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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2005 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include <string>
     21 #include <vector>
     23 #include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
     24 #include <cutils/native_handle.h>
     25 #include <utils/Errors.h>
     26 #include <utils/RefBase.h>
     27 #include <utils/String16.h>
     29 #include <linux/android/binder.h>
     31 #include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
     33 struct binder_buffer_object;
     35 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     36 namespace android {
     37 namespace hardware {
     39 class IBinder;
     40 class IPCThreadState;
     41 class ProcessState;
     42 class TextOutput;
     44 class Parcel {
     45     friend class IPCThreadState;
     46 public:
     48                         Parcel();
     49                         ~Parcel();
     51     const uint8_t*      data() const;
     52     size_t              dataSize() const;
     53     size_t              dataAvail() const;
     54     size_t              dataPosition() const;
     55     size_t              dataCapacity() const;
     57     status_t            setDataSize(size_t size);
     58     void                setDataPosition(size_t pos) const;
     59     status_t            setDataCapacity(size_t size);
     61     status_t            setData(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t len);
     63     // Writes the RPC header.
     64     status_t            writeInterfaceToken(const char* interface);
     66     // Parses the RPC header, returning true if the interface name
     67     // in the header matches the expected interface from the caller.
     68     bool                enforceInterface(const char* interface) const;
     69     bool                checkInterface(IBinder*) const;
     71     void                freeData();
     73 private:
     74     const binder_size_t* objects() const;
     76 public:
     77     size_t              objectsCount() const;
     79     status_t            errorCheck() const;
     80     void                setError(status_t err);
     82     status_t            write(const void* data, size_t len);
     83     void*               writeInplace(size_t len);
     84     status_t            writeUnpadded(const void* data, size_t len);
     85     status_t            writeInt8(int8_t val);
     86     status_t            writeUint8(uint8_t val);
     87     status_t            writeInt16(int16_t val);
     88     status_t            writeUint16(uint16_t val);
     89     status_t            writeInt32(int32_t val);
     90     status_t            writeUint32(uint32_t val);
     91     status_t            writeInt64(int64_t val);
     92     status_t            writeUint64(uint64_t val);
     93     status_t            writeFloat(float val);
     94     status_t            writeDouble(double val);
     95     status_t            writeCString(const char* str);
     96     status_t            writeString16(const String16& str);
     97     status_t            writeString16(const std::unique_ptr<String16>& str);
     98     status_t            writeString16(const char16_t* str, size_t len);
     99     status_t            writeStrongBinder(const sp<IBinder>& val);
    100     status_t            writeWeakBinder(const wp<IBinder>& val);
    101     status_t            writeBool(bool val);
    103     template<typename T>
    104     status_t            writeObject(const T& val);
    106     status_t            writeBuffer(const void *buffer, size_t length, size_t *handle);
    107     status_t            writeEmbeddedBuffer(const void *buffer, size_t length, size_t *handle,
    108                             size_t parent_buffer_handle, size_t parent_offset);
    109 public:
    110     status_t            writeReference(size_t *handle,
    111                                        size_t child_buffer_handle, size_t child_offset);
    112     status_t            writeEmbeddedReference(size_t *handle,
    113                                                size_t child_buffer_handle, size_t child_offset,
    114                                                size_t parent_buffer_handle, size_t parent_offset);
    115     status_t            writeNullReference(size_t *handle);
    116     status_t            writeEmbeddedNullReference(size_t *handle,
    117                                                    size_t parent_buffer_handle, size_t parent_offset);
    120     status_t            writeEmbeddedNativeHandle(const native_handle_t *handle,
    121                             size_t parent_buffer_handle, size_t parent_offset);
    122     status_t            writeNativeHandleNoDup(const native_handle* handle, bool embedded,
    123                                                size_t parent_buffer_handle = 0,
    124                                                size_t parent_offset = 0);
    125     status_t            writeNativeHandleNoDup(const native_handle* handle);
    127     void                remove(size_t start, size_t amt);
    129     status_t            read(void* outData, size_t len) const;
    130     const void*         readInplace(size_t len) const;
    131     status_t            readInt8(int8_t *pArg) const;
    132     status_t            readUint8(uint8_t *pArg) const;
    133     status_t            readInt16(int16_t *pArg) const;
    134     status_t            readUint16(uint16_t *pArg) const;
    135     int32_t             readInt32() const;
    136     status_t            readInt32(int32_t *pArg) const;
    137     uint32_t            readUint32() const;
    138     status_t            readUint32(uint32_t *pArg) const;
