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      1 /** @file
      2 *
      3 *  Copyright (c) 2012-2014, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
      4 *
      5 *  This program and the accompanying materials
      6 *  are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      7 *  which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
      8 *  http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
      9 *
     12 *
     13 **/
     15 #ifndef __LAN9118_DXE_HW_H__
     16 #define __LAN9118_DXE_HW_H__
     18 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     19   LAN9118 SMCS Registers
     20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     22 // Base address as on the VE board
     23 #define LAN9118_BA                            ((UINT32) PcdGet32(PcdLan9118DxeBaseAddress))
     25 /* ------------- Tx and Rx Data and Status Memory Locations ------------------*/
     26 #define LAN9118_RX_DATA                       (0x00000000 + LAN9118_BA)
     27 #define LAN9118_RX_STATUS                     (0x00000040 + LAN9118_BA)
     28 #define LAN9118_RX_STATUS_PEEK                (0x00000044 + LAN9118_BA)
     29 #define LAN9118_TX_DATA                       (0x00000020 + LAN9118_BA)
     30 #define LAN9118_TX_STATUS                     (0x00000048 + LAN9118_BA)
     31 #define LAN9118_TX_STATUS_PEEK                (0x0000004C + LAN9118_BA)
     33 /* ------------- System Control and Status Registers -------------------------*/
     34 #define LAN9118_ID_REV                        (0x00000050 + LAN9118_BA)    // Chip ID and Revision
     35 #define LAN9118_IRQ_CFG                       (0x00000054 + LAN9118_BA)    // Interrupt Configuration
     36 #define LAN9118_INT_STS                       (0x00000058 + LAN9118_BA)    // Interrupt Status
     37 #define LAN9118_INT_EN                        (0x0000005C + LAN9118_BA)    // Interrupt Enable
     38 //#define LAN9118_RESERVED                    (0x00000060)
     39 #define LAN9118_BYTE_TEST                     (0x00000064 + LAN9118_BA)    // Byte Order Test
     40 #define LAN9118_FIFO_INT                      (0x00000068 + LAN9118_BA)    // FIFO Level Interrupts
     41 #define LAN9118_RX_CFG                        (0x0000006C + LAN9118_BA)    // Receive Configuration
     42 #define LAN9118_TX_CFG                        (0x00000070 + LAN9118_BA)    // Transmit Configuration
     43 #define LAN9118_HW_CFG                        (0x00000074 + LAN9118_BA)    // Hardware Configuration
     44 #define LAN9118_RX_DP_CTL                     (0x00000078 + LAN9118_BA)    // Receive Data-Path Configuration
     45 #define LAN9118_RX_FIFO_INF                   (0x0000007C + LAN9118_BA)    // Receive FIFO Information
     46 #define LAN9118_TX_FIFO_INF                   (0x00000080 + LAN9118_BA)    // Transmit FIFO Information
     47 #define LAN9118_PMT_CTRL                      (0x00000084 + LAN9118_BA)    // Power Management Control
     48 #define LAN9118_GPIO_CFG                      (0x00000088 + LAN9118_BA)    // General Purpose IO Configuration
     49 #define LAN9118_GPT_CFG                       (0x0000008C + LAN9118_BA)    // General Purpose Timer Configuration
     50 #define LAN9118_GPT_CNT                       (0x00000090 + LAN9118_BA)    // General Purpose Timer Current Count
     51 #define LAN9118_WORD_SWAP                     (0x00000098 + LAN9118_BA)    // Word Swap Control
     52 #define LAN9118_FREE_RUN                      (0x0000009C + LAN9118_BA)    // Free-Run 25MHz Counter
     53 #define LAN9118_RX_DROP                       (0x000000A0 + LAN9118_BA)    // Receiver Dropped Frames Counter
     54 #define LAN9118_MAC_CSR_CMD                   (0x000000A4 + LAN9118_BA)    // MAC CSR Synchronizer Command
     55 #define LAN9118_MAC_CSR_DATA                  (0x000000A8 + LAN9118_BA)    // MAC CSR Synchronizer Data
     56 #define LAN9118_AFC_CFG                       (0x000000AC + LAN9118_BA)    // Automatic Flow Control Configuration
     57 #define LAN9118_E2P_CMD                       (0x000000B0 + LAN9118_BA)    // EEPROM Command
     58 #define LAN9118_E2P_DATA                      (0x000000B4 + LAN9118_BA)    // EEPROM Data
     61 // Receiver Status bits
     62 #define RXSTATUS_CRC_ERROR                    BIT1                      // Cyclic Redundancy Check Error
     63 #define RXSTATUS_DB                           BIT2                      // Dribbling bit: Frame had non-integer multiple of 8bits
     64 #define RXSTATUS_MII_ERROR                    BIT3                      // Receive error during interception
