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      1 // Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 package python
     17 // This file contains the "Base" module type for building Python program.
     19 import (
     20 	"fmt"
     21 	"path/filepath"
     22 	"regexp"
     23 	"sort"
     24 	"strings"
     26 	"github.com/google/blueprint"
     28 	"android/soong/android"
     29 )
     31 func init() {
     32 	android.PreDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
     33 		ctx.BottomUp("version_split", versionSplitMutator()).Parallel()
     34 	})
     35 }
     37 // the version properties that apply to python libraries and binaries.
     38 type PythonVersionProperties struct {
     39 	// true, if the module is required to be built with this version.
     40 	Enabled *bool
     42 	// if specified, common src files are converted to specific version with converter tool.
     43 	// Converter bool
     45 	// non-empty list of .py files under this strict Python version.
     46 	// srcs may reference the outputs of other modules that produce source files like genrule
     47 	// or filegroup using the syntax ":module".
     48 	Srcs []string
     50 	// list of the Python libraries under this Python version.
     51 	Libs []string
     52 }
     54 // properties that apply to python libraries and binaries.
     55 type PythonBaseModuleProperties struct {
     56 	// the package path prefix within the output artifact at which to place the source/data
     57 	// files of the current module.
     58 	// eg. Pkg_path = "a/b/c"; Other packages can reference this module by using
     59 	// (from a.b.c import ...) statement.
     60 	// if left unspecified, all the source/data files of current module are copied to
     61 	// "runfiles/" tree directory directly.
     62 	Pkg_path string
     64 	// list of source (.py) files compatible both with Python2 and Python3 used to compile the
     65 	// Python module.
     66 	// srcs may reference the outputs of other modules that produce source files like genrule
     67 	// or filegroup using the syntax ":module".
     68 	// Srcs has to be non-empty.
     69 	Srcs []string
     71 	// list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside
     72 	// the test. the file extension can be arbitrary except for (.py).
     73 	Data []string
     75 	// list of the Python libraries compatible both with Python2 and Python3.
     76 	Libs []string
     78 	Version struct {
     79 		// all the "srcs" or Python dependencies that are to be used only for Python2.
     80 		Py2 PythonVersionProperties
     82 		// all the "srcs" or Python dependencies that are to be used only for Python3.
     83 		Py3 PythonVersionProperties
     84 	}
     86 	// the actual version each module uses after variations created.
     87 	// this property name is hidden from users' perspectives, and soong will populate it during
     88 	// runtime.
     89 	ActualVersion string `blueprint:"mutated"`
     90 }
     92 type pathMapping struct {
     93 	dest string
     94 	src  android.Path
     95 }
     97 type pythonBaseModule struct {
     98 	android.ModuleBase
     99 	subModule PythonSubModule
    101 	properties PythonBaseModuleProperties
    103 	// the Python files of current module after expanding source dependencies.
    104 	// pathMapping: <dest: runfile_path, src: source_path>
    105 	srcsPathMappings []pathMapping
    107 	// the data files of current module after expanding source dependencies.
    108 	// pathMapping: <dest: runfile_path, src: source_path>
    109 	dataPathMappings []pathMapping
    111 	// the soong_zip arguments for zipping current module source/data files.
    112 	parSpec parSpec
    114 	// the installer might be nil.
    115 	installer installer
    117 	subAndroidMkOnce map[subAndroidMkProvider]bool
    118 }
    120 type PythonSubModule interface {
    121 	GeneratePythonBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.OptionalPath
    122 }
    124 type PythonDependency interface {
    125 	GetSrcsPathMappings() []pathMapping
    126 	GetDataPathMappings() []pathMapping
    127 	GetParSpec() parSpec
    128 }
    130 type pythonDecorator struct {
    131 	baseInstaller *pythonInstaller
    132 }
    134 type installer interface {
    135 	install(ctx android.ModuleContext, path android.Path)
    136 }
    138 func (p *pythonBaseModule) GetSrcsPathMappings() []pathMapping {
    139 	return p.srcsPathMappings
    140 }
    142 func (p *pythonBaseModule) GetDataPathMappings() []pathMapping {
    143 	return p.dataPathMappings
    144 }
    146 func (p *pythonBaseModule) GetParSpec() parSpec {
    147 	return p.parSpec
    148 }
    150 var _ PythonDependency = (*pythonBaseModule)(nil)
    152 var _ android.AndroidMkDataProvider = (*pythonBaseModule)(nil)
    154 func InitPythonBaseModule(baseModule *pythonBaseModule, subModule PythonSubModule,
    155 	hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) android.Module {
    157 	baseModule.subModule = subModule
    159 	baseModule.AddProperties(&baseModule.properties)
    161 	android.InitAndroidArchModule(baseModule, hod, android.MultilibCommon)
    163 	return baseModule
    164 }
    166 // the tag used to mark dependencies within "py_libs" attribute.
