/developers/samples/android/connectivity/sync/BasicSyncAdapter/Application/src/main/java/com/example/android/basicsyncadapter/ |
SyncUtils.java | 19 import android.accounts.Account; 38 // Value below must match the account type specified in res/xml/syncadapter.xml 39 public static final String ACCOUNT_TYPE = "com.example.android.basicsyncadapter.account"; 42 * Create an entry for this application in the system account list, if it isn't already there. 52 // Create account, if it's missing. (Either first run, or user has deleted account.) 53 Account account = GenericAccountService.GetAccount(ACCOUNT_TYPE); local 56 if (accountManager.addAccountExplicitly(account, null, null)) { 57 // Inform the system that this account supports syn [all...] |
/development/samples/browseable/BasicSyncAdapter/src/com.example.android.basicsyncadapter/ |
SyncUtils.java | 19 import android.accounts.Account; 38 // Value below must match the account type specified in res/xml/syncadapter.xml 39 public static final String ACCOUNT_TYPE = "com.example.android.basicsyncadapter.account"; 42 * Create an entry for this application in the system account list, if it isn't already there. 52 // Create account, if it's missing. (Either first run, or user has deleted account.) 53 Account account = GenericAccountService.GetAccount(ACCOUNT_TYPE); local 56 if (accountManager.addAccountExplicitly(account, null, null)) { 57 // Inform the system that this account supports syn [all...] |
/frameworks/base/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/accounts/ |
AccountManagerServiceTestFixtures.java | 18 import android.accounts.Account; 42 "com.android.server.accounts.account_manager_service_test.account.name"; 44 "com.android.server.accounts.account_manager_service_test.account.type1"; 46 "com.android.server.accounts.account_manager_service_test.account.type2"; 48 "com.android.server.accounts.account_manager_service_test.account.type.fake"; 51 "com.android.server.accounts.account_manager_service_test.account.status.token"; 67 "com.android.server.accounts.account_manager_service_test.account.password"; 71 public static final Account ACCOUNT_SUCCESS = 72 new Account(ACCOUNT_NAME_SUCCESS, ACCOUNT_TYPE_1); 73 public static final Account ACCOUNT_SUCCESS_2 [all...] |
/packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/model/ |
DeviceLocalAccountLocator.java | 18 import android.accounts.Account; 23 import com.android.contacts.model.account.AccountWithDataSet; 24 import com.android.contacts.model.account.GoogleAccountType; 43 // This works on Nexus and AOSP because the local device account is the null account but most 44 // OEMs have a special account name and type for their device account. 65 for (Account account : accountManager.getAccounts()) { 66 knownTypes.add(account.type) [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/accounts/ |
AbstractAccountAuthenticator.java | 49 * <account-authenticator xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 60 * corresponds to {@link Account#type} for your accounts. One user of the android:icon is the 61 * "Account & Sync" settings page and one user of the android:smallIcon is the Contact Application's 122 * Bundle key used for the {@link String} account type in session bundle. 143 * Bundle key used for the {@link Account} account in session bundle. This is used 186 Account account, Bundle options) throws RemoteException { 188 Log.v(TAG, "confirmCredentials: " + account); 193 new AccountAuthenticatorResponse(response), account, options) 934 Account account = sessionBundle.getParcelable(KEY_ACCOUNT); local [all...] |
/art/test/477-checker-bound-type/ |
info.txt | 3 didn't take into account NullConstants.
/developers/build/prebuilts/gradle/BasicSyncAdapter/Application/src/main/java/com/example/android/common/accounts/ |
GenericAccountService.java | 20 import android.accounts.Account; 32 public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "Account"; 36 * Obtain a handle to the {@link android.accounts.Account} used for sync in this application. 45 * @return Handle to application's account (not guaranteed to resolve unless CreateSyncAccount() 48 public static Account GetAccount(String accountType) { 49 // Note: Normally the account name is set to the user's identity (username or email 54 // able to locate the old account, and may erroneously register multiple accounts. 56 return new Account(accountName, accountType); 95 Account account, Bundle bundle [all...] |
/developers/samples/android/common/src/java/com/example/android/common/accounts/ |
GenericAccountService.java | 20 import android.accounts.Account; 32 public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "Account"; 36 * Obtain a handle to the {@link android.accounts.Account} used for sync in this application. 45 * @return Handle to application's account (not guaranteed to resolve unless CreateSyncAccount() 48 public static Account GetAccount(String accountType) { 49 // Note: Normally the account name is set to the user's identity (username or email 54 // able to locate the old account, and may erroneously register multiple accounts. 56 return new Account(accountName, accountType); 95 Account account, Bundle bundle [all...] |
/development/samples/browseable/BasicSyncAdapter/src/com.example.android.common/accounts/ |
GenericAccountService.java | 20 import android.accounts.Account; 32 public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME = "Account"; 36 * Obtain a handle to the {@link android.accounts.Account} used for sync in this application. 45 * @return Handle to application's account (not guaranteed to resolve unless CreateSyncAccount() 48 public static Account GetAccount(String accountType) { 49 // Note: Normally the account name is set to the user's identity (username or email 54 // able to locate the old account, and may erroneously register multiple accounts. 56 return new Account(accountName, accountType); 95 Account account, Bundle bundle [all...] |
