/external/llvm/test/MC/ARM/ |
symbol-variants.s | 20 bl f04(PLT) label 21 bl f05(plt) label
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/gas/testsuite/gas/m32r/ |
rela-1.s | 3 bl label label 4 bl.l label 5 bl.s label 8 bl.s label
fslot.s | 3 # This is needed for example with bl because the subroutine will return 7 bl: label 8 bl bl 11 bl.s bl_s
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/gas/testsuite/gas/ppc/ |
476.s | 54 bl label label
a2.s | 65 bl label label
common.s | 36 bl label label
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/ld/testsuite/ld-arm/ |
arm-be8.s | 12 bl thumb label
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg/Foundation/Library/EfiCommonLib/Ia32/ |
EfiSetMem.c | 60 mov bl, Value
local 62 mov bh, bl
82 mov al, bl
EfiSetMemSSE2.c | 60 mov bl, Value
local 62 mov bh, bl
82 mov al, bl
/external/compiler-rt/test/BlocksRuntime/ |
objectRRGC.c | 52 struct Block_layout *bl = (struct Block_layout *)(void *)myBlock; local 53 if ((bl->flags & BLOCK_HAS_DESCRIPTOR) != BLOCK_HAS_DESCRIPTOR) { 57 if ((bl->flags & BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE) != BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE) { 63 //printf("destbuffer is at %p, block at %p\n", destBuffer, (void *)bl); 65 bl->descriptor->copy(destBuffer, bl); 66 bl->descriptor->dispose(bl);
objectassign.c | 55 struct Block_layout *bl = (struct Block_layout *)(void *)myBlock; local 56 if ((bl->flags & BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE) != BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE) { 62 //printf("destbuffer is at %p, block at %p\n", destBuffer, (void *)bl); 64 bl->descriptor->copy(destBuffer, bl); 65 bl->descriptor->dispose(bl);
/external/ipsec-tools/src/racoon/ |
vmbuf.h | 42 * <----------------------> bl 48 size_t bl; /* length of the buffer */ member in struct:_vchar_t_
/frameworks/base/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/ |
CertBlacklisterTest.java | 101 StringBuilder bl = new StringBuilder(); local 103 bl.append("6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccc,"); 105 overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, bl.toString()); 107 assertEquals(bl.toString(), blacklist); 161 StringBuilder bl = new StringBuilder(); local 163 bl.append("22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d0,"); 165 overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, bl.toString()); 167 assertEquals(bl.toString(), blacklist);
/build/make/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/assets/ |
jquery-1.6.2.min.js | 16 (function(a,b){function cv(a){return f.isWindow(a)?a:a.nodeType===9?a.defaultView||a.parentWindow:!1}function cs(a){if(!cg[a]){var b=c.body,d=f("<"+a+">").appendTo(b),e=d.css("display");d.remove();if(e==="none"||e===""){ch||(ch=c.createElement("iframe"),ch.frameBorder=ch.width=ch.height=0),b.appendChild(ch);if(!ci||!ch.createElement)ci=(ch.contentWindow||ch.contentDocument).document,ci.write((c.compatMode==="CSS1Compat"?"<!doctype html>":"")+"<html><body>"),ci.close();d=ci.createElement(a),ci.body.appendChild(d),e=f.css(d,"display"),b.removeChild(ch)}cg[a]=e}return cg[a]}function cr(a,b){var c={};f.each(cm.concat.apply([],cm.slice(0,b)),function(){c[this]=a});return c}function cq(){cn=b}function cp(){setTimeout(cq,0);return cn=f.now()}function cf(){try{return new a.