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      1 //===- subzero/src/IceGlobalContext.cpp - Global context defs -------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                        The Subzero Code Generator
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 ///
     10 /// \file
     11 /// \brief Defines aspects of the compilation that persist across multiple
     12 /// functions.
     13 ///
     14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     16 #include "IceGlobalContext.h"
     18 #include "IceCfg.h"
     19 #include "IceCfgNode.h"
     20 #include "IceClFlags.h"
     21 #include "IceDefs.h"
     22 #include "IceELFObjectWriter.h"
     23 #include "IceGlobalInits.h"
     24 #include "IceLiveness.h"
     25 #include "IceOperand.h"
     26 #include "IceRevision.h"
     27 #include "IceTargetLowering.h"
     28 #include "IceTimerTree.h"
     29 #include "IceTypes.def"
     30 #include "IceTypes.h"
     32 #ifdef __clang__
     33 #pragma clang diagnostic push
     34 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
     35 #endif // __clang__
     37 #include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
     39 #ifdef __clang__
     40 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
     41 #endif // __clang__
     43 #include <algorithm> // max()
     45 namespace std {
     46 template <> struct hash<Ice::RelocatableTuple> {
     47   size_t operator()(const Ice::RelocatableTuple &Key) const {
     48     // Use the relocatable's name, plus the hash of a combination of the number
     49     // of OffsetExprs and the known, fixed offset for the reloc. We left shift
     50     // the known relocatable by 5 trying to minimize the interaction between the
     51     // bits in OffsetExpr.size() and Key.Offset.
     52     return hash<Ice::SizeT>()(Key.Name.getID()) +
     53            hash<std::size_t>()(Key.OffsetExpr.size() + (Key.Offset << 5));
     54   }
     55 };
     56 } // end of namespace std
     58 namespace Ice {
     60 namespace {
     62 // Define the key comparison function for the constant pool's unordered_map,
     63 // but only for key types of interest: integer types, floating point types, and
     64 // the special RelocatableTuple.
     65 template <typename KeyType, class Enable = void> struct KeyCompare {};
     67 template <typename KeyType>
     68 struct KeyCompare<KeyType,
     69                   typename std::enable_if<
     70                       std::is_integral<KeyType>::value ||
     71                       std::is_same<KeyType, RelocatableTuple>::value>::type> {
     72   bool operator()(const KeyType &Value1, const KeyType &Value2) const {
     73     return Value1 == Value2;
     74   }
     75 };
     76 template <typename KeyType>
     77 struct KeyCompare<KeyType, typename std::enable_if<
     78                                std::is_floating_point<KeyType>::value>::type> {
     79   bool operator()(const KeyType &Value1, const KeyType &Value2) const {
     80     return !memcmp(&Value1, &Value2, sizeof(KeyType));
     81   }
     82 };
     84 // Define a key comparison function for sorting the constant pool's values
     85 // after they are dumped to a vector. This covers integer types, floating point
     86 // types, and ConstantRelocatable values.
     87 template <typename ValueType, class Enable = void> struct KeyCompareLess {};
     89 template <typename ValueType>
     90 struct KeyCompareLess<ValueType,
     91                       typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<
     92                           typename ValueType::PrimType>::value>::type> {
     93   bool operator()(const Constant *Const1, const Constant *Const2) const {
     94     using CompareType = uint64_t;
     95     static_assert(sizeof(typename ValueType::PrimType) <= sizeof(CompareType),
     96                   "Expected floating-point type of width 64-bit or less");
     97     typename ValueType::PrimType V1 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const1)->getValue();
     98     typename ValueType::PrimType V2 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const2)->getValue();
     99     // We avoid "V1<V2" because of NaN.
    100     // We avoid "memcmp(&V1,&V2,sizeof(V1))<0" which depends on the
    101     // endian-ness of the host system running Subzero.
    102     // Instead, compare the result of bit_cast to uint64_t.
    103     uint64_t I1 = 0, I2 = 0;
    104     memcpy(&I1, &V1, sizeof(V1));
    105     memcpy(&I2, &V2, sizeof(V2));
    106     return I1 < I2;
    107   }
    108 };
    109 template <typename ValueType>
    110 struct KeyCompareLess<ValueType,
    111                       typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<
    112                           typename ValueType::PrimType>::value>::type> {
    113   bool operator()(const Constant *Const1, const Constant *Const2) const {
    114     typename ValueType::PrimType V1 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const1)->getValue();
    115     typename ValueType::PrimType V2 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const2)->getValue();
    116     return V1 < V2;
    117   }
    118 };
    119 template <typename ValueType>
    120 struct KeyCompareLess<
    121     ValueType, typename std::enable_if<
    122                    std::is_same<ValueType, ConstantRelocatable>::value>::type> {
    123   bool operator()(const Constant *Const1, const Constant *Const2) const {
    124     auto *V1 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const1);
    125     auto *V2 = llvm::cast<ValueType>(Const2);
    126     if (V1->getName() == V2->getName())
    127       return V1->getOffset() < V2->getOffset();
    128     return V1->getName() < V2->getName();
    129   }
    130 };
    132 // TypePool maps constants of type KeyType (e.g. float) to pointers to
    133 // type ValueType (e.g. ConstantFloat).
