
    515     }
    517     // find existing declaration
    518     const FunctionDeclaration* decl = nullptr;
    519     auto entry = (*fSymbolTable)[f.fName];
    520     if (entry) {
    521         std::vector<const FunctionDeclaration*> functions;
    522         switch (entry->fKind) {
    523             case Symbol::kUnresolvedFunction_Kind:
    524                 functions = ((UnresolvedFunction*) entry)->fFunctions;
    525                 break;
    526             case Symbol::kFunctionDeclaration_Kind:
    527                 functions.push_back((FunctionDeclaration*) entry);
    528                 break;
    529             default:
    530                 fErrors.error(f.fPosition, "symbol '" + f.fName + "' was already defined");
    531                 return nullptr;
    532         }
    533         for (const auto& other : functions) {
    534             ASSERT(other->fName == f.fName);
    535             if (parameters.size() == other->fParameters.size()) {
    536                 bool match = true;
    537                 for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
    538                     if (parameters[i]->fType != other->fParameters[i]->fType) {
    539                         match = false;
    540                         break;
    541                     }
    542                 }
    543                 if (match) {
    544                     if (*returnType != other->fReturnType) {
    545                         FunctionDeclaration newDecl(f.fPosition, f.fName, parameters, *returnType);
    546                         fErrors.error(f.fPosition, "functions '" + newDecl.description() +
    547                                                    "' and '" + other->description() +
    548                                                    "' differ only in return type");
    549                         return nullptr;
    550                     }
    551                     decl = other;
    552                     for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
    553                         if (parameters[i]->fModifiers != other->fParameters[i]->fModifiers) {
    554                             fErrors.error(f.fPosition, "modifiers on parameter " +
    555                                                        to_string((uint64_t) i + 1) +
    556                                                        " differ between declaration and "
    557                                                        "definition");
    558                             return nullptr;
    559                         }
    560                     }
    561                     if (other->fDefined) {
    562                         fErrors.error(f.fPosition, "duplicate definition of " +
    563                                                    other->description());
    564                     }
    565                     break;
    566                 }
    567             }
    568         }
    569     }
    570     if (!decl) {
    571         // couldn't find an existing declaration
    572         auto newDecl = std::unique_ptr<FunctionDeclaration>(new FunctionDeclaration(f.fPosition,
    573                                                                                     f.fName,
    574                                                                                     parameters,
    575                                                                                     *returnType));
    576         decl = newDecl.get();
    577         fSymbolTable->add(decl->fName, std::move(newDecl));
    578     }
    579     if (f.fBody) {
    580         ASSERT(!fCurrentFunction);
    581         fCurrentFunction = decl;
    582         decl->fDefined = true;
    583         std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> old = fSymbolTable;
    584         AutoSymbolTable table(this);
    585         for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
    586             fSymbolTable->addWithoutOwnership(parameters[i]->fName, decl->fParameters[i]);
    587         }
    588         std::unique_ptr<Block> body = this->convertBlock(*f.fBody);
    589         fCurrentFunction = nullptr;
    590         if (!body) {
    591             return nullptr;
    592         }
    593         return std::unique_ptr<FunctionDefinition>(new FunctionDefinition(f.fPosition, *decl,
    594                                                                           std::move(body)));
    595     }
    596     return nullptr;
    597 }
    599 std::unique_ptr<InterfaceBlock> IRGenerator::convertInterfaceBlock(const ASTInterfaceBlock& intf) {
    600     std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> old = fSymbolTable;
    601     AutoSymbolTable table(this);
    602     std::vector<Type::Field> fields;
    603     for (size_t i = 0; i < intf.fDeclarations.size(); i++) {
    604         std::unique_ptr<VarDeclarations> decl = this->convertVarDeclarations(
    605                                                                          *intf.fDeclarations[i],
    606                                                                          Variable::kGlobal_Storage);
    607         if (!decl) {
    608             return nullptr;
    609         }
    610         for (const auto& var : decl->fVars) {
    611             fields.push_back(Type::Field(var.fVar->fModifiers, var.fVar->fName,
    612                                          &var.fVar->fType));
    613             if (var.fValue) {
    614                 fErrors.error(decl->fPosition,
    615                               "initializers are not permitted on interface block fields");
    616             }
    617             if (var.fVar->fModifiers.fFlags & (Modifiers::kIn_Flag |
    618                                                Modifiers::kOut_Flag |
    619                                                Modifiers::kUniform_Flag |
    620                                                Modifiers::kConst_Flag)) {
    621                 fErrors.error(decl->fPosition,
    622                               "interface block fields may not have storage qualifiers");
    623             }
    624         }
    625     }
    626     Type* type = new Type(intf.fPosition, intf.fTypeName, fields);
    627     old->takeOwnership(type);
    628     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> sizes;
    629     for (const auto& size : intf.fSizes) {
    630         if (size) {
    631             std::unique_ptr<Expression> converted = this->convertExpression(*size);
    632             if (!converted) {
    633                 return nullptr;
    634             }
    635             SkString name = type->fName;
    636             int64_t count;
    637             if (converted->fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind) {
    638                 count = ((IntLiteral&) *converted).fValue;
    639                 if (count <= 0) {
    640                     fErrors.error(converted->fPosition, "array size must be positive");
    641                 }
    642                 name += "[" + to_string(count) + "]";
    643             } else {
    644                 count = -1;
    645                 name += "[]";
    646             }
    647             type = new Type(name, Type::kArray_Kind, *type, (int) count);
    648             fSymbolTable->takeOwnership((Type*) type);
    649             sizes.push_back(std::move(converted));
    650         } else {
    651             type = new Type(type->fName + "[]", Type::kArray_Kind, *type, -1);
    652             fSymbolTable->takeOwnership((Type*) type);
    653             sizes.push_back(nullptr);
    654         }
    655     }
    656     Variable* var = new Variable(intf.fPosition, intf.fModifiers,
    657                                  intf.fInstanceName.size() ? intf.fInstanceName : intf.fTypeName,
    658                                  *type, Variable::kGlobal_Storage);
    659     old->takeOwnership(var);
    660     if (intf.fInstanceName.size()) {
    661         old->addWithoutOwnership(intf.fInstanceName, var);
    662     } else {
    663         for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
    664             old->add(fields[i].fName, std::unique_ptr<Field>(new Field(intf.fPosition, *var,
    665                                                                        (int) i)));
    666         }
    667     }
    668     return std::unique_ptr<InterfaceBlock>(new InterfaceBlock(intf.fPosition, *var,
