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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.server.pm;
     19 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT;
     20 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED;
     21 import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED;
     23 import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
     24 import android.content.pm.IntentFilterVerificationInfo;
     25 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
     26 import android.content.pm.PackageUserState;
     27 import android.os.storage.VolumeInfo;
     28 import android.service.pm.PackageProto;
     29 import android.util.ArraySet;
     30 import android.util.SparseArray;
     31 import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
     33 import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
     34 import com.google.android.collect.Lists;
     36 import java.io.File;
     37 import java.util.ArrayList;
     38 import java.util.Arrays;
     39 import java.util.List;
     40 import java.util.Set;
     42 /**
     43  * Settings base class for pending and resolved classes.
     44  */
     45 abstract class PackageSettingBase extends SettingBase {
     47     private static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0];
     49     /**
     50      * Indicates the state of installation. Used by PackageManager to figure out
     51      * incomplete installations. Say a package is being installed (the state is
     52      * set to PKG_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE) and remains so till the package
     53      * installation is successful or unsuccessful in which case the
     54      * PackageManager will no longer maintain state information associated with
     55      * the package. If some exception(like device freeze or battery being pulled
     56      * out) occurs during installation of a package, the PackageManager needs
     57      * this information to clean up the previously failed installation.
     58      */
     59     static final int PKG_INSTALL_COMPLETE = 1;
     60     static final int PKG_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE = 0;
     62     final String name;
     63     final String realName;
     65     String parentPackageName;
     66     List<String> childPackageNames;
     68     /**
     69      * Path where this package was found on disk. For monolithic packages
     70      * this is path to single base APK file; for cluster packages this is
     71      * path to the cluster directory.
     72      */
     73     File codePath;
     74     String codePathString;
     75     File resourcePath;
     76     String resourcePathString;
     78     String[] usesStaticLibraries;
     79     int[] usesStaticLibrariesVersions;
     81     /**
     82      * The path under which native libraries have been unpacked. This path is
     83      * always derived at runtime, and is only stored here for cleanup when a
     84      * package is uninstalled.
     85      */
     86     @Deprecated
     87     String legacyNativeLibraryPathString;
     89     /**
     90      * The primary CPU abi for this package.
     91      */
     92     String primaryCpuAbiString;
     94     /**
     95      * The secondary CPU abi for this package.
     96      */
     97     String secondaryCpuAbiString;
     99     /**
    100      * The install time CPU override, if any. This value is written at install time
    101      * and doesn't change during the life of an install. If non-null,
    102      * {@code primaryCpuAbiString} will contain the same value.
    103      */
    104     String cpuAbiOverrideString;
    106     long timeStamp;
    107     long firstInstallTime;
    108     long lastUpdateTime;
    109     int versionCode;
    111     boolean uidError;
    113     PackageSignatures signatures;
    115     boolean installPermissionsFixed;
    117     PackageKeySetData keySetData = new PackageKeySetData();
    119     static final PackageUserState DEFAULT_USER_STATE = new PackageUserState();
    121     // Whether this package is currently stopped, thus can not be
    122     // started until explicitly launched by the user.
    123     private final SparseArray<PackageUserState> userState = new SparseArray<PackageUserState>();
    125     int installStatus = PKG_INSTALL_COMPLETE;
    127     /**
    128      * Non-persisted value. During an "upgrade without restart", we need the set
    129      * of all previous code paths so we can surgically add the new APKs to the
    130      * active classloader. If at any point an application is upgraded with a
    131      * restart, this field will be cleared since the classloader would be created
    132      * using the full set of code paths when the package's process is started.