    134 template <Type Ty, typename KeyType, typename ValueType> class TypePool {
    135   TypePool(const TypePool &) = delete;
    136   TypePool &operator=(const TypePool &) = delete;
    138 public:
    139   TypePool() = default;
    140   ValueType *getOrAdd(GlobalContext *Ctx, KeyType Key) {
    141     auto Iter = Pool.find(Key);
    142     if (Iter != Pool.end()) {
    143       Iter->second->updateLookupCount();
    144       return Iter->second;
    145     }
    146     auto *Result = ValueType::create(Ctx, Ty, Key);
    147     Pool[Key] = Result;
    148     Result->updateLookupCount();
    149     return Result;
    150   }
    151   ConstantList getConstantPool() const {
    152     ConstantList Constants;
    153     Constants.reserve(Pool.size());
    154     for (auto &I : Pool)
    155       Constants.push_back(I.second);
    156     // The sort (and its KeyCompareLess machinery) is not strictly necessary,
    157     // but is desirable for producing output that is deterministic across
    158     // unordered_map::iterator implementations.
    159     std::sort(Constants.begin(), Constants.end(), KeyCompareLess<ValueType>());
    160     return Constants;
    161   }
    162   size_t size() const { return Pool.size(); }
    164 private:
    165   // Use the default hash function, and a custom key comparison function. The
    166   // key comparison function for floating point variables can't use the default
    167   // == based implementation because of special C++ semantics regarding +0.0,
    168   // -0.0, and NaN comparison. However, it's OK to use the default hash for
    169   // floating point values because KeyCompare is the final source of truth - in
    170   // the worst case a "false" collision must be resolved.
    171   using ContainerType =
    172       std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType *, std::hash<KeyType>,
    173                          KeyCompare<KeyType>>;
    174   ContainerType Pool;
    175 };
    177 // UndefPool maps ICE types to the corresponding ConstantUndef values.
    178 class UndefPool {
    179   UndefPool(const UndefPool &) = delete;
    180   UndefPool &operator=(const UndefPool &) = delete;
    182 public:
    183   UndefPool() : Pool(IceType_NUM) {}
    185   ConstantUndef *getOrAdd(GlobalContext *Ctx, Type Ty) {
    186     if (Pool[Ty] == nullptr)
    187       Pool[Ty] = ConstantUndef::create(Ctx, Ty);
    188     return Pool[Ty];
    189   }
    191 private:
    192   std::vector<ConstantUndef *> Pool;
    193 };
    195 } // end of anonymous namespace
    197 // The global constant pool bundles individual pools of each type of
    198 // interest.
    199 class ConstantPool {
    200   ConstantPool(const ConstantPool &) = delete;
    201   ConstantPool &operator=(const ConstantPool &) = delete;
    203 public:
    204   ConstantPool() = default;
    205   TypePool<IceType_f32, float, ConstantFloat> Floats;
    206   TypePool<IceType_f64, double, ConstantDouble> Doubles;
    207   TypePool<IceType_i1, int8_t, ConstantInteger32> Integers1;
    208   TypePool<IceType_i8, int8_t, ConstantInteger32> Integers8;
    209   TypePool<IceType_i16, int16_t, ConstantInteger32> Integers16;
    210   TypePool<IceType_i32, int32_t, ConstantInteger32> Integers32;
    211   TypePool<IceType_i64, int64_t, ConstantInteger64> Integers64;
    212   TypePool<IceType_i32, RelocatableTuple, ConstantRelocatable> Relocatables;
    213   TypePool<IceType_i32, RelocatableTuple, ConstantRelocatable>
    214       ExternRelocatables;
    215   UndefPool Undefs;
    216 };
    218 void GlobalContext::waitForWorkerThreads() {
    219   if (WaitForWorkerThreadsCalled.exchange(true))
    220     return;
    221   optQueueNotifyEnd();
    222   for (std::thread &Worker : TranslationThreads) {
    223     Worker.join();
    224   }
    225   TranslationThreads.clear();
    227   // Only notify the emit queue to end after all the translation threads have
    228   // ended.
    229   emitQueueNotifyEnd();
    230   for (std::thread &Worker : EmitterThreads) {
    231     Worker.join();
    232   }
    233   EmitterThreads.clear();
    235   if (BuildDefs::timers()) {
    236     auto Timers = getTimers();
    237     for (ThreadContext *TLS : AllThreadContexts)
    238       Timers->mergeFrom(TLS->Timers);
    239   }
    240   if (BuildDefs::dump()) {
    241     // Do a separate loop over AllThreadContexts to avoid holding two locks at
    242     // once.
    243     auto Stats = getStatsCumulative();
    244     for (ThreadContext *TLS : AllThreadContexts)
    245       Stats->add(TLS->StatsCumulative);
    246   }
    247 }
    249 void GlobalContext::CodeStats::dump(const Cfg *Func, GlobalContext *Ctx) {
    250   if (!BuildDefs::dump())
    251     return;
    252   OstreamLocker _(Ctx);
    253   Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
    254   const std::string Name =
    255       (Func == nullptr ? "_FINAL_" : Func->getFunctionNameAndSize());
    256 #define X(str, tag)                                                            \
    257   Str << "|" << Name << "|" str "|" << Stats[CS_##tag] << "\n";
    259 #undef X
    260   Str << "|" << Name << "|Spills+Fills|"
    261       << Stats[CS_NumSpills] + Stats[CS_NumFills] << "\n";
    262   Str << "|" << Name << "|Memory Usage     |";
    263   if (const auto MemUsed = static_cast<size_t>(
    264           llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime(false).getMemUsed())) {
    265     static constexpr size_t _1MB = 1024 * 1024;
    266     Str << (MemUsed / _1MB) << " MB";
    267   } else {
    268     Str << "(requires '-track-memory')";
    269   }
    270   Str << "\n";
    271   Str << "|" << Name << "|CPool Sizes ";
    272   {
    273     auto Pool = Ctx->getConstPool();
    274     Str << "|f32=" << Pool->Floats.size();
    275     Str << "|f64=" << Pool->Doubles.size();
    276     Str << "|i1=" << Pool->Integers1.size();
    277     Str << "|i8=" << Pool->Integers8.size();
    278     Str << "|i16=" << Pool->Integers16.size();
    279     Str << "|i32=" << Pool->Integers32.size();
    280     Str << "|i64=" << Pool->Integers64.size();
    281     Str << "|Rel=" << Pool->Relocatables.size();
    282     Str << "|ExtRel=" << Pool->ExternRelocatables.size();
    283   }
    284   Str << "\n";
    285   if (Func != nullptr) {
    286     Str << "|" << Name << "|Cfg Memory       |" << Func->getTotalMemoryMB()
    287         << " MB\n";
    288     Str << "|" << Name << "|Liveness Memory  |" << Func->getLivenessMemoryMB()
    289         << " MB\n";
    290   }
    291 }
    293 namespace {
    295 // By default, wake up the main parser thread when the OptQ gets half empty.
