/packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/src/com/android/mail/preferences/ |
FolderPreferences.java | 25 import com.android.mail.providers.Account; 37 * Preferences relevant to one specific folder. In Email, this would only be used for an account's 38 * inbox. In Gmail, this is used for every account/label pair. 73 * @param accountEmail The account email. This must never change for the account. 89 * @param accountEmail The account email. This must never change for the account. 106 private static String buildSharedPrefsName(final String account, final String persistentId) { 107 return PREFS_NAME_PREFIX + '-' + account + '-' + persistentId; 249 public Set<String> getNotificationActions(final Account account) [all...] |
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/telecom/ |
PhoneAccountUtils.java | 74 * Registers the test phone account. 84 * Retrieves the test phone account, or null if not registered. 86 * @return The Phone Account. 95 * Unregisters the test phone account. 127 * Retrieves the test phone account, or null if not registered. 129 * @return The Phone Account. 138 * Gets the default outgoing phone account, or null if none selected. 149 * Retrieves the test phone account, or null if not registered. 151 * @return The Phone Account.
/development/samples/ContactManager/ |
_index.html | 4 well as manually insert contacts into a specific account.</p>
/development/samples/SampleSyncAdapter/src/com/example/android/samplesync/authenticator/ |
AuthenticatorActivity.java | 23 import android.accounts.Account; 84 /** Was the original caller asking for an entirely new account? */ 173 final Account account = new Account(mUsername, Constants.ACCOUNT_TYPE); local 174 mAccountManager.setPassword(account, mPassword); 187 * account - so we're never storing the user's actual password locally. 194 final Account account = new Account(mUsername, Constants.ACCOUNT_TYPE) local [all...] |
/development/samples/browseable/BasicManagedProfile/ |
_index.jd | 10 configured to be forwarded between primary account and managed profile. Finally, you can
/external/autotest/client/site_tests/desktopui_ExitOnSupervisedUserCrash/ |
control | 16 account is being created and verifies that a crash during that operation
/external/caliper/caliper/src/main/resources/com/google/caliper/config/ |
default-config.properties | 13 # See the Caliper webapp to get a key so you can associate results with your account
/external/curl/tests/data/ |
test295 | 27 FTP ACCT request without --ftp-account
/external/ltp/testcases/open_posix_testsuite/conformance/interfaces/pthread_cancel/ |
coverage.txt | 14 rather manually created my own. This is because I was taking into account
/external/selinux/python/sepolicy/sepolicy/help/ |
login_default.txt | 1 The Login Mapping Screen has a special Login user called __default__. This record is used to setup the default login user for any login account that is not specified separately.
/external/v8/tools/ |
whitespace.txt | 8 The Smi looked at them when a crazy v8-autoroll account showed up......
/frameworks/av/include/drm/ |
DrmRights.h | 40 * @param[in] accountId Account Id of the user 53 * @param[in] accountId Account Id of the user 82 * Returns the account-id associated with this instance 84 * @return Account Id
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/accounts/ |
Account.aidl | 19 parcelable Account;
GrantCredentialsPermissionActivity.java | 37 public static final String EXTRAS_ACCOUNT = "account"; 42 private Account mAccount; 63 // Grant 'account'/'type' to mUID 135 private String getAccountLabel(Account account) { 140 if (desc.type.equals(account.type)) { 144 return account.type; 146 return account.type; 150 return account.type;
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/provider/ |
SyncConstValue.java | 28 * The account that was used to sync the entry to the device. 34 * The type of the account that was used to sync the entry to the device. 76 * Used to indicate that this account is not synced 81 * Used to indicate that this account is not synced
/frameworks/base/test-runner/src/android/test/ |
IsolatedContext.java | 27 import android.accounts.Account; 137 public Account[] getAccounts() { 138 return new Account[]{}; 141 public AccountManagerFuture<Account[]> getAccountsByTypeAndFeatures( 143 AccountManagerCallback<Account[]> callback, Handler handler) { 144 return new MockAccountManagerFuture<Account[]>(new Account[0]); 147 public String blockingGetAuthToken(Account account, String authTokenType,
