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      1 // Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
      2 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
      3 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package com.android.tools.r8.ir.optimize;
      7 import com.android.tools.r8.dex.Constants;
      8 import com.android.tools.r8.errors.CompilationError;
      9 import com.android.tools.r8.graph.AppInfo;
     10 import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexClass;
     11 import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexEncodedMethod;
     12 import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexField;
     13 import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexItemFactory;
     14 import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexMethod;
     15 import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexProto;
     16 import com.android.tools.r8.graph.DexType;
     17 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.ArrayGet;
     18 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.ArrayPut;
     19 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.BasicBlock;
     20 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Binop;
     21 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.CatchHandlers;
     22 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Cmp;
     23 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Cmp.Bias;
     24 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.ConstNumber;
     25 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.ConstString;
     26 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.DominatorTree;
     27 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Goto;
     28 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.IRCode;
     29 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.If;
     30 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.If.Type;
     31 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Instruction;
     32 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.InstructionIterator;
     33 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.InstructionListIterator;
     34 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Invoke;
     35 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.InvokeDirect;
     36 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.InvokeMethod;
     37 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.InvokeVirtual;
     38 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.MemberType;
     39 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.MoveType;
     40 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.NewArrayEmpty;
     41 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.NewArrayFilledData;
     42 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.NumericType;
     43 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Phi;
     44 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Return;
     45 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.StaticGet;
     46 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.StaticPut;
     47 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Switch;
     48 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.code.Value;
     49 import com.android.tools.r8.ir.conversion.OptimizationFeedback;
     50 import com.android.tools.r8.utils.InternalOptions;
     51 import com.android.tools.r8.utils.LongInterval;
     52 import com.google.common.base.Equivalence;
     53 import com.google.common.base.Equivalence.Wrapper;
     54 import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
     55 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
     56 import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap;
     57 import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntArrayMap;
     58 import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntMap;
     59 import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceArrayMap;
     60 import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap;
     61 import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList;
     62 import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntList;
     63 import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntArrayMap;
     64 import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntMap;
     65 import java.util.ArrayList;
     66 import java.util.Comparator;
     67 import java.util.HashMap;
     68 import java.util.HashSet;
     69 import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
     70 import java.util.Iterator;
     71 import java.util.LinkedList;
     72 import java.util.List;
     73 import java.util.ListIterator;
     74 import java.util.Map;
     75 import java.util.Queue;
     76 import java.util.Set;
     78 public class CodeRewriter {
     80   private static final int UNKNOWN_CAN_THROW = 0;
     81   private static final int CAN_THROW = 1;
     82   private static final int CANNOT_THROW = 2;
     83   private static final int MAX_FILL_ARRAY_SIZE = 8 * Constants.KILOBYTE;
     84   // This constant was determined by experimentation.
     85   private static final int STOP_SHARED_CONSTANT_THRESHOLD = 50;
     87   private final AppInfo appInfo;
     88   private final DexItemFactory dexItemFactory;
     89   private final Set<DexType> libraryClassesWithOptimizationInfo;
     91   public CodeRewriter(AppInfo appInfo, Set<DexType> libraryClassesWithOptimizationInfo) {
     92     this.appInfo = appInfo;
     93     this.dexItemFactory = appInfo.dexItemFactory;
     94     this.libraryClassesWithOptimizationInfo = libraryClassesWithOptimizationInfo;
     95   }
     97   /**
     98    * Removes all debug positions that are not needed to maintain proper stack trace information.
     99    * If a debug position is followed by another debug position and no instructions between the two
    100    * can throw then it is unneeded (in a release build).
    101    * If a block with a position has (normal) outgoing edges, this property depends on the
    102    * possibility of the successors throwing before the next debug position is hit.
    103    */
    104   public static boolean removedUnneededDebugPositions(IRCode code) {
    105     computeThrowsColorForAllBlocks(code);
    106     for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
    107       InstructionListIterator iterator = block.listIterator();
    108       while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    109         Instruction instruction = iterator.next();
    110         if (instruction.isDebugPosition()
    111             && getThrowsColorForBlock(block, iterator.nextIndex()) == CANNOT_THROW) {
    112           iterator.remove();
    113         }
    114       }
    115     }
    116     return true;
    117   }
    119   private static void computeThrowsColorForAllBlocks(IRCode code) {
    120     // First pass colors blocks in reverse topological order, based on the instructions.
    121     code.clearMarks();
    122     List<BasicBlock> blocks = code.blocks;
    123     ArrayList<BasicBlock> worklist = new ArrayList<>();
    124     for (int i = blocks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    125       BasicBlock block = blocks.get(i);
    126       // Mark the block as not-throwing if no successor implies otherwise.
    127       // This ensures that a loop back to this block will be seen as non-throwing.
    128       block.setColor(CANNOT_THROW);
    129       int color = getThrowsColorForBlock(block, 0);
    130       block.setColor(color);
    131       if (color == UNKNOWN_CAN_THROW) {
    132         worklist.add(block);
    133       }
    134     }
    135     // A fixed point then ensures that we propagate the color backwards over normal edges.
    136     ArrayList<BasicBlock> remaining = new ArrayList<>(worklist.size());
    137     while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
    138       ImmutableList<BasicBlock> work = new ImmutableList.Builder<BasicBlock>()
    139           .addAll(worklist)
    140           .addAll(remaining)
    141           .build();
    142       worklist.clear();
    143       remaining.clear();
    144       for (BasicBlock block : work) {
    145         if (!block.hasColor(UNKNOWN_CAN_THROW)) {
    146           continue;
    147         }
    148         block.setColor(CANNOT_THROW);
    149         int color = getThrowsColorForSuccessors(block);
    150         block.setColor(color);
    151         if (color == UNKNOWN_CAN_THROW) {
    152           remaining.add(block);
    153         } else {
    154           for (BasicBlock predecessor : block.getNormalPredecessors()) {
    155             if (predecessor.hasColor(UNKNOWN_CAN_THROW)) {
    156               worklist.add(predecessor);
    157             }
    158           }
    159         }
    160       }
    161     }
    162     // Any remaining set of blocks represents a cycle of blocks containing no throwing instructions.
    163     for (BasicBlock block : remaining) {
    164       assert !block.canThrow();
    165       block.setColor(CANNOT_THROW);
    166     }
    167   }
    169   private static int getThrowsColorForBlock(BasicBlock block, int index) {
    170     InstructionListIterator iterator = block.listIterator(index);
    171     while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    172       Instruction instruction = iterator.next();
    173       if (instruction.isDebugPosition()) {
    174         return CANNOT_THROW;
    175       }
    176       if (instruction.instructionTypeCanThrow()) {
    177         return CAN_THROW;
    178       }
    179     }
    180     return getThrowsColorForSuccessors(block);
    181   }
    183   private static int getThrowsColorForSuccessors(BasicBlock block) {
    184     int color = CANNOT_THROW;
    185     for (BasicBlock successor : block.getNormalSucessors()) {
    186       if (successor.hasColor(CAN_THROW)) {
    187         return CAN_THROW;
    188       }
    189       if (successor.hasColor(UNKNOWN_CAN_THROW)) {
    190         color = UNKNOWN_CAN_THROW;
    191       }
    192     }
    193     return color;
    194   }
    196   private static boolean removedTrivialGotos(IRCode code) {
    197     ListIterator<BasicBlock> iterator = code.listIterator();
    198     assert iterator.hasNext();
    199     BasicBlock block = iterator.next();
    200     BasicBlock nextBlock;
    201     do {
    202       nextBlock = iterator.hasNext() ? iterator.next() : null;
    203       // Trivial goto block are only kept if they are self-targeting or are targeted by
    204       // fallthroughs.
    205       BasicBlock blk = block;  // Additional local for lambda below.
    206       assert !block.isTrivialGoto()
    207           || block.exit().asGoto().getTarget() == block
    208           || block.getPredecessors().stream().anyMatch((b) -> b.exit().fallthroughBlock() == blk);
    209       // Trivial goto blocks never target the next block (in that case there should just be a
    210       // fallthrough).