    296 static constexpr size_t DefaultOptQWakeupSize = GlobalContext::MaxOptQSize >> 1;
    298 } // end of anonymous namespace
    300 GlobalContext::GlobalContext(Ostream *OsDump, Ostream *OsEmit, Ostream *OsError,
    301                              ELFStreamer *ELFStr)
    302     : Strings(new StringPool()), ConstPool(new ConstantPool()), ErrorStatus(),
    303       StrDump(OsDump), StrEmit(OsEmit), StrError(OsError), IntrinsicsInfo(this),
    304       ObjectWriter(),
    305       OptQWakeupSize(std::max(DefaultOptQWakeupSize,
    306                               size_t(getFlags().getNumTranslationThreads()))),
    307       OptQ(/*Sequential=*/getFlags().isSequential(),
    308            /*MaxSize=*/
    309            getFlags().isParseParallel()
    310                ? MaxOptQSize
    311                : getFlags().getNumTranslationThreads()),
    312       // EmitQ is allowed unlimited size.
    313       EmitQ(/*Sequential=*/getFlags().isSequential()),
    314       DataLowering(TargetDataLowering::createLowering(this)) {
    315   assert(OsDump && "OsDump is not defined for GlobalContext");
    316   assert(OsEmit && "OsEmit is not defined for GlobalContext");
    317   assert(OsError && "OsError is not defined for GlobalContext");
    318   // Make sure thread_local fields are properly initialized before any
    319   // accesses are made.  Do this here instead of at the start of
    320   // main() so that all clients (e.g. unit tests) can benefit for
    321   // free.
    322   GlobalContext::TlsInit();
    323   Cfg::TlsInit();
    324   Liveness::TlsInit();
    325   // Create a new ThreadContext for the current thread.  No need to
    326   // lock AllThreadContexts at this point since no other threads have
    327   // access yet to this GlobalContext object.
    328   ThreadContext *MyTLS = new ThreadContext();
    329   AllThreadContexts.push_back(MyTLS);
    331   // Pre-register built-in stack names.
    332   if (BuildDefs::timers()) {
    333     // TODO(stichnot): There needs to be a strong relationship between
    334     // the newTimerStackID() return values and TSK_Default/TSK_Funcs.
    335     newTimerStackID("Total across all functions");
    336     newTimerStackID("Per-function summary");
    337   }
    338   Timers.initInto(MyTLS->Timers);
    339   switch (getFlags().getOutFileType()) {
    340   case FT_Elf:
    341     ObjectWriter.reset(new ELFObjectWriter(*this, *ELFStr));
    342     break;
    343   case FT_Asm:
    344   case FT_Iasm:
    345     break;
    346   }
    347 // Cache up front common constants.
    348 #define X(tag, sizeLog2, align, elts, elty, str, rcstr)                        \
    349   ConstZeroForType[IceType_##tag] = getConstantZeroInternal(IceType_##tag);
    350   ICETYPE_TABLE;
    351 #undef X
    352   ConstantTrue = getConstantInt1Internal(1);
    353 // Define runtime helper functions.
    354 #define X(Tag, Name)                                                           \
    355   RuntimeHelperFunc[static_cast<size_t>(RuntimeHelper::H_##Tag)] =             \
    356       getConstantExternSym(getGlobalString(Name));
    358 #undef X
    360   TargetLowering::staticInit(this);
    362   if (getFlags().getEmitRevision()) {
    363     // Embed the Subzero revision into the compiled binary by creating a special
    364     // global variable initialized with the revision string.
    365     auto *Revision = VariableDeclaration::create(&Globals, true);
    366     Revision->setName(this, "__Sz_revision");
    367     Revision->setIsConstant(true);
    368     const char *RevisionString = getSubzeroRevision();
    369     Revision->addInitializer(VariableDeclaration::DataInitializer::create(
    370         &Globals, RevisionString, 1 + strlen(RevisionString)));
    371     Globals.push_back(Revision);
    372   }
    373 }
    375 void GlobalContext::translateFunctions() {
    376   TimerMarker Timer(TimerStack::TT_translateFunctions, this);
    377   while (std::unique_ptr<OptWorkItem> OptItem = optQueueBlockingPop()) {
    378     std::unique_ptr<EmitterWorkItem> Item;
    379     auto Func = OptItem->getParsedCfg();
    380     // Install Func in TLS for Cfg-specific container allocators.
    381     CfgLocalAllocatorScope _(Func.get());
    382     // Reset per-function stats being accumulated in TLS.
    383     resetStats();
    384     // Set verbose level to none if the current function does NOT match the
    385     // -verbose-focus command-line option.
    386     if (!getFlags().matchVerboseFocusOn(Func->getFunctionName(),
    387                                         Func->getSequenceNumber()))
    388       Func->setVerbose(IceV_None);
    389     // Disable translation if -notranslate is specified, or if the current
    390     // function matches the -translate-only option.  If translation is disabled,
    391     // just dump the high-level IR and continue.
