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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #ifndef ART_RUNTIME_GC_ROOT_H_
     18 #define ART_RUNTIME_GC_ROOT_H_
     20 #include "base/macros.h"
     21 #include "base/mutex.h"       // For Locks::mutator_lock_.
     22 #include "mirror/object_reference.h"
     24 namespace art {
     25 class ArtField;
     26 class ArtMethod;
     27 template<class MirrorType> class ObjPtr;
     29 namespace mirror {
     30 class Object;
     31 }  // namespace mirror
     33 template <size_t kBufferSize>
     34 class BufferedRootVisitor;
     36 // Dependent on pointer size so that we don't have frames that are too big on 64 bit.
     37 static const size_t kDefaultBufferedRootCount = 1024 / sizeof(void*);
     39 enum RootType {
     40   kRootUnknown = 0,
     41   kRootJNIGlobal,
     42   kRootJNILocal,
     43   kRootJavaFrame,
     44   kRootNativeStack,
     45   kRootStickyClass,
     46   kRootThreadBlock,
     47   kRootMonitorUsed,
     48   kRootThreadObject,
     49   kRootInternedString,
     50   kRootFinalizing,  // used for HPROF's conversion to HprofHeapTag
     51   kRootDebugger,
     52   kRootReferenceCleanup,  // used for HPROF's conversion to HprofHeapTag
     53   kRootVMInternal,
     54   kRootJNIMonitor,
     55 };
     56 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RootType& root_type);
     58 // Only used by hprof. thread_id_ and type_ are only used by hprof.
     59 class RootInfo {
     60  public:
     61   // Thread id 0 is for non thread roots.
     62   explicit RootInfo(RootType type, uint32_t thread_id = 0)
     63      : type_(type), thread_id_(thread_id) {
     64   }
     65   RootInfo(const RootInfo&) = default;
     66   virtual ~RootInfo() {
     67   }
     68   RootType GetType() const {
     69     return type_;
     70   }
     71   uint32_t GetThreadId() const {
     72     return thread_id_;
     73   }
     74   virtual void Describe(std::ostream& os) const {
     75     os << "Type=" << type_ << " thread_id=" << thread_id_;
     76   }
     77   std::string ToString() const;
     79  private:
     80   const RootType type_;
     81   const uint32_t thread_id_;
     82 };
     84 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RootInfo& root_info) {
     85   root_info.Describe(os);
     86   return os;
     87 }
     89 // Not all combinations of flags are valid. You may not visit all roots as well as the new roots
     90 // (no logical reason to do this). You also may not start logging new roots and stop logging new
     91 // roots (also no logical reason to do this).
     92 //
     93 // The precise flag ensures that more metadata is supplied. An example is vreg data for compiled
     94 // method frames.
     95 enum VisitRootFlags : uint8_t {
     96   kVisitRootFlagAllRoots = 0x1,
     97   kVisitRootFlagNewRoots = 0x2,
     98   kVisitRootFlagStartLoggingNewRoots = 0x4,
     99   kVisitRootFlagStopLoggingNewRoots = 0x8,
    100   kVisitRootFlagClearRootLog = 0x10,
    101   kVisitRootFlagClassLoader = 0x20,
    102   kVisitRootFlagPrecise = 0x80,
    103 };
    105 class RootVisitor {
    106  public:
    107   virtual ~RootVisitor() { }
    109   // Single root version, not overridable.
    110   ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRoot(mirror::Object** root, const RootInfo& info)
    111       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    112     VisitRoots(&root, 1, info);
    113   }
    115   // Single root version, not overridable.
    116   ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(mirror::Object** root, const RootInfo& info)
    117       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    118     if (*root != nullptr) {
    119       VisitRoot(root, info);
    120     }
    121   }
    123   virtual void VisitRoots(mirror::Object*** roots, size_t count, const RootInfo& info)
    124       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) = 0;
    126   virtual void VisitRoots(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>** roots, size_t count,
    127                           const RootInfo& info)
    128       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) = 0;
    129 };
    131 // Only visits roots one at a time, doesn't handle updating roots. Used when performance isn't
    132 // critical.