    133      */
    134     Set<String> oldCodePaths;
    135     PackageSettingBase origPackage;
    137     /** Package name of the app that installed this package */
    138     String installerPackageName;
    139     /** Indicates if the package that installed this app has been uninstalled */
    140     boolean isOrphaned;
    141     /** UUID of {@link VolumeInfo} hosting this app */
    142     String volumeUuid;
    143     /** The category of this app, as hinted by the installer */
    144     int categoryHint = ApplicationInfo.CATEGORY_UNDEFINED;
    145     /** Whether or not an update is available. Ostensibly only for instant apps. */
    146     boolean updateAvailable;
    148     IntentFilterVerificationInfo verificationInfo;
    150     PackageSettingBase(String name, String realName, File codePath, File resourcePath,
    151             String legacyNativeLibraryPathString, String primaryCpuAbiString,
    152             String secondaryCpuAbiString, String cpuAbiOverrideString,
    153             int pVersionCode, int pkgFlags, int pkgPrivateFlags,
    154             String parentPackageName, List<String> childPackageNames,
    155             String[] usesStaticLibraries, int[] usesStaticLibrariesVersions) {
    156         super(pkgFlags, pkgPrivateFlags);
    157         this.name = name;
    158         this.realName = realName;
    159         this.parentPackageName = parentPackageName;
    160         this.childPackageNames = (childPackageNames != null)
    161                 ? new ArrayList<>(childPackageNames) : null;
    162         this.usesStaticLibraries = usesStaticLibraries;
    163         this.usesStaticLibrariesVersions = usesStaticLibrariesVersions;
    164         init(codePath, resourcePath, legacyNativeLibraryPathString, primaryCpuAbiString,
    165                 secondaryCpuAbiString, cpuAbiOverrideString, pVersionCode);
    166     }
    168     /**
    169      * New instance of PackageSetting with one-level-deep cloning.
    170      * <p>
    171      * IMPORTANT: With a shallow copy, we do NOT create new contained objects.
    172      * This means, for example, changes to the user state of the original PackageSetting
    173      * will also change the user state in its copy.
    174      */
    175     PackageSettingBase(PackageSettingBase base, String realName) {
    176         super(base);
    177         name = base.name;
    178         this.realName = realName;
    179         doCopy(base);
    180     }
    182     void init(File codePath, File resourcePath, String legacyNativeLibraryPathString,
    183               String primaryCpuAbiString, String secondaryCpuAbiString,
    184               String cpuAbiOverrideString, int pVersionCode) {
    185         this.codePath = codePath;
    186         this.codePathString = codePath.toString();
    187         this.resourcePath = resourcePath;
    188         this.resourcePathString = resourcePath.toString();
    189         this.legacyNativeLibraryPathString = legacyNativeLibraryPathString;
    190         this.primaryCpuAbiString = primaryCpuAbiString;
    191         this.secondaryCpuAbiString = secondaryCpuAbiString;
    192         this.cpuAbiOverrideString = cpuAbiOverrideString;
    193         this.versionCode = pVersionCode;
    194         this.signatures = new PackageSignatures();
    195     }
    197     public void setInstallerPackageName(String packageName) {
    198         installerPackageName = packageName;
    199     }
    201     public String getInstallerPackageName() {
    202         return installerPackageName;
    203     }
    205     public void setVolumeUuid(String volumeUuid) {
    206         this.volumeUuid = volumeUuid;
    207     }
    209     public String getVolumeUuid() {
    210         return volumeUuid;
    211     }
    213     public void setInstallStatus(int newStatus) {
    214         installStatus = newStatus;
    215     }
    217     public int getInstallStatus() {
    218         return installStatus;
    219     }
    221     public void setTimeStamp(long newStamp) {
    222         timeStamp = newStamp;
    223     }
    225     public void setUpdateAvailable(boolean updateAvailable) {
    226         this.updateAvailable = updateAvailable;
    227     }
    229     public boolean isUpdateAvailable() {
    230         return updateAvailable;
    231     }
    233     /**
    234      * Makes a shallow copy of the given package settings.
    235      *
    236      * NOTE: For some fields [such as keySetData, signatures, userState, verificationInfo, etc...],
    237      * the original object is copied and a new one is not created.