    392     if (getFlags().getDisableTranslation() ||
    393         !getFlags().matchTranslateOnly(Func->getFunctionName(),
    394                                        Func->getSequenceNumber())) {
    395       Func->dump();
    396       // Add a dummy work item as a placeholder.  This maintains sequence
    397       // numbers so that the emitter thread will emit subsequent functions.
    398       Item = makeUnique<EmitterWorkItem>(Func->getSequenceNumber());
    399       emitQueueBlockingPush(std::move(Item));
    400       continue; // Func goes out of scope and gets deleted
    401     }
    403     Func->translate();
    404     if (Func->hasError()) {
    405       getErrorStatus()->assign(EC_Translation);
    406       OstreamLocker L(this);
    407       getStrError() << "ICE translation error: " << Func->getFunctionName()
    408                     << ": " << Func->getError() << ": "
    409                     << Func->getFunctionNameAndSize() << "\n";
    410       Item = makeUnique<EmitterWorkItem>(Func->getSequenceNumber());
    411     } else {
    412       Func->getAssembler<>()->setInternal(Func->getInternal());
    413       switch (getFlags().getOutFileType()) {
    414       case FT_Elf:
    415       case FT_Iasm: {
    416         Func->emitIAS();
    417         // The Cfg has already emitted into the assembly buffer, so
    418         // stats have been fully collected into this thread's TLS.
    419         // Dump them before TLS is reset for the next Cfg.
    420         if (BuildDefs::dump())
    421           dumpStats(Func.get());
    422         auto Asm = Func->releaseAssembler();
    423         // Copy relevant fields into Asm before Func is deleted.
    424         Asm->setFunctionName(Func->getFunctionName());
    425         Item = makeUnique<EmitterWorkItem>(Func->getSequenceNumber(),
    426                                            std::move(Asm));
    427         Item->setGlobalInits(Func->getGlobalInits());
    428       } break;
    429       case FT_Asm:
    430         // The Cfg has not been emitted yet, so stats are not ready
    431         // to be dumped.
    432         std::unique_ptr<VariableDeclarationList> GlobalInits =
    433             Func->getGlobalInits();
    434         Item = makeUnique<EmitterWorkItem>(Func->getSequenceNumber(),
    435                                            std::move(Func));
    436         Item->setGlobalInits(std::move(GlobalInits));
    437         break;
    438       }
    439     }
    440     assert(Item != nullptr);
    441     emitQueueBlockingPush(std::move(Item));
    442     // The Cfg now gets deleted as Func goes out of scope.
    443   }
    444 }
    446 namespace {
    448 // Ensure Pending is large enough that Pending[Index] is valid.
    449 void resizePending(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EmitterWorkItem>> *Pending,
    450                    uint32_t Index) {
    451   if (Index >= Pending->size())
    452     Utils::reserveAndResize(*Pending, Index + 1);
    453 }
    455 } // end of anonymous namespace
    457 void GlobalContext::emitFileHeader() {
    458   TimerMarker T1(Ice::TimerStack::TT_emitAsm, this);
    459   if (getFlags().getOutFileType() == FT_Elf) {
    460     getObjectWriter()->writeInitialELFHeader();
    461   } else {
    462     if (!BuildDefs::dump()) {
    463       getStrError() << "emitFileHeader for non-ELF";
    464       getErrorStatus()->assign(EC_Translation);
    465     }
    466     TargetHeaderLowering::createLowering(this)->lower();
    467   }
    468 }
    470 void GlobalContext::lowerConstants() { DataLowering->lowerConstants(); }
    472 void GlobalContext::lowerJumpTables() { DataLowering->lowerJumpTables(); }
    474 void GlobalContext::emitTargetRODataSections() {
    475   DataLowering->emitTargetRODataSections();
    476 }
    478 void GlobalContext::saveBlockInfoPtrs() {
    479   for (VariableDeclaration *Global : Globals) {
    480     if (Cfg::isProfileGlobal(*Global)) {
    481       ProfileBlockInfos.push_back(Global);
    482     }
    483   }
    484 }
    486 void GlobalContext::lowerGlobals(const std::string &SectionSuffix) {
    487   TimerMarker T(TimerStack::TT_emitGlobalInitializers, this);
    488   const bool DumpGlobalVariables =
    489       BuildDefs::dump() && (getFlags().getVerbose() & IceV_GlobalInit) &&
    490       getFlags().matchVerboseFocusOn("", 0);
    491   if (DumpGlobalVariables) {
    492     OstreamLocker L(this);
    493     Ostream &Stream = getStrDump();
    494     for (const Ice::VariableDeclaration *Global : Globals) {
    495       Global->dump(Stream);
    496     }
    497   }
    498   if (getFlags().getDisableTranslation())
    499     return;
    501   saveBlockInfoPtrs();
    502   // If we need to shuffle the layout of global variables, shuffle them now.
    503   if (getFlags().getReorderGlobalVariables()) {
    504     // Create a random number generator for global variable reordering.
    505     RandomNumberGenerator RNG(getFlags().getRandomSeed(),
    506                               RPE_GlobalVariableReordering);
    507     RandomShuffle(Globals.begin(), Globals.end(),
    508                   [&RNG](int N) { return (uint32_t)RNG.next(N); });
    509   }
    511   if (!BuildDefs::minimal() && Instrumentor)
    512     Instrumentor->instrumentGlobals(Globals);
    514   DataLowering->lowerGlobals(Globals, SectionSuffix);
    515   if (ProfileBlockInfos.empty() && DisposeGlobalVariablesAfterLowering) {
    516     Globals.clearAndPurge();
    517   } else {
    518     Globals.clear();
    519   }
    520 }
    522 void GlobalContext::lowerProfileData() {
    523   // ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl is initialized in the constructor, and will only
    524   // ever be nullptr after this method completes. This assertion is a convoluted
    525   // way of ensuring lowerProfileData is invoked a single time.