    211       assert !block.isTrivialGoto() || block.exit().asGoto().getTarget() != nextBlock;
    212       block = nextBlock;
    213     } while (block != null);
    214     return true;
    215   }
    217   private static BasicBlock endOfGotoChain(BasicBlock block) {
    218     block.mark();
    219     BasicBlock target = block;
    220     while (target.isTrivialGoto()) {
    221       BasicBlock nextTarget = target.exit().asGoto().getTarget();
    222       if (nextTarget.isMarked()) {
    223         clearTrivialGotoMarks(block);
    224         return nextTarget;
    225       }
    226       nextTarget.mark();
    227       target = nextTarget;
    228     }
    229     clearTrivialGotoMarks(block);
    230     return target;
    231   }
    233   private static void clearTrivialGotoMarks(BasicBlock block) {
    234     while (block.isMarked()) {
    235       block.clearMark();
    236       if (block.isTrivialGoto()) {
    237         block = block.exit().asGoto().getTarget();
    238       }
    239     }
    240   }
    242   private static void collapsTrivialGoto(
    243       BasicBlock block, BasicBlock nextBlock, List<BasicBlock> blocksToRemove) {
    245     // This is the base case for GOTO loops.
    246     if (block.exit().asGoto().getTarget() == block) {
    247       return;
    248     }
    250     BasicBlock target = endOfGotoChain(block);
    252     boolean needed = false;
    253     if (target != nextBlock) {
    254       for (BasicBlock pred : block.getPredecessors()) {
    255         if (pred.exit().fallthroughBlock() == block) {
    256           needed = true;
    257           break;
    258         }
    259       }
    260     }
    262     // This implies we are in a loop of GOTOs. In that case, we will iteratively remove each trival
    263     // GOTO one-by-one until the above base case (one block targeting itself) is left.
    264     if (target == block) {
    265       target = block.exit().asGoto().getTarget();
    266     }
    268     if (!needed) {
    269       blocksToRemove.add(block);
    270       for (BasicBlock pred : block.getPredecessors()) {
    271         pred.replaceSuccessor(block, target);
    272       }
    273       for (BasicBlock succ : block.getSuccessors()) {
    274         succ.getPredecessors().remove(block);
    275       }
    276       for (BasicBlock pred : block.getPredecessors()) {
    277         if (!target.getPredecessors().contains(pred)) {
    278           target.getPredecessors().add(pred);
    279         }
    280       }
    281     }
    282   }
    284   private static void collapsIfTrueTarget(BasicBlock block) {
    285     If insn = block.exit().asIf();
    286     BasicBlock target = insn.getTrueTarget();
    287     BasicBlock newTarget = endOfGotoChain(target);
    288     BasicBlock fallthrough = insn.fallthroughBlock();
    289     BasicBlock newFallthrough = endOfGotoChain(fallthrough);
    290     if (target != newTarget) {
    291       insn.getBlock().replaceSuccessor(target, newTarget);
    292       target.getPredecessors().remove(block);
    293       if (!newTarget.getPredecessors().contains(block)) {
    294         newTarget.getPredecessors().add(block);
    295       }
    296     }
    297     if (block.exit().isIf()) {
    298       insn = block.exit().asIf();
    299       if (insn.getTrueTarget() == newFallthrough) {
    300         // Replace if with the same true and fallthrough target with a goto to the fallthrough.
    301         block.replaceSuccessor(insn.getTrueTarget(), fallthrough);
    302         assert block.exit().isGoto();
    303         assert block.exit().asGoto().getTarget() == fallthrough;
    304       }
    305     }
    306   }
    308   private static void collapsNonFallthroughSwitchTargets(BasicBlock block) {
    309     Switch insn = block.exit().asSwitch();
    310     BasicBlock fallthroughBlock = insn.fallthroughBlock();
    311     Set<BasicBlock> replacedBlocks = new HashSet<>();
    312     for (int j = 0; j < insn.targetBlockIndices().length; j++) {
    313       BasicBlock target = insn.targetBlock(j);
    314       if (target != fallthroughBlock) {
    315         BasicBlock newTarget = endOfGotoChain(target);
    316         if (target != newTarget && !replacedBlocks.contains(target)) {
    317           insn.getBlock().replaceSuccessor(target, newTarget);
    318           target.getPredecessors().remove(block);
    319           if (!newTarget.getPredecessors().contains(block)) {
    320             newTarget.getPredecessors().add(block);
    321           }
    322           replacedBlocks.add(target);
    323         }
    324       }
    325     }
    326   }
    328   public void rewriteSwitch(IRCode code) {
    329     for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
    330       InstructionListIterator iterator = block.listIterator();
    331       while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    332         Instruction instruction = iterator.next();
    333         if (instruction.isSwitch()) {
    334           Switch theSwitch = instruction.asSwitch();
    335           if (theSwitch.numberOfKeys() == 1) {
    336             // Rewrite the switch to an if.
    337             int fallthroughBlockIndex = theSwitch.getFallthroughBlockIndex();
    338             int caseBlockIndex = theSwitch.targetBlockIndices()[0];
    339             if (fallthroughBlockIndex < caseBlockIndex) {
    340               block.swapSuccessorsByIndex(fallthroughBlockIndex, caseBlockIndex);
    341             }
    342             if (theSwitch.getFirstKey() == 0) {
    343               iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(new If(Type.EQ, theSwitch.value()));
    344             } else {
    345               ConstNumber labelConst = code.createIntConstant(theSwitch.getFirstKey());
    346               iterator.previous();
    347               iterator.add(labelConst);
    348               Instruction dummy = iterator.next();
    349               assert dummy == theSwitch;
    350               If theIf = new If(Type.EQ, ImmutableList.of(theSwitch.value(), labelConst.dest()));
    351               iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(theIf);
    352             }
    353           }
    354         }
    355       }
    356     }
    357   }
    359   /**
    360    * Inline the indirection of switch maps into the switch statement.
    361    * <p>
    362    * To ensure binary compatibility, javac generated code does not use ordinal values of enums
    363    * directly in switch statements but instead generates a companion class that computes a mapping
    364    * from switch branches to ordinals at runtime. As we have whole-program knowledge, we can
    365    * analyze these maps and inline the indirection into the switch map again.
    366    * <p>
    367    * In particular, we look for code of the form
    368    *
    369    * <blockquote><pre>
    370    * switch(CompanionClass.$switchmap$field[enumValue.ordinal()]) {
    371    *   ...
    372    * }
    373    * </pre></blockquote>
    374    * See {@link #extractIndexMapFrom} and {@link #extractOrdinalsMapFor} for
    375    * details of the companion class and ordinals computation.
    376    */
    377   public void removeSwitchMaps(IRCode code) {
    378     for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
    379       InstructionListIterator it = block.listIterator();
    380       while (it.hasNext()) {
    381         Instruction insn = it.next();
    382         // Pattern match a switch on a switch map as input.
    383         if (insn.isSwitch()) {
    384           Switch switchInsn = insn.asSwitch();
    385           Instruction input = switchInsn.inValues().get(0).definition;
    386           if (input == null || !input.isArrayGet()) {
    387             continue;
    388           }
    389           ArrayGet arrayGet = input.asArrayGet();
    390           Instruction index = arrayGet.index().definition;
    391           if (index == null || !index.isInvokeVirtual()) {
    392             continue;
    393           }
    394           InvokeVirtual ordinalInvoke = index.asInvokeVirtual();
    395           DexMethod ordinalMethod = ordinalInvoke.getInvokedMethod();
    396           DexClass enumClass = appInfo.definitionFor(ordinalMethod.holder);
    397           if (enumClass == null
    398               || (!enumClass.accessFlags.isEnum() && enumClass.type != dexItemFactory.enumType)
    399               || ordinalMethod.name != dexItemFactory.ordinalMethodName
    400               || ordinalMethod.proto.returnType != dexItemFactory.intType
    401               || !ordinalMethod.proto.parameters.isEmpty()) {
    402             continue;
    403           }
    404           Instruction array = arrayGet.array().definition;
    405           if (array == null || !array.isStaticGet()) {
    406             continue;
    407           }
    408           StaticGet staticGet = array.asStaticGet();
    409           if (staticGet.getField().name.toSourceString().startsWith("$SwitchMap$")) {
    410             Int2ReferenceMap<DexField> indexMap = extractIndexMapFrom(staticGet.getField());
    411             if (indexMap == null || indexMap.isEmpty()) {
    412               continue;
    413             }
    414             // Due to member rebinding, only the fields are certain to provide the actual enums
    415             // class.
