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3017 checks -fdevirtualize Try to convert virtual calls to direct ones. -fdevirtualize-speculatively Perform speculative devirtualization -fdiagnostics-color always never -fdiagnostics-color= -fdiagnostics-color=[never|always|auto] Colorize diagnostics -fdiagnostics-show-caret Show the source line with a caret indicating the column -fdiagnostics-show-location= -fdiagnostics-show-location=[once|every-line] How often to emit source location at the beginning of line-wrapped diagnostics -fdiagnostics-show-option Amend appropriate diagnostic messages with the command line option that controls them -fdirectives-only Preprocess directives only. -fdisable- -fdisable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-<pass>=range1+range2 disables an optimization pass -fdisable-assertions -fdisable-assertions= -fdollar-ok Allow dollar signs in entity names -fdollars-in-identifiers Permit '$' as an identifier character -fdse Use the RTL dead store elimination pass -fdump- -fdump-<type> Dump various compiler internals to a file -fdump-ada-spec Write all declarations as Ada code transitively -fdump-ada-spec-slim Write all declarations as Ada code for the given file only -fdump-core -fdump-final-insns -fdump-final-insns= -fdump-final-insns=filename Dump to filename the insns at the end of translation -fdump-fortran-optimized Display the code tree after front end optimization -fdump-fortran-original Display the code tree after parsing -fdump-go-spec= -fdump-go-spec=filename Write all declarations to file as Go code -fdump-noaddr Suppress output of addresses in debugging dumps -fdump-parse-tree Display the code tree after parsing; deprecated option -fdump-passes Dump optimization passes -fdump-unnumbered Suppress output of instruction numbers, line number notes and addresses in debugging dumps -fdump-unnumbered-links Suppress output of previous and next insn numbers in debugging dumps -fdwarf2-cfi-asm Enable CFI tables via GAS assembler directives. -fearly-inlining Perform early inlining -felide-constructors -feliminate-dwarf2-dups Perform DWARF2 duplicate elimination -feliminate-unused-debug-symbols Perform unused type elimination in debug info -feliminate-unused-debug-types -femit-class-debug-always Do not suppress C++ class debug information. -femit-class-file Output a class file -femit-class-files Alias for -femit-class-file -femit-function-names Print to stderr the mapping from module name and function id to assembler function name when -ftest-coverage, -fprofile-generate or -fprofile-use are active, for use in correlating function ids in gcda files with the function name. -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -femit-struct-debug-baseonly Aggressive reduced debug info for structs -femit-struct-debug-detailed= -femit-struct-debug-detailed=<spec-list> Detailed reduced debug info for structs -femit-struct-debug-reduced -femit-struct-debug-reduced Conservative reduced debug info for structs -fenable- -fenable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-<pass>=range1+range2 enables an optimization pass -fenable-assertions -fenable-assertions= -fencoding= --encoding=<encoding> Choose input encoding (defaults from your locale) -fenforce-eh-specs Generate code to check exception specifications -fenum-int-equiv -fexceptions Enable exception handling -fexcess-precision= -fexcess-precision=[fast|standard] Specify handling of excess floating-point precision -fexec-charset= -fexec-charset=<cset> Convert all strings and character constants to character set <cset>