    526   assert(ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl == nullptr);
    528   auto GlobalVariablePool = getInitializerAllocator();
    529   ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl =
    530       VariableDeclaration::createExternal(GlobalVariablePool.get());
    531   ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl->setAlignment(typeWidthInBytes(IceType_i64));
    532   ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl->setIsConstant(true);
    534   // Note: if you change this symbol, make sure to update
    535   // runtime/szrt_profiler.c as well.
    536   ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl->setName(this, "__Sz_block_profile_info");
    538   for (const VariableDeclaration *PBI : ProfileBlockInfos) {
    539     if (Cfg::isProfileGlobal(*PBI)) {
    540       constexpr RelocOffsetT BlockExecutionCounterOffset = 0;
    541       ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl->addInitializer(
    542           VariableDeclaration::RelocInitializer::create(
    543               GlobalVariablePool.get(), PBI,
    544               {RelocOffset::create(this, BlockExecutionCounterOffset)}));
    545     }
    546   }
    548   // This adds a 64-bit sentinel entry to the end of our array. For 32-bit
    549   // architectures this will waste 4 bytes.
    550   const SizeT Sizeof64BitNullPtr = typeWidthInBytes(IceType_i64);
    551   ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl->addInitializer(
    552       VariableDeclaration::ZeroInitializer::create(GlobalVariablePool.get(),
    553                                                    Sizeof64BitNullPtr));
    554   Globals.push_back(ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl);
    555   constexpr char ProfileDataSection[] = "$sz_profiler$";
    556   lowerGlobals(ProfileDataSection);
    557 }
    559 void GlobalContext::emitItems() {
    560   const bool Threaded = !getFlags().isSequential();
    561   // Pending is a vector containing the reassembled, ordered list of
    562   // work items.  When we're ready for the next item, we first check
    563   // whether it's in the Pending list.  If not, we take an item from
    564   // the work queue, and if it's not the item we're waiting for, we
    565   // insert it into Pending and repeat.  The work item is deleted
    566   // after it is processed.
    567   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EmitterWorkItem>> Pending;
    568   uint32_t DesiredSequenceNumber = getFirstSequenceNumber();
    569   uint32_t ShuffleStartIndex = DesiredSequenceNumber;
    570   uint32_t ShuffleEndIndex = DesiredSequenceNumber;
    571   bool EmitQueueEmpty = false;
    572   const uint32_t ShuffleWindowSize =
    573       std::max(1u, getFlags().getReorderFunctionsWindowSize());
    574   bool Shuffle = Threaded && getFlags().getReorderFunctions();
    575   // Create a random number generator for function reordering.
    576   RandomNumberGenerator RNG(getFlags().getRandomSeed(), RPE_FunctionReordering);
    578   while (!EmitQueueEmpty) {
    579     resizePending(&Pending, DesiredSequenceNumber);
    580     // See if Pending contains DesiredSequenceNumber.
    581     if (Pending[DesiredSequenceNumber] == nullptr) {
    582       // We need to fetch an EmitterWorkItem from the queue.
    583       auto RawItem = emitQueueBlockingPop();
    584       if (RawItem == nullptr) {
    585         // This is the notifier for an empty queue.
    586         EmitQueueEmpty = true;
    587       } else {
    588         // We get an EmitterWorkItem, we need to add it to Pending.
    589         uint32_t ItemSeq = RawItem->getSequenceNumber();
    590         if (Threaded && ItemSeq != DesiredSequenceNumber) {
    591           // Not the desired one, add it to Pending but do not increase
    592           // DesiredSequenceNumber. Continue the loop, do not emit the item.
    593           resizePending(&Pending, ItemSeq);
    594           Pending[ItemSeq] = std::move(RawItem);
    595           continue;
    596         }
    597         // ItemSeq == DesiredSequenceNumber, we need to check if we should
    598         // emit it or not. If !Threaded, we're OK with ItemSeq !=
    599         // DesiredSequenceNumber.
    600         Pending[DesiredSequenceNumber] = std::move(RawItem);
    601       }
    602     }
    603     const auto *CurrentWorkItem = Pending[DesiredSequenceNumber].get();
    605     // We have the desired EmitterWorkItem or nullptr as the end notifier.
    606     // If the emitter queue is not empty, increase DesiredSequenceNumber and
    607     // ShuffleEndIndex.
    608     if (!EmitQueueEmpty) {
    609       DesiredSequenceNumber++;
    610       ShuffleEndIndex++;
    611     }
    613     if (Shuffle) {
    614       // Continue fetching EmitterWorkItem if function reordering is turned on,
    615       // and emit queue is not empty, and the number of consecutive pending
    616       // items is smaller than the window size, and RawItem is not a
    617       // WI_GlobalInits kind. Emit WI_GlobalInits kind block first to avoid
    618       // holding an arbitrarily large GlobalDeclarationList.
    619       if (!EmitQueueEmpty &&
    620           ShuffleEndIndex - ShuffleStartIndex < ShuffleWindowSize &&
    621           CurrentWorkItem->getKind() != EmitterWorkItem::WI_GlobalInits)
    622         continue;
    624       // Emit the EmitterWorkItem between Pending[ShuffleStartIndex] to
    625       // Pending[ShuffleEndIndex]. If function reordering turned on, shuffle the
    626       // pending items from Pending[ShuffleStartIndex] to
    627       // Pending[ShuffleEndIndex].
    628       RandomShuffle(Pending.begin() + ShuffleStartIndex,
    629                     Pending.begin() + ShuffleEndIndex,
    630                     [&RNG](uint64_t N) { return (uint32_t)RNG.next(N); });
    631     }
    633     // Emit the item from ShuffleStartIndex to ShuffleEndIndex.
