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      1 //
      2 // io_service.hpp
      3 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      4 //
      5 // Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
      6 //
      7 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
      8 // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
      9 //
     11 #ifndef ASIO_IO_SERVICE_HPP
     12 #define ASIO_IO_SERVICE_HPP
     15 #include "asio/detail/config.hpp"
     16 #include <cstddef>
     17 #include <stdexcept>
     18 #include <typeinfo>
     19 #include "asio/async_result.hpp"
     20 #include "asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp"
     21 #include "asio/detail/wrapped_handler.hpp"
     22 #include "asio/error_code.hpp"
     24 #if   defined(__sun) || defined(__QNX__) || defined(__hpux) || defined(_AIX)    || defined(__osf__)
     25 # include "asio/detail/signal_init.hpp"
     26 #endif
     28 #include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"
     30 namespace asio {
     32 class io_service;
     33 template <typename Service> Service& use_service(io_service& ios);
     34 template <typename Service> void add_service(io_service& ios, Service* svc);
     35 template <typename Service> bool has_service(io_service& ios);
     37 namespace detail {
     38   typedef class task_io_service io_service_impl;
     39   class service_registry;
     40 } // namespace detail
     42 /// Provides core I/O functionality.
     43 /**
     44  * The io_service class provides the core I/O functionality for users of the
     45  * asynchronous I/O objects, including:
     46  *
     47  * @li asio::ip::tcp::socket
     48  * @li asio::ip::tcp::acceptor
     49  * @li asio::ip::udp::socket
     50  * @li asio::deadline_timer.
     51  *
     52  * The io_service class also includes facilities intended for developers of
     53  * custom asynchronous services.
     54  *
     55  * @par Thread Safety
     56  * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
     57  * @e Shared @e objects: Safe, with the specific exceptions of the reset() and
     58  * notify_fork() functions. Calling reset() while there are unfinished run(),
     59  * run_one(), poll() or poll_one() calls results in undefined behaviour. The
     60  * notify_fork() function should not be called while any io_service function,
     61  * or any function on an I/O object that is associated with the io_service, is
     62  * being called in another thread.
     63  *
     64  * @par Concepts:
     65  * Dispatcher.
     66  *
     67  * @par Synchronous and asynchronous operations
     68  *
     69  * Synchronous operations on I/O objects implicitly run the io_service object
     70  * for an individual operation. The io_service functions run(), run_one(),
     71  * poll() or poll_one() must be called for the io_service to perform
     72  * asynchronous operations on behalf of a C++ program. Notification that an
     73  * asynchronous operation has completed is delivered by invocation of the
     74  * associated handler. Handlers are invoked only by a thread that is currently
     75  * calling any overload of run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() for the
     76  * io_service.
     77  *
     78  * @par Effect of exceptions thrown from handlers
     79  *
     80  * If an exception is thrown from a handler, the exception is allowed to
     81  * propagate through the throwing thread's invocation of run(), run_one(),
     82  * poll() or poll_one(). No other threads that are calling any of these
     83  * functions are affected. It is then the responsibility of the application to
     84  * catch the exception.
     85  *
     86  * After the exception has been caught, the run(), run_one(), poll() or
     87  * poll_one() call may be restarted @em without the need for an intervening
     88  * call to reset(). This allows the thread to rejoin the io_service object's
     89  * thread pool without impacting any other threads in the pool.
     90  *
     91  * For example:
     92  *
     93  * @code
     94  * asio::io_service io_service;
     95  * ...
     96  * for (;;)
     97  * {
     98  *   try
     99  *   {
    100  *     io_service.run();
    101  *     break; // run() exited normally
    102  *   }
    103  *   catch (my_exception& e)
    104  *   {
    105  *     // Deal with exception as appropriate.
    106  *   }
    107  * }
    108  * @endcode
    109  *
    110  * @par Stopping the io_service from running out of work
    111  *
    112  * Some applications may need to prevent an io_service object's run() call from
    113  * returning when there is no more work to do. For example, the io_service may
    114  * be being run in a background thread that is launched prior to the
    115  * application's asynchronous operations. The run() call may be kept running by
    116  * creating an object of type asio::io_service::work:
    117  *
    118  * @code asio::io_service io_service;
    119  * asio::io_service::work work(io_service);
    120  * ... @endcode
    121  *
    122  * To effect a shutdown, the application will then need to call the io_service
    123  * object's stop() member function. This will cause the io_service run() call
    124  * to return as soon as possible, abandoning unfinished operations and without
    125  * permitting ready handlers to be dispatched.
