/external/icu/android_icu4j/src/main/java/android/icu/util/ |
RangeValueIterator.java | 39 * RangeValueIterator.Element result = new RangeValueIterator.Element(); 59 public class Element 83 public Element() 95 * @param element for storing the result range and value 97 * @see Element 99 public boolean next(Element element);
ValueIterator.java | 27 * ValueIterator.Element result = new ValueIterator.Element(); 45 public static final class Element 63 public Element() 75 * @param element for storing the result index and value 77 * @see Element 79 public boolean next(Element element); 90 * <p>If setRange(start, end) is not performed before next(element) is 95 * implementation, next(element) will always return false [all...] |
/external/icu/icu4j/main/classes/core/src/com/ibm/icu/util/ |
RangeValueIterator.java | 38 * RangeValueIterator.Element result = new RangeValueIterator.Element(); 60 public class Element 88 public Element() 100 * @param element for storing the result range and value 102 * @see Element 105 public boolean next(Element element);
ValueIterator.java | 26 * ValueIterator.Element result = new ValueIterator.Element(); 46 public static final class Element 67 public Element() 79 * @param element for storing the result index and value 81 * @see Element 84 public boolean next(Element element); 97 * <p>If setRange(start, end) is not performed before next(element) is 102 * implementation, next(element) will always return false [all...] |
/art/test/590-checker-arr-set-null-regression/src/ |
Main.java | 20 Element[] elements = new Element[51]; 26 /// CHECK-START: void Main.testArraySetCheckCastNull(Main$Element[]) builder (after) 32 /// CHECK-DAG: <<CheckedValue:l\d+>> BoundType [<<Null>>] klass:Main$Element can_be_null:true 38 /// CHECK-START: void Main.testArraySetCheckCastNull(Main$Element[]) instruction_simplifier (after) 41 /// CHECK-START: void Main.testArraySetCheckCastNull(Main$Element[]) prepare_for_register_allocation (before) 52 /// CHECK-START: void Main.testArraySetCheckCastNull(Main$Element[]) prepare_for_register_allocation (after) 60 static void testArraySetCheckCastNull(Element[] elements) { 62 Element element = (Element) object local [all...] |
/external/guava/guava-tests/benchmark/com/google/common/collect/ |
MapBenchmark.java | 24 import com.google.common.collect.CollectionBenchmarkSampleData.Element; 45 @Override Map<Element, Element> create(Collection<Element> keys) { 46 Map<Element, Element> map = Maps.newHashMap(); 47 for (Element element: keys) { 48 map.put(element, element); [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/renderscript/src/android/renderscript/cts/ |
ElementTest.java | 19 import android.renderscript.Element; 20 import android.renderscript.Element.DataType; 21 import android.renderscript.Element.DataKind; 27 assertTrue(Element.createPixel(mRS, 30 assertTrue(Element.createPixel(mRS, 33 assertTrue(Element.createPixel(mRS, 36 assertTrue(Element.createPixel(mRS, 39 assertTrue(Element.createPixel(mRS, 42 assertTrue(Element.createPixel(mRS, 49 Element e = null [all...] |
/frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/engineconfigurable/src/ |
InputSource.h | 19 #include "Element.h" 27 * Specialization of policy base class element for audio_source_t 28 * @tparam audio_source_t Policy Base Element identified by the audio_source_t definition. 31 class Element<audio_source_t> 34 Element(const std::string &name) 38 ~Element() {} 41 * Returns identifier of this policy element 43 * @returns string representing the name of this policy element 48 * Set the unique identifier for this policy element. 58 * @return the unique identifier of this policy element [all...] |
Strategy.h | 19 #include "Element.h" 31 class Element<routing_strategy> 34 Element(const std::string &name) 38 ~Element() {} 41 * Returns identifier of this policy element 43 * @returns string representing the name of this policy element 48 * Set the unique identifier for this policy element. 58 * @return the unique identifier of this policy element. 63 * A Policy element may implement getter/setter function for a given property. 75 Element(const Element &object) [all...] |
Stream.h | 19 #include "Element.h" 32 class Element<audio_stream_type_t> 35 Element(const std::string &name) 39 ~Element() {} 42 * Returns identifier of this policy element 44 * @returns string representing the name of this policy element 49 * Set the unique identifier for this policy element. 59 * @return the unique identifier of this policy element. 64 * A Policy element may implement getter/setter function for a given property. 76 Element(const Element &object) [all...] |
Usage.h | 19 #include "Element.h" 31 class Element<audio_usage_t> 34 Element(const std::string &name) 38 ~Element() {} 41 * Returns identifier of this policy element 43 * @returns string representing the name of this policy element 48 * Set the unique identifier for this policy element. 58 * @return the unique identifier of this policy element. 63 * A Policy element may implement getter/setter function for a given property. 75 Element(const Element &object) [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/rscpp/librscpptest/ |
rs_jni_element.cpp | 42 passed &= (Element::createPixel(mRS, 45 passed &= (Element::createPixel(mRS, 48 passed &= (Element::createPixel(mRS, 51 passed &= (Element::createPixel(mRS, 54 passed &= (Element::createPixel(mRS, 57 passed &= (Element::createPixel(mRS, 75 passed &= (Element::createVector(mRS, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32, len) != nullptr); 76 passed &= (Element::createVector(mRS, RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64, len) != nullptr); 77 passed &= (Element::createVector(mRS, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8, len) != nullptr); 78 passed &= (Element::createVector(mRS, RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16, len) != nullptr) [all...] |