    416             DexType switchMapHolder = indexMap.values().iterator().next().getHolder();
    417             Reference2IntMap ordinalsMap = extractOrdinalsMapFor(switchMapHolder);
    418             if (ordinalsMap != null) {
    419               Int2IntMap targetMap = new Int2IntArrayMap();
    420               IntList keys = new IntArrayList(switchInsn.numberOfKeys());
    421               for (int i = 0; i < switchInsn.numberOfKeys(); i++) {
    422                 assert switchInsn.targetBlockIndices()[i] != switchInsn.getFallthroughBlockIndex();
    423                 int key = ordinalsMap.getInt(indexMap.get(switchInsn.getKey(i)));
    424                 keys.add(key);
    425                 targetMap.put(key, switchInsn.targetBlockIndices()[i]);
    426               }
    427               keys.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder());
    428               int[] targets = new int[keys.size()];
    429               for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
    430                 targets[i] = targetMap.get(keys.getInt(i));
    431               }
    433               Switch newSwitch = new Switch(ordinalInvoke.outValue(), keys.toIntArray(),
    434                   targets, switchInsn.getFallthroughBlockIndex());
    435               // Replace the switch itself.
    436               it.replaceCurrentInstruction(newSwitch);
    437               // If the original input to the switch is now unused, remove it too. It is not dead
    438               // as it might have side-effects but we ignore these here.
    439               if (arrayGet.outValue().numberOfUsers() == 0) {
    440                 arrayGet.inValues().forEach(v -> v.removeUser(arrayGet));
    441                 arrayGet.getBlock().removeInstruction(arrayGet);
    442               }
    443               if (staticGet.outValue().numberOfUsers() == 0) {
    444                 assert staticGet.inValues().isEmpty();
    445                 staticGet.getBlock().removeInstruction(staticGet);
    446               }
    447             }
    448           }
    449         }
    450       }
    451     }
    452   }
    455   /**
    456    * Extracts the mapping from ordinal values to switch case constants.
    457    * <p>
    458    * This is done by pattern-matching on the class initializer of the synthetic switch map class.
    459    * For a switch
    460    *
    461    * <blockquote><pre>
    462    * switch (day) {
    463    *   case WEDNESDAY:
    464    *   case FRIDAY:
    465    *     System.out.println("3 or 5");
    466    *     break;
    467    *   case SUNDAY:
    468    *     System.out.println("7");
    469    *     break;
    470    *   default:
    471    *     System.out.println("other");
    472    * }
    473    * </pre></blockquote>
    474    *
    475    * the generated companing class initializer will have the form
    476    *
    477    * <blockquote><pre>
    478    * class Switches$1 {
    479    *   static {
    480    *   $SwitchMap$switchmaps$Days[Days.WEDNESDAY.ordinal()] = 1;
    481    *   $SwitchMap$switchmaps$Days[Days.FRIDAY.ordinal()] = 2;
    482    *   $SwitchMap$switchmaps$Days[Days.SUNDAY.ordinal()] = 3;
    483    * }
    484    * </pre></blockquote>
    485    *
    486    * Note that one map per class is generated, so the map might contain additional entries as used
    487    * by other switches in the class.
    488    */
    489   private Int2ReferenceMap<DexField> extractIndexMapFrom(DexField field) {
    490     DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(field.getHolder());
    491     if (!clazz.accessFlags.isSynthetic()) {
    492       return null;
    493     }
    494     DexEncodedMethod initializer = clazz.getClassInitializer();
    495     if (initializer == null || initializer.getCode() == null) {
    496       return null;
    497     }
    498     IRCode code = initializer.getCode().buildIR(initializer, new InternalOptions());
    499     Int2ReferenceMap<DexField> switchMap = new Int2ReferenceArrayMap<>();
    500     for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
    501       InstructionListIterator it = block.listIterator();
    502       Instruction insn = it.nextUntil(i -> i.isStaticGet() && i.asStaticGet().getField() == field);
    503       if (insn == null) {
    504         continue;
    505       }
    506       for (Instruction use : insn.outValue().uniqueUsers()) {
    507         if (use.isArrayPut()) {
    508           Instruction index = use.asArrayPut().source().definition;
    509           if (index == null || !index.isConstNumber()) {
    510             return null;
    511           }
    512           int integerIndex = index.asConstNumber().getIntValue();
    513           Instruction value = use.asArrayPut().index().definition;
    514           if (value == null || !value.isInvokeVirtual()) {
    515             return null;
    516           }
    517           InvokeVirtual invoke = value.asInvokeVirtual();
    518           DexClass holder = appInfo.definitionFor(invoke.getInvokedMethod().holder);
    519           if (holder == null ||
    520               (!holder.accessFlags.isEnum() && holder.type != dexItemFactory.enumType)) {
    521             return null;
    522           }
    523           Instruction enumGet = invoke.arguments().get(0).definition;
    524           if (enumGet == null || !enumGet.isStaticGet()) {
    525             return null;
    526           }
    527           DexField enumField = enumGet.asStaticGet().getField();
    528           if (!appInfo.definitionFor(enumField.getHolder()).accessFlags.isEnum()) {
    529             return null;
    530           }
    531           if (switchMap.put(integerIndex, enumField) != null) {
    532             return null;
    533           }
    534         } else {
    535           return null;
    536         }
    537       }
    538     }
    539     return switchMap;
    540   }
    542   /**
    543    * Extracts the ordinal values for an Enum class from the classes static initializer.
    544    * <p>
    545    * An Enum class has a field for each value. In the class initializer, each field is initialized
    546    * to a singleton object that represents the value. This code matches on the corresponding call
    547    * to the constructor (instance initializer) and extracts the value of the second argument, which
    548    * is the ordinal.
    549    */
    550   private Reference2IntMap<DexField> extractOrdinalsMapFor(DexType enumClass) {
    551     DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(enumClass);
    552     if (clazz == null || clazz.isLibraryClass()) {
    553       // We have to keep binary compatibility in tact for libraries.
    554       return null;
    555     }
    556     DexEncodedMethod initializer = clazz.getClassInitializer();
    557     if (!clazz.accessFlags.isEnum() || initializer == null || initializer.getCode() == null) {
    558       return null;
    559     }
    560     IRCode code = initializer.getCode().buildIR(initializer, new InternalOptions());
    561     Reference2IntMap<DexField> ordinalsMap = new Reference2IntArrayMap<>();
    562     ordinalsMap.defaultReturnValue(-1);
    563     InstructionIterator it = code.instructionIterator();
    564     while (it.hasNext()) {
    565       Instruction insn = it.next();
    566       if (!insn.isStaticPut()) {
    567         continue;
    568       }
    569       StaticPut staticPut = insn.asStaticPut();
    570       if (staticPut.getField().type != enumClass) {
    571         continue;
    572       }
    573       Instruction newInstance = staticPut.inValue().definition;
    574       if (newInstance == null || !newInstance.isNewInstance()) {
    575         continue;
    576       }
    577       Instruction ordinal = null;
    578       for (Instruction ctorCall : newInstance.outValue().uniqueUsers()) {
    579         if (!ctorCall.isInvokeDirect()) {
    580           continue;
    581         }
    582         InvokeDirect invoke = ctorCall.asInvokeDirect();
    583         if (!dexItemFactory.isConstructor(invoke.getInvokedMethod())
    584             || invoke.arguments().size() < 3) {
    585           continue;
    586         }
    587         ordinal = invoke.arguments().get(2).definition;
    588         break;
    589       }
    590       if (ordinal == null || !ordinal.isConstNumber()) {
    591         return null;
    592       }
    593       if (ordinalsMap.put(staticPut.getField(), ordinal.asConstNumber().getIntValue()) != -1) {
    594         return null;
    595       }
    596     }
    597     return ordinalsMap;
    598   }
    600   /**
    601    * Rewrite all branch targets to the destination of trivial goto chains when possible.