    238      */
    239     public void copyFrom(PackageSettingBase orig) {
    240         super.copyFrom(orig);
    241         doCopy(orig);
    242     }
    244     private void doCopy(PackageSettingBase orig) {
    245         childPackageNames = (orig.childPackageNames != null)
    246                 ? new ArrayList<>(orig.childPackageNames) : null;
    247         codePath = orig.codePath;
    248         codePathString = orig.codePathString;
    249         cpuAbiOverrideString = orig.cpuAbiOverrideString;
    250         firstInstallTime = orig.firstInstallTime;
    251         installPermissionsFixed = orig.installPermissionsFixed;
    252         installStatus = orig.installStatus;
    253         installerPackageName = orig.installerPackageName;
    254         isOrphaned = orig.isOrphaned;
    255         keySetData = orig.keySetData;
    256         lastUpdateTime = orig.lastUpdateTime;
    257         legacyNativeLibraryPathString = orig.legacyNativeLibraryPathString;
    258         // Intentionally skip oldCodePaths; it's not relevant for copies
    259         origPackage = orig.origPackage;
    260         parentPackageName = orig.parentPackageName;
    261         primaryCpuAbiString = orig.primaryCpuAbiString;
    262         resourcePath = orig.resourcePath;
    263         resourcePathString = orig.resourcePathString;
    264         secondaryCpuAbiString = orig.secondaryCpuAbiString;
    265         signatures = orig.signatures;
    266         timeStamp = orig.timeStamp;
    267         uidError = orig.uidError;
    268         userState.clear();
    269         for (int i=0; i<orig.userState.size(); i++) {
    270             userState.put(orig.userState.keyAt(i), orig.userState.valueAt(i));
    271         }
    272         verificationInfo = orig.verificationInfo;
    273         versionCode = orig.versionCode;
    274         volumeUuid = orig.volumeUuid;
    275         categoryHint = orig.categoryHint;
    276         usesStaticLibraries = orig.usesStaticLibraries != null
    277                 ? Arrays.copyOf(orig.usesStaticLibraries,
    278                         orig.usesStaticLibraries.length) : null;
    279         usesStaticLibrariesVersions = orig.usesStaticLibrariesVersions != null
    280                 ? Arrays.copyOf(orig.usesStaticLibrariesVersions,
    281                        orig.usesStaticLibrariesVersions.length) : null;
    282         updateAvailable = orig.updateAvailable;
    283     }
    285     private PackageUserState modifyUserState(int userId) {
    286         PackageUserState state = userState.get(userId);
    287         if (state == null) {
    288             state = new PackageUserState();
    289             userState.put(userId, state);
    290         }
    291         return state;
    292     }
    294     public PackageUserState readUserState(int userId) {
    295         PackageUserState state = userState.get(userId);
    296         if (state == null) {
    297             return DEFAULT_USER_STATE;
    298         }
    299         state.categoryHint = categoryHint;
    300         return state;
    301     }
    303     void setEnabled(int state, int userId, String callingPackage) {
    304         PackageUserState st = modifyUserState(userId);
    305         st.enabled = state;
    306         st.lastDisableAppCaller = callingPackage;
    307     }
    309     int getEnabled(int userId) {
    310         return readUserState(userId).enabled;
    311     }
    313     String getLastDisabledAppCaller(int userId) {
    314         return readUserState(userId).lastDisableAppCaller;
    315     }
    317     void setInstalled(boolean inst, int userId) {
    318         modifyUserState(userId).installed = inst;
    319     }
    321     boolean getInstalled(int userId) {
    322         return readUserState(userId).installed;
    323     }
    325     int getInstallReason(int userId) {
    326         return readUserState(userId).installReason;
    327     }
    329     void setInstallReason(int installReason, int userId) {
    330         modifyUserState(userId).installReason = installReason;
    331     }
    333     void setOverlayPaths(List<String> overlayPaths, int userId) {
    334         modifyUserState(userId).overlayPaths = overlayPaths == null ? null :
    335             overlayPaths.toArray(new String[overlayPaths.size()]);
    336     }
    338     String[] getOverlayPaths(int userId) {
    339         return readUserState(userId).overlayPaths;
    340     }
    342     /** Only use for testing. Do NOT use in production code. */
    343     @VisibleForTesting
    344     SparseArray<PackageUserState> getUserState() {
    345         return userState;
    346     }
    348     boolean isAnyInstalled(int[] users) {
    349         for (int user: users) {
    350             if (readUserState(user).installed) {
    351                 return true;
    352             }
    353         }
    354         return false;
    355     }
    357     int[] queryInstalledUsers(int[] users, boolean installed) {
    358         int num = 0;
    359         for (int user : users) {
    360             if (getInstalled(user) == installed) {
    361                 num++;
    362             }
    363         }
    364         int[] res = new int[num];
    365         num = 0;
    366         for (int user : users) {
    367             if (getInstalled(user) == installed) {
    368                 res[num] = user;
    369                 num++;
    370             }
