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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011>>

test.bash 14 expect $file $file:$line:
17 expect() { function
44 expect issue13129.go C.ushort
46 expect issue13635.go C.uchar C.schar C.ushort C.uint C.ulong C.longlong C.ulonglong C.complexfloat C.complexdouble
test.bash 14 expect $file $file:$line:
17 expect() { function
44 expect issue13129.go C.ushort
46 expect issue13635.go C.uchar C.schar C.ushort C.uint C.ulong C.longlong C.ulonglong C.complexfloat C.complexdouble
variadic_mutex_mangling.pass.cpp 35 const std::string expect = "NSt3__110lock_guardIJNS_5mutexEEEE"; local
36 assert(typeid(std::lock_guard<std::mutex>).name() == expect);
default_resource.pass.cpp 49 memory_resource *expect = &R; local
50 memory_resource *old = set_default_resource(expect);
56 assert(p == expect);
default_resource.pass.cpp 48 memory_resource *expect = &R; local
49 memory_resource *old = set_default_resource(expect);
55 assert(p == expect);
generic_string_alloc.pass.cpp 46 const wchar_t* expect = longString; local
53 assert(s == expect);
remove_filename.pass.cpp 31 const char* expect; member in struct:RemoveFilenameTestcase
68 assert(p == TC.expect);
replace_filename.pass.cpp 31 const char* expect; member in struct:ReplaceFilenameTestcase
58 assert(p == TC.expect);
replace_extension.pass.cpp 31 const char* expect; member in struct:ReplaceExtensionTestcase
63 assert(p == TC.expect);
70 assert(p == TC.expect);
absolute.pass.cpp 81 const path expect("//net/foo/bar");
111 const path expect = absolute(p, base); local
113 TEST_CHECK(ret == expect);
file_size.pass.cpp 71 const uintmax_t expect = static_cast<uintmax_t>(-1); local
74 TEST_CHECK(file_size(TC, ec) == expect);
status_known.pass.cpp 39 bool expect; member in struct:TestCase
55 TEST_CHECK(status_known(s) == TC.expect);
system_complete.pass.cpp 52 const path expect = absolute(p, base); local
54 TEST_CHECK(ret == expect);
test_demangle.pass.cpp 21 const char* expect; member in struct:__anon22913
30 const char* expect = TestCases[i].expect; local
33 ((void)expect);
35 assert(demangle(raw) == expect);
  /external/libxml2/python/tests/ 12 expect='--> I/O --> warning : --> failed to load external entity "missing.xml"\n' variable
30 if err != expect:
33 print("expected %s" %(expect))
  /external/snakeyaml/src/main/java/org/yaml/snakeyaml/emitter/ 24 void expect() throws IOException; method in interface:EmitterState
append.go 34 func expect(got, want []int) { func
47 expect(a, []int{1})
49 expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4})
51 expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7})
57 expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
append.go 34 func expect(got, want []int) { func
47 expect(a, []int{1})
49 expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4})
51 expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7})
57 expect(a, []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
  /external/antlr/antlr-3.4/gunit/src/main/java/org/antlr/gunit/ 61 String expect = retval.getText(); local
63 if ( expect.charAt(0)=='"' && expect.charAt(expect.length()-1)=='"' ) {
64 expect = expect.substring(1, expect.length()-1);
67 return expect;
iterator.pass.cpp 87 const path expect[] = {"//root_name", "/", "first_dir", "second_dir"}; local
88 assert(checkCollectionsEqual(p.begin(), p.end(), std::begin(expect), std::end(expect)));
89 assert(checkCollectionsEqualBackwards(p.begin(), p.end(), std::begin(expect), std::end(expect)));
94 const path expect[] = {"/", "foo", "bar", "baz", "."}; local
95 assert(checkCollectionsEqual(p.begin(), p.end(), std::begin(expect), std::end(expect)));
96 assert(checkCollectionsEqualBackwards(p.begin(), p.end(), std::begin(expect), std::end(expect)));
gcd.pass.cpp 24 int expect; member in struct:__anon22902
57 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
58 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(-TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
59 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
60 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(-TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
61 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
62 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(-TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
63 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
64 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(-TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
68 accumulate &= test0<U1, U2, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
lcm.pass.cpp 24 int expect; member in struct:__anon22903
56 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
57 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(-TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
58 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
59 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(-TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
60 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
61 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(-TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
62 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
63 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(-TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
67 accumulate &= test0<U1, U2, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
gcd.pass.cpp 25 int expect; member in struct:__anon22905
58 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
59 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(-TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
60 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
61 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(-TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
62 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
63 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(-TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
64 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
65 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(-TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
69 accumulate &= test0<U1, U2, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
lcm.pass.cpp 24 int expect; member in struct:__anon22906
56 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
57 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(-TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
58 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
59 accumulate &= test0<S1, S2, Output>(-TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
60 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
61 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(-TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
62 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
63 accumulate &= test0<S2, S1, Output>(-TC.x, -TC.y, TC.expect);
67 accumulate &= test0<U1, U2, Output>(TC.x, TC.y, TC.expect);
edify_test.cpp 24 static void expect(const char* expr_str, const char* expected) { function
51 expect("a", "a");
52 expect("\"a\"", "a");
53 expect("\"\\x61\"", "a");
54 expect("# this is a comment\n"
62 expect("a; b; c", "c");
67 expect("a + b", "ab");
68 expect("a + \n \"b\"", "ab");
69 expect("a + b +\nc\n", "abc");
72 expect("concat(a, b)", "ab")

Completed in 666 milliseconds

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