     65 #define RXSTATUS_RXW_TO                       BIT4                      // Incomming frame larger than 2kb
     66 #define RXSTATUS_FT                           BIT5                      // 1: Ether type / 0: 802.3 type frame
     67 #define RXSTATUS_LCOLL                        BIT6                      // Late collision detected
     68 #define RXSTATUS_FTL                          BIT7                      // Frame longer than Ether type
     69 #define RXSTATUS_MCF                          BIT10                     // Frame has Multicast Address
     70 #define RXSTATUS_RUNT                         BIT11                     // Bad frame
     71 #define RXSTATUS_LE                           BIT12                     // Actual length of frame different than it claims
     72 #define RXSTATUS_BCF                          BIT13                     // Frame has Broadcast Address
     73 #define RXSTATUS_ES                           BIT15                     // Reports any error from bits 1,6,7 and 11
     74 #define RXSTATUS_PL_MASK                      (0x3FFF0000)              // Packet length bit mask
     75 #define GET_RXSTATUS_PACKET_LENGTH(RxStatus)  (((RxStatus) >> 16) & 0x3FFF) // Packet length bit mask
     76 #define RXSTATUS_FILT_FAIL                    BIT30                     // The frame failed filtering test
     78 // Transmitter Status bits
     79 #define TXSTATUS_DEF                          BIT0                      // Packet tx was deferred
     80 #define TXSTATUS_EDEF                         BIT2                      // Tx ended because of excessive deferral (> 24288 bit times)
     81 #define TXSTATUS_CC_MASK                      (0x00000078)              // Collision Count (before Tx) bit mask
     82 #define TXSTATUS_ECOLL                        BIT8                      // Tx ended because of Excessive Collisions (makes CC_MASK invalid after 16 collisions)
     83 #define TXSTATUS_LCOLL                        BIT9                      // Packet Tx aborted after coll window of 64 bytes
     84 #define TXSTATUS_NO_CA                        BIT10                     // Carrier signal not present during Tx (bad?)
     85 #define TXSTATUS_LOST_CA                      BIT11                     // Lost carrier during Tx
     86 #define TXSTATUS_ES                           BIT15                     // Reports any errors from bits 1,2,8,9,10 and 11
     87 #define TXSTATUS_PTAG_MASK                    (0xFFFF0000)              // Mask for Unique ID of packets (So we know who the packets are for)
     89 // ID_REV register bits
     90 #define IDREV_ID                              ((MmioRead32(LAN9118_ID_REV) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)
     91 #define IDREV_REV                             (MmioRead32(LAN9118_ID_REV) & 0x0000FFFF)
     93 // Interrupt Config Register bits
     94 #define IRQCFG_IRQ_TYPE                       BIT0                    // IRQ Buffer type
     95 #define IRQCFG_IRQ_POL                        BIT4                    // IRQ Polarity
     96 #define IRQCFG_IRQ_EN                         BIT8                    // Enable external interrupt
     97 #define IRQCFG_IRQ_INT                        BIT12                   // State of internal interrupts line
     98 #define IRQCFG_INT_DEAS_STS                   BIT13                   // State of deassertion interval
     99 #define IRQCFG_INT_DEAS_CLR                   BIT14                   // Clear the deassertion counter
    100 #define IRQCFG_INT_DEAS_MASK                  (0xFF000000)            // Interrupt deassertion interval value mask
    102 // Interrupt Status Register bits
    103 #define INSTS_GPIO_MASK                       (0x7)                   // GPIO interrupts mask
    104 #define INSTS_RSFL                            (0x8)                   // Rx Status FIFO Level reached
    105 #define INSTS_RSFF                            BIT4                    // Rx Status FIFO full
    106 #define INSTS_RXDF_INT                        BIT6                    // Rx Frame dropped
    107 #define INSTS_TSFL                            BIT7                    // Tx Status FIFO Level reached
    108 #define INSTS_TSFF                            BIT8                    // Tx Status FIFO full
    109 #define INSTS_TDFA                            BIT9                    // Tx Data FIFO Level exceeded
    110 #define INSTS_TDFO                            BIT10                   // Tx Data FIFO full