    126  *
    127  * Alternatively, if the application requires that all operations and handlers
    128  * be allowed to finish normally, the work object may be explicitly destroyed.
    129  *
    130  * @code asio::io_service io_service;
    131  * auto_ptr<asio::io_service::work> work(
    132  *     new asio::io_service::work(io_service));
    133  * ...
    134  * work.reset(); // Allow run() to exit. @endcode
    135  *
    136  * @par The io_service class and I/O services
    137  *
    138  * Class io_service implements an extensible, type-safe, polymorphic set of I/O
    139  * services, indexed by service type. An object of class io_service must be
    140  * initialised before I/O objects such as sockets, resolvers and timers can be
    141  * used. These I/O objects are distinguished by having constructors that accept
    142  * an @c io_service& parameter.
    143  *
    144  * I/O services exist to manage the logical interface to the operating system on
    145  * behalf of the I/O objects. In particular, there are resources that are shared
    146  * across a class of I/O objects. For example, timers may be implemented in
    147  * terms of a single timer queue. The I/O services manage these shared
    148  * resources.
    149  *
    150  * Access to the services of an io_service is via three function templates,
    151  * use_service(), add_service() and has_service().
    152  *
    153  * In a call to @c use_service<Service>(), the type argument chooses a service,
    154  * making available all members of the named type. If @c Service is not present
    155  * in an io_service, an object of type @c Service is created and added to the
    156  * io_service. A C++ program can check if an io_service implements a
    157  * particular service with the function template @c has_service<Service>().
    158  *
    159  * Service objects may be explicitly added to an io_service using the function
    160  * template @c add_service<Service>(). If the @c Service is already present, the
    161  * service_already_exists exception is thrown. If the owner of the service is
    162  * not the same object as the io_service parameter, the invalid_service_owner
    163  * exception is thrown.
    164  *
    165  * Once a service reference is obtained from an io_service object by calling
    166  * use_service(), that reference remains usable as long as the owning io_service
    167  * object exists.
    168  *
    169  * All I/O service implementations have io_service::service as a public base
    170  * class. Custom I/O services may be implemented by deriving from this class and
    171  * then added to an io_service using the facilities described above.
    172  */
    173 class io_service
    174   : private noncopyable
    175 {
    176 private:
    177   typedef detail::io_service_impl impl_type;
    179 public:
    180   class work;
    181   friend class work;
    183   class id;
    185   class service;
    187   class strand;
    189   /// Constructor.
    190   ASIO_DECL io_service();
    192   /// Constructor.
    193   /**
    194    * Construct with a hint about the required level of concurrency.
    195    *
    196    * @param concurrency_hint A suggestion to the implementation on how many
    197    * threads it should allow to run simultaneously.
    198    */
    199   ASIO_DECL explicit io_service(std::size_t concurrency_hint);
    201   /// Destructor.
    202   /**
    203    * On destruction, the io_service performs the following sequence of
    204    * operations:
    205    *
    206    * @li For each service object @c svc in the io_service set, in reverse order
    207    * of the beginning of service object lifetime, performs
    208    * @c svc->shutdown_service().
    209    *
    210    * @li Uninvoked handler objects that were scheduled for deferred invocation
    211    * on the io_service, or any associated strand, are destroyed.
    212    *
    213    * @li For each service object @c svc in the io_service set, in reverse order
    214    * of the beginning of service object lifetime, performs
    215    * <tt>delete static_cast<io_service::service*>(svc)</tt>.
    216    *
    217    * @note The destruction sequence described above permits programs to
    218    * simplify their resource management by using @c shared_ptr<>. Where an
    219    * object's lifetime is tied to the lifetime of a connection (or some other
    220    * sequence of asynchronous operations), a @c shared_ptr to the object would
    221    * be bound into the handlers for all asynchronous operations associated with
    222    * it. This works as follows:
    223    *
    224    * @li When a single connection ends, all associated asynchronous operations
    225    * complete. The corresponding handler objects are destroyed, and all
    226    * @c shared_ptr references to the objects are destroyed.
    227    *
    228    * @li To shut down the whole program, the io_service function stop() is
    229    * called to terminate any run() calls as soon as possible. The io_service
    230    * destructor defined above destroys all handlers, causing all @c shared_ptr
    231    * references to all connection objects to be destroyed.