    669                                                               intf.fTypeName,
    670                                                               intf.fInstanceName,
    671                                                               std::move(sizes),
    672                                                               fSymbolTable));
    673 }
    675 const Type* IRGenerator::convertType(const ASTType& type) {
    676     const Symbol* result = (*fSymbolTable)[type.fName];
    677     if (result && result->fKind == Symbol::kType_Kind) {
    678         for (int size : type.fSizes) {
    679             SkString name = result->fName + "[";
    680             if (size != -1) {
    681                 name += to_string(size);
    682             }
    683             name += "]";
    684             result = new Type(name, Type::kArray_Kind, (const Type&) *result, size);
    685             fSymbolTable->takeOwnership((Type*) result);
    686         }
    687         return (const Type*) result;
    688     }
    689     fErrors.error(type.fPosition, "unknown type '" + type.fName + "'");
    690     return nullptr;
    691 }
    693 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertExpression(const ASTExpression& expr) {
    694     switch (expr.fKind) {
    695         case ASTExpression::kIdentifier_Kind:
    696             return this->convertIdentifier((ASTIdentifier&) expr);
    697         case ASTExpression::kBool_Kind:
    698             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new BoolLiteral(fContext, expr.fPosition,
    699                                                                ((ASTBoolLiteral&) expr).fValue));
    700         case ASTExpression::kInt_Kind:
    701             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new IntLiteral(fContext, expr.fPosition,
    702                                                               ((ASTIntLiteral&) expr).fValue));
    703         case ASTExpression::kFloat_Kind:
    704             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new FloatLiteral(fContext, expr.fPosition,
    705                                                                 ((ASTFloatLiteral&) expr).fValue));
    706         case ASTExpression::kBinary_Kind:
    707             return this->convertBinaryExpression((ASTBinaryExpression&) expr);
    708         case ASTExpression::kPrefix_Kind:
    709             return this->convertPrefixExpression((ASTPrefixExpression&) expr);
    710         case ASTExpression::kSuffix_Kind:
    711             return this->convertSuffixExpression((ASTSuffixExpression&) expr);
    712         case ASTExpression::kTernary_Kind:
    713             return this->convertTernaryExpression((ASTTernaryExpression&) expr);
    714         default:
    715             ABORT("unsupported expression type: %d\n", expr.fKind);
    716     }
    717 }
    719 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertIdentifier(const ASTIdentifier& identifier) {
    720     const Symbol* result = (*fSymbolTable)[identifier.fText];
    721     if (!result) {
    722         fErrors.error(identifier.fPosition, "unknown identifier '" + identifier.fText + "'");
    723         return nullptr;
    724     }
    725     switch (result->fKind) {
    726         case Symbol::kFunctionDeclaration_Kind: {
    727             std::vector<const FunctionDeclaration*> f = {
    728                 (const FunctionDeclaration*) result
    729             };
    730             return std::unique_ptr<FunctionReference>(new FunctionReference(fContext,
    731                                                                             identifier.fPosition,
    732                                                                             f));
    733         }
    734         case Symbol::kUnresolvedFunction_Kind: {
    735             const UnresolvedFunction* f = (const UnresolvedFunction*) result;
    736             return std::unique_ptr<FunctionReference>(new FunctionReference(fContext,
    737                                                                             identifier.fPosition,
    738                                                                             f->fFunctions));
    739         }
    740         case Symbol::kVariable_Kind: {
    741             const Variable* var = (const Variable*) result;
    742             if (var->fModifiers.fLayout.fBuiltin == SK_FRAGCOORD_BUILTIN) {
    743                 fInputs.fFlipY = true;
    744                 if (fSettings->fFlipY &&
    745                     (!fSettings->fCaps ||
    746                      !fSettings->fCaps->fragCoordConventionsExtensionString())) {
    747                     fInputs.fRTHeight = true;
    748                 }
    749             }
    750             // default to kRead_RefKind; this will be corrected later if the variable is written to
    751             return std::unique_ptr<VariableReference>(new VariableReference(
    752                                                                  identifier.fPosition,
    753                                                                  *var,
    754                                                                  VariableReference::kRead_RefKind));
    755         }
    756         case Symbol::kField_Kind: {
    757             const Field* field = (const Field*) result;
    758             VariableReference* base = new VariableReference(identifier.fPosition, field->fOwner,
    759                                                             VariableReference::kRead_RefKind);
    760             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new FieldAccess(
    761                                                   std::unique_ptr<Expression>(base),
    762                                                   field->fFieldIndex,
    763                                                   FieldAccess::kAnonymousInterfaceBlock_OwnerKind));
    764         }
    765         case Symbol::kType_Kind: {
    766             const Type* t = (const Type*) result;
    767             return std::unique_ptr<TypeReference>(new TypeReference(fContext, identifier.fPosition,
    768                                                                     *t));
    769         }
    770         default:
    771             ABORT("unsupported symbol type %d\n", result->fKind);
    772     }
    774 }
    776 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::coerce(std::unique_ptr<Expression> expr,
    777                                                 const Type& type) {
    778     if (!expr) {
    779         return nullptr;
    780     }
    781     if (expr->fType == type) {
    782         return expr;
    783     }
    784     this->checkValid(*expr);
    785     if (expr->fType == *fContext.fInvalid_Type) {
    786         return nullptr;
    787     }
    788     if (!expr->fType.canCoerceTo(type)) {
    789         fErrors.error(expr->fPosition, "expected '" + type.description() + "', but found '" +
    790                                         expr->fType.description() + "'");
    791         return nullptr;
    792     }
    793     if (type.kind() == Type::kScalar_Kind) {
    794         std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> args;
    795         args.push_back(std::move(expr));
    796         ASTIdentifier id(Position(), type.description());
    797         std::unique_ptr<Expression> ctor = this->convertIdentifier(id);
    798         ASSERT(ctor);
    799         return this->call(Position(), std::move(ctor), std::move(args));
    800     }
    801     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> args;
    802     args.push_back(std::move(expr));
    803     return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new Constructor(Position(), type, std::move(args)));
    804 }
    806 static bool is_matrix_multiply(const Type& left, const Type& right) {
    807     if (left.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind) {
    808         return right.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind || right.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind;
    809     }
    810     return left.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind && right.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind;
    811 }
    813 /**
    814  * Determines the operand and result types of a binary expression. Returns true if the expression is
    815  * legal, false otherwise. If false, the values of the out parameters are undefined.
