Research suggests that blue light from screens can have a negative impact on sleep. Android 7.1.1 includes a feature called Night Light that reduces the amount of blue light emitted by the device display to better match the natural light of the user's time of day and location.

Night Light requires a Hardware Composer HAL 2.0 (HWC 2) implementation that can apply the matrix passed to setColorTransform to perform tinting without impacting power, performance, and app compatibility.


Device manufacturers can enable the default implementation of the feature by using the following flags defined in: /android/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml

<!-- Control whether Night display is available. This should only be enabled
      on devices with HWC 2 color transform  support. -->
 <bool name="config_nightDisplayAvailable">false</bool>
 <!-- Default mode to control how Night display is automatically activated.
      One of the following values (see
          0 - AUTO_MODE_DISABLED
          1 - AUTO_MODE_CUSTOM
          2 - AUTO_MODE_TWILIGHT
 <integer name="config_defaultNightDisplayAutoMode">0</integer>
 <!-- Default time when Night display is automatically activated.
      Represented as milliseconds from midnight (e.g. 79200000 == 10pm). -->
 <integer name="config_defaultNightDisplayCustomStartTime">79200000</integer>
 <!-- Default time when Night display is automatically deactivated.
      Represented as milliseconds from midnight (e.g. 21600000 == 6am). -->
 <integer name="config_defaultNightDisplayCustomEndTime">21600000</integer>

The code is divided between framework, system services, SystemUI, and Settings:

├ java/android/provider/
├ java/com/android/internal/app/
└ res/res/values/config.xml


├ core/java/com/android/server/display/
├ core/java/com/android/server/display/
├ core/java/com/android/server/display/
└ java/com/android/server/

├ res/drawable/ic_qs_night_display_off.xml
├ res/drawable/ic_qs_night_display_on.xml
├ res/values/strings.xml
└ src/com/android/systemui/qs/tiles/

├ AndroidManifest.xml
├ res/drawable/ic_settings_night_display.xml
├ res/values/strings.xml
├ res/xml/display_settings.xml
├ res/xml/night_display_settings.xml
├ src/com/android/settings/
├ src/com/android/settings/dashboard/conditional/
├ src/com/android/settings/display/
└ src/com/android/settings/display/

UI features

Because Night Light is a user-facing feature, users need to be able to control it. There is a full implementation of the settings in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) packages/apps/Settings project that device manufacturers can reference for their Settings implementation.


The settings for Night Light are in Settings > Display > Night Light. From there, users can learn about Night Light, set its schedule, and turn it on or off.

Settings conditional

Visible at the top of Settings when Night Light is on.

Quick Settings tile

The Quick Settings tile behaves identically to the On / Off toggle in Settings > Display > Night Light.