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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "stack.h"
     19 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
     21 #include "arch/context.h"
     22 #include "art_method-inl.h"
     23 #include "base/callee_save_type.h"
     24 #include "base/enums.h"
     25 #include "base/hex_dump.h"
     26 #include "entrypoints/entrypoint_utils-inl.h"
     27 #include "entrypoints/runtime_asm_entrypoints.h"
     28 #include "gc/space/image_space.h"
     29 #include "gc/space/space-inl.h"
     30 #include "interpreter/shadow_frame.h"
     31 #include "jit/jit.h"
     32 #include "jit/jit_code_cache.h"
     33 #include "linear_alloc.h"
     34 #include "managed_stack.h"
     35 #include "mirror/class-inl.h"
     36 #include "mirror/object-inl.h"
     37 #include "mirror/object_array-inl.h"
     38 #include "oat_quick_method_header.h"
     39 #include "quick/quick_method_frame_info.h"
     40 #include "runtime.h"
     41 #include "thread.h"
     42 #include "thread_list.h"
     44 namespace art {
     46 using android::base::StringPrintf;
     48 static constexpr bool kDebugStackWalk = false;
     50 StackVisitor::StackVisitor(Thread* thread,
     51                            Context* context,
     52                            StackWalkKind walk_kind,
     53                            bool check_suspended)
     54     : StackVisitor(thread, context, walk_kind, 0, check_suspended) {}
     56 StackVisitor::StackVisitor(Thread* thread,
     57                            Context* context,
     58                            StackWalkKind walk_kind,
     59                            size_t num_frames,
     60                            bool check_suspended)
     61     : thread_(thread),
     62       walk_kind_(walk_kind),
     63       cur_shadow_frame_(nullptr),
     64       cur_quick_frame_(nullptr),
     65       cur_quick_frame_pc_(0),
     66       cur_oat_quick_method_header_(nullptr),
     67       num_frames_(num_frames),
     68       cur_depth_(0),
     69       current_inlining_depth_(0),
     70       context_(context),
     71       check_suspended_(check_suspended) {
     72   if (check_suspended_) {
     73     DCHECK(thread == Thread::Current() || thread->IsSuspended()) << *thread;
     74   }
     75 }
     77 static InlineInfo GetCurrentInlineInfo(const OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header,
     78                                        uintptr_t cur_quick_frame_pc)
     79     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     80   uint32_t native_pc_offset = method_header->NativeQuickPcOffset(cur_quick_frame_pc);
     81   CodeInfo code_info = method_header->GetOptimizedCodeInfo();
     82   CodeInfoEncoding encoding = code_info.ExtractEncoding();
     83   StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapForNativePcOffset(native_pc_offset, encoding);
     84   DCHECK(stack_map.IsValid());
     85   return code_info.GetInlineInfoOf(stack_map, encoding);
     86 }
     88 ArtMethod* StackVisitor::GetMethod() const {
     89   if (cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr) {
     90     return cur_shadow_frame_->GetMethod();
     91   } else if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {
     92     if (IsInInlinedFrame()) {
     93       size_t depth_in_stack_map = current_inlining_depth_ - 1;
     94       InlineInfo inline_info = GetCurrentInlineInfo(GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader(),
     95                                                     cur_quick_frame_pc_);
     96       const OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header = GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader();
     97       CodeInfoEncoding encoding = method_header->GetOptimizedCodeInfo().ExtractEncoding();
     98       MethodInfo method_info = method_header->GetOptimizedMethodInfo();
     99       DCHECK(walk_kind_ != StackWalkKind::kSkipInlinedFrames);
    100       return GetResolvedMethod(*GetCurrentQuickFrame(),
    101                                method_info,
    102                                inline_info,
    103                                encoding.inline_info.encoding,
    104                                depth_in_stack_map);
    105     } else {
    106       return *cur_quick_frame_;
    107     }
    108   }
    109   return nullptr;
    110 }
    112 uint32_t StackVisitor::GetDexPc(bool abort_on_failure) const {
    113   if (cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr) {
    114     return cur_shadow_frame_->GetDexPC();
    115   } else if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {
    116     if (IsInInlinedFrame()) {
    117       size_t depth_in_stack_map = current_inlining_depth_ - 1;
    118       const OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header = GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader();
    119       CodeInfoEncoding encoding = method_header->GetOptimizedCodeInfo().ExtractEncoding();
    120       return GetCurrentInlineInfo(GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader(), cur_quick_frame_pc_).