    167 type pythonDependencyTag struct {
    168 	blueprint.BaseDependencyTag
    169 }
    171 var pyDependencyTag pythonDependencyTag
    173 var (
    174 	pyIdentifierRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-z]|[A-Z]|_)([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|_)*$`)
    175 	pyExt              = ".py"
    176 	pyVersion2         = "PY2"
    177 	pyVersion3         = "PY3"
    178 	initFileName       = "__init__.py"
    179 	mainFileName       = "__main__.py"
    180 	parFileExt         = ".zip"
    181 	runFiles           = "runfiles"
    182 )
    184 // create version variants for modules.
    185 func versionSplitMutator() func(android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
    186 	return func(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
    187 		if base, ok := mctx.Module().(*pythonBaseModule); ok {
    188 			versionNames := []string{}
    189 			if base.properties.Version.Py2.Enabled != nil &&
    190 				*(base.properties.Version.Py2.Enabled) == true {
    191 				versionNames = append(versionNames, pyVersion2)
    192 			}
    193 			if !(base.properties.Version.Py3.Enabled != nil &&
    194 				*(base.properties.Version.Py3.Enabled) == false) {
    195 				versionNames = append(versionNames, pyVersion3)
    196 			}
    197 			modules := mctx.CreateVariations(versionNames...)
    198 			for i, v := range versionNames {
    199 				// set the actual version for Python module.
    200 				modules[i].(*pythonBaseModule).properties.ActualVersion = v
    201 			}
    202 		}
    203 	}
    204 }
    206 func (p *pythonBaseModule) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
    207 	// deps from "data".
    208 	android.ExtractSourcesDeps(ctx, p.properties.Data)
    209 	// deps from "srcs".
    210 	android.ExtractSourcesDeps(ctx, p.properties.Srcs)
    212 	switch p.properties.ActualVersion {
    213 	case pyVersion2:
    214 		// deps from "version.py2.srcs" property.
    215 		android.ExtractSourcesDeps(ctx, p.properties.Version.Py2.Srcs)
    217 		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, pyDependencyTag,
    218 			uniqueLibs(ctx, p.properties.Libs, "version.py2.libs",
    219 				p.properties.Version.Py2.Libs)...)
    220 	case pyVersion3:
    221 		// deps from "version.py3.srcs" property.
    222 		android.ExtractSourcesDeps(ctx, p.properties.Version.Py3.Srcs)
    224 		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, pyDependencyTag,
    225 			uniqueLibs(ctx, p.properties.Libs, "version.py3.libs",
    226 				p.properties.Version.Py3.Libs)...)
    227 	default:
    228 		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Python actualVersion: %q for module: %q.",
    229 			p.properties.ActualVersion, ctx.ModuleName()))
    230 	}
    231 }
    233 // check "libs" duplicates from current module dependencies.
    234 func uniqueLibs(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext,
    235 	commonLibs []string, versionProp string, versionLibs []string) []string {
    236 	set := make(map[string]string)
    237 	ret := []string{}
    239 	// deps from "libs" property.
    240 	for _, l := range commonLibs {
    241 		if _, found := set[l]; found {
    242 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("libs", "%q has duplicates within libs.", l)
    243 		} else {
    244 			set[l] = "libs"
    245 			ret = append(ret, l)
    246 		}
    247 	}
    248 	// deps from "version.pyX.libs" property.
    249 	for _, l := range versionLibs {
    250 		if _, found := set[l]; found {
    251 			ctx.PropertyErrorf(versionProp, "%q has duplicates within %q.", set[l])
    252 		} else {
    253 			set[l] = versionProp
    254 			ret = append(ret, l)
    255 		}
    256 	}
    258 	return ret
    259 }
    261 func (p *pythonBaseModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
    262 	installSource := p.subModule.GeneratePythonBuildActions(ctx)
    264 	if p.installer != nil && installSource.Valid() {
    265 		p.installer.install(ctx, installSource.Path())
    266 	}
    267 }
    269 func (p *pythonBaseModule) GeneratePythonBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.OptionalPath {
    270 	// expand python files from "srcs" property.