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(b){}}function ce(){try{return new a.XMLHttpRequest}catch(b){}}function b$(a,c){a.dataFilter&&(c=a.dataFilter(c,a.dataType));var d=a.dataTypes,e={},g,h,i=d.length,j,k=d[0],l,m,n,o,p;for(g=1;g<i;g++){if(g===1)for(h in a.converters)typeof h=="string"&&(e[h.toLowerCase()]=a.converters[h]);l=k,k=d[g];if(k==="*")k=l;else if(l!=="*"&&l!==k){m=l+" "+k,n=e[m]||e["* "+k];if(!n){p=b;for(o in e){j=o.split(" ");if(j[0]===l||j[0]==="*"){p=e[j[1]+" "+k];if(p){o=e[o],o===!0?n=p:p===!0&&(n=o);break}}}}!n&&!p&&f.error("No conversion from "+m.replace(" "," to ")),n!==!0&&(c=n?n(c):p(o(c)))}}return c}function bZ(a,c,d){var e=a.contents,f=a.dataTypes,g=a.responseFields,h,i,j,k;for(i in g)i in d&&(c[g[i]]=d[i]);while(f[0]==="*")f.shift(),h===b&&(h=a.mimeType||c.getResponseHeader("content-type"));if(h)for(i in e)if(e[i]&&e[i].test(h)){f.unshift(i);break}if(f[0]in d)j=f[0];else{for(i in d){if(!f[0]||a.converters[i+" "+f[0]]){j=i;break}k||(k=i)}j=j||k}if(j){j!==f[0]&&f.unshift(j);return d[j]}}function bY(a,b,c,d){if(f.isArray(b))f.each(b,function(b,e){c||bC.test(a)?d(a,e):bY(a+"["+(typeof e=="object"||f.isArray(e)?b:"")+"]",e,c,d)});else if(!c&&b!=null&&typeof b=="object")for(var e in b)bY(a+"["+e+"]",b[e],c,d);else d(a,b)}function bX(a,c,d,e,f,g){f=f||c.dataTypes[0],g=g||{},g[f]=!0;var h=a[f],i=0,j=h?h.length:0,k=a===bR,l;for(;i<j&&(k||!l);i++)l=h[i](c,d,e),typeof l=="string"&&(!k||g[l]?l=b:(c.dataTypes.unshift(l),l=bX(a,c,d,e,l,g)));(k||!l)&&!g["*"]&&(l=bX(a,c,d,e,"*",g));return l}function bW(a){return function(b,c){typeof b!="string"&&(c=b,b="*");if(f.isFunction(c)){var d=b.toLowerCase().split(bN),e=0,g=d.length,h,i,j;for(;e<g;e++)h=d[e],j=/^\+/.test(h),j&&(h=h.substr(1)||"*"),i=a[h]=a[h]||[],i[j?"unshift":"push"](c)}}}function bA(a,b,c){var d=b==="width"?a.offsetWidth:a.offsetHeight,e=b==="width"?bv:bw;if(d>0){c!=="border"&&f.each(e,function(){c||(d-=parseFloat(f.css(a,"padding"+this))||0),c==="margin"?d+=parseFloat(f.css(a,c+this))||0:d-=parseFloat(f.css(a,"border"+this+"Width"))||0});return d+"px"}d=bx(a,b,b);if(d<0||d==null)d=a.style[b]||0;d=parseFloat(d)||0,c&&f.each(e,function(){d+=parseFloat(f.css(a,"padding"+this))||0,c!=="padding"&&(d+=parseFloat(f.css(a,"border"+this+"Width"))||0),c==="margin"&&(d+=parseFloat(f.css(a,c+this))||0)});return d+"px"}function bm(a,b){b.src?f.ajax({url:b.src,async:!1,dataType:"script"}):f.globalEval((b.text||b.textContent||b.innerHTML||"").replace(be,"/*$0*/")),b.parentNode&&b.parentNode.removeChild(b)}function bl(a){f.nodeName(a,"input")?bk(a):"getElementsByTagName"in a&&f.grep(a.getElementsByTagName("input"), (…) function in function:b$ [all...] |
/external/freetype/src/gzip/ |
infblock.c | 156 uInt bl, bd; local 159 inflate_trees_fixed(&bl, &bd, (const inflate_huft**)&tl, 161 s->sub.decode.codes = inflate_codes_new(bl, bd, tl, td, z); 308 uInt bl, bd; local 312 bl = 9; /* must be <= 9 for lookahead assumptions */ 316 s->sub.trees.blens, &bl, &bd, &tl, &td, 329 if ((c = inflate_codes_new(bl, bd, tl, td, z)) == Z_NULL)
/external/valgrind/coregrind/m_demangle/ |
safe-ctype.c | 132 #define bl _sch_isblank macro 158 #define T (const unsigned short) (nv|sp|bl|cn) /* tab */ 159 #define S (const unsigned short) (nv|sp|bl|pr) /* space */
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/libiberty/ |
safe-ctype.c | 127 #define bl _sch_isblank macro 153 #define T (const unsigned short) (nv|sp|bl|cn) /* tab */ 154 #define S (const unsigned short) (nv|sp|bl|pr) /* space */