    121           GetDexPcAtDepth(encoding.inline_info.encoding, depth_in_stack_map);
    122     } else if (cur_oat_quick_method_header_ == nullptr) {
    123       return DexFile::kDexNoIndex;
    124     } else {
    125       return cur_oat_quick_method_header_->ToDexPc(
    126           GetMethod(), cur_quick_frame_pc_, abort_on_failure);
    127     }
    128   } else {
    129     return 0;
    130   }
    131 }
    133 extern "C" mirror::Object* artQuickGetProxyThisObject(ArtMethod** sp)
    134     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
    136 mirror::Object* StackVisitor::GetThisObject() const {
    137   DCHECK_EQ(Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize(), kRuntimePointerSize);
    138   ArtMethod* m = GetMethod();
    139   if (m->IsStatic()) {
    140     return nullptr;
    141   } else if (m->IsNative()) {
    142     if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {
    143       HandleScope* hs = reinterpret_cast<HandleScope*>(
    144           reinterpret_cast<char*>(cur_quick_frame_) + sizeof(ArtMethod*));
    145       return hs->GetReference(0);
    146     } else {
    147       return cur_shadow_frame_->GetVRegReference(0);
    148     }
    149   } else if (m->IsProxyMethod()) {
    150     if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {
    151       return artQuickGetProxyThisObject(cur_quick_frame_);
    152     } else {
    153       return cur_shadow_frame_->GetVRegReference(0);
    154     }
    155   } else {
    156     const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = m->GetCodeItem();
    157     if (code_item == nullptr) {
    158       UNIMPLEMENTED(ERROR) << "Failed to determine this object of abstract or proxy method: "
    159           << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(m);
    160       return nullptr;
    161     } else {
    162       uint16_t reg = code_item->registers_size_ - code_item->ins_size_;
    163       uint32_t value = 0;
    164       bool success = GetVReg(m, reg, kReferenceVReg, &value);
    165       // We currently always guarantee the `this` object is live throughout the method.
    166       CHECK(success) << "Failed to read the this object in " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(m);
    167       return reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(value);
    168     }
    169   }
    170 }
    172 size_t StackVisitor::GetNativePcOffset() const {
    173   DCHECK(!IsShadowFrame());
    174   return GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader()->NativeQuickPcOffset(cur_quick_frame_pc_);
    175 }
    177 bool StackVisitor::GetVRegFromDebuggerShadowFrame(uint16_t vreg,
    178                                                   VRegKind kind,
    179                                                   uint32_t* val) const {
    180   size_t frame_id = const_cast<StackVisitor*>(this)->GetFrameId();
    181   ShadowFrame* shadow_frame = thread_->FindDebuggerShadowFrame(frame_id);
    182   if (shadow_frame != nullptr) {
    183     bool* updated_vreg_flags = thread_->GetUpdatedVRegFlags(frame_id);
    184     DCHECK(updated_vreg_flags != nullptr);
    185     if (updated_vreg_flags[vreg]) {
    186       // Value is set by the debugger.
    187       if (kind == kReferenceVReg) {
    188         *val = static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(
    189             shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(vreg)));
    190       } else {
    191         *val = shadow_frame->GetVReg(vreg);
    192       }
    193       return true;
    194     }
    195   }
    196   // No value is set by the debugger.
    197   return false;
    198 }
    200 bool StackVisitor::GetVReg(ArtMethod* m, uint16_t vreg, VRegKind kind, uint32_t* val) const {
    201   if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {
    202     DCHECK(context_ != nullptr);  // You can't reliably read registers without a context.
    203     DCHECK(m == GetMethod());
    204     // Check if there is value set by the debugger.
    205     if (GetVRegFromDebuggerShadowFrame(vreg, kind, val)) {
    206       return true;
    207     }
    208     DCHECK(cur_oat_quick_method_header_->IsOptimized());
    209     return GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(m, vreg, kind, val);
    210   } else {
    211     DCHECK(cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr);
    212     if (kind == kReferenceVReg) {
    213       *val = static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(
    214           cur_shadow_frame_->GetVRegReference(vreg)));
    215     } else {
    216       *val = cur_shadow_frame_->GetVReg(vreg);
    217     }
    218     return true;
    219   }
    220 }
    222 bool StackVisitor::GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(ArtMethod* m, uint16_t vreg, VRegKind kind,
    223                                             uint32_t* val) const {
    224   DCHECK_EQ(m, GetMethod());
    225   const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = m->GetCodeItem();
    226   DCHECK(code_item != nullptr) << m->PrettyMethod();  // Can't be null or how would we compile
    227                                                       // its instructions?
