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Lines Matching defs:where

44  * <p>If multiple where() statements are provided, they're combined using {@code AND}.
51 * .where(FeedContract.Entry._ID + "=?", id); // String _ID = "_ID"
56 * <p>In this example, the table name and filters ({@code WHERE} clauses) are both explicitly
73 * // + Tables.SESSIONS + " WHERE " + Qualified.SESSIONS_BLOCK_ID + "="
83 * .where(Qualified.SESSIONS_BLOCK_ID + "=?", blockId);
119 * <p>In the most basic usage, simply provide a selection in SQL {@code WHERE} statement format.
124 * .where("blog_posts.category = 'PROGRAMMING');
137 * .where("blog_posts.title contains ?, userSearchString);
140 * @param selection SQL where statement
145 public SelectionBuilder where(String selection, String... selectionArgs) {
253 * <p>In cases where a column is mapped to another data source (either another table, or an