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54  'operator-summary': u'\nOperator precedence\n*******************\n\nThe following table summarizes the operator precedences in Python,\nfrom lowest precedence (least binding) to highest precedence (most\nbinding). Operators in the same box have the same precedence.  Unless\nthe syntax is explicitly given, operators are binary.  Operators in\nthe same box group left to right (except for comparisons, including\ntests, which all have the same precedence and chain from left to right\n--- see section Comparisons --- and exponentiation, which groups from\nright to left).\n\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| Operator                                        | Description                           |\n+=================================================+=======================================+\n| "lambda"                                        | Lambda expression                     |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "if" -- "else"                                  | Conditional expression                |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "or"                                            | Boolean OR                            |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "and"                                           | Boolean AND                           |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "not" "x"                                       | Boolean NOT                           |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "in", "not in", "is", "is not", "<", "<=", ">", | Comparisons, including membership     |\n| ">=", "<>", "!=", "=="                          | tests and identity tests              |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "|"                                             | Bitwise OR                            |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "^"                                             | Bitwise XOR                           |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "&"                                             | Bitwise AND                           |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "<<", ">>"                                      | Shifts                                |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "+", "-"                                        | Addition and subtraction              |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "*", "/", "//", "%"                             | Multiplication, division, remainder   |\n|                                                 | [8]                                   |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "+x", "-x", "~x"                                | Positive, negative, bitwise NOT       |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "**"                                            | Exponentiation [9]                    |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "x[index]", "x[index:index]",                   | Subscription, slicing, call,          |\n| "x(arguments...)", "x.attribute"                | attribute reference                   |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| "(expressions...)", "[expressions...]", "{key:  | Binding or tuple display, list        |\n| value...}", "`expressions...`"                  | display, dictionary display, string   |\n|                                                 | conversion                            |\n+-------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n\n-[ Footnotes ]-\n\n[1] In Python 2.3 and later releases, a list comprehension "leaks"\n    the control variables of each "for" it contains into the\n    containing scope.  However, this behavior is deprecated, and\n    relying on it will not work in Python 3.\n\n[2] While "abs(x%y) < abs(y)" is true mathematically, for floats\n    it may not be true numerically due to roundoff.  For example, and\n    assuming a platform on which a Python float is an IEEE 754 double-\n    precision number, in order that "-1e-100 % 1e100" have the same\n    sign as "1e100", the computed result is "-1e-100 + 1e100", which\n    is numerically exactly equal to "1e100".  The function\n    "math.fmod()" returns a result whose sign matches the sign of the\n    first argument instead, and so returns "-1e-100" in this case.\n    Which approach is more appropriate depends on the application.\n\n[3] If x is very close to an exact integer multiple of y, it\'s\n    possible for "floor(x/y)" to be one larger than "(x-x%y)/y" due to\n    rounding.  In such cases, Python returns the latter result, in\n    order to preserve that "divmod(x,y)[0] * y + x % y" be very close\n    to "x".\n\n[4] While comparisons between unicode strings make sense at the\n    byte level, they may be counter-intuitive to users. For example,\n    the strings "u"\\u00C7"" and "u"\\u0043\\u0327"" compare differently,\n    even though they both represent the same unicode character (LATIN\n    CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA). To compare strings in a human\n    recognizable way, compare using "unicodedata.normalize()".\n\n[5] The implementation computes this efficiently, without\n    constructing lists or sorting.\n\n[6] Earlier versions of Python used lexicographic comparison of\n    the sorted (key, value) lists, but this was very expensive for the\n    common case of comparing for equality.  An even earlier version of\n    Python compared dictionaries by identity only, but this caused\n    surprises because people expected to be able to test a dictionary\n    for emptiness by comparing it to "{}".\n\n[7] Due to automatic garbage-collection, free lists, and the\n    dynamic nature of descriptors, you may notice seemingly unusual\n    behaviour in certain uses of the "is" operator, like those\n    involving comparisons between instance methods, or constants.\n    Check their documentation for more info.\n\n[8] The "%" operator is also used for string formatting; the same\n    precedence applies.\n\n[9] The power operator "**" binds less tightly than an arithmetic\n    or bitwise unary operator on its right, that is, "2**-1" is "0.5".\n',