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      1 'use strict';
      3 (function () {
      4   var random_count = 0;
      5   var random_count_threshold = 25;
      6   var random_seed = 0.462;
      7   Math.random = function() {
      8     random_count++;
      9     if (random_count > random_count_threshold){
     10      random_seed += 0.1;
     11      random_count = 1;
     12     }
     13     return (random_seed % 1);
     14   };
     15   if (typeof(crypto) == 'object' &&
     16       typeof(crypto.getRandomValues) == 'function') {
     17     crypto.getRandomValues = function(arr) {
     18       var scale = Math.pow(256, arr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
     19       for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
     20         arr[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * scale);
     21       }
     22       return arr;
     23     };
     24   }
     25 })();
     26 (function () {
     27   var date_count = 0;
     28   var date_count_threshold = 25;
     29   var orig_date = Date;
     30   // This should be replaced by web page replay by corresponding date
     31   // (usually the date when the recording was done)
     32   var time_seed = {{WPR_TIME_SEED_TIMESTAMP}};
     33   Date = function() {
     34     if (this instanceof Date) {
     35       date_count++;
     36       if (date_count > date_count_threshold){
     37         time_seed += 50;
     38         date_count = 1;
     39       }
     40       switch (arguments.length) {
     41       case 0: return new orig_date(time_seed);
     42       case 1: return new orig_date(arguments[0]);
     43       default: return new orig_date(arguments[0], arguments[1],
     44          arguments.length >= 3 ? arguments[2] : 1,
     45          arguments.length >= 4 ? arguments[3] : 0,
     46          arguments.length >= 5 ? arguments[4] : 0,
     47          arguments.length >= 6 ? arguments[5] : 0,
     48          arguments.length >= 7 ? arguments[6] : 0);
     49       }
     50     }
     51     return new Date().toString();
     52   };
     53   Date.__proto__ = orig_date;
     54   Date.prototype = orig_date.prototype;
     55   Date.prototype.constructor = Date;
     56   orig_date.now = function() {
     57     return new Date().getTime();
     58   };
     59   orig_date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset = function() {
     60     var dst2010Start = 1268560800000;
     61     var dst2010End = 1289120400000;
     62     if (this.getTime() >= dst2010Start && this.getTime() < dst2010End)
     63       return 420;
     64     return 480;
     65   };
     66 })();