    816  */
    817 static bool determine_binary_type(const Context& context,
    818                                   Token::Kind op,
    819                                   const Type& left,
    820                                   const Type& right,
    821                                   const Type** outLeftType,
    822                                   const Type** outRightType,
    823                                   const Type** outResultType,
    824                                   bool tryFlipped) {
    825     bool isLogical;
    826     bool validMatrixOrVectorOp;
    827     switch (op) {
    828         case Token::EQ:
    829             *outLeftType = &left;
    830             *outRightType = &left;
    831             *outResultType = &left;
    832             return right.canCoerceTo(left);
    833         case Token::EQEQ: // fall through
    834         case Token::NEQ:
    835             isLogical = true;
    836             validMatrixOrVectorOp = true;
    837             break;
    838         case Token::LT:   // fall through
    839         case Token::GT:   // fall through
    840         case Token::LTEQ: // fall through
    841         case Token::GTEQ:
    842             isLogical = true;
    843             validMatrixOrVectorOp = false;
    844             break;
    845         case Token::LOGICALOR: // fall through
    846         case Token::LOGICALAND: // fall through
    847         case Token::LOGICALXOR: // fall through
    848         case Token::LOGICALOREQ: // fall through
    849         case Token::LOGICALANDEQ: // fall through
    850         case Token::LOGICALXOREQ:
    851             *outLeftType = context.fBool_Type.get();
    852             *outRightType = context.fBool_Type.get();
    853             *outResultType = context.fBool_Type.get();
    854             return left.canCoerceTo(*context.fBool_Type) &&
    855                    right.canCoerceTo(*context.fBool_Type);
    856         case Token::STAR: // fall through
    857         case Token::STAREQ:
    858             if (is_matrix_multiply(left, right)) {
    859                 // determine final component type
    860                 if (determine_binary_type(context, Token::STAR, left.componentType(),
    861                                           right.componentType(), outLeftType, outRightType,
    862                                           outResultType, false)) {
    863                     *outLeftType = &(*outResultType)->toCompound(context, left.columns(),
    864                                                                  left.rows());;
    865                     *outRightType = &(*outResultType)->toCompound(context, right.columns(),
    866                                                                   right.rows());;
    867                     int leftColumns = left.columns();
    868                     int leftRows = left.rows();
    869                     int rightColumns;
    870                     int rightRows;
    871                     if (right.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind) {
    872                         // matrix * vector treats the vector as a column vector, so we need to
    873                         // transpose it
    874                         rightColumns = right.rows();
    875                         rightRows = right.columns();
    876                         ASSERT(rightColumns == 1);
    877                     } else {
    878                         rightColumns = right.columns();
    879                         rightRows = right.rows();
    880                     }
    881                     if (rightColumns > 1) {
    882                         *outResultType = &(*outResultType)->toCompound(context, rightColumns,
    883                                                                        leftRows);
    884                     } else {
    885                         // result was a column vector, transpose it back to a row
    886                         *outResultType = &(*outResultType)->toCompound(context, leftRows,
    887                                                                        rightColumns);
    888                     }
    889                     return leftColumns == rightRows;
    890                 } else {
    891                     return false;
    892                 }
    893             }
    894             isLogical = false;
    895             validMatrixOrVectorOp = true;
    896             break;
    897         case Token::PLUS:    // fall through
    898         case Token::PLUSEQ:  // fall through
    899         case Token::MINUS:   // fall through
    900         case Token::MINUSEQ: // fall through
    901         case Token::SLASH:   // fall through
    902         case Token::SLASHEQ:
    903             isLogical = false;
    904             validMatrixOrVectorOp = true;
    905             break;
    906         default:
    907             isLogical = false;
    908             validMatrixOrVectorOp = false;
    909     }
    910     bool isVectorOrMatrix = left.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind || left.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind;
    911     // FIXME: incorrect for shift
    912     if (right.canCoerceTo(left) && (left.kind() == Type::kScalar_Kind ||
    913                                    (isVectorOrMatrix && validMatrixOrVectorOp))) {
    914         *outLeftType = &left;
    915         *outRightType = &left;
    916         if (isLogical) {
    917             *outResultType = context.fBool_Type.get();
    918         } else {
    919             *outResultType = &left;
    920         }
    921         return true;
    922     }
    923     if ((left.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind || left.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind) &&
    924         (right.kind() == Type::kScalar_Kind)) {
    925         if (determine_binary_type(context, op, left.componentType(), right, outLeftType,
    926                                   outRightType, outResultType, false)) {
    927             *outLeftType = &(*outLeftType)->toCompound(context, left.columns(), left.rows());
    928             if (!isLogical) {
    929                 *outResultType = &(*outResultType)->toCompound(context, left.columns(),
    930                                                                left.rows());
    931             }
    932             return true;
    933         }
    934         return false;
    935     }
    936     if (tryFlipped) {
    937         return determine_binary_type(context, op, right, left, outRightType, outLeftType,
    938                                      outResultType, false);
    939     }
    940     return false;
    941 }
    943 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::constantFold(const Expression& left,
    944                                                       Token::Kind op,
    945                                                       const Expression& right) const {
    946     // Note that we expressly do not worry about precision and overflow here -- we use the maximum
    947     // precision to calculate the results and hope the result makes sense. The plan is to move the
    948     // Skia caps into SkSL, so we have access to all of them including the precisions of the various
    949     // types, which will let us be more intelligent about this.
