Lines Matching refs:cols
92 FullPivLU(Index rows, Index cols);
352 return cols() - rank();
365 return rank() == cols();
390 return isInjective() && (m_lu.rows() == m_lu.cols());
403 eigen_assert(m_lu.rows() == m_lu.cols() && "You can't take the inverse of a non-square matrix!");
410 EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index cols() const { return m_lu.cols(); }
450 FullPivLU<MatrixType>::FullPivLU(Index rows, Index cols)
451 : m_lu(rows, cols),
453 m_q(cols),
455 m_colsTranspositions(cols),
464 : m_lu(matrix.rows(), matrix.cols()),
466 m_q(matrix.cols()),
468 m_colsTranspositions(matrix.cols()),
480 m_q(matrix.cols()),
482 m_colsTranspositions(matrix.cols()),
495 eigen_assert(m_lu.rows()<=NumTraits<int>::highest() && m_lu.cols()<=NumTraits<int>::highest());
501 const Index cols = m_lu.cols();
506 m_colsTranspositions.resize(m_lu.cols());
521 biggest_in_corner = m_lu.bottomRightCorner(rows-k, cols-k)
563 m_lu.block(k+1,k+1,rows-k-1,cols-k-1).noalias() -= m_lu.col(k).tail(rows-k-1) * m_lu.row(k).tail(cols-k-1);
573 m_q.setIdentity(cols);
586 eigen_assert(m_lu.rows() == m_lu.cols() && "You can't take the determinant of a non-square matrix!");
597 const Index smalldim = (std::min)(m_lu.rows(), m_lu.cols());
599 MatrixType res(m_lu.rows(),m_lu.cols());
632 const Index cols = dec().matrixLU().cols(), dimker = cols - rank();
667 // permuting the rows and cols to bring the nonnegligible pivots to the top of
672 m(dec().matrixLU().block(0, 0, rank(), cols));
676 m.row(i).tail(cols-i) = dec().matrixLU().row(pivots.coeff(i)).tail(cols-i);
697 for(Index i = rank(); i < cols; ++i) dst.row(dec().permutationQ().indices().coeff(i)).setZero();
758 cols = this->cols(),
761 const Index smalldim = (std::min)(rows, cols);
769 typename RhsType::PlainObject c(rhs.rows(), rhs.cols());
778 if(rows>cols)
779 c.bottomRows(rows-cols) -= m_lu.bottomRows(rows-cols) * c.topRows(cols);
789 for(Index i = nonzero_pivots; i < m_lu.cols(); ++i)
808 const Index rows = this->rows(), cols = this->cols(),
810 eigen_assert(rhs.rows() == cols);
811 const Index smalldim = (std::min)(rows, cols);
819 typename RhsType::PlainObject c(rhs.rows(), rhs.cols());
869 dst = src.nestedExpression().solve(MatrixType::Identity(src.rows(), src.cols()));