/external/svox/pico/src/com/svox/pico/ |
VoiceDataInstallerReceiver.java | 20 import android.content.Intent;
34 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
35 if (Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED.equals(intent.getAction())
36 && INSTALLER_PACKAGE.equals(getPackageName(intent))) {
40 Intent runIntent = new Intent("com.svox.langpack.installer.RUN_TTS_DATA_INSTALLER");
41 runIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
47 * Returns the name of the package that was added from the intent. [all...] |
/frameworks/support/lifecycle/extensions/src/main/java/android/arch/lifecycle/ |
LifecycleService.java | 20 import android.content.Intent; 42 public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { 50 public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) { 52 super.onStart(intent, startId); 61 public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { 62 return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
/packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/gatt/ |
GattDebugUtils.java | 19 import android.content.Intent; 71 static boolean handleDebugAction(GattService svc, Intent intent) { 74 String action = intent.getAction(); 85 boolean bEnable = intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_ENABLE, true); 89 String address = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_ADDRESS); 90 int type = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_TYPE, 2 /* LE device */); 91 int addr_type = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_ADDR_TYPE, 0 /* Static */); 98 UUID uuid = getUuidExtra(intent); 99 int type = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_TYPE, 1 /* All services */) [all...] |
/packages/apps/Car/Media/src/com/android/car/media/ |
MediaActivity.java | 19 import android.content.Intent; 34 = "android.intent.action.MEDIA_APP_STATE_CHANGE"; 36 = "android.intent.action.MEDIA_APP_STATE"; 60 Intent i = new Intent(ACTION_MEDIA_APP_STATE_CHANGE); 78 Intent i = new Intent(ACTION_MEDIA_APP_STATE_CHANGE); 126 protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { 127 super.onNewIntent(intent); 194 Intent intent = new Intent(MediaConstants.ACTION_MEDIA_STATUS); local [all...] |
/packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/tests/testapp/src/com/android/cellbroadcastreceiver/ |
DialogSmsDisplayTests.java | 20 import android.content.Intent; 133 Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SMS_CB_RECEIVED_ACTION); local 135 intent.putExtra("message", createFromPdu(pdu)); 136 intent.setPackage(CB_RECEIVER_PKG); 137 mContext.sendOrderedBroadcast(intent, "android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS"); 141 Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SMS_CB_RECEIVED_ACTION) local 149 Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SMS_EMERGENCY_CB_RECEIVED_ACTION); local 157 Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SMS_EMERGENCY_CB_RECEIVED_ACTION); local 165 Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.SMS_EMERGENCY_CB_RECEIVED_ACTION); local [all...] |
/packages/apps/Dialer/java/com/android/dialer/app/calllog/ |
CallLogNotificationsActivity.java | 19 import android.content.Intent; 26 * Provides operations for managing call-related notifications. This is used to forward intent 51 Intent intent = getIntent(); local 57 String action = intent.getAction(); 62 intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_MISSED_CALL_NUMBER), intent.getData()); 65 LogUtil.d("CallLogNotificationsActivity.onCreate", "could not handle: " + intent);
/packages/apps/Dialer/java/com/android/incallui/spam/ |
SpamNotificationService.java | 22 import android.content.Intent; 53 /** Creates an intent to start this service. */ 54 public static Intent createServiceIntent( 56 Intent intent = new Intent(context, SpamNotificationService.class); local 57 intent.setAction(action); 58 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER, call.getNumber()); 59 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CALL_ID, call.getUniqueCallId()); 60 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CALL_START_TIME_MILLIS, call.getTimeAddedMs()) [all...] |
/packages/apps/DocumentsUI/app-perf-tests/src/com/android/documentsui/ |
LauncherActivity.java | 22 import android.content.Intent; 43 final Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT"); 44 intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); 45 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_BENCHMARK, true); 46 intent.setType("*/*"); 49 startActivityForResult(intent, BENCHMARK_REQUEST_CODE) [all...] |
/packages/apps/Messaging/src/com/android/messaging/receiver/ |
MmsWapPushDeliverReceiver.java | 21 import android.content.Intent; 28 * Class that handles MMS WAP push intent from telephony on KLP+ Devices. 33 public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) { 34 if (Telephony.Sms.Intents.WAP_PUSH_DELIVER_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction()) 35 && ContentType.MMS_MESSAGE.equals(intent.getType())) { 38 intent, MmsWapPushReceiver.EXTRA_SUBSCRIPTION); 39 byte[] data = intent.getByteArrayExtra(MmsWapPushReceiver.EXTRA_DATA);
/packages/apps/Messaging/src/com/android/messaging/ui/ |
RemoteInputEntrypointActivity.java | 18 import android.content.Intent; 32 Intent intent = getIntent(); local 33 if (intent == null) { 34 LogUtil.w(TAG, "No intent attached"); 40 // Perform some action depending on the intent 41 String action = intent.getAction(); 42 if (Intent.ACTION_SENDTO.equals(action)) { 43 // Build and send the intent 44 final Intent sendIntent = new Intent(this, NoConfirmationSmsSendService.class) [all...] |