    950     if (left.fKind == Expression::kBoolLiteral_Kind &&
    951         right.fKind == Expression::kBoolLiteral_Kind) {
    952         bool leftVal  = ((BoolLiteral&) left).fValue;
    953         bool rightVal = ((BoolLiteral&) right).fValue;
    954         bool result;
    955         switch (op) {
    956             case Token::LOGICALAND: result = leftVal && rightVal; break;
    957             case Token::LOGICALOR:  result = leftVal || rightVal; break;
    958             case Token::LOGICALXOR: result = leftVal ^  rightVal; break;
    959             default: return nullptr;
    960         }
    961         return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new BoolLiteral(fContext, left.fPosition, result));
    962     }
    963     #define RESULT(t, op) std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new t ## Literal(fContext, left.fPosition, \
    964                                                                        leftVal op rightVal))
    965     if (left.fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind && right.fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind) {
    966         int64_t leftVal  = ((IntLiteral&) left).fValue;
    967         int64_t rightVal = ((IntLiteral&) right).fValue;
    968         switch (op) {
    969             case Token::PLUS:       return RESULT(Int,  +);
    970             case Token::MINUS:      return RESULT(Int,  -);
    971             case Token::STAR:       return RESULT(Int,  *);
    972             case Token::SLASH:
    973                 if (rightVal) {
    974                     return RESULT(Int, /);
    975                 }
    976                 fErrors.error(right.fPosition, "division by zero");
    977                 return nullptr;
    978             case Token::PERCENT:
    979                 if (rightVal) {
    980                     return RESULT(Int, %);
    981                 }
    982                 fErrors.error(right.fPosition, "division by zero");
    983                 return nullptr;
    984             case Token::BITWISEAND: return RESULT(Int,  &);
    985             case Token::BITWISEOR:  return RESULT(Int,  |);
    986             case Token::BITWISEXOR: return RESULT(Int,  ^);
    987             case Token::SHL:        return RESULT(Int,  <<);
    988             case Token::SHR:        return RESULT(Int,  >>);
    989             case Token::EQEQ:       return RESULT(Bool, ==);
    990             case Token::NEQ:        return RESULT(Bool, !=);
    991             case Token::GT:         return RESULT(Bool, >);
    992             case Token::GTEQ:       return RESULT(Bool, >=);
    993             case Token::LT:         return RESULT(Bool, <);
    994             case Token::LTEQ:       return RESULT(Bool, <=);
    995             default:                return nullptr;
    996         }
    997     }
    998     if (left.fKind == Expression::kFloatLiteral_Kind &&
    999         right.fKind == Expression::kFloatLiteral_Kind) {
   1000         double leftVal  = ((FloatLiteral&) left).fValue;
   1001         double rightVal = ((FloatLiteral&) right).fValue;
   1002         switch (op) {
   1003             case Token::PLUS:       return RESULT(Float, +);
   1004             case Token::MINUS:      return RESULT(Float, -);
   1005             case Token::STAR:       return RESULT(Float, *);
   1006             case Token::SLASH:
   1007                 if (rightVal) {
   1008                     return RESULT(Float, /);
   1009                 }
   1010                 fErrors.error(right.fPosition, "division by zero");
   1011                 return nullptr;
   1012             case Token::EQEQ:       return RESULT(Bool,  ==);
   1013             case Token::NEQ:        return RESULT(Bool,  !=);
   1014             case Token::GT:         return RESULT(Bool,  >);
   1015             case Token::GTEQ:       return RESULT(Bool,  >=);
   1016             case Token::LT:         return RESULT(Bool,  <);
   1017             case Token::LTEQ:       return RESULT(Bool,  <=);
   1018             default:                return nullptr;
   1019         }
   1020     }
   1021     #undef RESULT
   1022     return nullptr;
   1023 }
   1025 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertBinaryExpression(
   1026                                                             const ASTBinaryExpression& expression) {
   1027     std::unique_ptr<Expression> left = this->convertExpression(*expression.fLeft);
   1028     if (!left) {
   1029         return nullptr;
   1030     }
   1031     std::unique_ptr<Expression> right = this->convertExpression(*expression.fRight);
   1032     if (!right) {
   1033         return nullptr;
   1034     }
   1035     const Type* leftType;
   1036     const Type* rightType;
   1037     const Type* resultType;
   1038     if (!determine_binary_type(fContext, expression.fOperator, left->fType, right->fType, &leftType,
   1039                                &rightType, &resultType,
   1040                                !Token::IsAssignment(expression.fOperator))) {
   1041         fErrors.error(expression.fPosition, "type mismatch: '" +
   1042                                             Token::OperatorName(expression.fOperator) +
   1043                                             "' cannot operate on '" + left->fType.fName +
   1044                                             "', '" + right->fType.fName + "'");
   1045         return nullptr;
   1046     }
   1047     if (Token::IsAssignment(expression.fOperator)) {
   1048         this->markWrittenTo(*left, expression.fOperator != Token::EQ);
   1049     }
   1050     left = this->coerce(std::move(left), *leftType);
   1051     right = this->coerce(std::move(right), *rightType);
   1052     if (!left || !right) {
   1053         return nullptr;
   1054     }
   1055     std::unique_ptr<Expression> result = this->constantFold(*left.get(), expression.fOperator,
   1056                                                             *right.get());
   1057     if (!result) {
   1058         result = std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new BinaryExpression(expression.fPosition,
   1059                                                                   std::move(left),
   1060                                                                   expression.fOperator,
   1061                                                                   std::move(right),
   1062                                                                   *resultType));
   1063     }
   1064     return result;
   1065 }
   1067 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertTernaryExpression(
   1068                                                            const ASTTernaryExpression& expression) {
   1069     std::unique_ptr<Expression> test = this->coerce(this->convertExpression(*expression.fTest),
   1070                                                     *fContext.fBool_Type);
   1071     if (!test) {
   1072         return nullptr;
   1073     }
   1074     std::unique_ptr<Expression> ifTrue = this->convertExpression(*expression.fIfTrue);
   1075     if (!ifTrue) {
   1076         return nullptr;
   1077     }
   1078     std::unique_ptr<Expression> ifFalse = this->convertExpression(*expression.fIfFalse);
   1079     if (!ifFalse) {
   1080         return nullptr;
   1081     }
   1082     const Type* trueType;
   1083     const Type* falseType;
   1084     const Type* resultType;
   1085     if (!determine_binary_type(fContext, Token::EQEQ, ifTrue->fType, ifFalse->fType, &trueType,
   1086                                &falseType, &resultType, true) || trueType != falseType) {
   1087         fErrors.error(expression.fPosition, "ternary operator result mismatch: '" +
   1088                                             ifTrue->fType.fName + "', '" +
   1089                                             ifFalse->fType.fName + "'");
   1090         return nullptr;
   1091     }
   1092     ifTrue = this->coerce(std::move(ifTrue), *trueType);
   1093     if (!ifTrue) {
   1094         return nullptr;
