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/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86/src/net/ |
dnsclient_test.go | 12 func checkDistribution(t *testing.T, data []*SRV, margin float64) { 32 t.Logf("actual: %v diff: %v e: %v m: %v", actual, diff, expected, margin) 36 if diff > (expected * margin) { 41 func testUniformity(t *testing.T, size int, margin float64) { 47 checkDistribution(t, data, margin) 57 func testWeighting(t *testing.T, margin float64) { 64 checkDistribution(t, data, margin)
/prebuilts/go/linux-x86/src/net/ |
dnsclient_test.go | 12 func checkDistribution(t *testing.T, data []*SRV, margin float64) { 32 t.Logf("actual: %v diff: %v e: %v m: %v", actual, diff, expected, margin) 36 if diff > (expected * margin) { 41 func testUniformity(t *testing.T, size int, margin float64) { 47 checkDistribution(t, data, margin) 57 func testWeighting(t *testing.T, margin float64) { 64 checkDistribution(t, data, margin)
/build/make/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/assets/design/ |
default.css | 14 margin: 0; 31 margin: 0 40px; } 35 margin-bottom: 20px; 59 margin-left: 190px; 60 margin-top: 80px; 68 margin-bottom: 10px; } 73 margin-right: 20px; 103 margin: 0; 130 margin-bottom: 10px; } 142 margin-left: 20px; [all...] |
/external/icu/icu4j/ |
stylesheet7.css | 19 margin:0; 90 margin-top:-7px; 93 margin-left:.5em; 122 margin:0; 137 margin-top:10px; 163 margin:0 25px 0 0; 188 margin: auto 5px; 202 margin:0 20px; 206 margin:10px; 214 margin:10px 0 [all...] |
/docs/source.android.com/src/compatibility/7.0/source/ |
android-cdd.css | 37 margin-bottom: 10px; 45 margin: 20px 0px 8px 0px; 53 margin-top: 8px; 71 margin-top: .25in; 179 margin: 0; 186 margin: 0; 193 margin: 0; 215 margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; 240 margin: 0; 247 margin: 0 [all...] |
/docs/source.android.com/src/compatibility/7.1/source/ |
android-cdd.css | 37 margin-bottom: 10px; 45 margin: 20px 0px 8px 0px; 53 margin-top: 8px; 71 margin-top: .25in; 179 margin: 0; 186 margin: 0; 193 margin: 0; 215 margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; 240 margin: 0; 247 margin: 0 [all...] |
/external/v8/tools/turbolizer/ |
util.js | 9 var margin = Math.floor(height / 4); 10 if (pos < container.scrollTop + margin) { 11 pos -= margin; 16 if (pos > (container.scrollTop + 3 * margin)) { 17 pos = pos - 3 * margin;
/docs/source.android.com/src/compatibility/5.0/ |
android-cdd.css | 37 margin-bottom: 10px; 45 margin: 20px 0px 8px 0px; 53 margin-top: 8px; 71 margin-top: .25in; 179 margin: 0; 186 margin: 0; 193 margin: 0; 210 margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; 235 margin: 0; 242 margin-left: -10pt [all...] |
/docs/source.android.com/src/compatibility/5.1/ |
android-cdd.css | 37 margin-bottom: 10px; 45 margin: 20px 0px 8px 0px; 53 margin-top: 8px; 71 margin-top: .25in; 179 margin: 0; 186 margin: 0; 193 margin: 0; 210 margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; 235 margin: 0; 242 margin-left: -10pt [all...] |
android-cdd-cover.css | 28 margin: 0px; 79 margin: 0px; 84 margin: 0px;
/docs/source.android.com/src/compatibility/6.0/ |
android-cdd.css | 37 margin-bottom: 10px; 45 margin: 20px 0px 8px 0px; 53 margin-top: 8px; 71 margin-top: .25in; 179 margin: 0; 186 margin: 0; 193 margin: 0; 210 margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; 235 margin: 0; 242 margin-left: -10pt [all...] |
/docs/source.android.com/src/compatibility/source/ |
android-cdd.css | 37 margin-bottom: 10px; 45 margin: 20px 0px 8px 0px; 53 margin-top: 8px; 71 margin-top: .25in; 179 margin: 0; 186 margin: 0; 193 margin: 0; 214 margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; 239 margin: 0; 246 margin-left: -10pt [all...] |
android-cdd-cover.css | 28 margin: 0px; 79 margin: 0px; 84 margin: 0px;
/external/harfbuzz_ng/util/ |