UIIntentsImpl.java | 27 import android.content.Intent; 88 * Get an intent which takes you to a conversation 90 private Intent getConversationActivityIntent(final Context context, 93 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, ConversationActivity.class); local 97 intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); 101 intent.putExtra(UI_INTENT_EXTRA_CONVERSATION_ID, conversationId); 104 intent.putExtra(UI_INTENT_EXTRA_DRAFT_DATA, draft) 139 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, PermissionCheckActivity.class); local 152 final Intent intent = getConversationListActivityIntent(context); local 168 final Intent intent = getConversationActivityIntent(context, conversationId, draft, local 176 final Intent intent = getConversationActivityIntent(context, conversationId, null, local 198 final Intent intent = getConversationActivityIntent(context, null, draft, local 210 final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT); local 220 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, SettingsActivity.class); local 226 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, ArchivedConversationListActivity.class); local 232 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, BlockedParticipantsActivity.class); local 238 final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); local 249 final Intent intent = new Intent(activity, PeopleAndOptionsActivity.class); local 257 final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, local 290 final Intent intent = new Intent(); local 300 final Intent intent = new Intent(activity, AttachmentChooserActivity.class); local 307 final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); local 339 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, ApplicationSettingsActivity.class); local 347 final Intent intent = getPerSubscriptionSettingsIntent(context, subId, settingTitle); local 360 final Intent intent = new Intent(CONVERSATION_SELF_ID_CHANGE_BROADCAST_ACTION); local 368 final Intent intent = getConversationListActivityIntent(context); local 375 final Intent intent = getConversationActivityIntent(context, conversationId, draft, local 385 final Intent intent = getConversationActivityIntent(context, conversationId, draft, local 394 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, RemoteInputEntrypointActivity.class); local 409 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationReceiver.class); local 470 final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); local 478 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, ApnEditorActivity.class); local 486 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, ApnSettingsActivity.class) local 498 final Intent intent = new Intent(Telephony.Sms.Intents.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT); local 505 final Intent intent = getViewUrlIntent(url); local 530 final Intent intent = new Intent(context, LaunchConversationActivity.class); local 537 final Intent intent = new Intent(MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_ACTION) local 546 final Intent intent = getConversationActivityIntent(context, null, null, local 563 final Intent intent = getConversationListActivityIntent(context); local [all...] |
/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/applications/autofill/ |
AutofillPickerActivity.java | 16 import android.content.Intent; 25 * {@link android.provider.Settings#ACTION_REQUEST_SET_AUTOFILL_SERVICE} intent. 31 final Intent intent = getIntent(); local 32 final String packageName = intent.getData().getSchemeSpecificPart(); 33 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT, DefaultAutofillPicker.class.getName()); 34 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT_TITLE_RESID, R.string.autofill_app); 35 intent.putExtra(DefaultAutofillPicker.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, packageName);
/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/fingerprint/ |
SetupFingerprintEnrollFinish.java | 19 import android.content.Intent; 31 protected Intent getEnrollingIntent() { 32 Intent intent = new Intent(this, SetupFingerprintEnrollEnrolling.class); local 33 intent.putExtra(ChooseLockSettingsHelper.EXTRA_KEY_CHALLENGE_TOKEN, mToken); 35 intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_ID, mUserId); 37 SetupWizardUtils.copySetupExtras(getIntent(), intent); local 38 return intent; [all...] |
/packages/apps/Settings/tests/anomaly-tester/src/com/android/settings/anomaly/tester/service/ |
AnomalyService.java | 21 import android.content.Intent; 37 protected void onHandleIntent(@Nullable Intent intent) { 38 final String action = intent.getStringExtra(AnomalyActions.KEY_ACTION); 39 final long durationMs = intent.getLongExtra(AnomalyActions.KEY_DURATION_MS, 0); 40 final ResultReceiver resultReceiver = intent.getParcelableExtra( 46 resultReceiver.send(0 /* resultCode */, intent.getExtras());
/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/ |
BluetoothDiscoverableTimeoutReceiver.java | 25 import android.content.Intent; 33 "android.bluetooth.intent.DISCOVERABLE_TIMEOUT"; 38 Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_DISCOVERABLE_TIMEOUT); local 39 intent.setClass(context, BluetoothDiscoverableTimeoutReceiver.class); 41 context, 0, intent, 0); 51 context, 0, intent, 0); 59 Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_DISCOVERABLE_TIMEOUT) local [all...] |
/packages/apps/Gallery/src/com/android/camera/ |
PhotoAppWidgetConfigure.java | 23 import android.content.Intent; 60 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT, null); local 61 intent.setType("image/*"); 62 intent.putExtra("crop", "true"); 63 intent.putExtra("aspectX", 1); 64 intent.putExtra("aspectY", 1); 65 intent.putExtra("outputX", maxDimension) [all...] |
