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27 # ./pids.sh caseno max
61 tst_res TINFO "Umounting pids"
69 exist=`grep -w pids /proc/cgroups | cut -f1`;
71 tst_brk TCONF NULL "pids not supported"
74 mount_point=`grep -w pids /proc/mounts | cut -f 2 | cut -d " " -f2`
85 ROD mount -t cgroup -o pids none $mount_point
134 ROD echo $max \> $testpath/pids.max
138 # should return 2 because the limit of pids is reached
157 ROD echo $lim \> $testpath/pids.max
178 ROD echo 0 \> $testpath/pids.max
190 echo -1 > $testpath/pids.max