   1095     }
   1096     ifFalse = this->coerce(std::move(ifFalse), *falseType);
   1097     if (!ifFalse) {
   1098         return nullptr;
   1099     }
   1100     if (test->fKind == Expression::kBoolLiteral_Kind) {
   1101         // static boolean test, just return one of the branches
   1102         if (((BoolLiteral&) *test).fValue) {
   1103             return ifTrue;
   1104         } else {
   1105             return ifFalse;
   1106         }
   1107     }
   1108     return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new TernaryExpression(expression.fPosition,
   1109                                                              std::move(test),
   1110                                                              std::move(ifTrue),
   1111                                                              std::move(ifFalse)));
   1112 }
   1114 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::call(Position position,
   1115                                               const FunctionDeclaration& function,
   1116                                               std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> arguments) {
   1117     if (function.fParameters.size() != arguments.size()) {
   1118         SkString msg = "call to '" + function.fName + "' expected " +
   1119                                  to_string((uint64_t) function.fParameters.size()) +
   1120                                  " argument";
   1121         if (function.fParameters.size() != 1) {
   1122             msg += "s";
   1123         }
   1124         msg += ", but found " + to_string((uint64_t) arguments.size());
   1125         fErrors.error(position, msg);
   1126         return nullptr;
   1127     }
   1128     std::vector<const Type*> types;
   1129     const Type* returnType;
   1130     if (!function.determineFinalTypes(arguments, &types, &returnType)) {
   1131         SkString msg = "no match for " + function.fName + "(";
   1132         SkString separator;
   1133         for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
   1134             msg += separator;
   1135             separator = ", ";
   1136             msg += arguments[i]->fType.description();
   1137         }
   1138         msg += ")";
   1139         fErrors.error(position, msg);
   1140         return nullptr;
   1141     }
   1142     for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
   1143         arguments[i] = this->coerce(std::move(arguments[i]), *types[i]);
   1144         if (!arguments[i]) {
   1145             return nullptr;
   1146         }
   1147         if (arguments[i] && (function.fParameters[i]->fModifiers.fFlags & Modifiers::kOut_Flag)) {
   1148             this->markWrittenTo(*arguments[i], true);
   1149         }
   1150     }
   1151     return std::unique_ptr<FunctionCall>(new FunctionCall(position, *returnType, function,
   1152                                                           std::move(arguments)));
   1153 }
   1155 /**
   1156  * Determines the cost of coercing the arguments of a function to the required types. Returns true
   1157  * if the cost could be computed, false if the call is not valid. Cost has no particular meaning
   1158  * other than "lower costs are preferred".
   1159  */
   1160 bool IRGenerator::determineCallCost(const FunctionDeclaration& function,
   1161                                     const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>>& arguments,
   1162                                     int* outCost) {
   1163     if (function.fParameters.size() != arguments.size()) {
   1164         return false;
   1165     }
   1166     int total = 0;
   1167     std::vector<const Type*> types;
   1168     const Type* ignored;
   1169     if (!function.determineFinalTypes(arguments, &types, &ignored)) {
   1170         return false;
   1171     }
   1172     for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
   1173         int cost;
   1174         if (arguments[i]->fType.determineCoercionCost(*types[i], &cost)) {
   1175             total += cost;
   1176         } else {
   1177             return false;
   1178         }
   1179     }
   1180     *outCost = total;
   1181     return true;
   1182 }
   1184 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::call(Position position,
   1185                                               std::unique_ptr<Expression> functionValue,
   1186                                               std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> arguments) {
   1187     if (functionValue->fKind == Expression::kTypeReference_Kind) {
   1188         return this->convertConstructor(position,
   1189                                         ((TypeReference&) *functionValue).fValue,
   1190                                         std::move(arguments));
   1191     }
   1192     if (functionValue->fKind != Expression::kFunctionReference_Kind) {
   1193         fErrors.error(position, "'" + functionValue->description() + "' is not a function");
   1194         return nullptr;
   1195     }
   1196     FunctionReference* ref = (FunctionReference*) functionValue.get();
   1197     int bestCost = INT_MAX;
   1198     const FunctionDeclaration* best = nullptr;
   1199     if (ref->fFunctions.size() > 1) {
   1200         for (const auto& f : ref->fFunctions) {
   1201             int cost;
   1202             if (this->determineCallCost(*f, arguments, &cost) && cost < bestCost) {
   1203                 bestCost = cost;
   1204                 best = f;
   1205             }
   1206         }
   1207         if (best) {
   1208             return this->call(position, *best, std::move(arguments));
   1209         }
   1210         SkString msg = "no match for " + ref->fFunctions[0]->fName + "(";
   1211         SkString separator;
   1212         for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
   1213             msg += separator;
   1214             separator = ", ";
   1215             msg += arguments[i]->fType.description();
   1216         }
   1217         msg += ")";
   1218         fErrors.error(position, msg);
   1219         return nullptr;
   1220     }
   1221     return this->call(position, *ref->fFunctions[0], std::move(arguments));
   1222 }
   1224 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertNumberConstructor(
   1225                                                     Position position,
   1226                                                     const Type& type,
   1227                                                     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> args) {
   1228     ASSERT(type.isNumber());
   1229     if (args.size() != 1) {
   1230         fErrors.error(position, "invalid arguments to '" + type.description() +
   1231                                 "' constructor, (expected exactly 1 argument, but found " +
   1232                                 to_string((uint64_t) args.size()) + ")");
   1233         return nullptr;
   1234     }
   1235     if (type == *fContext.fFloat_Type && args.size() == 1 &&
   1236         args[0]->fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind) {
   1237         int64_t value = ((IntLiteral&) *args[0]).fValue;
   1238         return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new FloatLiteral(fContext, position, (double) value));
   1239     }
   1240     if (args[0]->fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind && (type == *fContext.fInt_Type ||
   1241         type == *fContext.fUInt_Type)) {
   1242         return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new IntLiteral(fContext,
   1243                                                           position,
   1244                                                           ((IntLiteral&) *args[0]).fValue,
   1245                                                           &type));
   1246     }
   1247     if (args[0]->fType == *fContext.fBool_Type) {
   1248         std::unique_ptr<IntLiteral> zero(new IntLiteral(fContext, position, 0));
   1249         std::unique_ptr<IntLiteral> one(new IntLiteral(fContext, position, 1));