    634     for (uint32_t I = ShuffleStartIndex; I < ShuffleEndIndex; I++) {
    635       std::unique_ptr<EmitterWorkItem> Item = std::move(Pending[I]);
    637       switch (Item->getKind()) {
    638       case EmitterWorkItem::WI_Nop:
    639         break;
    640       case EmitterWorkItem::WI_GlobalInits: {
    641         accumulateGlobals(Item->getGlobalInits());
    642       } break;
    643       case EmitterWorkItem::WI_Asm: {
    644         lowerGlobalsIfNoCodeHasBeenSeen();
    645         accumulateGlobals(Item->getGlobalInits());
    647         std::unique_ptr<Assembler> Asm = Item->getAsm();
    648         Asm->alignFunction();
    649         GlobalString Name = Asm->getFunctionName();
    650         switch (getFlags().getOutFileType()) {
    651         case FT_Elf:
    652           getObjectWriter()->writeFunctionCode(Name, Asm->getInternal(),
    653                                                Asm.get());
    654           break;
    655         case FT_Iasm: {
    656           OstreamLocker L(this);
    657           Cfg::emitTextHeader(Name, this, Asm.get());
    658           Asm->emitIASBytes(this);
    659         } break;
    660         case FT_Asm:
    661           llvm::report_fatal_error("Unexpected FT_Asm");
    662           break;
    663         }
    664       } break;
    665       case EmitterWorkItem::WI_Cfg: {
    666         if (!BuildDefs::dump())
    667           llvm::report_fatal_error("WI_Cfg work item created inappropriately");
    668         lowerGlobalsIfNoCodeHasBeenSeen();
    669         accumulateGlobals(Item->getGlobalInits());
    671         assert(getFlags().getOutFileType() == FT_Asm);
    672         std::unique_ptr<Cfg> Func = Item->getCfg();
    673         // Unfortunately, we have to temporarily install the Cfg in TLS
    674         // because Variable::asType() uses the allocator to create the
    675         // differently-typed copy.
    676         CfgLocalAllocatorScope _(Func.get());
    677         Func->emit();
    678         dumpStats(Func.get());
    679       } break;
    680       }
    681     }
    682     // Update the start index for next shuffling queue
    683     ShuffleStartIndex = ShuffleEndIndex;
    684   }
    686   // In case there are no code to be generated, we invoke the conditional
    687   // lowerGlobals again -- this is a no-op if code has been emitted.
    688   lowerGlobalsIfNoCodeHasBeenSeen();
    689 }
    691 GlobalContext::~GlobalContext() {
    692   llvm::DeleteContainerPointers(AllThreadContexts);
    693   LockedPtr<DestructorArray> Dtors = getDestructors();
    694   // Destructors are invoked in the opposite object construction order.
    695   for (const auto &Dtor : reverse_range(*Dtors))
    696     Dtor();
    697 }
    699 void GlobalContext::dumpStrings() {
    700   if (!getFlags().getDumpStrings())
    701     return;
    702   OstreamLocker _(this);
    703   Ostream &Str = getStrDump();
    704   Str << "GlobalContext strings:\n";
    705   getStrings()->dump(Str);
    706 }
    708 void GlobalContext::dumpConstantLookupCounts() {
    709   if (!BuildDefs::dump())
    710     return;
    711   const bool DumpCounts = (getFlags().getVerbose() & IceV_ConstPoolStats) &&
    712                           getFlags().matchVerboseFocusOn("", 0);
    713   if (!DumpCounts)
    714     return;
    716   OstreamLocker _(this);
    717   Ostream &Str = getStrDump();
    718   Str << "Constant pool use stats: count+value+type\n";
    719 #define X(WhichPool)                                                           \
    720   for (auto *C : getConstPool()->WhichPool.getConstantPool()) {                \
    721     Str << C->getLookupCount() << " ";                                         \
    722     C->dump(Str);                                                              \
    723     Str << " " << C->getType() << "\n";                                        \
    724   }
    725   X(Integers1);
    726   X(Integers8);
    727   X(Integers16);
    728   X(Integers32);
    729   X(Integers64);
    730   X(Floats);
    731   X(Doubles);
    732   X(Relocatables);
    733   X(ExternRelocatables);
    734 #undef X
    735 }
    737 // TODO(stichnot): Consider adding thread-local caches of constant pool entries
    738 // to reduce contention.
    740 // All locking is done by the getConstantInt[0-9]+() target function.