/packages/apps/TV/src/com/android/tv/ |
LauncherActivity.java | 22 import android.content.Intent; 44 private static final String EXTRA_INTENT = "com.android.tv.LauncherActivity.INTENT"; 51 public static void startActivitySafe(Activity baseActivity, Intent intentToLaunch) { 63 public static void startActivityForResultSafe(Activity baseActivity, Intent intentToLaunch, 74 private static Intent createIntent(Context context, Intent intentToLaunch, 76 Intent intent = new Intent(context, LauncherActivity.class); local 77 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_INTENT, intentToLaunch) 89 Intent intent = getIntent().getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_INTENT); local [all...] |
/packages/services/Telephony/src/com/android/phone/ |
SubscriptionInfoHelper.java | 21 import android.content.Intent; 42 // Extra on intent containing the id of a subscription. 45 // Extra on intent containing the label of a subscription. 55 * Instantiates the helper, by extracting the subscription id and label from the intent. 57 public SubscriptionInfoHelper(Context context, Intent intent) { 59 mSubId = intent.getIntExtra(SUB_ID_EXTRA, NO_SUB_ID); 60 mSubLabel = intent.getStringExtra(SUB_LABEL_EXTRA); 64 * @param newActivityClass The class of the activity for the intent to start. 65 * @return Intent containing extras for the subscription id and label if they exist 68 Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, newActivityClass); local [all...] |
/cts/hostsidetests/devicepolicy/app/DeviceAndProfileOwner/src/com/android/cts/deviceandprofileowner/ |
DelegatedCertInstallerTest.java | 24 import android.content.Intent; 148 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { 149 if (ACTION_CERT_OPERATION_DONE.equals(intent.getAction())) { 151 mReceivedResult = intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_RESULT_VALUE, false); 153 (Exception) intent.getSerializableExtra(EXTRA_RESULT_EXCEPTION); 287 Intent intent = new Intent(); local 288 intent.setAction(ACTION_INSTALL_CERT) 296 Intent intent = new Intent(); local 305 Intent intent = new Intent(); local 337 Intent intent = new Intent(); local [all...] |
/cts/tests/app/app/src/android/app/stubs/ |
LocalActivityManagerTestHelper.java | 23 import android.content.Intent; 91 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class); local 92 intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); 93 mLocalActivityManager.startActivity(id, intent); 119 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class) local 161 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class); local 180 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class); local 194 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class); local 208 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class); local 230 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class); local 265 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class); local 319 final Intent intent = new Intent(this, LocalActivityManagerStubActivity.class); local [all...] |
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/tuner/ |
DemoModeFragment.java | 20 import android.content.Intent; 151 Intent intent = new Intent(DemoMode.ACTION_DEMO); local 153 intent.putExtra(DemoMode.EXTRA_COMMAND, DemoMode.COMMAND_ENTER); 154 getContext().sendBroadcast(intent); 156 intent.putExtra(DemoMode.EXTRA_COMMAND, DemoMode.COMMAND_CLOCK); 165 intent.putExtra("hhmm", demoTime); 166 getContext().sendBroadcast(intent); 168 intent.putExtra(DemoMode.EXTRA_COMMAND, DemoMode.COMMAND_NETWORK) 200 Intent intent = new Intent(DemoMode.ACTION_DEMO); local [all...] |
/development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/content/ |
DocumentsSample.java | 22 import android.content.Intent; 80 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT); 81 intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); 82 intent.setType("*/*"); 84 intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE, true) [all...] |
/packages/apps/Launcher2/src/com/android/launcher2/ |
ShortcutInfo.java | 24 import android.content.Intent; 34 * The intent used to start the application. 36 Intent intent; field in class:ShortcutInfo 54 Intent.ShortcutIconResource iconResource; 68 intent = new Intent(info.intent); 70 iconResource = new Intent.ShortcutIconResource(); 82 intent = new Intent(info.intent) [all...] |
/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/password/ |
ConfirmDeviceCredentialActivity.java | 24 import android.content.Intent; 42 public static Intent createIntent(CharSequence title, CharSequence details) { 43 Intent intent = new Intent(); local 44 intent.setClassName("com.android.settings", 46 intent.putExtra(KeyguardManager.EXTRA_TITLE, title); 47 intent.putExtra(KeyguardManager.EXTRA_DESCRIPTION, details); 48 return intent; 51 public static Intent createIntent(CharSequence title, CharSequence details, long challenge) 52 Intent intent = new Intent(); local 66 Intent intent = getIntent(); local [all...] |
/packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/src/com/android/mail/ |
MailIntentService.java | 20 import android.content.Intent; 68 protected void onHandleIntent(final Intent intent) { 71 LogUtils.v(LOG_TAG, "Handling intent %s", intent); 73 final String action = intent.getAction(); 75 if (Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED.equals(action)) { 79 final Account account = intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT); 80 final Folder folder = intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER); 86 final Uri accountUri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT_URI) 125 final Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED); local [all...] |