    232    */
    233   ASIO_DECL ~io_service();
    235   /// Run the io_service object's event processing loop.
    236   /**
    237    * The run() function blocks until all work has finished and there are no
    238    * more handlers to be dispatched, or until the io_service has been stopped.
    239    *
    240    * Multiple threads may call the run() function to set up a pool of threads
    241    * from which the io_service may execute handlers. All threads that are
    242    * waiting in the pool are equivalent and the io_service may choose any one
    243    * of them to invoke a handler.
    244    *
    245    * A normal exit from the run() function implies that the io_service object
    246    * is stopped (the stopped() function returns @c true). Subsequent calls to
    247    * run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() will return immediately unless there
    248    * is a prior call to reset().
    249    *
    250    * @return The number of handlers that were executed.
    251    *
    252    * @throws asio::system_error Thrown on failure.
    253    *
    254    * @note The run() function must not be called from a thread that is currently
    255    * calling one of run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() on the same
    256    * io_service object.
    257    *
    258    * The poll() function may also be used to dispatch ready handlers, but
    259    * without blocking.
    260    */
    261   ASIO_DECL std::size_t run();
    263   /// Run the io_service object's event processing loop.
    264   /**
    265    * The run() function blocks until all work has finished and there are no
    266    * more handlers to be dispatched, or until the io_service has been stopped.
    267    *
    268    * Multiple threads may call the run() function to set up a pool of threads
    269    * from which the io_service may execute handlers. All threads that are
    270    * waiting in the pool are equivalent and the io_service may choose any one
    271    * of them to invoke a handler.
    272    *
    273    * A normal exit from the run() function implies that the io_service object
    274    * is stopped (the stopped() function returns @c true). Subsequent calls to
    275    * run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() will return immediately unless there
    276    * is a prior call to reset().
    277    *
    278    * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
    279    *
    280    * @return The number of handlers that were executed.
    281    *
    282    * @note The run() function must not be called from a thread that is currently
    283    * calling one of run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() on the same
    284    * io_service object.
    285    *
    286    * The poll() function may also be used to dispatch ready handlers, but
    287    * without blocking.
    288    */
    289   ASIO_DECL std::size_t run(asio::error_code& ec);
    291   /// Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute at most one
    292   /// handler.
    293   /**
    294    * The run_one() function blocks until one handler has been dispatched, or
    295    * until the io_service has been stopped.
    296    *
    297    * @return The number of handlers that were executed. A zero return value
    298    * implies that the io_service object is stopped (the stopped() function
    299    * returns @c true). Subsequent calls to run(), run_one(), poll() or
    300    * poll_one() will return immediately unless there is a prior call to
    301    * reset().
    302    *
    303    * @throws asio::system_error Thrown on failure.
    304    */
    305   ASIO_DECL std::size_t run_one();
    307   /// Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute at most one
    308   /// handler.
    309   /**
    310    * The run_one() function blocks until one handler has been dispatched, or
    311    * until the io_service has been stopped.
    312    *
    313    * @return The number of handlers that were executed. A zero return value
    314    * implies that the io_service object is stopped (the stopped() function
    315    * returns @c true). Subsequent calls to run(), run_one(), poll() or
    316    * poll_one() will return immediately unless there is a prior call to
    317    * reset().
    318    *
    319    * @return The number of handlers that were executed.
    320    */
    321   ASIO_DECL std::size_t run_one(asio::error_code& ec);
    323   /// Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute ready
    324   /// handlers.
    325   /**
    326    * The poll() function runs handlers that are ready to run, without blocking,
    327    * until the io_service has been stopped or there are no more ready handlers.
    328    *
    329    * @return The number of handlers that were executed.
    330    *
    331    * @throws asio::system_error Thrown on failure.
    332    */
    333   ASIO_DECL std::size_t poll();
    335   /// Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute ready
    336   /// handlers.
    337   /**
    338    * The poll() function runs handlers that are ready to run, without blocking,
    339    * until the io_service has been stopped or there are no more ready handlers.
    340    *
    341    * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
    342    *
    343    * @return The number of handlers that were executed.
    344    */
    345   ASIO_DECL std::size_t poll(asio::error_code& ec);
    347   /// Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute one ready
    348   /// handler.
    349   /**
    350    * The poll_one() function runs at most one handler that is ready to run,
    351    * without blocking.
    352    *
    353    * @return The number of handlers that were executed.
    354    *
    355    * @throws asio::system_error Thrown on failure.