    139     int64_t             readInt64() const;
    140     status_t            readInt64(int64_t *pArg) const;
    141     uint64_t            readUint64() const;
    142     status_t            readUint64(uint64_t *pArg) const;
    143     float               readFloat() const;
    144     status_t            readFloat(float *pArg) const;
    145     double              readDouble() const;
    146     status_t            readDouble(double *pArg) const;
    148     bool                readBool() const;
    149     status_t            readBool(bool *pArg) const;
    150     const char*         readCString() const;
    151     String16            readString16() const;
    152     status_t            readString16(String16* pArg) const;
    153     status_t            readString16(std::unique_ptr<String16>* pArg) const;
    154     const char16_t*     readString16Inplace(size_t* outLen) const;
    155     sp<IBinder>         readStrongBinder() const;
    156     status_t            readStrongBinder(sp<IBinder>* val) const;
    157     status_t            readNullableStrongBinder(sp<IBinder>* val) const;
    158     wp<IBinder>         readWeakBinder() const;
    160     template<typename T>
    161     const T*            readObject(size_t *objects_offset = nullptr) const;
    163     status_t            readBuffer(size_t buffer_size, size_t *buffer_handle,
    164                                    const void **buffer_out) const;
    165     status_t            readNullableBuffer(size_t buffer_size, size_t *buffer_handle,
    166                                            const void **buffer_out) const;
    167     status_t            readEmbeddedBuffer(size_t buffer_size, size_t *buffer_handle,
    168                                            size_t parent_buffer_handle, size_t parent_offset,
    169                                            const void **buffer_out) const;
    170     status_t            readNullableEmbeddedBuffer(size_t buffer_size,
    171                                                    size_t *buffer_handle,
    172                                                    size_t parent_buffer_handle,
    173                                                    size_t parent_offset,
    174                                                    const void **buffer_out) const;
    176     status_t            readReference(void const* *bufptr,
    177                                       size_t *buffer_handle, bool *isRef) const;
    178     status_t            readEmbeddedReference(void const* *bufptr, size_t *buffer_handle,
    179                                               size_t parent_buffer_handle, size_t parent_offset,
    180                                               bool *isRef) const;
    181     status_t            readEmbeddedNativeHandle(size_t parent_buffer_handle,
    182                            size_t parent_offset, const native_handle_t **handle) const;
    183     status_t            readNullableEmbeddedNativeHandle(size_t parent_buffer_handle,
    184                            size_t parent_offset, const native_handle_t **handle) const;
    185     status_t            readNativeHandleNoDup(const native_handle_t **handle) const;
    186     status_t            readNullableNativeHandleNoDup(const native_handle_t **handle) const;
    188     // Explicitly close all file descriptors in the parcel.
    189     void                closeFileDescriptors();
    191     // Debugging: get metrics on current allocations.
    192     static size_t       getGlobalAllocSize();
    193     static size_t       getGlobalAllocCount();
    195 private:
    196     // Below is a cache that records some information about all actual buffers
    197     // in this parcel.
    198     struct BufferInfo {
    199         size_t index;
    200         binder_uintptr_t buffer;
    201         binder_uintptr_t bufend; // buffer + length
    202     };
    203     // value of mObjectSize when mBufCache is last updated.
    204     mutable size_t                  mBufCachePos;
    205     mutable std::vector<BufferInfo> mBufCache;
    206     // clear mBufCachePos and mBufCache.
    207     void                clearCache() const;
    208     // update mBufCache for all objects between mBufCachePos and mObjectsSize
    209     void                updateCache() const;
    211     bool                verifyBufferObject(const binder_buffer_object *buffer_obj,
    212                                            size_t size, uint32_t flags, size_t parent,
    213                                            size_t parentOffset) const;
    215     status_t            readBuffer(size_t buffer_size, size_t *buffer_handle,
    216                                    uint32_t flags, size_t parent, size_t parentOffset,
    217                                    const void **buffer_out) const;
    219     status_t            readNullableNativeHandleNoDup(const native_handle_t **handle,
    220                                                       bool embedded,
    221                                                       size_t parent_buffer_handle = 0,
    222                                                       size_t parent_offset = 0) const;
    223 public:
    225     // The following two methods attempt to find if a chunk of memory ("buffer")
    226     // is written / read before (by (read|write)(Embedded)?Buffer methods. )
    227     // 1. Call findBuffer if the chunk of memory could be a small part of a larger
    228     //    buffer written before (for example, an element of a hidl_vec). The
    229     //    method will also ensure that the end address (ptr + length) is also
    230     //    within the buffer.