    371         }
    372         return res;
    373     }
    375     long getCeDataInode(int userId) {
    376         return readUserState(userId).ceDataInode;
    377     }
    379     void setCeDataInode(long ceDataInode, int userId) {
    380         modifyUserState(userId).ceDataInode = ceDataInode;
    381     }
    383     boolean getStopped(int userId) {
    384         return readUserState(userId).stopped;
    385     }
    387     void setStopped(boolean stop, int userId) {
    388         modifyUserState(userId).stopped = stop;
    389     }
    391     boolean getNotLaunched(int userId) {
    392         return readUserState(userId).notLaunched;
    393     }
    395     void setNotLaunched(boolean stop, int userId) {
    396         modifyUserState(userId).notLaunched = stop;
    397     }
    399     boolean getHidden(int userId) {
    400         return readUserState(userId).hidden;
    401     }
    403     void setHidden(boolean hidden, int userId) {
    404         modifyUserState(userId).hidden = hidden;
    405     }
    407     boolean getSuspended(int userId) {
    408         return readUserState(userId).suspended;
    409     }
    411     void setSuspended(boolean suspended, int userId) {
    412         modifyUserState(userId).suspended = suspended;
    413     }
    415     boolean getInstantApp(int userId) {
    416         return readUserState(userId).instantApp;
    417     }
    419     void setInstantApp(boolean instantApp, int userId) {
    420         modifyUserState(userId).instantApp = instantApp;
    421     }
    423     void setUserState(int userId, long ceDataInode, int enabled, boolean installed, boolean stopped,
    424             boolean notLaunched, boolean hidden, boolean suspended, boolean instantApp,
    425             String lastDisableAppCaller, ArraySet<String> enabledComponents,
    426             ArraySet<String> disabledComponents, int domainVerifState,
    427             int linkGeneration, int installReason) {
    428         PackageUserState state = modifyUserState(userId);
    429         state.ceDataInode = ceDataInode;
    430         state.enabled = enabled;
    431         state.installed = installed;
    432         state.stopped = stopped;
    433         state.notLaunched = notLaunched;
    434         state.hidden = hidden;
    435         state.suspended = suspended;
    436         state.lastDisableAppCaller = lastDisableAppCaller;
    437         state.enabledComponents = enabledComponents;
    438         state.disabledComponents = disabledComponents;
    439         state.domainVerificationStatus = domainVerifState;
    440         state.appLinkGeneration = linkGeneration;
    441         state.installReason = installReason;
    442         state.instantApp = instantApp;
    443     }
    445     ArraySet<String> getEnabledComponents(int userId) {
    446         return readUserState(userId).enabledComponents;
    447     }
    449     ArraySet<String> getDisabledComponents(int userId) {
    450         return readUserState(userId).disabledComponents;
    451     }
    453     void setEnabledComponents(ArraySet<String> components, int userId) {
    454         modifyUserState(userId).enabledComponents = components;
    455     }
    457     void setDisabledComponents(ArraySet<String> components, int userId) {
    458         modifyUserState(userId).disabledComponents = components;
    459     }
    461     void setEnabledComponentsCopy(ArraySet<String> components, int userId) {
    462         modifyUserState(userId).enabledComponents = components != null
    463                 ? new ArraySet<String>(components) : null;
    464     }
    466     void setDisabledComponentsCopy(ArraySet<String> components, int userId) {
    467         modifyUserState(userId).disabledComponents = components != null
    468                 ? new ArraySet<String>(components) : null;
    469     }
    471     PackageUserState modifyUserStateComponents(int userId, boolean disabled, boolean enabled) {
    472         PackageUserState state = modifyUserState(userId);
    473         if (disabled && state.disabledComponents == null) {
    474             state.disabledComponents = new ArraySet<String>(1);
    475         }
    476         if (enabled && state.enabledComponents == null) {
    477             state.enabledComponents = new ArraySet<String>(1);
    478         }
    479         return state;
    480     }
    482     void addDisabledComponent(String componentClassName, int userId) {
    483         modifyUserStateComponents(userId, true, false).disabledComponents.add(componentClassName);
    484     }
    486     void addEnabledComponent(String componentClassName, int userId) {
    487         modifyUserStateComponents(userId, false, true).enabledComponents.add(componentClassName);
    488     }
    490     boolean enableComponentLPw(String componentClassName, int userId) {
    491         PackageUserState state = modifyUserStateComponents(userId, false, true);
    492         boolean changed = state.disabledComponents != null
    493                 ? state.disabledComponents.remove(componentClassName) : false;
    494         changed |= state.enabledComponents.add(componentClassName);
    495         return changed;
    496     }
    498     boolean disableComponentLPw(String componentClassName, int userId) {
    499         PackageUserState state = modifyUserStateComponents(userId, true, false);
    500         boolean changed = state.enabledComponents != null