    356    */
    357   ASIO_DECL std::size_t poll_one();
    359   /// Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute one ready
    360   /// handler.
    361   /**
    362    * The poll_one() function runs at most one handler that is ready to run,
    363    * without blocking.
    364    *
    365    * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
    366    *
    367    * @return The number of handlers that were executed.
    368    */
    369   ASIO_DECL std::size_t poll_one(asio::error_code& ec);
    371   /// Stop the io_service object's event processing loop.
    372   /**
    373    * This function does not block, but instead simply signals the io_service to
    374    * stop. All invocations of its run() or run_one() member functions should
    375    * return as soon as possible. Subsequent calls to run(), run_one(), poll()
    376    * or poll_one() will return immediately until reset() is called.
    377    */
    378   ASIO_DECL void stop();
    380   /// Determine whether the io_service object has been stopped.
    381   /**
    382    * This function is used to determine whether an io_service object has been
    383    * stopped, either through an explicit call to stop(), or due to running out
    384    * of work. When an io_service object is stopped, calls to run(), run_one(),
    385    * poll() or poll_one() will return immediately without invoking any
    386    * handlers.
    387    *
    388    * @return @c true if the io_service object is stopped, otherwise @c false.
    389    */
    390   ASIO_DECL bool stopped() const;
    392   /// Reset the io_service in preparation for a subsequent run() invocation.
    393   /**
    394    * This function must be called prior to any second or later set of
    395    * invocations of the run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() functions when a
    396    * previous invocation of these functions returned due to the io_service
    397    * being stopped or running out of work. After a call to reset(), the
    398    * io_service object's stopped() function will return @c false.
    399    *
    400    * This function must not be called while there are any unfinished calls to
    401    * the run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() functions.
    402    */
    403   ASIO_DECL void reset();
    405   /// Request the io_service to invoke the given handler.
    406   /**
    407    * This function is used to ask the io_service to execute the given handler.
    408    *
    409    * The io_service guarantees that the handler will only be called in a thread
    410    * in which the run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() member functions is
    411    * currently being invoked. The handler may be executed inside this function
    412    * if the guarantee can be met.
    413    *
    414    * @param handler The handler to be called. The io_service will make
    415    * a copy of the handler object as required. The function signature of the
    416    * handler must be: @code void handler(); @endcode
    417    *
    418    * @note This function throws an exception only if:
    419    *
    420    * @li the handler's @c asio_handler_allocate function; or
    421    *
    422    * @li the handler's copy constructor
    423    *
    424    * throws an exception.
    425    */
    426   template <typename CompletionHandler>
    427   ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(CompletionHandler, void ())
    428   dispatch(ASIO_MOVE_ARG(CompletionHandler) handler);
    430   /// Request the io_service to invoke the given handler and return immediately.
    431   /**
    432    * This function is used to ask the io_service to execute the given handler,
    433    * but without allowing the io_service to call the handler from inside this
    434    * function.
    435    *
    436    * The io_service guarantees that the handler will only be called in a thread
    437    * in which the run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() member functions is
    438    * currently being invoked.
    439    *
    440    * @param handler The handler to be called. The io_service will make
    441    * a copy of the handler object as required. The function signature of the
    442    * handler must be: @code void handler(); @endcode
    443    *
    444    * @note This function throws an exception only if:
    445    *
    446    * @li the handler's @c asio_handler_allocate function; or
    447    *
    448    * @li the handler's copy constructor
    449    *
    450    * throws an exception.
    451    */
    452   template <typename CompletionHandler>
    453   ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(CompletionHandler, void ())
    454   post(ASIO_MOVE_ARG(CompletionHandler) handler);
    456   /// Create a new handler that automatically dispatches the wrapped handler
    457   /// on the io_service.
    458   /**
    459    * This function is used to create a new handler function object that, when
    460    * invoked, will automatically pass the wrapped handler to the io_service
    461    * object's dispatch function.
    462    *
    463    * @param handler The handler to be wrapped. The io_service will make a copy
    464    * of the handler object as required. The function signature of the handler
    465    * must be: @code void handler(A1 a1, ... An an); @endcode
    466    *
    467    * @return A function object that, when invoked, passes the wrapped handler to
    468    * the io_service object's dispatch function. Given a function object with the
    469    * signature:
    470    * @code R f(A1 a1, ... An an); @endcode
    471    * If this function object is passed to the wrap function like so:
    472    * @code io_service.wrap(f); @endcode
    473    * then the return value is a function object with the signature
    474    * @code void g(A1 a1, ... An an); @endcode
    475    * that, when invoked, executes code equivalent to:
    476    * @code io_service.dispatch(boost::bind(f, a1, ... an)); @endcode
    477    */
    478   template <typename Handler>
    479   detail::wrapped_handler<io_service&, Handler>
    480   wrap(Handler handler);
    482   /// Fork-related event notifications.