    271 	srcs := p.properties.Srcs
    272 	switch p.properties.ActualVersion {
    273 	case pyVersion2:
    274 		srcs = append(srcs, p.properties.Version.Py2.Srcs...)
    275 	case pyVersion3:
    276 		srcs = append(srcs, p.properties.Version.Py3.Srcs...)
    277 	default:
    278 		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Python actualVersion: %q for module: %q.",
    279 			p.properties.ActualVersion, ctx.ModuleName()))
    280 	}
    281 	expandedSrcs := ctx.ExpandSources(srcs, nil)
    282 	if len(expandedSrcs) == 0 {
    283 		ctx.ModuleErrorf("doesn't have any source files!")
    284 	}
    286 	// expand data files from "data" property.
    287 	expandedData := ctx.ExpandSources(p.properties.Data, nil)
    289 	// sanitize pkg_path.
    290 	pkg_path := p.properties.Pkg_path
    291 	if pkg_path != "" {
    292 		pkg_path = filepath.Clean(p.properties.Pkg_path)
    293 		if pkg_path == ".." || strings.HasPrefix(pkg_path, "../") ||
    294 			strings.HasPrefix(pkg_path, "/") {
    295 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("pkg_path", "%q is not a valid format.",
    296 				p.properties.Pkg_path)
    297 			return android.OptionalPath{}
    298 		}
    299 		// pkg_path starts from "runfiles/" implicitly.
    300 		pkg_path = filepath.Join(runFiles, pkg_path)
    301 	} else {
    302 		// pkg_path starts from "runfiles/" implicitly.
    303 		pkg_path = runFiles
    304 	}
    306 	p.genModulePathMappings(ctx, pkg_path, expandedSrcs, expandedData)
    308 	p.parSpec = p.dumpFileList(ctx, pkg_path)
    310 	p.uniqWholeRunfilesTree(ctx)
    312 	return android.OptionalPath{}
    313 }
    315 // generate current module unique pathMappings: <dest: runfiles_path, src: source_path>
    316 // for python/data files.
    317 func (p *pythonBaseModule) genModulePathMappings(ctx android.ModuleContext, pkg_path string,
    318 	expandedSrcs, expandedData android.Paths) {
    319 	// fetch <runfiles_path, source_path> pairs from "src" and "data" properties to
    320 	// check duplicates.
    321 	destToPySrcs := make(map[string]string)
    322 	destToPyData := make(map[string]string)
    324 	for _, s := range expandedSrcs {
    325 		if s.Ext() != pyExt {
    326 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "found non (.py) file: %q!", s.String())
    327 			continue
    328 		}
    329 		runfilesPath := filepath.Join(pkg_path, s.Rel())
    330 		identifiers := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(runfilesPath, pyExt), "/")
    331 		for _, token := range identifiers {
    332 			if !pyIdentifierRegexp.MatchString(token) {
    333 				ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "the path %q contains invalid token %q.",
    334 					runfilesPath, token)
    335 			}
    336 		}
    337 		if fillInMap(ctx, destToPySrcs, runfilesPath, s.String(), p.Name(), p.Name()) {
    338 			p.srcsPathMappings = append(p.srcsPathMappings,
    339 				pathMapping{dest: runfilesPath, src: s})
    340 		}
    341 	}
    343 	for _, d := range expandedData {
    344 		if d.Ext() == pyExt {
    345 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("data", "found (.py) file: %q!", d.String())
    346 			continue
    347 		}
    348 		runfilesPath := filepath.Join(pkg_path, d.Rel())
    349 		if fillInMap(ctx, destToPyData, runfilesPath, d.String(), p.Name(), p.Name()) {
    350 			p.dataPathMappings = append(p.dataPathMappings,
    351 				pathMapping{dest: runfilesPath, src: d})
    352 		}
    353 	}
    355 }
    357 // register build actions to dump filelist to disk.
    358 func (p *pythonBaseModule) dumpFileList(ctx android.ModuleContext, pkg_path string) parSpec {
    359 	relativeRootMap := make(map[string]android.Paths)
    360 	// the soong_zip params in order to pack current module's Python/data files.
