/external/eigen/doc/examples/ |
TutorialLinAlgSetThreshold.cpp | 13 cout << "By default, the rank of A is found to be " << lu.rank() << endl; 15 cout << "With threshold 1e-5, the rank of A is found to be " << lu.rank() << endl;
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_broadcast_1nn.cpp | 22 cout << "Nearest neighbour is column " << index << ":" << endl; local 23 cout << m.col(index) << endl;
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_broadcast_simple.cpp | 19 std::cout << "Broadcasting result: " << std::endl; member in class:std 20 std::cout << mat << std::endl; member in class:std
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_broadcast_simple_rowwise.cpp | 18 std::cout << "Broadcasting result: " << std::endl; member in class:std 19 std::cout << mat << std::endl; member in class:std
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_reductions_operatornorm.cpp | 14 << " == " << m.colwise().lpNorm<1>().maxCoeff() << endl; 17 << " == " << m.rowwise().lpNorm<1>().maxCoeff() << endl;
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_visitors.cpp | 23 maxRow << "," << maxCol << endl; local 25 minRow << "," << minCol << endl; local
/external/eigen/doc/snippets/ |
BiCGSTAB_simple.cpp | 8 std::cout << "#iterations: " << solver.iterations() << std::endl; member in class:std 9 std::cout << "estimated error: " << solver.error() << std::endl; member in class:std
EigenSolver_compute.cpp | 4 cout << "The eigenvalues of A are: " << es.eigenvalues().transpose() << endl; 6 cout << "The eigenvalues of A+I are: " << es.eigenvalues().transpose() << endl;
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_SelfAdjointEigenSolver.cpp | 5 cout << "The eigenvalues of A are: " << es.eigenvalues().transpose() << endl; 7 cout << "The eigenvalues of A+I are: " << es.eigenvalues().transpose() << endl;
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_compute_MatrixType.cpp | 5 cout << "The eigenvalues of A are: " << es.eigenvalues().transpose() << endl; 7 cout << "The eigenvalues of A+I are: " << es.eigenvalues().transpose() << endl;
/test/vts/drivers/shell/ |
ShellDriver.cpp | 39 cout << __func__ << endl; local 46 << " ERROR closing socket (errno = " << errno << ")" << endl; local 60 cout << "[Driver] Running command: " << command << endl << endl; local 65 cerr << "Failed to run command: " << command << endl; local 79 << endl; local 84 cout << "[Driver] bytes read from output: " << bytes_read << endl; local 89 cout << "[Driver] Returning output: " << ss.str() << endl << endl; local 150 cerr << "[Shell driver] receiving message failure." << endl; local 155 cout << "[Shell driver] received exit command." << endl; local 171 << "]" << endl; local 182 cout << "[Shell driver] finished processing commands." << endl; local 186 cerr << "[Driver] failed to close connection. errno: " << errno << endl; local 195 cerr << "[Driver] NULL socket address." << endl; local 245 cerr << "[Driver] failed to handle connection." << endl; local 254 cerr << "[Driver] create child process failed. Exiting..." << endl; local [all...] |
/external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/test/ |
audio_classifier_test.cc | 27 << std::endl << std::endl; member in class:std 31 << std::endl; member in class:std 33 << std::endl; member in class:std 40 std::cout << "Disallowed number of channels " << channels << std::endl; member in class:std 46 std::cout << "Disallowed number of outputs " << outputs << std::endl; member in class:std 56 std::cout << "Input file: " << input_filename << std::endl; member in class:std 57 std::cout << "Output file: " << output_filename << std::endl; member in class:std 61 std::cout << "Cannot open input file " << input_filename << std::endl; member in class:std 67 std::cout << "Cannot open output file " << output_filename << std::endl; member in class:std 78 std::cout << "Error writing." << std::endl; member in class:std 88 std::cout << "Error writing." << std::endl; member in class:std 93 std::cout << std::endl; member in class:std 96 std::cout << frame_counter << " frames processed." << std::endl; member in class:std 99 std::cout << music_percentage << " percent music." << std::endl; member in class:std [all...] |
/system/libvintf/ |
main.cpp | 26 std::cout << "======== Device HAL Manifest =========" << std::endl; 32 std::cout << "======== Framework HAL Manifest =========" << std::endl; member in class:std 38 std::cout << "======== Device Compatibility Matrix =========" << std::endl; member in class:std 44 std::cout << "======== Framework Compatibility Matrix =========" << std::endl; member in class:std 50 std::cout << "======== Runtime Info =========" << std::endl; member in class:std 54 std::cout << std::endl; member in class:std 56 std::cout << "======== Compatibility check =========" << std::endl; member in class:std 57 std::cout << "Device HAL Manifest? " << (vm != nullptr) << std::endl 58 << "Device Compatibility Matrix? " << (vcm != nullptr) << std::endl 59 << "Framework HAL Manifest? " << (fm != nullptr) << std::endl 60 << "Framework Compatibility Matrix? " << (fcm != nullptr) << std::endl; member in class:std 68 std::cout << std::endl; member in class:std 76 std::cout << std::endl; member in class:std 82 std::cout << std::endl; member in class:std 89 std::cout << std::endl; member in class:std [all...] |