    741 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt(Type Ty, int64_t Value) {
    742   switch (Ty) {
    743   case IceType_i1:
    744     return getConstantInt1(Value);
    745   case IceType_i8:
    746     return getConstantInt8(Value);
    747   case IceType_i16:
    748     return getConstantInt16(Value);
    749   case IceType_i32:
    750     return getConstantInt32(Value);
    751   case IceType_i64:
    752     return getConstantInt64(Value);
    753   default:
    754     llvm_unreachable("Bad integer type for getConstant");
    755   }
    756   return nullptr;
    757 }
    759 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt1Internal(int8_t ConstantInt1) {
    760   ConstantInt1 &= INT8_C(1);
    761   return getConstPool()->Integers1.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt1);
    762 }
    764 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt8Internal(int8_t ConstantInt8) {
    765   return getConstPool()->Integers8.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt8);
    766 }
    768 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt16Internal(int16_t ConstantInt16) {
    769   return getConstPool()->Integers16.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt16);
    770 }
    772 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt32Internal(int32_t ConstantInt32) {
    773   return getConstPool()->Integers32.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt32);
    774 }
    776 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantInt64Internal(int64_t ConstantInt64) {
    777   return getConstPool()->Integers64.getOrAdd(this, ConstantInt64);
    778 }
    780 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantFloat(float ConstantFloat) {
    781   return getConstPool()->Floats.getOrAdd(this, ConstantFloat);
    782 }
    784 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantDouble(double ConstantDouble) {
    785   return getConstPool()->Doubles.getOrAdd(this, ConstantDouble);
    786 }
    788 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantSymWithEmitString(
    789     const RelocOffsetT Offset, const RelocOffsetArray &OffsetExpr,
    790     GlobalString Name, const std::string &EmitString) {
    791   return getConstPool()->Relocatables.getOrAdd(
    792       this, RelocatableTuple(Offset, OffsetExpr, Name, EmitString));
    793 }
    795 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantSym(RelocOffsetT Offset,
    796                                         GlobalString Name) {
    797   constexpr char EmptyEmitString[] = "";
    798   return getConstantSymWithEmitString(Offset, {}, Name, EmptyEmitString);
    799 }
    801 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantExternSym(GlobalString Name) {
    802   constexpr RelocOffsetT Offset = 0;
    803   return getConstPool()->ExternRelocatables.getOrAdd(
    804       this, RelocatableTuple(Offset, {}, Name));
    805 }
    807 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantUndef(Type Ty) {
    808   return getConstPool()->Undefs.getOrAdd(this, Ty);
    809 }
    811 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantZero(Type Ty) {
    812   Constant *Zero = ConstZeroForType[Ty];
    813   if (Zero == nullptr)
    814     llvm::report_fatal_error("Unsupported constant type: " + typeStdString(Ty));
    815   return Zero;
    816 }
    818 // All locking is done by the getConstant*() target function.
    819 Constant *GlobalContext::getConstantZeroInternal(Type Ty) {
    820   switch (Ty) {
    821   case IceType_i1:
    822     return getConstantInt1Internal(0);
    823   case IceType_i8:
    824     return getConstantInt8Internal(0);
    825   case IceType_i16:
    826     return getConstantInt16Internal(0);
    827   case IceType_i32:
    828     return getConstantInt32Internal(0);
    829   case IceType_i64:
    830     return getConstantInt64Internal(0);
    831   case IceType_f32:
    832     return getConstantFloat(0);
    833   case IceType_f64:
    834     return getConstantDouble(0);
    835   default:
    836     return nullptr;
    837   }
    838 }
    840 ConstantList GlobalContext::getConstantPool(Type Ty) {
    841   switch (Ty) {
    842   case IceType_i1:
    843   case IceType_i8:
    844     return getConstPool()->Integers8.getConstantPool();
    845   case IceType_i16:
    846     return getConstPool()->Integers16.getConstantPool();
    847   case IceType_i32:
    848     return getConstPool()->Integers32.getConstantPool();
    849   case IceType_i64:
    850     return getConstPool()->Integers64.getConstantPool();
    851   case IceType_f32:
    852     return getConstPool()->Floats.getConstantPool();
    853   case IceType_f64:
    854     return getConstPool()->Doubles.getConstantPool();
    855   case IceType_v4i1:
    856   case IceType_v8i1:
    857   case IceType_v16i1:
    858   case IceType_v16i8:
    859   case IceType_v8i16:
    860   case IceType_v4i32:
    861   case IceType_v4f32:
    862     llvm::report_fatal_error("Unsupported constant type: " + typeStdString(Ty));
    863     break;
    864   case IceType_void:
    865   case IceType_NUM:
    866     break;
    867   }
    868   llvm_unreachable("Unknown type");
    869 }
    871 ConstantList GlobalContext::getConstantExternSyms() {
    872   return getConstPool()->ExternRelocatables.getConstantPool();
    873 }
    875 GlobalString GlobalContext::getGlobalString(const std::string &Name) {
    876   return GlobalString::createWithString(this, Name);
    877 }
    879 JumpTableDataList GlobalContext::getJumpTables() {
    880   JumpTableDataList JumpTables(*getJumpTableList());
    881   // Make order deterministic by sorting into functions and then ID of the jump
    882   // table within that function.
    883   std::sort(JumpTables.begin(), JumpTables.end(),
    884             [](const JumpTableData &A, const JumpTableData &B) {
    885               if (A.getFunctionName() != B.getFunctionName())
    886                 return A.getFunctionName() < B.getFunctionName();
    887               return A.getId() < B.getId();
    888             });
    890   if (getFlags().getReorderPooledConstants()) {
    891     // If reorder-pooled-constants option is set to true, we also shuffle the
    892     // jump tables before emitting them.
    894     // Create a random number generator for jump tables reordering, considering
    895     // jump tables as pooled constants.