    133 class SingleRootVisitor : public RootVisitor {
    134  private:
    135   void VisitRoots(mirror::Object*** roots, size_t count, const RootInfo& info) OVERRIDE
    136       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    137     for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    138       VisitRoot(*roots[i], info);
    139     }
    140   }
    142   void VisitRoots(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>** roots, size_t count,
    143                           const RootInfo& info) OVERRIDE
    144       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    145     for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    146       VisitRoot(roots[i]->AsMirrorPtr(), info);
    147     }
    148   }
    150   virtual void VisitRoot(mirror::Object* root, const RootInfo& info) = 0;
    151 };
    153 class GcRootSource {
    154  public:
    155   GcRootSource()
    156       : field_(nullptr), method_(nullptr) {
    157   }
    158   explicit GcRootSource(ArtField* field)
    159       : field_(field), method_(nullptr) {
    160   }
    161   explicit GcRootSource(ArtMethod* method)
    162       : field_(nullptr), method_(method) {
    163   }
    164   ArtField* GetArtField() const {
    165     return field_;
    166   }
    167   ArtMethod* GetArtMethod() const {
    168     return method_;
    169   }
    170   bool HasArtField() const {
    171     return field_ != nullptr;
    172   }
    173   bool HasArtMethod() const {
    174     return method_ != nullptr;
    175   }
    177  private:
    178   ArtField* const field_;
    179   ArtMethod* const method_;
    181   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GcRootSource);
    182 };
    184 template<class MirrorType>
    185 class GcRoot {
    186  public:
    187   template<ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
    188   ALWAYS_INLINE MirrorType* Read(GcRootSource* gc_root_source = nullptr) const
    189       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
    191   void VisitRoot(RootVisitor* visitor, const RootInfo& info) const
    192       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    193     DCHECK(!IsNull());
    194     mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* roots[1] = { &root_ };
    195     visitor->VisitRoots(roots, 1u, info);
    196     DCHECK(!IsNull());
    197   }
    199   void VisitRootIfNonNull(RootVisitor* visitor, const RootInfo& info) const
    200       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    201     if (!IsNull()) {
    202       VisitRoot(visitor, info);
    203     }
    204   }
    206   ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* AddressWithoutBarrier() {
    207     return &root_;
    208   }
    210   ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsNull() const {
    211     // It's safe to null-check it without a read barrier.
    212     return root_.IsNull();
    213   }
    215   ALWAYS_INLINE GcRoot() {}
    216   explicit ALWAYS_INLINE GcRoot(MirrorType* ref)
    217       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
    218   explicit ALWAYS_INLINE GcRoot(ObjPtr<MirrorType> ref)
    219       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
    221  private:
    222   // Root visitors take pointers to root_ and place them in CompressedReference** arrays. We use a
    223   // CompressedReference<mirror::Object> here since it violates strict aliasing requirements to
    224   // cast CompressedReference<MirrorType>* to CompressedReference<mirror::Object>*.
    225   mutable mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object> root_;
    227   template <size_t kBufferSize> friend class BufferedRootVisitor;
    228 };
    230 // Simple data structure for buffered root visiting to avoid virtual dispatch overhead. Currently
    231 // only for CompressedReferences since these are more common than the Object** roots which are only
    232 // for thread local roots.
    233 template <size_t kBufferSize>
    234 class BufferedRootVisitor {
    235  public:
    236   BufferedRootVisitor(RootVisitor* visitor, const RootInfo& root_info)
    237       : visitor_(visitor), root_info_(root_info), buffer_pos_(0) {
    238   }
    240   ~BufferedRootVisitor() {
    241     Flush();
    242   }
    244   template <class MirrorType>
    245   ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(GcRoot<MirrorType>& root)
    246       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    247     if (!root.IsNull()) {
    248       VisitRoot(root);
    249     }
    250   }
    252   template <class MirrorType>
    253   ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>* root)
    254       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    255     if (!root->IsNull()) {
    256       VisitRoot(root);
    257     }
    258   }
    260   template <class MirrorType>
    261   void VisitRoot(GcRoot<MirrorType>& root) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    262     VisitRoot(root.AddressWithoutBarrier());
    263   }
    265   template <class MirrorType>
    266   void VisitRoot(mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>* root)
    267       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    268     if (UNLIKELY(buffer_pos_ >= kBufferSize)) {
    269       Flush();
    270     }
    271     roots_[buffer_pos_++] = root;
    272   }
    274   void Flush() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    275     visitor_->VisitRoots(roots_, buffer_pos_, root_info_);
    276     buffer_pos_ = 0;
    277   }
    279  private:
    280   RootVisitor* const visitor_;
    281   RootInfo root_info_;
    282   mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* roots_[kBufferSize];
    283   size_t buffer_pos_;
    284 };
    286 class UnbufferedRootVisitor {
    287  public:
    288   UnbufferedRootVisitor(RootVisitor* visitor, const RootInfo& root_info)
    289       : visitor_(visitor), root_info_(root_info) {}
    291   template <class MirrorType>
    292   ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(GcRoot<MirrorType>& root) const
    293       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    294     if (!root.IsNull()) {
    295       VisitRoot(root);
    296     }
    297   }
    299   template <class MirrorType>
    300   ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>* root) const
    301       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    302     if (!root->IsNull()) {
    303       VisitRoot(root);
    304     }
    305   }
    307   template <class MirrorType>
    308   void VisitRoot(GcRoot<MirrorType>& root) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    309     VisitRoot(root.AddressWithoutBarrier());
    310   }
    312   template <class MirrorType>
    313   void VisitRoot(mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>* root) const
    314       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    315     visitor_->VisitRoots(&root, 1, root_info_);
    316   }
    318  private:
    319   RootVisitor* const visitor_;
    320   RootInfo root_info_;
    321 };
    323 }  // namespace art
    325 #endif  // ART_RUNTIME_GC_ROOT_H_