    111 #define INSTS_TXE                             BIT13                   // Transmitter Error
    112 #define INSTS_RXE                             BIT14                   // Receiver Error
    113 #define INSTS_RWT                             BIT15                   // Packet > 2048 bytes received
    114 #define INSTS_TXSO                            BIT16                   // Tx Status FIFO Overflow
    115 #define INSTS_PME_INT                         BIT17                   // PME Signal detected
    116 #define INSTS_PHY_INT                         BIT18                   // Indicates PHY Interrupt
    117 #define INSTS_GPT_INT                         BIT19                   // GP Timer wrapped past 0xFFFF
    118 #define INSTS_RXD_INT                         BIT20                   // Indicates that amount of data written to RX_CFG was cleared
    119 #define INSTS_TX_IOC                          BIT21                   // Finished loading IOC flagged buffer to Tx FIFO
    120 #define INSTS_RXDFH_INT                       BIT23                   // Rx Dropped frames went past 0x7FFFFFFF
    121 #define INSTS_RXSTOP_INT                      BIT24                   // Rx was stopped
    122 #define INSTS_TXSTOP_INT                      BIT25                   // Tx was stopped
    123 #define INSTS_SW_INT                          BIT31                   // Software Interrupt occurred
    125 // Interrupt Enable Register bits
    128 // Hardware Config Register bits
    129 #define HWCFG_SRST                            BIT0                       // Software Reset bit         (SC)
    130 #define HWCFG_SRST_TO                         BIT1                       // Software Reset Timeout bit (RO)
    131 #define HWCFG_BMODE                           BIT2                       // 32/16 bit Mode bit         (RO)
    132 #define HWCFG_TX_FIFO_SIZE_MASK               (~ (UINT32)0xF0000)        // Mask to Clear FIFO Size
    133 #define HWCFG_MBO                             BIT20                      // Must Be One bit
    135 // Power Management Control Register
    136 #define MPTCTRL_READY                         BIT0                // Device ready indicator
    137 #define MPTCTRL_PME_EN                        BIT1                // Enable external PME signals
    138 #define MPTCTRL_PME_POL                       BIT2                // Set polarity of PME signals
    139 #define MPTCTRL_PME_IND                       BIT3                // Signal type of PME (refer to Spec)
    140 #define MPTCTRL_WUPS_MASK                     (0x18)              // Wake up status indicator mask
    141 #define MPTCTRL_PME_TYPE                      BIT6                // PME Buffer type (Open Drain or Push-Pull)
    142 #define MPTCTRL_ED_EN                         BIT8                // Energy-detect enable
    143 #define MPTCTRL_WOL_EN                        BIT9                // Enable wake-on-lan
    144 #define MPTCTRL_PHY_RST                       BIT10               // Reset the PHY
    145 #define MPTCTRL_PM_MODE_MASK                  (BIT12 | BIT13)     // Set the power mode
    147 // PHY control register bits
    148 #define PHYCR_COLL_TEST                       BIT7                  // Collision test enable
    149 #define PHYCR_DUPLEX_MODE                     BIT8                  // Set Duplex Mode
    150 #define PHYCR_RST_AUTO                        BIT9                  // Restart Auto-Negotiation of Link abilities
    151 #define PHYCR_PD                              BIT11                 // Power-Down switch
    152 #define PHYCR_AUTO_EN                         BIT12                 // Auto-Negotiation Enable
    153 #define PHYCR_SPEED_SEL                       BIT13                 // Link Speed Selection
    154 #define PHYCR_LOOPBK                          BIT14                 // Set loopback mode
    155 #define PHYCR_RESET                           BIT15                 // Do a PHY reset
    157 // PHY status register bits
    158 #define PHYSTS_EXT_CAP                        BIT0                  // Extended Capabilities Register capability
    159 #define PHYSTS_JABBER                         BIT1                  // Jabber condition detected
    160 #define PHYSTS_LINK_STS                       BIT2                  // Link Status
    161 #define PHYSTS_AUTO_CAP                       BIT3                  // Auto-Negotiation Capability
    162 #define PHYSTS_REMOTE_FAULT                   BIT4                  // Remote fault detected
    163 #define PHYSTS_AUTO_COMP                      BIT5                  // Auto-Negotiation Completed