/system/tools/aidl/tests/ |
aidl_test_client_parcelables.cpp | 34 using std::endl; 44 << endl; local 50 cout << "Binder call failed." << endl; local 54 cout << "Failed to repeat SimpleParcelable objects." << endl; local 58 cout << "Attempting to reverse an array of SimpleParcelable objects." << endl; local 66 cout << "Binder call failed." << endl; local 71 cout << "Failed to reverse an array of SimpleParcelable objects." << endl; local 80 << endl; local 85 cout << "Binder call failed for empty PersistableBundle." << endl; local 89 cout << "Failed to repeat empty PersistableBundle." << endl; local 114 cout << "Binder call failed. " << endl; local 118 cout << "Failed to repeat PersistableBundle object." << endl; local 123 << endl; local 136 cout << "Binder call failed." << endl; local 141 cout << "Failed to reverse an array of PersistableBundle objects." << endl; local [all...] |
aidl_test_client_nullables.cpp | 42 using std::endl; 96 cout << "... Confirming nullables for " << type_name << " ..." << endl; local 103 cerr << "Could not repeat nullable " << type_name << "." << endl; local 108 cerr << "Got back null when repeating " << type_name << "." << endl; local 114 << "." << endl; local 122 cerr << "Could not repeat null as " << type_name << "." << endl; local 128 << endl; local 149 << __LINE__ << endl; local 155 << __LINE__ << endl; local 162 << __LINE__ << endl; local 167 << __LINE__ << endl; local 174 << __LINE__ << endl; local 179 << __LINE__ << endl; local 184 << __LINE__ << endl; local 189 << __LINE__ << endl; local 201 << __LINE__ << endl; local 206 << __LINE__ << endl; local 211 << __LINE__ << endl; local 216 << __LINE__ << endl; local 226 cout << "Confirming passing and returning nullable values works." << endl; local 265 cerr << "Handled null IBinders poorly." << endl; local 270 cerr << "Handled nullable IInterface instances poorly." << endl; local [all...] |
/test/vts/agents/hal/ |
TcpServerForRunner.cpp | 61 cerr << "Can't open the socket." << endl; local 71 cerr << __func__ << " binding failed. errno = " << errno << endl; local 72 cerr << __func__ << " " << strerror(errno) << endl; 78 cerr << __func__ << " getsockname failed. errno = " << errno << endl; local 79 cerr << __func__ << " " << strerror(errno) << endl; 84 << endl; 88 << "/data/local/tmp/vts_tcp_server_port" << endl; local 94 cout << "[agent] listening" << endl; local 96 cerr << __func__ << " listen failed." << endl; local 101 cout << "[agent] accepting" << endl; local 104 cerr << __func__ << " accept failed" << endl; local 108 cout << "[runner->agent] NEW SESSION" << endl; local 109 cout << "[runner->agent] ===========" << endl; local 122 cerr << "can't fork a child process to handle a session." << endl; local [all...] |
/test/vts/compilation_tools/vtsc/test/golden/DRIVER/ |
TestMsgQ.driver.cpp | 39 cout << "[agent:hal] HIDL getService" << endl; local 41 cout << " - service name: " << service_name << endl; local 45 cerr << "getService() returned a null pointer." << endl; local 48 cout << "[agent:hal] hw_binder_proxy_ = " << hw_binder_proxy_.get() << endl; 57 cout << "configureFmqSyncReadWrite called" << endl; local 67 cout << "getFmqUnsyncWrite called" << endl; local 81 cout << "requestWriteFmqSync called" << endl; local 95 cout << "requestReadFmqSync called" << endl; local 109 cout << "requestWriteFmqUnsync called" << endl; local 123 cout << "requestReadFmqUnsync called" << endl; local 137 cout << "requestBlockingRead called" << endl; local 151 cout << "requestBlockingReadDefaultEventFlagBits called" << endl; local 166 cout << "requestBlockingReadRepeat called" << endl; local 196 cerr << "attribute not found" << endl; local 204 cout << "Function: " << __func__ << " " << func_name << endl; local 205 cout << "Callback socket name: " << callback_socket_name << endl; local 207 cerr << "hw_binder_proxy_ is null. "<< endl; local 213 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 232 cout << "called" << endl; local 240 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 259 cout << "called" << endl; local 267 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 278 cout << "called" << endl; local 286 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 297 cout << "called" << endl; local 305 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 316 cout << "called" << endl; local 324 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 335 cout << "called" << endl; local 343 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 349 cout << "called" << endl; local 357 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 363 cout << "called" << endl; local 373 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 379 cout << "called" << endl; local 383 cout << "Call notifySyspropsChanged" << endl; local 386 cout << "called" << endl; local 451 cout << " Creating DriverBase with null proxy." << endl; local [all...] |
NfcClientCallback.driver.cpp | 20 cout << "[agent:hal] HIDL getService" << endl; local 22 cout << " - service name: " << service_name << endl; local 26 cerr << "getService() returned a null pointer." << endl; local 29 cout << "[agent:hal] hw_binder_proxy_ = " << hw_binder_proxy_.get() << endl; 39 cout << "sendEvent called" << endl; local 55 cout << "sendData called" << endl; local 86 cerr << "attribute not found" << endl; local 94 cout << "Function: " << __func__ << " " << func_name << endl; local 95 cout << "Callback socket name: " << callback_socket_name << endl; local 97 cerr << "hw_binder_proxy_ is null. "<< endl; local 107 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 113 cout << "called" << endl; local 124 cout << "Call an API" << endl; local 130 cout << "called" << endl; local 134 cout << "Call notifySyspropsChanged" << endl; local 137 cout << "called" << endl; local 166 cout << " Creating DriverBase with null proxy." << endl; local [all...] |
libcV1.driver.cpp | 17 cout << "Function: " << func_name << endl; local 20 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 22 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 24 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 34 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 36 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 38 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 48 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 50 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 52 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 62 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 64 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 66 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 76 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 78 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 87 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 89 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 91 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 93 cout << "arg3 = " << arg3 << endl; local 104 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 106 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 108 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 110 cout << "arg3 = " << arg3 << endl; local 127 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 135 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 144 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 146 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 148 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 158 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 160 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 162 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 172 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 174 cout << "arg1 = " << arg1 << endl; local 176 cout << "arg2 = " << arg2 << endl; local 186 cout << "arg0 = " << arg0 << endl; local 198 cout << "Function: " << __func__ << " '" << func_name << "'" << endl; local 199 cerr << "attribute not supported for shared lib yet" << endl; local [all...] |
/external/gemmlowp/meta/ |
streams.h | 127 << leftovers << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 131 std::cerr << "FATAL: RowMajorWithSum::Pack not implemented." << std::endl; 158 std::cout << "RowMajor(" << typeid(InType).name() << ")" << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 160 << leftovers << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 161 std::cout << " scratch: " << Scratch(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 162 std::cout << " unpacked advance: " << UnpackedAdvance(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 163 std::cout << " packed advance: " << PackedAdvance(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 164 std::cout << " unpacked stride: " << UnpackedStride(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 165 std::cout << " packed stride: " << PackedStride(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 166 std::cout << " params:" << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 183 << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 218 << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 220 << leftovers << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 221 std::cout << " scratch: " << Scratch(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 222 std::cout << " unpacked advance: " << UnpackedAdvance(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 223 std::cout << " packed advance: " << PackedAdvance(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 224 std::cout << " unpacked stride: " << UnpackedStride(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 225 std::cout << " packed stride: " << PackedStride(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 226 std::cout << " params:" << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 247 << leftovers << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 283 << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 285 << leftovers << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 286 std::cout << " scratch: " << Scratch(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 287 std::cout << " unpacked advance: " << UnpackedAdvance(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 288 std::cout << " packed advance: " << PackedAdvance(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 289 std::cout << " unpacked stride: " << UnpackedStride(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 290 std::cout << " packed stride: " << PackedStride(params) << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std 291 std::cout << " params:" << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::Stream::std [all...] |
quantized_mul_kernels.h | 47 << "x" << k << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std 52 << "implemented." << std::endl; 63 << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std 64 std::cout << " params:" << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std 66 << params.kernel.multiplicative_offset << std::endl; 68 << std::endl; 69 std::cout << " kernel.shift: " << params.kernel.shift << std::endl; 70 std::cout << " kernel.count: " << params.kernel.count << std::endl; 72 << std::endl; 96 << "x" << k << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std 112 << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std 113 std::cout << " params:" << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std 141 << "x" << k << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std 157 << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std 158 std::cout << " params:" << std::endl; member in class:gemmlowp::meta::MulKernel::std [all...] |
/test/vts/drivers/hal/common/driver_base/ |
DriverCallbackBase.cpp | 55 cout << __func__ << " type = " << message.type() << endl; 57 cerr << __func__ << " ERROR: argument is not a callback." << endl; local 62 cerr << __func__ << " ERROR: inconsistent message." << endl; local 68 << "] = " << func_pt.id() << endl; 76 cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << name << endl; local 78 << "'" << endl; 86 << endl; 88 cout << "Message ID: " << message.id() << endl 89 << "Callback socket name: " << callback_socket_name << endl 90 << "Abort callback forwarding." << endl; local [all...] |
/external/eigen/bench/ |
check_cache_queries.cpp | 15 << (int*)(abcd[2]) << " " << (int*)(abcd[3]) << " " << std::endl; \ 20 cout << "Eigen's L1 = " << internal::queryL1CacheSize() << endl; 21 cout << "Eigen's L2/L3 = " << internal::queryTopLevelCacheSize() << endl; 24 cout << "Eigen's L1, L2, L3 = " << l1 << " " << l2 << " " << l3 << endl; local 38 cout << endl; local 39 cout << "vendor id = " << string_char << endl; local 40 cout << endl; local 44 cout << "Eigen's intel codes L1, L2, L3 = " << l1 << " " << l2 << " " << l3 << endl; local 48 cout << "Eigen's intel direct L1, L2, L3 = " << l1 << " " << l2 << " " << l3 << endl; local 51 cout << "Eigen's amd L1, L2, L3 = " << l1 << " " << l2 << " " << l3 << endl; local 52 cout << endl; local 84 std::cout << endl <<"Raw dump:" << endl; local 98 cout << "EIGEN_CPUID is not defined" << endl; local [all...] |
/packages/apps/Test/connectivity/sl4n/rapidjson/example/messagereader/ |
messagereader.cpp | 75 cout << "Error: " << GetParseError_En(e) << endl;; 76 cout << " at offset " << o << " near '" << string(json).substr(o, 10) << "...'" << endl; 84 cout << json1 << endl; local 88 cout << itr->first << ": " << itr->second << endl; 90 cout << endl << "Parse a JSON with invalid schema." << endl; local 92 cout << json2 << endl; local
/external/eigen/bench/btl/data/ |
mean.cxx | 109 cout << "<TABLE BORDER CELLPADDING=2>" << endl ; local 110 cout << " <TR>" << endl ; local 111 cout << " <TH ALIGN=CENTER> " << argv[1] << " </TH>" << endl ; local 112 cout << " <TH ALIGN=CENTER> <a href=""#mean_marker""> in cache <BR> mean perf <BR> Mflops </a></TH>" << endl ; local 113 cout << " <TH ALIGN=CENTER> in cache <BR> % best </TH>" << endl ; local 114 cout << " <TH ALIGN=CENTER> <a href=""#mean_marker""> out of cache <BR> mean perf <BR> Mflops </a></TH>" << endl ; local 115 cout << " <TH ALIGN=CENTER> out of cache <BR> % best </TH>" << endl ; local 116 cout << " <TH ALIGN=CENTER> details </TH>" << endl ; local 117 cout << " <TH ALIGN=CENTER> comments </TH>" << endl ; local 118 cout << " </TR>" << endl ; local 126 cout << " <TR>" << endl ; local 137 cout << " <\/TR>" << endl ; local 141 cout << "<\/TABLE>" << endl ; local [all...] |