/packages/apps/Contacts/res/values-land/ |
dimens.xml | 38 <!-- Extra margin above image in empty account view --> 41 <!-- Margin offset b/w the image top and app bar bottom for no account empty view --> 44 <!-- Width for the image for contacts no account empty view --> 47 <!-- Top padding for the text for no account empty view -->
/packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/model/ |
RawContact.java | 29 import com.android.contacts.model.account.AccountType; 30 import com.android.contacts.model.account.AccountWithDataSet; 43 * from a single account. 46 * fields (like account type, name, data set, sync state, etc.) and a list of 204 * Returns the account name of the raw contact. 211 * Returns the account type of the raw contact. 265 * Sets the account name, account type, and data set strings. 266 * Valid combinations for account-name, account-type, data-se [all...] |
/packages/apps/Dialer/java/com/android/contacts/common/model/ |
RawContact.java | 28 import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType; 29 import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountWithDataSet; 38 * RawContact contains the information from a single account. 41 * account type, name, data set, sync state, etc.) and a list of DataItem objects that represent 124 /** Returns the account name of the raw contact. */ 129 /** Returns the account type of the raw contact. */ 180 * Sets the account name, account type, and data set strings. Valid combinations for account-name, 181 * account-type, data-set 1) null, null, null (local account) 2) non-null, non-null, null (vali [all...] |
/packages/apps/Email/emailcommon/src/com/android/emailcommon/provider/ |
Account.aidl | 18 parcelable Account
/packages/apps/Email/emailcommon/src/com/android/emailcommon/service/ |
EmailServiceProxy.java | 111 * @param accountId the id of the account in question 140 * Validate a user account, given a protocol, host address, port, ssl status, and credentials. 142 * include a PolicySet that is required by the account. A successful validation implies a host 174 * account. 202 * Request that the service reload the folder list for the specified account. The service 205 * @param accountId the id of the account whose folder list is to be updated 251 * Request the service to delete the account's PIM (personal information management) data. This 252 * data includes any data that is 1) associated with the account and 2) created/stored by the 256 * @param emailAddress the email address for the account whose data should be deleted 267 // ask for account reconciliation, which will kill the processes. We wait for completio [all...] |
/packages/apps/Email/provider_src/com/android/email/provider/ |
AccountBackupRestore.java | 23 * Helper class to facilitate EmailProvider's account backup/restore facility. 25 * Account backup/restore was implemented entirely for the purpose of recovering from database 34 * backup version of the Account and HostAuth tables in a second database (EmailProviderBackup.db) 43 * Backup user Account and HostAuth data into our backup database
/packages/apps/Email/res/values/ |
styles.xml | 20 <!-- Account Setup Activity --> 25 <!-- The large headline at the top of every account setup screen --> 52 <!-- Wizard buttons on the account setup screens --> 60 <!-- Navigation buttons on the account setup screens --> 73 <!-- Cancel/Done buttons on the account settings (server settings) fragments --> 81 <!-- Info text in any account setup screen --> 89 <!-- Account setup row label text --> 96 <!-- Account setup row label large text --> 104 <!-- Account setup checkboxes -->
/packages/apps/Email/src/com/android/email/activity/setup/ |
AccountSetupOptionsFragment.java | 30 import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account; 84 final Account account = setupData.getAccount(); local 104 SpinnerOption.setSpinnerOptionValue(mCheckFrequencyView, account.getSyncInterval()); 107 enableLookbackSpinner(account); 131 private void enableLookbackSpinner(Account account) { 144 final Policy policy = account.mPolicy; 174 SpinnerOption.setSpinnerOptionValue(mSyncWindowView, account.getSyncLookback());
/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/accounts/ |
AccountRestrictionHelper.java | 60 * Checks if the account should be shown based on the required authorities for the account type 62 * @param auths list of authorities for particular account type 63 * @return true if the activity has the required authority to show the account