    602    * Does not rewrite fallthrough targets as that would require block reordering and the
    603    * transformation only makes sense after SSA destruction where there are no phis.
    604    */
    605   public static void collapsTrivialGotos(DexEncodedMethod method, IRCode code) {
    606     assert code.isConsistentGraph();
    607     List<BasicBlock> blocksToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
    608     // Rewrite all non-fallthrough targets to the end of trivial goto chains and remove
    609     // first round of trivial goto blocks.
    610     ListIterator<BasicBlock> iterator = code.listIterator();
    611     assert iterator.hasNext();
    612     BasicBlock block = iterator.next();
    613     BasicBlock nextBlock;
    615     // The marks will be used for cycle detection.
    616     code.clearMarks();
    617     do {
    618       nextBlock = iterator.hasNext() ? iterator.next() : null;
    619       if (block.isTrivialGoto()) {
    620         collapsTrivialGoto(block, nextBlock, blocksToRemove);
    621       }
    622       if (block.exit().isIf()) {
    623         collapsIfTrueTarget(block);
    624       }
    625       if (block.exit().isSwitch()) {
    626         collapsNonFallthroughSwitchTargets(block);
    627       }
    628       block = nextBlock;
    629     } while (nextBlock != null);
    630     code.removeBlocks(blocksToRemove);
    631     // Get rid of gotos to the next block.
    632     while (!blocksToRemove.isEmpty()) {
    633       blocksToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
    634       iterator = code.listIterator();
    635       block = iterator.next();
    636       do {
    637         nextBlock = iterator.hasNext() ? iterator.next() : null;
    638         if (block.isTrivialGoto()) {
    639           collapsTrivialGoto(block, nextBlock, blocksToRemove);
    640         }
    641         block = nextBlock;
    642       } while (block != null);
    643       code.removeBlocks(blocksToRemove);
    644     }
    645     assert removedTrivialGotos(code);
    646     assert code.isConsistentGraph();
    647   }
    649   public void identifyReturnsArgument(
    650       DexEncodedMethod method, IRCode code, OptimizationFeedback feedback) {
    651     if (code.getNormalExitBlock() != null) {
    652       Return ret = code.getNormalExitBlock().exit().asReturn();
    653       if (!ret.isReturnVoid()) {
    654         Value returnValue = ret.returnValue();
    655         if (returnValue.isArgument()) {
    656           // Find the argument number.
    657           int index = code.collectArguments().indexOf(returnValue);
    658           assert index != -1;
    659           feedback.methodReturnsArgument(method, index);
    660         }
    661         if (returnValue.isConstant() && returnValue.definition.isConstNumber()) {
    662           long value = returnValue.definition.asConstNumber().getRawValue();
    663           feedback.methodReturnsConstant(method, value);
    664         }
    665         if (returnValue.isNeverNull()) {
    666           feedback.methodNeverReturnsNull(method);
    667         }
    668       }
    669     }
    670   }
    672   private boolean checkArgumentType(InvokeMethod invoke, DexMethod target, int argumentIndex) {
    673     DexType returnType = invoke.getInvokedMethod().proto.returnType;
    674     // TODO(sgjesse): Insert cast if required.
    675     if (invoke.isInvokeStatic()) {
    676       return invoke.getInvokedMethod().proto.parameters.values[argumentIndex] == returnType;
    677     } else {
    678       if (argumentIndex == 0) {
    679         return invoke.getInvokedMethod().getHolder() == returnType;
    680       } else {
    681         return invoke.getInvokedMethod().proto.parameters.values[argumentIndex - 1] == returnType;
    682       }
    683     }
    684   }
    686   // Replace result uses for methods where something is known about what is returned.
    687   public void rewriteMoveResult(IRCode code) {
    688     if (!appInfo.hasSubtyping()) {
    689       return;
    690     }
    691     InstructionIterator iterator = code.instructionIterator();
    692     while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    693       Instruction current = iterator.next();
    694       if (current.isInvokeMethod()) {
    695         InvokeMethod invoke = current.asInvokeMethod();
    696         if (invoke.outValue() != null) {
    697           DexEncodedMethod target = invoke.computeSingleTarget(appInfo.withSubtyping());
    698           // We have a set of library classes with optimization information - consider those
    699           // as well.
    700           if ((target == null) &&
    701               libraryClassesWithOptimizationInfo.contains(invoke.getInvokedMethod().getHolder())) {
    702             target = appInfo.definitionFor(invoke.getInvokedMethod());
    703           }
    704           if (target != null) {
    705             DexMethod invokedMethod = target.method;
    706             // Check if the invoked method is known to return one of its arguments.
    707             DexEncodedMethod definition = appInfo.definitionFor(invokedMethod);
    708             if (definition != null && definition.getOptimizationInfo().returnsArgument()) {
    709               int argumentIndex = definition.getOptimizationInfo().getReturnedArgument();
    710               // Replace the out value of the invoke with the argument and ignore the out value.
    711               if (argumentIndex != -1 && checkArgumentType(invoke, target.method, argumentIndex)) {
    712                 Value argument = invoke.arguments().get(argumentIndex);
    713                 assert (invoke.outType() == argument.outType()) ||
    714                     (invoke.outType() == MoveType.OBJECT
    715                         && argument.outType() == MoveType.SINGLE
    716                         && argument.getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().isZero());
    717                 invoke.outValue().replaceUsers(argument);
    718                 invoke.setOutValue(null);
    719               }
    720             }
    721           }
    722         }
    723       }
    724     }
    725     assert code.isConsistentGraph();
    726   }
    728   // For supporting assert javac adds the static field $assertionsDisabled to all classes which
    729   // have methods with assertions. This is used to support the Java VM -ea flag.
    730   //
    731   //  The class:
    732   //
    733   //  class A {
    734   //    void m() {
    735   //      assert xxx;
    736   //    }
    737   //  }
    738   //
    739   //  Is compiled into:
    740   //
    741   //  class A {
    742   //    static boolean $assertionsDisabled;
    743   //    static {
    744   //      $assertionsDisabled = A.class.desiredAssertionStatus();
    745   //    }
    746   //
    747   //    // method with "assert xxx";
    748   //    void m() {
    749   //      if (!$assertionsDisabled) {
    750   //        if (xxx) {
    751   //          throw new AssertionError(...);
    752   //        }
    753   //      }
    754   //    }
    755   //  }
    756   //
    757   //  With the rewriting below (and other rewritings) the resulting code is:
    758   //
    759   //  class A {
    760   //    void m() {
    761   //    }
    762   //  }
    763   //
    764   public void disableAssertions(IRCode code) {
    765     InstructionIterator iterator = code.instructionIterator();
    766     while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    767       Instruction current = iterator.next();
    768       if (current.isInvokeMethod()) {
    769         InvokeMethod invoke = current.asInvokeMethod();
    770         if (invoke.getInvokedMethod() == dexItemFactory.classMethods.desiredAssertionStatus) {
    771           iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(code.createFalse());
    772         }
    773       } else if (current.isStaticPut()) {
    774         StaticPut staticPut = current.asStaticPut();
    775         if (staticPut.getField().name == dexItemFactory.assertionsDisabled) {
    776           iterator.remove();
    777         }
    778       } else if (current.isStaticGet()) {
    779         StaticGet staticGet = current.asStaticGet();
    780         if (staticGet.getField().name == dexItemFactory.assertionsDisabled) {
    781           iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(code.createTrue());
    782         }
    783       }
    784     }
    785   }
    787   private boolean canBeFolded(Instruction instruction) {
    788     return (instruction.isBinop() && instruction.asBinop().canBeFolded()) ||
    789         (instruction.isUnop() && instruction.asUnop().canBeFolded());
    790   }
    792   public void foldConstants(IRCode code) {
    793     Queue<BasicBlock> worklist = new LinkedList<>();
    794     worklist.addAll(code.blocks);
    795     for (BasicBlock block = worklist.poll(); block != null; block = worklist.poll()) {
    796       InstructionIterator iterator = block.iterator();
    797       while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    798         Instruction current = iterator.next();
    799         Instruction folded;
    800         if (canBeFolded(current)) {
    801           folded = current.fold(code);
    802           iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(folded);
    803           folded.outValue().uniqueUsers()
    804               .forEach(instruction -> worklist.add(instruction.getBlock()));
    805         }
    806       }
    807     }
    808     assert code.isConsistentSSA();
    809   }
    811   // Constants are canonicalized in the entry block. We split some of them when it is likely
    812   // that having them canonicalized in the entry block will lead to poor code quality.