    231     // 2. Call quickFindBuffer if the buffer could only be written previously
    232     //    by itself (for example, the mBuffer field of a hidl_vec). No lengths
    233     //    are checked.
    234     status_t            findBuffer(const void *ptr,
    235                                    size_t length,
    236                                    bool *found,
    237                                    size_t *handle,
    238                                    size_t *offset // valid if found
    239                                   ) const;
    240     status_t            quickFindBuffer(const void *ptr,
    241                                         size_t *handle // valid if found
    242                                        ) const;
    244 private:
    245     status_t            incrementNumReferences();
    246     bool                validateBufferChild(size_t child_buffer_handle,
    247                                             size_t child_offset) const;
    248     bool                validateBufferParent(size_t parent_buffer_handle,
    249                                              size_t parent_offset) const;
    251 private:
    252     typedef void        (*release_func)(Parcel* parcel,
    253                                         const uint8_t* data, size_t dataSize,
    254                                         const binder_size_t* objects, size_t objectsSize,
    255                                         void* cookie);
    257     uintptr_t           ipcData() const;
    258     size_t              ipcDataSize() const;
    259     uintptr_t           ipcObjects() const;
    260     size_t              ipcObjectsCount() const;
    261     size_t              ipcBufferSize() const;
    262     void                ipcSetDataReference(const uint8_t* data, size_t dataSize,
    263                                             const binder_size_t* objects, size_t objectsCount,
    264                                             release_func relFunc, void* relCookie);
    266 public:
    267     void                print(TextOutput& to, uint32_t flags = 0) const;
    269 private:
    270                         Parcel(const Parcel& o);
    271     Parcel&             operator=(const Parcel& o);
    273     status_t            finishWrite(size_t len);
    274     void                releaseObjects();
    275     void                acquireObjects();
    276     status_t            growData(size_t len);
    277     status_t            restartWrite(size_t desired);
    278     status_t            continueWrite(size_t desired);
    279     status_t            writePointer(uintptr_t val);
    280     status_t            readPointer(uintptr_t *pArg) const;
    281     uintptr_t           readPointer() const;
    282     void                freeDataNoInit();
    283     void                initState();
    284     void                scanForFds() const;
    286     template<class T>
    287     status_t            readAligned(T *pArg) const;
    289     template<class T>   T readAligned() const;
    291     template<class T>
    292     status_t            writeAligned(T val);
    294     status_t            mError;
    295     uint8_t*            mData;
    296     size_t              mDataSize;
    297     size_t              mDataCapacity;
    298     mutable size_t      mDataPos;
    299     binder_size_t*      mObjects;
    300     size_t              mObjectsSize;
    301     size_t              mObjectsCapacity;
    302     mutable size_t      mNextObjectHint;
    303     size_t              mNumRef;
    305     mutable bool        mFdsKnown;
    306     mutable bool        mHasFds;
    307     bool                mAllowFds;
    309     release_func        mOwner;
    310     void*               mOwnerCookie;
    311 };
    312 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    314 inline TextOutput& operator<<(TextOutput& to, const Parcel& parcel)
    315 {
    316     parcel.print(to);
    317     return to;
    318 }
    320 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    322 // Generic acquire and release of objects.
    323 void acquire_object(const sp<ProcessState>& proc,
    324                     const flat_binder_object& obj, const void* who);
    325 void release_object(const sp<ProcessState>& proc,
    326                     const flat_binder_object& obj, const void* who);
    328 void flatten_binder(const sp<ProcessState>& proc,
    329                     const sp<IBinder>& binder, flat_binder_object* out);
    330 void flatten_binder(const sp<ProcessState>& proc,
    331                     const wp<IBinder>& binder, flat_binder_object* out);
    332 status_t unflatten_binder(const sp<ProcessState>& proc,
    333                           const flat_binder_object& flat, sp<IBinder>* out);
    334 status_t unflatten_binder(const sp<ProcessState>& proc,
    335                           const flat_binder_object& flat, wp<IBinder>* out);
    337 }; // namespace hardware
    338 }; // namespace android
    340 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------