/external/clang/lib/Sema/ |
SemaTemplateVariadic.cpp | 268 // An appearance of a name of a parameter pack that is not expanded is 283 // An appearance of a name of a parameter pack that is not expanded is 297 // An appearance of a name of a parameter pack that is not expanded is 314 // An appearance of a name of a parameter pack that is not expanded is [all...] |
/external/emma/core/java12/com/vladium/emma/ |
EMMAProperties.java | 65 * Global method used to create an appearance that all app work has been
/external/freetype/include/freetype/ |
ftcffdrv.h | 63 * borders, causing a fuzzy appearance.
/external/llvm/include/llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/ |
TypeIndex.h | 86 /// A 32-bit type reference. Types are indexed by their order of appearance in
/external/ltp/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/v4l/user_space/doc/spec/ |
x16743.htm | 199 most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the
/external/pdfium/third_party/freetype/include/freetype/ |
ftcffdrv.h | 63 * borders, causing a fuzzy appearance.
/external/sqlite/android/ |
OldPhoneNumberUtils.cpp | 172 * Return the offset into a of the first appearance of b, or -1 if there
/external/v8/tools/ignition/ |
bytecode_dispatches_report.py | 137 # Reverse y axis for a nicer appearance
/external/vulkan-validation-layers/layers/ |
README.md | 64 (build dir)/layers/unique_objects.cpp (name=`VK_LAYER_GOOGLE_unique_objects`) - The Vulkan specification allows objects that have non-unique handles. This makes tracking object lifetimes difficult in that it is unclear which object is being referenced on deletion. The unique_objects layer was created to address this problem. If loaded in the correct position (last, which is closest to the display driver) it will alias all objects with a unique object representation, allowing proper object lifetime tracking. This layer does no validation on its own and may not be required for the proper operation of all layers or all platforms. One sign that it is needed is the appearance of errors emitted from the object_tracker layer indicating the use of previously destroyed objects.
/frameworks/base/tests/Camera2Tests/SmartCamera/SimpleCamera/src/androidx/media/filterfw/decoder/ |
CpuVideoTrackDecoder.java | 178 * preference is determined by the order of their appearance in the color format array.
/packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/widget/ |
FloatingActionButtonController.java | 32 * Controls the movement and appearance of the FAB (Floating Action Button).
/packages/apps/Dialer/java/com/android/contacts/common/list/ |
ViewPagerTabs.java | 179 // Assign various text appearance related attributes to child views.
/packages/apps/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/dirlist/ |
DocumentHolder.java | 104 * Makes the associated item view appear selected. Note that this merely affects the appearance
/packages/apps/Email/src/com/android/email/activity/setup/ |
AccountServerBaseFragment.java | 112 // Get arguments, which modally switch us into "settings" mode (different appearance)
/packages/apps/Messaging/src/com/android/messaging/ui/ |
ViewPagerTabs.java | 169 // Assign various text appearance related attributes to child views.
/packages/apps/Protips/src/com/android/protips/ |
ProtipWidget.java | 57 // initial appearance: eyes closed, no bubble
/prebuilts/misc/darwin-x86_64/freetype/include/freetype2/ |
ftcffdrv.h | 63 * borders, causing a fuzzy appearance.
/prebuilts/ndk/r13/sources/third_party/vulkan/src/layers/ |
README.md | 64 (build dir)/layers/unique_objects.cpp (name=`VK_LAYER_GOOGLE_unique_objects`) - The Vulkan specification allows objects that have non-unique handles. This makes tracking object lifetimes difficult in that it is unclear which object is being referenced on deletion. The unique_objects layer was created to address this problem. If loaded in the correct position (last, which is closest to the display driver) it will alias all objects with a unique object representation, allowing proper object lifetime tracking. This layer does no validation on its own and may not be required for the proper operation of all layers or all platforms. One sign that it is needed is the appearance of errors emitted from the object_tracker layer indicating the use of previously destroyed objects.
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget/ |
SimpleMonthView.java | 203 * Applies the specified text appearance resource to a paint, returning the 204 * text color if one is set in the text appearance. 207 * @param resId the resource ID of the text appearance [all...] |
/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86/src/go/internal/gcimporter/ |
bimport.go | 29 strList []string // in order of appearance 30 pkgList []*types.Package // in order of appearance 31 typList []types.Type // in order of appearance
/prebuilts/go/linux-x86/src/go/internal/gcimporter/ |
bimport.go | 29 strList []string // in order of appearance 30 pkgList []*types.Package // in order of appearance 31 typList []types.Type // in order of appearance
/cts/tests/tests/view/src/android/view/cts/ |
ViewGroupOverlayTest.java | 292 // Check the expected visual appearance of our view group. We expect that the view that
/cts/tests/tests/widget/src/android/widget/cts/ |
SwitchTest.java | 225 // Use custom text appearance. Since we don't have APIs to query this facet of Switch,
/external/autotest/site_utils/admin/apache/ |
apache2.conf | 244 # You can modify the messages' appearance without changing any of the
/external/freetype/src/autofit/ |
aftypes.h | 375 * the corresponding glyph's appearance, and which don't use glyph names