   1250         return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(
   1251                                      new TernaryExpression(position, std::move(args[0]),
   1252                                                            this->coerce(std::move(one), type),
   1253                                                            this->coerce(std::move(zero),
   1254                                                                         type)));
   1255     }
   1256     if (!args[0]->fType.isNumber()) {
   1257         fErrors.error(position, "invalid argument to '" + type.description() +
   1258                                 "' constructor (expected a number or bool, but found '" +
   1259                                 args[0]->fType.description() + "')");
   1260         return nullptr;
   1261     }
   1262     return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new Constructor(position, std::move(type), std::move(args)));
   1263 }
   1265 int component_count(const Type& type) {
   1266     switch (type.kind()) {
   1267         case Type::kVector_Kind:
   1268             return type.columns();
   1269         case Type::kMatrix_Kind:
   1270             return type.columns() * type.rows();
   1271         default:
   1272             return 1;
   1273     }
   1274 }
   1276 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertCompoundConstructor(
   1277                                                     Position position,
   1278                                                     const Type& type,
   1279                                                     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> args) {
   1280     ASSERT(type.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind || type.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind);
   1281     if (type.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind && args.size() == 1 &&
   1282         args[0]->fType.kind() == Type::kMatrix_Kind) {
   1283         // matrix from matrix is always legal
   1284         return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new Constructor(position, std::move(type),
   1285                                                            std::move(args)));
   1286     }
   1287     int actual = 0;
   1288     int expected = type.rows() * type.columns();
   1289     if (args.size() != 1 || expected != component_count(args[0]->fType) ||
   1290         type.componentType().isNumber() != args[0]->fType.componentType().isNumber()) {
   1291         for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
   1292             if (args[i]->fType.kind() == Type::kVector_Kind) {
   1293                 if (type.componentType().isNumber() !=
   1294                     args[i]->fType.componentType().isNumber()) {
   1295                     fErrors.error(position, "'" + args[i]->fType.description() + "' is not a valid "
   1296                                             "parameter to '" + type.description() +
   1297                                             "' constructor");
   1298                     return nullptr;
   1299                 }
   1300                 actual += args[i]->fType.columns();
   1301             } else if (args[i]->fType.kind() == Type::kScalar_Kind) {
   1302                 actual += 1;
   1303                 if (type.kind() != Type::kScalar_Kind) {
   1304                     args[i] = this->coerce(std::move(args[i]), type.componentType());
   1305                     if (!args[i]) {
   1306                         return nullptr;
   1307                     }
   1308                 }
   1309             } else {
   1310                 fErrors.error(position, "'" + args[i]->fType.description() + "' is not a valid "
   1311                                         "parameter to '" + type.description() + "' constructor");
   1312                 return nullptr;
   1313             }
   1314         }
   1315         if (actual != 1 && actual != expected) {
   1316             fErrors.error(position, "invalid arguments to '" + type.description() +
   1317                                     "' constructor (expected " + to_string(expected) +
   1318                                     " scalars, but found " + to_string(actual) + ")");
   1319             return nullptr;
   1320         }
   1321     }
   1322     return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new Constructor(position, std::move(type), std::move(args)));
   1323 }
   1325 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertConstructor(
   1326                                                     Position position,
   1327                                                     const Type& type,
   1328                                                     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> args) {
   1329     // FIXME: add support for structs
   1330     Type::Kind kind = type.kind();
   1331     if (args.size() == 1 && args[0]->fType == type) {
   1332         // argument is already the right type, just return it
   1333         return std::move(args[0]);
   1334     }
   1335     if (type.isNumber()) {
   1336         return this->convertNumberConstructor(position, type, std::move(args));
   1337     } else if (kind == Type::kArray_Kind) {
   1338         const Type& base = type.componentType();
   1339         for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
   1340             args[i] = this->coerce(std::move(args[i]), base);
   1341             if (!args[i]) {
   1342                 return nullptr;
   1343             }
   1344         }
   1345         return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new Constructor(position, std::move(type),
   1346                                                            std::move(args)));
   1347     } else if (kind == Type::kVector_Kind || kind == Type::kMatrix_Kind) {
   1348         return this->convertCompoundConstructor(position, type, std::move(args));
   1349     } else {
   1350         fErrors.error(position, "cannot construct '" + type.description() + "'");
   1351         return nullptr;
   1352     }
   1353 }
   1355 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertPrefixExpression(
   1356                                                             const ASTPrefixExpression& expression) {
   1357     std::unique_ptr<Expression> base = this->convertExpression(*expression.fOperand);
   1358     if (!base) {
   1359         return nullptr;
   1360     }
   1361     switch (expression.fOperator) {
   1362         case Token::PLUS:
   1363             if (!base->fType.isNumber() && base->fType.kind() != Type::kVector_Kind) {
   1364                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition,
   1365                               "'+' cannot operate on '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1366                 return nullptr;
   1367             }
   1368             return base;
   1369         case Token::MINUS:
   1370             if (!base->fType.isNumber() && base->fType.kind() != Type::kVector_Kind) {
   1371                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition,
   1372                               "'-' cannot operate on '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1373                 return nullptr;
   1374             }
   1375             if (base->fKind == Expression::kIntLiteral_Kind) {
   1376                 return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new IntLiteral(fContext, base->fPosition,
   1377                                                                   -((IntLiteral&) *base).fValue));
   1378             }
   1379             if (base->fKind == Expression::kFloatLiteral_Kind) {
   1380                 double value = -((FloatLiteral&) *base).fValue;
   1381                 return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new FloatLiteral(fContext, base->fPosition,
   1382                                                                     value));
   1383             }