    483   enum fork_event
    484   {
    485     /// Notify the io_service that the process is about to fork.
    486     fork_prepare,
    488     /// Notify the io_service that the process has forked and is the parent.
    489     fork_parent,
    491     /// Notify the io_service that the process has forked and is the child.
    492     fork_child
    493   };
    495   /// Notify the io_service of a fork-related event.
    496   /**
    497    * This function is used to inform the io_service that the process is about
    498    * to fork, or has just forked. This allows the io_service, and the services
    499    * it contains, to perform any necessary housekeeping to ensure correct
    500    * operation following a fork.
    501    *
    502    * This function must not be called while any other io_service function, or
    503    * any function on an I/O object associated with the io_service, is being
    504    * called in another thread. It is, however, safe to call this function from
    505    * within a completion handler, provided no other thread is accessing the
    506    * io_service.
    507    *
    508    * @param event A fork-related event.
    509    *
    510    * @throws asio::system_error Thrown on failure. If the notification
    511    * fails the io_service object should no longer be used and should be
    512    * destroyed.
    513    *
    514    * @par Example
    515    * The following code illustrates how to incorporate the notify_fork()
    516    * function:
    517    * @code my_io_service.notify_fork(asio::io_service::fork_prepare);
    518    * if (fork() == 0)
    519    * {
    520    *   // This is the child process.
    521    *   my_io_service.notify_fork(asio::io_service::fork_child);
    522    * }
    523    * else
    524    * {
    525    *   // This is the parent process.
    526    *   my_io_service.notify_fork(asio::io_service::fork_parent);
    527    * } @endcode
    528    *
    529    * @note For each service object @c svc in the io_service set, performs
    530    * <tt>svc->fork_service();</tt>. When processing the fork_prepare event,
    531    * services are visited in reverse order of the beginning of service object
    532    * lifetime. Otherwise, services are visited in order of the beginning of
    533    * service object lifetime.
    534    */
    535   ASIO_DECL void notify_fork(asio::io_service::fork_event event);
    537   /// Obtain the service object corresponding to the given type.
    538   /**
    539    * This function is used to locate a service object that corresponds to
    540    * the given service type. If there is no existing implementation of the
    541    * service, then the io_service will create a new instance of the service.
    542    *
    543    * @param ios The io_service object that owns the service.
    544    *
    545    * @return The service interface implementing the specified service type.
    546    * Ownership of the service interface is not transferred to the caller.
    547    */
    548   template <typename Service>
    549   friend Service& use_service(io_service& ios);
    551   /// Add a service object to the io_service.
    552   /**
    553    * This function is used to add a service to the io_service.
    554    *
    555    * @param ios The io_service object that owns the service.
    556    *
    557    * @param svc The service object. On success, ownership of the service object
    558    * is transferred to the io_service. When the io_service object is destroyed,
    559    * it will destroy the service object by performing:
    560    * @code delete static_cast<io_service::service*>(svc) @endcode
    561    *
    562    * @throws asio::service_already_exists Thrown if a service of the
    563    * given type is already present in the io_service.
    564    *
    565    * @throws asio::invalid_service_owner Thrown if the service's owning
    566    * io_service is not the io_service object specified by the ios parameter.
    567    */
    568   template <typename Service>
    569   friend void add_service(io_service& ios, Service* svc);
    571   /// Determine if an io_service contains a specified service type.
    572   /**
    573    * This function is used to determine whether the io_service contains a
    574    * service object corresponding to the given service type.
    575    *
    576    * @param ios The io_service object that owns the service.
    577    *
    578    * @return A boolean indicating whether the io_service contains the service.
    579    */
    580   template <typename Service>
    581   friend bool has_service(io_service& ios);
    583 private:
    584 #if   defined(__sun) || defined(__QNX__) || defined(__hpux) || defined(_AIX)    || defined(__osf__)
    585   detail::signal_init<> init_;
    586 #endif
    588   // The service registry.
    589   asio::detail::service_registry* service_registry_;
    591   // The implementation.