    896     RandomNumberGenerator RNG(getFlags().getRandomSeed(),
    897                               RPE_PooledConstantReordering);
    898     RandomShuffle(JumpTables.begin(), JumpTables.end(),
    899                   [&RNG](uint64_t N) { return (uint32_t)RNG.next(N); });
    900   }
    901   return JumpTables;
    902 }
    904 void GlobalContext::addJumpTableData(JumpTableData JumpTable) {
    905   getJumpTableList()->emplace_back(std::move(JumpTable));
    906 }
    908 TimerStackIdT GlobalContext::newTimerStackID(const std::string &Name) {
    909   if (!BuildDefs::timers())
    910     return 0;
    911   auto Timers = getTimers();
    912   TimerStackIdT NewID = Timers->size();
    913   Timers->push_back(TimerStack(Name));
    914   return NewID;
    915 }
    917 TimerIdT GlobalContext::getTimerID(TimerStackIdT StackID,
    918                                    const std::string &Name) {
    919   auto *Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
    920   assert(StackID < Timers->size());
    921   return Timers->at(StackID).getTimerID(Name);
    922 }
    924 void GlobalContext::pushTimer(TimerIdT ID, TimerStackIdT StackID) {
    925   auto *Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
    926   assert(StackID < Timers->size());
    927   Timers->at(StackID).push(ID);
    928 }
    930 void GlobalContext::popTimer(TimerIdT ID, TimerStackIdT StackID) {
    931   auto *Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
    932   assert(StackID < Timers->size());
    933   Timers->at(StackID).pop(ID);
    934 }
    936 void GlobalContext::resetTimer(TimerStackIdT StackID) {
    937   auto *Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
    938   assert(StackID < Timers->size());
    939   Timers->at(StackID).reset();
    940 }
    942 std::string GlobalContext::getTimerName(TimerStackIdT StackID) {
    943   auto *Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
    944   assert(StackID < Timers->size());
    945   return Timers->at(StackID).getName();
    946 }
    948 void GlobalContext::setTimerName(TimerStackIdT StackID,
    949                                  const std::string &NewName) {
    950   auto *Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
    951   assert(StackID < Timers->size());
    952   Timers->at(StackID).setName(NewName);
    953 }
    955 // Note: optQueueBlockingPush and optQueueBlockingPop use unique_ptr at the
    956 // interface to take and transfer ownership, but they internally store the raw
    957 // Cfg pointer in the work queue. This allows e.g. future queue optimizations
    958 // such as the use of atomics to modify queue elements.
    959 void GlobalContext::optQueueBlockingPush(std::unique_ptr<OptWorkItem> Item) {
    960   assert(Item);
    961   {
    962     TimerMarker _(TimerStack::TT_qTransPush, this);
    963     OptQ.blockingPush(std::move(Item));
    964   }
    965   if (getFlags().isSequential())
    966     translateFunctions();
    967 }
    969 std::unique_ptr<OptWorkItem> GlobalContext::optQueueBlockingPop() {
    970   TimerMarker _(TimerStack::TT_qTransPop, this);
    971   return OptQ.blockingPop(OptQWakeupSize);
    972 }
    974 void GlobalContext::emitQueueBlockingPush(
    975     std::unique_ptr<EmitterWorkItem> Item) {
    976   assert(Item);
    977   {
    978     TimerMarker _(TimerStack::TT_qEmitPush, this);
    979     EmitQ.blockingPush(std::move(Item));
    980   }
    981   if (getFlags().isSequential())
    982     emitItems();
    983 }
    985 std::unique_ptr<EmitterWorkItem> GlobalContext::emitQueueBlockingPop() {
    986   TimerMarker _(TimerStack::TT_qEmitPop, this);
    987   return EmitQ.blockingPop();
    988 }
    990 void GlobalContext::dumpStats(const Cfg *Func) {
    991   if (!getFlags().getDumpStats())
    992     return;
    993   if (Func == nullptr) {
    994     getStatsCumulative()->dump(Func, this);
    995   } else {
    996     ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->StatsFunction.dump(Func, this);
    997   }
    998 }
   1000 void GlobalContext::dumpTimers(TimerStackIdT StackID, bool DumpCumulative) {
   1001   if (!BuildDefs::timers())
   1002     return;
   1003   auto Timers = getTimers();
   1004   assert(Timers->size() > StackID);
   1005   OstreamLocker L(this);
   1006   Timers->at(StackID).dump(getStrDump(), DumpCumulative);
   1007 }
   1009 void GlobalContext::dumpLocalTimers(const std::string &TimerNameOverride,
   1010                                     TimerStackIdT StackID,
   1011                                     bool DumpCumulative) {
   1012   if (!BuildDefs::timers())
   1013     return;
   1014   auto *Timers = &ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS)->Timers;
   1015   assert(Timers->size() > StackID);
   1016   // Temporarily override the thread-local timer name with the given name.
   1017   // Don't do it permanently because the final timer merge at the end expects
   1018   // the thread-local timer names to be the same as the global timer name.
   1019   auto OrigName = getTimerName(StackID);
   1020   setTimerName(StackID, TimerNameOverride);
   1021   {
   1022     OstreamLocker _(this);
   1023     Timers->at(StackID).dump(getStrDump(), DumpCumulative);
   1024   }
   1025   setTimerName(StackID, OrigName);
   1026 }
   1028 LockedPtr<StringPool>
   1029 GlobalStringPoolTraits::getStrings(const GlobalContext *PoolOwner) {
   1030   return PoolOwner->getStrings();
   1031 }
   1033 TimerIdT TimerMarker::getTimerIdFromFuncName(GlobalContext *Ctx,
   1034                                              const std::string &FuncName) {
   1035   if (!BuildDefs::timers())
   1036     return 0;
   1037   if (!getFlags().getTimeEachFunction())
   1038     return 0;
   1039   return Ctx->getTimerID(GlobalContext::TSK_Funcs, FuncName);
   1040 }
   1042 void TimerMarker::push() {
   1043   switch (StackID) {
   1044   case GlobalContext::TSK_Default:
   1045     Active = getFlags().getSubzeroTimingEnabled() ||
   1046              !getFlags().getTimingFocusOnString().empty();
   1047     break;
   1048   case GlobalContext::TSK_Funcs:
   1049     Active = getFlags().getTimeEachFunction();
   1050     break;
   1051   default:
   1052     break;
   1053   }
   1054   if (Active)
   1055     Ctx->pushTimer(ID, StackID);
   1056 }
   1058 void TimerMarker::pushCfg(const Cfg *Func) {
   1059   Ctx = Func->getContext();
   1060   Active = Func->getFocusedTiming() || getFlags().getSubzeroTimingEnabled();
   1061   if (Active)
   1062     Ctx->pushTimer(ID, StackID);
   1063 }
   1065 ICE_TLS_DEFINE_FIELD(GlobalContext::ThreadContext *, GlobalContext, TLS);
   1067 } // end of namespace Ice