    813   public void splitConstants(IRCode code) {
    814     for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
    815       // Split constants that flow into phis. It is likely that these constants will have moves
    816       // generated for them anyway and we might as well insert a const instruction in the right
    817       // predecessor block.
    818       splitPhiConstants(code, block);
    819       // Split constants that flow into ranged invokes. This gives the register allocator more
    820       // freedom in assigning register to ranged invokes which can greatly reduce the number
    821       // of register needed (and thereby code size as well).
    822       splitRangedInvokeConstants(code, block);
    823     }
    824   }
    826   private void splitRangedInvokeConstants(IRCode code, BasicBlock block) {
    827     InstructionListIterator it = block.listIterator();
    828     while (it.hasNext()) {
    829       Instruction current = it.next();
    830       if (current.isInvoke() && current.asInvoke().requiredArgumentRegisters() > 5) {
    831         Invoke invoke = current.asInvoke();
    832         it.previous();
    833         Map<ConstNumber, ConstNumber> oldToNew = new HashMap<>();
    834         for (int i = 0; i < invoke.inValues().size(); i++) {
    835           Value value = invoke.inValues().get(i);
    836           if (value.isConstant() && value.numberOfUsers() > 1) {
    837             ConstNumber definition = value.getConstInstruction().asConstNumber();
    838             Value originalValue = definition.outValue();
    839             ConstNumber newNumber = oldToNew.get(definition);
    840             if (newNumber == null) {
    841               newNumber = ConstNumber.copyOf(code, definition);
    842               it.add(newNumber);
    843               oldToNew.put(definition, newNumber);
    844             }
    845             invoke.inValues().set(i, newNumber.outValue());
    846             originalValue.removeUser(invoke);
    847             newNumber.outValue().addUser(invoke);
    848           }
    849         }
    850         it.next();
    851       }
    852     }
    853   }
    855   private void splitPhiConstants(IRCode code, BasicBlock block) {
    856     for (int i = 0; i < block.getPredecessors().size(); i++) {
    857       Map<ConstNumber, ConstNumber> oldToNew = new IdentityHashMap<>();
    858       BasicBlock predecessor = block.getPredecessors().get(i);
    859       for (Phi phi : block.getPhis()) {
    860         Value operand = phi.getOperand(i);
    861         if (!operand.isPhi() && operand.isConstant()) {
    862           ConstNumber definition = operand.getConstInstruction().asConstNumber();
    863           ConstNumber newNumber = oldToNew.get(definition);
    864           Value originalValue = definition.outValue();
    865           if (newNumber == null) {
    866             newNumber = ConstNumber.copyOf(code, definition);
    867             oldToNew.put(definition, newNumber);
    868             insertConstantInBlock(newNumber, predecessor);
    869           }
    870           phi.getOperands().set(i, newNumber.outValue());
    871           originalValue.removePhiUser(phi);
    872           newNumber.outValue().addPhiUser(phi);
    873         }
    874       }
    875     }
    876   }
    878   public void shortenLiveRanges(IRCode code) {
    879     // Currently, we are only shortening the live range of constants in the entry block.
    880     // TODO(ager): Generalize this to shorten live ranges for more instructions? Currently
    881     // doing so seems to make things worse.
    882     Map<BasicBlock, List<Instruction>> addConstantInBlock = new HashMap<>();
    883     DominatorTree dominatorTree = new DominatorTree(code);
    884     BasicBlock block = code.blocks.get(0);
    885     InstructionListIterator it = block.listIterator();
    886     List<Instruction> toInsertInThisBlock = new ArrayList<>();
    887     while (it.hasNext()) {
    888       Instruction instruction = it.next();
    889       if (instruction.isConstNumber()) {
    890         // Collect the blocks for all users of the constant.
    891         List<BasicBlock> userBlocks = new LinkedList<>();
    892         for (Instruction user : instruction.outValue().uniqueUsers()) {
    893           userBlocks.add(user.getBlock());
    894         }
    895         for (Phi phi : instruction.outValue().uniquePhiUsers()) {
    896           userBlocks.add(phi.getBlock());
    897         }
    898         // Locate the closest dominator block for all user blocks.
    899         BasicBlock dominator = dominatorTree.closestDominator(userBlocks);
    900         // If the closest dominator block is a block that uses the constant for a phi the constant
    901         // needs to go in the immediate dominator block so that it is available for phi moves.
    902         for (Phi phi : instruction.outValue().uniquePhiUsers()) {
    903           if (phi.getBlock() == dominator) {
    904             dominator = dominatorTree.immediateDominator(dominator);
    905             break;
    906           }
    907         }
    908         // Move the const instruction as close to its uses as possible.
    909         it.detach();
    910         if (dominator != block) {
    911           // Post-pone constant insertion in order to use a global heuristics.
    912           List<Instruction> csts = addConstantInBlock.get(dominator);
    913           if (csts == null) {
    914             csts = new ArrayList<>();
    915             addConstantInBlock.put(dominator, csts);
    916           }
    917           csts.add(instruction);
    918         } else {
    919           toInsertInThisBlock.add(instruction);
    920         }
    921       }
    922     }
    924     // Heuristic to decide if constant instructions are shared in dominator block of usages or move
    925     // to the usages.
    926     for (Map.Entry<BasicBlock, List<Instruction>> entry : addConstantInBlock.entrySet()) {
    927       if (entry.getValue().size() > STOP_SHARED_CONSTANT_THRESHOLD) {
    928         // Too much constants in the same block, do not longer shared them except if they are used
    929         // by phi instructions.
    930         for (Instruction instruction : entry.getValue()) {
    931           if (instruction.outValue().numberOfPhiUsers() != 0) {
    932             // Add constant into the dominator block of usages.
    933             insertConstantInBlock(instruction, entry.getKey());
    934           } else {
    935             assert instruction.outValue().numberOfUsers() != 0;
    936             ConstNumber constNumber = instruction.asConstNumber();
    937             Value constantValue = instruction.outValue();
    938             for (Instruction user : constantValue.uniqueUsers()) {
    939               ConstNumber newCstNum = ConstNumber.copyOf(code, constNumber);
    940               InstructionListIterator iterator = user.getBlock().listIterator(user);
    941               iterator.previous();
    942               iterator.add(newCstNum);
    943               user.replaceValue(constantValue, newCstNum.outValue());
    944             }
    945           }
    946         }
    947       } else {
    948         // Add constant into the dominator block of usages.
    949         for (Instruction inst : entry.getValue()) {
    950           insertConstantInBlock(inst, entry.getKey());
    951         }
    952       }
    953     }
    955     for (Instruction toInsert : toInsertInThisBlock) {
    956       insertConstantInBlock(toInsert, block);
    957     }
    958     assert code.isConsistentSSA();
    959   }
    961   private void insertConstantInBlock(Instruction instruction, BasicBlock block) {
    962     boolean hasCatchHandlers = block.hasCatchHandlers();
    963     InstructionListIterator insertAt = block.listIterator();
    964     // Place the instruction as late in the block as we can. It needs to go before users
    965     // and if we have catch handlers it needs to be placed before the throwing instruction.