    228   uint16_t number_of_dex_registers = code_item->registers_size_;
    229   DCHECK_LT(vreg, code_item->registers_size_);
    230   const OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header = GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader();
    231   CodeInfo code_info = method_header->GetOptimizedCodeInfo();
    232   CodeInfoEncoding encoding = code_info.ExtractEncoding();
    234   uint32_t native_pc_offset = method_header->NativeQuickPcOffset(cur_quick_frame_pc_);
    235   StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapForNativePcOffset(native_pc_offset, encoding);
    236   DCHECK(stack_map.IsValid());
    237   size_t depth_in_stack_map = current_inlining_depth_ - 1;
    239   DexRegisterMap dex_register_map = IsInInlinedFrame()
    240       ? code_info.GetDexRegisterMapAtDepth(depth_in_stack_map,
    241                                            code_info.GetInlineInfoOf(stack_map, encoding),
    242                                            encoding,
    243                                            number_of_dex_registers)
    244       : code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(stack_map, encoding, number_of_dex_registers);
    246   if (!dex_register_map.IsValid()) {
    247     return false;
    248   }
    249   DexRegisterLocation::Kind location_kind =
    250       dex_register_map.GetLocationKind(vreg, number_of_dex_registers, code_info, encoding);
    251   switch (location_kind) {
    252     case DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInStack: {
    253       const int32_t offset = dex_register_map.GetStackOffsetInBytes(vreg,
    254                                                                     number_of_dex_registers,
    255                                                                     code_info,
    256                                                                     encoding);
    257       const uint8_t* addr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(cur_quick_frame_) + offset;
    258       *val = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(addr);
    259       return true;
    260     }
    261     case DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInRegister:
    262     case DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInRegisterHigh:
    263     case DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInFpuRegister:
    264     case DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kInFpuRegisterHigh: {
    265       uint32_t reg =
    266           dex_register_map.GetMachineRegister(vreg, number_of_dex_registers, code_info, encoding);
    267       return GetRegisterIfAccessible(reg, kind, val);
    268     }
    269     case DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kConstant:
    270       *val = dex_register_map.GetConstant(vreg, number_of_dex_registers, code_info, encoding);
    271       return true;
    272     case DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kNone:
    273       return false;
    274     default:
    275       LOG(FATAL)
    276           << "Unexpected location kind "
    277           << dex_register_map.GetLocationInternalKind(vreg,
    278                                                       number_of_dex_registers,
    279                                                       code_info,
    280                                                       encoding);
    281       UNREACHABLE();
    282   }
    283 }
    285 bool StackVisitor::GetRegisterIfAccessible(uint32_t reg, VRegKind kind, uint32_t* val) const {
    286   const bool is_float = (kind == kFloatVReg) || (kind == kDoubleLoVReg) || (kind == kDoubleHiVReg);
    288   if (kRuntimeISA == InstructionSet::kX86 && is_float) {
    289     // X86 float registers are 64-bit and each XMM register is provided as two separate
    290     // 32-bit registers by the context.
    291     reg = (kind == kDoubleHiVReg) ? (2 * reg + 1) : (2 * reg);
    292   }
    294   // MIPS32 float registers are used as 64-bit (for MIPS32r2 it is pair
    295   // F(2n)-F(2n+1), and for MIPS32r6 it is 64-bit register F(2n)). When
    296   // accessing upper 32-bits from double, reg + 1 should be used.
    297   if ((kRuntimeISA == InstructionSet::kMips) && (kind == kDoubleHiVReg)) {
    298     DCHECK_ALIGNED(reg, 2);
    299     reg++;
    300   }
    302   if (!IsAccessibleRegister(reg, is_float)) {
    303     return false;
    304   }
    305   uintptr_t ptr_val = GetRegister(reg, is_float);
    306   const bool target64 = Is64BitInstructionSet(kRuntimeISA);
    307   if (target64) {
    308     const bool wide_lo = (kind == kLongLoVReg) || (kind == kDoubleLoVReg);
    309     const bool wide_hi = (kind == kLongHiVReg) || (kind == kDoubleHiVReg);
    310     int64_t value_long = static_cast<int64_t>(ptr_val);
    311     if (wide_lo) {
    312       ptr_val = static_cast<uintptr_t>(Low32Bits(value_long));
    313     } else if (wide_hi) {
    314       ptr_val = static_cast<uintptr_t>(High32Bits(value_long));
    315     }
    316   }
    317   *val = ptr_val;
    318   return true;
    319 }
    321 bool StackVisitor::GetVRegPairFromDebuggerShadowFrame(uint16_t vreg,
    322                                                       VRegKind kind_lo,
    323                                                       VRegKind kind_hi,
    324                                                       uint64_t* val) const {
    325   uint32_t low_32bits;
    326   uint32_t high_32bits;
    327   bool success = GetVRegFromDebuggerShadowFrame(vreg, kind_lo, &low_32bits);
    328   success &= GetVRegFromDebuggerShadowFrame(vreg + 1, kind_hi, &high_32bits);
    329   if (success) {
    330     *val = (static_cast<uint64_t>(high_32bits) << 32) | static_cast<uint64_t>(low_32bits);
    331   }
    332   return success;
    333 }
    335 bool StackVisitor::GetVRegPair(ArtMethod* m, uint16_t vreg, VRegKind kind_lo,
    336                                VRegKind kind_hi, uint64_t* val) const {
    337   if (kind_lo == kLongLoVReg) {
    338     DCHECK_EQ(kind_hi, kLongHiVReg);
    339   } else if (kind_lo == kDoubleLoVReg) {
    340     DCHECK_EQ(kind_hi, kDoubleHiVReg);
    341   } else {
    342     LOG(FATAL) << "Expected long or double: kind_lo=" << kind_lo << ", kind_hi=" << kind_hi;
    343     UNREACHABLE();
    344   }
    345   // Check if there is value set by the debugger.