view-cairo.cc | 73 cairo_t *cr = helper_cairo_create_context (w + view_options.margin.l + view_options.margin.r, 74 h + view_options.margin.t + view_options.margin.b, 79 cairo_translate (cr, view_options.margin.l, view_options.margin.t);
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/common/layout/relative/ |
ResizeHandler.java | 110 int margin = mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.x - x); local 111 if (margin > maxDistance) { 112 mLeftMargin = margin; 118 int margin = mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.x - (x - newBounds.w)); local 119 if (margin > maxDistance) { 120 mRightMargin = margin; 133 int margin = mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.y - y); local 134 if (margin > maxDistance) { 135 mTopMargin = margin; 141 int margin = mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.y - (y - newBounds.h)) local [all...] |
MoveHandler.java | 117 int margin = !mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.x - x); local 118 if (margin > maxDistance) { 119 mLeftMargin = margin; 124 int margin = !mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.x - (x - newBounds.w)); local 125 if (margin > maxDistance) { 126 mRightMargin = margin; 142 int margin = !mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.y - y); local 143 if (margin > maxDistance) { 144 mTopMargin = margin; 149 int margin = !mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.y - (y - newBounds.h)) local 156 int margin = !mSnap ? 0 : abs(newBounds.y - (y - newBounds.h \/ 2)); local [all...] |
/external/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/stubs/ |
mathutil.h | 125 // fraction of their magnitude or within a certain absolute margin of error. 127 // WithinFraction(x, y, fraction) || WithinMargin(x, y, margin) 132 const T fraction, const T margin); 137 const T fraction, const T margin) { 141 margin >= T(0)); 155 return AbsDiff(x, y) <= Max(margin, relative_margin);
/external/skia/gm/ |
imagefiltersstroked.cpp | 69 SkScalar margin = 32; variable 79 canvas->translate(0, margin); 82 canvas->translate(margin, 0); 93 canvas->translate(r.width() + margin, 0);
/external/skia/src/effects/ |
SkEmbossMaskFilter.h | 33 SkIPoint* margin) const override;
/external/libjpeg-turbo/doc/html/search/ |
search.css | 12 margin-top: 8px; 52 margin-left:20px; 60 margin-left:15px; 80 margin: 0px 4px 0px 0px; 124 margin-right: 4px; 189 margin: 5px 2px; 236 margin-left: 10px; 237 margin-right: 10px; 256 margin-left: 4px; 265 margin-bottom: 20px [all...] |
/external/doclava/res/assets/templates-sdk/assets/css/ |
default.css | 18 margin: 0; 50 margin: 0 40px; } 54 margin-bottom: 20px; 78 margin-left: 190px; 79 margin-top: 80px; 87 margin-bottom: 10px; } 97 margin-right: 20px; 106 margin:0; 161 margin-bottom: 10px; /* same as img */ 168 margin-bottom: 10px; /* same as img * [all...] |
/external/clang/www/ |
menu.css | 11 margin-left:29ex;
/external/webrtc/webrtc/common_audio/ |
ring_buffer.c | 49 const size_t margin = buf->element_count - buf->read_pos; local 52 if (read_elements > margin) { 55 *data_ptr_bytes_1 = margin * buf->element_size; 57 *data_ptr_bytes_2 = (read_elements - margin) * buf->element_size; 173 const size_t margin = self->element_count - self->write_pos; local 175 if (write_elements > margin) { 178 data, margin * self->element_size); 180 n -= margin;
/frameworks/base/test-runner/src/android/test/ |
ViewAsserts.java | 155 * are on the same x location, with respect to the specified margin. 159 * @param margin The margin between the first view and the second view 161 static public void assertRightAligned(View first, View second, int margin) { 169 assertEquals("views are not right aligned", Math.abs(firstRight - secondRight), margin); 192 * are on the same x location, with respect to the specified margin. 196 * @param margin The margin between the first view and the second view 198 static public void assertLeftAligned(View first, View second, int margin) { 206 assertEquals("views are not left aligned", Math.abs(firstLeft - secondLeft), margin); [all...] |