    966     insertAt.nextUntil(i -> {
    967       return i.inValues().contains(instruction.outValue())
    968           || i.isJumpInstruction()
    969           || (hasCatchHandlers && i.instructionInstanceCanThrow());
    970     });
    971     insertAt.previous();
    972     insertAt.add(instruction);
    973   }
    975   private short[] computeArrayFilledData(
    976       NewArrayEmpty newArray, int size, BasicBlock block, int elementSize) {
    977     ConstNumber[] values = computeConstantArrayValues(newArray, block, size);
    978     if (values == null) {
    979       return null;
    980     }
    981     if (elementSize == 1) {
    982       short[] result = new short[(size + 1) / 2];
    983       for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 2) {
    984         short value = (short) (values[i].getIntValue() & 0xFF);
    985         if (i + 1 < size) {
    986           value |= (short) ((values[i + 1].getIntValue() & 0xFF) << 8);
    987         }
    988         result[i / 2] = value;
    989       }
    990       return result;
    991     }
    992     assert elementSize == 2 || elementSize == 4 || elementSize == 8;
    993     int shortsPerConstant = elementSize / 2;
    994     short[] result = new short[size * shortsPerConstant];
    995     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    996       long value = values[i].getRawValue();
    997       for (int part = 0; part < shortsPerConstant; part++) {
    998         result[i * shortsPerConstant + part] = (short) ((value >> (16 * part)) & 0xFFFFL);
    999       }
   1000     }
   1001     return result;
   1002   }
   1004   private ConstNumber[] computeConstantArrayValues(
   1005       NewArrayEmpty newArray, BasicBlock block, int size) {
   1006     if (size > MAX_FILL_ARRAY_SIZE) {
   1007       return null;
   1008     }
   1009     ConstNumber[] values = new ConstNumber[size];
   1010     int remaining = size;
   1011     Set<Instruction> users = newArray.outValue().uniqueUsers();
   1012     // We allow the array instantiations to cross block boundaries as long as it hasn't encountered
   1013     // an instruction instance that can throw an exception.
   1014     InstructionListIterator it = block.listIterator();
   1015     it.nextUntil(i -> i == newArray);
   1016     do {
   1017       while (it.hasNext()) {
   1018         Instruction instruction = it.next();
   1019         // If we encounter an instruction that can throw an exception we need to bail out of the
   1020         // optimization so that we do not transform half-initialized arrays into fully initialized
   1021         // arrays on exceptional edges.
   1022         if (instruction.instructionInstanceCanThrow()) {
   1023           return null;
   1024         }
   1025         if (!users.contains(instruction)) {
   1026           continue;
   1027         }
   1028         // If the initialization sequence is broken by another use we cannot use a
   1029         // fill-array-data instruction.
   1030         if (!instruction.isArrayPut()) {
   1031           return null;
   1032         }
   1033         ArrayPut arrayPut = instruction.asArrayPut();
   1034         if (!arrayPut.source().isConstant()) {
   1035           return null;
   1036         }
   1037         assert arrayPut.index().isConstant();
   1038         int index = arrayPut.index().getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1039         assert index >= 0 && index < values.length;
   1040         if (values[index] != null) {
   1041           return null;
   1042         }
   1043         ConstNumber value = arrayPut.source().getConstInstruction().asConstNumber();
   1044         values[index] = value;
   1045         --remaining;
   1046         if (remaining == 0) {
   1047           return values;
   1048         }
   1049       }
   1050       block = block.exit().isGoto() ? block.exit().asGoto().getTarget() : null;
   1051       it = block != null ? block.listIterator() : null;
   1052     } while (it != null);
   1053     return null;
   1054   }
   1056   private boolean isPrimitiveNewArrayWithConstantPositiveSize(Instruction instruction) {
   1057     if (!(instruction instanceof NewArrayEmpty)) {
   1058       return false;
   1059     }
   1060     NewArrayEmpty newArray = instruction.asNewArrayEmpty();
   1061     if (!newArray.size().isConstant()) {
   1062       return false;
   1063     }
   1064     int size = newArray.size().getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1065     if (size < 1) {
   1066       return false;
   1067     }
   1068     if (!newArray.type.isPrimitiveArrayType()) {
   1069       return false;
   1070     }
   1071     return true;
   1072   }
   1074   /**
   1075    * Replace NewArrayEmpty followed by stores of constants to all entries with NewArrayEmpty
   1076    * and FillArrayData.
   1077    */
   1078   public void simplifyArrayConstruction(IRCode code) {
   1079     for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
   1080       // Map from the array value to the number of array put instruction to remove for that value.
   1081       Map<Value, Integer> storesToRemoveForArray = new HashMap<>();
   1082       // First pass: identify candidates and insert fill array data instruction.
   1083       InstructionListIterator it = block.listIterator();
   1084       while (it.hasNext()) {
   1085         Instruction instruction = it.next();
   1086         if (!isPrimitiveNewArrayWithConstantPositiveSize(instruction)) {
   1087           continue;
   1088         }
   1089         NewArrayEmpty newArray = instruction.asNewArrayEmpty();
   1090         int size = newArray.size().getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1091         // If there is only one element it is typically smaller to generate the array put
   1092         // instruction instead of fill array data.
   1093         if (size == 1) {
   1094           continue;
   1095         }
   1096         int elementSize = newArray.type.elementSizeForPrimitiveArrayType();
   1097         short[] contents = computeArrayFilledData(newArray, size, block, elementSize);
   1098         if (contents == null) {
   1099           continue;
   1100         }
   1101         storesToRemoveForArray.put(newArray.outValue(), size);
   1102         int arraySize = newArray.size().getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1103         NewArrayFilledData fillArray = new NewArrayFilledData(
   1104             newArray.outValue(), elementSize, arraySize, contents);
   1105         it.add(fillArray);
   1106       }
   1107       // Second pass: remove all the array put instructions for the array for which we have
   1108       // inserted a fill array data instruction instead.
   1109       if (!storesToRemoveForArray.isEmpty()) {
   1110         do {
   1111           it = block.listIterator();
   1112           while (it.hasNext()) {
   1113             Instruction instruction = it.next();
   1114             if (instruction.isArrayPut()) {
   1115               Value array = instruction.asArrayPut().array();
   1116               Integer toRemoveCount = storesToRemoveForArray.get(array);
   1117               if (toRemoveCount != null && toRemoveCount > 0) {
   1118                 storesToRemoveForArray.put(array, toRemoveCount - 1);
   1119                 it.remove();
   1120               }
   1121             }
   1122           }
   1123           block = block.exit().isGoto() ? block.exit().asGoto().getTarget() : null;
   1124         } while (block != null);
   1125       }
   1126     }
   1127   }
   1129   private class ExpressionEquivalence extends Equivalence<Instruction> {
   1131     @Override
   1132     protected boolean doEquivalent(Instruction a, Instruction b) {
   1133       if (a.getClass() != b.getClass() || !a.identicalNonValueParts(b)) {
   1134         return false;
   1135       }
   1136       // For commutative binary operations any order of in-values are equal.
   1137       if (a.isBinop() && a.asBinop().isCommutative()) {
   1138         Value a0 = a.inValues().get(0);
   1139         Value a1 = a.inValues().get(1);
   1140         Value b0 = b.inValues().get(0);
   1141         Value b1 = b.inValues().get(1);
   1142         return (a0.equals(b0) && a1.equals(b1)) || (a0.equals(b1) && a1.equals(b0));
   1143       } else {
   1144         // Compare all in-values.
   1145         assert a.inValues().size() == b.inValues().size();
   1146         for (int i = 0; i < a.inValues().size(); i++) {
   1147           if (!a.inValues().get(i).equals(b.inValues().get(i))) {
   1148             return false;
   1149           }
   1150         }
   1151         return true;
   1152       }
   1153     }
   1155     @Override
   1156     protected int doHash(Instruction instruction) {
   1157       final int prime = 29;
   1158       int hash = instruction.getClass().hashCode();
   1159       if (instruction.isBinop()) {
   1160         Binop binop = instruction.asBinop();
   1161         Value in0 = instruction.inValues().get(0);
   1162         Value in1 = instruction.inValues().get(1);
   1163         if (binop.isCommutative()) {
   1164           hash += hash * prime + in0.hashCode() * in1.hashCode();
   1165         } else {
   1166           hash += hash * prime + in0.hashCode();
   1167           hash += hash * prime + in1.hashCode();
   1168         }
   1169         return hash;
   1170       } else {
   1171         for (Value value : instruction.inValues()) {
   1172           hash += hash * prime + value.hashCode();
   1173         }
   1174       }
   1175       return hash;
   1176     }
   1177   }
   1179   private boolean shareCatchHandlers(Instruction i0, Instruction i1) {
   1180     if (!i0.instructionTypeCanThrow()) {
   1181       assert !i1.instructionTypeCanThrow();
   1182       return true;
   1183     }
   1184     assert i1.instructionTypeCanThrow();
   1185     // TODO(sgjesse): This could be even better by checking for the exceptions thrown, e.g. div
   1186     // and rem only ever throw ArithmeticException.