    346   if (GetVRegPairFromDebuggerShadowFrame(vreg, kind_lo, kind_hi, val)) {
    347     return true;
    348   }
    349   if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {
    350     DCHECK(context_ != nullptr);  // You can't reliably read registers without a context.
    351     DCHECK(m == GetMethod());
    352     DCHECK(cur_oat_quick_method_header_->IsOptimized());
    353     return GetVRegPairFromOptimizedCode(m, vreg, kind_lo, kind_hi, val);
    354   } else {
    355     DCHECK(cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr);
    356     *val = cur_shadow_frame_->GetVRegLong(vreg);
    357     return true;
    358   }
    359 }
    361 bool StackVisitor::GetVRegPairFromOptimizedCode(ArtMethod* m, uint16_t vreg,
    362                                                 VRegKind kind_lo, VRegKind kind_hi,
    363                                                 uint64_t* val) const {
    364   uint32_t low_32bits;
    365   uint32_t high_32bits;
    366   bool success = GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(m, vreg, kind_lo, &low_32bits);
    367   success &= GetVRegFromOptimizedCode(m, vreg + 1, kind_hi, &high_32bits);
    368   if (success) {
    369     *val = (static_cast<uint64_t>(high_32bits) << 32) | static_cast<uint64_t>(low_32bits);
    370   }
    371   return success;
    372 }
    374 bool StackVisitor::GetRegisterPairIfAccessible(uint32_t reg_lo, uint32_t reg_hi,
    375                                                VRegKind kind_lo, uint64_t* val) const {
    376   const bool is_float = (kind_lo == kDoubleLoVReg);
    377   if (!IsAccessibleRegister(reg_lo, is_float) || !IsAccessibleRegister(reg_hi, is_float)) {
    378     return false;
    379   }
    380   uintptr_t ptr_val_lo = GetRegister(reg_lo, is_float);
    381   uintptr_t ptr_val_hi = GetRegister(reg_hi, is_float);
    382   bool target64 = Is64BitInstructionSet(kRuntimeISA);
    383   if (target64) {
    384     int64_t value_long_lo = static_cast<int64_t>(ptr_val_lo);
    385     int64_t value_long_hi = static_cast<int64_t>(ptr_val_hi);
    386     ptr_val_lo = static_cast<uintptr_t>(Low32Bits(value_long_lo));
    387     ptr_val_hi = static_cast<uintptr_t>(High32Bits(value_long_hi));
    388   }
    389   *val = (static_cast<uint64_t>(ptr_val_hi) << 32) | static_cast<uint32_t>(ptr_val_lo);
    390   return true;
    391 }
    393 bool StackVisitor::SetVReg(ArtMethod* m,
    394                            uint16_t vreg,
    395                            uint32_t new_value,
    396                            VRegKind kind) {
    397   const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = m->GetCodeItem();
    398   if (code_item == nullptr) {
    399     return false;
    400   }
    401   ShadowFrame* shadow_frame = GetCurrentShadowFrame();
    402   if (shadow_frame == nullptr) {
    403     // This is a compiled frame: we must prepare and update a shadow frame that will
    404     // be executed by the interpreter after deoptimization of the stack.
    405     const size_t frame_id = GetFrameId();
    406     const uint16_t num_regs = code_item->registers_size_;
    407     shadow_frame = thread_->FindOrCreateDebuggerShadowFrame(frame_id, num_regs, m, GetDexPc());
    408     CHECK(shadow_frame != nullptr);
    409     // Remember the vreg has been set for debugging and must not be overwritten by the
    410     // original value during deoptimization of the stack.
    411     thread_->GetUpdatedVRegFlags(frame_id)[vreg] = true;
    412   }
    413   if (kind == kReferenceVReg) {
    414     shadow_frame->SetVRegReference(vreg, reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(new_value));
    415   } else {
    416     shadow_frame->SetVReg(vreg, new_value);
    417   }
    418   return true;
    419 }
    421 bool StackVisitor::SetVRegPair(ArtMethod* m,
    422                                uint16_t vreg,
    423                                uint64_t new_value,
    424                                VRegKind kind_lo,
    425                                VRegKind kind_hi) {
    426   if (kind_lo == kLongLoVReg) {
    427     DCHECK_EQ(kind_hi, kLongHiVReg);
    428   } else if (kind_lo == kDoubleLoVReg) {
    429     DCHECK_EQ(kind_hi, kDoubleHiVReg);
    430   } else {
    431     LOG(FATAL) << "Expected long or double: kind_lo=" << kind_lo << ", kind_hi=" << kind_hi;
    432     UNREACHABLE();
    433   }
    434   const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = m->GetCodeItem();
    435   if (code_item == nullptr) {
    436     return false;
    437   }
    438   ShadowFrame* shadow_frame = GetCurrentShadowFrame();
    439   if (shadow_frame == nullptr) {
    440     // This is a compiled frame: we must prepare for deoptimization (see SetVRegFromDebugger).
    441     const size_t frame_id = GetFrameId();
    442     const uint16_t num_regs = code_item->registers_size_;
    443     shadow_frame = thread_->FindOrCreateDebuggerShadowFrame(frame_id, num_regs, m, GetDexPc());
    444     CHECK(shadow_frame != nullptr);
    445     // Remember the vreg pair has been set for debugging and must not be overwritten by the
    446     // original value during deoptimization of the stack.