/external/autotest/frontend/client/src/autotest/common/ |
DomUtils.java | 3 import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; 6 public static void clearDomChildren(Element elem) { 7 Element child = elem.getFirstChildElement(); 9 Element nextChild = child.getNextSiblingElement();
/external/apache-xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xpath/ |
WhitespaceStrippingElementMatcher.java | 25 import org.w3c.dom.Element; 28 * A class that implements this interface can tell if a given element should 34 * Get information about whether or not an element should strip whitespace. 38 * @param targetElement Element to check 45 XPathContext support, Element targetElement) throws TransformerException;
/external/clang/test/Modules/Inputs/PR21547/ |
FirstHeader.h | 1 template<class Element> struct TMatrixT; 6 template<class Element> struct TMatrixT {
/frameworks/rs/driver/ |
rsdElement.cpp | 22 using android::renderscript::Element; 25 bool rsdElementInit(const Context *, const Element *e) { 29 void rsdElementDestroy(const Context *rsc, const Element *e) { 33 const Element *element, 36 obj->p = element;
rsdElement.h | 24 const android::renderscript::Element *); 27 const android::renderscript::Element *); 30 const android::renderscript::Element *,
/frameworks/rs/rsov/driver/ |
rsovElement.cpp | 21 using android::renderscript::Element; 24 bool rsovElementInit(const Context *rsc, const Element *e) { return true; } 26 void rsovElementDestroy(const Context *rsc, const Element *e) {} 28 void rsovElementUpdateCachedObject(const Context *rsc, const Element *element, 30 obj->p = element;
rsovElement.h | 23 const android::renderscript::Element *); 26 const android::renderscript::Element *); 30 const android::renderscript::Element *,
/cts/tests/tests/rscpp/src/android/cts/rscpp/ |
RSResizeTest.java | 37 private void testResize(int w, int h, Element.DataType dt, int vecSize, float scaleX, float scaleY) { 40 if (dt == Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8) { 44 Element e = makeElement(dt, vecSize); 95 testResize(inX, inX, Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, 4, 1.f, 1.f); 98 testResize(inX, inX, Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, 3, 1.f, 1.f); 101 testResize(inX, inX, Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, 2, 1.f, 1.f); 104 testResize(inX, inX, Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, 1, 1.f, 1.f); 108 testResize(inX, inX, Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, 4, 2.f, 2.f); 111 testResize(inX, inX, Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, 3, 2.f, 2.f); 114 testResize(inX, inX, Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8, 2, 2.f, 2.f) [all...] |
/prebuilts/misc/darwin-x86_64/protobuf2.5/include/google/protobuf/ |
repeated_field.h | 82 template <typename Element> 95 const Element& Get(int index) const; 96 Element* Mutable(int index); 97 void Set(int index, const Element& value); 98 void Add(const Element& value); 99 Element* Add(); 100 // Remove the last element in the array. 107 void ExtractSubrange(int start, int num, Element* elements); 120 void AddAlreadyReserved(const Element& value); 121 Element* AddAlreadyReserved() [all...] |
/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86_64/protobuf2.5/include/google/protobuf/ |
repeated_field.h | 82 template <typename Element> 95 const Element& Get(int index) const; 96 Element* Mutable(int index); 97 void Set(int index, const Element& value); 98 void Add(const Element& value); 99 Element* Add(); 100 // Remove the last element in the array. 107 void ExtractSubrange(int start, int num, Element* elements); 120 void AddAlreadyReserved(const Element& value); 121 Element* AddAlreadyReserved() [all...] |
/prebuilts/misc/windows/protobuf2.5/include/google/protobuf/ |
repeated_field.h | 82 template <typename Element> 95 const Element& Get(int index) const; 96 Element* Mutable(int index); 97 void Set(int index, const Element& value); 98 void Add(const Element& value); 99 Element* Add(); 100 // Remove the last element in the array. 107 void ExtractSubrange(int start, int num, Element* elements); 120 void AddAlreadyReserved(const Element& value); 121 Element* AddAlreadyReserved() [all...] |
/prebuilts/tools/linux-x86_64/protoc/include/google/protobuf/ |
repeated_field.h | 82 template <typename Element> 95 const Element& Get(int index) const; 96 Element* Mutable(int index); 97 void Set(int index, const Element& value); 98 void Add(const Element& value); 99 Element* Add(); 100 // Remove the last element in the array. 107 void ExtractSubrange(int start, int num, Element* elements); 120 void AddAlreadyReserved(const Element& value); 121 Element* AddAlreadyReserved() [all...] |
/frameworks/data-binding/compiler/src/main/java/android/databinding/annotationprocessor/ |
AnnotationUtil.java | 23 import javax.lang.model.element.Element; 31 static List<Element> getElementsAnnotatedWith(RoundEnvironment roundEnv, 33 ArrayList<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); 34 for (Element element : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotationClass)) { 35 if (element.getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null) { 36 elements.add(element);