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21  * \brief Simple memory allocation tests.
56 namespace memory
64 // possible memory allocations made by layers etc.
250 log << TestLog::Message << "Memory allocation count: " << m_config.memoryAllocationCount << TestLog::EndMessage;
254 log << TestLog::Message << "Memory is freed in reversed order. " << TestLog::EndMessage;
256 log << TestLog::Message << "Memory is freed in same order as allocated. " << TestLog::EndMessage;
258 log << TestLog::Message << "Memory is freed right after allocation. " << TestLog::EndMessage;
271 log << TestLog::Message << "Memory type index: " << m_memoryTypeIndex << TestLog::EndMessage;
274 m_result.fail("Invalid heap index defined for memory type.");
277 log << TestLog::Message << "Memory type: " << memoryType << TestLog::EndMessage;
278 log << TestLog::Message << "Memory heap: " << memoryHeap << TestLog::EndMessage;
281 TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Memory heap doesn't have enough memory.");
401 // 1 B allocation from memory type 0
409 const Unique<VkDeviceMemory> memory (allocateMemory(vk, device, &allocInfo));
429 VkDeviceMemory memory;
518 if (!!heap.objects[objectNdx].memory)
519 vkd.freeMemory(device, heap.objects[objectNdx].memory, (const VkAllocationCallbacks*)DE_NULL);
539 log << TestLog::Message << "Performing " << m_opCount << " random VkAllocMemory() / VkFreeMemory() calls before freeing all memory." << TestLog::EndMessage;
540 log << TestLog::Message << "Using max 1/8 of the memory in each memory heap." << TestLog::EndMessage;
606 TCU_THROW(InternalError, "Test Error: trying to allocate memory more than the available heap size.");
625 VK_CHECK(vkd.allocateMemory(device, &alloc, (const VkAllocationCallbacks*)DE_NULL, &heap.objects.back().memory));
626 TCU_CHECK(!!heap.objects.back().memory);
642 vkd.freeMemory(device, memoryObject.memory, (const VkAllocationCallbacks*)DE_NULL);
643 memoryObject.memory = (VkDeviceMemory)0;
666 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, name, "Memory allocation tests."));
709 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> basicGroup(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "basic", "Basic memory allocation and free tests"));
815 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> randomGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "random", "Random memory allocation tests."));
840 } // memory