Android CTS release packages (available from
Android Compatibility
Downloads) include deqp tests and require a subset of these tests (known as
the mustpass
list), to pass. For devices that do not support a
target API or extension, tests are skipped and reported as passing.
The mustpass
list includes OpenGL ES 3.0, OpenGL ES
3.1, OpenGL ES 3.2, and the Android Extension Pack tests. mustpass
files can be found under the android/cts
directory in the deqp
source tree. You can run deqp tests through the cts-tradefed
utility with the following command:
cts-tradefed run cts --plan CTS-DEQP
To replicate the CTS run, install the deqp APK of the CTS package and use the following command:
adb -d shell am start -n com.drawelements.deqp/ -e \ cmdLine "deqp --deqp-case=dEQP-GLES3.some_group.* --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8 --deqp-log-filename=/sdcard/dEQP-Log.qpa
The important part is the --deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8
argument, which requests the tests be run on an RGBA 8888 on-screen surface
with a 24-bit depth buffer and an 8-bit stencil buffer. Remember to set
the desired tests using the --deqp-case
In the Android CTS, a test case can end up in one of three states: passed, failed, or not executed (the deqp has more result codes available). CTS automatically maps deqp result codes to CTS results:
, NotSupported
, and CompatibilityWarning
, ResourceError
, Timeout
, and InternalError