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Lines Matching defs:mac

21 var mac *string = flag.String("mac", "", "The hash function to use in the MAC")
23 var ssl3 *bool = flag.Bool("ssl3", false, "If true, use the SSLv3 MAC and padding rather than TLS")
135 // noPadding causes padding is to be omitted. The plaintext + MAC must
138 // omitMAC causes the MAC to be omitted.
162 hash, ok := getHash(*mac)
164 return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown hash function '%s'", *mac)
173 return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid hash for SSLv3: '%s'", *mac)
313 commandLine := fmt.Sprintf("go run make_legacy_aead_tests.go -cipher %s -mac %s", *bulkCipher, *mac)
324 fmt.Printf("# sealed input. But these legacy AEADs are MAC-then-encrypt and so the 'TAG' may\n")
325 fmt.Printf("# also include padding. We write the byte length of the MAC to 'TAG_LEN' and\n")
326 fmt.Printf("# include the unencrypted MAC in the 'DIGEST' tag above # each test case.\n")
337 hash, ok := getHash(*mac)
348 fmt.Printf("# Test if the unpadded input is too short for a MAC, but not publicly so.\n")