Lines Matching full:coefficients
55 However, in the above program, we have chosen size=50, so our vectors consist of 50 float's, and 50 is not a multiple of 4. This means that we cannot hope to do all of that computation using SSE2 instructions. The second best thing, to which we should aim, is to handle the 48 first coefficients with SSE2 instructions, since 48 is the biggest multiple of 4 below 50, and then handle separately, without SSE2, the 49th and 50th coefficients. Something like this:
87 You may wonder, isn't it overengineering to have the storage in a separate class? The reason is that the Matrix class template covers all kinds of matrices and vector: both fixed-size and dynamic-size. The storage method is not the same in these two cases. For fixed-size, the matrix coefficients are stored as a plain member array. For dynamic-size, the coefficients will be stored as a pointer to a dynamically-allocated array. Because of this, we need to abstract storage away from the Matrix class. That's DenseStorage.
102 Here, the \a m_data member is the actual array of coefficients of the matrix. As you see, it is dynamically allocated. Rather than calling new[] or malloc(), as you can see, we have our own internal::aligned_new defined in src/Core/util/Memory.h. What it does is that if vectorization is enabled, then it uses a platform-specific call to allocate a 128-bit-aligned array, as that is very useful for vectorization with both SSE2 and AltiVec. If vectorization is disabled, it amounts to the standard new[].
106 When you call VectorXf::data() to get the pointer to the array of coefficients, it returns DenseStorage::data() which returns the \a m_data member.
158 This means that we can put almost all the methods and operators in the base class MatrixBase, and have only the bare minimum in the subclasses. If you look at the subclasses in Eigen, like for instance the CwiseBinaryOp class, they have very few methods. There are coeff() and sometimes coeffRef() methods for access to the coefficients, there are rows() and cols() methods returning the number of rows and columns, but there isn't much more than that. All the meat is in MatrixBase, so it only needs to be coded once for all kinds of expressions, matrices, and vectors.
184 As we said, CwiseBinaryOp is also used for other operations such as substration, so it takes another template parameter determining the operation that will be applied to coefficients. This template parameter is a functor, that is, a class in which we have an operator() so it behaves like a function. Here, the functor used is internal::scalar_sum_op. It is defined in src/Core/Functors.h.
358 Here's how it works. \a LinearVectorization means that the left-hand and right-hand side expression can be accessed linearly i.e. you can refer to their coefficients by one integer \a index, as opposed to having to refer to its coefficients by two integers \a row, \a column.
363 \li first, vectorization works much better if the packets are 128-bit-aligned. This is especially important for write access. So when writing to the coefficients of \a dst, we want to group these coefficients by packets of 4 such that each of these packets is 128-bit-aligned. In general, this requires to skip a few coefficients at the beginning of \a dst. This is the purpose of \a alignedStart. We then copy these first few coefficients one by one, not by packets. However, in our case, the \a dst expression is a VectorXf and remember that in the construction of the vectors we allocated aligned arrays. Thanks to \a DstIsAligned, Eigen remembers that without having to do any runtime check, so \a alignedStart is zero and this part is avoided altogether.
364 \li second, the number of coefficients to copy is not in general a multiple of \a packetSize. Here, there are 50 coefficients to copy and \a packetSize is 4. So we'll have to copy the last 2 coefficients one by one, not by packets. Here, \a alignedEnd is 48.
368 First, the vectorized part: the 48 first coefficients out of 50 will be copied by packets of 4:
484 There remains the second loop handling the last few (here, the last 2) coefficients: