/prebuilts/ndk/r11/platforms/android-24/arch-x86_64/usr/include/media/ |
NdkMediaDrm.h | 391 * root of trust, and then perform encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify operations 397 * Generic encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify methods are based on the established session 406 * Encrypt the data referenced by input of length dataSize using algorithm specified
/packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/res/values/ |
strings.xml | 95 <!-- String shown on prompt for user to encrypt and reboot the device, in case of profile setup [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> 97 <!-- String shown on prompt for user to encrypt and reboot the device, in case of device setup [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]--> 100 <string name="encrypt_this_device_question">Encrypt this device?</string> 101 <!-- String shown on button for user to continue to settings to encrypt the device. [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> 102 <string name="encrypt">Encrypt</string>
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/managedprovisioning/ |
AuthenticationBoundKeyTestActivity.java | 270 throw new RuntimeException("Encrypt with lockscreen-bound key failed", e); 298 // Cannot encrypt, key is unavailable
/development/samples/Vault/src/com/example/android/vault/ |
EncryptedDocument.java | 198 * Encrypt and write both the metadata and content sections of this 303 * Encrypt and write the given stream as a full section. Writes section
/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/crypto/engines/ |
DESedeWrapEngine.java | 162 // Encrypt WKCKS in CBC mode using KEK as the key and IV as the 190 // Encrypt TEMP3 in CBC mode using the KEK and an initialization vector
/external/kernel-headers/original/uapi/linux/ |
virtio_crypto.h | 89 /* encrypt or decrypt */ 173 /* encrypt or decrypt, See above VIRTIO_CRYPTO_OP_* */
/external/libvncserver/webclients/novnc/ |
vnc.html | 13 http://example.com/?host=HOST&port=PORT&encrypt=1&true_color=1 156 <li><input id="noVNC_encrypt" type="checkbox"> Encrypt</li>
/external/syslinux/gpxe/src/crypto/axtls/ |
rsa.c | 123 * @param in_data [in] The data to encrypt (must be < modulus size-11) 279 /* now encrypt it */
/external/wpa_supplicant_8/src/ap/ |
ap_drv_ops.h | 170 size_t data_len, int encrypt, 176 data_len, encrypt,
/frameworks/av/drm/libdrmframework/plugins/forward-lock/internal-format/decoder/ |
FwdLockFile.c | 190 // Encrypt the 16-byte value {0, 0, ..., 0} to produce the encryption key. 197 // Encrypt the 16-byte value {1, 0, ..., 0} to produce the signing key.
/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/wifi-display/ |
MediaSender.cpp | 439 err = mHDCP->encrypt( 447 ALOGE("Failed to HDCP-encrypt media data (err %d)",
/frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/ |
MediaDrm.java | 1103 public byte[] encrypt( method in class:CryptoSession [all...] |
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.0/default/ |
DrmPlugin.cpp | 266 Return<void> DrmPlugin::encrypt(const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& sessionId, function in class:android::hardware::drm::V1_0::implementation::DrmPlugin 271 status_t status = mLegacyPlugin->encrypt(toVector(sessionId),
/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86/src/crypto/cipher/ |
gcm_test.go | 325 func (w *wrapper) Encrypt(dst, src []byte) { w.block.Encrypt(dst, src) }
/prebuilts/go/linux-x86/src/crypto/cipher/ |
gcm_test.go | 325 func (w *wrapper) Encrypt(dst, src []byte) { w.block.Encrypt(dst, src) }
/compatibility/cdd/9_security-model/ |
9_9_full-disk-encryption.md | 89 * [C-1-3] MUST provide the user the possibility to AES encrypt the
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/security/ |
ScreenLockBoundKeysTest.java | 139 * Tries to encrypt some data with the generated key in {@link #createKey} which is
/developers/build/prebuilts/gradle/BasicManagedProfile/ |
README.md | 18 To set up this app as a profile owner, you need to encrypt your device
/developers/samples/android/admin/BasicManagedProfile/ |
README.md | 18 To set up this app as a profile owner, you need to encrypt your device
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/NetworkPkg/IpSecDxe/Ikev2/ |
Payload.h | 91 // IKEv2 Transform ID for Encrypt Algorithm (ENCR)
/device/linaro/bootloader/edk2/SecurityPkg/Library/Tpm2CommandLib/ |
Tpm2Session.c | 47 @param[in] TpmKey Handle of a loaded decrypt key used to encrypt salt.
/docs/source.android.com/en/devices/tech/admin/ |
testing-setup.html | 68 <li>Go through device owner setup on the device (encrypt, select Wi-Fi, etc.)</li>
/external/boringssl/src/crypto/cipher_extra/ |
e_rc2.c | 216 RC2_KEY *ks, uint8_t *iv, int encrypt) { 222 if (encrypt) { 383 RC2_cbc_encrypt(in, out, kChunkSize, &key->ks, ctx->iv, ctx->encrypt); 389 RC2_cbc_encrypt(in, out, inl, &key->ks, ctx->iv, ctx->encrypt);
/external/boringssl/src/crypto/fipsmodule/rand/ |
ctrdrbg.c | 153 * the cache every time) to ?encrypt? it. The code can avoid this by
/external/boringssl/src/decrepit/blowfish/ |
blowfish.c | 138 const BF_KEY *key, int encrypt) { 143 if (encrypt) { 153 const BF_KEY *schedule, uint8_t *ivec, int encrypt) { 159 if (encrypt) {