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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 // Mechanism to instantiate classes by name.
     18 //
     19 // This mechanism is useful if the concrete classes to be instantiated are not
     20 // statically known (e.g., if their names are read from a dynamically-provided
     21 // config).
     22 //
     23 // In that case, the first step is to define the API implemented by the
     24 // instantiated classes.  E.g.,
     25 //
     26 //  // In a header file function.h:
     27 //
     28 //  // Abstract function that takes a double and returns a double.
     29 //  class Function : public RegisterableClass<Function> {
     30 //   public:
     31 //    virtual ~Function() {}
     32 //    virtual double Evaluate(double x) = 0;
     33 //  };
     34 //
     35 //  // Should be inside namespace libtextclassifier::nlp_core.
     37 //
     38 // Notice the inheritance from RegisterableClass<Function>.  RegisterableClass
     39 // is defined by this file (registry.h).  Under the hood, this inheritanace
     40 // defines a "registry" that maps names (zero-terminated arrays of chars) to
     41 // factory methods that create Functions.  You should give a human-readable name
     42 // to this registry.  To do that, use the following macro in a .cc file (it has
     43 // to be a .cc file, as it defines some static data):
     44 //
     45 //  // Inside function.cc
     46 //  // Should be inside namespace libtextclassifier::nlp_core.
     47 //  TC_DEFINE_CLASS_REGISTRY_NAME("function", Function);
     48 //
     49 // Now, let's define a few concrete Functions: e.g.,
     50 //
     51 //   class Cos : public Function {
     52 //    public:
     53 //     double Evaluate(double x) override { return cos(x); }
     54 //     TC_DEFINE_REGISTRATION_METHOD("cos", Cos);
     55 //   };
     56 //
     57 //   class Exp : public Function {
     58 //    public:
     59 //     double Evaluate(double x) override { return exp(x); }
     60 //     TC_DEFINE_REGISTRATION_METHOD("sin", Sin);
     61 //   };
     62 //
     63 // Each concrete Function implementation should have (in the public section) the
     64 // macro
     65 //
     66 //   TC_DEFINE_REGISTRATION_METHOD("name", implementation_class);
     67 //
     68 // This defines a RegisterClass static method that, when invoked, associates
     69 // "name" with a factory method that creates instances of implementation_class.
     70 //
     71 // Before instantiating Functions by name, we need to tell our system which
     72 // Functions we may be interested in.  This is done by calling the
     73 // Foo::RegisterClass() for each relevant Foo implementation of Function.  It is
     74 // ok to call Foo::RegisterClass() multiple times (even in parallel): only the
     75 // first call will perform something, the others will return immediately.
     76 //
     77 //   Cos::RegisterClass();
     78 //   Exp::RegisterClass();
     79 //
     80 // Now, let's instantiate a Function based on its name.  This get a lot more
     81 // interesting if the Function name is not statically known (i.e.,
     82 // read from an input proto:
     83 //
     84 //   std::unique_ptr<Function> f(Function::Create("cos"));
     85 //   double result = f->Evaluate(arg);
     86 //
     87 // NOTE: the same binary can use this mechanism for different APIs.  E.g., one
     88 // can also have (in the binary with Function, Sin, Cos, etc):
     89 //
     90 // class IntFunction : public RegisterableClass<IntFunction> {
     91 //  public:
     92 //   virtual ~IntFunction() {}
     93 //   virtual int Evaluate(int k) = 0;
     94 // };
     95 //
     97 //
     98 // TC_DEFINE_CLASS_REGISTRY_NAME("int function", IntFunction);
     99 //
    100 // class Inc : public IntFunction {
    101 //  public:
    102 //   int Evaluate(int k) override { return k + 1; }
    103 //   TC_DEFINE_REGISTRATION_METHOD("inc", Inc);
    104 // };
    105 //
    106 // RegisterableClass<Function> and RegisterableClass<IntFunction> define their
    107 // own registries: each maps string names to implementation of the corresponding
    108 // API.
    113 #include <stdlib.h>
    114 #include <string.h>
    116 #include <string>
    118 #include "util/base/logging.h"
    120 namespace libtextclassifier {
    121 namespace nlp_core {
    123 namespace internal {
    124 // Registry that associates keys (zero-terminated array of chars) with values.
    125 // Values are pointers to type T (the template parameter).  This is used to
    126 // store the association between component names and factory methods that
    127 // produce those components; the error messages are focused on that case.
    128 //
    129 // Internally, this registry uses a linked list of (key, value) pairs.  We do
    130 // not use an STL map, list, etc because we aim for small code size.
    131 template <class T>
    132 class ComponentRegistry {
    133  public:
    134   explicit ComponentRegistry(const char *name) : name_(name), head_(nullptr) {}
    136   // Adds a the (key, value) pair to this registry (if the key does not already
    137   // exists in this registry) and returns true.  If the registry already has a
    138   // mapping for key, returns false and does not modify the registry.  NOTE: the
    139   // error (false) case happens even if the existing value for key is equal with
    140   // the new one.