    447     thread_->GetUpdatedVRegFlags(frame_id)[vreg] = true;
    448     thread_->GetUpdatedVRegFlags(frame_id)[vreg + 1] = true;
    449   }
    450   shadow_frame->SetVRegLong(vreg, new_value);
    451   return true;
    452 }
    454 bool StackVisitor::IsAccessibleGPR(uint32_t reg) const {
    455   DCHECK(context_ != nullptr);
    456   return context_->IsAccessibleGPR(reg);
    457 }
    459 uintptr_t* StackVisitor::GetGPRAddress(uint32_t reg) const {
    460   DCHECK(cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) << "This is a quick frame routine";
    461   DCHECK(context_ != nullptr);
    462   return context_->GetGPRAddress(reg);
    463 }
    465 uintptr_t StackVisitor::GetGPR(uint32_t reg) const {
    466   DCHECK(cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) << "This is a quick frame routine";
    467   DCHECK(context_ != nullptr);
    468   return context_->GetGPR(reg);
    469 }
    471 bool StackVisitor::IsAccessibleFPR(uint32_t reg) const {
    472   DCHECK(context_ != nullptr);
    473   return context_->IsAccessibleFPR(reg);
    474 }
    476 uintptr_t StackVisitor::GetFPR(uint32_t reg) const {
    477   DCHECK(cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) << "This is a quick frame routine";
    478   DCHECK(context_ != nullptr);
    479   return context_->GetFPR(reg);
    480 }
    482 uintptr_t StackVisitor::GetReturnPc() const {
    483   uint8_t* sp = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(GetCurrentQuickFrame());
    484   DCHECK(sp != nullptr);
    485   uint8_t* pc_addr = sp + GetCurrentQuickFrameInfo().GetReturnPcOffset();
    486   return *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(pc_addr);
    487 }
    489 void StackVisitor::SetReturnPc(uintptr_t new_ret_pc) {
    490   uint8_t* sp = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(GetCurrentQuickFrame());
    491   CHECK(sp != nullptr);
    492   uint8_t* pc_addr = sp + GetCurrentQuickFrameInfo().GetReturnPcOffset();
    493   *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(pc_addr) = new_ret_pc;
    494 }
    496 size_t StackVisitor::ComputeNumFrames(Thread* thread, StackWalkKind walk_kind) {
    497   struct NumFramesVisitor : public StackVisitor {
    498     NumFramesVisitor(Thread* thread_in, StackWalkKind walk_kind_in)
    499         : StackVisitor(thread_in, nullptr, walk_kind_in), frames(0) {}
    501     bool VisitFrame() OVERRIDE {
    502       frames++;
    503       return true;
    504     }
    506     size_t frames;
    507   };
    508   NumFramesVisitor visitor(thread, walk_kind);
    509   visitor.WalkStack(true);
    510   return visitor.frames;
    511 }
    513 bool StackVisitor::GetNextMethodAndDexPc(ArtMethod** next_method, uint32_t* next_dex_pc) {
    514   struct HasMoreFramesVisitor : public StackVisitor {
    515     HasMoreFramesVisitor(Thread* thread,
    516                          StackWalkKind walk_kind,
    517                          size_t num_frames,
    518                          size_t frame_height)
    519         : StackVisitor(thread, nullptr, walk_kind, num_frames),
    520           frame_height_(frame_height),
    521           found_frame_(false),
    522           has_more_frames_(false),
    523           next_method_(nullptr),
    524           next_dex_pc_(0) {
    525     }
    527     bool VisitFrame() OVERRIDE REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    528       if (found_frame_) {
    529         ArtMethod* method = GetMethod();
    530         if (method != nullptr && !method->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
    531           has_more_frames_ = true;
    532           next_method_ = method;
    533           next_dex_pc_ = GetDexPc();
    534           return false;  // End stack walk once next method is found.
    535         }
    536       } else if (GetFrameHeight() == frame_height_) {
    537         found_frame_ = true;
    538       }
    539       return true;
    540     }
    542     size_t frame_height_;
    543     bool found_frame_;
    544     bool has_more_frames_;
    545     ArtMethod* next_method_;
    546     uint32_t next_dex_pc_;
    547   };
    548   HasMoreFramesVisitor visitor(thread_, walk_kind_, GetNumFrames(), GetFrameHeight());
    549   visitor.WalkStack(true);
    550   *next_method = visitor.next_method_;
    551   *next_dex_pc = visitor.next_dex_pc_;
    552   return visitor.has_more_frames_;
    553 }
    555 void StackVisitor::DescribeStack(Thread* thread) {
    556   struct DescribeStackVisitor : public StackVisitor {
    557     explicit DescribeStackVisitor(Thread* thread_in)
    558         : StackVisitor(thread_in, nullptr, StackVisitor::StackWalkKind::kIncludeInlinedFrames) {}
    560     bool VisitFrame() OVERRIDE REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    561       LOG(INFO) << "Frame Id=" << GetFrameId() << " " << DescribeLocation();
    562       return true;
    563     }
    564   };
    565   DescribeStackVisitor visitor(thread);
    566   visitor.WalkStack(true);
    567 }
    569 std::string StackVisitor::DescribeLocation() const {
    570   std::string result("Visiting method '");
    571   ArtMethod* m = GetMethod();
    572   if (m == nullptr) {
    573     return "upcall";
    574   }
    575   result += m->PrettyMethod();
    576   result += StringPrintf("' at dex PC 0x%04x", GetDexPc());
    577   if (!IsShadowFrame()) {
    578     result += StringPrintf(" (native PC %p)", reinterpret_cast<void*>(GetCurrentQuickFramePc()));
    579   }
    580   return result;
    581 }
    583 void StackVisitor::SetMethod(ArtMethod* method) {
    584   DCHECK(GetMethod() != nullptr);