    164 #define PHYSTS_10BASET_HDPLX                  BIT11                 // 10Mbps Half-Duplex ability
    165 #define PHYSTS_10BASET_FDPLX                  BIT12                 // 10Mbps Full-Duplex ability
    166 #define PHYSTS_100BASETX_HDPLX                BIT13                 // 100Mbps Half-Duplex ability
    167 #define PHYSTS_100BASETX_FDPLX                BIT14                 // 100Mbps Full-Duplex ability
    168 #define PHYSTS_100BASE_T4                     BIT15                 // Base T4 ability
    170 // PHY Auto-Negotiation advertisement
    171 #define PHYANA_SEL_MASK                       ((UINT32)0x1F)        // Link type selector
    172 #define PHYANA_10BASET                        BIT5                  // Advertise 10BASET capability
    173 #define PHYANA_10BASETFD                      BIT6                  // Advertise 10BASET Full duplex capability
    174 #define PHYANA_100BASETX                      BIT7                  // Advertise 100BASETX capability
    175 #define PHYANA_100BASETXFD                    BIT8                  // Advertise 100 BASETX Full duplex capability
    176 #define PHYANA_PAUSE_OP_MASK                  (3 << 10)             // Advertise PAUSE frame capability
    177 #define PHYANA_REMOTE_FAULT                   BIT13                 // Remote fault detected
    180 // PHY Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability
    182 // PHY Auto-Negotiation Expansion
    184 // PHY Mode control/status
    186 // PHY Special Modes
    188 // PHY Special control/status
    190 // PHY Interrupt Source Flags
    192 // PHY Interrupt Mask
    194 // PHY Super Special control/status
    195 #define PHYSSCS_HCDSPEED_MASK                 (7 << 2)              // Speed indication
    196 #define PHYSSCS_AUTODONE                      BIT12                 // Auto-Negotiation Done
    199 // MAC control register bits
    200 #define MACCR_RX_EN                       BIT2                     // Enable Receiver bit
    201 #define MACCR_TX_EN                       BIT3                     // Enable Transmitter bit
    202 #define MACCR_DFCHK                       BIT5                     // Deferral Check bit
    203 #define MACCR_PADSTR                      BIT8                     // Automatic Pad Stripping bit
    204 #define MACCR_BOLMT_MASK                  (0xC0)                   // Back-Off limit mask
    205 #define MACCR_DISRTY                      BIT10                    // Disable Transmit Retry bit
    206 #define MACCR_BCAST                       BIT11                    // Disable Broadcast Frames bit
    207 #define MACCR_LCOLL                       BIT12                    // Late Collision Control bit
    208 #define MACCR_HPFILT                      BIT13                    // Hash/Perfect Filtering Mode bit
    209 #define MACCR_HO                          BIT15                    // Hash Only Filtering Mode
    210 #define MACCR_PASSBAD                     BIT16                    // Receive all frames that passed filter bit
    211 #define MACCR_INVFILT                     BIT17                    // Enable Inverse Filtering bit
    212 #define MACCR_PRMS                        BIT18                    // Promiscuous Mode bit
    213 #define MACCR_MCPAS                       BIT19                    // Pass all Multicast packets bit
    214 #define MACCR_FDPX                        BIT20                    // Full Duplex Mode bit
    215 #define MACCR_LOOPBK                      BIT21                    // Loopback operation mode bit
    216 #define MACCR_RCVOWN                      BIT23                    // Disable Receive Own frames bit
    217 #define MACCR_RX_ALL                      BIT31                    // Receive all Packets and route to Filter
    219 // Wake-Up Control and Status Register
    220 #define WUCSR_MPEN                        BIT1                     // Magic Packet enable (allow wake from Magic P)
    221 #define WUCSR_WUEN                        BIT2                     // Allow remote wake up using Wake-Up Frames
    222 #define WUCSR_MPR_MASK                    (0x10)                   // Received Magic Packet
    223 #define WUCSR_WUFR_MASK                   (0x20)                   // Received Wake-Up Frame
    224 #define WUCSR_GUE                         BIT9                     // Enable wake on global unicast frames
    226 // RX Configuration Register bits
    227 #define RXCFG_RXDOFF_MASK                 (0x1F00)                 // Rx Data Offset in Bytes
