Lines Matching refs:BIOS
2 @REM Windows batch file to build BIOS ROM
59 if not exist %~2 echo BIOS not found. & goto Usage
132 REM extract PlatformType from BIOS filename
171 REM Create a BIOS backup before Stitching
173 echo Creating backup of original BIOS rom.
184 echo BIOS Version: !BIOS_Version!
212 echo This Script is used to Stitch together BIOS, GOP Driver, Microcode Patch and TXE FW
215 echo Usage: IFWIStitch.bat [flags] [/B BIOS.ROM] [/C Stitch_Config] [/S IFWI_Suffix]
218 echo However, this requires that the BIOS.ROM file name is formatted correctly.
223 echo /nB Do NOT backup BIOS.ROMs. (Default will backup to BIOS.ROM.Orig)
225 echo BIOS.ROM: A single BIOS ROM file to use for stitching