    585   if (cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr) {
    586     cur_shadow_frame_->SetMethod(method);
    587   } else {
    588     DCHECK(cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr);
    589     CHECK(!IsInInlinedFrame()) << "We do not support setting inlined method's ArtMethod!";
    590     *cur_quick_frame_ = method;
    591   }
    592 }
    594 static void AssertPcIsWithinQuickCode(ArtMethod* method, uintptr_t pc)
    595     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    596   if (method->IsNative() || method->IsRuntimeMethod() || method->IsProxyMethod()) {
    597     return;
    598   }
    600   if (pc == reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(GetQuickInstrumentationExitPc())) {
    601     return;
    602   }
    604   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
    605   if (runtime->UseJitCompilation() &&
    606       runtime->GetJit()->GetCodeCache()->ContainsPc(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(pc))) {
    607     return;
    608   }
    610   const void* code = method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
    611   if (code == GetQuickInstrumentationEntryPoint() || code == GetInvokeObsoleteMethodStub()) {
    612     return;
    613   }
    615   ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
    616   if (class_linker->IsQuickToInterpreterBridge(code) ||
    617       class_linker->IsQuickResolutionStub(code)) {
    618     return;
    619   }
    621   if (runtime->UseJitCompilation() && runtime->GetJit()->GetCodeCache()->ContainsPc(code)) {
    622     return;
    623   }
    625   uint32_t code_size = OatQuickMethodHeader::FromEntryPoint(code)->GetCodeSize();
    626   uintptr_t code_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(code);
    627   CHECK(code_start <= pc && pc <= (code_start + code_size))
    628       << method->PrettyMethod()
    629       << " pc=" << std::hex << pc
    630       << " code_start=" << code_start
    631       << " code_size=" << code_size;
    632 }
    634 void StackVisitor::SanityCheckFrame() const {
    635   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    636     ArtMethod* method = GetMethod();
    637     mirror::Class* declaring_class = method->GetDeclaringClass();
    638     // Runtime methods have null declaring class.
    639     if (!method->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
    640       CHECK(declaring_class != nullptr);
    641       CHECK_EQ(declaring_class->GetClass(), declaring_class->GetClass()->GetClass())
    642           << declaring_class;
    643     } else {
    644       CHECK(declaring_class == nullptr);
    645     }
    646     Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
    647     LinearAlloc* const linear_alloc = runtime->GetLinearAlloc();
    648     if (!linear_alloc->Contains(method)) {
    649       // Check class linker linear allocs.
    650       // We get the canonical method as copied methods may have their declaring
    651       // class from another class loader.
    652       ArtMethod* canonical = method->GetCanonicalMethod();
    653       mirror::Class* klass = canonical->GetDeclaringClass();
    654       LinearAlloc* const class_linear_alloc = (klass != nullptr)
    655           ? runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetAllocatorForClassLoader(klass->GetClassLoader())
    656           : linear_alloc;
    657       if (!class_linear_alloc->Contains(canonical)) {
    658         // Check image space.
    659         bool in_image = false;
    660         for (auto& space : runtime->GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces()) {
    661           if (space->IsImageSpace()) {
    662             auto* image_space = space->AsImageSpace();
    663             const auto& header = image_space->GetImageHeader();
    664             const ImageSection& methods = header.GetMethodsSection();
    665             const ImageSection& runtime_methods = header.GetRuntimeMethodsSection();
    666             const size_t offset =  reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(canonical) - image_space->Begin();
    667             if (methods.Contains(offset) || runtime_methods.Contains(offset)) {
    668               in_image = true;
    669               break;
    670             }
    671           }
    672         }
    673         CHECK(in_image) << canonical->PrettyMethod() << " not in linear alloc or image";
    674       }
    675     }
    676     if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {
    677       AssertPcIsWithinQuickCode(method, cur_quick_frame_pc_);
    678       // Frame sanity.
    679       size_t frame_size = GetCurrentQuickFrameInfo().FrameSizeInBytes();
    680       CHECK_NE(frame_size, 0u);
    681       // A rough guess at an upper size we expect to see for a frame.
    682       // 256 registers
    683       // 2 words HandleScope overhead
    684       // 3+3 register spills
    685       // TODO: this seems architecture specific for the case of JNI frames.
    686       // TODO: 083-compiler-regressions ManyFloatArgs shows this estimate is wrong.
    687       // const size_t kMaxExpectedFrameSize = (256 + 2 + 3 + 3) * sizeof(word);
    688       const size_t kMaxExpectedFrameSize = 2 * KB;
    689       CHECK_LE(frame_size, kMaxExpectedFrameSize) << method->PrettyMethod();
    690       size_t return_pc_offset = GetCurrentQuickFrameInfo().GetReturnPcOffset();
    691       CHECK_LT(return_pc_offset, frame_size);
    692     }
    693   }
    694 }
    696 // Counts the number of references in the parameter list of the corresponding method.
    697 // Note: Thus does _not_ include "this" for non-static methods.