    361 	ret := parSpec{rootPrefix: pkg_path}
    363 	pathMappings := append(p.srcsPathMappings, p.dataPathMappings...)
    365 	// "srcs" or "data" properties may have filegroup so it might happen that
    366 	// the relative root for each source path is different.
    367 	for _, path := range pathMappings {
    368 		relativeRoot := strings.TrimSuffix(path.src.String(), path.src.Rel())
    369 		if v, found := relativeRootMap[relativeRoot]; found {
    370 			relativeRootMap[relativeRoot] = append(v, path.src)
    371 		} else {
    372 			relativeRootMap[relativeRoot] = android.Paths{path.src}
    373 		}
    374 	}
    376 	var keys []string
    378 	// in order to keep stable order of soong_zip params, we sort the keys here.
    379 	for k := range relativeRootMap {
    380 		keys = append(keys, k)
    381 	}
    382 	sort.Strings(keys)
    384 	for _, k := range keys {
    385 		// use relative root as filelist name.
    386 		fileListPath := registerBuildActionForModuleFileList(
    387 			ctx, strings.Replace(k, "/", "_", -1), relativeRootMap[k])
    388 		ret.fileListSpecs = append(ret.fileListSpecs,
    389 			fileListSpec{fileList: fileListPath, relativeRoot: k})
    390 	}
    392 	return ret
    393 }
    395 // check Python/data files duplicates from current module and its whole dependencies.
    396 func (p *pythonBaseModule) uniqWholeRunfilesTree(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
    397 	// fetch <runfiles_path, source_path> pairs from "src" and "data" properties to
    398 	// check duplicates.
    399 	destToPySrcs := make(map[string]string)
    400 	destToPyData := make(map[string]string)
    402 	for _, path := range p.srcsPathMappings {
    403 		destToPySrcs[path.dest] = path.src.String()
    404 	}
    405 	for _, path := range p.dataPathMappings {
    406 		destToPyData[path.dest] = path.src.String()
    407 	}
    409 	// visit all its dependencies in depth first.
    410 	ctx.VisitDepsDepthFirst(func(module blueprint.Module) {
    411 		// module can only depend on Python library.
    412 		if base, ok := module.(*pythonBaseModule); ok {
    413 			if _, ok := base.subModule.(*PythonLibrary); !ok {
    414 				panic(fmt.Errorf(
    415 					"the dependency %q of module %q is not Python library!",
    416 					ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.OtherModuleName(module)))
    417 			}
    418 		} else {
    419 			return
    420 		}
    421 		if dep, ok := module.(PythonDependency); ok {
    422 			srcs := dep.GetSrcsPathMappings()
    423 			for _, path := range srcs {
    424 				if !fillInMap(ctx, destToPySrcs,
    425 					path.dest, path.src.String(), ctx.ModuleName(),
    426 					ctx.OtherModuleName(module)) {
    427 					continue
    428 				}
    429 				// binary needs the Python runfiles paths from all its
    430 				// dependencies to fill __init__.py in each runfiles dir.
    431 				if sub, ok := p.subModule.(*pythonBinaryBase); ok {
    432 					sub.depsPyRunfiles = append(sub.depsPyRunfiles, path.dest)
    433 				}
    434 			}
    435 			data := dep.GetDataPathMappings()
    436 			for _, path := range data {
    437 				fillInMap(ctx, destToPyData,
    438 					path.dest, path.src.String(), ctx.ModuleName(),
    439 					ctx.OtherModuleName(module))
    440 			}
    441 			// binary needs the soong_zip arguments from all its
    442 			// dependencies to generate executable par file.
    443 			if sub, ok := p.subModule.(*pythonBinaryBase); ok {
    444 				sub.depsParSpecs = append(sub.depsParSpecs, dep.GetParSpec())
    445 			}
    446 		}
    447 	})
    448 }
    450 func fillInMap(ctx android.ModuleContext, m map[string]string,
    451 	key, value, curModule, otherModule string) bool {
    452 	if oldValue, found := m[key]; found {
    453 		ctx.ModuleErrorf("found two files to be placed at the same runfiles location %q."+
    454 			" First file: in module %s at path %q."+
    455 			" Second file: in module %s at path %q.",
    456 			key, curModule, oldValue, otherModule, value)
    457 		return false
    458 	} else {
    459 		m[key] = value
    460 	}
    462 	return true
    463 }