    592   impl_type& impl_;
    593 };
    595 /// Class to inform the io_service when it has work to do.
    596 /**
    597  * The work class is used to inform the io_service when work starts and
    598  * finishes. This ensures that the io_service object's run() function will not
    599  * exit while work is underway, and that it does exit when there is no
    600  * unfinished work remaining.
    601  *
    602  * The work class is copy-constructible so that it may be used as a data member
    603  * in a handler class. It is not assignable.
    604  */
    605 class io_service::work
    606 {
    607 public:
    608   /// Constructor notifies the io_service that work is starting.
    609   /**
    610    * The constructor is used to inform the io_service that some work has begun.
    611    * This ensures that the io_service object's run() function will not exit
    612    * while the work is underway.
    613    */
    614   explicit work(asio::io_service& io_service);
    616   /// Copy constructor notifies the io_service that work is starting.
    617   /**
    618    * The constructor is used to inform the io_service that some work has begun.
    619    * This ensures that the io_service object's run() function will not exit
    620    * while the work is underway.
    621    */
    622   work(const work& other);
    624   /// Destructor notifies the io_service that the work is complete.
    625   /**
    626    * The destructor is used to inform the io_service that some work has
    627    * finished. Once the count of unfinished work reaches zero, the io_service
    628    * object's run() function is permitted to exit.
    629    */
    630   ~work();
    632   /// Get the io_service associated with the work.
    633   asio::io_service& get_io_service();
    635 private:
    636   // Prevent assignment.
    637   void operator=(const work& other);
    639   // The io_service implementation.
    640   detail::io_service_impl& io_service_impl_;
    641 };
    643 /// Class used to uniquely identify a service.
    644 class io_service::id
    645   : private noncopyable
    646 {
    647 public:
    648   /// Constructor.
    649   id() {}
    650 };
    652 /// Base class for all io_service services.
    653 class io_service::service
    654   : private noncopyable
    655 {
    656 public:
    657   /// Get the io_service object that owns the service.
    658   asio::io_service& get_io_service();
    660 protected:
    661   /// Constructor.
    662   /**
    663    * @param owner The io_service object that owns the service.
    664    */
    665   ASIO_DECL service(asio::io_service& owner);
    667   /// Destructor.
    668   ASIO_DECL virtual ~service();
    670 private:
    671   /// Destroy all user-defined handler objects owned by the service.
    672   virtual void shutdown_service() = 0;
    674   /// Handle notification of a fork-related event to perform any necessary
    675   /// housekeeping.
    676   /**
    677    * This function is not a pure virtual so that services only have to
    678    * implement it if necessary. The default implementation does nothing.
    679    */
    680   ASIO_DECL virtual void fork_service(
    681       asio::io_service::fork_event event);
    683   friend class asio::detail::service_registry;
    684   struct key
    685   {
    686     key() : type_info_(0), id_(0) {}
    687     const std::type_info* type_info_;
    688     const asio::io_service::id* id_;
    689   } key_;
    691   asio::io_service& owner_;
    692   service* next_;
    693 };
    695 /// Exception thrown when trying to add a duplicate service to an io_service.
    696 class service_already_exists
    697   : public std::logic_error
    698 {
    699 public:
    700   ASIO_DECL service_already_exists();
    701 };
    703 /// Exception thrown when trying to add a service object to an io_service where
    704 /// the service has a different owner.
    705 class invalid_service_owner
    706   : public std::logic_error
    707 {
    708 public:
    709   ASIO_DECL invalid_service_owner();
    710 };
    712 namespace detail {
    714 // Special derived service id type to keep classes header-file only.
    715 template <typename Type>
    716 class service_id
    717   : public asio::io_service::id
    718 {
    719 };
    721 // Special service base class to keep classes header-file only.
    722 template <typename Type>
    723 class service_base
    724   : public asio::io_service::service
    725 {
    726 public:
    727   static asio::detail::service_id<Type> id;
    729   // Constructor.
    730   service_base(asio::io_service& io_service)
    731     : asio::io_service::service(io_service)
    732   {
    733   }
    734 };
    736 template <typename Type>
    737 asio::detail::service_id<Type> service_base<Type>::id;
    739 } // namespace detail
    740 } // namespace asio
    742 #include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"
    744 #include "asio/impl/io_service.hpp"
    745 # include "asio/impl/io_service.ipp"
    747 #endif // ASIO_IO_SERVICE_HPP