   1187     CatchHandlers<BasicBlock> ch0 = i0.getBlock().getCatchHandlers();
   1188     CatchHandlers<BasicBlock> ch1 = i1.getBlock().getCatchHandlers();
   1189     return ch0.equals(ch1);
   1190   }
   1192   public void commonSubexpressionElimination(IRCode code) {
   1193     final ListMultimap<Wrapper<Instruction>, Value> instructionToValue = ArrayListMultimap.create();
   1194     final DominatorTree dominatorTree = new DominatorTree(code);
   1195     final ExpressionEquivalence equivalence = new ExpressionEquivalence();
   1197     for (int i = 0; i < dominatorTree.getSortedBlocks().length; i++) {
   1198       BasicBlock block = dominatorTree.getSortedBlocks()[i];
   1199       Iterator<Instruction> iterator = block.iterator();
   1200       while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   1201         Instruction instruction = iterator.next();
   1202         if (instruction.isBinop()
   1203             || instruction.isUnop()
   1204             || instruction.isInstanceOf()
   1205             || instruction.isCheckCast()) {
   1206           List<Value> candidates = instructionToValue.get(equivalence.wrap(instruction));
   1207           boolean eliminated = false;
   1208           if (candidates.size() > 0) {
   1209             for (Value candidate : candidates) {
   1210               if (dominatorTree.dominatedBy(block, candidate.definition.getBlock()) &&
   1211                   shareCatchHandlers(instruction, candidate.definition)) {
   1212                 instruction.outValue().replaceUsers(candidate);
   1213                 eliminated = true;
   1214                 iterator.remove();
   1215                 break;  // Don't try any more candidates.
   1216               }
   1217             }
   1218           }
   1219           if (!eliminated) {
   1220             instructionToValue.put(equivalence.wrap(instruction), instruction.outValue());
   1221           }
   1222         }
   1223       }
   1224     }
   1225     assert code.isConsistentSSA();
   1226   }
   1228   public void simplifyIf(IRCode code) {
   1229     DominatorTree dominator = new DominatorTree(code);
   1230     code.clearMarks();
   1231     for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
   1232       if (block.isMarked()) {
   1233         continue;
   1234       }
   1235       if (block.exit().isIf()) {
   1236         // First rewrite zero comparison.
   1237         rewriteIfWithConstZero(block);
   1239         // Simplify if conditions when possible.
   1240         If theIf = block.exit().asIf();
   1241         List<Value> inValues = theIf.inValues();
   1242         int cond;
   1243         if (inValues.get(0).isConstant()
   1244             && (theIf.isZeroTest() || inValues.get(1).isConstant())) {
   1245           // Zero test with a constant of comparison between between two constants.
   1246           if (theIf.isZeroTest()) {
   1247             cond = inValues.get(0).getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1248           } else {
   1249             int left = inValues.get(0).getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1250             int right = inValues.get(1).getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1251             cond = left - right;
   1252           }
   1253         } else if (inValues.get(0).hasValueRange()
   1254             && (theIf.isZeroTest() || inValues.get(1).hasValueRange())) {
   1255           // Zero test with a value range, or comparison between between two values,
   1256           // each with a value ranges.
   1257           if (theIf.isZeroTest()) {
   1258             if (inValues.get(0).isValueInRange(0)) {
   1259               // Zero in in the range - can't determine the comparison.
   1260               continue;
   1261             }
   1262             cond = Long.signum(inValues.get(0).getValueRange().getMin());
   1263           } else {
   1264             LongInterval leftRange = inValues.get(0).getValueRange();
   1265             LongInterval rightRange = inValues.get(1).getValueRange();
   1266             if (leftRange.overlapsWith(rightRange)) {
   1267               // Ranges overlap - can't determine the comparison.
   1268               continue;
   1269             }
   1270             // There is no overlap.
   1271             cond = Long.signum(leftRange.getMin() - rightRange.getMin());
   1272           }
   1273         } else {
   1274           continue;
   1275         }
   1276         BasicBlock target = theIf.targetFromCondition(cond);
   1277         BasicBlock deadTarget =
   1278             target == theIf.getTrueTarget() ? theIf.fallthroughBlock() : theIf.getTrueTarget();
   1279         List<BasicBlock> removedBlocks = block.unlink(deadTarget, dominator);
   1280         for (BasicBlock removedBlock : removedBlocks) {
   1281           if (!removedBlock.isMarked()) {
   1282             removedBlock.mark();
   1283           }
   1284         }
   1285         assert theIf == block.exit();
   1286         replaceLastInstruction(block, new Goto());
   1287         assert block.exit().isGoto();
   1288         assert block.exit().asGoto().getTarget() == target;
   1289       }
   1290     }
   1291     code.removeMarkedBlocks();
   1292     assert code.isConsistentSSA();
   1293   }
   1295   private void rewriteIfWithConstZero(BasicBlock block) {
   1296     If theIf = block.exit().asIf();
   1297     if (theIf.isZeroTest()) {
   1298       return;
   1299     }
   1301     List<Value> inValues = theIf.inValues();
   1302     Value leftValue = inValues.get(0);
   1303     Value rightValue = inValues.get(1);
   1304     if (leftValue.isConstant() || rightValue.isConstant()) {
   1305       if (leftValue.isConstant()) {
   1306         int left = leftValue.getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1307         if (left == 0) {
   1308           If ifz = new If(theIf.getType().forSwappedOperands(), rightValue);
   1309           replaceLastInstruction(block, ifz);
   1310           assert block.exit() == ifz;
   1311         }
   1312       } else {
   1313         assert rightValue.isConstant();
   1314         int right = rightValue.getConstInstruction().asConstNumber().getIntValue();
   1315         if (right == 0) {
   1316           If ifz = new If(theIf.getType(), leftValue);
   1317           replaceLastInstruction(block, ifz);
   1318           assert block.exit() == ifz;
   1319         }
   1320       }
   1321     }
   1322   }
   1324   private void replaceLastInstruction(BasicBlock block, Instruction instruction) {
   1325     InstructionListIterator iterator = block.listIterator(block.getInstructions().size());
   1326     iterator.previous();
   1327     iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(instruction);
   1328   }
   1330   public void rewriteLongCompareAndRequireNonNull(IRCode code, InternalOptions options) {
   1331     if (options.canUseLongCompareAndObjectsNonNull()) {
   1332       return;
   1333     }
   1335     InstructionIterator iterator = code.instructionIterator();
   1336     while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   1337       Instruction current = iterator.next();
   1338       if (current.isInvokeMethod()) {
   1339         DexMethod invokedMethod = current.asInvokeMethod().getInvokedMethod();
   1340         if (invokedMethod == dexItemFactory.longMethods.compare) {
   1341           // Rewrite calls to Long.compare for sdk versions that do not have that method.
   1342           List<Value> inValues = current.inValues();
   1343           assert inValues.size() == 2;
   1344           iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(
   1345               new Cmp(NumericType.LONG, Bias.NONE, current.outValue(), inValues.get(0),
   1346                   inValues.get(1)));
   1347         } else if (invokedMethod == dexItemFactory.objectsMethods.requireNonNull) {
   1348           // Rewrite calls to Objects.requireNonNull(Object) because Javac 9 start to use it for
   1349           // synthesized null checks.
   1350           InvokeVirtual callToGetClass = new InvokeVirtual(dexItemFactory.objectMethods.getClass,
   1351               null, current.inValues());
   1352           if (current.outValue() != null) {
   1353             current.outValue().replaceUsers(current.inValues().get(0));
   1354             current.setOutValue(null);
   1355           }
   1356           iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(callToGetClass);
   1357         }
   1358       }
   1359     }
   1360     assert code.isConsistentSSA();
   1361   }
   1363   // Removes calls to Throwable.addSuppressed(Throwable) and rewrites
   1364   // Throwable.getSuppressed() into new Throwable[0].