    698 static uint32_t GetNumberOfReferenceArgsWithoutReceiver(ArtMethod* method)
    699     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    700   uint32_t shorty_len;
    701   const char* shorty = method->GetShorty(&shorty_len);
    702   uint32_t refs = 0;
    703   for (uint32_t i = 1; i < shorty_len ; ++i) {
    704     if (shorty[i] == 'L') {
    705       refs++;
    706     }
    707   }
    708   return refs;
    709 }
    711 QuickMethodFrameInfo StackVisitor::GetCurrentQuickFrameInfo() const {
    712   if (cur_oat_quick_method_header_ != nullptr) {
    713     return cur_oat_quick_method_header_->GetFrameInfo();
    714   }
    716   ArtMethod* method = GetMethod();
    717   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
    719   if (method->IsAbstract()) {
    720     return runtime->GetCalleeSaveMethodFrameInfo(CalleeSaveType::kSaveRefsAndArgs);
    721   }
    723   // This goes before IsProxyMethod since runtime methods have a null declaring class.
    724   if (method->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
    725     return runtime->GetRuntimeMethodFrameInfo(method);
    726   }
    728   if (method->IsProxyMethod()) {
    729     // There is only one direct method of a proxy class: the constructor. A direct method is
    730     // cloned from the original java.lang.reflect.Proxy and is executed as usual quick
    731     // compiled method without any stubs. Therefore the method must have a OatQuickMethodHeader.
    732     DCHECK(!method->IsDirect() && !method->IsConstructor())
    733         << "Constructors of proxy classes must have a OatQuickMethodHeader";
    734     return runtime->GetCalleeSaveMethodFrameInfo(CalleeSaveType::kSaveRefsAndArgs);
    735   }
    737   // The only remaining case is if the method is native and uses the generic JNI stub.
    738   DCHECK(method->IsNative());
    739   ClassLinker* class_linker = runtime->GetClassLinker();
    740   const void* entry_point = runtime->GetInstrumentation()->GetQuickCodeFor(method,
    741                                                                            kRuntimePointerSize);
    742   DCHECK(class_linker->IsQuickGenericJniStub(entry_point)) << method->PrettyMethod();
    743   // Generic JNI frame.
    744   uint32_t handle_refs = GetNumberOfReferenceArgsWithoutReceiver(method) + 1;
    745   size_t scope_size = HandleScope::SizeOf(handle_refs);
    746   QuickMethodFrameInfo callee_info =
    747       runtime->GetCalleeSaveMethodFrameInfo(CalleeSaveType::kSaveRefsAndArgs);
    749   // Callee saves + handle scope + method ref + alignment
    750   // Note: -sizeof(void*) since callee-save frame stores a whole method pointer.
    751   size_t frame_size = RoundUp(
    752       callee_info.FrameSizeInBytes() - sizeof(void*) + sizeof(ArtMethod*) + scope_size,
    753       kStackAlignment);
    754   return QuickMethodFrameInfo(frame_size, callee_info.CoreSpillMask(), callee_info.FpSpillMask());
    755 }
    757 template <StackVisitor::CountTransitions kCount>
    758 void StackVisitor::WalkStack(bool include_transitions) {
    759   if (check_suspended_) {
    760     DCHECK(thread_ == Thread::Current() || thread_->IsSuspended());
    761   }
    762   CHECK_EQ(cur_depth_, 0U);
    763   bool exit_stubs_installed = Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation()->AreExitStubsInstalled();
    764   uint32_t instrumentation_stack_depth = 0;
    765   size_t inlined_frames_count = 0;
    767   for (const ManagedStack* current_fragment = thread_->GetManagedStack();
    768        current_fragment != nullptr; current_fragment = current_fragment->GetLink()) {
    769     cur_shadow_frame_ = current_fragment->GetTopShadowFrame();
    770     cur_quick_frame_ = current_fragment->GetTopQuickFrame();
    771     cur_quick_frame_pc_ = 0;
    772     cur_oat_quick_method_header_ = nullptr;
    774     if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {  // Handle quick stack frames.
    775       // Can't be both a shadow and a quick fragment.
    776       DCHECK(current_fragment->GetTopShadowFrame() == nullptr);
    777       ArtMethod* method = *cur_quick_frame_;
    778       while (method != nullptr) {
    779         cur_oat_quick_method_header_ = method->GetOatQuickMethodHeader(cur_quick_frame_pc_);
    780         SanityCheckFrame();
    782         if ((walk_kind_ == StackWalkKind::kIncludeInlinedFrames)
    783             && (cur_oat_quick_method_header_ != nullptr)
    784             && cur_oat_quick_method_header_->IsOptimized()) {
    785           CodeInfo code_info = cur_oat_quick_method_header_->GetOptimizedCodeInfo();
    786           CodeInfoEncoding encoding = code_info.ExtractEncoding();
    787           uint32_t native_pc_offset =
    788               cur_oat_quick_method_header_->NativeQuickPcOffset(cur_quick_frame_pc_);
    789           StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapForNativePcOffset(native_pc_offset, encoding);
    790           if (stack_map.IsValid() && stack_map.HasInlineInfo(encoding.stack_map.encoding)) {
    791             InlineInfo inline_info = code_info.GetInlineInfoOf(stack_map, encoding);
    792             DCHECK_EQ(current_inlining_depth_, 0u);
    793             for (current_inlining_depth_ = inline_info.GetDepth(encoding.inline_info.encoding);
    794                  current_inlining_depth_ != 0;
    795                  --current_inlining_depth_) {
    796               bool should_continue = VisitFrame();
    797               if (UNLIKELY(!should_continue)) {
    798                 return;
    799               }
    800               cur_depth_++;
    801               inlined_frames_count++;
    802             }
    803           }
    804         }
    806         bool should_continue = VisitFrame();
    807         if (UNLIKELY(!should_continue)) {
    808           return;
    809         }
    811         QuickMethodFrameInfo frame_info = GetCurrentQuickFrameInfo();
    812         if (context_ != nullptr) {
    813           context_->FillCalleeSaves(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(cur_quick_frame_), frame_info);
    814         }
    815         // Compute PC for next stack frame from return PC.