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/jce/provider/ |
CertBlacklist.java | 134 Set<BigInteger> bl = new HashSet<BigInteger>(Arrays.asList( local 154 bl.add(new BigInteger(value, 16)); 162 return Collections.unmodifiableSet(bl); 168 Set<byte[]> bl = new HashSet<byte[]>(Arrays.asList( local 205 bl.add(value.getBytes()); 212 return bl;
/external/conscrypt/platform/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/ |
CertBlacklist.java | 141 Set<BigInteger> bl = new HashSet<BigInteger>(Arrays.asList( local 161 bl.add(new BigInteger(value, 16)); 169 return Collections.unmodifiableSet(bl); 175 Set<byte[]> bl = new HashSet<byte[]>(Arrays.asList( local 216 bl.add(value.getBytes(UTF_8)); 223 return bl;
/cts/common/util/tests/src/com/android/compatibility/common/util/ |
BusinessLogicTest.java | 133 BusinessLogic bl = BusinessLogicFactory.createFromFile(file); local 134 assertEquals("Wrong number of business logic rule lists", 3, bl.mRules.size()); 136 List<BusinessLogicRule> ruleList1 = bl.mRules.get("testCaseName1"); 162 List<BusinessLogicRule> ruleList2 = bl.mRules.get("testCaseName2"); 225 List<BusinessLogicRule> ruleList3 = bl.mRules.get("testCaseName3"); 236 BusinessLogic bl = BusinessLogicFactory.createFromFile(file); local 243 File file = File.createTempFile("test", "bl");
/external/androidplot/Examples/DemoApp/src/com/androidplot/demos/ |
ListViewActivity.java | 81 double bl = Math.random();
local 89 Color.rgb(new Double(rl * 255).intValue(), new Double(gl * 255).intValue(), new Double(bl * 255).intValue()),
/external/boringssl/src/crypto/asn1/ |
a_object.c | 97 BIGNUM *bl = NULL; local 142 if (!bl) 143 bl = BN_new(); 144 if (!bl || !BN_set_word(bl, l)) 148 if (!BN_mul_word(bl, 10L) 149 || !BN_add_word(bl, c - '0')) 160 if (!BN_add_word(bl, first * 40)) 168 blsize = BN_num_bits(bl); 179 BN_ULONG t = BN_div_word(bl, 0x80L) [all...] |
/external/clang/test/Sema/ |
zvector.c | 19 vector bool long long bl, bl2; variable 60 bl = bl2; 104 bl = bc2; // expected-error {{incompatible type}} 124 bl = (vector bool long long)ul2; 145 bl = (vector bool long long)uc2; 185 bl++; // expected-error {{cannot increment}} 225 bl--; // expected-error {{cannot decrement}} 247 bl = +bl2; // expected-error {{invalid argument type}} 273 bl = -bl2; // expected-error {{invalid argument type}} 299 bl = ~bl2 [all...] |
/external/zlib/src/contrib/inflate86/ |
inffas86.c | 161 " cmpb $32, %%bl\n" 165 " movb %%bl, %%cl\n" /* cl = bits, needs it for shifting */ 166 " addb $32, %%bl\n" /* bits += 32 */ 180 " cmpb $32, %%bl\n" 184 " movb %%bl, %%cl\n" /* cl = bits, needs it for shifting */ 185 " addb $32, %%bl\n" /* bits += 32 */ 194 " subb %%ah, %%bl\n" /* bits -= this.bits */ 210 " subb %%ah, %%bl\n" /* bits -= this.bits */ 232 " subb %%cl, %%bl\n" 243 " cmpb $32, %%bl\n 820 cmp bl, 15 local 826 add bl, 16 \/* bits += 16 *\/ local 837 sub bl, ah \/* bits -= this.bits *\/ local 858 cmp bl, cl local 865 add bl, 16 \/* bits += 16 *\/ local 871 sub bl, cl local 881 cmp bl, 15 local 887 add bl, 16 \/* bits += 16 *\/ local 901 sub bl, ah \/* bits -= this.bits *\/ local 909 cmp bl, cl local 916 add bl, 16 \/* bits += 16 *\/ local 922 sub bl, cl local [all...] |
/external/zlib/src/contrib/iostream/ |
zfstream.cpp | 192 int bl = blen(); local 193 setp( base(), base() + bl);