   1365   //
   1366   // Note that addSuppressed() and getSuppressed() methods are final in
   1367   // Throwable, so these changes don't have to worry about overrides.
   1368   public void rewriteThrowableAddAndGetSuppressed(IRCode code) {
   1369     DexItemFactory.ThrowableMethods throwableMethods = dexItemFactory.throwableMethods;
   1371     for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
   1372       InstructionListIterator iterator = block.listIterator();
   1373       while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   1374         Instruction current = iterator.next();
   1375         if (current.isInvokeMethod()) {
   1376           DexMethod invokedMethod = current.asInvokeMethod().getInvokedMethod();
   1378           if (matchesMethodOfThrowable(invokedMethod, throwableMethods.addSuppressed)) {
   1379             // Remove Throwable::addSuppressed(Throwable) call.
   1380             iterator.remove();
   1381           } else if (matchesMethodOfThrowable(invokedMethod, throwableMethods.getSuppressed)) {
   1382             Value destValue = current.outValue();
   1383             if (destValue == null) {
   1384               // If the result of the call was not used we don't create
   1385               // an empty array and just remove the call.
   1386               iterator.remove();
   1387               continue;
   1388             }
   1390             // Replace call to Throwable::getSuppressed() with new Throwable[0].
   1392             // First insert the constant value *before* the current instruction.
   1393             ConstNumber zero = code.createIntConstant(0);
   1394             assert iterator.hasPrevious();
   1395             iterator.previous();
   1396             iterator.add(zero);
   1398             // Then replace the invoke instruction with NewArrayEmpty instruction.
   1399             Instruction next = iterator.next();
   1400             assert current == next;
   1401             NewArrayEmpty newArray = new NewArrayEmpty(destValue, zero.outValue(),
   1402                 dexItemFactory.createType(dexItemFactory.throwableArrayDescriptor));
   1403             iterator.replaceCurrentInstruction(newArray);
   1404           }
   1405         }
   1406       }
   1407     }
   1408     assert code.isConsistentSSA();
   1409   }
   1411   private boolean matchesMethodOfThrowable(DexMethod invoked, DexMethod expected) {
   1412     return invoked.name == expected.name
   1413         && invoked.proto == expected.proto
   1414         && isSubtypeOfThrowable(invoked.holder);
   1415   }
   1417   private boolean isSubtypeOfThrowable(DexType type) {
   1418     while (type != null && type != dexItemFactory.objectType) {
   1419       if (type == dexItemFactory.throwableType) {
   1420         return true;
   1421       }
   1422       DexClass dexClass = appInfo.definitionFor(type);
   1423       if (dexClass == null) {
   1424         throw new CompilationError("Class or interface " + type.toSourceString() +
   1425             " required for desugaring of try-with-resources is not found.");
   1426       }
   1427       type = dexClass.superType;
   1428     }
   1429     return false;
   1430   }
   1432   private Value addConstString(IRCode code, InstructionListIterator iterator, String s) {
   1433     Value value = code.createValue(MoveType.OBJECT);;
   1434     iterator.add(new ConstString(value, dexItemFactory.createString(s)));
   1435     return value;
   1436   }
   1438   /**
   1439    * Insert code into <code>method</code> to log the argument types to System.out.
   1440    *
   1441    * The type is determined by calling getClass() on the argument.
   1442    */
   1443   public void logArgumentTypes(DexEncodedMethod method, IRCode code) {
   1444     List<Value> arguments = code.collectArguments();
   1445     BasicBlock block = code.blocks.getFirst();
   1446     InstructionListIterator iterator = block.listIterator();
   1448     // Split arguments into their own block.
   1449     iterator.nextUntil(instruction -> !instruction.isArgument());
   1450     iterator.previous();
   1451     iterator.split(code);
   1452     iterator.previous();
   1454     // Now that the block is split there should not be any catch handlers in the block.
   1455     assert !block.hasCatchHandlers();
   1456     Value out = code.createValue(MoveType.OBJECT);
   1457     DexType javaLangSystemType = dexItemFactory.createType("Ljava/lang/System;");
   1458     DexType javaIoPrintStreamType = dexItemFactory.createType("Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
   1460     DexProto proto = dexItemFactory.createProto(
   1461         dexItemFactory.voidType, new DexType[]{dexItemFactory.objectType});
   1462     DexMethod print = dexItemFactory.createMethod(javaIoPrintStreamType, proto, "print");
   1463     DexMethod printLn = dexItemFactory.createMethod(javaIoPrintStreamType, proto, "println");
   1465     iterator.add(
   1466         new StaticGet(MemberType.OBJECT, out,
   1467             dexItemFactory.createField(javaLangSystemType, javaIoPrintStreamType, "out")));
   1469     Value value = code.createValue(MoveType.OBJECT);
   1470     iterator.add(new ConstString(value, dexItemFactory.createString("INVOKE ")));
   1471     iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(print, null, ImmutableList.of(out, value)));
   1473     value = code.createValue(MoveType.OBJECT);;
   1474     iterator.add(
   1475         new ConstString(value, dexItemFactory.createString(method.method.qualifiedName())));
   1476     iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(print, null, ImmutableList.of(out, value)));
   1478     Value openParenthesis = addConstString(code, iterator, "(");
   1479     Value comma = addConstString(code, iterator, ",");
   1480     Value closeParenthesis = addConstString(code, iterator, ")");
   1481     Value indent = addConstString(code, iterator, "  ");
   1482     Value nul = addConstString(code, iterator, "(null)");
   1483     Value primitive = addConstString(code, iterator, "(primitive)");
   1484     Value empty = addConstString(code, iterator, "");
   1486     iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(printLn, null, ImmutableList.of(out, openParenthesis)));
   1487     for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
   1488       iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(print, null, ImmutableList.of(out, indent)));
   1490       // Add a block for end-of-line printing.
   1491       BasicBlock eol = BasicBlock.createGotoBlock(code.blocks.size());
   1492       code.blocks.add(eol);
   1494       BasicBlock successor = block.unlinkSingleSuccessor();
   1495       block.link(eol);
   1496       eol.link(successor);
   1498       Value argument = arguments.get(i);
   1499       if (argument.outType() != MoveType.OBJECT) {
   1500         iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(print, null, ImmutableList.of(out, primitive)));
   1501       } else {
   1502         // Insert "if (argument != null) ...".
   1503         successor = block.unlinkSingleSuccessor();
   1504         If theIf = new If(If.Type.NE, argument);
   1505         BasicBlock ifBlock = BasicBlock.createIfBlock(code.blocks.size(), theIf);
   1506         code.blocks.add(ifBlock);
   1507         // Fallthrough block must be added right after the if.
   1508         BasicBlock isNullBlock = BasicBlock.createGotoBlock(code.blocks.size());
   1509         code.blocks.add(isNullBlock);
   1510         BasicBlock isNotNullBlock = BasicBlock.createGotoBlock(code.blocks.size());
   1511         code.blocks.add(isNotNullBlock);
   1513         // Link the added blocks together.
   1514         block.link(ifBlock);
   1515         ifBlock.link(isNotNullBlock);
   1516         ifBlock.link(isNullBlock);
   1517         isNotNullBlock.link(successor);
   1518         isNullBlock.link(successor);
   1520         // Fill code into the blocks.
   1521         iterator = isNullBlock.listIterator();
   1522         iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(print, null, ImmutableList.of(out, nul)));
   1523         iterator = isNotNullBlock.listIterator();
   1524         value = code.createValue(MoveType.OBJECT);
   1525         iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(dexItemFactory.objectMethods.getClass, value,
   1526             ImmutableList.of(arguments.get(i))));
   1527         iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(print, null, ImmutableList.of(out, value)));
   1528       }
   1530       iterator = eol.listIterator();
   1531       if (i == arguments.size() - 1) {
   1532         iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(printLn, null, ImmutableList.of(out, closeParenthesis)));
   1533       } else {
   1534         iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(printLn, null, ImmutableList.of(out, comma)));
   1535       }
   1536       block = eol;
   1537     }
   1538     // When we fall out of the loop the iterator is in the last eol block.
   1539     iterator.add(new InvokeVirtual(printLn, null, ImmutableList.of(out, empty)));
   1540   }
   1541 }