    228 #define RXCFG_RX_DUMP                     BIT15                    // Clear Rx data and status FIFOs
    229 #define RXCFG_RX_DMA_CNT_MASK             (0x0FFF0000)             // Amount of data to be read from Rx FIFO
    230 #define RXCFG_RX_DMA_CNT(cnt)             (((cnt) & 0xFFF) << 16)  // Amount of data to be read from Rx FIFO
    231 #define RXCFG_RX_END_ALIGN_MASK           (0xC0000000)             // Alignment to preserve
    233 // TX Configuration Register bits
    234 #define TXCFG_STOP_TX                     BIT0                     // Stop the transmitter
    235 #define TXCFG_TX_ON                       BIT1                     // Start the transmitter
    236 #define TXCFG_TXSAO                       BIT2                     // Tx Status FIFO full
    237 #define TXCFG_TXD_DUMP                    BIT14                    // Clear Tx Data FIFO
    238 #define TXCFG_TXS_DUMP                    BIT15                    // Clear Tx Status FIFO
    240 // Rx FIFO Information Register bits
    241 #define RXFIFOINF_RXDUSED_MASK            (0xFFFF)                 // Rx Data FIFO Used Space
    242 #define RXFIFOINF_RXSUSED_MASK            (0xFF0000)               // Rx Status FIFO Used Space
    244 // Tx FIFO Information Register bits
    245 #define TXFIFOINF_TDFREE_MASK             (0xFFFF)                 // Tx Data FIFO Free Space
    246 #define TXFIFOINF_TXSUSED_MASK            (0xFF0000)               // Tx Status FIFO Used Space
    248 // E2P Register
    249 #define E2P_EPC_BUSY                BIT31
    250 #define E2P_EPC_CMD_READ            (0)
    251 #define E2P_EPC_TIMEOUT             BIT9
    252 #define E2P_EPC_MAC_ADDRESS_LOADED  BIT8
    253 #define E2P_EPC_ADDRESS(address)    ((address) & 0xFFFF)
    255 // GPIO Configuration register
    256 #define GPIO_GPIO0_PUSH_PULL        BIT16
    257 #define GPIO_GPIO1_PUSH_PULL        BIT17
    258 #define GPIO_GPIO2_PUSH_PULL        BIT18
    259 #define GPIO_LED1_ENABLE            BIT28
    260 #define GPIO_LED2_ENABLE            BIT29
    261 #define GPIO_LED3_ENABLE            BIT30
    263 // MII_ACC bits
    264 #define MII_ACC_MII_BUSY        BIT0
    265 #define MII_ACC_MII_WRITE       BIT1
    266 #define MII_ACC_MII_READ        0
    268 #define MII_ACC_PHY_VALUE             BIT11
    269 #define MII_ACC_MII_REG_INDEX(index)  (((index) & 0x1F) << 6)
    271 //
    272 // PHY Control Indexes
    273 //
    274 #define PHY_INDEX_BASIC_CTRL              0
    275 #define PHY_INDEX_BASIC_STATUS            1
    276 #define PHY_INDEX_ID1                     2
    277 #define PHY_INDEX_ID2                     3
    278 #define PHY_INDEX_AUTO_NEG_ADVERT         4
    280 #define PHY_INDEX_AUTO_NEG_EXP            6
    281 #define PHY_INDEX_MODE                    17
    282 #define PHY_INDEX_SPECIAL_MODES           18
    283 #define PHY_INDEX_SPECIAL_CTLR            27
    284 #define PHY_INDEX_INT_SRC                 29
    285 #define PHY_INDEX_INT_MASK                30
    286 #define PHY_INDEX_SPECIAL_PHY_CTLR        31
    288 // Indirect MAC Indexes
    289 #define INDIRECT_MAC_INDEX_CR         1
    290 #define INDIRECT_MAC_INDEX_ADDRH      2
    291 #define INDIRECT_MAC_INDEX_ADDRL      3
    292 #define INDIRECT_MAC_INDEX_HASHH      4
    293 #define INDIRECT_MAC_INDEX_HASHL      5
    294 #define INDIRECT_MAC_INDEX_MII_ACC    6
    295 #define INDIRECT_MAC_INDEX_MII_DATA   7
    297 //
    298 // MAC CSR Synchronizer Command register
    299 //
    300 #define MAC_CSR_BUSY            BIT31
    301 #define MAC_CSR_READ            BIT30
    302 #define MAC_CSR_WRITE           0
    303 #define MAC_CSR_ADDR(Addr)      ((Addr) & 0xFF)
    305 //
    306 // TX Packet Format
    307 //
    308 #define TX_CMD_A_COMPLETION_INT             BIT31
    309 #define TX_CMD_A_FIRST_SEGMENT              BIT13
    310 #define TX_CMD_A_LAST_SEGMENT               BIT12
    311 #define TX_CMD_A_BUFF_SIZE(size)            ((size) & 0x000003FF)
    312 #define TX_CMD_A_DATA_START_OFFSET(offset)  (((offset) & 0x1F) << 16)
    313 #define TX_CMD_B_PACKET_LENGTH(size)        ((size) & 0x000003FF)
    314 #define TX_CMD_B_PACKET_TAG(tag)            (((tag) & 0x3FF) << 16)
    316 // Hardware Configuration Register
    317 #define HW_CFG_TX_FIFO_SIZE_MASK        (0xF << 16)
    318 #define HW_CFG_TX_FIFO_SIZE(size)       (((size) & 0xF) << 16)
    320 // EEPROM Definition
    323 //
    324 // Conditional compilation flags
    325 //
    326 //#define EVAL_PERFORMANCE
    329 #endif /* __LAN9118_DXE_HDR_H__ */