    141   //
    142   // This method does not take ownership of key, nor of value.
    143   bool Add(const char *key, T *value) {
    144     const Cell *old_cell = FindCell(key);
    145     if (old_cell != nullptr) {
    146       TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Duplicate component: " << key;
    147       return false;
    148     }
    149     Cell *new_cell = new Cell(key, value, head_);
    150     head_ = new_cell;
    151     return true;
    152   }
    154   // Returns the value attached to a key in this registry.  Returns nullptr on
    155   // error (e.g., unknown key).
    156   T *Lookup(const char *key) const {
    157     const Cell *cell = FindCell(key);
    158     if (cell == nullptr) {
    159       TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown " << name() << " component: " << key;
    160     }
    161     return (cell == nullptr) ? nullptr : cell->value();
    162   }
    164   T *Lookup(const std::string &key) const { return Lookup(key.c_str()); }
    166   // Returns name of this ComponentRegistry.
    167   const char *name() const { return name_; }
    169  private:
    170   // Cell for the singly-linked list underlying this ComponentRegistry.  Each
    171   // cell contains a key, the value for that key, as well as a pointer to the
    172   // next Cell from the list.
    173   class Cell {
    174    public:
    175     // Constructs a new Cell.
    176     Cell(const char *key, T *value, Cell *next)
    177         : key_(key), value_(value), next_(next) {}
    179     const char *key() const { return key_; }
    180     T *value() const { return value_; }
    181     Cell *next() const { return next_; }
    183    private:
    184     const char *const key_;
    185     T *const value_;
    186     Cell *const next_;
    187   };
    189   // Finds Cell for indicated key in the singly-linked list pointed to by head_.
    190   // Returns pointer to that first Cell with that key, or nullptr if no such
    191   // Cell (i.e., unknown key).
    192   //
    193   // Caller does NOT own the returned pointer.
    194   const Cell *FindCell(const char *key) const {
    195     Cell *c = head_;
    196     while (c != nullptr && strcmp(key, c->key()) != 0) {
    197       c = c->next();
    198     }
    199     return c;
    200   }
    202   // Human-readable description for this ComponentRegistry.  For debug purposes.
    203   const char *const name_;
    205   // Pointer to the first Cell from the underlying list of (key, value) pairs.
    206   Cell *head_;
    207 };
    208 }  // namespace internal
    210 // Base class for registerable classes.
    211 template <class T>
    212 class RegisterableClass {
    213  public:
    214   // Factory function type.
    215   typedef T *(Factory)();
    217   // Registry type.
    218   typedef internal::ComponentRegistry<Factory> Registry;
    220   // Creates a new instance of T.  Returns pointer to new instance or nullptr in
    221   // case of errors (e.g., unknown component).
    222   //
    223   // Passes ownership of the returned pointer to the caller.
    224   static T *Create(const std::string &name) {  // NOLINT
    225     auto *factory = registry()->Lookup(name);
    226     if (factory == nullptr) {
    227       TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown RegisterableClass " << name;
    228       return nullptr;
    229     }
    230     return factory();
    231   }
    233   // Returns registry for class.
    234   static Registry *registry() {
    235     static Registry *registry_for_type_t = new Registry(kRegistryName);
    236     return registry_for_type_t;
    237   }
    239  protected:
    240   // Factory method for subclass ComponentClass.  Used internally by the static
    241   // method RegisterClass() defined by TC_DEFINE_REGISTRATION_METHOD.
    242   template <class ComponentClass>
    243   static T *_internal_component_factory() {
    244     return new ComponentClass();
    245   }
    247  private:
    248   // Human-readable name for the registry for this class.
    249   static const char kRegistryName[];
    250 };
    252 // Defines the static method component_class::RegisterClass() that should be
    253 // called before trying to instantiate component_class by name.  Should be used
    254 // inside the public section of the declaration of component_class.  See
    255 // comments at the top-level of this file.
    256 #define TC_DEFINE_REGISTRATION_METHOD(component_name, component_class)  \
    257   static void RegisterClass() {                                         \
    258     static bool once = registry()->Add(                                 \
    259         component_name, &_internal_component_factory<component_class>); \
    260     if (!once) {                                                        \
    261       TC_LOG(ERROR) << "Problem registering " << component_name;        \
    262     }                                                                   \
    263     TC_DCHECK(once);                                                    \
    264   }
    266 // Defines the human-readable name of the registry associated with base_class.
    267 #define TC_DECLARE_CLASS_REGISTRY_NAME(base_class)             \
    268   template <>                                                  \
    269   const char ::libtextclassifier::nlp_core::RegisterableClass< \
    270       base_class>::kRegistryName[]
    272 // Defines the human-readable name of the registry associated with base_class.
    273 #define TC_DEFINE_CLASS_REGISTRY_NAME(registry_name, base_class) \
    274   template <>                                                    \
    275   const char ::libtextclassifier::nlp_core::RegisterableClass<   \
    276       base_class>::kRegistryName[] = registry_name
    278 }  // namespace nlp_core
    279 }  // namespace libtextclassifier