    816         size_t frame_size = frame_info.FrameSizeInBytes();
    817         size_t return_pc_offset = frame_size - sizeof(void*);
    818         uint8_t* return_pc_addr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(cur_quick_frame_) + return_pc_offset;
    819         uintptr_t return_pc = *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(return_pc_addr);
    821         if (UNLIKELY(exit_stubs_installed)) {
    822           // While profiling, the return pc is restored from the side stack, except when walking
    823           // the stack for an exception where the side stack will be unwound in VisitFrame.
    824           if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(GetQuickInstrumentationExitPc()) == return_pc) {
    825             CHECK_LT(instrumentation_stack_depth, thread_->GetInstrumentationStack()->size());
    826             const instrumentation::InstrumentationStackFrame& instrumentation_frame =
    827                 thread_->GetInstrumentationStack()->at(instrumentation_stack_depth);
    828             instrumentation_stack_depth++;
    829             if (GetMethod() ==
    830                 Runtime::Current()->GetCalleeSaveMethod(CalleeSaveType::kSaveAllCalleeSaves)) {
    831               // Skip runtime save all callee frames which are used to deliver exceptions.
    832             } else if (instrumentation_frame.interpreter_entry_) {
    833               ArtMethod* callee =
    834                   Runtime::Current()->GetCalleeSaveMethod(CalleeSaveType::kSaveRefsAndArgs);
    835               CHECK_EQ(GetMethod(), callee) << "Expected: " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(callee)
    836                                             << " Found: " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(GetMethod());
    837             } else {
    838               // Instrumentation generally doesn't distinguish between a method's obsolete and
    839               // non-obsolete version.
    840               CHECK_EQ(instrumentation_frame.method_->GetNonObsoleteMethod(),
    841                        GetMethod()->GetNonObsoleteMethod())
    842                   << "Expected: "
    843                   << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(instrumentation_frame.method_->GetNonObsoleteMethod())
    844                   << " Found: " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(GetMethod()->GetNonObsoleteMethod());
    845             }
    846             if (num_frames_ != 0) {
    847               // Check agreement of frame Ids only if num_frames_ is computed to avoid infinite
    848               // recursion.
    849               size_t frame_id = instrumentation::Instrumentation::ComputeFrameId(
    850                   thread_,
    851                   cur_depth_,
    852                   inlined_frames_count);
    853               CHECK_EQ(instrumentation_frame.frame_id_, frame_id);
    854             }
    855             return_pc = instrumentation_frame.return_pc_;
    856           }
    857         }
    859         cur_quick_frame_pc_ = return_pc;
    860         uint8_t* next_frame = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(cur_quick_frame_) + frame_size;
    861         cur_quick_frame_ = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod**>(next_frame);
    863         if (kDebugStackWalk) {
    864           LOG(INFO) << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(method) << "@" << method << " size=" << frame_size
    865               << std::boolalpha
    866               << " optimized=" << (cur_oat_quick_method_header_ != nullptr &&
    867                                    cur_oat_quick_method_header_->IsOptimized())
    868               << " native=" << method->IsNative()
    869               << std::noboolalpha
    870               << " entrypoints=" << method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode()
    871               << "," << (method->IsNative() ? method->GetEntryPointFromJni() : nullptr)
    872               << " next=" << *cur_quick_frame_;
    873         }
    875         if (kCount == CountTransitions::kYes || !method->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
    876           cur_depth_++;
    877         }
    878         method = *cur_quick_frame_;
    879       }
    880     } else if (cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr) {
    881       do {
    882         SanityCheckFrame();
    883         bool should_continue = VisitFrame();
    884         if (UNLIKELY(!should_continue)) {
    885           return;
    886         }
    887         cur_depth_++;
    888         cur_shadow_frame_ = cur_shadow_frame_->GetLink();
    889       } while (cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr);
    890     }
    891     if (include_transitions) {
    892       bool should_continue = VisitFrame();
    893       if (!should_continue) {
    894         return;
    895       }
    896     }
    897     if (kCount == CountTransitions::kYes) {
    898       cur_depth_++;
    899     }
    900   }
    901   if (num_frames_ != 0) {
    902     CHECK_EQ(cur_depth_, num_frames_);
    903   }
    904 }
    906 template void StackVisitor::WalkStack<StackVisitor::CountTransitions::kYes>(bool);
    907 template void StackVisitor::WalkStack<StackVisitor::CountTransitions::kNo>(bool);
    909 }  // namespace art