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/tracedmodules/ |
__init__.py | 3 takes the real line numbers into account.
/external/ppp/pppd/ |
ppp.pam | 5 account required pam_unix.so
/external/robolectric/v1/src/test/java/com/xtremelabs/robolectric/shadows/ |
PeriodicSyncTest.java | 3 import android.accounts.Account; 20 Account a = new Account("a", "b"); 24 assertThat(sync.account, is(a));
/packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/src/com/android/mail/compose/ |
RecipientAdapter.java | 19 import com.android.mail.providers.Account; 24 public RecipientAdapter(Context context, Account account) { 26 setAccount(account.getAccountManagerAccount());
/prebuilts/gdb/darwin-x86/lib/python2.7/test/tracedmodules/ |
__init__.py | 3 takes the real line numbers into account.
/prebuilts/gdb/linux-x86/lib/python2.7/test/tracedmodules/ |
__init__.py | 3 takes the real line numbers into account.
/prebuilts/python/darwin-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/test/tracedmodules/ |
__init__.py | 3 takes the real line numbers into account.
/prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/test/tracedmodules/ |
__init__.py | 3 takes the real line numbers into account.
/cts/hostsidetests/content/test-apps/CtsSyncInvalidAccountAuthorityTestCases/src/android/content/sync/cts/ |
StubAuthenticator.java | 20 import android.accounts.Account; 67 Account account, Bundle bundle) throws NetworkErrorException { 73 Account account, String type, Bundle bundle) throws NetworkErrorException { 84 Account account, String tokenType, Bundle bundle) 91 Account account, String[] options) throws NetworkErrorException { 97 Account account) throws NetworkErrorException [all...] |
/cts/hostsidetests/devicepolicy/app/AccountManagement/src/com/android/cts/devicepolicy/accountmanagement/ |
MockAccountAuthenticator.java | 20 import android.accounts.Account; 30 = "com.android.cts.devicepolicy.accountmanagement.account.name"; 32 = "com.android.cts.devicepolicy.accountmanagement.account.type"; 62 public Bundle updateCredentials(AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, Account account, 68 public Bundle confirmCredentials(AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, Account account, 77 public Bundle getAuthToken(AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, Account account, 88 public Bundle hasFeatures(AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, Account account [all...] |
/development/samples/SampleSyncAdapter/ |
_index.html | 4 — the account manager and the synchronization manager (through a sync 9 href="../../../reference/android/accounts/AccountManager.html">account 11 services. Users enter the credentials for each account only once — 13 account manager to obtain an auth token for the account. An authenticator (a 14 pluggable component of account manager) requests credentials from the user, 16 stores them to the account manager. This sample demonstrates how to write an 22 account type and ContentProvider authority to the sync manager. This sample 37 account will be added to your phone's account manager. You can go to "Settings [all...] |
/frameworks/base/telecomm/java/android/telecom/ |
AuthenticatorService.java | 19 import android.accounts.Account; 29 * A generic stub account authenticator service often used for sync adapters that do not directly 48 * Stub account authenticator. All methods either return null or throw an exception. 70 Account account, Bundle bundle) 77 Account account, String s, Bundle bundle) 89 Account account, String s, Bundle bundle) 96 Account account, String[] strings [all...] |
/packages/apps/TvSettings/Settings/src/com/android/tv/settings/accounts/ |
AccountSyncFragment.java | 19 import android.accounts.Account; 54 private static final String ARG_ACCOUNT = "account"; 61 private Account mAccount; 80 public static AccountSyncFragment newInstance(Account account) { 82 prepareArgs(b, account); 88 public static void prepareArgs(Bundle b, Account account) { 89 b.putParcelable(ARG_ACCOUNT, account); 101 Log.v(TAG, "Got account: " + mAccount) 149 Account account = syncPref.getAccount(); local 287 Account account = syncPref.getAccount(); local [all...] |
/external/skia/infra/project-config/ |
cr-buildbucket.cfg | 21 group: "service-account-cq" 25 group: "service-account-skia-master" 41 group: "service-account-cq" 45 group: "service-account-skia-master" 61 group: "service-account-cq" 65 group: "service-account-skia-master" 81 group: "service-account-cq" 85 group: "service-account-skia-master"
/packages/apps/Email/src/com/android/email/activity/setup/ |
HeadlessAccountSettingsLoader.java | 12 import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account; 18 * This activity is headless. It exists to load the Account object from the given account ID and 46 * Asynchronously loads the Account object from its ID and then navigates to the AccountSettings 49 private class LoadAccountIncomingSettingsAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Long, Void, Account> { 58 protected Account doInBackground(Long... params) { 59 return Account.restoreAccountWithId(mContext, params[0]); 62 protected void onPostExecute(Account result) {
/cts/tests/tests/accounts/common/src/android/accounts/cts/common/ |
TestAccountAuthenticator.java | 20 import android.accounts.Account; 109 Account account, 111 if (!mAccountType.equals(account.type)) { 116 new ConfirmCredentialsTx(account, options, result)); 120 if (account.name.startsWith(Fixtures.PREFIX_NAME_SUCCESS)) { 123 result.putString(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME, account.name); 124 result.putString(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, account.type); 125 } else if (account.name.startsWith(Fixtures.PREFIX_NAME_INTERVENE)) { 129 eventualActivityResultData.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME, account.name) [all...] |