    501                 ? state.enabledComponents.remove(componentClassName) : false;
    502         changed |= state.disabledComponents.add(componentClassName);
    503         return changed;
    504     }
    506     boolean restoreComponentLPw(String componentClassName, int userId) {
    507         PackageUserState state = modifyUserStateComponents(userId, true, true);
    508         boolean changed = state.disabledComponents != null
    509                 ? state.disabledComponents.remove(componentClassName) : false;
    510         changed |= state.enabledComponents != null
    511                 ? state.enabledComponents.remove(componentClassName) : false;
    512         return changed;
    513     }
    515     int getCurrentEnabledStateLPr(String componentName, int userId) {
    516         PackageUserState state = readUserState(userId);
    517         if (state.enabledComponents != null && state.enabledComponents.contains(componentName)) {
    518             return COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED;
    519         } else if (state.disabledComponents != null
    520                 && state.disabledComponents.contains(componentName)) {
    521             return COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED;
    522         } else {
    523             return COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT;
    524         }
    525     }
    527     void removeUser(int userId) {
    528         userState.delete(userId);
    529     }
    531     public int[] getNotInstalledUserIds() {
    532         int count = 0;
    533         int userStateCount = userState.size();
    534         for (int i = 0; i < userStateCount; i++) {
    535             if (userState.valueAt(i).installed == false) {
    536                 count++;
    537             }
    538         }
    539         if (count == 0) return EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
    540         int[] excludedUserIds = new int[count];
    541         int idx = 0;
    542         for (int i = 0; i < userStateCount; i++) {
    543             if (userState.valueAt(i).installed == false) {
    544                 excludedUserIds[idx++] = userState.keyAt(i);
    545             }
    546         }
    547         return excludedUserIds;
    548     }
    550     IntentFilterVerificationInfo getIntentFilterVerificationInfo() {
    551         return verificationInfo;
    552     }
    554     void setIntentFilterVerificationInfo(IntentFilterVerificationInfo info) {
    555         verificationInfo = info;
    556     }
    558     // Returns a packed value as a long:
    559     //
    560     // high 'int'-sized word: link status: undefined/ask/never/always.
    561     // low 'int'-sized word: relative priority among 'always' results.
    562     long getDomainVerificationStatusForUser(int userId) {
    563         PackageUserState state = readUserState(userId);
    564         long result = (long) state.appLinkGeneration;
    565         result |= ((long) state.domainVerificationStatus) << 32;
    566         return result;
    567     }
    569     void setDomainVerificationStatusForUser(final int status, int generation, int userId) {
    570         PackageUserState state = modifyUserState(userId);
    571         state.domainVerificationStatus = status;
    572         if (status == PackageManager.INTENT_FILTER_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_STATUS_ALWAYS) {
    573             state.appLinkGeneration = generation;
    574         }
    575     }
    577     void clearDomainVerificationStatusForUser(int userId) {
    578         modifyUserState(userId).domainVerificationStatus =
    580     }
    582     protected void writeUsersInfoToProto(ProtoOutputStream proto, long fieldId) {
    583         int count = userState.size();
    584         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    585             final long userToken = proto.start(fieldId);
    586             final int userId = userState.keyAt(i);
    587             final PackageUserState state = userState.valueAt(i);
    588             proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.ID, userId);
    589             final int installType;
    590             if (state.instantApp) {
    591                 installType = PackageProto.UserInfoProto.INSTANT_APP_INSTALL;
    592             } else if (state.installed) {
    593                 installType = PackageProto.UserInfoProto.FULL_APP_INSTALL;
    594             } else {
    595                 installType = PackageProto.UserInfoProto.NOT_INSTALLED_FOR_USER;
    596             }
    597             proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.INSTALL_TYPE, installType);
    598             proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.IS_HIDDEN, state.hidden);
    599             proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.IS_SUSPENDED, state.suspended);
    600             proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.IS_STOPPED, state.stopped);
    601             proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.IS_LAUNCHED, !state.notLaunched);
    602             proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.ENABLED_STATE, state.enabled);
    603             proto.write(
    604                     PackageProto.UserInfoProto.LAST_DISABLED_APP_CALLER,
    605                     state.lastDisableAppCaller);
    606             proto.end(userToken);
    607         }
    608     }
    609 }