Thank you for your interest in Android! You can help improve Android by reporting issues and feature requests in the Android Issue Tracker. The Android Issue Tracker contains a list of pending technical tasks across a variety of topics, information relevant to those tasks, and information about progress on those tasks, including which ones might get worked on in the short term.

For more information about why we switched to Issue Tracker, see this blog post.

Issue Tracker is not a customer support forum. For support information, see the Nexus and Pixel help centers. Support for other devices is provided by the device manufacturers or by the carriers selling those devices.

Support for Google applications is through Google's support site. Support for third-party applications is provided by the application's developer, e.g. through the contact information provided on Google Play. For a list of more Android support resources, see our Community page.

There are no guarantees that any particular bug can be fixed in any particular release. To see what happens to your bug once you report it, read Life of a Bug.

Filing a bug

  1. Search for your bug to see if anyone has already reported it. Don't forget to search for all issues, not just open ones, as your issue might already have been reported and closed. To help you find the most popular results, sort the result by number of stars.
  2. If you find your issue and it's important to you, star it! The number of stars on a bug helps us know which bugs are most important to fix.
  3. If no one has reported your bug, file the bug. First, browse for the correct component, such as Framework or Networking, and fill out the provided template. Or select the desired bug queue from the tables below.

    Tip: Some components contain sub-components, like Network > Messaging and Framework > Storage.

  4. Include as much information in bugs as you can, following the instructions for the bug queue you're targeting. A bug that simply says something isn't working doesn't help much, and will probably be closed without any action. The amount of detail you provide, such as log files, repro steps, and even a patch set, helps us address your issue.

Bug queues

The Android Issue Tracker has a variety of sub-components in a number of categories related to Android. There are subcomponents for security, the platform, Android Developer Tools, documentation, and more.


If you find an issue that impacts the security of Android or components in Nexus or Pixel devices, follow the instructions here. Additionally, security bugs are eligible for the Android Security Vulnerability Rewards Program.

Because of the sensitive nature of security bugs, you won't be able to browse open issues, only closed issues or issues that have been made public.

Browse bugs Details File a bug
Security Android Security details bug_report


If you find an issue that impacts an aspect of the Android platform, file your bug in one of these components.

Browse all platform issues

Browse bugs File a bug
ART bug_report
Browser bug_report
CTS bug_report
Framework bug_report
GfxMedia bug_report
Jack bug_report
Libcore bug_report
Networking bug_report
Security bug_report
System bug_report
Text bug_report
Things bug_report
Wear bug_report

Android Developer Tools

If you find an issue that impacts one of the Android Developer tools, such as Android Studio, SDK, Emulator, System Images, or Support Library, file a bug in one of these components.

As the tools have different requirements, read the General Bug filing details and the linked details for the tool.

Browse all Developer Tools issues
Browse bugs Details File a bug
Android Studio Android Studio details bug_report
C++ Issues in Android Studio bug_report
Emulator or System Images Emulator details bug_report
Gradle Gradle details bug_report
Instant Run Instant Run details bug_report
Lint bug_report
NDK Standalone NDK issues bug_report
Profilers bug_report
Support Library bug_report
Test Support Library bug_report


If you find an issue with this site or with, file a bug and a writer will help.

Browse bugs File a bug bug_report bug_report