   1384             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new PrefixExpression(Token::MINUS, std::move(base)));
   1385         case Token::PLUSPLUS:
   1386             if (!base->fType.isNumber()) {
   1387                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition,
   1388                               "'" + Token::OperatorName(expression.fOperator) +
   1389                               "' cannot operate on '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1390                 return nullptr;
   1391             }
   1392             this->markWrittenTo(*base, true);
   1393             break;
   1394         case Token::MINUSMINUS:
   1395             if (!base->fType.isNumber()) {
   1396                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition,
   1397                               "'" + Token::OperatorName(expression.fOperator) +
   1398                               "' cannot operate on '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1399                 return nullptr;
   1400             }
   1401             this->markWrittenTo(*base, true);
   1402             break;
   1403         case Token::LOGICALNOT:
   1404             if (base->fType != *fContext.fBool_Type) {
   1405                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition,
   1406                               "'" + Token::OperatorName(expression.fOperator) +
   1407                               "' cannot operate on '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1408                 return nullptr;
   1409             }
   1410             if (base->fKind == Expression::kBoolLiteral_Kind) {
   1411                 return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new BoolLiteral(fContext, base->fPosition,
   1412                                                                    !((BoolLiteral&) *base).fValue));
   1413             }
   1414             break;
   1415         case Token::BITWISENOT:
   1416             if (base->fType != *fContext.fInt_Type) {
   1417                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition,
   1418                               "'" + Token::OperatorName(expression.fOperator) +
   1419                               "' cannot operate on '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1420                 return nullptr;
   1421             }
   1422             break;
   1423         default:
   1424             ABORT("unsupported prefix operator\n");
   1425     }
   1426     return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new PrefixExpression(expression.fOperator,
   1427                                                             std::move(base)));
   1428 }
   1430 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertIndex(std::unique_ptr<Expression> base,
   1431                                                       const ASTExpression& index) {
   1432     if (base->fKind == Expression::kTypeReference_Kind) {
   1433         if (index.fKind == ASTExpression::kInt_Kind) {
   1434             const Type& oldType = ((TypeReference&) *base).fValue;
   1435             int64_t size = ((const ASTIntLiteral&) index).fValue;
   1436             Type* newType = new Type(oldType.name() + "[" + to_string(size) + "]",
   1437                                      Type::kArray_Kind, oldType, size);
   1438             fSymbolTable->takeOwnership(newType);
   1439             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new TypeReference(fContext, base->fPosition,
   1440                                                                  *newType));
   1442         } else {
   1443             fErrors.error(base->fPosition, "array size must be a constant");
   1444             return nullptr;
   1445         }
   1446     }
   1447     if (base->fType.kind() != Type::kArray_Kind && base->fType.kind() != Type::kMatrix_Kind &&
   1448             base->fType.kind() != Type::kVector_Kind) {
   1449         fErrors.error(base->fPosition, "expected array, but found '" + base->fType.description() +
   1450                                        "'");
   1451         return nullptr;
   1452     }
   1453     std::unique_ptr<Expression> converted = this->convertExpression(index);
   1454     if (!converted) {
   1455         return nullptr;
   1456     }
   1457     if (converted->fType != *fContext.fUInt_Type) {
   1458         converted = this->coerce(std::move(converted), *fContext.fInt_Type);
   1459         if (!converted) {
   1460             return nullptr;
   1461         }
   1462     }
   1463     return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new IndexExpression(fContext, std::move(base),
   1464                                                            std::move(converted)));
   1465 }
   1467 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertField(std::unique_ptr<Expression> base,
   1468                                                       const SkString& field) {
   1469     auto fields = base->fType.fields();
   1470     for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
   1471         if (fields[i].fName == field) {
   1472             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new FieldAccess(std::move(base), (int) i));
   1473         }
   1474     }
   1475     fErrors.error(base->fPosition, "type '" + base->fType.description() + "' does not have a "
   1476                                    "field named '" + field + "");
   1477     return nullptr;
   1478 }
   1480 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertSwizzle(std::unique_ptr<Expression> base,
   1481                                                         const SkString& fields) {
   1482     if (base->fType.kind() != Type::kVector_Kind) {
   1483         fErrors.error(base->fPosition, "cannot swizzle type '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1484         return nullptr;
   1485     }
   1486     std::vector<int> swizzleComponents;
   1487     for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
   1488         switch (fields[i]) {
   1489             case 'x': // fall through
   1490             case 'r': // fall through
   1491             case 's':
   1492                 swizzleComponents.push_back(0);
   1493                 break;
   1494             case 'y': // fall through
   1495             case 'g': // fall through
   1496             case 't':
   1497                 if (base->fType.columns() >= 2) {
   1498                     swizzleComponents.push_back(1);
   1499                     break;
   1500                 }
   1501                 // fall through
   1502             case 'z': // fall through
   1503             case 'b': // fall through
   1504             case 'p':
   1505                 if (base->fType.columns() >= 3) {
   1506                     swizzleComponents.push_back(2);
   1507                     break;
   1508                 }
   1509                 // fall through
   1510             case 'w': // fall through
   1511             case 'a': // fall through
   1512             case 'q':
   1513                 if (base->fType.columns() >= 4) {
   1514                     swizzleComponents.push_back(3);
   1515                     break;
   1516                 }
   1517                 // fall through
   1518             default:
   1519                 fErrors.error(base->fPosition, SkStringPrintf("invalid swizzle component '%c'",
   1520                                                               fields[i]));
   1521                 return nullptr;
   1522         }
   1523     }
   1524     ASSERT(swizzleComponents.size() > 0);
   1525     if (swizzleComponents.size() > 4) {
   1526         fErrors.error(base->fPosition, "too many components in swizzle mask '" + fields + "'");
   1527         return nullptr;
   1528     }
   1529     return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new Swizzle(fContext, std::move(base), swizzleComponents));
   1530 }
   1532 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::getCap(Position position, SkString name) {
   1533     auto found = fCapsMap.find(name);
   1534     if (found == fCapsMap.end()) {
   1535         fErrors.error(position, "unknown capability flag '" + name + "'");
   1536         return nullptr;
   1537     }
   1538     switch (found->second.fKind) {
   1539         case CapValue::kBool_Kind:
   1540             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new BoolLiteral(fContext, position,
   1541                                                                (bool) found->second.fValue));
   1542         case CapValue::kInt_Kind:
   1543             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new IntLiteral(fContext, position,
   1544                                                               found->second.fValue));
   1545     }
   1546     ASSERT(false);
   1547     return nullptr;
   1548 }
   1550 std::unique_ptr<Expression> IRGenerator::convertSuffixExpression(
   1551                                                             const ASTSuffixExpression& expression) {
   1552     std::unique_ptr<Expression> base = this->convertExpression(*expression.fBase);
   1553     if (!base) {
   1554         return nullptr;
   1555     }
   1556     switch (expression.fSuffix->fKind) {
   1557         case ASTSuffix::kIndex_Kind: {
   1558             const ASTExpression* expr = ((ASTIndexSuffix&) *expression.fSuffix).fExpression.get();
   1559             if (expr) {
   1560                 return this->convertIndex(std::move(base), *expr);
   1561             } else if (base->fKind == Expression::kTypeReference_Kind) {
   1562                 const Type& oldType = ((TypeReference&) *base).fValue;
   1563                 Type* newType = new Type(oldType.name() + "[]", Type::kArray_Kind, oldType,
   1564                                          -1);
   1565                 fSymbolTable->takeOwnership(newType);
   1566                 return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new TypeReference(fContext, base->fPosition,
   1567                                                                      *newType));
   1568             } else {
   1569                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition, "'[]' must follow a type name");
   1570                 return nullptr;
   1571             }
   1572         }
   1573         case ASTSuffix::kCall_Kind: {
   1574             auto rawArguments = &((ASTCallSuffix&) *expression.fSuffix).fArguments;
   1575             std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expression>> arguments;
   1576             for (size_t i = 0; i < rawArguments->size(); i++) {
   1577                 std::unique_ptr<Expression> converted =
   1578                         this->convertExpression(*(*rawArguments)[i]);
   1579                 if (!converted) {
   1580                     return nullptr;
   1581                 }
   1582                 arguments.push_back(std::move(converted));
   1583             }
   1584             return this->call(expression.fPosition, std::move(base), std::move(arguments));
   1585         }
   1586         case ASTSuffix::kField_Kind: {
   1587             if (base->fType == *fContext.fSkCaps_Type) {
   1588                 return this->getCap(expression.fPosition,
   1589                                     ((ASTFieldSuffix&) *expression.fSuffix).fField);
   1590             }
   1591             switch (base->fType.kind()) {
   1592                 case Type::kVector_Kind:
   1593                     return this->convertSwizzle(std::move(base),
   1594                                                 ((ASTFieldSuffix&) *expression.fSuffix).fField);
   1595                 case Type::kStruct_Kind:
   1596                     return this->convertField(std::move(base),
   1597                                               ((ASTFieldSuffix&) *expression.fSuffix).fField);
   1598                 default:
   1599                     fErrors.error(base->fPosition, "cannot swizzle value of type '" +
   1600                                                    base->fType.description() + "'");
   1601                     return nullptr;
   1602             }
   1603         }
   1604         case ASTSuffix::kPostIncrement_Kind:
   1605             if (!base->fType.isNumber()) {
   1606                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition,
   1607                               "'++' cannot operate on '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1608                 return nullptr;
   1609             }
   1610             this->markWrittenTo(*base, true);
   1611             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new PostfixExpression(std::move(base),
   1612                                                                      Token::PLUSPLUS));
   1613         case ASTSuffix::kPostDecrement_Kind:
   1614             if (!base->fType.isNumber()) {
   1615                 fErrors.error(expression.fPosition,
   1616                               "'--' cannot operate on '" + base->fType.description() + "'");
   1617                 return nullptr;
   1618             }
   1619             this->markWrittenTo(*base, true);
   1620             return std::unique_ptr<Expression>(new PostfixExpression(std::move(base),
   1621                                                                      Token::MINUSMINUS));
   1622         default:
   1623             ABORT("unsupported suffix operator");
   1624     }
   1625 }
   1627 void IRGenerator::checkValid(const Expression& expr) {
   1628     switch (expr.fKind) {
   1629         case Expression::kFunctionReference_Kind:
   1630             fErrors.error(expr.fPosition, "expected '(' to begin function call");
   1631             break;
   1632         case Expression::kTypeReference_Kind:
   1633             fErrors.error(expr.fPosition, "expected '(' to begin constructor invocation");
   1634             break;
   1635         default:
   1636             if (expr.fType == *fContext.fInvalid_Type) {
   1637                 fErrors.error(expr.fPosition, "invalid expression");
   1638             }
   1639     }
   1640 }
   1642 static bool has_duplicates(const Swizzle& swizzle) {
   1643     int bits = 0;
   1644     for (int idx : swizzle.fComponents) {
   1645         ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx <= 3);
   1646         int bit = 1 << idx;
   1647         if (bits & bit) {
   1648             return true;
   1649         }
   1650         bits |= bit;
   1651     }
   1652     return false;
   1653 }
   1655 void IRGenerator::markWrittenTo(const Expression& expr, bool readWrite) {
   1656     switch (expr.fKind) {
   1657         case Expression::kVariableReference_Kind: {
   1658             const Variable& var = ((VariableReference&) expr).fVariable;
   1659             if (var.fModifiers.fFlags & (Modifiers::kConst_Flag | Modifiers::kUniform_Flag)) {
   1660                 fErrors.error(expr.fPosition,
   1661                               "cannot modify immutable variable '" + var.fName + "'");
   1662             }
   1663             ((VariableReference&) expr).setRefKind(readWrite ? VariableReference::kReadWrite_RefKind
   1664                                                              : VariableReference::kWrite_RefKind);
   1665             break;
   1666         }
   1667         case Expression::kFieldAccess_Kind:
   1668             this->markWrittenTo(*((FieldAccess&) expr).fBase, readWrite);
   1669             break;
   1670         case Expression::kSwizzle_Kind:
   1671             if (has_duplicates((Swizzle&) expr)) {
   1672                 fErrors.error(expr.fPosition,
   1673                               "cannot write to the same swizzle field more than once");
   1674             }
   1675             this->markWrittenTo(*((Swizzle&) expr).fBase, readWrite);
   1676             break;
   1677         case Expression::kIndex_Kind:
   1678             this->markWrittenTo(*((IndexExpression&) expr).fBase, readWrite);
   1679             break;
   1680         default:
   1681             fErrors.error(expr.fPosition, "cannot assign to '" + expr.description() + "'");
   1682             break;
   1683     }
   1684 }
   1686 }